#norberg peace prize
acacia-may · 3 months
Can we talk about how Naomi sings a whole song about wanting to be “someone special” and then in Norberg Peace Prize, Princess Chloe tells Gabe that he should share the Norberg Lights with “someone special” and he shares them with Naomi?!
Yes, I realize that "Something Special" is Naomi's "I want" song and about how she wants to prove herself (setting up her great character arc), so she didn't mean it like that, but…it’s the exact same wording.
She is “someone special” to him. I’m gonna cry 😭😭💖💖
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dittomander · 1 month
What are your thoughts on Isabel becoming Royal Inventor? I know inventing is Isabel’s hobby, but when somebody is titled as “Royal” then that implies that they work for the Royal family. But Isabel is not only part of the royal family, but she is heir presumptive. If Elena dies or abdicates without children, then the throne will pass to Isabel. Isabel’s arc was about learning to become a ruler like Elena. So why make her Royal Inventor, if she could potentially become ruler of Avalor one day?
Narratively speaking, I think it actually makes perfect sense. For starters, while there are certainly themes of leadership in some of Isabel's episodes, I'd argue that her arc is less about becoming a "ruler like Elena" and more about her becoming a leader unlike Elena.
(True to form, long-winded essay below the cut.)
Isabel starts the show as a clingy little kid - from her perspective, she just lost her parents, and she doesn't understand that her sister's new responsibilities mean that she can't spend as much time with her as she used to. A lot of her episodes involve her learning to act independently of Elena. She must develop and defend her own identity, even as she reckons with the limitations of her age.
She goes to school for the first time in "Crystal in the Rough" and struggles to make friends her own age, so she smothers her own identity and tries to just fit in instead. She has to learn to be herself and rely on her own strengths - her skills with math, science, and invention. This episode also gives Isabel her own friend group, independent from Elena and the other amigos. Later, in "Science Unfair", she has to learn to rely on those friends for help. Her sister gives her some advice, but ultimately, she and her new friends finish their project themselves.
Later still in "Class Act", Isabel has to learn to recover from her own mistakes and work with even more people outside of her family, to the point where she's able to teach Elena a lesson about working with difficult personalities in "Norberg Peace Prize". By "Shooting Stars", she's totally confident in her role as a scientist and her ability to give directions related to that role. And in Isa's final focus episode, "Heart of the Jaguar", Elena is literally taken from her, and she must learn to stand up for herself and solve her problems entirely alone.
But even as she learns to become a more independent and confident leader in her own right, she has to deal with the fact that she is still fundamentally Different from her sister. At first, this is largely framed as a function of her age. In "Blockheads" and "Three Jaquins and Princess", she is ignored and doubted because of her youth, though it's her knowledge and ingenuity that solve the problems of the day.
Still, she tries to be one of the "big kids", and in "Sister of Invention", she makes her plea again to be treated as an adult and seen as part of the team. She's ultimately allowed to join the amigos, but it's not because they see her as being like them. In fact, they explicitly say that Isabel can't do what they do... but that they can't do what she does, either. She's allowed to work with them because of her inventions and mathematical skills - that is, because of her differences.
(Arguably, "Science Unfair" has a similar conclusion. Isabel is invited to go to college - that is, invited to join a group of adults - specifically because of her skills with science. Beyond just being her hobby, those skills are at the core of her identity, and they are what tie her to being recognized as a grown-up.)
The point is hammered in further in "Team Isa", where Cristina outright tells her that "you're not Elena and you never will be." Isabel was trying to be a "leader like Elena" and failed, only succeeding when she utilized her and her friends' own unique skills instead of trying to just be like her sister. Isabel and Elena have distinct skill sets, and episodes like "A Gecko's Tale" and "The Family Treasure" emphasize this. Their differing skills allow them to complement each other and give them opportunities to learn, but throughout the show, it's made clear that they are not each other and cannot fully fill each other's roles.
Because again, it's not just that Isa can't do exactly what Elena does. It's also that Elena can't do what Isa does. She tries to handle invention plans in "Sugar Rush", but it only adds to her anxieties, and at the end of the episode, she hands the responsibility off to Isabel, the expert. Elena has to learn to delegate what she can't handle herself.
That's what the Royal Inventor title means. It's respect for Isabel's unique skills. It's an acknowledgement that she's a part of the team. And it's not an act of subordination, but rather a delegation of authority.
