#ok im a little better now im on my break and ive got my headphones on and hozier released a new single
rexscanonwife · 2 years
Me when I'm overstimulated and everyone is too loud and it's too busy the floor is sticky and I'm hungry and I don't like the music they're playing and someone tries to talk to me and-
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kweebtrash · 5 years
Dom(me)s Aren’t Built In a Day: Johnny Vers. (M)
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Pairing: Johnny X Reader
Features: Choking/Breath play, restraints, spanking/paddling, cock rings, Switch!Johnny, bratty behavior, oral sex/69, light scratching/biting, rough sex, established relationship and some fluffy shit because i couldn’t resist
Genre: Slight Angst, Smut.
Word Count: 7.3k
A/N: So I kinda got carried away with this one. And i was going to make Johnny a sub all the way but the story took it’s own course. Anon I really hope you like this because i love it! I’m so much better writing kink than fluff lol. Thanks Anon <3
DABIAD Mini Series Masterlist
My hands slid underneath the hem of his shirt, feeling the warm skin and firm muscles underneath. I dug my nails in ever so slightly when his hand grabbed my ass forcing me closer to his body. I sighed softly into his kiss, wanting more and hungry to feel him deeper.
“You wanna go to the bedroom?” I smirked as i laid open mouth kisses on his neck.
“I guess…”
He guessed?? “What do you mean you guess?”i asked.
He shrugged and diverted his eyes. “If you wanna…”
“Well it's not really consensual if you dont want to.”
“I'll do it for you.”
I pushed Johnny off of me and got up from the couch. “Just say you fuckin’ dont want to. Damn.”
It had been like this. For weeks now. Apathetic, mediocre. Trying to get a groove back that seemed to have faded already. We had been dating for almost a whole year now, and when it first began it was like we set the whole world ablaze. Every moment with him was ecstatic and filled me with feelings of lust, love, and happiness all at once. Yet lately it seemed like he didn't even want to touch me. I was shocked when he initiated the make out session, even a little turned on to be grinding on the couch like horny teenagers. But even that little bit of a spark disappeared within minutes. And now I knew for sure that he was just doing it to try and please me. Not that him rutting unenthusiastically into me made it feel good.
I had plenty of thoughts running through me head. Was he cheating? Did he fall out of love with me? Was he sick? Medical issue? Depression? He wasn't talking to me and that made me even more worried. How did we even get to this point?
I went over to his bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. A few moments later he was in the doorway, hands shoved deep into his pockets. “I'm sorry…” He said quietly. He was hiding behind his dark brown bangs, shyer than he normally was.
“What is going on with you? You're never like this and you wont talk to me about anything! When did that start happening?” i let out a frustrated sighed as my mind went to that place again. “Are you….are you cheating on me?”
Johnny’s head snapped up instantly. “What? No! Fuck no! I would never. Why would you think that?”
“I DONT KNOW! You’re not talking! Tell me what's going on then!” i couldn't help the angered tone in my voice.
“It's nothing! Nothing's wrong i just…” He shrugged. “I guess I'm in a funk or something. I don't know. I was hoping it would go away but it hasn't.” He rubbed the back of his neck and groaned. “Dont worry about it ok? I'll figure it out.”
“Figure it out…” I scoffed. “So you've been ‘figuring it out’ by yourself for weeks and you've become reclusive and it feels like you're repulsed by me.”
“Don't be so fucking dramatic. I'm not repulsed by you. Nothing wrong with you. Just let me do this by myself.”
“Fine.” I got up from the bed and pushed past him. “You can call me whenever you ‘figure it out’.” i rushed to grab my bag and keys from by the couch and went over to the door.
“Yeah, thanks for being understanding!!” He screamed after me. “Selfish ass!!”
I guess I was being selfish. It wasn't really about the sex...part of it was of course but what the hell was he hiding? I had spent various nights crying, going days without a call or text, even though he was posting his photography on instagram. It seemed like he was going on without me. That was until one night he finally broke the silent vow that had manifested between us.
“I'm sorry. I really wanna see you. I miss you.” i heard him breathe into the phone.
“Are you drunk?” i sighed.
“Yeah but it's fine. I know what i'm saying. Come over.”
“I'm not going over while you're drunk. Where even are you?” I could hear loud noises in the background and people screaming over each other.
“Out. Please. Meet me at my place. You still have the key dont you?”
“Yeah but-”
“Let me fuck you.”
No. That was bad. Very very very bad. And i should not go over there. I got up and grabbed my keys, swiftly putting on my shoes and making a terrible decision.
When i got to his place he was already pushing me against the door, his mouth overwhelming mine and hands roaming everywhere. I was clawing at his clothes, practically tearing them away. He looked amazing. Tight jeans that accentuated his firm ass, black shirt that was now tossed aside and heated muscles that drove me to open my legs instantly. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the bedroom, pushing me onto the bed and crawling on top of me. My breaths were coming out so hard that my lungs were starting to burn. The only thing i could think about was him making me cum. Just please make me cum. Ive missed you so much, Johnny. So much.
I couldnt say what i was thinking. I was too busy pulling him closer to the heat between my thighs, wanting to ride his face until the sun came up. My hand was digging into his scalp while his were on my breasts, squeezing and kneading as he rained kisses over my lower stomach. I shoved off my sweatpants and panties, eliciting a growl from his hungry lips. “Fuck Johnny….please.”
He grabbed my hips with a smirk, yanking me towards him and moving up to swallow my lips again in sinful twists and turns of his tongue. “I'll get to you in a minute, baby i promise.”
I whimpered wantonly. “Don't keep me waiting. Ive missed you so much.”
He licked my lips and groaned. “Fuck, me too. You feel so damn good and i'm not even inside you yet.” He trailed his lips to my neck biting down hard against the sensitive skin as his denim clad cock ground into my center. My hands raked up his back, stopping right at the base of his neck. I arched into him, returning the rolls of his hips as gasps of pleasure fell from me. “Choke me.”
I stopped then and there. “What?”
“Choke me. For the love of god, fuckin’ choke me.” He took my hand in his, placing it on his neck as his eyes sealed shut, waiting.
I pulled away, sitting up slightly. “Johnny! That's dangerous!”
“No, it"s fine. Please just do it. It'll get me off.”
My eyes went wide and i scrambled away from him. “I-i cant do that. That's just…”
“Why not? It's easy. Just do it.”
“You could stop breathing! I'm not gonna kill you.”
“Exactly! It wont kill me! You're not gonna hurt me. Just…” He looked at me, eyes dark and pleading.
“I cant. Im sorry. I...i knew this was a bad idea. I have to go.” i quickly grabbed my pants and pulled them on. He didnt even try to stop me. He just sat there, head hung low and hand clenched around the sheets. I rushed out of there fast, my heart still racing with nervousness. I had never been asked that before and for Johnny to even suggest that...was that what he was wanting before? Why he was so distant? I just...i couldn't do that to him no matter how badly he wanted it. My heart hurt now...maybe we werent exactly made for each other after all.
A month had passed and we still were barely talking. I wasnt ready to move on but...maybe it was time. He was on my mind everyday and i also continuously wondered if maybe he had found someone else. Someone who could do what he wanted. We had arranged to meet at his place again. I was going to get my things and probably break it off for good. As I drove to his apartment i willed myself not to start crying. I had to be strong. This was for the best. Maybe not for me but maybe for him. In my head I tried to convince myself that I wanted him to be happy even if it was with someone else. But it wasn't really working.
When i got to the front door and knocked there was no answer. He knew I was coming...he had to be home. I sent him a text and waited. Minutes passed and still no answer. I still had the key to his place -i had planned to give it back to him today- but i didnt want to burst in there. It seemed rude now since we were so distant. But he still wasn't answering. I reluctantly set the key in the lock and went inside. The place was dark, there was only a dim light coming from his bedroom. “Johnny?” I called out.
Still no response. Now i was starting to get worried. I went over to his bedroom, the door wide open, and i could see him lying in bed fully naked with his cock in his fist. His laptop was beside him and his headphones in his ears which would explain why he hadn't heard anything. My face was bright red and i panicked. I had no idea if I should stop him or not. I almost didn't want to. He looked so...damn good. The way his chest was rising and falling, his legs tensing and hips bucking with each pass of his hand over the tip of his cock. I dared to step a little closer to him and i noticed the video that was playing on his laptop. Of course it was porn but stuff that we had never watched together. The man was tied up, rope decorating his skin in intricate patterns, his mouth gagged shut and a blindfold over his eyes. There were marks all over his backside, most likely the branding from the tall amazonesque women dressed in latex behind him. She was holding a thin rod of what looked like maybe wood in her gloved hands and he was begging her for more. She complied, landing another hard whip from the cane making him cry out. When the wood landed on skin, Johnny's body tensed, his breath hiccuping for a moment before he licked the dryness from his lips. His cock was leaking now, the sound of wet skin on skin coming to my ears.
