#no the sound of 5 different ocean wave MP3s all playing at different times from different rooms is not calming!!!!
fabulouslygaybean · 1 year
im in the waiting room for the therapists office but they have a white noise machine in every single fucking room and its making me go insane
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layce2015 · 4 years
Life is Strange 2 (Sean Diaz x Reader)
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Chapter 5: Long Road Ahead
Chapter 1 / Chapter 4
The moon was shining high above the ocean, as Mushroom runs across the sand, closely followed by a laughing Daniel. Sean and I watch on while sitting on a nearby rock. "Okay Mushroom, you can chase me. Then Sean and (y/n)." Daniel said to Mushroom. "Uh, no." Sean said as Daniel runs around while laughing. "Come! See if you can catch me..." Daniel exclaims to Mushroom, who bites at Daniel's hand. "Ow! Ha ha..." Daniel laughs as Sean and I continue to watch Daniel and Mushroom play.
"You know...Brody was right." I said to Sean. "About what?" Sean asked me. "There's a difference between alone and lonely. For most of my life, I've always been on my own. Alone. I was never really bothered by being alone. And the weird thing is...when I was around other people, I felt lonely." I replied as Sean looks over at me. "I know...it's weird. But that's just how I felt. Almost everytime I was in a large crowd, I felt I was the odd one out. I felt kinda empty. But on my own, I felt alittle bit better but there was always that nagging lonely feeling. But it wasn't that strong like it was when I'm with other people." I said.
"And...how do you feel when your around us?" Sean asked me, curiously. I smiled as I look him in the eyes and said. "I actually feel like I belong. Almost like one would feel once they come home." Sean and I stare at each other for a few moments while Daniel starts using a stick to lead Mushroom down the beach. "Come on, Mushroom, come on... Look, it's a stick! FETCH!" He exclaims.
I glance over at Daniel for a moment and give a small laugh as Daniel runs around the beach with Mushroom. I look back over to Sean and said. "I know that sounds weird, I mean we just met almost two days ago, but I want to be honest with you, Sean. But if that weirds you out, just let me know and I'll leave. I'll understand." 
Sean's eyes widen at this as he said. "N-no....it's fine actually. I don't mind having you around." A warm smile spreads across my face as Brody comes out of his car. Then he sets his backpack down next to us. "Come on, Mushroom, get that stick!" Daniel shouts as we watch him.
"Looks like these two are getting along. It's good to see him like that." Brody said and Sean nods in agreement. "Well, I got you that room." Brody said. "Seriously?" Sean and I said as we look up at him. "It's only a room, no big deal. Look, I had tough times when I started out...And...some strangers saved my life." Brody said as hands over the motel room key, which Sean accepts. "Thank you..." Sean said as I nod at him. "Yes, thank you. You're a life saver." I said.
"Now's my turn to help someone." Brody said, smiling, then he points towards the motel's upper balconies. "It's right there, Room 10. On the second floor." He said then he looks at Sean. "Listen...I don't want to freak you out, okay? But...you have to be twice as careful now. I know it's easier said than done, but...You should get rid of that phone." He informs. "Okay..." Sean said, in a defeated tone. "You can always get a burner later. Trust me. And Sean?" Brody said as he pats Sean on the back, reassuringly.
"Talk to Daniel. He deserves t--" Brody started to say until Daniel runs over to us. "Brody...You're not leaving...Are you?" He asked Brody. "Yes I am, but...not until Santa Brody gives you a goodbye gift..." Brody said then he reaches down and pulls up the backpack he had set down earlier as Sean, immediately, starts making declining gestures.
"Tada! Err...I mean, ho ho ho!" Brody said as he then looks over at Sean. "And don't you dare argue about it. I'll leave it right here if you do." He said and Sean laughs. "Okay. You win..." he said as Brody hands the backpack over to Sean. "Thanks, Brody..." Sean said to him and I smile at Brody. "You're too good for this world, Brody." I said as Sean takes off his old backpack and puts on Brody's while Daniel watches. "Thank you, (y/n)." Brody said as Sean said. "Feels good..."