So the narrative comes together there. Isabel has gone from a clingy little kid that would hide her interests to fit in to a confident young lady that knows where her skills lie and can be trusted with the responsibility to use them for the kingdom's benefit.
The promotion scene at the end of "Coronation Day" exists primarily for these narrative reasons rather than for making perfect logical sense in-universe. It's meant to showcase how the character arcs have developed - most of them fall apart if you put them under the slightest bit of realistic scrutiny - but if we do want to look at them through that logical, in-universe lens, then frankly, Isabel's promotion probably makes the most sense.
There is a precedent of members of the royal family still working for the royal family. Esteban was chancellor for most of the show and both he and the abuelos were on the Grand Council. None of those three may have had a claim to the throne like Isabel could, but even her claim is pretty meaningless at this point in the timeline.
The only reason Elena had any governing authority as Crown Princess was because there was Literally No Other Ruler at the time. Current heir or not, Isabel won't actually be expected to lead the kingdom unless something happens to Elena, and if Elena ever has kids, then Isa's practically off the roster entirely. So... what's a princess to do in the meantime? Being named Royal Inventor gives her a degree of authority within Elena's court that she may never have otherwise and gives her something to do for the kingdom other than wait around until Elena dies. It's even a job that's in her wheelhouse.
Besides, if Elena does die or abdicate, it's not like being Royal Inventor now somehow cancels out Isa's ability to rule later. Presumably, she'd just ditch the title when she took the throne.
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elena-of-avalor-polls · 11 months
The winner is bolded.
Matchup 1 - Father-in-Chief VS All Kingdoms Fair
Matchup 2 - Crash Course VS A Spy in the Palace
Matchup 3 - Tides of Change VS Día de las Madres
Matchup 4 - All Heated Up VS The Scepter of Night
Matchup 5 - Sister of Invention VS Spellbound
Matchup 6 - Royal Retreat VS King of the Carnaval
Matchup 7 - To Save a Sunbird VS The Princess Knight
Matchup 8 - First Day of Rule VS Team Isa
Matchup 9 - Finders Leapers VS Blockheads
Matchup 10 - Luna's Big Leap VS The Jewel of Maru
Matchup 11 - Norberg  Peace Prize VS Olaball
Matchup 12 - Captain Turner Returns VS Rise of the Sorceress
Matchup 13 - Captain Mateo VS The Lightning Warrior
Matchup 14 - The Return of El Capitán VS Spirit of a Wizard
Matchup 15 - To Queen or not to Queen VS Prince Too Charming
Matchup 16 - Not Without My Magic VS Sweetheart's Day
Matchup 17 - Finding Zuzo VS Shooting Stars
Matchup 18 - The Birthday Cruise VS Island of Youth
Matchup 19 - Two Left Fins VS King Skylar
Matchup 20 - Dreamcatcher VS The Gecko's Tale
Matchup 21 - Movin' On Up VS Crystal in the Rough
Matchup 22 - The Scepter of Light VS Giant Steps
Matchup 23 - The Race for the Realm VS Party of a Lifetime
Matchup 24 - Flight of the Jaquins VS A Lava Story
Matchup 25 - A Day To Remember VS Model Sister
Matchup 26 - Festival of Lights VS Science Unfair
Matchup 27 - The Curse of El Guapo VS The Last Laugh
Matchup 28 - Navidad VS Flower of Light
Matchup 29 - Elena's Day Off VS The Family Treasure
Matchup 30 - Shapeshifters VS Three Jaquins and a Princess
Matchup 31 - Snow Place Like Home VS A Tale of Two Scepters
Matchup 32 - Naomi Knows Best VS Wizard-in-Training
Matchup 33 - Class Act VS Royal Rivalry
Matchup 34 - Masks of Magic VS Heart of the Jaguar
Matchup 35 - Sugar Rush VS My Fair Naomi
Matchup 36 - The Incredible Shrinking Royals VS Changing of the Guard
Matchup 37 - Spirit Monkey Business VS The Scepter of Light
The list of matchups for the round 2 will be posted tomorrow.
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lieutenant-amuel · 10 months
Hey... If you don't mind, I have a suggestion. How about listing a single best quote spoken by Gabe in (almost) every episode of EoA he appears?
Oh, I actually got a similar ask two years ago. It's here.
But if you're asking for a single line in every episode (which is a lot simpler), I'll do it now.
Season 1.
First Day of Rule - I am lieutenant Gabriel Núñez. But you can call me Gabe.
