#oc: envin
ark081 · 5 months
Assorted REMs-post
REM is my main Tenno OC, the blue one with half their face missing (pictured here). Their main frame is Volt (Thales helmet, Electrolyst skin, Envine Signa, white/black/blue colour scheme).
Tei is the drifter version of Rem. Tei presents very differently outside of Duviri, however, both the land of dreams and the system of origin present shackles. Mag was the first Warframe Tei took on.
Imperator Thrax is the monarch to whom Duviri is bent by will. Tzipporah is the twisted reflection of Tei, a courtier that exists to be a caricature of deep wounds.
(AU) Tiamat is the Great Sentient Gyne, the melding of rogue machines and what is anathema to them. She is guarded by The Heron, her noble Volt, an Archon before Archons were added to the game.
(AU2) Temperance is the acolyte who wears Gyre's skin, wielding the bladed Atterax. The head of her once-beloved Volt rests on her hip. This twisted reflection has forsaken the Lotus' guidance, perhaps due to the loss of her closest companion...
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serbarris · 4 years
Which OC still has a flip phone?? ❤️ also which OC refuses to hurt insects? ty :)
Varliss definitely still has a flip phone and refuses to get anything else, but with aurick the only reason he doesn’t have a brick phone is because he loves memes too much!
Envin, eilan and varliss refuse to hurt insects meanwhile aemul wants to kill everything with fire
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serbarris · 4 years
30 for envin? 🤔
“Who did this to you?” Envin asked, as their fingers grazed lightly over the laceration that ran across Aurick’s chest. They felt the sudden hitch in Aurick’s breath as they did, “Sorry, did that hurt?”
“No… it’s fine, keep going.” Aurick’s voice waslaboured, his breathing heavy and shallow, and he was getting hot and sweaty.  Envin hands stopped, and they crossed the room, looking on the shelves laden with vials of potions, poultices and who knows what else. The glass vials clinked together with a clamour until the noise suddenly stopped as Envin pulled out a small vial filled with an opalescent liquid, Aurick had no idea what that was for. They handed it to him, uncorking the stopper as they did so. “Drink,” Envin ordered, they needed Aurick to steady his breathing and for his temperature to go down, he’d likely be delirious for the next few hours.
Envin’s hands worked meticulously with a fine needle and thread stitching his skin together. The wound was mostly superficial, but it was better to be safe than sorry when Aurick was normally so far from Envin’s care. He said he didn’t trust any of the Shem within Kirkwall’s walls to care for him, which was probably a fair point. Any stories they had heard on the clan’s journey to the Free Marches has no shining reviews for the city, especially its cleanliness. Knowing Aurick he’d left his wound longer than he said to hide his fear of the physicians in the city, in doing so he caused his own fever and putting his life at risk. Just because he preferred them.
Envin tied the last few stitches and did their best to bandage the wound. Aurick had fallen asleep during the procedure. At least the tonic helped a little, Envin supposed. His forehead still grew beads of sweat as he slept, his hair starting to become damp as Envin left him to rest, his fever showed no signs of lessening, Envin grabbed a cloth and some fresh, cool water, and pat Aurick’s face and the back of his neck to cool him down.
“You’re an idiot sometimes,” they said softly, brushing Aurick’s hair back from his face.
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serbarris · 4 years
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Just some of my ocs I made with this picrew
Left to right we have, Vaimah Glwrin, Faralen Sabrae, Aurick Hawke, Adela Hawke, Cuelen Tabris, Eilan Mahariel, Aemul Cousland and Envin
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serbarris · 4 years
🐺 - Which one of your OCs is, or would prefer to be, a loner? Why do they (want to) isolate themselves?
Faralen became a little bit of a loner after her father died, she took it very hard and only began to reconnect with even her family after a year or two, she mainly isolated herself so she wouldn’t hurt herself and also feel like she was having fun, her father would look after her when she had an injury.