Sean picks up his old backpack and hands it towards Daniel. "Here. Looks like it's yours now." He said and Daniel rolls his eyes. "As always..." he grumbles. "Hold on...I didn't forget you. I've had it since my first road trip...and it's always kept me safe." Brody said as he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a red bandana, handing it over to Daniel. "Now it's yours..." he said.
"Cool..." Daniel said then he looks down at Mushroom, then back at Brody. "Hmmm... Do you think it's okay if she wears it? Like our official guard dog!" Daniel asked. "Sure...It's...your bandana now." Brody said as Daniel ties the red bandana around Mushroom's neck, then stands up and steps on top of the rock.
"Okay...Time for me to hit the road again." Brody said and my eyes flicker downwards. "Hey, don't look so sad...You can contact me on my blog...A Tribe Called West. So...you better keep me posted when you can...Okay?" He said and we nodded. "We will." I said. "Thanks again, Brody..." Sean said as he shakes Brody's hand, who pulls it into a hug. "Bro-hug!" He said then he goes over to me and we hug each other. "You keep an eye on these boys, okay?" He said. "I will." I said.
Immediately after our hug ends, Daniel leaps off the rock into Brody's arms, who returns the hug before setting him down. "Wish you could stay with us..." said Daniel. "Me too, kid..." Brody said ad they finish their hug and he makes a signing off gesture, then starts heading towards his car. "Sorry, I'll probably think of a better goodbye when I'm on the road, but...until then...Take care, my dudes." He said then gets into his car and starts the engine.
"I'm gonna miss him." Daniel said, sadly, as we wave Brody goodbye. "Me, too..." Sean said as I nod while Brody makes a final parting wave out the window, and his car drives off into the night.
"Okay. Time to hit the sack." Sean said as he pats Daniel's back, then we walk across the road towards the motel. "Don't worry, Mushroom. I got you." Daniel said as he picks up Mushroom then he looks over at us. "Do you guys think it will have Netflix? Or a jacuzzi?" He asked us. "Dude, this is a motel, not an Airbnb." Sean said. "If we're lucky, it'll have cable and a hot shower." I said as we head up the steps and started passing by room 14, where I hear groans, moans and screams of pleasure coming from that room. 
I look over at Sean, who heard the same thing, and both of us had a look of shock. My face was burning up as Daniel said. "Guys...I hear something...like a fight..."
"Um...It's...not a fight." Sean stammers, awkwardly. "Oh yeah? What are they doing? Sounds weird..." Daniel said as we walk away from the door. "It's a TV show." I replied, quickly. "Sounds stupid." Daniel said as we come upon Room 10.
Sean opens the door to our room and lets Daniel and I inside. "Check it out! It even has a bathtub!" Daniel exclaims. "Good! I'm gonna throw you in, cave boy!" Sean jokes as Daniel runs around the room. "We can even watch TV, too!" He said as he puts Mushroom on the left side bed. "And there's a balcony! Whoa, this is nice! And warm!" He said as Sean puts his phone on charge then picks up a note and reads it, Daniel takes his shoes off and climbs on the other bed. "Oooh...This bed is soft... What about this one?" He asked as he moves back to the first bed. "Uuuhh, not bad...But too far from the TV!" He said and I chuckle.
"Well, go ahead, you and your brother can take the one near the TV and I'll take this one." I said as I gesture towards the bed by the wall. "Really?!" Daniel asked me. "Yeah." I said, smiling at him. "Yeah! Thanks, (y/n)! You're awesome!" Daniel exclaims to me as he runs over to hug me. I chuckle and said. "You're welcome, munchkin." 
I hugged him back as he runs over to the bed and gets comfortable. "Daniel! You have towels in the bathroom. Don't forget to use them!" Sean called from the bathroom. "Yeah, yeah..." Daniel mutters as he picks up the remote and flicks through the channels.