Model Sister - You know, when the drawbridge gets stuck, we have a trick to get it moving again.
All Heated Up - It could be a booby trap disguised as a hole
Spellbound - This is my duty to report that the malvago invaded the palace, but he was defeated by our new Royal Wizard.
Prince Too Charming - I’m always with you.
The Scepter of Light
Olaball - You love baking and olaball, and that’s great. But I love guarding the kingdom. That’s who I am. That’s my way.
The Princess Knight - Look, you’re better than okay. But if you want to get to the tournament level, you have a lot to learn.
Captain Turner Returns - Well, it was nice knowing you, Naomi (it cracks me every time, sorry not sorry)
My Fair Naomi
Realm of the Jaquins
A Gecko's Tale - You have nothing to fear - Gabe is here.
Party of a Lifetime - I'm wondering if you've seen my friend. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, big mouth.
Blockheads - Easy for her to say. She's on top (Elena: “I heard that!"). You were supposed to!
Season 2.
Royal Rivalry
The Curse of El Guapo - Thank you for reminding me the sword doesn’t make the soldier. The soldier makes the sword.
A Spy in the Palace*
Rise of the Sorceress
Shapeshifters - Ha! You expect me to believe that?
The Scepter of Night - I can't let something happen to you. I say that as captain of the Royal Guard and... as your friend.
Race for the Realm
A Tale of Two Scepters
Song of the Sirenas - I like our odds.
Tides of Change - I thought we were making this up as we go along. You know, just like all the other time.
Finding Zuzo
Snow Place Like Home - We may be stuck here for Noche Buena, but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate. So, who'd like some sweet buñelos?
Naomi Knows Best - Then lead the way.
Season 3.
Sister of Invention - Oh, three names. That's never good
Norberg Peace Prize - Guess that means we're gonna celebrate it for the first time together
The Magic Within
Captain Mateo - I understand why you put Mateo in charge of this mission. We do need magic to fight magic.
Changing of the Guard - Your Highness, I’m interested in finding the best talents Avalor has to offer. Whoever they are.
Team Isa
Giant Steps
Crash Course - …I should have trusted you. Because you were right about not making shortcuts. And also because you are my friend. I am sorry.
The Lightning Warrior
To Queen or not To Queen - I’d bake something. After one bite he’d remember why I’m meant to be a Royal Guard.
Coronation Day - It would be my honor.
* I know Gabe is only a background character in A Spy in the Palace, but I still like to count this episode as the one where he appears.
Thank you for the ask!
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lucy-shining-star · 10 months
So I was wondering about epsidoes chronology and asked on discord and it seems it's like this:
Edit: First version of this post had something weird going on in season 2 section, copied something weird I guess, fixed it
Season 1
1.Elena and the secret of Avalor  except scenes with Naomi
2. First day of rule
Somewhere after First Day of Rule scenes with Naomi from Secret of Avalor
3.Model sister
4.All heated up
5.Island of youth
7.Prince too charming
8.Finders leapers
9.Royal retreat
10. A day to remember
11. The scepter of light
12. Navidad
13. Olaball
14. Flight of the jacquins
15. Crystal in the Rough
16. The princess Knight
17.Captain Turner returns
18.King of the carnaval
19, My fair Naomi
20. Spirit monkey business
21. Wizard in training
22.The Gecko's tale
23. Party of a lifetime
24. Blockheads
25. Masks of magic
26. Realm of jaquins 
Season 2: 1.The jewel of Maru
Somewhere after this and probably before 'Rise of the Sorceress'  'Scepter training with Zuzo' : 'Royal treasury escape room', 'The heist' 'Nothing but blaze', 'Don't be our guest' 'Stowaway' 
2.Royal rivarly 3.The curse of El guapo 4.Three jacquins and the princess
Somewhen after this and before 'Rise of the Sorceress', 'Adventures in Vallastrella': 'Flight of the buttefrog', 'Sleeping sunbird',  'Fast food' , 'Peabunny boogie', 'Human nature'   
5.A spy in the palace
6.Science unfair 7.Rise of the sorceress 8.Shapeshifters 9.The scepter of night
10.The race of the realm 
11.The tale of two scepters
12. Class act
13. All kingdoms fair
14. A lava story
15. Song of the sirenas 
16. The tides of change
After this and before 'Two left fins' , 'The secret life of Sirenas' : 'Feeling clammy', 'Walk this way', 'Off the races', 'Marissa and the mirror'', 'One octopus band' ,
17. Finding Zuzo
18. Two left fins
19. The Return of El Capitan
20. Snow place like home
21. Movin on up
22. Not without my magic
23. Luna's big leap
24. Naomi knows best
Season 3
1. Sister of invention
2. To save a sunbird
3. Father-in-chief
4. The incredible shrinking royals
5. Norberg Peace Prize
6. The magic within 
Somewhere after and before 'Dreamcatcher' , 'Discovering the magic within': 'When the royal family is away', 'Spirit cleaning' , 'Not so basic training', 'No good deed goes unpunished', 'Modern royal family' 
7. Captain Mateo
8.. Sugar rush
9. The family treasure
10. Dreamcatcher
11. Changing of the guard
12. King Skylar
13. Flower of light
14. Spirit of a Wizard
15. Team Isa
16. The last laugh
17. Festival of lights
18. The birthday cruise
19. Giant steps
20. Shooting stars
21. Crash course
22. Sweethearts day
23. The Lighthing warrior
24. Dia de las Madres
25. Heart of the jaguar
26. Elena's day off
27. To queen or not to queen
28. Coronation day
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Princess Isabel
Alright, let's go!