I swallowed hard and reached out to him, setting my hand on his sweat slicked chest. His eyes shot open and he jumped up quickly, yanking the headphones out his ears and slamming the laptop shut. “Jesus!! Dont you knock!?” he pulled a pillow over his lap and glared up at me.
“I did!! I knocked, i texted you, and i called out to you! You're the one with headphones jacking off to…that stuff…”
His face flushed a bit and he got up from him bed trying to making his way over to his bathroom. “Why are you here?!”
“We agreed for me to come over and get my stuff! Don't you remember?”
He groaned. “Shit...that was today?”
“I thought that's what we said!” i shifted my feet a bit. “Sorry, i came in with the key. I didnt want to but you didnt answer and...well…”
He pushed his hair back briefly wiping the sweat from his forehead. “It's fine...it's my fault. Um…” He looked down at the pillow that he was clutching tighter. “I'm gonna uh...you know.”
“What?! N-no! I mean not while you're here now! That's like...weird.” He said.
“Why? I mean I know why but i've seen your dick like...hundreds of times.”
“Yeah but we're…”
“What are we exactly?” I asked.
He looked down at his feet. “I dont know. I thought you hated me.”
“Hate? No! I thought that...i thought a lot of things. I thought you didnt want to be with me because i was scared to choke you. I thought that maybe sex was that important to you and then it made me feel like shit.”
“i felt like shit when you thought it was weird. And i'm sorry about the choking thing. Me being drunk and springing it on you wasn't the best way to go about it. I'm glad we didn't have sex that night.” He replied.
“Me too.” i nodded before glancing back at his laptop. “I really miss you Johnny. Like it hurts so bad to not be around you. And if...this stuff is important to you i'm willing to at least try it.”
His eyes snapped up to me. “R-really? You really don't have to. I dont want to make you uncomfortable. I guess this is what we’re struggling with anyway.”
“I am uncomfortable but...maybe you can teach me and we can try stuff?” I nibbled my lip a bit. “You looked really hot listening to it...just saying.”
He let out a soft chuckle. “Thanks...um…” He leaned in a bit placing a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled and looked up at him.
“So do I spank you and call you a bad boy now?”
He nodded. “That would be kinda nice.”
“Do I say mean things to you?” I asked fumbling over the thoughts in my head and just spitting them out.
“No, i'm not into degradation, just control. Or lack thereof. You're in control. You command me essentially.”
“Command you?” I thought for a moment. “Like get on your knees and eat me out?”
“Right now?” He raised his eyebrows in surprise.
I cleared my throat. “If you dont i'll...spank you.”
He smiled which made me cover my face. “Im sorry! I'm trying!”
“No, no. It's okay. I appreciate it. You're so cute.”
I set my face in his chest, trying to hide my embarrassment. “Am i supposed to sound scary? Like how am I supposed to do it?”
He kissed the top of my head. “Not for nothing but we can watch some stuff together. Its a bit exaggerated but you'll get the gist of it.”
“Watch porn...together?”
“Nothing more romantic, am i right?” He laughed and nodded towards his bed. “C’mon.”
I took off my sweatshirt and jeans, tossing them away with my shoes and climbed into bed with him. He sat up against his headboard, setting the laptop on the pillow and opening it back up.
“Ok,” I held onto his arm and exhaled. “Let do this.”
Oh god. I could see why he wanted this so bad. Never in my life had i seen anything so lustful and sensual than my small hands wrapped around Johnny's throat. His full lips were parted, only being able to let out small raspy gasps as his chest tried to compensate for the lack of air. I held his life in my hands, which in of itself was the most powerful thing i had ever felt. My thumbs pressed into his adams apple and his hand instantly grabbed the top of the headboard to steady himself while i rode his cock like I was never going to see him again. And when he came -Jesus- when he came it was like a whole new world had opened and we were the only ones in it. My whole body tensed, convulsed, clenched around him as his cum filled me. He had arched against me, making my nails dig into his skin before he tapped my wrist quickly. I let go instantly and he gasped in air in huge gulps, coughing just a bit.
“A-are you o-okay?” i stammered as i still felt my legs shaking on either side of his hips.
He nodded, coughing into his elbow and struggling to regain his breath. I bit my lip now worried that i had done something wrong. “Johnny!”
He waved me off, giving me a thumbs up before he finished his coughing fit. “FUCK!” he wiped the back of his mouth. “Damn...that was-”
“Did it hurt? Are you ok? I'm sorry, God i’m so sorry. I was caught up in the-”
He interrupted me like i had done to him except it was with a hard kiss. He pulled me down to him, kissing me deeply and desperately. When he pulled away I was almost lightheaded from the intensity. “You're amazing. Like...incredibly amazing.”
“You've never cum like that before. I um…” I looked down at our bodies still connected and the bit of stickiness that was slowly sliding out of me. “It was a lot...and really….wow.”
“Yeah...wow is...one way to describe it. Can we do it again?” He smirked.
“Right now? Are you sure? I think I marked your neck though.” I blushed.
He bit his lip in his charmingly awkward way. “Hell. Yes.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me down to the bed, attacking my neck and chest with kisses and bites making me giggle.
“Johnny! Wait!” I squirmed beneath him, trying to still his nibbles and licks. Him laughing against my neck tickled even more until I was almost in tears. “Stop!” He didn't, even when i begged but an idea popped into my head amidst my giggles. I landed a hard smack against his ass using as much force as i could given my position beneath him. He stopped instantly, clutching my sides roughly. “When I say stop what do you think that means?”
“Stop, ma'am.”
“Ma'am?” I mulled it over. I didn't think I was a Mistress or Mommy or Queen or anything just yet. Besides some of those titles still made me squeamish.
“Would you want me to call you something else?” he asked, head still bowed and buried in my neck.
“No. I like that. Say it again.”
“Yes ma'am.”
I smirked feeling the sense of power return. “Good boy. I think you should bend over now.”
~2 years later~
“Why are you mad at me? You're the one who walked out on me!” Johnny yelled once we got into our shared apartment.
“Because I don't like public proposals and you did it right in front of everyone!”
“It was a surprise engagement party!”
“I still dont like that! It puts me on the spot and it makes me have anxiety and it forces me to say yes!”
“So you dont want to say yes?” He looked at me confused and full of hurt.
“No, i mean...i just...can i think about it?!”
“Think about it? We've been together for so long already! What is there to think about?!”
“I dont know! I mean...divorce rates, family shit, insurance, an entire fucking wedding that we cant afford! A stupid dress that i'm only going to wear once and costs like a quarter of my college debt.”
“And all of that was enough to make you walk out on me? Really?”
“I just have to think about it, ok?!”
“Think about it on the couch then.” He walked into our bedroom-the one that used to belong to him and only him- and slammed the door shut. I sighed, angrily kicking off my heels and plopping down on the sofa. My arms crossed as my stubbornness was kicking in. I wasnt apologizing. I hated crowds and when he got down on one knee in front of our friends my anxiety went into over drive and i panicked. I had run outside, my emotions a terrible melting pot of odds and ends. I didnt come back to the party. It ended horribly. That was when we drove home in a tense silence that had exploded as soon as we stepped foot into our home.
I thought back to the first year of our relationship. How hot and cold we were because of all the changes we were going through. It was so distant and painful. I didnt want to go through that again. That was when the giddiness hit. He had proposed, completely unexpected and while i almost had an anxiety attack at our surprise engagement party….he had actually proposed. Like PROPOSED. I covered my face with my hands and felt the heat rising all the way to the tips of my ears. I never thought that would happen ever. It hadnt even crossed my mind before. I was so focused on building my business and living our life as a couple who lived together that I hadnt thought that far. A piece of paper and a ring wouldnt change how i felt about him but he had clearly thought it through. Enough to do a party after all.
Oh Johnny. This is why even though I controlled you, you had me wrapped around your finger tight.
I got up and unzipped my form hugging dress, stepping out of it and kicking it out the way. I went over to the bedroom, knocking gently before stepping in. He ignored me, opting to keep his eyes glued to his phone. His blazer was strewn on the bed, tie and top buttons of his shirt undone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows while his hair escaped the hold his pomade had on it. “Johnny…” I called out softly.
His thumb flicked over the phone screen, his eyes following the scrolling blue and white masses of texts and photos. I crawled onto the bed and sat behind him, rubbing my hands over his shoulder. He smacked them away quickly. “Dont.”
“I'm sorry.” I began, placing a kiss on the back of his neck. “I didn't mean to upset you. I panicked.” I wrapped my arms around his ribcage and held him tight.
He sighed and set his phone on the night stand. “Do you really not want to get married? Honestly i'll return the damn ring and get myself a camera.”
I turned his face towards mine and kissed his full lips gently. “Let me think about it ok? Please?” I didn't give him much of a chance to respond as i deepened the kiss little by little, pushing him back onto the bed. He let out a small grunt and i assumed it was because he was mad at himself for being persuaded so easily. But i've always had that effect on him. While our tongues were clashing with one another i drew my hand up to his neck, gently running my hands over one of his most sensitive areas. He jerked at the touch at first, knowing what it meant and the possibilities for the night. He pulled away ever so slightly, his warm breath coating my lips as he panted.