"All right. I'm gonna run a bath. We totally reek." Sean said as he sticks his head out from the bathroom. "Especially you! Pig-pen!" Daniel shouts. "I wouldn't be so sure, cave boy. I'll call you when it's ready." Sean said. "I'll be right here!" Daniel said to him. "Course you will..." Sean said when Daniel finally stopped on a channel.
"Oh cool! HAWT DAWG MAN IS ON! Ooooo, I remember this episode! Weird it's on so late..." he said and I chuckle as I go over to the side table and plug up my MP3 to charge. I look over and see the note Sean was reading earlier, I read it and realized it was from Brody. Apparently, he lent us some money and the reason he had to leave was because his mom was battling cancer. I feel pretty bittersweet at this as I read the note, saying he hopes to see us again. "I'm gonna go sit out in the balcony for a bit." I said, after finishing the note and set it down. "Okay." He said as Mushroom barks her little cute bark. I lean over and pet her head as I slide open the door.
"HEY, DANIEL, BATH'S READY!" I hear Sean yell as I step out on the balcony. "What?! Already? Can I finish this episode first?" Daniel asked. "No man. You smell so bad, there's no time to lose." Sean yells and I see Daniel pick Mushroom up and walks to the bathroom.
I shut the door and go sit on one of the chairs in the corner and looked out towards the beach. The cool fall air was blowing through the sky, the sounds of the wave filled my eyes and I let out a heavy sigh. 
Suddenly, the door to the room opens and Sean walks out then shakes his head as he looks down at his phone. "Hey, you okay?" I asked him as he goes and sits down on the chair next to me. "My friend, Lyla, has texted me like crazy. She's really freaking out...and...I don't know if I should call her or not." He said and I give him a concern look. "I'd hate to tell you don't call your friend, Sean...but...if the cops find out that you've contacted her, they'll question her and then they'll tap her phone, hoping for a another chance for you to call. And when you do call her, they will be on your ass." I said.
He looks down for a moment then at his phone before he sighs. "Yeah, you're right." He mutters. "I'm really sorry, Sean. I know it would make you happy to talk to your friend, but I'm sure you care about her and wouldn't want to cause any trouble for her." I said and he nods. "Yeah, she really doesn't need that kind've stress." Sean said, sadly, as he looks down his phone. Then he presses some buttons and turns his phone sideways.
"Whatcha' doing?" I asked him. "Bout to watch this video I filmed on Christmas." He replied and I nod at him. "Do you need to be alone? I can go back inside, if you--" I said but he shakes his head at me. "No, it's fine." He said then he plays the video clip on his phone. I lean over as he holds his phone out so the both of us could watch it.
"Okay! Wait...Okay, okay...And...ACTION!" Sean's voice said as his dad was in front of the camera. His father turns to the side and yells. "Daniel! Get your butt in here right now!" Daniel then runs into view of the camera. "What? What did I do?" He asked. "You forgot to open this present!" His dad said as he hands Daniel a medium sized present.
"What is this?" Daniel asked as he opens it then his face squirrels up in disgust. "Socks...Underwear...That's it?" He asked as he pulls the clothing items out of the box. "Yeah, pretty cool, huh? That's what I got when I was a kid..." their dad said, a smile on his face. "Not funny..." Daniel grumbles and Sean began to laugh.
"Yeah it is! Dude! Check out your face!" He said as he points at his brother's angry face. I chuckled at this but glanced over to see Sean covering his face with one hand, beginning to tear up. I felt my heart turn heavy as I watch the tears roll down his face. I pull up the sleeve of my hoodie, over my hand, and used it to wipe his tears away as we continued to watch the video.
"What, what...Look! There's another one here! What is it...?" Daniel asked as he looks over to see a larger present under the tree. "Daniel...let me help...Looks bigger than underwear..." their dad teased as he and Daniel pull out the present. "Ooooh, what?" Daniel asked in excitement as he opens the present and his jaw drops. "No way! Can't believe it! The new...PlayBox! Thank you Santa!" He said as he looks up at his dad.