First impression
Ngl I was convinced she's going to be a typical irritating little sister and she kinda was at times Model Sister I am looking at you
Impression now
I like her well enough. I definitely like the fact that we see that she does things off screen, although I'll admit that I don't think about her all that much
Favorite moment
She was absolutely hilarious in many moments in Team Isa and I really like her in Norberg Peace Prize, she turned out to be extremely wise too
Idea for a story
I just realized I don't really have any Isa-centric story ideas x) Although lately when working on my one story were Elena leaves on vacation and Isa rules in her stead, I thought it'd be very funny if at this time just. Everything started going down at the same time. And Elena is chilling somewhere with her friends whereas Isa is living through the worst two weeks of her life. So I suppose that, though if I ever end up writing it, it'd definitely only be a B plot or a very short story and don't get me wrong, that would be a completely humorous story, like, imagine Isa holding the door from being kicked down by some creature and trying not to drop some precious crown jewels someone tried to steal just a moment ago while on the magical equivalent of a phone with Elena and going "haha nope, everything's great here, just peachy, we're doing absolutely fantastic, what were you saying about the potatoes?" Esteban is on fire in the background.
Unpopular opinion
I like her much more in the episodes where she's only a part of a B plot, compared to the episodes that focus on her.
Favorite relationship
Her and Esteban's, hands down. They're just out right adorable together (and there's a big post series angst potential)
Favorite headcanon
I think this one is very popular in the fandom, but I think she often plays chess with Esteban (and Gabe)
Alright! Sorry for not going too in depth, Isa unfortunately never really peaked my interest x) But none the less I hope reading it was interesting and feel free to ask for other characters!
Ask game
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butterflym089 · 3 years
Elena of Avalor - Royal friends (Polish song)
S03E05 -  Norberg Peace Prize
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gijinkagal · 5 years
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You cannot watch this episode without seeing that it was SUPER shippy, like look at all these scenes and tell me they don’t look like they’re crushing on each other.
#1. Jealousy
#2. Tender looks
#3. Tucking her hair behind her ear all nervously/shyly
#4. Romantic lighting/setting
#5. Her scooting closer to him while her parents are right there being all lovey-dovey
She wasn’t upset that Elena couldn’t spend the day with her and her family, she was upset at Gabe not being there. Gabaomi shippers have been blessed <3
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scoffingatgravity · 5 years
Thoughts on Esteban’s scene in “Norberg Peace Prize”
When Esteban first arrives, his intention is to give Elena her father’s notebook to help her resolve the dispute between King Hector and Queen Abigail. Before entering, he overheard Elena’s declaration that she’ll make the two best friends. He does not tell her that’s unrealistic, but instead says, “anything is possible with the right tools.” It’s an apology in action as well as him accepting some responsibility for the feud between royals since it only happened because of the invitation to Hector.
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Elena immediately rebuffs his words and offers him the cold shoulder. Her body language shifts from open and friendly to closed off. He realizes she’s still upset, and, rather than brushing it off or getting annoyed, he apologizes once more and accepts accountability for his actions.
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He moves on to explain that he brought her father’s notebook, so she can use the advice on diplomacy within it help her fix the situation.
