#nova the pixl
thatotherman001 · 2 months
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“You believed I worked alone?” - 👑🐱
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sleepsart · 2 years
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" Rediscovering The Past "
Dtiys for @empiresdaily !! Congrats on 400 followers!!!!!
[ ID 1: A watercolor painting of Pixlriffs from Empires season 2 and a statue. He's standing in front of the statue with wonder. He's holding a candle up to it with one hand and holding an open book in the other. He's wearing a blue button up shirt, a dark brown bag, and light brown pants. He has short light brown hair and a beard. The statue is of a man, presumably Pixl from Empires season 1. He has his hands together in front of him and is looking straight ahead. He's wearing a long cloak and various rings, along with a bracelet. His face cannot be seen, as it is overshadowed by the hood of the cloak and his hair. He as a long beard. End ID 1 ]
[ ID 2: A direct copy of image one. This one does not have lineart, making the watercolor out to be blobs in the shape of Pixl and the statue. End ID 2 ]
Tag list: @luna-spacedoodles @convexers @renchanters @tango-dyke @grey-nova @chimbamuerto @gardenergulfie @oakskull
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realnovarson · 8 months
Steamed Hams But it's Nix and Nova
Nix: Well Nova, I made it, despite your directions being in the shape of my face.
Nova: Ah, Nix! My beloved! You made it! I hope you're prepared for an *unforgettable* dinner.
Nix: Absolutely!
Nova runs to the kitchen, only to find her roast is burnt and gasps in horror
Nova: Bolts!! My Roast is burnt!
She looks out the window to the nearby Pixl Burger
Nova: What if... I purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking? That would be such a me thing to do! She chuckles
As she begings to climb out the window, Nix enters the room
Nix: Ummm.. Nova? What are you doing? And why is the oven smoking?
Nova: Whaaaat? pffft. That's not smoke! It's just uhhhhhh, steam! From the steamed jam- clams! The steam clams I'm making. Mmmmm, steamed clams! Oh, and this? I'm just uh, stretching on the windowsill! Hehe...
Nix: Okay...?
He walks out thinking to himself: How much oil did she have before this date?
Nova quickly jumps out the window to the pixl burger and it cuts to the next scene where she opens the door to the dining room
Nova: Are you ready for some mouthwatering hamburgers?
Nix: I thought we were having steamed cla-
Nova: Steamed hams! I said steamed hams. It's regional dialect for hamburgers.
Nix: From where?
Nova: Uhhhh... *think Nova, think!* England! *Noooo! He's British why would you say that!?*
Nix: Really? Must've been northern England. I've never heard that before.
Nova: Phew.
Nix: You know, these are very similar to the ones they have at Pixl Burger.
Nova: No, no, these are gourmet Nova Burgers! Only the fines- excuse me for a minute.
Nova goes into the on fire kitchen and comes out immediately
Nova: **y a w n** Well, that was good, we had a good time, I'm pretty tired though.
Nix: Oh. I guess I should be going then, good night my lo- WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE KITCHEN!?
Nova: Um. Aurora Borealis?
Nix: Ah- Aurora Borealis?! 
At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?!
Nova: Yes.
Nix: ...May I see it?
Nova: ...No.
Nix: Well Nova it's been very fun, you sure know how to steam a ham. Bye!
Nova: Byeeeeee!
@novaisthebest can confirm this happened.