"Hey, don't look at me...You were a good boy this year..." their Dad said. "Yeah. Lucky boy." Sean mutters. "Daniel. This is for the whole family too, right? So you gotta share...With me! I want to play that game where you steal cars and go on high speed pursuit..." their dad said and I giggle at this. Their dad seemed like a pretty cool dude.
"Dad, you totally suck at games..." Sean said to his dad. "Oh yeah, track star? I was the dodge-ball champ of my high school...So duck!" He said as he throws a ball at Sean. "Ow! No fair!" Sean exclaims as he stumbles a bit. "You guys, don't crush the PlayBox! Hey! Let's set it up!" Daniel said but their dad kept wanting to good around a bit as he threw the ball at his sons. "Dad, come on! Ow! Okay. My ball now! Watch out!" Daniel exclaims as they play around.
"Merry Christmas, kids..." their dad said once he stopped and smiles. The video ends showing their dad wearing a Christmas jumper, Daniel holding the PlayBox, and Christmas decorations were in the background. 
I look over at Sean as he puts away his phone. "I'm really sorry, Sean. He seemed like a pretty cool dad." I said. Sean nods and said. "I just hoped he knew how much I've loved him." He said, his voice breaking. "I'm sure he did, Sean. He looked liked he really loved you and your brother." I said and Sean nodded again as he takes a deep breath then stands up and walk up to the railings. 
He looks down at his phone then throws the it towards the beach. I walk over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, his puffy red eyes look down at me. I give him a comforting smile as the two of us stare at each other. His lips started to form a smile when music began playing from inside. We look through the door to see Daniel rocking out on the bed.
I look back at Sean and said. "You've got to tell him." He nods then let's out a sigh. "Here it goes." He whispers and we walk inside to Daniel playing the air guitar while jumping up and down to a song playing on the television. 
"Are you kidding me?" Sean asked, annoyed. "Remember that song?! Come on! Dance!" Daniel said as he stops and holds his hand out to us. "Man, we... we can't dance right now. My legs are thrashed. Sorry." Sean said. "Yeah, mine too." I said as Sean grabs the remote and turns off the TV.
"You guys are no fun." Daniel said, frowning. "Daniel...Come here. We need to talk." Sean said as Daniel sits down on the bed. "Can we get a drink first? I'm thirsty..." he said. "Right now?" Sean and I asked. "You said I could have a coke...or something..." Daniel said and I sigh a bit at this. "Okay. I'll get you a soda. But when I come back...we're going to talk. Serious." Sean said. "Fine...What's the big deal?" Daniel asked and Sean starts to walk out of the room, and I follow him.
We walk down the walkway and head to the vending machine to purchase a soda. As Sean puts the money in, the lights on the landing begin to flicker. I look around at the lights in confusion when I hear Daniel's voice shout. "Dad!" Sean and I give each other fearful looks and we began to run back to the room. "Daniel!" We exclaimed as we run.
Sean opens the door to the room and both of us looked in the room in shock. "Oh fuck!" I exclaimed. Daniel was standing with clenched fists in front of the TV, the screen glowing. The bed had been pushed to one side and Mushroom is in the corner, cowering. The work desk and chair had tumbled over, stuff was flying around the room and the lights were going haywire.
"Oh my God...Daniel...?!" Sean said, fearfully. "What is happening?!" I asked, also scared. "Daniel, calm down!" Sean said as Daniel looks at us in anger, Mushroom began to bark. Meanwhile, stuff continued to fly around the room.
"YOU LIED! Dad! Our Dad is dead!" Daniel screams as he points at the TV, which shows BREAKING NEWS: 2 DEAD IN SEATTLE INCIDENT with their dad's face on the screen.
"WHY?" Daniel screamed at us, angrily. "It was an accident! A cop fucked up and shot him! That's it." Sean admitted. "No! No! IT'S NOT TRUE!" Daniel cries. "I'm so sorry..." Sean said to him. "Why? Why did you LIE to me?!" Daniel asked him. "I was scared, Daniel...I didn't know what to say..." Sean replied then Daniel looks over at me. "Did you know?!" He asked me. "I did hear about this when I was traveling, but I didn't know who you guys were when I first meet you. Until I talked to your brother when you went to get firewood, that's when i realized who you two were." I explained.
