#obsessing over sad-ist’s expressions
scentedchildnacho · 9 months
She told me there is some guy that knows where I sleep and wants to know why he can't...so I said it breaks the jail rules to stalk where people sleep if you walk up on people ya dont know at night then ya can't go anymore....there are other homeless people in Ruidoso but I don't follow them around uninvited or know what they do or care or stalk up to people's houses I stay to myself and leave others alone so I must have been called not breaking rules...
That's what police do they are mostly dormant till incarcerated situations complain enough about rules and then the cops act out a plan
I don't bother what other people do so they for the most part are told very clearly to leave me alone also
People do for one what you do for them I don't bother them at the pool or get their car information or know where they stay for their vacation so they leave me alone then also
That's the rules when situations become pornographic.....you cannot identify people that's violative and if that window of going away to not remember this circumstance is violated then cops start giving one a record if you let a ghetto like situation disperse without recognition they do that for you ya know
I suspect he became obsessed with me enough to know where I go so cops put a no contact order on him and won't let him go into that area anymore
Well when people see a homeless poor person like myself flee a shit pile riot of crowds or people acting like vermin and refuse to stop stalking me to violate my personal boundaries and start piles up of cults apparently police forces change sometimes and tell the cult I'm not an animal to crowd with their creep addiction pyramid
Did he get rape obsessions with me start wanting to fix my problem figure out ways to forcibly live with me.....then they maybe gave him a no contact order
It stalked me it knows it was already a no public restroom shit pile dictative rape ist then kept trying to stalk me so he can't go where I am...
I mean I don't ask why something as terroristic as that mobile home lady gets a mobile home when I don't it's just kind of obvious the situation is pornographic and model shots aren't correct unless maximal stress and anxiety expressions are performed it's a terrorist and she scares the shit out of her neighborhood
They deal heroin and he needs the drug money and women models I'm not in warfare I'm just a woman so I just follow rules and let people who know what to do finally allow people communism instead of racism
Well it's racism it's like Eichmann it's a lord over us all and the dark issue at the border also so it's not simple
See I'm kind of obsessed with them just giving stuff to that creepy terrorist lady so I can't go to that mobile home park she maybe is a veteran and has common homicidal problems and it's sad and I find it so terrifying it's an alien so I can't go there that's what happens with obsessive thought
Ya know when it's been six to seven years of homelessness and genocidal violence to me keeps escalating and getting worse and it finally goes to the feds to start forcibly telling states to control the distribution of uniform violence
I don't know I don't ever go around that lady and don't need the cops to tell me not to I can arrest my own psychology and try to live a better life
Ya know because I ask for train or bus tickets pre emptively out of this miserable disgusting shit pile conflict
Reindeer king...I'm not sure but soon I had better figure how to agrarian the elk because just wandering around is not good for the animals people who don't see pig about life and let something coral
The animals attract negative attention if an agrarian won't finally captivate the elk
Jackos uhm I know water is an abundant resource and a creepy alien went and charged money for it
If it knows where I sleep that is Ted Bundy that's all it does with it's time is figure out space executive theft of women ingenuity and uses apocalyptic ideation to really terrify people of machinery
Well they get obsessed here with white mountain folk scowling and intense images....so people obsessed with folk are very very gross racists I'm not actually a prime wolf liver donar I do quite frankly have yokel local habits so
Its more that I would get kind of obsessed with why the non violence can tolerate as awful of a subversive dike as that mobile home lady that steals everybody's shoes to fit in with outdoors enthusiast
I was a waitress and student and I could bring warden these drug ideas and be released and it's not good for me or my psychology so I just leave them alone
I think other homeless people don't go to that area because it's undesirable in comparison to other areas....I'm not normal about poverty I don't seek the types of financial rewards other homeless people can establish
I have had to see enough concentration that that is all I do is maintain a uniform standard of rest and religious repetition so that people may serve their desires and quite frankly get the fuck away from me with drama
That's why that guy fixates on me and hates me....I can learn monastics to be at peace and it's the type of rape ist that didn't get to irritate people with pornographic suggestion and states of violent rage...it hates me so much it would prefer to cause me homicidal ideation...it hates me enough to stalk up to where I sleep and terrify me
Ya know spread its own virus so it feels like it won't ever be abandoned again
That's why I would call it a stalker and rape ist as a homeless person I was trained by black people and so I'm not a desirable candidate
He could go up to the behavioural center and get staff support and people would give him a lot more and he gets obsessed with me....