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astroimages · 4 years
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Há bilhões de anos, a superfície marciana poderia ter suportada vida microbiana como nós sabemos. Mas será que a vida realmente existiu em Marte? A NASA e a missão Mars 2020 esperam encontrar ela com o rover Perseverance, que será lançado para o Planeta Vermelho, na janela de oposição de 2020, caso o coronavirus deixe. Os cientistas têm procurado por respostas para as questões astrobiológicas na Terra, estudando regiões similares o suficiente a Marte para entender como seria a vida microscópica no Planeta Vermelho. Uma viagem de campo foi feita no final de 2019 envolvendo micróbios fossilizados no Outback Australiano. No começo de 2020, sete cientistas embarcaram em outra viagem de campo para um leito de lago seco em Nevada e trabalharam com 150 cientistas de forma remota no que é chamado de Rover Operations Activities for Science Team Training, ou ROASTT. Ao invés de levarem o rover para lá, os sete membros da equipe de campo fizeram as vezes dele. Portando câmeras e espectrômetros portáteis durante o período de duas semanas de simulação, eles recebiam instruções dos cientistas localizados em outros lugares, da mesma forma que o rover irá receber instruções quando pousar em Marte em 18 de fevereiro de 2021. Como todos os outros rovers, o Perseverance, será operado por uma equipe de cientistas e engenheiros, alguns localizados em centros de operações no Jet Propulsion Laboratory da NASA, que irão liderar a nova missão, e outros localizados em instituições de pesquisas espalhadas por todo o mundo. Ele irão discutir onde ir, as amostras que devem ser estudadas, e pela primeira vez, que rochas devem ser coletadas em tubos de metal para um eventual retorno para a Terra. O exercício em Nevada não somente ajudou os membros da equipe a praticar o que observar, mas também ajudou a desenvolver o trabalho em equipe. O local escolhido foi também uma oportunidade de se fazer pesquisa. Além de simular um rover, a equipe de campo estudou o local, e deu ideias que puderam ajudar em como a pesquisa por vida passada em Marte irá acontecer. Se uma região parecia promissora, os cientistas em linhas de conferência em todo o planetas debatiam se a equipe de campo deveria estudar com mais detalhe aquela região ou não, se um conjunto de rochas parecia ideal para preservar fósseis, eles ordenavam a equipe chegar mais perto e fazer imagens. Cada membro da equipe carregava um instrumento, um instrumento que imitava a ferramenta de análise de rocha SuperCam, outro instrumento que imitava o analisador chamado de Planetary Instrument for X-Ray Lithochemistry, ou PIXL, um GPR, imitando o Radar Imager for Mars’Subsurface Experiment ou RIMFAX, foram usados para tentar fazer com que toda a equipe parecesse na verdade o rover trabalhando por ali. A equipe de campo também tinha uma importante ferramenta de bem baixa tecnologia, uma escovinha que usavam para limpar as pegadas que deixavam no solo, para deixar o ambiente ainda mais parecido com o terreno virgem de Marte. O Lago Walker é um local ideal para treinamento de busca por vida microscópica. O lago no passado se estendia por uma região muito maior do que se estende atualmente, essas partes, secaram a dezenas de milhares de anos atrás e agora possuem muitos estromatólitos, coleções de micróbios fossilizados e sedimentos. Esse lago lembra muito o que o rover irá encontrar na Cratera Jezero em Marte, que também é um antigo fundo de lago.
Além de ajudar os cientistas a pensarem sobre as bioassinaturas, ou sinais de vidas antigas, o treinamento também demonstrou como trabalhar de forma coordenada com o rover quando ele estiver em Marte. Esse tipo de treinamento é essencial para os cientistas que são novos em trabalhos com rover marcianos. Todos têm muito a aprender com esse tipo de missão e poderão usar esse aprendizado na exploração do Planeta Vermelho. Lisa Mayhew, uma geoquímica e geomicrobiologista da Universidade do Colorado em Boulder, é uma das novas pesquisadoras. Para estudar a relação entre a água, a rocha e a vida microbiana em ambientes extremos, ela está trabalhando com veículos remotamente operados no fundo do mar, como o Jason, do Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Em locais como Lost City, no fundo do Oceano Atlântico, ela está observando o Jason explorar torres de minerais. Micróbios localizados nessas torres metabolizam gases ricos em energia, como hidrogênio e metano, produzidos por reações entre a água e a rocha. Alguns cientistas acreditam que a vida na Terra, se originou em locais parecidos com esse. De forma similar ao rover em Marte, o Jason envia imagens, e o seu braço robótico pode ser usado para mover as rochas e coletar amostras. Mas Marte está muito mais distante que o fundo do oceano aqui na Terra. Somente uma determinada quantidade de comandos podem ser enviados para o Perseverance por dia, e uma quantidade determinada de dados são enviados de volta. E isso é por que cada missão de um rover tem um equilíbrio entre o desejo da equipe de entender um determinado local com a necessidade de coletar amostras de diferentes locais geológicos, isso é algo que os cientistas precisam aprender a trabalhar, priorizar determinados locais e ter muita paciência. Os exercícios no Lago Walker ensinam como as decisões devem ser tomadas. Os cientistas precisam aprender a planejar os movimentos com antecedência para poder aproveitar ao máximo a missão. Além disso eles têm que aprender diferentes softwares e ferramentas que serão usados para entender os locais em Marte. No final do treinamento, todos disseram que têm uma