"You...You guys should've told me!" Daniel said. "I couldn't believe it either! I didn't mean to!" Sean said. "I'm so sorry, Daniel." I said. "It's not fair..." Daniel cries as we walk closer to him. "Hey! Come on... I'm here. (Y/n)'s here. It's okay..." Sean assures as we get closer to Daniel. "No it's not!" Daniel shouts just as Sean gets close enough to grab his arm.
"Don't touch me!" Daniel yells as he tries to fight his brother off but Sean reaches forward and hugs Daniel. "Daniel! Please!" Sean cries while Daniel tries to get away, but Sean pulls him in again. "No!" Daniel yells. "Shhh... It's okay..." Sean said as he hugs his brother and I go and hug him then everything falls to the floor. Mushroom steps forward as Daniel begins to cry.
"I want Dad..." Daniel cries.
"Me too." Sean said and my hear was hurting for these two. 
"I'm so sorry, boys. I hate that you two are going through this." I said as the lights return to full brightness, then the three of us look around. "You told me we were gonna see Dad..." Daniel said to Sean. "I'm sorry... I just..." Sean stammers. "Just don't lie to me ever again. Ever." Daniel said as he shakes his head slightly.
"I promise. I won't lie to you again." Sean said to him. "And I promise to, Daniel." I said. "I'm serious, guys..." Daniel said to us. "We know...Me too, Daniel..." Sean said. "Same here." I said. "What are we gonna do without him?" Daniel asked his brother. "Sssshhhh...It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay." Sean assures him and the two brother hug each other once more as I wipe away a tear running down my face.
"Guys... Am I... a monster?" Daniel asked us. It was the next day and the boys and I were on a bus, which was mostly empty. Sean and Daniel were sitting next to each other while I was sitting in the seat across the aisle from them, our bags in the seat next to me.
"Nothing is wrong with you. You're...Different." I said and he sighs. "Okay. What are we gonna do, now?" He asked. "I was thinking...Maybe we could go to Puerto Lobos. Where Dad grew up, you know..." Sean said. "Yeah...I guess..." Daniel said in a defeated tone. "It'll be fine, Daniel. There's nothing we can't do...as long as we're together." Sean said to him.
"Can you tell me a story? Like he did?" Daniel asked his brother. Sean nods and Daniel wraps Sean's arm over his shoulder. "I'm not as good as him...He used to tell me bedtime stories, too..." Sean said then he begins to tell his story. "Once upon a time...In a wild...wild world...there were two wolf brothers...living in their home lair with their papa wolf...They all lived happily together...but...but one day, hunters took their Dad away. Forever...So now the brothers were alone...and they had to find a new home...They started a journey through the great big forest...where they met a friendly fox, who decided to join them...as she, too, was looking for a home...."
I smiled at this as Sean continues his story until the three of us pass out, the bus taking us away.