“Ma'am?” he asked tentatively.
“Mhm…” I nodded in response, letting the switch set off between us as our dynamics changed. He wasn't just my sweet, loving, awkwardly goofy boyfriend anymore. He was my pet, my submissive- the one who catered to my every desire to enact my power over him, to see him crumble beneath me, begging helplessly.
“I'm still mad at you.” He said softly.
“I know.” I gripped his neck, adding pressure right against his adam's apple. His breath stilled for a moment as i slid my legs over his lap, straddling him. “That's why I'm making it up to you. Or at least trying to. Will you let me?”
His hand fell to my hip which he squeezed twice-our signal for yes. I smiled down at him dragging my eyes to the tie that hung loosely from his neck. Improvise. I let go of his throat momentarily- much to his dismay- and undid the tie. The shirt came next, a slow tease of testing his patience as I undid each button placing kisses on each new exposed area of skin. I untucked the shirt from his pants, opening a new area across his stomach to litter with kisses and a few harsh bites just to keep him on his toes. He was usually a quiet sub until he started begging and only let out a few hisses when i bit into him. My eyes drifted up to him- he was watching me intensely, wondering where i would go next- before looking down at the zipper of his dress pants.
I ignored it for now, shuffling down to remove his shoes and socks instead. He was shifting in the bed, fingers flexing around the bed sheets as he became raptured by every move I was making. I suppose it did help that i was in nothing but a sheer bra and panty set. I had planned that way before our fight, thinking we would have a chance to slip away in the middle of the party, but at least my plan came back around full circle. “Now dont move. Stay right where i left you.” I commanded before I left him in the bed and retreated to our closet. Behind all the clothes and totes and shoes was our little box of secrets- well, over the years the size of the box had increased as our collection grew and we learned how one another worked. I pulled it out, rifling through the goodies to find exactly what i was looking for. When i turned back to the bed Johnny had removed his shirt and unzipped his pants which instantly made my brow furrow.
“Did I ask you to do that?” i gripped the base of the paddle i now had in my hand tighter.
He licked his lips and swallowed hard. “N-no but I thought-”
“You thought...huh. last time I checked your job isnt to think, it's to do what i say.” I bound over to him, grabbed the tie from the bed and pinned his wrists together, securing them in a bowline knot, making sure it was tight enough that his big hands wouldn't slip through. “On your knees. Now.”
“Yes ma'am.” He shifted onto his hands and knees, ass raised in the air. I always loved seeing him like this. Especially because his ass was so cute, even cuter when covered in bruises and hand marks too.
“Hold onto the headboard and dont move.”
He followed my order while i yanked his dress pants down along with his black boxer briefs, exposing him completely. I bit my lip, trying to stifle my giggle as i still saw faint traces of the bruises I had left on him a couple weeks ago. He was definitely due for some more. I picked up the paddle once more, turning it over and running my fingers over the leather that covered it and the icy steel grommets along the edges. I could see his shoulder blades tensing in anticipation, making his back muscles ripple. God, he looked so good. I stepped a bit closer to him, rearing my hand back and landing a hard slap across his cheeks with the paddle. He pursed his lips together, trying to suppress a groan from deep within his chest.
“What was that?” i asked, rubbing the leather across the bright red sting.
“N-nothing ma'am.” He replied through grit teeth as his head dipped.
“You know i prefer you quiet unless your begging, right?”
“Yes ma'am.” i watched his fingers grip the headboard tighter and smirked.
I brought the paddle down again for another loud thwack. His entire body lurched forward, his ankles crossing over each other sending the tension to his calves. There was no sound from him except his heavy breathing that was slowly starting to shift into raggedness. I switched from using the paddle to rub against him to my hands, trailing my nails over the burning skin. The light scratches were enough to make him squirm, his stomach dipping towards the mattress. I dragged my nails up the base of his tailbone trailing all the way up his spine. I heard the faintest of curses under his breath which made me chuckle. I pressed my index and middle finger under his chin and tilted his head up towards me. “You're purposefully being a brat now arent you?”
His eyes were hooded, long lashes fluttering as his lips parted to say something but he thought better of it. “If you think this is your punishment then you've got another thing coming, baby boy. Trust me i've got something much worse planned for you.”
I dropped my touch from him and slithered back to the box grabbing the thing he loved to hate the most. It was small and simple yet dangerous and carried the weight of torture within its expanding walls. I grabbed the girth of his hips and yanked him back to me. Johnny complied until my hands were over his semi soft cock, sliding on the cock ring over his shaft, making a slight twist in the silicone to wrap around his balls as well. “What?! No!” He hissed.
“Ooh, you're back talking me today too? I definitely won't be taking it easy on you now.” I pressed a heated kiss against his neck, kissing up to his ear before biting against his earlobe. “Get back into position.”
He nodded meekly, returning his hands to the headboard. Now he knew he was in punishment territory and there wasn't any turning back. I may have wanted to make it up to him so he wouldn't be mad at me but there was still a teensy part of me that was angry that he embarrassed me and sent me into a panic. I gave him no warning, mimicking the way he sprung that loaded question me, and slammed the paddle into him again. The indentation of the grommets were starting to form on his skin like fiery o's. I gave him little room to breathe within the next few hits, making sure every inch of his backside was covered in some sort of sordid mark. He was holding up better than he normally did though his knuckles were white and tensed around the headboard. His toes were digging into the sheets as he rocked himself slowly, trying to ease off the heavy burn in his flesh. I propped myself by the headboard, setting the paddle on the nightstand “Hi honey,” I said in a bit of a mocking tone. He lifted his head, eyes falling on me instantly. “You ok?”
He could only groan, a bit of irritation and aggravation hidden within. “Hmm just...peachy.”
I looked down between his legs at his newly formed erection that was already struggling against the cock ring. I giggled and pet his hair back gently, narrowly escaping his teeth as he attempted to bite me.
“Oohh, my baby boy's feisty. Should i just leave you here like this for another hour? Not even touching you? Or maybe i should make you watch me touch myself while you stay trapped in this cock ring.” His eyes lowered into angry slits but he said nothing. “Or I could touch you...edge you...make you scream your begs until your lungs burn? Yeah. I think i like the sound of that more.”
Johnny pursed his lips together hard. His mind was working on processing the upcoming plans and possibly on a way to give me the cold shoulder later on while i got to work on tossing his pants off completely and shoving him against the headboard. I swung my legs over his hips, getting into our favorite position. He looked up at me, his still bound hands freezing right before he attempted to touch me. He knew he was teetering on a fine line and wasn't going to push it just yet. I grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head while my hips hovered above his straining cock. His eyes stayed locked onto the small gap of space between our heat waiting for the first brush of contact. I let him have it, gliding the mesh fabric of my panties over his cock, circling my hips slightly when my clit met his head.
Johnny swallowed back a gasp biting his lip hard to keep himself steady. I fell into a slow and easy rhythm of rocking my hips against him, the thin fabric between us adding just a bit more friction and sending my nerves ablaze. I was focusing on rubbing my clit against his head, feeling his pre cum seep onto his stomach. The grip i had on his wrists tightened, my breath becoming a rough staccato. Meanwhile, Johnny was trying to increase the painful grind, digging his hips up into me. “Please…”
God, that perfect little beg always drove me crazy. He knew it to. Hed pout out his full lips, lick them so they'd glisten and entice me more and toss his head back, exposing his neck for choking, biting or both. And just when i would let go of his wrist hed try and touch me. I knew his game and he wasn't going to win this time. “Please? Please what, Johnny? Use your words.” I sunk my teeth into his neck, pulling blood to the surface and creating a deep mark. He arched up against me, letting out a soft hiss that turned into a strangled groan. I edged my hips up his torso, letting his cockhead press ever so slightly against my entrance.
“Fuck! Please, baby…let me fuck you.”
“Hmm, absolutely not.” I lowered my head to lick at his lips, tracing my tongue over his top lip and giving it a sweet kiss. He reached his tongue out to meet mine, sucking it slowly into his mouth and humming around it. I pulled away just to tease him and he arched his head towards mine, lips parted and willing to accept another kiss. I let go of one of his wrists-being sure to keep a tight grip on the tie- and wrapped my hand around his neck, keeping him pinned to the headboard. A faint whimper escaped him.
“Please ma'am, i'll be good to you. You just-” he tried reach for my kiss again but i tightened my hold on his throat. “You just…” He swallowed back and i could feel the struggle against my palm. “Untie me a-and I can-”
“Quiet. Im gonna make you put your mouth to better use.” I wiggled away from him, sliding my panties off as Johnny excitedly slid down so his head rested on the pillow. I resumed my position on him, my knees now on either side of his head. “Get to work, brat.”