That mobile home lady...I think she is a veteran though they give her stuff and she is too repulsively ready immediately to commit crime otherwise
Transubstantiation....just subversively disgusting about trans lesbianism....till it's I don't think you do have a biological case demonstrating forced public kills through illegal cosmetic surgery
Some veteran stories are that way she maybe was like abused in war and cannot control her PTSD and it's decide or judge it and so I just run away to live a better life then the drama others are subjected to and I don't really know....
I grew up with veterans and don't care if emergentcy services knows what I do and he still can want what I do when other homeless know how to hide
David asked me if I would turn him into my psychological study if I knew his astrological sign so I told him only if he wants me too...ya know observe him critic it bring him suggestions the way people do me if he wants to gang that way I will objectify
Black people I think their just cultures that believe in getting what they want in life so they allow that for others.....i have PTSD and I cannot tolerate the day to day struggle for criminal piracy it annoys me and causes me psychological conditions that are just sad....so
Poverty is so bad it's so miserably bad that I just hate hate hate anything that would ever refuse something alive to fulfill a vital function
And jobs is a black lives matter Stanford stunt and I don't ever want that disgusting that repulsively disgusting of a display ever around
That waitress tries to get beat up so people get arrested it's whole underground corporate funding is in extreme street fighting so stay the fuck away from me all the time get away from me
I think that David maybe has separation anxiety from his older sisters wanting me to objectify him and all
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20w14a · 3 years
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Clingyduo expressions in Final Waltz Animation
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mcrmadness · 4 years
Oooo, how about two from each of them? Fanfic asks: J and P, film asks: 15 and 16, music asks: 20 and 26.
OMG thanks!!! :DDD
Ask games: Fanfic asks, Film asks and Music asks. (People you can still send me asks if you want, asks are fun to answer to!)
A little background before we get to the questions: I haven’t written too many, actually only 6 quite short ones (and one of them is a bit longer than usual) about Die Ärzte (Bela/Farin FTW) and all of these I have written between the years 2009 and 2012, so I was 18-21 which means they are not that good. And there’s lots of things I wouldn’t write anymore. I also have a WIP on my computer, I started it in 2012 but stopped writing altogether only to start writing again in the end 2018, it has bit over 28k words currently and tbh I have written 90% of that when I started writing again two years ago. I still have my old ones up on LiveJournal (ask for a link), but I haven’t published anything fron this later one as I’ve just been writing down all kinds of snippets whenever I have had an inspiration. I think those are also a lot better in quality than what I wrote before, the old ones are quite cringey.
J. What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I guess we talk about those fics I have also finished, now. It’s actually hard to decide but I would say my favourite is either Why not even once? or The Boring Book Freak. I think the latter is actually The favourite.
The first one (was actually my second dä ff overall) is set to happen in 2003 and in that one Farin is leaving for another vacation somewhere and Bela wants to go with him, but Farin wants to travel alone and Bela is struggling with that, as well as with Farin finally leaving and having to somehow survive his time at home without Farin there. The writing itself is bit stupid and I feel that the end got bit too far but otherwise I like the idea.
The second one (came actually after the previous one) is set to happen in the early/mid 90s (my fave Bela/Farin era btw) and on that they just are at some random summer cottage. Now, fuck cottagecores and such, I wrote it because summer cottages are a thing in Finland and I wrote it when cottagecore was not even cool yet. Somehow I imagined that it would be very Farin-like to rent a cottage from the middle of nowhere, in a forest and then spend a weekend or so there with Bela. Who then is not entertained at all and is bored because Farin won’t put away his book and won’t give him any attention, so he tries everything to get Farin’s attention. I especially like the visual images this fanfic gives to me, I can see their hairs and outfits so well and those are also aesthetically very pleasing. (They look the same as in that Absolut Live interview from the 90s, I don’t control their looks with my fics usually, I just have an idea and then my brain creates how they look in that particular scene :D)
I have also written a short songfic around the lyrics of their song “Ich weiß nicht (ob es Liebe ist)” and it was fun to imagine that as Bela/Farin. That was fun to write.
This got a bit long so I put the rest under a cut:
P. What are your favorite tropes to write?
(Had to google what a trope is lol. I’m old-school and no longer know most of the terms unless they’re old terms.)
Angst - I put my own angst, sadness and angriness into my writing often. It’s when I feel like in real life I would need other people but I don’t know how to reach out or don’t just feel comfortable about opening up, I open up a file and start writing. This is also where we get to the next trope...