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fashionwithme09 · 5 years
Reviews [Upgraded Model] Ecandy Remote Control Ocean Wave Projector,Aurora N...Special discount [Upgraded Model] Ecandy Remote Control Ocean Wave Projector,Aurora Night Light Projector with Build-in Speaker, Mood Light for Baby Nursery, Adults and Kids Bedroom, Living Room (Black) CLICK HERE https://amzn.to/2XAtsPJ  I was VERY impressed with this purchase for the price! I’m a big baby and still have nights that I don’t like to sleep alone in the dark and this was a perfect solution. I love that it also comes with a tiny remote so I can operate it from my bed. There’s several modes that you can choose from until you find what you prefer. There is also a volume on/off option which I really like. The “sleep” option is also really convenient in the case that I don’t want it on all night but just until after I know I’ll be asleep. If you have an AUX cord, you can also play your own sounds/music through it instead of the preprogrammed ones that come with it. Overall, such a gem! Product DEFINITELY Approved! :) Upgraded Ocean Wave Projector: With Remote controller & touch senor button, dual-optional and more convenient for operation. A great soothing projection night light . Built-in speaker: Volume adjustable, you can plug in an ipod, iphone, MP3 or other device with the AUX cable in the package, and play lullaby music, relaxing, meditation music through the night light projector while watching the aurora at night. 3 Auto Off Timer: Built-in 1H, 2H, 4H auto off timer, the lamp will automatically shut off after the preset time. Timer can be canceled to stay on all night long. Adjustable Display Angle:45 degree tilt, allow you to project the light straight up or point in a different direction, convenient for you to cover a larger area and get the wide panoramic effect. 7 Light Projection Modes:Red, blue, green, and multicolor color changeable, It's perfect for creating a watery ocean atmosphere, which can be used in bathrooms, living rooms, baby rooms, parties Unbox and reviews [Upgraded Model] Ecandy Remote Control Ocean Wave Projector,Aurora Night Light Projector with Build-in Speaker, Mood Light for Baby Nursery, Adults and Kids Bedroom, Living Room (Black) Main Feature: * 7 colorful light mode & rotate mode * Smart touch sensor button * Remote control * 45 Degrees Angle adjustable * Built-in Music * Support TF card slot * Support Audio Cable Specification: Colors Available:Black/Blue/White Size: 5.5 x 5.1 x 4.9 inch Weight: 15.6oz Rated Volt/Current: DC 5V/1A Power: 160Hz-20KHz USB Cable Length: 3.9ft Audio Cable Length: 1.9ft How to Use: Step 1:Press the power key 3 seconds, the projector light turns on. Step 2:Press the power key again to change light mode. Step 3:If you need to change the build-in music, please click on the remote control or the host to the next song. Step 4:Insert TF Card or External Audio Source. Build-in Music Auto Shut Off. Step 5:Pay attention to external audio, music can not operate on the host and remote control. Step 6:Press Remote Control H1/H2/H4 indicate the projector nightlight will auto power off after timer 1H/2H/4H. Step 7:Press Remote control Timer Off button indicate cancel timer. Step 8:Press the power key 3 seconds, the projector light turns off. Build-in Music: 1.Forest Insert Sounds 2.Ocean Wave Seagulls Sounds 3.Flowing Water Birds Sounds 4.Merry Nature Sounds What's in the Box 1x Ocean Wave Projector 1x USB Cable (Wall Adapter not included) 1x Audio Cable 1x User Manual Reviews [Upgraded Model] Ecandy Remote Control Ocean Wave Projector,Aurora Night Light Projector with Build-in Speaker, Mood Light for Baby Nursery, Adults and Kids Bedroom, Living Room (Black)
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Alarm Clock: Best Alarm Clock 2019 (buying guide)
From analog to digital, the alarm clock has existed since 1787. In the past, its function was only to wake people from sleeping. Not before James F. Reynolds created the first radio alarm clock in 1940. Though there is no concrete evidence as to how the clock-radio originated, what matters most is we can now be awaken with our favorite music instead of a loud and ear-popping buzz.
We will give you  the most advanced clock-radio in the market.
1.  Foreita Night Light Bluetooth Speaker
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Settled at number 1 spot is Foreita Night Light Bluetooth Speaker. This beautiful 5-in-1 device performs excellently and conveniently.
It is a mini-USB music player with 4.0 stereo speaker that connects easily with Bluetooth,enabling you to listen to music and audiobooks while doing chores, exercising, or relaxing. Its unique bass technology and powerful woofer generate superb quality sound. It is perfect for indoor parties, outdoor activities, and sports events.
This amazing product has 48 LED warm lights that can be set into changing motion. There is a dimmer that helps you adjust the brightness to your preference. Create a relaxing or party atmosphere anywhere in your home by playing music and setting the lights to adjust to the rhythms.