He nodded and pressed his lips against my heat, already prying his tongue through my folds as he growled hungrily against me. He swirled his tongue against my clit before sucking it fully into his mouth. My head fell back and i closed my eyes reveling in the hot wet sucks and kisses he gifted me with. I edged myself forward commanding his tongue to flick into my eager hole. I wanted some form of release myself. Seeing him tied up and spanking him always made my hormones rush into overdrive. I was trying to stay strong but the way he was drinking down every bit of my slick heat had my thighs quivering. I shifted my hips into quick bounces, making sure he would dig his tongue into me, that was until i felt it disappear. I looked down at him angrily. “Did I tell you to stop?”
“N-no ma’am but...a-ahh it hurts.” I rolled my eyes and looked back at his cock that was making a mess all over his stomach. It was bright red and aching, crying out for attention. “Please? Just a little?” He gave my lower lips a few tender kisses, his chocolate brown puppy dog eyes getting to me. I grumbled angrily and accepted his little conquest before adjusting myself so my stomach pressed against his chest in a sixty-nine.
I lapped at the precum that had settled between the grooves of his abs, trying to hide the coy little moan i let out as soon as i tasted him. I trailed my tongue up to his slit, digging the tip in just enough to get him squirming. Meanwhile, my nails raked along his shaft, tracing veins that pulsated with each tantalizing stroke. Johnny pressed his hips up, just a minimal inch, trying to get me to take him into my mouth and i gave in. My lips wrapped around his head enveloping him in heated pulls. I felt his fingers wrap around my ass, pulling me closer while his thumbs spread my hole wide. His tongue resumed its rightful place inside me carving out patterns against my walls.
I swallowed hard around him, trying to get my mind to focus on his torture when all i could really think about was my pleasure. I rocked myself slowly, my mouth slurping him down each time i went forward and his tongue disappearing inside me when i went back. His deep moans were vibrating against my lips making me clench around him and i returned the sentiment. His cock throbbed against my palm as i stroked what i couldnt fit in my mouth edging him even further. My free hand slipped between this thick thighs to grab at his balls giving him a rough squeeze. His hips jerked roughly slamming his cock to the back of my throat and i harshly landed a slap against him before pulling away. “Johnny.” I growled.
He let out a deep groan as more precum leaked from his slit. I bit at his thigh harshly, gripping his balls even tighter. He cursed against my folds and his nails dug into me. He called out to me, my title thrown away, as he pleaded for me to release him. I glared back at him.
“You want it bad don't you? You're a mess baby boy.” I said. “You want this gone?” I tugged at the ring of silicone that was suffocating him. He nodded profusely, wiping away the sweat that beaded across his forehead.
“Please….” He whispered huskily. I bit my lip as his deep voice cut right through me. I undid the tie and carefully eased off the cock ring from around him. He let out a sigh of relief before covering my back and shoulders with kisses. “Thank you. Hmm...can i fuck you now ma'am?”
“You better make up for you being an impatient brat.”
“Maybe you can make up for being such a shithead then.” He chuckled.
Before i could even argue he pushed me flat on my back, my head dangling off the edge of the bed. Any protest i was going to make dissolved into a loud cry as i felt his swollen cock shove into me. My walls stretched and swallowed him down greedily. He wasted no time in slamming into me over and over creating a swirling fire in the pit of my stomach. My hands reached for him, wanting to pull him closer to me but he pinned them to my side. From over the swell of my breasts i could see him watching every movement my body made beneath him. Though he had a crushing grip on my wrists my fingers dug into the sheets trying to find a way to stabilize myself. “F-fuck! Johnny!!” I cried as my back arched against him.
He had never been this hungry for me before. Begging, whiny, and submissive yes but this was...I wanted more. I wrapped my legs around his waist, digging my heels into his lower back as i panted out my own pleads. Johnny finally blessed me with heavy kisses on my neck pairing it with slithering licks. I turned my head towards his trying to capture his lips but he pulled away quickly as if i had burned him. “No.”
No? My eyes narrowed. “What do you mean no?! Give me my kiss.”
“Now who's being a brat?” He smirked. His hips were slamming into me even harder. I could hear the harsh slapping of skin on skin that mixed in with his heavy pants and groans. I tried wiggling out of his grasp but it was no use. Blood was rushing to my head making my entire body feel like it was floating. I could hear my heart thundering in my ears, pouding louder and louder to match each of Johnny's thrusts that dug into me. I arched against him, my body begging for him to aim towards my spot. Just when the head of his cock brushed against the place i desired most he pulled away and i almost screamed. He was testing me and possibly this was his way of getting revenge on me too.
He flipped me over pressing me face down, ass up, his hand gripping the back of my neck firmly. When he reinserted himself into me i felt every pleasure point ignited. My eyes rolled back as my mouth stayed in a permanent moan, my fingers digging into the edge of the mattress. My ass rocked back against him as i felt my impending orgasm approaching. He was relentless and unending and i felt like i was going to snap in half at any minute. The pressure he was putting on my neck strangled my breathing, my chest struggling to expand but it drove me wild. I could finally feel what he had felt; the feeling of abandoning control, of trusting someone so deeply and feeling your entire body slipping away to a space of heightened pleasure.
And as my explosive orgasm hit me i sunk my teeth into the edge of the bed, screaming my sins out. A rush of heat seeped inside me as Johnny bottomed me out with a final thrust. His grip loosened on my neck but i didnt move. It was like i was frozen against him. I felt him place kisses against me, crawling up to my face where he hovered above me so i wouldnt be crushed under his tall frame. “You okay?”
“You sure?” i felt his bangs brush against my shoulder as he kissed my cheek. I nodded and swallowed hard. We shifted slowly so we laid on our backs beside each other staring up at the ceiling as our breaths returned to normalcy.
“So….” he said.
“I think i might be a switch.”
“I think i might be ready to marry you.”
We both looked at each other quizzically having said two completely different statements at the same time.
“What?” we said again before laughing.
He turned onto his said to face me. “Did you say you're ready to marry me?”
“Maybe.” I buried my face in his chest, trying to avoid looking at him. “What's this shit about you wanting to switch?!”
“Dont change the subject!” He pulled me away from him forcing me to look up. “You serious?”
“Yeah….i mean if you want to be a switch and do...all of the shit you just did now you damn right we're getting married.” I said.
“So you're just in it for the sex, huh?” He nudged me playfully.
I cupped his face in my hands. “Of course not. I have to deal with you tripping over your own feet, and constantly recording me or taking unflattering photos of me, and you whining when i have to fix your photography website because you messed up the html code yet again, and you sending me cryptic messages because you don't know how to send a text without it sounding ominous. And if i hated all of that i would've left you by now. But the dick is a plus.”
“Ehh, you're pretty decent yourself.” He smiled at me. “Especially when you're getting fucked out from behind.” he placed a slow heated kiss on my lips, teasing me with licks and pulling away like i had done to him. “You'd make a cute sub.”
“Easy now, hotshot. I didn't get the hang of it instantly and you definitely wont either. Doms aren't built in a day you know.”
“I know that but-” His hand wrapped around my neck, his thumb tilting my head up to his. “I'm gonna have fun learning.”
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
How many cats and dogs have you had as pets in your lifetime? oooo boy. ok lets see. 5 dogs, 9 cats?
Can your mom and/or dad play any instruments, or how about anyone else in your family? My mom doesn’t play anything. My dad is a drummer
Have you ever colored in an adult coloring book as a stress reliever? Yes. I’ve done it this week alone, just to try and calm down a little.
Can you crack crab legs without a tool? i have no idea. I don’t eat crab or anything in the sea for that matter. 
How many light sources are in the room you’re in? ooo good question. umm, eight? lol
What’s your favorite thing to put on bagels? uhhh cream cheese.
Who’s your favorite director? i really don’t know, i don’t follow who directs what.
Bats: cute or gross? i mean, I don’t really care.
What was the last really intense pain you felt? lung pain during this whole nonsense.
Would you rather vacation by a beach or a lake? either. 
How would you feel about traveling abroad alone? I would love to, but I don’t see it happening with the travel restrictions these days.
What is your father's middle name? He doesn’t have one. he’s got a family name and the men who have it do not have a middle name. Where did your last kiss take place? uhhh I believe on my driveway 
Which movie villain do you find the most terrifying? no clue, tbh. none that come to mind
Do you stick your tongue out often in pictures? I don’t think ive ever done that. 
Which one of your family members are you closest to? My mom. one of my brothers and my sister.
Would you rather have name brand shoes or name brand clothes? brand names just don’t matter to me, but if i was forced to choose i guess shoes?
Are you a good liar? no. not at all.
Are you proud of your parents? Im super proud of my mom.
Which is better: orange or grape soda? orange
Was the last thing you ate hot or cold? hot. so yummy.
Who was the last person in your house who isn’t family? uhhhhhhh, idk who was here when I wasn’t in town, but prior to that I would imagine em/nathan
What color was the last swimsuit you wore? green 
Can you remember the last song you listened to? something from the toy story soundtrack lol. I’m binge watching all four today... I am using Kile’s disney+ for as long as he has it. I don’t think he watches it ever, so I imagine it’ll cut off soon.
Have you ever been dumped really harshly? once. it was horrible. every other time I’ve done the break up.
Can you do a back flip, or anything else of that sort? heck’n no. unless im going into a pool maybe.