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Elena and Isabel both peer within it to read their father’s words, and the tension in Elena’s body melts. Her worry over the situation decreases, and she thanks Esteban for giving her the notebook. A quick smile is shared before Elena closes herself off from him and dismisses his presence. Esteban realizes Elena isn’t quite ready to forgive him, and he gives her the space she desires, but not before wishing her luck and a safe journey.
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What hit me the most about the scene is the genuine remorse he feels as well as how much he’s respecting the boundaries Elena’s setting. He doesn’t try to excuse his action, but accepts full responsibility. Others have mentioned how this scene might tie into the fallout of his secret reveal in “The Magic Within” (assuming the synopsis can be trusted). Esteban and Elena’s relationship is strained right now, and it won’t get better after the reveal.
We don’t know what the Grand Council’s judgment on Esteban was, but it’s safe to say he received a warning as well as a possible suspension from his usual duties and maybe some type of community service (to remind him of on whom he should be focusing). Elena has grown into her own and lost patience with Esteban’s issues. If the reveal does happen in Sunday’s special, it wouldn’t be surprising if he loses his position as well as being banished from Avalor or even locked away in a dungeon like Cristóbal. One thing’s for sure: the resolution for that reveal won’t be solved within one episode. It’s going to take time, and Esteban proving himself to her and earning back her trust in some way.
Considering how Esteban handled himself in this episode, I’d say he can do it, but it’s going to be a long and painful road to forgiveness. I imagine he’ll eventually be accepted back into his family, but his days as chancellor will most likely be over.
As an angst break, please enjoy this Isabel expression as she reacts to Elena giving Esteban the cold shoulder after his apology and considerate gift:
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idle-compy · 5 years
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I think this is the moment that Gabe truly realized his feelings for Naomi
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commandervisor · 5 years
Me, fearing that Elena being angry with Esteban for betraying her and going behind her back all so that he could show himself off because of his insecurity, Esteban feeling guilty and trying to make up for it, Elena feeling confused/conflicted on how to feel about it, and Esteban excusing himself out so that the two can have their space but telling Elena to take good care of herself are foreshadowing that the exact same thing will happen if/when the reveal happens:
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acacia-may · 4 months
Lights Will Guide You Home (EOA Gabaomi Love Confession)
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A trip to Norberg causes Gabe to contemplate his feelings for a certain "someone special." After Naomi returns from her voyage and becomes chancellor, however, Gabe knows he can hide his feelings no longer, so he takes her to a very special place to finally tell her how much she means to him.
Pairing: Gabriel "Gabe" Núñez/Naomi Turner [Eleteo is briefly mentioned/implied in one line]
Genre: Love Confession, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Post-Series, Friends to Lovers.
Rated: G
Word Count: 2537
No Warnings Only True Love Here
A/N: Apologies in advance for any inaccuracies. I never thought I'd write Elena of Avalor fanfiction and definitely never thought I'd write Gabe x Naomi fanfiction, but here we are. Also, fair warning, I don't usually write romance, and I don't think I've ever written something this swoony in my entire life. I'm honestly shocked I even had this story in me. But I just found out about and watched "Norberg Peace Prize" yesterday and Gabaomi (basically?) canon?! What a time to be alive! 💖
Link to Story on AO3. Full Text Below the Cut. Thank you for reading! 🌟
Gabe absentmindedly kicked his feet as they dangled over the edge of the dock. It was strange being back here again, especially now that he was sitting here alone.
With a heavy sigh, he gazed out at the dark and hazy horizon line of the sea wondering where Naomi was now, whether she was gazing out at the same ocean, looking up at the same stars in the sky. Gabe supposed he couldn’t see many stars now himself since the sky here was illuminated by the Norberg Lights. He would always be awestruck by how beautiful they were—colorful, majestic, and perfect, but it had been strange. The first time he had ever had the privilege to see them, he knew he had been sitting under the most beautiful sky in the world, but somehow he had found something even more beautiful. He had just never had the chance to tell her.
He had certainly thought about it—had even been seriously considering confessing, but despite all the confidence and bravado with which he usually carried himself, he found it difficult to pluck up the nerve to tell her how he felt, to take the risk of ruining their friendship if she didn’t feel the same way.