Envin is also a loner, they have always kept to themselves and only began to not isolate themselves as much while Faralen was isolating herself and they’d sit in companionable silence together.
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serbarris · 4 years
🦁 - Which character is the most brave and daring? Are they also reckless?
Vaimah is probably the most brave and daring, he definitely believes in himself and his beliefs enough to get him through whatever is in his way. He’s not reckless, that’s definitely my Hawke twins job.
🐝 - Which OC looks harmless but could pack a punch?
I’d say Eilan and Aemul are the least confrontational of my ocs but they will definitely throw hands when they need to
🐻 - Which OC is the mama bear or mom friend to other OCs?
Answered here!
🐥 - Who’s your pure cinnamon roll OC? (Innocent, pure, soft, couldn’t hurt a fly)
I think Envin is the closest to this since they are an apothecary and live to heal people, they wouldn’t get involved with any fighting or malicious behaviour of any sort.
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serbarris · 4 years
🐰 - Who is the most shy or timid out of all of your characters?
Aemul! She really gets out of her shell when she joins the wardens and meets all of the companions though! Her shyness definitely comes through with any interactions with new people throughout their journey
Envin could also be considered for this, they’re very introverted and anti-social due to some anxiety
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serbarris · 4 years
🐶 🐷🐭🦋🐻!
🐶 - Which of your OCs is the most like a puppy dog in personality, and which is most like a guard dog or attack dog in personality?
Aemul cousland is the most puppy like! She’s very trusting and affectionate. I’d say Faralen is very guard dog like, and Cuelen is more attack dog like and is less wary, more fight than a guard dog.
🐷 - Which of your OCs would have the most messy, cluttered, dirty bedroom or workspace?
Envin’s apothecary isn’t the tidiest place, also Aurick’s room is a shit heap. Together their place would be a disaster.
🐭 - Who’s the best at sneaking around and staying unseen out of your OCs?
Faralen! She got a scar on her hip where Tamlen got spooked by her and thought she was a deer and shot an arrow at her. She definitely still manages to creep up on people without them noticing, even when she doesn’t try to.
🦋 - Which of your OCs cares about their appearance the most?
Aemul, she grew up with nobility noticing her every move and however she wore her hair or clothing.
🐻 - Which OC is the mama bear or mom friend to other OCs?
Amath is definitely the only-not-a-mum, mum friend! Although saying that Faralen and Eilan’s mum Varliss isn’t the most motherly. Amath was always there for anyone in the Sabrae clan, and a shoulder to cry on for many!
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serbarris · 5 years
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Sabrae Clan -> name meanings
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serbarris · 5 years
Envin facts!!!
So I posted this art the other day and realised I never talk about Envin even tho I love them so much so here’s some facts about them!!
Envins name means healed and derived from Tolkien elvish. A fitting name for someone who is a healer
Envin is Varliss (Faralen and Eilan’s mum) apprentice apothecary for the Sabrae clan
Envin was p good friends with Faralen since they were young, but only became close with Vaimah after Tamlen and Eilan died, even then they only hung out on occasion.
Envin loves fishing!!! It’s so peaceful and fulfilling to catch a fish. They also enjoy catching and identifying bugs and insects etc. This comes in useful for identifying bites and stings when healing clan members
Faralen and Envin enjoy just sitting in silence in each other’s company, especially when also fishing.
While Faralen bottles her emotions as anger ready to surface at any moment, Envin is more calm and easy going, and often thinks of things logically rather than emotionally.
Envin is a few years older than Faralen and Eilan, closer to Vaimah in age, but due to Vaimah not being born into the Sabrae clan Envin was without friends their age until Merrill, Tamlen, Faralen and Eilan were born.
Would def be a water bender in atla au
Debating shipping them with Aurick because he is a slut and a bit of a douche and I think it would be cute for Envin to calm Aurick down and for Aurick to bring Envin out of their shell.