Do you have any exes you can’t stand anymore? yes
What happened to cause you to feel that way about them? he sexually assaulted me
Are you more of a phone or a computer person? my preference is laptop, 
Do you have a job, and if so, where do you work? not currently.
If not, do you want one? yeah i’d like to have income.
Do any medical afflictions run in your family? yes. a few.
What’s your favorite Mexican dish? pork tacos from mama marias omggggggggggggg.
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes. bulls games, bears games
Have you ever ordered a specially made cake from a cake shop? of course.
What months were you and your siblings born in? january, july, august, august
What did you have for dinner last night? nicks.
Do you do anything to groom your eyebrows? absolutely. to keep the shape n such.
Has your town ever flooded? uhhhhh to my knowledge once. it had rained SO heavily for like a week and the local ponds and lakes were over-flowing. a car literally floated down my road. it was so weird.
Have you ever played at the McDonald’s play place? when I was a kiddo yes. not often tho cus I didn’t like the smell, it was always sticky, and there were always bratty kids.
Have you ever taken a picture of snow? only every single day it snows
Do you cry easily? i notoriously do not cry in front of anyone. I am not a crier. when I lost Kile I cried for weeks.
Are you happy with where you live? I love it.
Do people ever mistake you for being a different race? No
Do you hate the last person you kissed? no, i’m not a hateful person
What genre is your favorite movie? drama, romance, kids lol
Who was the last person you were in a car with? Mom. she picked me up from the airport.
Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? yes. I always seem to get the nice workers and they help so much.
When was the last time somebody hit on you? yesterday. blegh. 
Was the last person you met a male or female? hmm. Iiiiiii wanna say male. 
What brand is your underwear? I think the pair im wearing is hanes.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? usually green bean casserole.
Do you have a TV in your room? yup. watching TS1 right now.
Are any of your electronics charging right now? my phone. of course it was on 2 percent.
What was the last video game you played? acnh on the switch.
What’s the biggest promise someone’s ever made to you? Did they keep it? that they will be there for me forever and always take care of me. no. 
Google, Bing, or Yahoo? Google.
What was the last song you had on repeat? more by bobby darin
Who is your favorite person to watch on YouTube? froggy fresh
How many college degrees do you want? i have two. I’d like my masters and/or phd
Can you wink? yes but I dont think it looks good lol i have to get better
Do you own any jerseys? I did, I dont know if I have any still
Have you ever tried to snort Pixie Stix as a child, or even an adult? No. i wasn’t a dumb child and i certainly wouldnt do that as an adult
Do you like going to baby showers? Do you go only for the cake? not really no. 
Has there ever been a time in your life, you felt sexually undecided? no. 
Do you think tattoos and piercings are sexy on the opposite sex? im not into piercings on guys. tattoos are fine if they arent trashy
Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish? all the time.
What color are the headphones you have at this moment in time? kind of a creamy taupe-y color
Ever choked severely on something during lunch at your school? no
Do you eat more vegetables or fruits? What’s your favorite fruit/veggie? i probably consume more fruits? but i love both. 
What would you say is the color of your favorite bra? white
Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? no. sadly
What do you usually buy when you go to the dollar store? i cant even tell you the last time i went to a dollar store.
Ever peed in the pool? Be honest! I would have been murdered lol no i dont do that. it grosses me out.
When you’re older, what kind of house do you want to live in? something on a lot of land, big front porch.
Where do you want to get married? probably a courthouse. maybe outdoors?
Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? no. just mom.
What is your favorite childhood TV show? recess
Honestly, do you like school? no. i looooooooooooooooooooooooove it.
Last thing that made you cry? probably dejavu.
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? sort of yes.
Last person you took a walk with? liza, em, dutch, della
Have you ever liked someone who didn’t like you back? i think currently to be honest. 
Who was the last person to actually pick you up in the air? lol either mario or an old friend david
Does any part of your body hurt? yeah. my muscles have been weakening sooooooo bad it is so painful. 
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a regret what would you do? Million bucks. noooooooooooo question.
Can you keep a secret? Sure.
Your favorite romantic movie? sleepless in seattle probs.
How do you feel about Valentine’s Day? I loved it for the longest timeeeeeeee. i dont think ill love it as much this next year, but maybe by then ill have met someone new who knows.
Who was the last person you took a picture with? uuuuuhhh probably one of my nephews/niece
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? Some do, some dont. 
Do you celebrate 420? Nope. verrrrrry much not my thing.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine? i think so lol
How do you eat Oreos? with milk. 
Do you wear your shoes in the house? sometimes. my preference is slippers. we usually wear something on our feet because gram needs to and so does mom.
Would you survive in prison? probably not, tbh. 
Ever been to Georgia? the state, yes. many times. the country? never.
Do you get your hair cut every month? gosh no. my dream is to get my hair done professionally again sometime, but its so daggum expensive.
Current relationship in detail. I am single. i will probably start casually dating soon. 
If you were kicked out of your house, who would you call/go to? i dont even know. I always imagined I’d go to kile. but who knows now.
List things you spend money on in an average week. i can go several weeks without spending.
Rate each of your sexual partners (if any) from 1-10. ooooooohhhhhh, id rather not.
Would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship? i am convinced bill would not give a fig whether or not im in a relationship. mom, however, would probably be EEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXtra cautious now.
Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? oh im sure. 
Is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to? yes. even if we don’t talk anymore... theres just always a connection.
What board games are you good at? oooo, i’m very good at board games.
Is there a sport/hobby you keep thinking about taking up, but that you’ve never quite gotten around to starting? quilting. its expensive and im not wanting to get it all cvid-y
Do you think pranks like egging/toilet-papering someone's house are funny or immature? Immature.
Do you think “sleeve tattoos” are a good idea? there are people who can pull it off, but it is notttttttttt my style.
Is there anything in particular that your parents argue about? What? debt bill put my mom in. they don’t speak tho.
Do you ever actually read the “Terms and Services” when you sign up for websites and such? the first couple years. 
If you have a handheld games console (a DS or GameBoy, for example), how often do you use it? I don’t use the switch handheld, despite really wishing i could. the controllers are broken and beyond what I can afford. so I just use the tv dock.
Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, what do you say? i’d pick it up 1000000000000000% , I just would be so curious what they would say.
If your best friend was kicked out, would your parents let him/her live with you? absolutely.
Are you afraid of falling in love? I am. I don’t ever again want to feel the way ive felt with my two heart breaks. 
Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now? yes, but the feeling is lessening. I responded to him for the first time in... idk how long. thinking he’d be eager to talk and be responsive. he wasn’t. it just pushes me further and further from feeling those feelings.
Have you ever kissed someone & wished you didn’t? no, i dont think so.
Did you get kissed last night? goodness no. 
Do you enjoy going through a carwash? I love it.
How did you get most of your scars? benny. by far.
Ever had to take an inkblot test? I have taken 2. One for a fellow student in a classroom who had to administer it for a project. another time in a psych class the prof asked me to for a demonstration
Have you ever been in trouble for something you honestly didn’t do? yep! the only time ive been grounded.
Have you ever seriously slapped someone in anger? no. I do not get physical in my anger. I withdraw. 
What/who woke you up this morning? Just me.
Who was the last person to be in your bedroom besides you? My mom. dropping off ice water and benny.
What’s one of your locked text messages? I don’t even know if this phone locks messages tbh. I used to do that all the time on my t9 phones.
Have you ever finished a game of Monopoly? I think maybe 1 time.
Is there anyone you know who’s in any way paralyzed? Yes.
The truth all comes out when someone is drunk, true? I wouldn’t say alllllllll, but i do think inhibitions are lowered so it makes it easier
When was the last time you felt disappointed in yourself? messaging kile and realizing he isn’t interested in responding. makes me feel so dumb.
How about feeling disappointed in someone else? something a family member did to me this past week.
For you, do you commonly feel more jealousy or envy? ummm. lately it’s been jealousy. i dont like people taking what was mine. but i’m learning if they had access to it, that likely means that it is best to let it go. so maybe im now leaning towards envy of like beautiful relationships.
Do you rely on the heads/tails flipping of a coin sometimes for decisions? uhhh, not unless its like in a joking, light-hearted manner.
Do you have any specific chores you do around the house? when im not sick... i vacuum, dust, do dishes, wipe counters and table, do laundry of others, disinfect, etc.
For you, does comfort or fashion come first in dressing? I would say 51% comfort and 49% looking nice
Have you had two friends that absolutely hated each other? yes. lots of jealousy due to their feelings toward me.
Do you like Laffy Taffy? No. not my style of candy
Do you prefer electric or manual pencil sharpeners? manual.
Are your biceps at all noticeable? hardly.
Have you ever seen a walrus? absolutely!
Did you ever have one of those Easy Bake ovens as a kid? no. one time moms friends daughter (who was significantly older than me) lent hers to us... but there were no mixes of anything. so I didn’t know what to do with it.
Does your bathroom have a theme to it? nope.
From inside of your house, how many doors lead outside? uhhhhhhhh 3 if you dont include the garage door.