Hurt/Comfort - But not so that X hurts Y, but that Y feels hurt for other reasons and then X comforts them. I kinda got obsessed with this theme after being bullied at school so I was always hurt but never comforted, so I often go back to those feels and emotions with my text to look for that comfort (hug, nice words, whatever) I never got in real life.
Fluff - This is bit complicated because I like writing fluff but I also hate reading fluff I have written. Because it does not sound like me. And sometimes when I write, I feel like standing behind my own back and vomiting a little on the inside because of how cheesy and disgusting that is but still I can’t stop writing. And then I feel like a different person when I read them because I can’t believe it’s ME who wrote them. The same way when I watch movies and people kiss, I always look away. And I want to look away when I read my fanfiction. But I can’t, especially because I know I looked at that scene in my head when I wrote it.
Humour - I love humour so much and I like to include this to my writing. Normally I put the humour in my comics but some of that fits also in the regular texts too.
These are super tough but also fun - I have been trying to think of what to answer to these for days.
15. A film everyone loves but you hate?
The Avengers (-12). Sorry but not sorry. Well I don’t hate it but I don’t understand why everyone says it’s the best Marvel movie ever. It’s not. It’s full of clichés and stupid forced heteroromances and whatnot and the plot was just so, so predictive I don’t understand why it’s often talked about as some sort of cinematic master piece. I literally was able to tell everything that was gonna happen next when I watched it for the first time. Only cool things in that movie are Loki and Iron Man, whose character I already liked as I had seen the Iron Man movie and liked it. But I hated both Thor movies (the third one is awesome tho). 
I like Marvel and I have seen I guess most of the movies - before MCU all good Marvel movies to come out were The X-Men movies and Spider-Man movies, and because I saw so many terrible Marvel movies, I was avoiding the whole MCU and I got into these movies much later and still, after seeing them all, I say The Avengers is one of the worst ones. Thor and Thor 2 are pretty much even worse (and I haven’t even seen the Hulk movie because it looks terrible), mainly because I just can’t stand the fact they’re mainly just built around Thor and his love interest...
16. A film you love but everyone else hates?
Spider-Man 3 (or the whole trilogy with Tobey Maguire). I see we continue with Marvel here but seriously I don’t understand why everyone is always picking on Tobey’s version of Spider-Man? And people especially hate the third movie and how Venom was portrayed in it (I’m obsessed with Venom’s human teeth pls I want his teeth), when it’s actually the best one for me. The second one is bit boring because it was again all about whining and Mary-Jane... Anyway, the reason why I am so attached to these movies is that I saw the first Spider-Man movie from TV when I was a teenager and in junior high myself, and I was bullied and a bit of a nerd so I could relate to Peter Parker a lot, and it gave me just so much strength to see him become Spider-Man and to stand up against the bullies and other assholes.
I also saw the third movie in the movie theater and there was one scene during which I started hysterically laughing with my friend because of an expression Tobey made as he was sitting on a bed, I don’t know why but somehow I just totally lost it at that :D It still makes me laugh so much when I see it! And when the movie ended, I heard a The Killers song “Move Away” for the first time during the end credits and TK was one of my favorite bands at the time (and still is).
20. a song that empowers you
It gotta be Dead! by My Chemical Romance:
This album was what got me through all the shit that happened when I was 15+ and especially this song always made (and still makes) me feel so good. I often listened to my old mp3 player while walking to school and back home and every time this song came by, I just felt like nothing can harm and that life FINALLY was so great! It’s so energetic and still makes me feel that living is actually super awesome.
26. a song that taught you a lesson
Hmmm. I think I will answer to this with Dusche by Farin Urlaub.
That thumbnail is terrible but... And why did I choose this song? Well, I’m all for the sound what comes to music and I’d say at least 80% of all lyrics go way over my head. I just don’t have the skills for understanding poetry and also very poetic lyrics make me go crazy. I hate not knowing and when I have to assume, guess and interpret something. I don’t want to guess but I wanna know what someone has actually thought.
Dusche was the first song that had lyrics that for the first time ever actually spoke for me. I probably saw some video with English subtitles a fan had made and it just blew me away because holy shit, people are capable of writing lyrics even I can understand??? And that way I realized I can like lyrics but only if they make absolutely no sense (aka are funny or somewhat crazy, like Dusche) or when they are written in a story form or sung from the 1st person view or to “you” or in passive - but only if I can get behind the idea there.