It displays 12/24 hour mode in big digits at the base part. It also features calendar, snooze, and sleep mode functions. Set the alarm by using the MODE button that can be found on top.
And why not answer your incoming calls using it hands-free call feature. This versatile clock radio has a built-in microphone and speakerphone that allows you to talk without handling your phone. The 360-degrees double channel speaker ensures that the sound you produce and receive is loud and clear.
To guarantee functions, charge it in full using a USB cable. It supports up to 6-8 hours of continuous music play or 10 hours lighting mode.
2.  iHome Bluetooth Dual Alarm FM Clock Radio
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At product two is the iHome Bluetooth Dual Alarm FM Clock Radio with Speakerphone and USB Charging. Not long ago, most of the people depended on an alarm clock to wake them in the morning. The clock, on the other hand, serves as an additional entertainment where we can listen to news updates or musics. But what if we combine them together and make it a lot better?
This amazing product has a Bluetooth feature where you can connect your Bluetooth enabled device for a wireless music streaming. You can now control your Spotify or iHeartRadio playlist with the power of your voice, because this amazing product works with Melody--the voice-powered music assistant. More than that, it also has a speakerphone that helps you give a clearer and less echo calls. Just when think that this product already has it all, wait until we show you the 1amp USB port where you can charge your android or iOS device while listening to your favorite song, using the Bluetooth option or auxiliary jack.
Another unique feature of this item is the dual alarms with 7-5-2 scheduling that can be set on any day, and anytime you desire. The dual alarm allows you to set two independent alarms and get awaken by the FM radio, Bluetooth audio or 4 built-in tones. For a more convenient listening, the FM radio offers a 6 station presets.
This modern clock comes in a designer acoustic fabric in a shade of gray. What's more is you can even place this anywhere you want, since it only measures 5.4 by 4.9 by 3 inches.
3.  Electrohome EAAC601 Projection Alarm Clock
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If you are tired of ear-splitting alarm sound that makes waking up a bit stressful, we have a better option for you- the Electrohome EAAC601 Projection Alarm Clock, the third product on our list.
This alarm clock can wake you up with the cool music of your favorite FM station. There is built-in AM/FM digital radio if you want to listen to news or music. You can also use the 3.5-millimeter Auxiliary input to connect your iPad, iPhone, MP3, or Android.
If you and your husband have different wake times, this smart device allows you to set them separately with its dual alarm mechanism. You can also disable your alarm during weekends or day-offs to sleep as long as you want.
It uses advanced SelfSet Technology which provides the correct time. To activate this configuration feature, specify your time zone, and this smart alarm clock will do the rest. It even restores the alarm setting accurately after a power loss and adjusts to daylight savings time mode as built-in Lithium battery takes over.
The Blue Display View measures 3.6 inches clearly displays the time, the current day/month/year, and the indoor temperature. There is a dimmer that lets you set the screen’s brightness to high, low, or off. At night time, the auto dimmer disables the screen.
And here’s the coolest thing about this clock radio- it projects time and temperature in your wall or ceiling. The 180 degrees tilt feature eliminates the need to roll over when you want to see the time.
4.  Magnasonic Alarm Clock Radio
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Next product in our list is the Magnasonic Alarm Clock Radio with USB Charging for Smartphones & Tablets. Have you ever forgotten to charge your phone before you sleep? If yes, don’t worry because this one-of-a-kind product features a USB charging port where you can conveniently charge your electronic devices. To charge your cellphone, mp3 player or any of your gadgets, just plug it into the alarm clock radio using the USB cord.
Another reason to love this product is their SelfSet technology that automatically sets up and updates the time and date, when you input your time zone. It also comes with a built in battery backup that works instantly when a power shortage is detected. Worry no more, because your alarm will work even if your entire home doesn’t have a power supply. No reason to oversleep and to get up late.
Adjust the brightness of the LED display according to what your eyes need. The 1.2 inch LED display has a four brightness option which is; high, volume, medium and low. You no longer  need an extra lamp when you already have this illuminated clock.