It was probably for the best that he hadn’t said anything. After all, she had left shortly after that—before they had even had the chance to talk about anything. He took it as a sign that it just wasn’t meant to be, and he was happy for her. Of course he was. How could he be anything else when he knew how much she had always longed for adventure, to explore the world, and to sail the seventeen seas as the captain of her own ship? It was her dream, and she was getting to follow it, just like he had followed his own dreams to be part of the royal guard and eventually its captain. He wanted that for her—for her to be happy, to get to live her dream, even if there wasn’t a place for him in it.
He supposed the irony of it all was that just as he was realizing Naomi’s dreams didn’t leave a space for him, he was coming to terms with the fact that all of his dreams had her in them. Someday even if he did become the general of the royal guard, he knew it would somehow feel incomplete without her by his side. But he couldn’t compete with her dreams—couldn’t compete with her adventurous spirit, her love for the ocean, and he didn’t want to.
Still…he couldn’t help but hope that the next time he came to this dock, he wouldn’t be alone, the next time he gazed up at the Norberg lights, they wouldn’t be the most beautiful thing there with him. He could only hope that someday she’d want to find her way home—to find her way back to him. If she ever did, he promised himself he would finally tell her the truth.
“Norberg?” Naomi’s freckled nose wrinkled as she tilted her head at him. “Why’d you drag me all the way to Norberg?”
Gabe shrugged, but his mouth curved into a lopsided grin as he dryly bantered, “You didn’t seem too upset by the idea of an outing when it got you out of all that paperwork, chancellor.”
Her new title had been taking a little getting used to, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy teasing her with it every now and again. He could only assume Naomi’s newfound interest in calling him “general” stemmed from the same place.
“You told me you had something important to tell me, but you couldn’t tell me at the palace. I was intrigued”—she quirked an eyebrow at him—“but I wasn’t expecting a sea voyage. Don’t you think they’ll all be missing us back at the castle and wondering where we went?”
“I already cleared the trip with Elena…er…” He cleared his throat then corrected, “Her Majesty.”
Naomi clicked her tongue. “Still struggling with all the new titles, general?” she teased, and a feeling of pride and accomplishment fluttered in Gabe’s chest hearing her call him that. He had worked so hard to get to where he was now, to become the general of the Avaloran Royal Guard. General Gabriel Núñez certainly had a nice ring to it no matter who said it, but he could admit that hearing it from Naomi made him straighten his shoulders and puff out his chest with pride—perhaps even made him feel a little ostentatious. “You seem to have no trouble calling me ‘chancellor.’”
“And you loved getting to take your boat out. Admit it.”
She met his eyes—snapping blue like the ocean she loved so much, as her lips twitched in the corners. “So this is all for my benefit, is it?”
“Maybe.” He smiled facetiously which only made her frown at him.
“Where are you taking me? You realize it’s already dusk—it’ll be dark soon.”
As Naomi rolled her eyes, Gabe’s mouth twitched into a lopsided grin. That’s exactly what he had been hoping for. He wondered how long it would take her to catch on…if she hadn’t already.
By the time he led her out to the dock where they had seen the Norberg Lights together, it was already dark and, it seemed, there was no reason to evade her questions any longer.
Naomi’s brow furrowed, and she tilted her head at him curiously. “Well, this is a blast from the past…”
“Not too far in the past,” Gabe quipped, but he knew what she meant. After everything that had happened, it felt like a lifetime ago—no matter how much time had actually passed. With a sigh, he took a seat beside her on the edge of the dock just like he had when he had first surprised her here. At least…it had been a surprise for her. It hadn’t been for him. He knew there was nowhere else in the world he would have rather been and no one else in the world he would have rather shared that moment with. The fact that she had been so surprised to see him made him realize he must’ve done a much better job at hiding how he had been feeling from her and, he supposed, in a way, from himself.
As Gabe looked into her eyes now, however, he swallowed hard. He knew he couldn’t hide it anymore—had promised himself that he wouldn’t.
“I came here while you were gone, you know?” he admitted, turning away from her—watching the reflection of the lights in the water. “To see the lights—think about…things.” He paused, swallowed again. “We never really got to talk about it.”
“Is there something to talk about?” Her tone of voice was pragmatic, unreadable. Gabe assumed her expression was probably the same, but he couldn’t look at her. He stifled a light, somewhat self-deprecating chuckle. It was silly to think that the great general of Avalor could be tempted to lose his nerve so easily, but he had just gotten her back—even if it was just as a friend, and he didn’t want to lose her again.
Still, he gathered his resolve and continued, “I wanted to talk to you, but when you left without really any warning or even saying goodbye, I…I took it as a sign that maybe it was just better left unsaid.”