Are there a lot of trees in your yard? i wouldn’t say a lot. I wish.
Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap? treating me like crap cuts down my interest like immediately.
Have a best friend? meh.
Does it bother you when your best friend does stuff without you? no.
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? yes. I dont need to concern them or worry them.
Does anyone hate you? kiles ex(?) i am sure does.
What’s the one thing you regret more than anything? hm. i dont really have any.
Do you remember important dates? yes. almost always.
What’s some lyrics from a song that means a lot to you? “what if we could put the world on hold and finally meet somewhere inside of the world? I would meet you... would you meet me?”
Who gives the best advice? mom
Who do you usually see in your dreams? :) It varies. depends on who I think about.
What type of cake did you last eat? graduation cake. 
How many of your friends are gay or bisexual? I have like 4 casual friends that are, but my closest friends are all straight.
What’s your favorite type of sandwich? buona chicken one. bless it.
When was the last time someone asked you out? Did you accept or decline? tonight. I said maybe once this quarantine business is over.
Do you like The Offspring? I know a couple of songs but I definitely can’t call myself a fan. << same
One pillow or two? 12
Do you like Mad Libs? not really no.
Are you suicidal? no. I mean there are moments where I think wow, i dont want to be here. but not like let me put together a plan.
Where do your grandparents live? my fathers parents were killed by a drunk driver bout ten years ago. My mothers father passed away maybe 12 years ago. My gram is fine and lives in the room down the hall. 
Do you cut yourself? not purposely
What is your pet’s name? benny and lottie.
Have you ever been to Canada? not yet.
Aren’t babies overrated? no, no. theyre expensive af though.
Have a built-in pool in your backyard? i wish more than anything but no.
Ever won yourself a stuffed animal? maybe once or twice. I one time had a guy win me an animal at a carnival and i found that sooooooooooooooooo attractive.
Ever had someone else win you a stuffed animal? woops. yes. lol
Ever been to a circus? i think when i was really little.
Ever shot animals? I have not. i couldn’t. 
Do you consider yourself intelligent? I do. It is something I have some confidence in.
Have you ever run away from home? when my dad was abusive, yes. 
Do you put family first, friends, relationships, school, or something else? faith, family, friends, school, relationships (only cus im not in one)
What’s something you’ve stood up for in the past? my faith.
What’s something you worked extremely hard to get? my degrees and honors.
Are you satisfied with your body image? no. I am honored to have a body that is capable of all that it is.. that has been my “home” all these years. the body that still breathes life every day, thats all incredible. I dislike having the fat that I do, as I worry it could be off putting to others. but then I realize im fine being single, so then my body imagine is fine. its a weird cycle.
Have you ever been labeled negatively or otherwise been called something extremely derogatory? yes. when I worked and a customer didnt like a policy or whatnot.
Have you ever seriously taken advantage of someone or been taken advantage of? never to my knowledge have I taken advantage of someone else seriously. I have been VERY seriously taken advantage of.
Have you ever been seriously ill? trying to get over it now tbh
Have you ever befriended a former enemy? uhhhh, not that I know of. I tend to be friendly to everyone, but I can’t think of a situation where it was an enemy.
If you’re not religious, would you ever pray as a last resort? If you are religious, do you often pray for other people? I do pray for others quite often. it’s important to me. I sometimes will see strangers and immediately start praying over them. I actually almost started my GRE late because I was praying over every person I saw in the room lol.
Have you ever dated someone, then after you dated they came out of the closet or switched (for lack of a better word) sexual orientation? no. not to my knowledge anyway.
Has a boy/girl ever walked a ridiculous distance just to see you? How about vice versa? yes! like 8 miles lol. I have not. 
When was the last time you felt really uncomfortable? this past week.
Is there anything that your mom is really known for as to how she is as a person? shes everyones favorite. shes kind, funny, sarcastic, down-to-earth, warm.
Who have you been talking to the most today? mom lol
Are you nosy? I think it could be perceived as nosy but I love to make people feel ridiculously special. So I will sit and ask questions just to get them talking about themselves. If I recognize the personal questions are not working, I’ll keep it totally light.
What’s the meanest thing you have done to a friend? i really dont know.
If your ex called you crying, what would it most likely be about? if we consider kile an ex, it would probably be that he feels overwhelmed and feels alone because he doesnt have me or his ex anymore. :(
Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed? ooooo thats hard to narrow down.
Have you ever been told that you have an annoying laugh? no. everyone comments on how they love when it turns wheezy.
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chimcharstar · 5 years
♡ cute asks ♡
angel; do you have a nickname?
awe; how old are you?
baby; favorite color?
bloop; spirit animal?
i know what youre trying to do bug
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
my favourite movie today is always be my maybe. do yourself a favor and watch keanu reeves act his heart out
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
lucky, a little white tiger. i still have her.
breeze; most precious childhood memory?
maybe my mom making me tea or something. ow ow nostalgia
bright; mermaids or fairies?
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
buttercup; showers or baths?
butterfly; dream destination?
maybe ... the countryside, but one i havent been to before?
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
yes, very. while feeling at war with it all the time cause of the gay angst. but lbr. i prayed for some coffee and i got some. i also pray when some real shit is happening. its just my nature. i have a very strong intuition when im not panicking. TOO BAD MY PARENTS DISHED OUT TONS OF SPIRITUAL ABUSE I CANT REALLY HEAL FROM
calm; favorite scent?
this candle that has vanilla in it. i like the smell of vanilla because it smells sweet and im like. !!!! kindness!!!
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
i dreamed my siblings were all bickering and blaming each other endlessly and saying cruel things, and i was trying to tell them to stop but my voice was hoarse and no one could hear me. the voice part makes more sense when you consider i lost my voice talking lots at the Job and ive been Way too worried about it and its also a Passing thing
charming; have you ever been in love?
yes... overrated
cozy; eye/hair color?
red hair green eyes
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
the afternoon when i can take a walk with some coffee and music or, faceplant on my bed and fall asleep on the spot and then wake up feeling very well napped
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
i really like bonsais. or ... whatever type of bonsai i keep buying. they grow fast so you can notice their progress, they can survive bad mental health weeks, and you can shape them, they kind of grow with you
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?
i .... forget a lot. i forget these kinds of things. i hope it doesnt mean it didnt matter to me. i remember being really lonely on my last birthday and pretending not to be and then crying to my diary that no one is allowed to read
cutie pie; most precious item you own?
any bonsai, any jacket, thats my soul. or my phone lol
cutsie; what makes you happy?
people saying small nice things
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
just the other day when i was starting to play stardew valley again and i had some tea i think... 
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?
i want to have been Known as more than just shy and polite
daylight; favorite album of all time?
idk of all time, but say you will by fleetwood mac FUCKS, i will destroy my ears on public transit with that
dear; zodiac sign?
delightful; concerts or museums?
?????? N/A unfortunately
dimples; have you ever written a letter?
yes, i have written all sorts of letters, not snail mail but yknow... that is my jam. i have used it for good and evil
dobby; dream job?
writer of , books or screenplays or something
doll; how do you like to dress?
behold my array of gay jackets. hoods... gay layers... with some flowers. i have some shit with flowers on it. an old man complimented me on a train once. because im amazing
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?
my roommates say theres a ghost dude downstairs but ive never seen him. not really actually.
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
no, and ive thought about a tattoo but im like... i cant imagine picking a decoration and then being satisfied with it for the rest of my life, and being so... open like that, i change my mind and worry too much...
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
yes bitch. theres water on mars im sitting here patiently
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
the demigirl reading this
fairy; do you have a pet?
no :(
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
mountain... no ocean.. im feeling ocean
forever; where do you feel time stop?
i havent felt like that in a looong time. maybe this one place with streams, when its raining really heavily and everythings Gushing
froglet; are you a good plant owner?
i have kept... 5 bonsais alive for a while.
garden; how many languages do you know?
one. with some rocky french that makes me ACTUALLY want to learn french, and then frustratingly be on the brink of speaking french
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
i cant find the name right now but they make this pixel art and put sentences that are kinda so gentle and pining... i love it
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?
homemade coffee in a messy kitchen with some sun coming in, youre kind of sleepy
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?
yes!!! i wanna talk!!!!!
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
ok... i know how to be Respectful, im a strong person, im good with self-expression, i like my voice... AND IM CUTE
heart; silk or lace?
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?
coffee, so much sugar and a bit of scream.
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?
BIRD WATCHING. because watching people can get awkward real fast, and birds dont give a fuck. birds are fat little boys jumpin around. they dont worry about their jobs. i respect that. 
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?
Harmonious People Noises. i dont actually listen to sounds going to sleep when maybe i should. because of how i grew up im fine listening to music or people playing instruments falling asleep, even with the light on
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?
that part of autumn where its colourful and not too cold not too hot, and sun everywhere
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?
i do stuff like take walks and do a few errands and water plants... and just chill and enjoy not having pressing stuff to do. 