Aurick is a prick and v talky, but it’s all supeficial talk because he doesn’t want to show his true feelings. Envin is more quiet and thoughtful, but when speaking is very measured and anything they say has a depth and truth to it and comes from the heart. They very rarely joke, when they’re sarcastic it often falls flat as people think Envin is being completely serious. Aurick is one of the only people who picks up on their sarcasm, and he does so very quickly.
Envin teaches Aurick to take life slower, and to not charge headfirst into everything.
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serbarris · 5 years
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a quick and dirty relationship chart for my ocs!
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serbarris · 5 years
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@drthamen tagged me to make my ocs with this pic crew so I made Faralen, Envin, Adela and Aemul!
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serbarris · 5 years
13 for the hurt/comfort prompts :0
13. “Hey, just look at me. Breathe”
“You know this isn’t working, right? Between you and Vaimah,” As the words came out of Envin’s mouth Faralen knew they were talking about the situation with Vaimah and Faralen’s heart sunk once more. It had been a common theme recently, what with Vaimah being assumed dead and then finding out he had severe memory loss. There was a moment, for a few short weeks where her heart soared. When Adela and Varric’s letter arrived, telling her clan that Vaimah was alive, that he was the Inquisitor they had heard such incredible stories about. Then he had arrived in the Emerald Graves, of course, he looked like Vaimah, but Faralen could tell there was something wrong, something that Adela hadn’t mentioned. She hoped Vaimah was just playing his part, showing a good face for the Inquisition in front of his travelling companions, then she had stood to greet his group and his expression didn’t change. He didn’t recognise her, and her heart broke.
And now a few months later, she was the Dalish Ambassador to the Inquisition, as well as Vaimah’s personal historian. She was one of the best hopes of triggering Vaimah’s memories, they had after all been practically inseparable for nearly a decade, most of their memories were intertwined.
But nothing had yet worked.
Not regaling stories of when they, along with Eilan and Tamlen would run riot during chores, nor did stories of their time at Sundermount with the Hawkes and their companions. Varric had apparently already tried to tell some of their tales, somewhat embellished, but truthful at the core, to no avail.
It was in that moment, in Faralen’s office, with a nearly finished bottle of wine placed between Faralen and Envin that Faralen’s hope finally broke, along with the dam that had held back tears for so long. “I know. I know it’s not working but what am I mean to do Envin? Just bury the memory of the Vaimah I love when I have to look at his face every day? He looks at me like a stranger, like I’m telling him a fantastic tale like a bard in a tavern, but it was our life. We lived it, our whole clan did, the stories I’m telling are our history, they happened to us, and to him, and he barely acknowledges them! If he does, he questions every aspect, wondering why, or how and I’m over it.”
She continued her tirade for a few more minutes, the words becoming more fumbled by the second as her emotions ran free until Envin interjected, “Faralen look at me. Breathe. Wipe those tears from your face and have another glass of wine.” Faralen slumped back into her chair, exhausted and red-faced from the roller coaster of emotions she was feeling, tears still present in her eyes, her breathing hitched as the tears threatened to continue to fall. Envin passed her another glass of wine, grasped their friend by the shoulders and pulled her close for a very awkward, very uncharacteristic hug.
“You’re allowed to do whatever is best for you Faralen.”
“Thanks, Envin.”
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serbarris · 5 years
🍓🍓🍓 for 3 ocs of your choice 💗
Adela literally cannot shut up. It’s physically impossible to get her to stop talking. She always asks questions about everything and anything and lacks any restraint in doing so because she is not shy at all. When she’s emotional Adela either talks way more than usual (if that’s possible) but it’ll be very mundane things and keep trying to maintain conversations to keep her mind off things, or she will completely close off and be basically silent.
Vaimah is envious of whenever anyone talks about their past, after the conclave. His amnesia causes him great distress about whether his current actions are what his past self would choose to do, or whether he’s become a completely different person. It doesn’t help when he is reunited with Faralen, as she is closest with him and can spot the differences in his nature a mile off. Varric and Adela have known Vaimah for many years too, but they hadn’t really noticed many changes in Vaimah, and assumed it was just because of the role of Inquisitor that he was playing, as well as the urgency as to which they had to act.