ideia muito melhor de como o trabalho de equipe com o rover irá acontecer. Além disso, os cientistas escolheram uma amostra rica em bioassinaturas para ser analisada. A próxima vez que eles farão isso será em Marte. Eles terão que escolher a amostra certa para ser enviada para a Terra. O Perseverance é um cientista robô, na verdade, pesando 1025 kg. A missão do rover será procurar por sinais de vida microbiana passada em Marte. Ele irá caracterizar o clima e a geologia do planeta, coletar amostras para um futuro retorno para a Terra, e pavimentar o caminho para a exploração humana do Planeta Vermelho. O período de lançamento do rover para Marte será entre 17 de julho e 5 de agosto de 2020, e ele pousará na Cratera Jezero em Marte, no dia 18 de fevereiro de 2021. A missão do rover Perserverance da Mars 2020 é parte do grande programa de exploração espacial da NASA que inclui missões para a Lua como um preparativo para a exploração humana de Marte. Como parte desses planos, os astronautas devem retornar para a Lua em 2024 e em 2028 a ideia é ter uma presença sustentada de humanos no nosso satélite, e então preparar tudo para enviar os humanos para Marte. Tudo isso faz parte do Prgrama Artemis. Para mais informações sobre o Perseverance, visite: https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/ https://www.nasa.gov/perseverance Fonte: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7658
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thatotherman001 · 3 days
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“A Fading Star”
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“And an Abomination” - 👑
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thatotherman001 · 1 month
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Fae the Fox 🦊⭐️
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thatotherman001 · 23 days
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The Anomaly 🦌✨
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thatotherman001 · 2 months
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Shining Stars ⭐️✨
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thatotherman001 · 4 months
how would all of your sillies react to randomly being kissed by someone they like
i do mean all of them
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@shaibonbon Jumpscare
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thatotherman001 · 2 months
your oc get longed! 
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“Don’t worry, it’s only temporary…I think…” - ⭐️
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thatotherman001 · 2 months
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Facing your Fears ⭐️✨💫
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thatotherman001 · 5 months
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Best Friends Forever ⭐️✨
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thatotherman001 · 3 months
World aNu Lore Dump
So this is a rewrite of a Lore Dump I did awhile ago, so please enjoy!!(long)
In the beginning of the beginning, there was darkness, and in that darkness, there was light. The light revealed 3 Celestial Spirits, together they harnessed the new born light, and with their combined power created a world, a World aNu.
aNu was cold, it was enveloped in the dark, and was empty. The Celestials decided that wasn’t what the world should be, using their power to become the 3 Lights of Life, The Sun, The Moon, and The Stars, together they create Matter, the building block of Life.
The Stars provide, The Sun creates, and The Moon maintains.
Each Celestial, using the Matter of the universe, begin molding their world, creating wonderful creatures and environments to live, grow, and evolve. The World became a paradise full of Floral and Fauna beyond imagination.
However, in the far reaches of the World, a dark entity begins to take form where the light never reached. The Dragon, has awoken. The Dragon sees the celestials world, and deems it unworthy. With the use of Dark Matter, capable of converting regular Matter into itself, the Dragon aims to control the World, corrupting all Matter into Dark Matter to control like a hivemind.
The Dragon prepares, concentrating its power to soon destroy, and rebuild aNu in their image. But to do that, the Dragon must take control of the Celestials, as for as long as One of the Celestials is Alive, the Cycle of Life will never ceases, thus never in full control.
The Celestials begin countermeasures, creating warriors to protect their World from the influence of Dark Matter. These warriors are now known as, Pixls, beings with the power of (irl) Stars to protect and delay the Dragons Rampage.
The Celestials, attached to their world, decide to reincarnate into new beings together to stay hidden within their created world forever. Before they did, they created 3 Guardians to watch over and protect the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars in their new separated lives.
As time passes, the Celestials, reborn time and time again, begin to lose more and more their past memories with each incarnation, soon no longer remembering their past as Celestials making locating new incarnations difficult. The Guardians serving as their last and only reminder to their true origins.
Soon the Dragon makes haste. In a quick, but devastating show of power, the Dragon attacks. The Dragon Rampaged across aNu, destroying and corrupting all Matter in its wake. Pixls across the World came to aid in battle, but when the Dark Matter overwhelms the Pixls, they Explode, spreading more Dark Matter in the process. The Pixls fought hard, but in the end, became nearly extinct.