After Dusche, Farin’s song Porzellan followed. And one of my absolute favourites is Karten. So, Farin is one of the only few people whose lyrics I have been able to understand. I still don’t hear lyrics and don’t understand a majority of the lyrics my fave bands write, and I have understood only a couple of Bela’s lyrics and I’m not sure if I’ve understood any of Rod’s lyrics. It’s not even about the language barrier anymore really, it’s just the topics or wordings I cannot comprehend.
Thank you again for the ask! This was very interesting to ponder and answer to :)
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dillydedalus · 5 years
what i read in march
several antigones & some other stuff
call me zebra, azareen van der vliet oloomi
oh boy. i really wanted to like this one, but uh. nah. so this book is about zebra, a young iranian-american from a lineage of ‘autodidacts, anarchists and atheists’, still traumatised by her childhood experience as a refugee (incl. her mother’s death on route). when her father dies years later, zebra decides to retrace the route of her exile thru barcelona, turkey, and back to iran. this sounds great! the beginning is good! but zebra is a quixotic figure (don quixote is unsubtly flagged as THE intertext several times), delusional about her own importance, obsessed with some kind of great literary mission and obnoxious & condescending & egotistic as all fuck (she looks down on students but treats her realisation that like, intertextuality is a thing, as this grand revelation when like..... we been knew since Lit. Theory 101) - and this is intentional & part of the quixotic thing & in general i approve of abrasive & bristly & difficult female characters BUT i expected there to be a gradual process of realisation where she sees that a) maybe her entirely male lineage of geniuses ain’t all that, c) her mission is uh.... incomprehensible. instead, once she reaches spain, she gets bogged down in endless pretentious bullshit and a #toxic relationship that takes up way too much space. knowing that all of that is likely intentional doesn’t.... make it good. also the writing is pretty overwrought for the most part & not even your narrator’s voice being Like That excuses plain bad writing, like the  absurd overuse of ‘intone’ and ‘pose’ as dialogue tags. i see the potential and i see the point & i liked some of it but uh. not good. 2/5, regretfully, generously
in the distance, hernan diaz
i don’t really go for westerns or man vs wilderness stories but damn i’m impressed. despite the violence & deprivation and sheer amount of gross shit, this story of a swedish immigrant getting lost in the american west for decades remains at its core so human, so tender, so sad (honestly this book is SO SAD, yet sometimes oddly hopeful), so evocative of isolation, loneliness, and the desire for human connection. 4/5
notes on a thesis, tiphaine rivière (tr. from french)
god, if i ever considered doing a phd i sure don’t anymore. this is a short graphic novel about a young woman’s descent into academic hell while writing her dissertation about labyrinths in kafka. it’s funny, the art is expressive and fanciful, and it is incredibly relateable if you’ve ever tried to actually write your brilliant, glorious, intricately constructed argument down, battled uni administration or had a panic attack over how to phrase a harmless email to a prof. Academia: Not Even Once. 3.5/5
red mars, kim stanley robinson
this is a very long hard sci-fi novel about mars colonisation & terraforming, discussing the ethics of terraforming, the potentials of a truly ‘martian’ culture, and how capitalism will inevitably fuck everything up, including outer space. all of this is up my alley and i did really like the first half (early colonisation efforts), but the 2nd half (beginning of terraforming, lots of politicking) was a slog - i liked reading about how terraforming was going, but the rest was just bloated, scattered and confusing. also there’s a tedious love triangle the whole time. 2/5
dragon keeper (rain wild chronicles #1), robin hobb
i love robin hobb she really can write a whole 500+ page book of set-up, characterisation and politicking and make it WORK. anyway, this has disabled dragons, a quest for mystical city, lots of rain wilds weirdness, a dragon scholar in an unhappy marriage, liveships, a sweet dummy romance, and uh... a lil penpalship between two messenger bird keepers? not much happens but it’s so NICE & so much is going to happen. also althea & brashen & malta turned up & i screamed. 3.5/5
season of migration to the north, tayeb salih (tr. from arabic)
this is a seminal work of post-colonial arabic literature, a haunting tale of the impact of colonialisation, especially of cultural hegemony in the education system, the disturbing dynamics of orientalism and sex, and village life in a modernising post-colonial sudan. it’s important, it’s well-written, it’ll make you think, but fair warning, there is a lot of violence against women - it has a point but still uh... wow. 3.5/5
dune, frank herbert