“I’m sorry.”
Gabe’s brow furrowed, and his shoulders stiffened. He hadn’t been expecting that. The question slipped out without him thinking much about it. “Why?”
“I disappeared. It was whirlwind thing and kind of impulsive, but I still should’ve said goodbye. I guess I…I just didn’t want you to try to talk me out of it—to have my last memories of you be of us actually fighting, instead of, you know, pretending to”—she chuckled lightly to herself—“I like our banter, but I don’t want to actually fight with you. I like to think you’re on my side.”
“I am.” He pressed his hand to her shoulder, but she turned away from him. Something panged in Gabe’s chest as her words began to sink in. “You really think I wouldn’t have wanted you to go?” he asked, but Naomi only pursed her lips together and shrugged. “It was your dream. I would never try to hold you back from that.”  
“I guess I just thought that…if we talked, I—I might not ever leave.” She paused, staring down at her hands—not at him, never at him. “And there were so many things that I wanted to do. So many promises I made to myself. I had to go.”
Gabe nodded solemnly. “I know.” He swallowed hard. “And I’m glad you did. For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always wanted to go on adventures, explore the world, and sail the seventeen seas. You don’t have to apologize for following your dreams. I didn’t apologize for following mine. And you definitely don’t have to ask for my blessing. I’m just—” He paused, trying to think of the right word. He knew what she was to him, but he wasn’t sure what he was to her yet. Ultimately he decided on “your friend. You don’t need my permission to follow your dream.”
A slight smile curved in the corners of his mouth as he looked at up at her—found her still staring at her hands. He took a deep breath. “But I will need your permission to follow mine.”
“You want to go to war, general?” she quipped, though he could’ve sworn there was the slightest waver in her voice. “I’m not sure I can sign off on that.”
“It’s not a military dream,” he admitted. “I know my whole life all I ever wanted was to be in the royal guard. And then when I succeeded, when I was a lieutenant, then a captain, and now a general—it’s a great honor and means the world to me. But…when I became general and I finally had everything I ever wanted, I—” He stopped, swallowed hard. “It felt…”
“Empty,” Naomi finished for him quietly. “Like there was something missing.”
Gabe nodded, but his heart pounded—racing and flipping. He tried to calm himself—remind himself that he didn’t know for sure that she was talking about him.
“I kind of felt the same way while I was away,” Naomi admitted. “I mean, being out on the open sea was everything I ever dreamed of, and I was so happy, but…it still felt…kind of hollow, incomplete.” She sighed heavily before lifting her head to the sky—staring up at the lights with wide, blinking eyes. “It’s like the Norberg Lights—they’re so beautiful, and getting to sit here and see them is amazing…but the tradition says you’re supposed to share them with someone special and I know it’s because that somehow makes them even more beautiful, makes them—”
“Perfect.” Gabe met her eyes as she finally looked up at him. He could only imagine she felt the same sense of déjà vu at his choice of words, at the way he was looking at her now, and at the way she was looking at him. This time, however, he reached out to tuck that stray piece of her hair behind her ear. He could feel her tremble at the brush of his fingers against her cheek, and she looked away from him as her face flushed.
Though his own heart pounded, he confessed, “What’s missing…isn’t being a war hero.”
“Well, what do you want?” her voice bantered but wavered, and she wouldn’t meet his eyes again. “To take over a kingdom? Be a prince consort? I won’t advise Elena to marry you, if that’s what you’re asking.” She chuckled lightly. “There’s no way you can beat Mateo—he’s bound to be our prince consort eventually, so you’ll have to move if you want to rule somewhere. But if you want to be the husband of royalty, I’m sure Princess Chloe will have you.”
Gabe laughed, trying and failing to stifle it before the hard, serious lines of his face softened and a tender smile tugged at his mouth. “I’d like to be a husband someday, but only if someone special will have me.” He stroked her cheek with his hand until she finally looked at him. “And she isn’t royalty, so I don’t think I’ll be a prince consort.”  
He paused—trying his best not to chuckle as he watched Naomi’s mouth twitch in the corners. But he inhaled sharply as she stared up at him with earnest, affectionate eyes, “Will she have you?”
“I’m not sure. I think her heart might be somewhere else, and I’m not sure I can compete.”
His mouth curved into a teasing grin, and Naomi bantered back, “Really? The great general is backing down from a challenge?”
“The ocean is a pretty powerful adversary,” he quipped, and Naomi chuckled but there was something so kind and so tender in her eyes that it made his stomach swoop and his heart ache.
“And you’re sure her heart’s with the ocean?”
“I’d like to think part of it’s with me—or at least that it’ll find it’s way back to me in the end.” He met her eyes. “That she’ll find her way home.”
“Maybe she already has…”
Gabe pressed his hand to her cheek, and as Naomi’s arms snaked around him, pulling him towards her, he could feel her fingers tangled in his hair at the base of his neck, could feel her warm breath on his skin as she inched closer and closer, before she stopped just a breath away from him as she asked, “You said there was something you wanted to tell me?”
“You don’t know what it is?” he dryly bantered with as much of a chuckle as he could manage, struggling as he was even to breathe.
“I’d still like to hear you say it,” she whispered, the side of her nose brushing up against his. Gabe sighed. His chest ached, but he pulled away from her—far enough to look into her eyes as he ran his hand through her short blonde hair before he said the words he had mulled over in his head over and over, the words he so desperately wanted to say.
“I want you to follow your dreams whether that’s to go exploring, sail the world, and have amazing adventures or to be the best chancellor in Avaloran history. No matter where those dreams take you, I will always be here, will always be on your side, your greatest defender waiting for you to come home, because my dreams are empty without you in them—without getting to share them with you.” He pushed a strand of blonde hair out of her face—hoping the affection in his eyes said more than even his words. “Naomi, I love y—”
He didn’t get to finish that sentence. Naomi threw her arms around his neck and kissed him before he even had the chance.
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dittomander · 1 year
I know the Doylist reason Mateo isn't in Norberg Peace Prize is that The Character Mateo was not remotely necessary for the actual episode, but I am dying to know what the Watsonian reason is. his friends literally have a conversation about "the more the merrier" right outside his workshop and then they just Leave. what in the heck
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Norberg Peace Prize - Elena takes a trip to the Kingdom of Norberg to help their Queen resolve a dispute with a neighboring kingdom.
Olaball - Elena helps coach Gabe when he joins Avalor's royal olaball team despite being a terrible player.
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General Thoughts on Norberg Peace Prize
I’m sticking by my ruling, yesterday’s ep is the best of the week.
But today’s ep was pretty good, too, in spots.  King Hector is always entertaining, and I already like Queen Abigail quite a bit, too.  And I’m glad that there’s finally, finally a kids’ show where the moral of the episode is “You don’t have to be friends with everybody, it’s enough to just be civil to each other.”
Okay, am I the only one utterly confused by Naomi and Gabe apparently having feelings for each other all of a sudden?  Seriously, where did that come from?  Why?  (And honestly, King Hector and Queen Abigail have more chemistry than those two.)
We didn’t get to see Esteban brought up before the grand council, but we did get to see that Elena isn’t going to forgive him so easily either.  This makes me even more nervous about the upcoming episode where Esteban’s secret is finally revealed.  If there’s already a rift between them, what’ll happen when Elena learns he’s the reason her parents are dead?
I was hoping that Elena’s fumbles as mediator would give her a new appreciation for what her cousin does, or at least get a mention, but no. 
Once again, I loved Elena’s new dress.  But shouldn’t Isabel be taller by now?  Wasn’t she supposed to get a new character model this season?  I also loved the character design on Queen Abigail’s daughter, and I wish we’d gotten to see more of her.
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countdeworde · 5 years
„Easy? Have you met you two?“ Naomi’s bluntness was precious in this moment.
Isabel is like „wth??!!“ a big chunk of the episode. I feel so sorry for her. The upcoming storm will hit her very hard and she has no idea it’s coming. Poor baby.
Norbergians don’t believe in personal space. The pillow thing reminds me of the scene in the Ever After High Way too Wonderland special where Tweedledum and Tweedledee argued and made their speaker’s lecterns higher and higher.
„I’m running out of strategies but don’t give up I beg you, please.“ Those lyrics must be the funniest lyrics ever sang in a Disney song. Elena isn't desperate often so when even she is at wit's end then it sure is something.
For a while I wondered if maybe Elena will pull her Navidad move – you know that a family tradition is about spending time with family and you don’t need a juice – and that when Hectors sees the people are merry just by being together he will give up the berries out of sheer annoyance but this aesop of being able to work together even if you aren’t best friends or friends at all is also a great lesson to learn.
I enjoyed this two eps arc but now it's back to being afraid.
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