The Spirit of the Stars was taken under the Dragons control, 1 of the 3 Lights of Life was lost to the Influence. Their Guardian tries their best to save the Stars, but is nearly destroyed by the one they tried to protect, Dark Matter began to envelop the Guardian. However, instead of exploding like their Siblings, the Guardian persisted.
The stars In the night sky begin to fade. The Dragon, as well as the Stars and their Guardian, begin a mass extinction event, in search of the remaining celestials.
The Moon and their Gaudian began their assault to possibly defeat and imprison the Dragon. With the support of the Entirety of aNu, they are able to weaken the Dragon.
However, the Stars intervened, causing the Moon to take a lethal blow, and soon begins to die from Dark Matter. As they give their final breaths, they offer their Guardian their cloak, Atlas, a Mystical cape formed and passed down by Previous Moons, as a final resort to imprison the Dragon, and save aNu.
The Guardian of the Moon, the Final Pixl, with the combined power of Atlas, the creatures of aNu, and an unknown force, they barely defeated and imprison the Dragon, as well as the influenced Stars and their Guardian. The Guardian of the Moon creates a maze like prison, a Endless Forrest with a spell barrier to prevent escape from the inside.
Thousands of Years have passed. The state of aNu has started to deteriorate, as tensions and talks of rebellion and war begin to rise. Ryker, Ruler of aNu, forms an elite group of fighters to help protect the people and the World from Malice and Darkness, this group was known as, the Knights.
Tragedy. A Mother carrying her Baby was mugged in an alley for her belongs, when she resisted, she was stabbed in the heart. The mugger ran and the Mother fell against the wall, holding her Baby close. The Mother did not survive.
Ryker soon discovers the crime scene. "Heart breaking..." they say, disappointed at themselves for the current the state of aNu to let this crime happen. As they survey the scene, they notice an infant next to the body, they were cold and pale, but breathing, slowly, but they were very much alive. Ryker took the baby, and instead of reporting the child to the Knights, They instead take in the child, feeds them, gives them a place to sleep, and protects them. Ryker isn’t really sure why they did this, it was as if they felt it was the correct thing to do, and soon they and the child grew close. Soon, years go by, the child grows much older, recognizing Ryker as her father. She looks up to them, and promises to be just like them and protect aNu and its people.
The Childs name was Ro.
The World aNu was in a dark place, many saw the current Ruler and the World as oppressive and inequitable to the everyman, talks of War and Revolution began arise as a result. At the forefront of it all, Jasper, a Royal Queen starts her own elite group of Rebels. She seeks to "equalize" society through its elimination using terrorist and tactical methods slowly building her army to overthrow and take control of aNu.
Jasper begins researching the Legend of the Dark Dragon, a Dragon that was imprisoned thousands of years ago by an "unknown" being, capable of reforming and reshaping the World in ones image. She soon became obsessed, believing that Dark Matter is the true state of Matter, and (secretly) devotes herself and her followers to the Dragon, neglecting her Daughter in the process.
Soon it became clear to Jasper that in order to fulfill her plans, she needs to first get rid of Ryker, her assumed "unknown" being in the Legend. She decides to secretly enlist her Daughter into Ryker's new group of Knights, although the daughter resisted, she was ultimately sent away.
For years she trained, alone, with no one to call family or friend, she mastered her skills in combat, quick thinking, and wildlife survival. She trains till her graduation day, for on this day she’ll be knighted by Ryker himself, before being sent off to protect the land of aNu. It was during this time where she would assassinate them, ending their rule over aNu, leaving Jasper fully in control.
The Daughters name was Marbles.
The wind blows softly, the grass sways gently in the breeze, the birds sing their songs, and the sun shines bright above.
All these sensations, these feelings, cause them to wake up. Taking in their surroundings, they look, they stare, and they experience. they soon spot a butterfly, they watch it closely, taking the time to learn to move like it, float like it, rest like it. They follow the butterfly until it rests on a beautiful flower. The butterfly is then eaten by the carnivorous flower, shocking and scaring them. In an instant, they knew loss, and not sure what to do, They wander.
Ryker feels a slight but unnatural force coming from the fields outside Sol, the Capital of aNu, they stop helping prepare the Graduation, and investigates. Not long after arriving at the Meadow Outskirts, Ryker sees them. A Pixl.