SOMETIMES.... BOOKS THAT ARE CONSIDERED MASTERWORKS OF THEIR GENRE.... ARE WORSE. so much worse. the writing in this is atrocious (”his voice was charged with unspeakable adjectives”), herbert somehow manages to make court intrigue and plotting UNBELIEVABLY DULL and sure, it was the 60s, but i’m p sure people knew imperialism was bad in the 60s! the main character, the eugenically-engineered chosen one or whatever, literally spends years among the oppressed & resisting natives of a planet ruled by a space!empire and at the end he’s like ‘i own this planet bc imperialism is Good Actually’. emotionally neglecting/abusing your wife, who you (!!!) decided (!!!) to marry for political reasons bc you’d rather marry your gf is also Good Actually (cosigned by the protag’s mother....) the worldbuilding is influential for the genre, sure w/e, but mainly notable for there just.... being a lot of it, the whole mythology-science makes No Goddamn Sense, all around this is just Bad. Bad. 0.5/5 i hope the Really Big Worms eat everyone 
dragon haven (rain wild chronicles #2), robin hobb
this healed my soul after toxic exposure to dune. anyway w/o spoilers: everyone is very much In Their Feelings (including me) and there’s a lot of Romance and Internal Conflict and Feelings Drama and Complicated Relationships and Group Dynamics and also dragons, which are really like very big, very haughty cats who can speak, and a flood and a living river barge with a mind of his own (love u tarman!). it’s still slow and languid but so so good. also: several people in this have to be told that People Are Gay, Steven, including Sedric, who is himself Gay People. 4/5
an unkindness of ghosts, solomon rivers
super interesting scifi story set on a generation ship with a radically stratified society in which the predominantly black lowerdeckers are oppressed and exploited by the predominantly white upperdeckers, mixed in with a lot of Gender Stuff (the lowerdeckers seem to have a much less stable and binary gender system than the upperdeckers) and neuroatypicality. it’s conceptually rich and full of potential, but just doesn’t quite stick the landing when it comes to the plot. 3/5
sanatorium under the sign of the hourglass, bruno schulz (tr. from polish)
more dreamy surreal short stories (ish?). i didn’t like this collection quite as much as the amazing street of crocodiles, but they are still really good, even tho you never quite know what is going on. featuring flights of birds, people turning into insects, thoughts about seasons and time, fireman pupae stuck in the chimney, and the continuing weird fixation on adela the maid. 3.5/5
angela merkel ist hitlers tocher, christian alt & christian schiffer
a fun & accessible guide to conspiracy theories, focusing on the current situation in germany and the current boom in conspiracy theories, but also including some historical notes. i wish it had been a bit less fun & flippant and more in-depth and detailed bc it really is quite shallow at points, but oh well. also yes the title does indeed translate to ‘angela merkel is hitler’s daughter’ so. yes. 2.5/5
the midwich cuckoos, john wyndham
fun lil scifi story in which almost all women in sleepy village midwich are suddenly pregnant, all at the same time. the resulting children, predictably, are strange, creepy, and possibly a threat to humanity. i get that it was written in the 50s but it is strange to read a book where almost all women, and only women, are affected by A Thing, but all the main characters are men & no one tells the women ‘hey we think it’s xenogenesis’ -  like realistically 80% of women affected went to the Neighbourhood Lady Who Takes Care of These Things like ‘hello, one (1) abortion please’ and the plot just ended there. i still liked it tho! 3/5
antigone project
antigone, the original bitch, by sophocles (tr. by fagles)
god antigone really is That Bitch. that’s all i have to say. 4.5/5
antigone, That Bitch but in french, jean anouilh
the Nazi-occupied france antigone. loved the meta commentary on what tragedy is and how antigone has to step into the Role of Antigone, which will kill her “but there’s nothing she can do. her name is antigone and she will have to play her part through to the end”. i didn’t really like (esp. given the ~historical context) the choice to make creon much more sympathetic, trying to save antigone’s life from the beginning. hmm. 3.5/5
antigonick, anne carson
look, antigone really is That Bitch and you know what? so is anne carson. best thing i’ve read so far this year, don’t ask me about it or i’ll yell the task of the translator of antigone at you. 5/5
home fire, kamila shamsie
honestly i really wanted to like this bc politically it’s on point and an anti-islamophobia antigone sounds amazing, but it just doesn’t succeed as a book/adaption. it spends way too much time in build-up/backstory (the play’s plot only starts in the second half of the book!), waaayyy to much time on the weirdly fetishistic antigone/haimon romance, and even the most interesting characters (ismene & creon) don’t fully work out. sad. 2/5
currently reading: the magic mountain by thomas mann, but i should be done in a week or so! also: the paper menagerie by ken liu, a collection of sff short stories
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