What’s more about this alarm clock radio is, it wakes you to your favorite music. It can even hold up to 20 programmable AM or FM station. Preset your favorite music for a more convenient and hassle-free listening. Moreover, the digital tuner is useful in finding a stable reception and clear sound by connecting the signal of your favorite station.
To wrap up this amazing deal, an instructional manual, a quick start guide and a CR2032 flat lithium battery will also be included upon purchase.
5.  hOmeLabs Sunrise Alarm Clock - Digital LED Clock
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The last product on our list for the 5 Best Clock Radio is the hOmeLabs Sunrise Alarm Clock - Digital LED Clock with 6 Color Switch and FM Radio for Bedrooms - Multiple Nature Sounds Sunset Simulation & Touch Control - with Snooze Function for Heavy Sleepers. Rise and shine! This one of a kind product is a must have in every home.
This state-of-the-art clock features a touch screen icons and a 12 or 24 hour digital time display. The intensity of brightness can be adjusted to your preference. With its 7.4 x 7 x 4.1 inch size, you can place this alarm clock right on top of your bedside table. In case the cord gets disconnected, this product includes a backup battery.
There’s nothing more pleasant than waking up with a dash of sunlight on your face. This unique product features a soft white LED light that activates 30 minutes before your alarm. The LED light will gently adjust its brightness, till its time for you to get up. It mimics the early morning sunlight for a more relaxed and natural way to rise. But unlike the Sun, this alarm clock allows you to set the light according to what your eyes need. Just when you thought you already have it all, wait until you see the 8 colorful light options which makes this product perfect for all ages.
Enough with the blaring alarm, because this amazing product will wake you in a gentle way. This clock offers 7 natures-like alarm sounds that are very soothing to the ears. You can choose between the bird sound, lullaby or ocean waves. If you like to listen to the FM radio, just press the power switch on the clock top and hold the plus icon on the screen to tune the station. As for the volume, it can be programmed on top of the clock.
Another thing to love about this item is the user-friendly buttons. You only need to touch the bell icon to activate the alarm, and hold the plus and minus icon to set the time. Don’t forget to press the alarm button for confirmation. All of these buttons can be found on the front screen.
Moreover, the timer can be set for 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes. This modern clock understands that we all need an extra 5 minutes, and to make that possible, an accessible snooze button is also offered on this product--definitely perfect for heavy sleepers.
A charger plug is also included when you avail this incredibly unique clock.
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Using Subliminal Audio Songs And Also Images For Ultimate Leisure
Most of people have possibly heard of ukulele, however they do not know what it looks like. Poor language in music is currently thought about by many youths to be 'usual' as well as 'acceptable' (although that carried out certainly not litter the verses of songs from also the pretty recent past times). You could simply create adjustments and placed several various tracks on leading of each various other to earn the popular music sound fuller and also wealthier.
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Two of the most well-liked and widespread sorts of popular music are actually the organic noises of attributes such as a blabbing creek, ocean waves or even the sound of the plants rustling in the wind. Therefore, buyer may discover this annoying as they cannot be actually connect into a typical audio system for participating in popular music as well as as an alternative needs to couple with Chromecast.
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Many of the amount of times people which hear radio, like it over other songs alternative given that this is an extra enjoyable knowledge. Instead of vocal popular music she would certainly be enjoying the radio as she provided clients at the neighborhood restaurant. The Popular music: Tuesdays, Thursdays and also Fridays coming from 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm resident band 2nd Dawn, and also different other acts, involved delight supper attendees at Spruce's Station house site. This dock works with the current iPod and also apple iphone styles as well as offers the customer music on the move. You'll receive incredible sound with this unit as well as good bass action for under $50.00 if you get the device online. Listen to the cd and receive your instant MP3 downloads right now: And also - watch out for the free a hypnotic approach popular music monitor! Ms. Swift helped make updates last week when she broke her exclusive-only cope with Apple Music and also moved back to Spotify, the platform she when spurned for its ad-free style. You may also mix each one of the different popular music styles into your very own original production.
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