Rykers shock turns from pure joy and excitement, to confusion, then concern, then fear. Ryker analyzes this new Pixl, everything about them, is wrong. Their size, their details, even the aura, despite still clearly a Pixls, is not like his own, more similar to Dwarf Pixls, an unstable form of Pixl. But, this Pixl as completely different, they were potentially unstable.
Fearing the worst, Ryker silently, and reluctantly decides to euthanize the “Dwarf”.
As Ryker comes closer, something, manifests inside the new Pixl. Feelings of stress, feelings of anxiety, feelings of fear. The Pixl flees.
The Pixl enters the Capital, revealing to everyone that a new Pixl has been discovered. The Pixl soon disrupts the graduation as it was about to begin, with Ryker coming in after them, ordering all the Knights to destroy the Dwarf Pixl at all costs.
A chase, the Pixl becomes lost and disoriented, cornered by the most persistent knight. The Knight goes in for the killing blow, the Pixl wincing in fear.
As if something, or someone, was speaking to her, she stops. She continues to attempt to finish off the Pixl but struggles as her arms begin to shake, she begins to sweat and tear up out of frustration, and soon drops her weapon, then drops to her hands and knees in defeat. "I can't do this..." she says with tears in her eyes.
The Pixl, no longer feeling any form of fear, approaches the crying Knight and begins comforting her by petting her head. She was in complete shocked, but did not stop the Pixl. She began to weep, this random pixl, a creature she has been thought her whole life to not be trusted, was making her feel more loved and cared for than anything her mother ever did in her life.
As other Knights begin to close in, she panics, quickly decides to take the Pixl and rushes pass Ryker and the crowd of Knights. Feeling the aura of the Pixl, Ryker immediately realizes what's happening. The most loyal, skilled, and overachieving knight they have ever seen, had just committed treason.
After persistent running, the Rouge Knight and Pixl eventually escape, hiding out in a rural area of aNu in an abandoned house. She begins regretting her actions and decision instantly, the weight of the treason she had just committed fully dawning onto her, knowing that she would be a target by everyone, including her own mother.
"thank you"
The voice startled the Knight as she looks around the room, her eyes landing on the Pixl. "thank you, for saving me", the Pixl spoke their first words, they began showering her in pure, unfiltered gratitude. This helped the Knight feel better about her choice, she tries to befriend the Pixl, knowing this may be her last and only chance left to gain some kind of companionship. The Pixl became her first, only only true friend up to this point.
She asks the Pixl their name, however, the Pixl does not have the answer. She decides to name him, Omar, after the protagonist of the same name in a Story she use to read while in training. From that day forth, the Knight swore to love and protect this Pixl the same way they loved and protected her from herself, and to protect them from the ones who seek to destroy him for as long as they both live.
Thus begins a World aNu.
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thatotherman001 · 4 months
Compare and Contrast ⏳📝
Its been 2 years since I started drawing again, I originally stopped due to bullying and my own anxiety, but that’s been changing and I couldn’t be more happy
I decided to redraw some old drawings of my goofs that had sentimental value to me
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Originally, Marbles wasn’t going to have a tail, while Omar was. I decided early on to get rid of Omar’s tail, but it took a few more months for Marbles to get hers
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Ryker was going to originally be the main villain/antagonist of my goofs story. I ended up reworking the idea due to not knowing how he would fit as a villain, aside from “he does bad things and tried to kill Omar.”
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Ro was intended to be Rykers spunky assistant, she would have essentially been snarky with an attitude. It wasn’t until a friend of mine suggested a parental figure for Ro, and I couldn’t think of one, so I thought “what about Ryker?” And the rest is history
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Fae and Nova were never intended to be a thing. Originally, I wanted the idea of the Dragon influencing Marbles and Ro to do bad things, but instead, I went with the “evil version of protagonist” route. But what started out as, just another duo, turned into fan favorites, as well as my favorites at times
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This was the drawing that I realized that I Could draw and felt proud of my art. I never felt my art was good from what others have told me, so everything I made looked/felt horrible to me.
Thanks to the support of my friends, and a passion I thought I lost long ago, i was able to make something I’m proud of, and It fills my heart with pure joy to see people enjoy my art and my characters.
My goofs mean the world to me, and I want them to mean something to you guys too.
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thatotherman001 · 2 months
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Size Differences ✨🐇🐅🦌✨
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