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
i am a serious giggler but i recently got a booming laugh, or it sounds like that to me
kinky; do you blush easily?
no. apparently not. but sometimes i feel my face heat up and then im really, really counting on it that that doesnt mean im blushing because its at the worst possible times to blush
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?
i feel like i already answered this but ill pick a different time. evening is nice because im a night owl and i focus better and i can relax and do whatever
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?
fleetwood mac and bLAST it on public transit
love; what is your favorite season and why?
autumn, because pretty, haloween
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?
i dont know about macaron but that cookie dough ice cream is some good
magic; what are five flaws you have?
overthinking, clinging to comfort zone, procrastinating, isolating, either i dont stand up for myself or i do it too harshly
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?
they all sound so lovely im feeling warm neutrals rn
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?
emotional labour, similar energy level
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?
I JUST WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH SOMEONE and there has to be food
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?
doing THIS... all my free time... is basically by myself
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?
you dont have to be useful to be valuable. you deserve love just because you exist, and even if you feel strongly that everything sucks, that could be your comfort zone talking. im having a mental health week
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?
cook. id bake but then i eat stuff that doesnt make my stomach as happy
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?
oh its GORGEOUS. i have been practising my handwriting in my Diary for Months.
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?
yes, piano mostly... ive been feeling Urges to play guitar lately that have surprised me
prinky; how do you relieve stress?
doing something restful/mentally restoring like taking a break or talking calming things to myself
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
i have not read a book
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?
realizing im trans
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?
ill think of a nice one, moving away from my parents, theres been so much healing
shine; art or music?
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?
smitten; do you collect anything?
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?
chocolate, any,
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?
phone camera, ithas all these cool filters and things it can do, it says my plants are food
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?
occasionally. its mostly the black tourmaline bracelet
spooky; sunrise or sunset?
sunset, that is the beautifulest
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?
with headphones. i just ... maybe this is a growing up thing but i cant imagine Taking Up Space playing my music out loud... then other people can judge my music choice... theyd Know things about me... 
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?
save ums. i have this answer ready to go. that is because after five i stopped having a tv
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.
my rooooooommmmmmmmmm my BED
soothe; digital or vinyl?
digital? what is this about?
squeezed; who do you miss right now?
my sister. she always says i never hang out but ... she doesnt seem interested in things i actually like... she tries and she cares but...
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?
loyal, honest
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?
practical, i just cant focus on aesthetic because then i get way too picky with eeeverything
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?
NO, unless i am on tumblr where there are no Laws. or it depends on how easy the person is to talk to.
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?
yes, yes but NOT RIGHT NOW, i think kids are really Good, theyre simple and honest
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?
i look up to the Bosses at my work, i mean they seem like they try really hard and do a good job and they have to lead everyone else too i respect that
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
the emotional intelligence dial. it is maybe too far. but im realizing that isnt so common.
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?
i hope, at least the kind i would want. probably very energetic, with negative or positive stuff
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?
another person at work called me by my last name. i find this funny because 1) it sounds funny to just shout 2) why are they all so fascinated with it .... yknow its because they wanted it to see if it was ramsay. did they seriously think. bunch of cooking nerds. is this their new power move.
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?
home, but i would enjoy going out with the right people i think. which has never happened.
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?
yes, and no. my heart is set on being Out in the Nature though. i dont know if i can really really go back to where i grew up. theres so many complicated and painful feelings around it, and im not really welcome. 3
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star?
yes, i wish on all kinds of stuff all the time
0 notes
kennethmjoyner · 6 years
Why I’m Signing Off the Podcast I’ve Done for 13 Years
Thirteen years ago this week, in 2005, I sat down in a recording studio in front of a fancy boom microphone, donned a bulky pair of Sony headphones, and waited for the cue. Then I was connected to my new cohost, Newport Beach, Calif., lawyer J. Craig Williams, and recording the first episode of our new podcast. Little did I imagine we’d still be doing it all these years later, making it the longest continually running podcast in law and one of the longest running of any kind.
Last night, after 586 episodes (by my count) of that podcast, I recorded my final one, even as I launch a whole-new podcast of my own, LawNext.
We originally called the show Coast2Coast – both for our west coast/east coast split and for our divergent political perspectives – but later, due to the little matter of a cease-and-desist letter from the eponymous paranormal radio show, we changed it to Lawyer2Lawyer. (Hey, at least we were getting noticed.) Our first show was posted on Aug. 31, 2005. Our guests for that first show were Mike Greco, who had just taken office as president of the American Bar Association, and Erwin Chemerinsky, then a professor at Duke Law School and now dean of the University of California, Berkeley, law school.
The idea for the show had come from two Boston-area veterans of broadcast news, Lu Ann Reeb, a former TV news director and producer, and Scott Hess, a news photographer. They had founded the Legal Talk Network to record video and audio interviews with legal professionals and proposed that Craig and I – who both then blogged for the now-defunct Law.com Blog Network – team up to host a weekly podcast about current legal events and news.
Podcasts by lawyers were rare then. Among them were Denise Howell’s Bag and Baggage (the predecessor to Howell’s This Week in Law), Evan Schaeffer’s Legal Underground, Evan Brown’s InternetCases, and rethink(ip). But, as I recounted in a 2015 post, podcasting by lawyers took off between 2005 and 2007, only to hit a spell of inertia around 2007. (We interviewed some of these “pioneers of legal podcasting’ in a 2010 show.)
My favorite episode was recorded in a Denver brewery.
I kept at it for one simple reason: It was fun. I never made a penny from podcasting. But every week (and later every second week) I got to have interesting conversations with fascinating people about issues and events that were at the forefront of the news. The Supreme Court. School shootings. Terrorism. Animal rights. Privacy. Weed. Sports law. Better Call Saul. Gender rights. Immigration. Uber. Revenge porn. Lawyer depression. The billable hour. It’s hard to come up with a topic we didn’t cover. Probably my favorite show was about open source software and beer — not for the topic so much as for the fun of recording it onsite in a Denver brewery.
And the guests. From Bryan Garner to Boups the Beerman. From consumer advocate Erin Brockovich to tobacco whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand. From Making A Murderer lawyer Dean Strang to Joseph Salvati, a man who spent 30 years in prison for a murder he did not commit. Former 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski was on our show at least four times before he retired amid allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct.
In one show alone, we had four legendary trial lawyers: Mike Papantonio, Howard Nations, Thomas Girardi and Fred Levin. Another legendary trial lawyer, F. Lee Bailey, was on our show three times (on cross-exam, Whitey Bulger, and Roger Clemens). Still another trial-lawyer legend, Gerry Spence, pronounced on our show, “Lawyers disappoint me.” Five of the top Supreme Court reporters appeared on our show: Marcia Coyle, Lyle Denniston, Amy Howe, Tony Mauro, and David Savage. We even had a lawyer who, at 101, was still practicing law. I could go on and on and on.
Possibly the only time Craig and I recorded in the same room together.
In 2013, the Legal Talk Network changed hands, sold to legal marketing and software company Lawgical. CEO Adam Camras, CTO Trent Carlyle, Executive Producer Laurence Colletti, and the rest of the top-notch Lawgical team have continued to expand the network with new shows and industry alliances. They even talked me into picking up cohosting duties on a second show, Law Technology Now, with my good friend Monica Bay (which I am also now leaving).
The anchor, the keel, the workhorse, the rock of our show over the years has been Kate Nutting. She came on board as our producer just months after we started, and she remains our producer today. She makes sure we have top-notch guests, juggles everyone’s availability to scheduling recordings, researches each topic and prepares discussion points, and generally holds it all together. Without Kate, this show would never have survived this long or achieved the quality it did.
By now you’re probably thinking, “OK, Bob, if it was all so good, why are you leaving?”
The short answer is: To start my own podcast, LawNext. And why did I want to do that? Several reasons:
My interests evolved. My greatest interest these days is innovation in law, law practice and legal technology. My new show is laser focused on innovation and entrepreneurship.
There are only so many hours. Time would not allow me to both start my new podcast and keep doing the old one.
I wanted to be nimbler. If news breaks today, I want to be able to record a podcast this afternoon or tomorrow morning and have it posted within a day.
I wanted to be more hands-on. The Legal Talk Network people are great – so great, in fact, that they do all the work. I wanted to get my hands dirty, to get a better feel for the production and marketing, in addition to the recording.
I wanted to make some money. After 13 years of podcasting pro bono, I wanted to see if I could make a little money from it, selling advertising and sponsorships.
I wanted to own it. I’m really not sure who owns Lawyer 2 Lawyer. But it had long ago slipped away from feeling like something I had ownership of. With LawNext, I have something I can take ownership of.
I wanted to work with my son. Perhaps the best part of my new podcast is that I’m working with my son, Ben Ambrogi, who is my producer and engineer.
Even after 13 years as a podcaster, this new podcast is very much a learning experience. We’ve had to test any number of recording applications, research hosting sites, and figure out the best equipment. And even then, we’ve had glitches I’d rather not discuss. But we learn from each mistake, and we’ll get better over time.