Envin enjoys fishing a lot, they love the peace and tranquility that is can give. They also love catching insects and bugs and can identify a great many within seconds, this helps in their profession as an apothecary for the Sabrae clan, as well as being able to help out any of the healers with what might have bitten or stung an unfortunate hunter.
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serbarris · 5 years
#squad and hobby?
#squad: who’s friends with who? what are the squad dynamics like?
Before the Fifth Blight began Faralen, Eilan and Tamlen were a very tight knit group, Vaimah was friends with all but was on the sidelines due to those three being childhood friends. A while after Eilan and Tamlen died Faralen and Vaimah became closer friends, with Envin begrudgingly hanging out with them on occasion.
At sundermount Faralen and Vaimah became good friends with Adela Hawke and some of her band of merry misfits, being in the same clan as Merrill there was an easy way to get to know the crew. Also deep down buried under grief and trauma, Faralen has the humour of a 15 year old boy and Adela reminds her of her brother Eilan with her chaotic nature, so they’re the most surprising oc friendship
After the Conclave Vaimah became good friends with Cole, Blackwall, Josephine and Vivienne. However due to his memory loss his relationships with his clan and in particular Faralen faltered, and they both felt very tense and like they were judging each other’s every action due to being informed of their past history and interactions, but without any memories of certain events actually happening.
Also to round off the oc squads Varliss (Faralen and Eilan’s mum) and Athrin (Vaimah’s mum) are besties and have a relationship like Grace and Frankie from the Netflix show. (Varliss is Grace and Athrin is Frankie, but they both smoke a lot of elf root 420 blazin)
hobby: what do they love? what captivates them? what are their passions?
Vaimah loves carving, and creating trinkets, his father is a master carpenter and Vaimah also learnt the trade. Vaimah mainly enjoys carving intricate and personal designs for any wooden components for weaponry. He loves designing the patterns on staves and walking canes, he always tries to tell a story and capture memories with them.
After his memory loss he got back into carpentry quickly, he still had his current project of a small trinket in his pocket at the explosion, and so he picks it up to keep him occupied once more. It’s only when Varric sees him carving one night at camp that he points out that Vaimah used to always have a carving on the go that he finds a proper connection to what he’s creating, and not just a lump of wood to keep idle hands occupied.
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serbarris · 4 years
dialogue prompts! ❤️ 3 or 14 for Aurick and Adela?
“It’s three in the morning”
an argument between the twins to do with Aurick being a shitty person ft Isabela being a good egg.
Isabela padded quietly down the stairs, as the shouts of Adela rang out against the slow slurs from her twin brother.
“That’s such bullshit Aurick, and you know it!” Adela’s words were punctuated with a slap to her brother's face. “All you do is hide behind your sarcasm and prostitutes. You’re a fucking disaster.”
“I thought you’d have my back.”
Adela scoffed, her rage consuming any sympathy she might have had, “You were the one in the fucking wrong! You need to learn how to finish what you start. Every other week you find you way to Envin’s tent like a wounded puppy so they can heal whatever injury you’ve got from your latest floozy or their husband! Take your head out of your arse for a second and think about somebody else for a change!”
“Addy,” Isabela gently held Adela’s shoulder, stopping her from going at her twin once more, “it’s three in the morning, leave him alone, he’s going to be punished enough by his hangover.”
She reluctantly turned to face her lover, deflating as she did so, “He’s unbelievable Bela, it’s the same shit different day,”
“I know love, but let’s get you both to bed, nothings going to be fixed when you’re both in a state.” Isabela gently guided Adela towards the staircase, reaching out with her other hand towards Aurick, beckoning for him to follow before he passed out on the sofa.
Isabela knew the twins would be the death of each other before any of the shit the Maker and Kirkwall could throw at them
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