But most of all, it’s fun. With each new episode, we watch the stats to see how many listens we’ll get. It’s a bit addicting, and there’s certainly a rush when the downloads spike. The Legal Talk Network folks say Lawyer2Lawyer was their most downloaded show. It will be a long time, I suspect, before I get this new show to those numbers. But I’m committed to trying.
I can’t sign off the Legal Talk Network without expressing my deep and heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been part of that over the years. I thank Lu Ann Reeb and Scott Hess for getting me into this in the first place and for remaining good friends over the years. I’ve already said my thanks to Kate Nutting. I thank Adam Camras for convincing me to stay aboard after he bought the company. And no praise is enough for Laurence Colletti, a tireless and talented lawyer-turned-producer who makes LTN run day in and out.
And there’s Craig Williams, my partner in podcasting. Surprisingly, I’d never met Craig before we started the show and have met him in person only a couple times since. But I can’t imagine having been paired for 13 years with a better cohost.
Although our starting premise was that we came from different political persuasions, we agreed far more than we ever disagreed. As in any long-term relationship, there were times when he irritated me – injecting a question that seemed to throw the discussion off kilter or taking the conversation in a direction away from where I wanted it to go. But that unpredictability was a big part of what made the two-host format work. While I came at it with the background of a journalist, he was ever the trial lawyer, insightfully challenging and prodding. Over time, the 3,000 miles between us disappeared and our styles somehow synchronized.
Both Lawyer2Lawyer and Law Technology Now will continue on quite ably without me. Meanwhile, I look forward to this new chapter in my own podcasting life. I hope some of you who followed my former shows will continue to follow me at LawNext.
from Law and Politics https://www.lawsitesblog.com/2018/08/im-signing-off-podcast-ive-done-13-years.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
kennethmjoyner · 6 years
Why I’m Signing Off the Podcast I’ve Done for 13 Years
Thirteen years ago this week, in 2005, I sat down in a recording studio in front of a fancy boom microphone, donned a bulky pair of Sony headphones, and waited for the cue. Then I was connected to my new cohost, Newport Beach, Calif., lawyer J. Craig Williams, and recording the first episode of our new podcast. Little did I imagine we’d still be doing it all these years later, making it the longest continually running podcast in law and one of the longest running of any kind.
Last night, after 586 episodes (by my count) of that podcast, I recorded my final one, even as I launch a whole-new podcast of my own, LawNext.
We originally called the show Coast2Coast – both for our west coast/east coast split and for our divergent political perspectives – but later, due to the little matter of a cease-and-desist letter from the eponymous paranormal radio show, we changed it to Lawyer2Lawyer. (Hey, at least we were getting noticed.) Our first show was posted on Aug. 31, 2005. Our guests for that first show were Mike Greco, who had just taken office as president of the American Bar Association, and Erwin Chemerinsky, then a professor at Duke Law School and now dean of the University of California, Irvine, School of Law.
The idea for the show had come from two Boston-area veterans of broadcast news, Lu Ann Reeb, a former TV news director and producer, and Scott Hess, a news photographer. They had founded the Legal Talk Network to record video and audio interviews with legal professionals and proposed that Craig and I – who both then blogged for the now-defunct Law.com Blog Network – team up to host a weekly podcast about current legal events and news.
Podcasts by lawyers were rare then. Among them were Denise Howell’s Bag and Baggage (the predecessor to Howell’s This Week in Law), Evan Schaeffer’s Legal Underground, Evan Brown’s InternetCases, and rethink(ip). But, as I recounted in a 2015 post, podcasting by lawyers took off between 2005 and 2007, only to hit a spell of inertia around 2007. (We interviewed some of these “pioneers of legal podcasting’ in a 2010 show.)
My favorite episode was recorded in a Denver brewery.
I kept at it for one simple reason: It was fun. I never made a penny from podcasting. But every week (and later every second week) I got to have interesting conversations with fascinating people about issues and events that were at the forefront of the news. The Supreme Court. School shootings. Terrorism. Animal rights. Privacy. Weed. Sports law. Better Call Saul. Gender rights. Immigration. Uber. Revenge porn. Lawyer depression. The billable hour. It’s hard to come up with a topic we didn’t cover. Probably my favorite show was about open source software and beer — not for the topic so much as for the fun of recording it onsite in a Denver brewery.
And the guests. From Bryan Garner to Boups the Beerman. From consumer advocate Erin Brockovich to tobacco whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand. From Making A Murderer lawyer Dean Strang to Joseph Salvati, a man who spent 30 years in prison for a murder he did not commit. Former 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski was on our show at least four times before he retired amid allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct.
In one show alone, we had four legendary trial lawyers: Mike Papantonio, Howard Nations, Thomas Girardi and Fred Levin. Another legendary trial lawyer, F. Lee Bailey, was on our show three times (on cross-exam, Whitey Bulger, and Roger Clemens). Still another trial-lawyer legend, Gerry Spence, pronounced on our show, “Lawyers disappoint me.” Five of the top Supreme Court reporters appeared on our show: Marcia Coyle, Lyle Denniston, Amy Howe, Tony Mauro, and David Savage. We even had a lawyer who, at 101, was still practicing law. I could go on and on and on.
Possibly the only time Craig and I recorded in the same room together.
In 2013, the Legal Talk Network changed hands, sold to legal marketing and software company Lawgical. CEO Adam Camras, CTO Trent Carlyle, Executive Producer Laurence Colletti, and the rest of the top-notch Lawgical team have continued to expand the network with new shows and industry alliances. They even talked me into picking up cohosting duties on a second show, Law Technology Now, with my good friend Monica Bay (which I am also now leaving).
The anchor, the keel, the workhorse, the rock of our show over the years has been Kate Nutting. She came on board as our producer just months after we started, and she remains our producer today. She makes sure we have top-notch guests, juggles everyone’s availability to scheduling recordings, researches each topic and prepares discussion points, and generally holds it all together. Without Kate, this show would never have survived this long or achieved the quality it did.
By now you’re probably thinking, “OK, Bob, if it was all so good, why are you leaving?”
The short answer is: To start my own podcast, LawNext. And why did I want to do that? Several reasons:
My interests evolved. My greatest interest these days is innovation in law, law practice and legal technology. My new show is laser focused on innovation and entrepreneurship.
There are only so many hours. Time would not allow me to both start my new podcast and keep doing the old one.
I wanted to be nimbler. If news breaks today, I want to be able to record a podcast this afternoon or tomorrow morning and have it posted within a day.
I wanted to be more hands-on. The Legal Talk Network people are great – so great, in fact, that they do all the work. I wanted to get my hands dirty, to get a better feel for the production and marketing, in addition to the recording.
I wanted to make some money. After 13 years of podcasting pro bono, I wanted to see if I could make a little money from it, selling advertising and sponsorships.
I wanted to own it. I’m really not sure who owns Lawyer 2 Lawyer. But it had long ago slipped away from feeling like something I had ownership of. With LawNext, I have something I can take ownership of.
I wanted to work with my son. Perhaps the best part of my new podcast is that I’m working with my son, Ben Ambrogi, who is my producer and engineer.
Even after 13 years as a podcaster, this new podcast is very much a learning experience. We’ve had to test any number of recording applications, research hosting sites, and figure out the best equipment. And even then, we’ve had glitches I’d rather not discuss. But we learn from each mistake, and we’ll get better over time.
But most of all, it’s fun. With each new episode, we watch the stats to see how many listens we’ll get. It’s a bit addicting, and there’s certainly a rush when the downloads spike. The Legal Talk Network folks say Lawyer2Lawyer was their most downloaded show. It will be a long time, I suspect, before I get this new show to those numbers. But I’m committed to trying.
I can’t sign off the Legal Talk Network without expressing my deep and heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been part of that over the years. I thank Lu Ann Reeb and Scott Hess for getting me into this in the first place and for remaining good friends over the years. I’ve already said my thanks to Kate Nutting. I thank Adam Camras for convincing me to stay aboard after he bought the company. And no praise is enough for Laurence Colletti, a tireless and talented lawyer-turned-producer who makes LTN run day in and out.
And there’s Craig Williams, my partner in podcasting. Surprisingly, I’d never met Craig before we started the show and have met him in person only a couple times since. But I can’t imagine having been paired for 13 years with a better cohost.
Although our starting premise was that we came from different political persuasions, we agreed far more than we ever disagreed. As in any long-term relationship, there were times when he irritated me – injecting a question that seemed to throw the discussion off kilter or taking the conversation in a direction away from where I wanted it to go. But that unpredictability was a big part of what made the two-host format work. While I came at it with the background of a journalist, he was ever the trial lawyer, insightfully challenging and prodding. Over time, the 3,000 miles between us disappeared and our styles somehow synchronized.
Both Lawyer2Lawyer and Law Technology Now will continue on quite ably without me. Meanwhile, I look forward to this new chapter in my own podcasting life. I hope some of you who followed my former shows will continue to follow me at LawNext.
from Law and Politics https://www.lawsitesblog.com/2018/08/im-signing-off-podcast-ive-done-13-years.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes