#like how dare people have the audacity to come to our place of business and exchange money for goods and services
rexscanonwife · 2 years
Me when I'm overstimulated and everyone is too loud and it's too busy the floor is sticky and I'm hungry and I don't like the music they're playing and someone tries to talk to me and-
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gyupinkys · 11 months
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Jeonghan x afab reader.
You were assigned this case and expected to succeed. 7 years working as a detective gives you experience like no other. So what happens when Jeonghan figures you out? Offers you an ultimatum, help him out or he rats you out.
part 2
WC: 3.1K
WARNINGS: MURDER, GUNS, DRUGS, misogyny, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, brief sex with corpse in the room, degradation, groping, strip tease.
“Sir, we don’t have Caprisun. This is a bar.” you overhear from your right.
“Wooyoung, stop bothering him, we have business to do.”
“Whatever” he rolls his eyes and walks away.
You're sitting at the bar waiting for your call time to go dance on the stage. This stripper thing was not ideal, you’re supposed to be extracting information about suspected drug trafficking and the mafia that's supposedly running this club. You became a detective to help people, not shake your ass ; though you can’t lie you secretly love this job. You love the power you have over these sleazy men and how sexy you feel on stage. The money you get to pocket is a plus.
“Y/N” you hear his deceivingly angelic voice ring out through the earpiece all the staff wears.
“Yes, Jeonghan,” you sigh.
“I need you to come to the vip room.”
“Do you need drinks or something?”
“No, all I need is you.”
You tell your coworker you’ll be back and walk up to the vip room.
“Y/N, take a seat” 
You see Joenghan, Joshua and Seungcheol sitting on one side and the man you remember as wooyoung along with two other men on the other. 
“What's going on?”
“Y/N, can I interest you in an investment opportunity?” Jeonghan says with a smirk.
“Absolutely not.” 
“Aww, don’t be like that.”
“Jeonghan, I know how you are. This “investment” is gonna be selling my soul or some shit.” 
“Why don’t you give our guest a show.” Joshua says with a smirk. Oh, how you hate this motherfucker. 
You begrudgingly walk up to who you remember as Wooyoung and put your hands on his shoulders looking him in the eye.
“Did you ever get your caprisun?”
“No, but I think I’m gonna get something better right now.”
You smirk. He’s charming, you'll give him that. You run your hands up his chest and lean down to run your nose up his neck. You turn and straddle him moving your hips to the music playing through the speakers feeling everyone's eyes on you. Leaning back you rest your head on his shoulder and look into his eyes. 
“You want a private room with me wooyoung?”
“Yes” he answers immediately, making you smirk.
“Before you two do that, Y/N, tell me. When were you planning to have your pig friends storm this place.” Jeonghan says with a smile.
Oh. You look up at him in confusion. 
“Don’t play dumb, angel. I’ve known what you’ve been doing this whole time.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about '' you say and shift uncomfortably in his lap ready to get up until you feel cold metal pressed to your head. 
“Don’t try to run now Y/N” Joshua says tilting his head.
“The fuck do you want Jeonghan.”
“Watch your tone Y/N”
“Watch my dick”
“The cop sure does have some audacity” Seungcheol finally speaks.
Wooyoung presses the gun closer to your head. “Y/N, you should really be careful with who you trust. You’d think you would be able to tell who's a dirty cop and who's not.”
“Your dear buddies Yunho and Jongho. They're our guys. They ratted you out.” Wooyoung says with a cackle.
Of course they are. Damn this is a shame, you really wanted to fuck Yunho.
“Jeonghan what are you getting at?”
“Y/N, I need you to do something for me. You can say no, but if you do I’m not sure that little sister of yours will make it to school tomorrow. Even worse I’m sure your boss won’t appreciate reports of you smuggling drugs.”
“First of all don’t you dare threaten my sister and what drugs?”
He throws a file at you filled with pictures of you at warehouses, documents of packages being imported under your name and drugs inside your apartment. How the fuck did they get in your apartment? The last set is pictures of your little sister at school, in bed, with your mom. Holy fuck these guys are insane.
“What do you want me to do?”
“There's a gala next weekend. I’m sure you know about it since you’ve been all up in my business. Convince your boss to raid it. Tell him Seungcheol will be there, I'm sure that’ll pique his interest.”
“You don’t worry that pretty head about all that, ok?”
“How am I supposed to convince him with no proof? He won't take my word for it.”
“That's for you to figure out.” he smiles, “By the way, you should call your sister. I had Mingyu pay her a visit, scare her a bit.
You shoot up from wooyoung's lap only to hear his gun cock. 
“Sit back down Y/N.”
You begrudgingly sit down.
“I want confirmation they're coming by wednesday.” 
“Todays friday.”
“Jeonghan, he doesn’t trust me enough to just believe me! I need more time.”
“Y/N, I’m not negotiating with you. You know the conditions. Figure your shit out.” he says and gets up to leave.
As he walks out the door he looks back at you. “Don’t disappoint me, angel.”
“Yunho you’re a fucking asshole.”
He turns around confused as to who's yelling at him in the middle of the break room.
You bend down in front of his face, bracing your hands on the arms of the chair he’s sitting on. 
“You’re a traitor.”
He smirks. 
“I’m guessing wooyoung got to you”
“He did more than get to me you motherfucker! To think I considered you and Jongho my friends.”
“Hey, we can still be friends. It's not like I did anything to you or lied.” 
Well he has a point…
“Whatever” you say with a dramatic eye roll and sigh.
“What's your plan?” he whispers.
“I have no idea” you whisper back.
“What are we whispering about?” Jongho whispers.
“I have some words for you Jongho.”
“I’m guessing you found out. Baby, don't hate the player, hate the game.”
You roll your eyes. 
“Hey, Y/N, there's a delivery for you.” your coworker calls out.
You furrow your eyebrows when he hands you a massive bouquet of white roses.
You read the note, “A gift for my angel.” - Jeonghan.
In the center of the bouquet is a voice recorder. You pull it out and play it.
“Joshua, I’m telling you we need to do the transaction at the banquet.”
“I agree, no ones going to suspect anything to happen at one of the biggest banquets of the year. We can lose the cops' trail if we go.”
“Y/N, go get me a drink, love.”
You smile. This is your ticket to getting the chief to believe you.
“He made it a little too easy for me.” you say with a pout. 
“I’m gonna go pay Jeonghan a visit.”
“Keep us updated. We never get to hear the drama.” Yunho pouts.
“What are you playing at?”
“Angel, I’m just trying to help you out.” Jeonghan says, leaning on his desk.
“There's always something else with you. You’re like the riddler.” you say making Wooyoung, who is sitting in the chair next to you laugh. 
“Can’t I just be nice?” he asks with a smile while sipping his bourbon. 
You side eye him. You can never trust someone like him. “So, I just give this to him?”
“If you want”
“Jeonghan your so annoying”
“Y/N, watch your tone with me. As much as I like you, we aren't friends. I’ll murder you and not bat an eye.”
He has a point. He has nothing to lose if you don't help him. He’ll just find someone else to do his dirty work.
“Don’t forget. I need confirmation by wednesday. And you still need to come to work. You know, keep up appearances.”
You’ve done two stages and you're ready to call it a night when you see Jeonghan and Joshua exit the club. You gave the recording to the chief but he said he needs more proof. 
You walk up the stairs and sneak into Jeonghan’s office, closing the doors behind you. On the desk there's papers explaining every inch of their plan. When the police raid the gala, his men are going to import 300 million dollars worth of drugs into the downtown ports. The police would be too busy with the raid to monitor the ports.
You quickly snap pictures of the papers and leave. This seemed a little too easy. You walk back down the stairs to see Jun and Minghao at the bar. Weird.. If Jeonghan left everyone would've gone with him. You decide to make your way to the locker room feeling tension rise in the room. You call your sister. The last you spoke to her was when Jeonghan threatened her, she said she was at her friend's house the whole night so you figured he was bluffing about Mingyu.
“Y/N, Hey”
“Hey, love. How are you?”
“I’m fine, actually i’ve been meaning to call you. Do you know someone named Mingyu?”
Your heart drops. “Why?”
“He was waiting for me outside the house. He said a friend of yours sent him to give me a check.”
“A check? How much was it?”
Angel numbers.
“That's enough to pay my tuition this semester tell your friend thanks.”
“Does it say who the check is from?”
“Yoon Jeonghan.”
“Yea I’ll say thanks.”
You have a meeting with your chief. You’re nervous out of your mind. 
“I was shocked Y/N actually got so much work done. I honestly didn’t believe in her.” you over hear your chief say through the door. “I didn’t think she would succeed, you know women don’t do much well.”  
The fuck?
“I’m thinking of laying her off after this job. We need more men on the team. She’ll probably need maternity leave soon,I can’t deal with all that.” 
This sexist piece of shit.
You take a deep breath and knock on the door. “I’ll call you later. Bye.”
“Come in.”
“Oh, Y/N. I hope you have some good news for me.”
You explain everything you heard to him. 
“You promise this is where they're going to be” 
“Yes, I swear. They will be at the port at 10pm.”
“Good work Y/N. We’ll finally get rid of these scum.”
“Get rid?” you say in confusion.
“We're killing them. I don’t care about the circumstances. We’ll tell the public they fought back and our last resort was to kill them. No one will believe low life criminals over the police.”
“Peace at last am I right?”
You walk outside with a frown on your face. You see Jongho and Yunho looking at you with wide eyes. “Did he believe it?” Yunho says.
“Of course he did.”
It's the night of the gala and you think you might die. If this goes wrong Jeonghan will kill you and your sister. You're in the club when the guys leave, Jeonghan giving you a look before he walks out the door. You think he’s onto you, he’s always outsmarted you so there's no way he doesn't know. Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic. 
You're supposed to meet the chief and the rest of your colleagues at the pier but you decide to follow Jeonghan instead. You trail behind them but you know there's no point of being stealthy, they already know you’re here. Your phone rings through the car speaker and you see it’s a call from Jeonghan.
“Y/n, angel, why are you following us?”
“Oh, You know, nosy old me needing to know what you’re doing.”
“So it’s not because your friends are waiting for us at the pier instead of the gala.”
“I don’t know what youre talking about,” you say nervously. “Shouldn’t you be focused on driving? Omg look at the sky is that spiderman” you say and hang up. What the fuck are you talking about. He makes you so nervous. 
You make it to the pier and jump out your car seeing jeonghan waiting for you with a blank face, walking up to him with a smile.
“Jeonghan, what a coincidence to see you here.”
“I should kill you.” he says and pulls out his pistol leaving it hanging in his hand.
“And why would you do that? I have so much potential.” you smirk walking up to him, draping your hands over his neck.
“Y/N, I’m glad I didn’t doubt you.”
This makes you smile wider. “When have I ever disappointed you Hannie?”
“Not once baby.” he says and kisses you.
“Can you guys leave the baby making for later we have shit to do.” Joshua groans.
Their men start piling the drugs into their vans as you lean your weight onto Jeonghan. 
“The show's about to start,” you whisper into Jeonghan's lips.  In the distance you hear a loud boom, along with orange flames engulfing the night sky. The bombs planted across the city just detonated, taking out everyone with it. Including Yunho, Jongho and the police chief. Those “Dirty Cops'' were the real undercovers. You don’t know who they thought they were fooling. Wooyoung must be stupid if he thinks these guys were on his side, they've been feeding information to the cops for years. The real dirty cop has been you the entire time. The police can’t help but wonder why they always seem one step behind SVT, it’s because of you. Feeding them wrong information, giving them wrong locations, giving them wrong times. No one thought to question you, a detective of seven years would never betray the law… right?
You’ve been with Jeonghan for two years now. By now you two have this act down to a T. The cop who's so close to solving the case is discovered, the big bad mafia boss figures you out, gives you an ultimatum. This skit becomes more real everytime. They fall for it everytime, Wooyoung’s just like the rest. Too bad he’s dead. 
“Let's go Angel.” 
You two drive off and head back to the club, he says he needs to pick some things up. You don't believe him but follow him anyway. 
“How convenient. You need to pick something up from the VIP room?”
“Love, I would never lie to you, c’mon.” he says as he pulls you into the room and locks the door.
He walks to the wall and pulls out a charger from the wall. “I told you I left something.” he says innocently.
“I can’t fucking stand you.”
“Dance for me, Angel.” he says and sits on the couch, spreading his legs. God you're such a whore for manspreading, but only from him. To be honest you’re a whore for whatever he does. 
You walk to the stereo and turn the music up and you begin sensually swaying your hips. You feel his eyes on you. You slowly walk up to the pole and spin around it. You pull your shirt up slowly, grabbing your tits over your bra. You throw your shirt at him and squat low on the pole, spreading your legs, and putting your hands above your head to poke out your tits hearing him groan. You stand up and bend over, pulling your pants down slowly making him groan. Now only in your bra and panties you walk up to him sitting in his lap. He runs his hands over your ass squeezing. 
“I think I deserve an award for being so good.”
“I think so too Angel, you did so well for me. I can always count on you.” he says as he slides your bra down instantly putting your right nipple in his mouth and twisting the other. He sucks and swirls your nipple switching to the other making you groan. His mouth is always so good, his tongue can always drive you crazy. 
“Jeonghan I want you to fuck me, please.”
“He pulls your panties to the side, rubbing through your folds, but avoiding your clit.”
“Baby, please don’t tease.”
“You love when I tease”
“Not tonight baby, please”
“Whatever you want my angel.”
He pulls your panties to the side and slides two fingers into you thrusting in and out hitting your spot everytime. You bury your face into his neck sucking and biting, leaving marks all over his neck. He picks up his pace sliding a third  finger into you as you slide your own hands to his slacks, unbuttoning them and pulling out his cock. You pull your head back and spit on his red tip. He’s leaking precum over your hands, and you pull your fingers to his mouth making him suck it off your fingers. You lift your hips and slide his cock through your folds teasing him.
“So you can tease me but I can’t tease you?” he smiles.
“That’s how this works. Baby.”
 You sink down on him and start bouncing, chasing your high. You deserve it. You grind on him, making him moan in your ear. 
“You feel so good baby. This is the best pussy on earth, how lucky am I to say it’s mine? My angel is always blessing me.”
He grips your tits and squeezes, stimulating you more. You bounce harder feeling your end near. As you reach down to rub your clit, the door flies open. Jeonghans hand flies to his gun pulling you into his chest. You continue to grid, too caught up in your orgasm to care what's going on. You turn your head and see the man who was sitting next to wooyoung on the first day standing there with his gun pointing at you. God, you’re fucking sick; the fear running through our body does nothing but turn you on, pushing you closer to the edge. 
“Eyes up here, fucker. Stop looking at my girl.”
“You should take a final look at her before I kill you. Maybe I’ll take a turn on her before I kill that bitch.”
Your eyes widen, looking up at Jeonghan who has the sweetest smile on his face. Before you can blink he pulls his gun up and shoots the man in the head, his body landing on the floor as you cum.
“You’re a sick fuck, Angel. Such a slut.” he says as chaos ensues. The club goers erupt trying to exit the club due to the chaos, but Jeonghan doesn't even flinch. He stands up and slams your back into the wall, just as his men pile into the room, moving the man's body. Jeonghan doesnt stop fucking into you, pounding you into the wall ignoring the crowd behind you. 
“Cum in me baby, I need it so bad. I want my reward.” you whimper.
He groans, emptying his load into your pulsing hole. He looks you in the eye and smirks. 
“Same time next week? I already have our next victim waiting.”
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claymorexpunisher · 1 year
We're Not Just Messin' Around (18+One Shot)
Disclaimer: All of the characters in this work of fiction are consenting adults. If the type of content that I make sure to tag isn't your cup of tea, do not read it. Also- I always try to get certain themes as accurate as possible but I'm not perfect. Either way, I hope you enjoy!!🖤🖤🖤
Pairing(s): Liv Morgan/OFC
Summary: Liv and Harper have always had an unspoken attraction to one another. That attraction comes to a boiling point during a long day of traveling...
Tags: 18+, mommy dom!ofc, sub!Liv, mommy kink, consensual kink, friends to lovers.
Word Count: 2,297
Those of us in the Smackdown roster had a long day of travel ahead of us.
We were headed to Boston, but we had a 3 hour and 25-minute layover in New York.
So, Liv, Lacey, and I had explored the town for a bit before we decided to come back to the airport with enough time to board our plane.
I let Liv rest her head on my lap as we waited for our flight to be called and I slowly carded my fingers through her silky blonde hair…
It felt nice to have these moments with her where it felt like it was just us in our own little world.
Liv and I often skirted the line between just friends and romantic partners.
Neither of us ever denied having feelings for each other whenever people asked-and they asked a lot.
But we never unpacked any of that.
I guess I should thank Lacey for how this situation ended…
‘’Mommy… wait… mommyyy…’’ Liv suddenly mumbled, giggling softly in her sleep.
An amused smirk lit up my face and I was about to let her continue sleeping, until…
‘’I’ll be good, mommy…’’ I heard Liv mumble.
The words were mumbled so low, I thought I was the only one who caught them.
My hands paused in her hair, but still, I let her sleep.
‘’… Harper,’’ She moaned softly and let out another giggle.
Well, dang…
Suddenly, Liv and I had plenty more to unpack, but first I had to deal with Lacey.
‘’… Liv. Wake up. Now.’’ Lacey said sternly, shaking Liv’s shoulder a bit harshly.
‘’Dude, relax.’’ I said to Lacey, but she ignored me.
‘’Liv, wake up.’’ Lacey barked again, leaning over me to shake Liv awake once again.
Irritated that she was ignoring me, I batted her hands away from Liv.                                                                                                                                          
But it was too late.
Liv woke up, apologized for falling asleep on my lap and she asked if our flight had been called already.
‘’Nah, not yet. I think you were having a nightmare, though. So, we had to wake you.’’
I said to Liv while I eyed Lacey, practically daring her to embarrass Liv in any kind of way and especially in front of me.
‘’Oh,’’ Liv said as she let out a soft and sleepy chuckle.
But I could tell that she hadn’t missed the animosity between Lacey and I.
Lacey clearly took my demeanor as a challenge because after a few seconds of awkward silence, she asked to speak with Liv in private.
Against my better judgement, I let out a stern ‘’No.’’
‘’Woahh, H. It’s fine,’’ Liv said, staring between myself and Lacey.
 I wanted to shield Liv from what I knew was going to be a full-on verbal lashing on Lacey’s end.
And I didn’t want to air this all out in an airport of all places.
But sure enough, when Liv and Lacey returned from the airport bathroom, I immediately noticed that Liv’s eyes were red-rimmed and teary.
The sight of her and how self-satisfied Lacey looked made me see red.
‘’The fuck did you say to her, Lacey?’’ I hissed at Lacey as I met her and Liv halfway.
Liv bypassed us both and went to fiddle with her carry-on bags as I was laser-focused in on Lacey.
‘’Ohhh, MomMy to the rescue, huh?’’ Lacey scoffed. ‘’Mind your business, child.’’
I laughed incredulously at her audacity.
‘’Hol’ up… Wait. You’re the grown adult having a meltdown over a dream that someone else had- something that doesn’t affect you directly in any way. Acting like someone committed a crime against you or some shit. But I’M the child? Get a fuckin grip, dude-‘’ I began to argue, my voice raising an octave.
Liv suddenly stepped an inch between myself and Lacey, holding onto my arm.
The hesitant way Liv reached out to me made my heart crack a bit.
‘’Harper, let it go. It’s fine. Let’s not get kicked outta here, okay? We have somewhere to be.’’ Liv murmured to me, avoiding both mine and Lacey’s gaze.
I hated the downcast look in Liv’s eyes.
I hated the way she seemed to shrink into herself, like she wanted the ground to swallow her.
Like she had anything to be ashamed of.
The whole thing was so fucking ridiculous; I couldn’t believe it.
And as she came into my line of vision, I was reminded of the fact that I wanted to minimize her obvious embarrassment.
Yet here I was, almost losing my shit and blowing up the whole situation instead of diffusing it.
Was the idea of Liv wanting to call me ‘Mommy’ a bit jarring?
Sure, maybe.
Mainly because like I said, any flirtatious interaction between us never crossed the line into anything else.
But at the same time… I had to admit that the idea was intriguing.
And sweet…
And the way it sounded coming from her lips did things to my heart and other places…
Due to our comfort level with one another, the idea of trying anything like that with Liv didn’t feel daunting or scary in any way.
But I wanted to earn that title, not demand it from her just because I now knew that she was interested in some way.
Now it was just a matter of talking things out and seeing where Liv’s head was at…
I ended up switching my airline ticket along with Liv’s.
We didn’t care if we got into the next town a bit later, we just wanted to get away from Lacey and the whole fiasco for as long as we could.
Lacey had three whole seats to herself now and she could barely look Liv in the eye, so she didn’t bother complaining.
When we boarded the plane, I obviously asked Liv what went down between her and Lacey when they spoke in private.
She didn’t wanna touch the subject and so I let it go.
It wasn’t till we landed and got to our hotel room that Liv finally filled me in on the shitshow caused by Lacey in the airport bathroom.
After some reassuring that we were cool but that we’d talk about things later, Liv and I decided to chill out in our usual shared hotel room together.
‘’It was a mess, dude.’’ Liv said, smiling though I could see she was doing a shitty job at pretending to find the whole thing laughable now.
With every word-for-word recount that left Liv’s mouth, my jaw dropped further and further.
Again, I scoffed at Lacey having the nerve to call me a child.
‘’She made me feel like a fucking predator or something…’’ Liv laughed softly again, but this time her eyes watered just as they did hours ago at the airport and I didn’t miss the soft sniffle that followed.
 As Liv finally fell apart, I held her tightly against me.
Again, I reassured her that things were okay.
That she wasn’t a predator.
She was far from it.
And for Lacey to equate a certain kink personal preference with someone being a predator was absolutely insane.
It was bullshit.
‘’As long as you are also with a consenting adult and no physical, emotional, or mental harm comes to neither of you- what’s the problem? Surely her husband has called her ‘baby’ a time or two. So, what’s the fuckin difference? Surely, he’s not referring to an actual baby considering she’s a whole grown ass woman…’’ I ranted.
‘’Have you spoken about this with other partners?’’ I asked once Liv had calmed down and we began pulling back the comforter on the bed to settle down for the night.
‘You’re making fun of me-‘’ Liv began, smirking slightly despite the uncomfortable look that resurfaced in her eye.
‘’I’m not making fun o’ you!’’ I laughed.
‘’Really,’’ I said quietly. ‘’I’m genuinely curious! Have you?... I mean you totally don’t have to answer.’’ I said, noticing her silence.
I let Liv process my question, not at all pushing her.
I could see that she was beyond hurt over Lacey’s reaction and it broke my heart.
I knew Liv needed time, especially with how horribly things went down with her former friend.
Lacey, who Liv has never made a single pass at, not even in a joking manner- and as I considered that fact, I had to wonder if deep down, Liv had always known that Lacey would react that way even if Liv had just been joking.
I know I wasn’t exactly shocked by Lacey’s reaction.
-On the surface, Lacey seemed like a cool, easygoing person.
-But once you got to know her, there were certain things about her that seemed… old fashioned, let’s put it that way.
‘’Honestly? It never really crossed my mind until… until you and I started joking about that stuff,’’ Liv replied, letting the words tumble out quickly as if she were ripping off a band-aid.
‘’Oh?’’ I said, raising a brow.
I chuckled at the light blush that dusted Liv’s cheeks as we finally slipped into bed, laying on our sides facing one another.
Again, she avoided my eyes.
‘’Liv. If you ever wanted to try something like that, I’d be totally down for it. We don’t have to jump into anything you don’t want to, though.’’ I said, chuckling again as Liv buried her face into the bed covers.
‘’Are you serious?’’ She said, peeking at me.
 ‘’Course!... Look, the cat’s outta the bag already. Isn’t it? So why keep denying ourselves of something that could be at the very least, fun? I’ve never been a Mommy to anyone, but I have to admit that being a Mommy to you doesn’t sound half bad.’’ I murmured and I slowly reached to thread our fingers loosely together.
For a moment, I was unaware of how close our lips had slowly become, until Liv closed the distance and pressed our lips together in about the sweetest kiss I’ve ever received in my entire life.
As much control as I was taking in this conversation, I melted against her almost instantly.
My body molded to Liv’s easily and I held the back of her thigh as she laid on top of me and she practically straddled my lap.
I hummed softly as her tongue swiped against my bottom lip slowly, I narrowly stopped myself from slipping my hand into her pj’s to cup her ass.
‘’I don’t if… I don’t know if I’m ready to call you that yet,’’ Liv said as we slowly pulled away.
She stayed perfectly content laying on top of me while I rubbed slow, affectionate circles along her back.
I let a few beats pass before I answered, continuing to rub Liv’s back and feeling her body slowly begin to sag against mine.
She felt warm against me.
Like a steady weight anchoring me to reality and feeling like an absolute dream all at once.
Moving my hands up into Liv’s hair and letting the soft strands slide along my fingers, I finally spoke up.
‘’That’s okay. There’s totally no rush.’’ I said, kissing her shoulder.
Both of us sighed contently as she cuddled further into me, and she covered us up with the duvet with only our heads sticking out.
By now our bodies felt furnaces but we didn’t care.
‘’It’s just… I mean I know we’re not doing anything wrong. I’m just… I’m overthinking, I guess.’’ Liv mumbled against the safety of my neck.
Once again, I told her it wasn’t an issue.
As we dived into this new territory, we’d definitely have to talk about things more openly, but again, there was no rush.
It took Liv shorter than I expected to actually call me ‘’Mommy.’’
But, god… when it happened I felt absolutely elated.
It felt like I could walk on water if I wanted to.
To know that she trusted me that much made so fuckin’ happy.
That was about a year ago now.
But I can honestly say that I feel just as elated when I hear that word slip out of her beautiful lips as I did a year prior.
‘’Mommy, please… more…’’ Liv whimpered.
I raised a brow as I scanned her prone body, sweaty and reddened, just like I loved it.
Liv looked stunning like this, spread out on my bed with clothespins decorating her breasts, flogger prints all along her supple body, and that hazy look in her eye that told me she was completely under my spell.
I couldn’t get enough of her.
And I knew that would never get enough.
Running the flogger along her stomach and down toward her pussy, I then swirled it slowly before I brought it back down on her thighs with a loud popping sound.
I smirked at the yelp she let out and I felt my body respond along with hers, watching the way her body arched upwards, now wordlessly continuing to beg for ‘more, more, more…’
‘’More? More what, sweetheart?’’ I cooed, licking my lips and smirking as I watched her body once arch into my touch once again as I ran the flogger along her breasts.
The action tugged a bit on the clothespins that were snuggly attached to her tender flesh and my clit throbbed as she whimpered once again.
‘’I know what you want, babygirl…’’ I said in a show of mercy as Liv struggled to string a coherent thought together.
Overwhelmed tears were beginning to stream down her cheeks the second I tossed the flogger to the side, and I rubbed her soaking wet pussy with the pad of my middle finger.
I showered her with praise as she nodded rapidly, she looked absolutely stunning.
And she was mine.
Because she wanted to be.
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morgana-ren · 2 years
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Chapter I
Silco is a very important man with a very peculiar problem: An unruly, delinquent daughter jeopardizing his aspirations with her impulsive recklessness and constantly at odds with his supporters and employees because of it. Between building his budding empire, running his (less than) reputable business, and maintaining the careful balance of his power structure, he can't seem to be able to connect with her the way he feels a father should. The solution could lie in the most unexpected of places-- a mouthy underling far closer to his daughter's age than his own-- but might end up causing a very different type of problem for him-- one that puts him into some very compromising positions.
AO3 mirror: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39586455/chapters/99093885
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“And what would you know about having a daughter?”
Silco sits rigid in the leather chair, his back straight and stiff and markedly regal– a perfect vision of the unwavering authority of a king. One sharp blue eye regards you coldly, his other mutilated with corruption and burning with all the orange intensity of a collapsing star.  His imposing nature is only slightly stifled by the array of trinkets scattered across his desk, littered with childlike drawings in pastel colors. A reminder that, no matter how dangerous and tyrannical he may be, he is also a father– one who loves his beloved daughter deeply.
Still, he exudes an air of impatience. His voice is daring– mocking almost. Less a question and more of a demand. There’s a slight edge to it, as if he cannot fathom how someone so beneath him could dare to interject on his personal matters. Calling out your unmitigated gall with one little sentence and a carefully composed tone.
And technically, he’s right. You’re only in this room because you were one of the few people left alive– and that’s it . A glorified memo. Printed text given human form and constantly reminded of the inconvenience your voice causes. You are solely here to report what you’ve seen and leave and get out of his hair like a good grunt should. Speaking out of turn about anything else requires a certain level of audacity that borders on the clinically insane, especially given your present company.
Yet, even knowing this truth, the words had still left the safety of your tongue and teeth before you had the full chance to contemplate the consequence of the action.
“Not much, I guess. I don’t have kids.” You shrug out of sheer anxiety, trying to dismiss the blatant chill in his demeanor and not take it too personally. One doesn’t become king of the underworld by skirting the point. Besides, it’s too late to shut your mouth now. Might as well follow through with your initial thoughts on the matter, especially since it does technically pertain to the matter at hand. “But I am one– A daughter, that is. Not a kid, obviously.”
Despite your clumsy manner of speech, the sentiment seems to give him pause. His lips thin into a purse, forehead furrowing as his brows knit momentarily, running what you’ve said through his mind. He seemingly digests your words before leaning back in his chair, apparently finding them worthy of considering. He entwines his fingers together in a way that just screams ‘I am a ruthless business man and you have my attention. Use it wisely.’
“Very well. What would you suggest then?”
Hells. You really should have thought through what you were planning to say before you said it. All you can do now is word-vomit out the point and hope it comes across as semi-coherent. Silco has an unruly daughter causing him problems. You were an unruly daughter that liked to cause problems at one point.
You’re trying to be helpful here. Honest.
“You can’t force it like this, for starters,” You shift uncomfortably in your chair, trying to think of a sure-fire way to get across the point in a way that doesn’t make it seem like you’re criticizing him right out of the gate. “Girls– Look, we like our privacy, and having our dads burst into our space hissing and yelling at any given time– or all the time– can really start to breed some negative feelings. Jinx seems like an assertive girl. If she’s hiding from you, she probably doesn’t want to be found. You need to give her time to think things over and reflect on her own. She knows you’re upset.”
He hums quietly, mulling it over for a moment. He doesn’t look angry, which is all you can ask for, really.
“Is that all then?”
He quirks a dark, narrow brow in your direction. It doesn’t help that he’s so effortlessly intimidating.
“Everything she’s doing, she’s doing for you. She might not necessarily be going about it the right way, but it’s clear she wants to impress you and she’s working her ass off to do it. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, boss. Honestly. Positive reinforcement. Praise the things she’s doing correctly rather than admonishing the ones she’s not—Or at least more often. Being yelled at and scolded constantly really isn’t helpful after a certain degree. It’s just demeaning.”
“A curious observation.” He nods, looking at the ceiling for a moment before returning his gaze right back on you. “And do you speak on behalf of all daughters when you suggest this or is it a more—“ You swear a ghost of a grin plays on his mouth, but perhaps you imagine it. Silco doesn’t smile, and he most certainly doesn’t smile at you. “—personal preference?”
“People in general, really.”
“Is that so? I have found that firm discipline yields the best results.”
“Maybe in certain situations, but it’s different with kids and their parents– not that I’m questioning you or anything. It’s just– well, when I was her age, it only made me more rebellious and likely to act out when my dad whipped out the proverbial rod all the time.”
“A trait not fully ironed out with passing years, I see.”
You flush slightly, hoping the mix of poor lighting and smoke conceals the blush of humiliation blooming in your cheeks. If he notices, he says nothing, but keeps his eyes on you, looking at you like he’s only truly seeing you for the first time. Fairly, this makes you squirm all the more. He’d never even spoken to you before and now you have his full and undivided attention on a rather personal matter.
“Spare the rod, spoil the child.” He eventually speaks again when you don’t respond to his jest, sighing as he reaches forward to take a cigar between his slender fingers. “Still, I will admit my present methods have been… ineffective. You seem knowledgeable and insightful. Perhaps you do have a point and I have simply been too hard on her.”
That’s huge from a man like Silco. It's especially huge that he would admit this to a low-level worker in his employ when he could have just as easily told you to fuck off and taken your advice quietly and without any admission on his part. It shouldn’t make you this happy– it’s almost embarrassing, really, reacting this way to his praise. You’ve got to swallow down the slight victorious squeal and instinctive grin that tugs at your lips.
“I guess just give it a try. If it doesn’t work out, You can go ahead and punish me for giving piss-poor advice.”
It’s meant as a joke to ease your own personal tension, but he maintains a perfectly straight face as he places the cigar between his lips and flicks the lighter, his good eye glowing ominously with the reflection of the flame.
“Oh, I shall .”
Oh. You think you will be keeping your mouth shut next time you’re around him. And forever, while you’re at it. Silco’s idea of punishment isn’t really something you’d like to become intimate with.
And then, without skipping a beat, he waves you off without a second glance.
“That will be all. Return to your duties. I’ll have you brought to me again, should you be needed.”
He whirls his chair back towards the window and away from you, concealing him from your vision, impressing the finality of the conversation. A thin trail of smoke swirls up from the cigar, and if you look carefully enough, you can see the burning yellow core in the window– and his equally intense attention still fixed on you in the reflection.
“Umm— Yeah, sure– Of course. Um–” You scramble out of the chair, narrowly avoiding tripping over your own two feet as you stand and smooth out the wrinkles in your clothing. Rather than leaving, as you probably should, you open your big mouth one last time. “Good luck with it, Mr. Silco. I hope– I hope you and Jinx can reconcile. She seems like a good girl, and you– you’re a good dad for caring the way you do. Better than most.”
God, why did you say that? Why the fuck did you just say that?
“A good girl, hmm?”
You could swear he repeats the words lowly through a whisper, and the pin-point prickle in your cheeks nearly has you throwing up from mortification at yourself. Just the way he says it, you—
You’re not going to think about that right now. Absolutely not.
Your hands are on the doorknob and you’re throwing yourself through the door before you can make a bigger ass of yourself in front of the king of the underground.
You only hope he forgets your name and face and everything about you after this.
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spikybanana · 2 years
"locked": am finally getting back at this one! pov Marlene in the figure skaters au, near the beginning of third year. this refers to James' decision to quit ice hockey and join Sirius + Remus in figure skating
Nine o’clock, target locked in, and Marlene leaped from behind the water cooler to tackle James Potter to the floor. “You— you thought you could hide from me?”
James hit the ground with a grunt. Walking near him, Lily jumped and let out a high-pitched yelp in surprise. Extremely flustered, she cried out, “Oh for christ’s sake Marlene! What!”
“Yeah Marls what are you on about—” but James’ protests were immediately muffled by Marlene’s hand.
“Don’t you dare play dumb James Potter,” she pinned his chest down with a knee, “you’ve been avoiding me and you know it.”
Remus, the smart man, immediately turned around for the other entrance of the rink, pulling Lily with him. James looked mournfully at their retreating back, before deflating and letting his head thump to the floor. He sighed dramatically, righted his glasses, and said, “Right. Go on. Come at me then.”
Marlene didn’t need to be told twice.
“You absolute traitor! Why would you just drop that on us? On the very first day? With no warning?” She gestured wildly. And the sheepishly amused look on James’ face riled her up even more. “I had plans for our line! And what about Pete! You know he’s gonna be moping for weeks and then coach is going to have to pull him out of my line and he’d be stuck with some Slytherin! And you're just here sauntering around and—”
“Don’t you think I know all that? Marls, quitting ice hockey was a hard decision for me as well!”
“Oh yes it’s all so hard for you, James I-can-pick-up-anything-if-I-wanted-to Potter. From what Remus told me, you took one look at your boyfriend at the end of last year and that was it! The James Potter special, this was, he wags a finger with his one single brain cell and expects it to change the world!”
“What? Remus said that?” James suddenly looked worried.
“I can’t believe you!” Marlene ran both hands over her face before her finger went right back to James’ face, “So you care more about what Remus thinks while I’m the one shouting at you? God why are you boys so weird about each other—”
“Did he actually say that—”
“No, of course he didn’t! That’s what I’m here for isn’t it? Since Peter and Remus are clearly both too nice to give you an earful— oh for fucking fuckpuck’s sake that’s why Peter wouldn’t even get mad at you—”
“Marls I’m sorry!”, James wriggled on the floor, half-heartedly fighting her off, “Can you just tell me how to make it up to you?”
Marlene continued staring down at the stupid bird-nest-on-an-acorn face of James Potter, at the ridiculous mix of cocky and sincerity which she apparently couldn’t stay mad at. “I swear on the bloody daft specs on your big nose, I’m just so done.” She shoved his chest again and rolled off him.
“Oof.” James had the audacity to laugh as he pushed himself to sit up. “Seriously. What should I do? Should I come to your practices? Watch all your games?”
“Obviously you’re watching our games!” Marlene crossed her arms, “You carry our bags to practices once a week. You don’t get to boss people around or boo at the Slytherins.”
“But they’re all such jerks!”
“They’re still my teammates! No thanks to you. And, all of you Gryffindor losers are coming to watch our games.”
“What if we’re busy! You don’t know I’m not going to rise to stardom now that I’m in the right place!”
Marlene was just about to retort against his impossibly big head when she saw that he was not serious at all. He was grinning at her, barely holding in a laugh.
“God you’re so stupid.” Marlene whined, “Why do I even like you.” She looked up in a mock prayer, but froze when she realised they had an audience. Sirius and— Dorcas— were no longer skating to their quiet conversation, and had stopped not far from them on the ice, probably having listened to every word.
She caught Dorcas’ curious glance her way. Their eyes locked, and wouldn’t move away. It lasted for maybe an eternity and Marlene wasn’t sure if the look on her own face would have been suspiciously unsettled or simply struck dumb. Something about Dorcas caught her unawares and she was trapped. When the stare finally broke, having sucked all air and sense from her, it was when Marlene’s weak, weak mind decided to flicker a gaze down to Dorcas’ lips.
Dorcas’ eyes— dark, deep, indecipherable, beguiling— went wide, and she let out a little gasp.
“I’ll— get back at you, Potter.” Marlene muttered at James, then hurriedly stood up, turning to hide her burning cheeks and making to leave.
“Not even going to watch the practice?” James cried, obliviously. “You already made it all the way here!”
“I’ve my own practice to attend, thank you!” was the last thing she hastily threw over her shoulder, before bolting away.
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esta-elavaris · 1 year
First up, just want to say I love your blog and your stories even though I am a lousy commentor.(I apologise for that)
I really resonate with that ask you answered about children. I feel exactly the same way...sworn off relationships and children. I value my freedom too much to sacrifice it. Children and relationships maybe okay but free time, writing, reading and fandoms are WAYYY better. I tend to keep these views to myself because I made the mistake of opening up and telling this to some of my family and friends only to be ridiculed. They even had the audacity to place bets on me which was quite annoying. Long story short none of them believe me and does not get the fact that I do not need to be in a relationship or have children to be happy. I am quite content with my freedom, studies, reading, writing, fandoms and most importantly my peace of mind. Glad to know there are people like me who feel the same way❤❤
Oh no need to apologise at all, I am also a crap commenter when it comes to stuff I read a lot of the time, so I get it! Thank you! 💜💜
But yeah, honestly it's so disappointing that people are crap about it. Most of my family don't know that I've actively decided not to do either, and I don't see any reason to tell them tbh. I don't need the ear-beating. I've only just started being so open about it online and amongst friend circles because it feels important to voice and validate at this point. It does make me laugh because my mother was a terrible mother and told me at fifteen that I needed to have children one day, because she had to be a grandmother 💀 like she didn't even make an effort with the kids she had herself, what a dumbass.
Our planet is over-populated as it is, and so many kids are stuck with terrible parents who have no interest in actually parenting or being there for their child because they either had kids because it's "what people do", or because they were too concerned with what they thought a child could give them rather than vice versa, or even because they were worried about maybe potentially regretting it one day. One look at the "regretful parents" subreddit shows you the cost of that thinking. I think it's funny that the people who actively choose not to have kids bc they don't think they'd be a good parent are actively making a better parenting decision than the ones who have them and then mistreat them just because "it's what people do!!!1"
With relationships and kids for me there's just too much cost and absolutely not enough reward. I'd much rather write about it than live it ahah. The judgement does absolutely suck, though, like I think people who view these things as an essential part of life really can't grasp that some people just don't, and think we're lying about being happy as is out of denial or and inability to find "the one" or something because they think how they feel when they're single etc. is how everybody feels when they're single. Or maybe it even makes them feel some kind of way because they depend on it so much and they don't like to see others not needing it, and being fine with doing shit alone or "just" with friends. Platonic love is just as important, and (for me) just as fulfilling.
I do think some child-free people give the whole thing a bad name - I cringe when I see people online absolutely foaming at the mouth when a child dares to exist in public, but it doesn't justify the way some people try to make the reproductive choices of others their business. It's also disappointing that it's a decision that's often more respected when men make it than women. Nine times out of ten I see a parent dealing with a meltdown etc. and I just think "I wouldn't do that on a daily basis for all of the money in the world", and that's not even getting into how we gloss over exactly how traumatic pregnancy and birth is on a physical level. Absolutely no part of it is tempting to me. The good moments wouldn't outweigh the sacrifice for me.
I did not mean to write you a whole ass essay here, I'm sorry haha, it's just nice to find people who get it and to have a chance to talk about it! Also didn't know whether to answer this privately or not - so I hope you don't mind, but if you do just lmk and I'll delete 💜
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I got an idea, think about douma with an male s/o who doesn't fell in love with nobody and never had even a crush?
Thanks for asking!! I hope this is what you were asking for I kind of took the idea and ran with it.
Hope you enjoy🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Yandere Douma x Male Reader
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🌈👁️❄️It wasn’t like you didn’t know how to love
🌈👁️❄️You just didn’t do it often
🌈👁️❄️Other than doing the bare minimum for your parents love just didn’t fit into the equation of your life except for one person
🌈👁️❄️You were always too busy, too focused, or just not interested at all 🌈👁️❄️I mean you had the family business to run, thanks to your parents who preemptively dumped all their responsibility onto you
🌈👁️❄️Not to mention practically abandoning their other child, your little sister, who you have to raise in their stead
🌈👁️❄️For majority of your life you were just a typical business man in the village doing what you had to, to make ends meet
🌈👁️❄️That changed when your parents joined some conglomerate cult that had them running around doing chores and spending even more time away from you both
🌈👁️❄️That wasn’t the issue
🌈👁️❄️The issue was that when your parents did show up they would sing praises of “Douma-sama” and all his gracious actions that day planning to take your baby sister with them
🌈👁️❄️They have the audacity
🌈👁️❄️You voiced your concerns but they ignored you and against your wishes brought your sibling to one of their extended visits to the compound
🌈👁️❄️In turn you dropped everything you could to follow right behind them
🌈👁️❄️At first you wouldn’t even see the fabled “Douma-sama” thanks to all his adoring fans blocking your view 🌈👁️❄️Just as you suspected they had put you to work on chores so that they could be apart of the posse that hovered around the object of everyone’s eyes 🌈👁️❄️You essentially helped your little sister finish your parent's chores before leaving the compound for as long as possible 🌈👁️❄️“I can hear Konoha crying again, the master is coming near.”
🌈👁️❄️“Himari, don't say stuff like that, you’re gonna scare everyone.” 🌈👁️❄️You scolded her. Something you found yourself doing often with her not because she misbehaved but because she was just....different.
🌈👁️❄️She would be scared of people she shouldn’t be, she’d talk to ‘imaginary friends’ ,and draw things that would be oddly prophetic
🌈👁️❄️You loved her but you realized it wasn't typical to give a forewarning to the people who meet her
🌈👁️❄️You knew how people would treat her if they knew she was like this maybe that's why you were so geared on raising her right
🌈👁️❄️“Keep scrubbing Hime, after this I’ll treat you to some yakitori.”
🌈👁️❄️“Yay!” 🌈👁️❄️Unbeknownst to you, your parents had another reason to bring Himari to the compound
🌈👁️❄️“There! With our son, there, is our daughter on the floor” They pointed at you two, who were focused on scrubbing the floor 🌈👁️❄️When his muiti-colored eyes landed on you, he couldn’t pinpoint the spark he felt in his artificial heart 🌈👁️❄️Even with the smudges of dirt on your (s/c) cheeks you looked like a diamond in a bag of coal 🌈👁️❄️He approaches you expecting you to either worship him on the spot or to look up and be mesmerized by his eyes
🌈👁️❄️“Could you move? I wasn't finished cleaning that spot.”
🌈👁️❄️He moved his foot back to which you immediately went back to scrubbing that spot.
🌈👁️❄️“How dare you!” One of your parents had yelled stomping from their place in the back to kick your face effectively giving you a black eye 🌈👁️❄️Himari screams and Douma doesn’t waste any time calling them out before demanding the rest of his posse to drag them away for punishment 🌈👁️❄️While the group left, Douma knelt down to help you up 🌈👁️❄️“Only demons can be so jealous of angels.” 🌈👁️❄️“My parents aren’t demons but thank you for your help.” 🌈👁️❄️You kept it curt. Even if this guy helped you he still is the head of a cult you didn’t want to encourage any more conversation especially in front of Himari
🌈👁️❄️“We finished our chores so we’ll be on our way.” You avoided looking at the male’s eyes just to avoid any type of connection you reached out for Himari’s hand
🌈👁️❄️“Wait a second,” Douma moved to block Himari’s path to you, “you're the daughter they talked so much about! How would you like it if I got you some yakitori while we chat?”
🌈👁️❄️Himari looked flushed trying to look around to you but the Cult leader only moved closer
🌈👁️❄️“We had plans-” “Have them with me then! I’d love to get to know you more” 🌈👁️❄️And through pressure and maybe even the silent threat of everyone else at the compound you’ll stay and eat with Douma 🌈👁️❄️All throughout dinner Douma is going to try to find out more about you and even drop a few loads of hints with pick up lines and subtle touches on your arm 🌈👁️❄️You won’t react at all 🌈👁️❄️And Douma is annoyed 🌈👁️❄️Everytime he tried to get you talk more to him all you were giving him was polite surface responses
🌈👁️❄️“So do you have anybody to go home to?”
🌈👁️❄️“No, me and Himari pretty much live there on our own.”
🌈👁️❄️“Well how about living here where you could come home to me?”
🌈👁️❄️“No offense but this isn’t a healthy environment for Himari so we have to leave soon. Sorry if that sounds rude.”
🌈👁️❄️“Well how about you stay for a bit. Just you. Where we can get to know eachother better.”
🌈👁️❄️“Uhm no. My job requires that I be present and I already told you this isn’t a good place for a growing girl” 🌈👁️❄️This was getting nowhere 🌈👁️❄️So when you left with your sister Douma was worried he’d never see you again 🌈👁️❄️But he had a plan 🌈👁️❄️Your parents the scumbags took a majority of the savings and valuables in offering to him so you’d have to come reclaim these things should something happen to your parents….
🌈👁️❄️In a totally unrelated event your parent’s corpses were found incomplete at the edge of the forest
🌈👁️❄️Ruled as an animal attacks Douma’s cult wasn’t suspected of being the culprits
🌈👁️❄️When you got the news you weren’t sad but you were suspicious of their involvement
🌈👁️❄️And were worried if the group had intentions of silencing him when he was sent a written invitation to retrieve his parent’s items
🌈👁️❄️Douma was pleased when you came with a carriage and his sister in tow as he asked to see exactly how much he had to transport
🌈👁️❄️“Thanks for your condolences, I plan to remove as much as I can within the next week.”
🌈👁️❄️Douma was thrilled at least he had a week to woo you the human-way before he took things in his own hands
🌈👁️❄️He was about to leave his leisure room before receiving an unexpected guest
🌈👁️❄️“Oh, Himari is it? What do you want?” He was a little caught off guard, where most demons would be alarmed he was not, instead he recalled his interest in the girl before
🌈👁️❄️“You killed them, right?” She spoke so casually it was like speaking to another of his kind
🌈👁️❄️“What makes you say that?”
🌈👁️❄️“You were really wanting my brother to come back…this would make sense.”
🌈👁️❄️She walked in plopping herself next to Douma and his throne of pillows pulling out a coloring book beginning to color
🌈👁️❄️“Why tell me if you know I could kill you?”
🌈👁️❄️As if to prove his point he played and lightly pulled at her hair
🌈👁️❄️She didn’t react continuing to color
🌈👁️❄️“Because I have what you want and you have what I want”
🌈👁️❄️Douma liked this girl
🌈👁️❄️“What do you want from me, Hime-chan?”
🌈👁️❄️“Info. I already know some things but I want to know more.”
🌈👁️❄️“And you will help me become best-friends with (Y/n)?”
🌈👁️❄️“You want to be more than that, don’t you?”
🌈👁️❄️He couldn’t help picking the little girl up and hugging her. She was the key to you and he didn’t have to sweet-talk her like everyone else
🌈👁️❄️This would be perfect to finally getting you to love him
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gayluigi · 3 years
PSA: If you’re out in public and see a visibly disabled person sitting there minding their own business, you do NOT have the right to record them just because you think they’re lesser than you.
I was at a restaurant with my friend who’s “severely” autistic (I hate functioning labels but idk how else to describe it), his understanding of the world is on the level of about a 6-7 yr old, and he has apraxia, so his movements are stilted and forced, he’s super thin and just never gains weight so it exaggerates the awkwardness of his movements, and his speech is very slurred and hard to understand. So to the average person, yes, he looks and talks funny. He also carries around a giant Chuck E Cheese plush and a Curious George plush, so that might be seen by others as weird too. But he’s the sweetest guy, super cool, even if he’s not exactly a conversationalist. He’s really and truly great.
But this asshole sitting at the bar perpendicular to where we were at our table pulled out his phone and was openly recording him on video. Just because my friend had the audacity to exist in a public place as a visibly disabled person. I didn’t see it going on or I would’ve confronted them. The only person who saw it was my mom, and she flipped them off but didn’t say anything to them.
Like, what gives you the right to record someone who’s just minding their own business? Just because they look and sound different from the average person? I consider my friend to be my brother. He’s a great guy, and everyone who knows him adores him. But this person didn’t bother to come and ask questions or anything, just thought it would be funny to record him.
And this isn’t the first incident where someone has discriminated against him for being visibly disabled. One time we were at Chuck E Cheese, and this man decided he was gonna try and get my friend thrown out because he didn’t like the fact that he was existing in public as a visibly disabled person. He went to the manager and made up a lie that my friend had his hand down his pants and was watching the man’s child and fondling himself. My friend was wearing skinny jeans and couldn’t have fit his hand down his pants if he had TRIED, and he’s NEVER exhibited that kind of behavior before. This guy just didn’t like that a disabled man was daring to exist in public. Luckily, the manager didn’t believe his story, but she told my friend’s mom what happened, and my friend’s mom actually confronted the guy, and he left with his child, thank god.
Disabled people exist. They exist in public. And they have the RIGHT to exist in public. You don’t have the right to record them, nor do you have the right to try and get them kicked out of a public venue just for being disabled. Mind your own fucking business.
And it pisses me off because I’m autistic too, but I’ve NEVER had this kind of problem, because I’m good at masking and I don’t have apraxia. I appear perfectly “normal” to the average person most of the time, unless I’m stimming or something like that. But because my friend doesn’t have the ability to mask, he’s viciously discriminated against. It’s not FAIR. People need to mind their own fucking business and leave visibly disabled people the hell alone.
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sepia-mahogany · 3 years
Platonic Hanahaki
The stories are just as widely known, of loving and losing, of yearning and forgetting, common in present time as they were years ago, of loving someone so deeply, without desire but not without passion, of kings and warriors, of lovers and brothers, of people not kin not lovers, growing in their lungs the flowers with thorns that cut deep, and drank away their blood without leaving any survivors.
Of course the tales are many, as tragic as they are, of how a man who killed his beloved for making him feel what he deemed unnecessary, his beloved who offered him a little white carnation, covered red in blood, but he held up his sword and cut through flesh, only to follow few days later in his grief.
Or of how a woman travelled across seas, in search of her soulmate, for the agony of her blood kept her comfort, for the heartbeat that echoed along with the garden she grew inside her lungs, because it meant her beloved was well, until one day, she coughed up a black rose and sank to her knees, disappearing from the world.
Of course, there were the ones who lived and got their happy ends, filled with their beloved ones caress or tears of guilt, and so was recorded, the flowers turning to dust and fading away, for their love had been acknowledged, so why the need for the reminder in their veins? Only marks appear on their skin, the place where they first made contact, sometimes the cheek, sometimes the hand, sometimes unseen under the clothes from when they rough-housed as kids.
Jiang Fengmian closed the book that he read, the pain blossoming sharp in his lungs, since that night when he sat, staring at the lotuses under the moonlight, his mind drifting to moments of the past, of longing of what once was, Lotus Pier once his home, felt more like a shackle around his wrists, yet this was his responsibility and he would bear the weight.
He thought to the day he waved away his dearest friend, the one by his side since they were young and grown into the men they were today, and as life went on, it was natural and it was expected, so Fengmian had not been forlorn but rather joyfully wished them well with sincerity and hoped they could visit some time in the future.
He was happy for Changze, for he had found his One, he’d seen the way he looked at her and she at him, he may have held affections for one of them but his love for their friendship outweighed it, and he would be content if they were healthy and successful in the path they chose, but even he knew with their own busy lives, it would be difficult to meet for a long time, so he bid them farewell and cherished their memories.
He didn’t feel as disappointed over his marriage as he originally did, it might have been arranged because of Meishan Yu Sect’s pressuring and his mother’s continuous desire for wanting one of theirs to be his bride, ‘to be the stern hand to his mellowness’ she had said, and what kind of a filial son would he be if he broke the betrothal off now?
And it was not as if he knew the Third Lady of Meishan Yu personally, seeing his brother-in arm’s relationship, his heart could not help but swell with hope, perhaps they could come to understand one another? He looked at his flowers, the ones he had grown with them, and the purple lotuses blooming near the entrance and thought, would she notice how the the colour reflected her eyes? Maybe a boat ride would help? Making future plans with anticipation, he felt a smile blooming on his face.
The day of the wedding came and went, except the chambers of the first night of the married couple remained empty, for his wife had requested for separate quarters in the privacy of their room, he agreed, perhaps she was nervous? Knowing each other better was better than consummation with a stranger, he nodded to himself, he should probably help make her comfortable as her husband.
He approached her room after he finished dressing and knocked lightly, and hesitantly called out “Third-lady?” The door opened, by one of the two girl’s Yu Ziyuan had brought over, and he saw his heart skip a beat when he saw her sitting clothed in Yunmeng Jiang’s purple, her violet eyes staring at him, her lips pursed in a line.
“What is it?” she asked, annoyance clear by her expression, he hesitated yet again, perhaps he had come too early? Yesterday had been a busy banquet. “Would you like to come to the pavilion with me today?” her eyes narrowed and he thought he saw a brief anger flash on her face, was she misunderstanding his intentions?? “The flowers are quite beautiful and the weather is quite good today, tea outside seems a calming time, doesn’t it?” he added, trying to make sure his tone did not seem too hurried, except she became even more angry.
Just when he expected her to refuse, she nodded curtly, “What time?” He let out a breath he did not even realise that he was holding, “Whatever seems comfortable.” He smiled at her gently, her eyes roamed over his face once again before she looked away, knowing full well she meant for him to leave, he got up.
He was happy throughout the day and it must have shown on his face, because his right-hand man told him to leave the Sect work to him for today and ‘just go Sect Leader!”, he had prepared the afternoon snacks himself, the place polished and ready for a wonderful evening, despite that, he still could not help but anxiously look over everything as he waited for her arrival, and she arrived, wearing the same robes as she was in the morning.
He got up to extend her seat. “Good Evening, Third-Lady” She had been looking around the garden since she had entered, he thought it out of appreciation, since these were the flowers they cultivated for years, until her eyes landed on him, which held the same anger as they did earlier in the morning. He served her the tea which she held tightly in her hands, and he found himself worrying, “Is something wrong?”
He expected her to say that the tea was not up to her taste at best, he expected her to criticise the garden’s decor at worse, what he had not expected were the words that left her mouth. “So this is the garden you cultivated with that woman? And you dared to bring me, your wife, here on the first day after our marriage?” She hissed, her words crisp and cutting, he felt confusion, followed by horrified upon realisation of the implications. 
“Third-Lady! What are you saying??”
“What am I saying?! Do you deny it? Do you take me for a fool? You married me once you were rejected by her, everyone knows that and you think that I will sit here calmly while being disrespected!? What do you take me for??” She yelled at him, slamming the cup down, he was truly shocked and frozen in his spot looking at her in bewilderment, had that really been what everyone was saying?
However, she took his shocked silence for agreement and got up to leave, “Third-Lady wait! It isn’t as you think, at all! Let me explain, we were friends and nothing else” He saw her pause, her back towards him so he hurried to explain.
“Changze brought her over once, to show her the garden we had cultivated since we were kids.” He paused to take a breath, “The only thing that was planted upon her suggestion were the purple lotuses-” He saw her head tilt as she looked the flowers, with a hopeful heart he thought, ‘maybe..?’ But before he could finish, Yu Ziyuan had turned around, a sneer upon her lips as she trampled upon the flowers next to her.
‘...to be the first thing you see, when you enter the garden.’
She left him staring at the trampled flowers, the tea cup tipped all over the table from when she smashed it in anger, and he sat there, processing what had happened, until a disciple knocked at the door, “Sect Leader?” The disciple peeked inside to catch his eye and stammered, “The meeting is about to begin, some urgent things came up and-” he smiled and replied “Of course, I’ll be on my way.” He sent the disciple off, grabbed a few napkins to clean up the table, and picked up the trampled flowers from the ground.
The days that followed went on without much words spoken between them, he did not dare to make the first move, because if she could misunderstand him in ways to such high extents, he was not sure what she would think if her sent over gifts, even if the thought of sending some crossed his mind, her scowling face and the violet of her eyes reminded him of that day, leading him to stay away.
He entered the garden, as months went by, the flowers that were once blooming wilted, just like everything in life had its end, some more sooner than the others, some caused by another, he thought as his eyes lingered on the place where once the purple lotus flowers stood. 
“She’ll love them!” Cangse Sanren had said with that confident smile of hers, giving him thumbs up with both hands covered in dirt from where she planted her side of the lotuses with Changze, who nodded as well when he looked at him. “The ones on the right are from us, the ones to left were planted by her were own future-husband.” She grinned as he could feel flush creeping up his cheeks, he cleared his throat accompanied by Changze’s fond sigh. 
“She’ll probably melt, Sect Leader Jiang, down on his hands and knees in dirt, planting flowers in her-” Jiang Fengmian cut her off “Okay, enough! Enough!” he muttered, wiping his hands clean and looking at Changze, who only looked the other way as his wife cackled, the traitor. “Besides I plant flowers anyway, so does Changze, it’s not anything special like that.” He said defensively, Cangse Sanren had the audacity to roll her eyes, at Sect Leader, and his own home at that. “Sureee, Fengmian, sure.” 
When he began to plant new fresh seeds, it took him much longer without Changze doing the other half, now, the thought of even considering Yu Ziyuan to plant the other half seemed laughable, he had been wrong in thinking they could come to understand one another, but now what was done was done, he could not exactly with separate her just within a few months of marriage, so he took a deep breath and decided upon a peace offering.
She was the Violet Spider, with a harsh temper and equally cutting words, what would be a gift that would be to her liking? He did not need to ponder over it for long, because to his surprise, he was approached by her during the evening, when he was alone. “I want to handle the training of the disciples.” She stated more than asked, Jiang Fengmian hesitated, that was a mistake, “What? Don’t think I’m good enough to train Yunmeng Jiangs disciples? Not good enough as your-” he cut her off,
 “No! That’s not what I was thinking-” the original instructor had been hand picked and carried the legacy of his forefathers, how could he alter what was passed down for generations- “Did you speak over me!? Trying to silence me, are you? With how you married me as a substitute for her? Is that not it?? Is that why you’re so hesitant?? Or perhaps is it that I’m a woman and you’re scared-” what?? “My Lady! That’s not it at all! I-”
“Then prove it, or else it's not believable at all, what other reason would you have then, to think that I am somehow inferior in your mind?” Her words dripped with poison, her eyes locking onto him, eyes of a venomous spider, he raised up his hand to massage his forehead. “Its not that simple! The instructing handlers have been passed down through generations, I cannot just change it on a whim.”
And she leaned back, smug as if she had won the argument, “Then perhaps it is not I who is lacking.” He felt cold all over, the anger he felt giving him no warmth, insulting his friends, insulting him, and now his sect. “Third-Lady, please be careful of what you speak, careless words aren’t able to be taken back easily.” Her smile remained, “Who says these are careless words? I mean every one of them, your Sect teachings haven’t produced any excelling disciple for the past years, while other Sect’s flourish, give me the reigns and I’ll show you how its done.”
Not only accepting all her words as intentional, but also implying she could do better than the Jiang Sect’s teachings over hundreds of years, he realised more and more what sort of a person he had been tied down to, would it not be better to just end the marriage? He instead looked over her smug expression and took a deep breath, “Fine, but give me time.” She nodded and left at that, a means to an end, giving her the benefit of the doubt, he did not know at the time, would turn out to be one of his worst mistakes.
It took him months but he managed to get some disciples under Yu Ziyuan, but his concerns were not simply over the teachings, if Yu Ziyuan could act the way she did with him, well with disciples? So he supervised the training lessons, but again to his surprise, other than some curt words, she did not verbally attack them the way she had attacked him, so it wasn’t her behaviour in general, just with him.
Of course he had called over one of the disciples randomly, although nervous and stuttering, the boy had answered that the training was going quite well, and with no reports or complaints in the following months, he could not do anything but let the matter drop, with this however, the matter of their distance remained as it was.
Soon he found that she relocated the aides he had, he had been angry of course, and immediately gone to her. “Where did you send Li Feng and the rest? And with what authority, you have no right-” she cut him off slamming her hands on top of the table. “With authority as your wife!? Or have you forgotten who your wife is?? So what? Can’t I move around servants here??” the anger churned his insides more so than anything else. 
“Those people aren’t servants, Li Feng is my right-hand man, please refer to them respectfully.” He tried to speak as calmly as possible, she glared at him “As the Madam of this house, I can do however I want.” he pinched the bridge of his nose, looked at her, her violet eyes, and exhaled. “Every action I do is met with anger, scorn or contempt,” He began, voice devoid of previous anger, “Then perhaps we should part ways.” He finished and her expression changed.
Out went the anger from her glare, instead for the first time she looked at him with shock instead of rage, and it was the first time he heard her stutter. “F-Fengmian, you can’t…” He looked at her, much relaxed with his mind made up, “Third-Lady, we clearly aren’t meant to be, we are completely different.” He turned his back and made to leave, with his hand on the door handle, “How dare you do this to me?”
Still the same, he closed his eyes, “How dare you, when I work day and night to train your disciples, how dare you, when you agreed to marry me in the first place, if anything, it's all your fault these things happen!” She yelled and he turned to look at her in disbelief, she cried “Why did you marry me if you were going to abandon me later?? How dare you!” she grabbed the nearest object, a cup and threw it at him, but he caught it before it broke.
‘Your fault’ she said, how was it his fault with any of it?? With how she behaved- “Have I caused problems in your Sect?? Have I gone out of my way to harm your people? All I did was rearrange the schedule setting but you seem to think I have committed treason?!”
She looked at him with anger “Did you not approach me first on that day? I was fine in my own quarters but you had to approach me.” He did but it was for purpose of getting to know each other better!
“Then all I asked was to train your disciples, only to get your suspicion” She huffed angrily “Do you think think me blind? That I would not if you called them to check if I was abusing them?? What do you take me for exactly!?” She saw him staring wide-eyed and nodded “You don’t get to ask for separation when I’m one who has suffered, after I’ve worked so hard, you could make some efforts too, if you weren’t so obsessed with that woman, and hate me unreasonably for not being her, then perhaps you would know!” She left, slamming the door behind her.
Her words repeated over and over in his head, ‘your fault’, true he had approached her first that day...but..and again the thing with disciples, he felt guilt creeping up in his heart, he should have tried harder if she misunderstood him, he should have explained it better, in a few days he saw his aides once again under him, but instead of greeting him like they usually did, they looked at him as if a stranger. 
“Is everything alright?” He asked, Li Feng answered “Of course, Sect Leader.” He nodded, not noticing anything odd, except over the next month, he realised they were treating him distantly, he couldn’t share with them what was on his mind, nor any of his opinions, being met with “As Sect Leader wishes.” Was Yu Ziyuan right? Was he the one lacking in communication? But he never had Changze misunderstand him...
In his state, he did not notice rumours spreading about how Jiang Fengmian did not like Yu Ziyuan because he was ‘still in love with another woman’.
Most of time was spent busy with his work, not knowing how to face her again, days became months, he would sometimes reminisce over his past times, feeling guilt weighing him down and pain in his chest, there no reason for him to feel anything out of the ordinary, until one day, when he was sitting in his room while looking down at his garden, the flowers did not bloom, he thought, and he felt a wave of coldness wash over him
Thinking how the once lively Lotus Pier turned into a place of coldness for him, his wife refused to talk to him, his aides and friends looked at him with judgement in their eyes, and then the pain increased unnaturally, until he couldn’t help but take in deep breaths helping to no avail, and then he coughed.
He coughed and coughed until he could feel his lungs bleed and he tasted metal on his tongue, until he could feel thorns scratching his throat as he choked with panic overtaking him, barely able to breath he vomited, instead of feeling his blanket get wet from what he thought was bile, he opened his eyes to be greeted by flowers, lots of carnations, stargazer lilies and purple hyacinths mixed together, covered in blood and vines.
He laughed, he had not laughed since the day he got married to Yu Ziyuan, he laughed and laughed bitterly, tears forming in his eyes, he felt so alone, he thought ‘how good would it be if I could just leave?’, at least, he thought between breaths, at least they are alright, it had been a long time since he had heard from his friends.
A year had passed just like that, Yu Ziyuan’s angry scornful comments continued any time he so much as tried to speak to her that he gave up trying, his aides while weren’t exactly the same with him anymore, he did catch them staring at him with concern sometimes, few reassurances had them going back to work.
Hearing knocking at the door, with Yu Ziyuan’s “It’s me”, exhaustion filled him, and his heart skipped a beat with fear, of course it wasn’t that he was afraid of her, but her reaction, her words if she knew, he glanced once at the hiding place of the book and got up to open the door, tired as he did not want to face more of her tirades or whatever she wanted from him.
She walked in, eyes roaming over his room and sat on the edge of his bed, “Fengmian” she began, and he took a deep breath, she wanted to ask for something when she spoke like that, “What is it Third-Lady?” he asked, a bit resigned.
“The people have been talking.” She said a bit curtly, that phrase always sent his thoughts back to when they first talked, and since whenever she uttered it, it was almost always followed by anger, he did not like it at all.
Though reluctant, he still asked weakly “About what, Third-Lady?” she looked away. “Heirs” With that one word, he felt a surge of that unpleasant coldness forming in the pit of his stomach. “‘Heirs?’” he repeated, he had known that one day he would have to consummate their relationship, and he had foolishly avoided it being brought up, with what reason could he deny this?
“Make up your mind, people have been talking, how Fengmian has not touched his wife since her arrival.” She said, turning to look at her, the violet of her eyes made him sick, his thoughts filled with the purple hyacinths covered in blood, he felt breath come short to his lungs. “Give me time, Third-Lady.” He whispered weakly, and winced when he realised it was the wrong thing to say as her expression twisted.
“Do you hear yourself? Always ‘give me time’ whenever I ask you for something, haven’t I given you enough time to come to yourself? Always dazed nowadays!” She snapped and he flinched, “Third-Lady no! I-” She interrupted “Don’t speak over me!” She got up, and walked closer to him, prompting him to take a step back. 
“You, always yearning for your beloved it it?” She sniffed and he felt his heart drop, she couldn’t possibly have known, he went alone and- “You...you had people following me??” He whispered, angered, afraid, he did not know what he was feeling, except that he wanted to be far far away from her. Were it the people he once called his aides? 
“Does it matter? Who knows when you’d meet up with that wh-” He slammed his hand on the door “Third-Lady, please leave.” He said taking in deep breaths to keep the pain at bay, “Just go” He added when a look of anger overcame her yet again “Fengmian you-” he didn’t let her speak. “You want heirs? Heirs right? Let's talk about that later, out” He pointed to the door, she bit her lips but ultimately left, knowing her words wouldn’t be needed any more having accomplished what she came for.
He closed the door and tried to move to the inside of the room, where he coughed, coughed until blood poured down his mouth, blood until the purple flowers fell from his mouth, it was getting worse than before, he huffed and washed clean the blood, washed cleaned the flowers, a drawer he opened, entirely filled with violet flowers, a reminder of the fool he had been. 
He sat on his knees as he stared them, despair heavy on his face,  “Ah Changze, what am I supposed to do?”
So, they shared the moment of what should have been their wedding night, he left as soon as morning came, with the urge to vomit yet again at his throat, and it was not entirely due to the diseases spike, he would hope that was the one and only moment time they would ever have to take part in matrimonial duties, for her cutting words didn’t ever seem to hold back, no matter the occasion.
Months passed and confirmation came that she was with child, it was a relief to him, less about acquiring an heir and more not having to deal with the woman, except in her state she was more unbearable than ever but he couldn’t say anything, for he would be met with her rant of “You did this to me!” From her, he fulfilled her every wish, but he couldn’t think to be with her in the same room for more than a few minutes, without bile rising to his throat.
But when the day of the birth came, he sat as she held his arm, as she screamed in pain, that was the least he could do as her husband, suppressing all moments of disgust he felt upon her touch, and after hours and hours, he got to hold his daughter while her mother took rest, and his heart filled with love, his little one, she was his dearest child, Jiang Yanli.
For a few days, things seemed better, Yu Ziyuan seemed to hold back on her anger, he assumed she had been happy as well, how wrong he had been, when she came to him and spoke about betrothal with her Sworn Sister, Madam Jin of Jin Sect, and he felt disbelief coursing his veins and it was the first time he truly raised his voice at her. “No.” he said firmly, no matter how much she yelled or screamed, he refused.
He had said, “Her marriage will done with her own choice, no matter what.” he thought later that had been a mistake, because Yu Ziyuan started to arrange play-dates between Yanli and the Jin heirs son, he still refused, until Jiang Yanli herself came to him, claiming she loved the boy she saw but barely knew anything of, if she did, she would have seen the disdain the boy held for prospect of marriage, the same disdain he saw in Yu Ziyuan.
The woman came to him again, “A-Li likes him, or are you going to deny what you had said?”  He wanted to argue, Yanli was barely old enough to understand but knowing Yu Ziyuan, he knew there was no way she would give up, so he agreed, hoping to break it off later in the future, when Yanli was old enough to understand, his daughter would know that there was no love lost between her and the boy.
Until her 3rd birthday, when it became more and more obvious that Yanli could not form a core, and Yu Ziyuan’s anger burned again, he tried to keep Yanli around him more than her, but when she came asking to talk to her daughter, as her mother, he could not refuse, his daughter usually looked down instead of looking at her.
One of those days, when Yu Ziyuan had come to ask, Jiang Yanli held tightly on his clothes and looked at him with her light coloured eyes, Ziyuan’s purple reminded him of poison, of those hyacinths in his lungs, and Yanli’s reminded him of those purple lotuses, that he had grown with love, he made an excuse, and the woman huffed away, “Fine, send her over later then.” He did not, “She was tired.” He said calmly, when Yu Ziyuan later yelled at him.
They had to share the bed once more when the question of heirs was brought up, and he had spent the rest of the day in his room, vomiting, sick to his stomach, both the blood and the food, for the first time since Yanli’s birth. As usual, he cleaned up without letting anyone know.
Nearing the evening, he heard a light knock at his door. “Father?” He heard, Yanli call out, he got up to open the door, and invited his little daughter in, “Father’s not well?” she questioned as she climbed up onto his lap, he patted her head lovingly. “Father is okay. A-Li does not have to worry, but he wonders what has she been doing? I saw her go to the kitchen earlier today.” He pretended to be puzzled.
“A-Li learnt how to make soup from Old Fa!” She said excitedly, holding her hands together. “But Mother says its a servant’s job, she doesn’t like it.” She wilted and he looked at her directly. “Father would love to eat a-li’s soup.” She looked at him hopefully, “I know it’d taste delicious!” She cheered up. 
“I made it for father today.” She ran out and came back with a bowl filled with what was..the soup. He drank it anyway and gave a strained smile, “Could use a little less salt” He choked out, and her smile was worth it.
Weeks passed peacefully, he was with Yanli in the kitchen, watching as Old Fa taught her how to knead, cooking was one of the few things that brought a smile to her face, seeing her so excited, he relaxed as well, until Yu Ziyuan joined them, he hadn’t expected her to, given her mindset of it being a servants job,  “A-Li you’re doing it wrong.” She said after watching her for a moment, in the same tone of voice as she used when training disciples.
“A-Xuan won’t like it if all you can do is cook, come with me to the training grounds.” She said, he cut her off “A-Li doesn’t have to do everything for him.” And Yu Ziyuan turned to him “If you want her to do a servant job then that's on you, she’s my daughter too, and as the daughter of Violet Spider, she should be able to fight! Not partaking in these weak acts-” He cut her off “Third Lady! Control your words!”
Before he could say more, soft sniffles cut him off, he looked at his daughter, her hands still inside the dough, tears she was trying to wipe on her shoulder, “Third-Lady is not allowed in the kitchen anymore.” He said and watched Old Fa escort her out, not before Yu Ziyuan shouted, “You cannot keep me from training my daughter!” She yelled as if he had ordered her banishment instead.
“No one is keeping you, if you have nothing good to say to a-li, it's better if you stay away from her, Third-Lady, take the day to cool off” He nodded towards the door, “Fine! If you want your daughter to be a weak-” he cut her off “Third-Lady! Leave.” She threw one last look at them and left fuming.
He knelt next to his daughter, pulled her into a hug. “A-Li is sorry Father!” She sobbed, and rubbed her back “A-Li doesn’t have to be sorry, a-li’s mother should be saying sorry.”
“Mother says father doesn’t like a-li” She said after calming down a bit “Because a-li looks like her mother-” he pulled back to look at her in the eye and enunciated his every word, “A-Li is not her mother, a-li is my beloved daughter, and I love everything a-li does” He told her comfortingly. 
“A-Li is not weak, a-li is peaceful, there is strength in nurturing and kindness.” Yanli finally seemed to calm down, hiccuping but not sobbing anymore, he wiped her tears away and smiled “Father loves a-li a lot.” he said as he kissed the top of her head.
And then the day came when Yanli’s little sibling came into the world, accompanied by just as much of screaming, but less hours lost, Yanli cooed over her little brother, a tiny little thing in her mother’s arms, she reached out and lightly pressed his cheek, “So small.” Her father chuckled and said “A-Li was also this small when she was born.” Yu Ziyuan showed a rare smile as well, “His name will be Jiang Cheng.” She said.
Things went a bit smoothly after that, even though Ziyuan was the same as always Yanli his beloved daughter was eight years old, and his son, Jiang Cheng was four, his core formed well and he thought Yu Ziyuan had been happy, so he had not expected when she was walked into his room and started yelling,
 “Why are you ostracising your son!? Yanli’s going to be married into Jin Sect and yet you spend time coddling her! And you don’t spend the same amount of time with your son?”
He really hadn’t expected her random onslaught, nor where she was coming from, his son was working hard, and he had overlooked his training personally, teaching him the Jiang teachings along with Yu Ziyuan’s own training. “Oh is it because I’m his mother? Because you cannot handle seeing your own son when you want to see a son with her-” Where was she coming from, he felt horrified, “Third-Lady! What’re you saying!?”
The door swung open and their son, Jiang Cheng stood shocked, scared at being caught and tears in his eyes, before he ran away. He turned to her disgust forming heavy, before leaving her where she stood spluttering how she didn’t mean for him to hear her.
He found his son sobbing as Yanli comforted him in his room. “Mother doesn’t mean it.” Yanli told him as she rubbed his back, “She loves you.” He only sobbed louder, “But she’s right, Father likes you more because he hates me. He likes that boy more-” Yanli looked as if she didn’t know what to say, and Fengmian felt confused, who were they talking about?
“No, I absolutely, do not.” He said and his children froze and turned to him, “You do! Why do you make me work more than everyone else!?” His son got up, and lightly started punching him from where he reached his knees while he sobbed, Jiang Fengmian, placed a hand on his shoulder, suppressing the pain in his heart and lungs.
“Because A-Cheng is going to be the Sect Leader, A-Cheng needs to be strong.” He said evenly as his son shook his head. “That’s not what you said to Jie!” and ran to his bed, “A-Cheng listen-” His son turned to look at him with anger “If you did then you wouldn’t have that disease!”
Jiang Fengmian stared at him, too shocked to feel anything. How? Or Why? Did she tell them that?! How did she even- his thoughts cut off as he thought back, if she could send people tailing him, what couldn’t she do? 
He looked at his daughter who avoided his gaze, “A-Li?” she answered silently “Mother said Father would replace him for-” She frowned, trying to remember a name, “‘Wei Ying’, the son of your-” She sneaked a peak at him “Your ‘beloved’.” And looked away, as if feeling guilt.
“A-Li, no, I love you both, how can she-” Yanli nodded, “I know that you love us, but A-Cheng thinks Father doesn’t like him because of Mother…” she hesitated. “And that you regret it wasn’t someone else, instead.”
He regretted, he regretted letting his children near Yu Ziyuan’s poisonous words, but the only regret was Yu Ziyuan, not his love for his children, it was not something he would ever regret, he didn’t even know Wei Changze had a son. 
“A-Li” He began gently, knowing A-Cheng was listening when his shaking under the blanket stopped, “They were my friends, like you and-” He thought for a second, “-like you and A-Cheng, we grew up together but they were my friends, and you’re my children, I love you both.” He kissed the top of her head and her shoulders dropped in what could only be relief, and reached up to pat Jiang Cheng’s head under the blanket, and left them for a moment.
He knocked on Yu Ziyuan’s door, only to find it open and empty, he walked inside and opened the cabinets and drawers until he found what he was looking for, for her to know she must have- and there they were.
Pages over pages, written in a familiar writing, ranging from containing details of travels, requesting permission to visit, to mentions of ‘Wei Ying’s’ birth, he felt tears form in his own eyes, with his heart filled with overwhelming pain and indignation, he now understood her random bursts, they were each time a letter was received, over jealousy-
Before he could go out and confront her, the pain in his lungs became unbearable, he choked and coughed, no matter how much he tried to restrain it, he coughed until he collapsed to his knees, why now? His body heated up feeling thorns tear at this lungs and throat. 
He could barely breath as he vomited, vision fading from the corner of his eyes, he was confused until he caught a look of the flowers he coughed, pure black roses mixed with the hyacinths, the rose thorns dripping with blood, no sign of lilies and carnations, his heart and soul filled with agony and he cried, and then he knew nothing more.
When he woke up, he felt nothing, he knew he hated Yu Ziyuan, but he felt nothing but blank emptiness, when he stared at the woman standing at the door, his children on either side of his bed. “Oh good, that you’re awake.” She hissed as if he was an inconvenience and he found no rage, and he nodded calmly instead.
He knew his friends had passed but he did not, could not feel grief, he knew he loved his children, so he reached out with both his hands, patting them as they muttered apologies while sobbing. “It wasn’t your fault, father was a bit sad, and was already sick, but he’s well now.” He said gently, and once the children left, he looked at the woman who was his wife and said “I’ll bring A-Ying back.”
Authors note
Jfm knew he cared for Wei Ying, yet he felt nothing.
He knew he loved his children, he felt nothing,
He knew he hated his wife, yet he felt, nothing.
So yesterday i was looking through @angstymdzsthoughts  and came across platonic hanahaki and thought hey sounds angsty, and thought ‘hey what if jfm had platonic hanahaki for cangse sanren and wei changze?’ i deliberately tried to keep it ambiguous which one he was in love with XD Madam Yu kept assuming and he didn’t give a fuk about correcting her, also like i couldnt bring myself to even write them spending the night together idk y, took a lot of effort lol. Started out with thinking hanaki, got more of JFM’s descent to feeling nothing oof.
Also like it turned out more focus on the fact that even before wwx was brought to lp, there would still be yzy biching and making everyone miserable so-
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britishassistant · 3 years
I'm curious: how did the rest of the villains find out that Crowley is Yuu's bio dad? Did Azul/Leviathan let it slip during the next villain's meeting (I have a feeling some also use it on occasion as an excuse to complain about certain heroes and it's one of the few times they don't fight/argue with each other) since Crowley only seemed to make that "don't tell anyone" threat to the twins? How would they have reacted to this revelation and how does Crowley either deal with it or twist it into his favor?
“I want to tell the other six.”
Azul stops and stares at the reporter. They keep walking, hugging their arms close to their body.
“A-are you serious?” He sputters.
“Yes.” They turn and fix him with a level stare. “It’d be better for them to just hear it from me straight, rather than if they find out during a more high stress situation where people could get hurt.”
“Of course, because there’s no way the situation wouldn’t get out of hand once those guys hear about this.” Azul mutters sourly, walking so he’s alongside them. “It’ll go just as smoothly as one of our League picnics.”
He accepts the gentle nudge to the side that earns him as they continue their journey to the exit.
“It���s not like I’m going to tell any heroes, the civilians, or Great Seven forbid, my boss’s boss. I’m not stupid.” The reporter looks down at their shoes. “It’s just. Better for them to hear it from me than to hear it from him.”
“From hi—?” Oh, they have to be joking. “Yuu. You can’t be suggesting that you’re willing to expose a secret of this magnitude to the people who could view you as a rival to their ultimate ambitions so recklessly, just because you dislike Crowley-sama.”
The reporter’s expression twists. “It’s not just ‘dislike’. Besides, do you know what he’s probably doing to Jade and Floyd right now?”
He shoots them a suspicious glance. “And what, pray tell, is that?”
“The stupid bird’ll be finding a way to twist this whole thing into a way for him to blackmail you, rather than the other way round.” Their steps become more akin to stomping, shoulders rounding as they hunch in on themself. “That’s what he always does. It’ll never be his fault, never his problem, he’s just soooo kind and sooo gracious, it’s always your fault for daring to try and make something of yourself outside of his plans for you, you’re the selfish one, you’re the ungrateful one, you’re the self-destructive one, exposing yourself to all those dangerous supervillains that he’s just trying to protect you from!”
Azul can only blink in befuddlement as Yuu exhales harshly at the end of their rant. The reporter must catch sight of his expression, because they sigh and begin again in a slightly calmer tone of voice.
“That’s one of the things the old bird tried to use to control me, you know. After he met me for the first time in twenty-two years.” Yuu scoffs, bitterly. “He claimed that you all were guaranteed to find out about me and kill me, or worse, to take my place as his successor. That is, unless I abandoned everything I loved and worked for to go ‘live’ under his protection and ‘defend my birthright’, as he put it.”
Azul’s mouth works silently for a moment.
He wants to deny it vehemently, to sputter at the sheer audacity of Crowley to think that Azul could do such a thing to Yuu—
Except, whispers a small part of his brain, would you have really been so kind, back when all you knew of Yuu was that they were a cute reporter who poked their nose into supervillain business? If you knew that cute, nosy reporter could be a threat to your ambitions back then, can you honestly say you wouldn’t have done your best to get them out of your way by any means necessary?
He doesn’t like the answer.
So Azul just swallows to try and find his voice again. “He...he may have a point, you know. With some of the others. Maybe not all, but. Some.”
“I know.” The reporter keeps rubbing their arms, like they’re cold. “But hey, at least it’ll beat the suspense of waiting to find out!”
Azul blinks, trying to digest that sentence and the false cheer that accompanied it as they near their destination.
“You’ve—you’ve been scared of that all this time, haven’t you?” He mutters, as they stop in front of the door to the outside. “Whenever you got kidnapped.”
The reporter lets out a suspiciously wet sounding laugh, dabbing at their eyes with the sleeve of their jacket. “It was worst with my first kidnapping by Royal Flush, back when all this started, because I had no idea what he wanted from me. At least when I got into snooping around on everyone else’s schemes later on, I knew you guys’d be more likely to kidnap me for that rather than anything else.”
Azul massages the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. He thinks he can practically feel his blood pressure rising. “I thought you were supposed to be the stable one out of all of us.”
That actually gets him a real, honest laugh. “With how little sleep I get? Azul, please.”
They linger at the door for a while, until they hear a car pull up outside and honk it’s horn.
“You’re really going through with this?” He asks them, resigned.
The reporter swallows, hands trembling slightly, but nod, resolute. “Yes. It’s the best option for everyone here.”
“We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one.” He grumbles. “Just. Promise me. Promise me you’ll tell me when and where you plan to do this.”
Yuu blinks. “Why wouldn’t I? I was planning on asking you, Jade and Floyd to come with me anyway.”
“I won’t accept you being stubborn over this, I’ll draw up a contract if I have—” Wait, hold on, what had they just said? “What–but–why–what??”
“Well, you haven’t exactly being trying to make a contract with me so that you can become the heir instead, or murder me for it on the way out.” Yuu glances up at him, almost...shyly? “I figured that meant I could trust you, at least.”
Oh Great Seven, please don’t let his heart explode from this. It’s pounding so fast in his chest it feels like it might.
“A t-terrible decision really.” He hears himself say, and wants to bang his head against the wall the moment the words are out of his mouth.
Yuu laughs again, almost gently. “Well, I am known for making those. I think I can live with this one.”
And on that bombshell, the reporter slips out of the lair’s door and into the taxi that will hopefully see them safely home.
Azul watches the car pull away, and then closes the door. He turns around and goes to find the first pair of minions he can, ordering them to tail the car and call him immediately if any of the other six supervillains show signs of trying to stage a kidnapping en route.
Azul then strides further into the lair, mind whirling with all the favors he can call in and strings that he can pull.
If he’s going to be ensuring that his naive little reporter is able to go through with this insane plan safely, then he needs to be prepared to be able to defend them against the six potential threats they’ll be up against.
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myrulia · 3 years
An Oiran's Sacrifice - Kokushibou x Oiran!Reader
Oiran (花魁) was a specific category of high ranking courtesan in Japanese history. Divided into a number of ranks within this category, oiran were considered – both in social terms and in the entertainment they provided – to be above common prostitutes, known as yūjo (遊女, lit. 'woman of pleasure')
Warnings: Strong language, prostitution
Word count: 3758
Next chapter
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`` Why must you do this to yourself? ``
`` For my family. ``
`` Family means nothing if you are working as a self degrading prostitute. ``
`` It is what I must do if I wish to live. ``
It was yet another late evening, alone in your compact minka, yet it never was a bother, for this was how you usually spent your nights. Due to your poor living style, your father was driven to thievery. It was the only way to keep the two of you somewhat fed, clothes on your back, and a roof over your heads. Your living style has helped you become more grateful of any small blessing that came along your way. Even the smallest fortune would put a smile on your face because it ended the little sorrow in your heart at the realization of your poverty.
``[Y/N],`` You heard a voice beckon to you. The voice you knew all too well at this time of night that originated from the only person who would even dare leave do commit such crimes. `` Coming father. ``
Getting up slowly from your dimly candle lit chabudai, you scurried your way to the wooden door of your minka, letting inside the only other family member you had, your father. Watching how he takes slow strides inside the bleak, wooden-paneled small space of your home, you mentally cursed yourself for ever allowing yourself to come to terms with your reality. Deep down you hated how the man in front of you risked his life nearly every night just to make sure the two of you were fed, yet, it is not like you could do much to change your misfortune, for it is your depressing reality.
`` Miracles do happen [Y/N]. I promise you, with this, we can finally turn our life around, and leave this dreadful place. `` Being intrigued by your father's words, you eyed the gleaming object in his hands that you unfortunately recognized. `` Father, why? From the Suzuki family no less? They will have our heads if we are to be caught..! ``
Your worry was bothersome to your father. He knew just as much as you what the consequences are if he was ever to be caught. It wasn't easy for the male to successfully loot the expensive statue in hand, so you didn't doubt he'd do his best to hide any evidence of his caper. You couldn't help but worry of your future, because the Suzuki family was the most wealthiest family in your little mountain-side village. Known for being ruthless to anyone that disrupts their peace and fortune, the Suzukis will not tolerate such thievery inflicted upon them, which is why your worry only increased even more because you did love your father of course, and to see his head served on a silver platter was gut wrenching.
`` [Y/N], rest assured that we will not be caught. We will use this to escape this little village and live somewhere safer, maybe in the forest like your mother always wanted. We can live a peaceful life without relying on thievery. Please, my beautiful blessing of a daughter, place your trust into me. `` You merely sighed at your father's declaration. You knew he'd pull the mother card on you just to persuade your emotions even more to agree with his actions. Obviously you do not, because at the end of the day stealing is bad and punishable by death, so the constant worry always lingered in your heart.
`` I do not care if we are the lesser fortunate of our village, I just want to you to stop stealing. I already have a job- ``
`` That barely pays you enough. This is why I do what I must to keep us alive. I am ending this conversation here, I do not want to hear another word from you [Y/N]. Now, please get your much needed rest, you are developing eye bags. `` With those somewhat encouraging words to actually get some rest, you trudge your way to your comfortable futon, which wasn't too much of a distance because everything was set in the same confinded room of your one room house.
Your father blew out the warm colored candle before getting comfortable in the similar futon next to you, letting out a small groan as his muscles seemed to relax. Letting a small sigh escape your lips, you turned over so that you were laying on your side. Whilst closing your eyes, you finally allowed yourself to escape into a somewhat peaceful slumber, since you strongly believed you were in the clear from being beheaded in public since your father managed to get away unscathed.
Just as quickly as you fell asleep, you found yourself waking up to the bright light of the sunrise that glistened through the only window of your home. Yawning, you covered your mouth while slipping out of the warm fabrics of your futon, peeling open your eyes slowly. From how quickly you woke up, you felt as though it was going to be a rather long day. Truth be told you wish you had the urge to sleep longer, for you did not wish to face the day with a guilty conscience lingering over your head as a constant reminder of what your father does in the wake of the night.
`` Father, we have lots to do today, please wake up. `` Expecting to hear a soft groan in return, you turn your head to the now empty futon before you. Shock was all that was found on your face, because your usual routine was to wake up your father and start the day by finding any food to buy from the market place, but that is not the case today. Your father was gone.
`` Father? FATHER?! ``
Worry took over your emotions just as fast as your shock did. The man who was usually still in bed was no longer there so obviously you'd do your best to look all over for him. Getting out of your futon just as speedily as you woke up, you slipped on your geta shoes and bolted out of your living space and onto the busy street of your village. It was all too sickening when you tried to make sense of the situation, but only one solution came to mind. That solution only seemed to make more sense as you ran through the people-covered streets, pulling up your kimono just a bit so it'd be easier to run around until a loud boisterous voice was heard from the townsquare that confirmed every suspicion you had.
`` This pitiful man chose to steal from me! How sad that his life must end like this. It is only fair that death is his punishment for taking a precious family artifact right? `` The cheers of those in the audience caused a ringing in your ears. That was your father they were wishing death upon, and yet nobody seemed to care. As long as their own heads were on their shoulders, they were fine.
Pushing past the multiple men and women in front of you, you managed to escape from the crowd, yet to your disapproval, you were now directly in front of the cause of all the commotion, Suzuki Kenta. Your act of boldness triggered all eyes to be on you, but you could care less. You did not want to lose yet another family member in the arms of selfish people. So, bowing down quickly, you mustered up the confidence to beckon out to the head of the Suzuki family. `` Suzuki-san, as this pitiful mans daughter, I beseech of you to please, spare his life. He knew it was wrong yet it was only to save us both from the misfortune inflicted upon us!! Please, I beg of you..! ``
In your desperate plea, your eyes became bloodshot since tears were welling up on your bottom eyelid. Now looking up from your bowing stance, Suzuki Kenta had prominent veins on his face that showed his distasteful attitude towards your cry of desperation. It was obvious the angered male did not want an interruption, especially from a poor female no less, so obvious agitation was expected.
`` This woman.. really believes she can save this scum of a man... how cute. `` Kenta took slow strides to your smaller, still beneath him, form. You could practically feel him looming over you in utter disgust for ever believing you could persuade such a powerful man himself. Deep down you had a feeling that both your heads would be severed off, or hanged and humiliated publicly for your foolish actions. Who would believe this is how you unfortunately came to your end. Desperately trying to save your thieving father, knowing what he did was wrong? Bitter. The Bitter truth always hurts.
`` Look at me. ``
And as just as quick as he said his order, you gave in and risen your head from the ground, your cheeks being stained by hot tears rolling down your face, looking even more pathetic than what you had wished. Although if it was going to save your father's life, then so be it. If you were going to look like the dirt that everybody walked on, then that is what you will do. Sacrifices like these were common you, especially saving your own fathers life multiple times before this so this was nothing new.
`` You are just as pitiful as your father. You wish to save this low life man who had the audacity to steal from me? `` Kenta snarled in distaste. You had no choice but to stay silent, for there was a blade in the male's hand that he could use any second to take your life, and if you wanted to live, you needed to be careful and word your sentences just as carefully. `` I apologize on his behalf, I wish to make it up to you Sakimi-san. ``
`` Clever girl.. I have taken rather a liking to you. You are smart and you know your place, I will respect that. `` Letting out a relieved sigh, you eye the weapon in his hand before averting your gaze back to his twisted and still somewhat agrivated face. Kenta looked as if he was contemplating something in his head, all the while his bodyguards made your bloodied father watch everything unfold before him without a say in anything.
`` You do have quite the beautiful face, and a body that compliments you oh so well. I will give you two options Miss Fujisaki, you either return the stolen item and watch your father die here and now, or, you become an oiran for my lovely son. Pick wisely, and immediately. I expect an answer now. ``
Murmers were heard from the crowd who also stayed to watch the commotion unravel before them. Of course everyone knew all too well what the life of a low ranking oiran is, and knowing that the options given were supposed to be a punishment, you were going to be no more than a yujo, working as a sex slave for Sakimi's sex hungry son. But, if it meant saving your father's life, then so be it. `` I will accept the life as an oiran.. Sakimi-san.. ``
`` Perfect! I didn't want to get this perfectly good suit dirty so gentlemen, let the scum go. `` Just as quickly as Kenta snapped his fingers, the bodyguards let your father go. Seeing his bloodied and beaten to a pulp body ignited a fire in your heart as he tried his best to make his way over to you. `` Father please save your energy, we'll get you some help.. `` you addressed as he pulled you into a tight embrace.
`` Oh do not worry! My men will get him the help he needs in due time, for now please allow yourself to be escorted to my estate for further details of your new living space. ``
`` I thought I was an oiran, do I not have the decision of going back home. ``
`` My lotus, please do not talk ba- ``
`` You will be nothing more than a yujo. Your face is sweet but your tongue is bitter, and so as a punishment you will be completely submissive for my son. ``
Your eyes practically doubled in size. The fact that Kenta believes you are so willing to not at least have a shred of your dignity left is beyond anything you ever thought of. After being publicly humiliated, you'd at least expect for him to understand how you felt, but at the end of the day, selfish rich people know no boundaries. Sighing once more with your father in your arms, you slowly stand on both your dusty legs, all the while helping your father keep his balance. ''Fine then..'' was all you said.
You found yourself now following the Sakimi bodyguards, for they were escorting you to the one and only Sakimi estate. It was rather large and sat on an even larger hill, so the trail up the grand staircase was a bit of a hike for the beaten man that you loved so dearly. During the entire walk it truly allowed you to comprehend your reality for the rest of your life. You were going to be a oiran, the lowest ranking form of oiran no less. It had your blood boiling with how easily you are so willing to save your father from death time and time again.
Since the small little hike would end soon, you took the chance to take in your surroundings. It wasn't like your previous way of living in the village, but a more extravagant way of living. There were statues with small-scale ponds in front of them that had different colored koi fish inside. The afternoon brightness of the sun reflected upon the water, but that was not the only thing because you could catch a glimpse of your dirtier form from your bow of respect from earlier. Looking back you realize the man who you will be working for deserved now ounce of respect, for your body was yours, even if you were to be a yujo you'd still keep your dignity.
Other than that, in your barely noticeable reflection, even under all the small specs of dirt and filth, your face resembled your mother. You pretty much looked like a copy and paste version of the woman so it was no surprise that you had her beautiful features. Above all that it still saddened you that from above, she'd be watching her daughter become a self degrading prostitute if it meant saving her dear father from execution. A reality, that was so tart to even look at in the eyes of others.
`` Ahem.. Fujisaki, ``you heard a feminine voice call out to you. It was shocking so your head whipped to the side to whoever called out to you. To your misfortune, it was the head oiran of the Sakimi estate. Lowering your head out of respect, you partially gripped your father's shirt out of nervousness because it would be the start of a new chapter in your life that you never wanted to reach. `` Now that I have your attention, let me look at you. ``
Before you knew it your father was ripped from your arms by the same bodyguards who held him at knife point. Your face of worry was noticed by those around you, so to direct your attention the head oiran, who you had yet to introduce herself to you, held your face in her amazingly soft hands. `` Ignore them, they're going to patch him up and send him home. You, my beautiful underling, will be coming with me and my ladies. ``
Her boldness wasn't shocking, so following her didn't make you as uncomfortable as you perceived it would be. The beautiful woman who held your wrist as you finally entered the large minka, had started speaking so quickly that your mind took a bit to process. `` I am the head oiran known as the tayu and you are my precious little yujo. I'm Sakura, over there is Jade, that's Blossom, and there is Waterlily. You will address us by our oiran names only and the same goes for you. You will no longer be "Fujisaki," but rather a lovely name, Lotus. ``
The irony in that moment made you want to cringe. You only permitted your father to call you such a thing, but now that it is what others shall be addressing you, it caused an obvious look of discomfort to be plastered on your face. Just as suddenly as Sakura stopped talking, she just as suddenly dragged you to another, more secluded, area of the minka. Inside the room she pulled you in looked like an oversized closet, easily bigger than your one room home.
`` In here is where you shall prepare yourself to look proper, right now you look like actual filth, so please, make yourself look presentable for Master. ``
Before you could utter out a single word, Sakura left you, alone in a pretty large room without any guidance. During the time your mother was with you, the both of you would pass men with many different beautiful women surrounding him. Despite being too young to fully understand their jobs, your mother simply said, `` They are called oirans my dear, beautiful women for service. ``
With that in mind, you remembered how the others look and tried your best to copy their image. Grabbing a nearby hakuhodo, you dipped the end into the white power and began gently stroking your face, turning your fair skin milky white. It was a longer process than anticipated so once you were done you had to message your muscles because making sure the powerdy substance stayed on your face took the longest. You felt embarrassed to call for help, so you being you decided to do everything yourself. Grabbing what you perceived to be an eyeliner pencil, you tried to keep your hand steady as you basically used yourself as a canvas of art.
Unfortunately it was another long process because a few strokes were a bit wobbly, but finally perfecting the look made you feel a sense of pride that you could do such things yourself. Grabbing one more brush, you dabbed the end into a red power and brushed lightly where the end of your eye starts and stopped just about before your hair line. Moving onto the multiple shades of lipsticks, you grabbed a bright red and began applying the shade onto your lips. `` I look ridiculous, don't I mother? ``
Your tilted your head up to imagine her soft laughter at how content you are with your actions. You still felt pride in the fact that you were able to successfully look like a professional oiran without help from the tayu. Smiling gently to yourself, you got up from the plush chair to look for your new kimono that'd you'd be working in starting from that point on. When you came to no prevail, you sighed once more while scampering your way to the wooden sliding door. `` Sakura-san? ``
`` Yes my underling? `` Was all the beautiful woman said from a little ways away. Telling by the gentleness of her voice, she wasn't too busy at the moment so you scurried over to her as quickly as you could.
`` If you are not busy at the moment Sakura-san.. may you help me with my kimono?``
`` Of course not my little lotus, come with me. ``
Following behind her yet again, she leads the both of you into the dressing rooms where you originated from. Her movements were fluid and as gracefully as she could, pulled out each layer of kimono you'd be wearing for the one they called "master." Placing each layer onto a nearby chair, she faces you with a softer expression while holding your face in her hands once more, like earlier. `` For a fresh underling, your make-up is more professional than most. I must admit that I am proud of you my Lotus, so please hurry and get dressed so I can give you a proper tour of the Sakimi estate. ``
And with that, Sakura left, leaving you to your disposal of getting dressed. Unfortunately she hadn't told you the order of each layer, so it was more like a ball game to see if you actually got it correct. From your eyes, it seemed like everything was a test to see just how much you knew about an oirans job. In contrast, you were a clever one, so it wasn't too tough to memorize the oirans you passed as a child, remembering each layer and how they dress accordingly.
Yet again, another long process which you figured out all on your own.
Looking in the mirror, you no longer recognized your mothers features on your own face. In your eyes, you saw another person entirely, that was no longer you. To everyone else you'd be known as Lotus, not [Y/N] Fujisaki. It was the future you brought upon yourself, so keeping your chin raised high, you took slow strides out of the dressing room and looked for Sakura who was supposed to give you a proper tour, but to no avail, you did not see the woman from earlier.
And so, you took it upon yourself to look around until you found yourself on the engawa that wrapped around the entire minka. The evening breeze hitting your face as you looked down at the small forest beside, taking in the sunset cascading down upon you. You hadn't expected for the entire day to simply rush by. It felt like just yesterday you were waiting for your father to return from his capers almost every night, but no longer shall he steal, owing to the fact that you'd make money as a yujo.
This was your life, and you had no say in how it was to go for the rest of your days.
`` Ohhh..~ She is a pretty one Kokushibou-dono~ I want her as my next meal. ``
Kokushibou, who wasn't listening to the Upper Moon Two, eyed a woman who had changed entirely since the last time he had seen her. His confusion didn't go unnoticed due to the Upper Moon One usually having a stoic expression. `` You seem to have taken a liking to her? How pitiful she is nothing but a prostitute n- ``
Before the demon could finish his sentence, one swift movement of Kokushibou's blade had his head off in seconds.
`` Silence, Douma. ``
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yslkook · 3 years
red card - on the defensive (1)
pairing: jungkook x reader (soccer captain jjk) summary: you and jungkook run in the same circles, and yet after three years, he struggles to get your time of day. you think he’s cocky and he’s going to change your mind. word count: 5.1k warnings: cursing, alcohol/drinking (lots of it), suggestive content a/n: this story is for @cutechim​, it went down in the DM’s and came to life. this is my entry into the blond jk foray!! enjoy<3
red card masterlist
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“What should we drink?” Hana shouts over the music to you in the crowd.
“Uh… let’s do jagerbombs,” You shout back, even though you’re both relatively close to each other at the bar. You peer behind you at the group of people you’ve congregated with this afternoon, counting a total of four. 
“Can I have… eight jagerbombs?” You request of the bartender, who raises his eyebrow at you.
“Why am I not surprised,” He says with a roll of his eyes, “You’re all gonna run me dry of my jager.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time it happened,” You mutter. And you’re right- it’s happened at least twice over this summer, when you and your friends made a weekly appearance to this bar. The bartender knows you and Hana by your faces at this point and you’ve jokingly asked why your usual order of jagerbombs or tequila shots aren’t ready upon arrival.
These weekly occurrences were sponsored by your job at a law firm near your university. And by sponsored, you mean that your bank account takes a minor hit on a weekly basis. Since university had let out, you’d made yourself available for as many hours as possible- after all, you needed a way to fund these days and nights out.
While juggling a summer class three days a week for three hours each day.
But you weren’t completely financially irresponsible- you drew the line… eventually. Certainly not after eight jagerbombs though (you’d stopped questioning how you could easily drop that much money on alcohol these days). At least it's summer happy hour and you’re not paying full price.
Besides, you and your friends rotate rounds. Hana will get the next one, and then one of the guys, and so on and so forth. You’d gotten two extra specially for you and Hana, but nobody needed to know that.
You love these summer days, when it’s nothing but you and your friends enjoying the breeze and the vibes of a fun afternoon (that inevitably leads to a night of more recklessness). Nothing can take the tipsy grin off of your face or the arm looped around your best friend’s shoulders, except-
Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook.  You don’t mind Jimin as much (mostly because of Hana, who’s been harboring a not so secret crush that is definitely bordering more on love than a simple crush on him for who knew how long). But still, when all three of them are together, you make your disdain very known and obvious. At least you think you do.
Some of the star players from your university’s soccer team, and the captain himself, Jeon Jungkook. They walk into the crowded, noisy bar as if they own the place and you can already see heads turning. You roll your eyes and tell Hana to get it together when she starts giggling and waving at Jimin.
Your eyes seem to meet the back of your skull when all three of them saunter over towards you and your friends. It’s not that you have anything against them per se, it’s that you find them as a unit quite annoying and you know of their reputations. Or, you think you know of their reputations. Maybe you’re a little judgmental. But who cares, it’s not any of their business.
Most of your perhaps misplaced vitriol is reserved for Jungkook himself and the few interactions that you’ve had over the last almost four years of being in university together. You’ve had a few general ed classes with him freshman year, but after that most of your interactions were solely at parties and any excuse to celebrate. You had mutual friends (somehow) so it was inevitable that you saw him as much as you did.
Every fiber of him annoyed you- he was cocky and arrogant… Everything you intensely disliked in a person. Hana told you that you were being mean and judgmental (not as nicely), but if it meant not dealing with this boy who got a rise out of you for no reason, then it didn’t matter. Of course, he doesn’t take up space in your mind very often. Only when you have the misfortune of running into him.
You didn’t know him, and truly, you didn’t care to. You’ll remain civil though, only if he doesn’t annoy you. Which you doubt will happen.
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Jungkook can sense your iciness towards him and his friends from half a mile away, from across the bar. And the bar itself is pretty big, with an outdoor area and an outdoor dance floor, and two bars inside with tables and booths and a dance floor. Despite the space of the bar, it’s crowded with college students, young professionals, and even older corporate workers who look like they work relatively close to the bar. He knows you and your friends come here often, and if that was why he had suggested to Jimin and Tae that they also come here then that was his business.
He swallows (not nervously). You look so pretty when you laugh, he thinks. He thinks you look pretty all the time, though. He lets his eyes wander to your tight black crop top shirt with cherries printed on it and your high waisted denim shorts. Jungkook’s throat goes a little dry when his gaze reaches your thighs, but he keeps it together somehow. He doesn’t know how, considering how nice that outfit makes your tits look.
“Hey Cherries,” Jungkook says smoothly, “Flattered you got this for me.” And he plucks the jagerbomb that you paid for for yourself and downs it in less than three seconds. 
Your jaw drops. The audacity of this boy.
“First of all,” You narrow your eyes, “Who the fuck is a ‘Cherries’. And second of all, I know you didn’t just drink the drink that I paid for. Right in front of my fuckin’ face.”
“That’s a funny way of asking me to buy you a drink, Cherries,” Jungkook grins, and gazes at your chest for a second too long. You roll your eyes and swat his arm.
“I’m not asking. I’m telling you. I’ll have a tequila shot, pretty boy,” You smirk at him and he smirks right back at you.
“I like a girl who knows what she wants,” Jungkook attempts, only for you to scoff.
“Congratulations,” You say flatly, “You’re lucky I’m not subjecting you to getting me two tequila shots for having to hear that line.”
“You don’t like my lines?” He’s pouty and his eyes are wide, mischief sparkling in them. You dare to think that he’s cute. Apparently all of the boys had dyed their hair blond this summer before the soccer season began and you must admit that it suits him. His hair falls over his forehead effortlessly, small hoops dangling from his ears as he smiles at you.
“Does anyone? Do your groupies?”
“Maybe I’m a little rusty…”
“Oh, I doubt that, Jungkook.”
“Well, you notice whether I have groupies or not, so maybe I’m not so rusty, Cherries,” Jungkook winks at you and you’re tempted to toss your drink at him. But that’s a precious waste of alcohol and perhaps you’re a little dramatic.
You only groan and accept the tequila shot, quickly licking your hand to place salt on and taking a wedge of lime.
“Ready?” Jungkook asks after doing the same.
“How lucky for me, that I get to do shots with our star quarterback,” You say flatly.
“That’s football, Cherries. I play soccer.”
“And I don’t care. Now, take this shot with me.”
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As the afternoon blends into evening, you witness betrayal in front of your very eyes in the form of Hana inviting Jimin and his friends with you to the next bar. The ultimate betrayal.
But really, you’ve heard about those soccer boys. At least you think you have. Perhaps you know everything. Perhaps you know nothing at all.
And so the three boys follow you to the next bar as the night goes on. Nearly everyone was at least tipsy by this point, as you had all done a handful of shots following the boys’ arrival at the first bar.
You find yourself thinking that they’re not so bad, when they make you and your friends laugh easily and when being around them feels… fun. 
It’s easy to blame on the alcohol and the darkness of the crowded bar. It seems like everyone is out and about, the streets filled with college students and young professionals looking to unwind and let off some steam.
You love the feeling of the music pumping through your veins, along with the swirl of alcohol. You’re not ashamed of enjoying a drink (or several) and having a good time.
Even if it almost always results in you crossing the line and being hungover the next day.
“Wanna do shots,” You suggest to your circle of friends, eyes landing on Jungkook without you meaning to. Maybe it’s a hidden challenge and he raises his eyebrows.
“Again?” Jungkook says incredulously.
“Don’t be surprised,” Jimin mutters under his breath to Jungkook, “She’s kinda crazy.”
“I’ll take that as a yes… six shots then?” You say cheerily, ignoring Jungkook’s groan. You vaguely recall that Taehyung doesn’t really drink. How considerate of you.
Hana’s arm is slung around your shoulders, a bright (drunken) smile on her face as you pass shots behind you.
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The following week, on your usual day of happy hour drinking, Hana presents you with a proposition that has you gasping and gagging, nearly writhing on the floor.
“No, for your information, I do not want to pregame at the soccer house. Thanks for asking, try again later,” You say definitively, pouring Hana a drink.
“Jimin invited us! I wanna see him,” Hana complains and pouts at you, “He said they got good alcohol for the pregame-”
“Jimin invited you, because you both like each other or whatever,” You roll your eyes, “I’m content to drink here alone-”
“We both know you’ll fall asleep if I leave you alone,” Hana says flatly, “Besides, Jungkook asked if you were coming.”
“And what do I care if Jungkook asked if I was coming?” You scoff, taking a long swig of the strong drink in your red solo cup. You cringe.
“He specifically asked if Cherries was coming,” Hana says with a near maniacal grin, “Pretend all you want that you don’t like that shit. Now go wear that top with cherries on it that makes your tits look nice. Quit being difficult.”
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In the end, you end up walking the four blocks to the soccer house and you wear the baby pink long sleeved crop top with cherries on it and denim shorts, much to your chagrin (and to Hana’s delight). You’ve only been here a handful of times (maybe two or three) as a freshman for parties and hadn’t been back since.
Everyone knew the soccer house was the place to party to get shitfaced. Usually, the sophomore and junior year soccer players lived in the house while senior year players moved off campus.
You don’t know who currently lives at the house, but Hana quickly fills you in. Apparently Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook lived together off campus (because of course they did).
The soccer house has been part of the campus lore for years. Allegedly, all of the craziest, most reckless things happened at the soccer house and all of the best parties were there. You and Hana never felt that way freshman and sophomore year, instead opting to party hop at the frat houses rather than the sports houses.
How the tables have turned.
“You made it!” Jimin exclaims, outstretching his arms for a hug from you. Which you (awkwardly) return. You need more alcohol to be here, you think.
“Yeah, only ‘cause Hana told me you guys got the good shit,” You say flatly. Taehyung passes a cup of something and you eye it suspiciously but ultimately take a swig of it.
“Pretty good, Tae,” You say, raising your cup to him.
“Oh, I didn’t make that. I’m only the messenger,” Taehyung shrugs with a sly grin, “Jungkook over there did.”
You turn your head, only to find Jungkook staring back at you, lips upturned in a playful grin. It makes you roll your eyes, as most of his antics do.
“Hey, Cherries,” Jungkook greets, standing next to you after a few long strides, “It only took Jimin asking you once to come here, huh? I should be offended, considering how many times I’ve asked you-”
“And when have you ever asked me to party here, Jungkook?”
He only gives you a small smile, almost shy, and it’s a stark contrast from the generally cocky aura that hangs around him. “You just don’t remember.”
You frown a little, wondering what that means. But he gives you another broad smile quickly, shaking you from your reverie. Jungkook leaves you to your devices, being pulled away by some of the younger soccer guys that you hardly recognize. Freshmen? Sophomores, maybe? They look at Jungkook and the older guys with a playful sort of reverence- it’s clear that the team is close even off of the field. 
You briefly wonder what that’s like- having a group of friends like that. Hana’s always been the nicer, more outgoing one out of you both. She’s always made friends easily, with her sweet and genuine smiles. And then there’s you- you struggle to open up to others, always greeting anyone with the sting of sarcasm and holding people at arm’s length.
Sometimes, very rarely, you wonder how you and Hana mesh well together. When she could have a big group of great friends, you used to wonder if you hold her back somehow. It was stupid, and the first time you voiced your insecurity to Hana, she had smacked you upside the head and told you that you were stuck with her.
But still. You can’t help but feel burdensome sometimes. Maybe like you’re too much. Maybe not enough.
Hana pulls you out of your thoughts easily, an arm around your shoulder as she pulls you into conversation with Jimin and a few other girls. 
You down about half the cup of whatever concoction Jungkook whipped up for you and tried to immerse yourself in conversation. There’s a new girl here that you don’t recognize, Sunmi. She’s a transfer and the last thing you want is for her to feel left out. So you make sure to include her in the conversation and ask her questions, too.
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Jungkook is not surprised that you don’t remember how many times he’s asked you to come party at the soccer house. Granted, it’s only been a handful of times over the last three years and change. It’s not like you were a stranger- he’s known you through a few mutual classes through the years, and through Jimin, too. After all, Jimin and your best friend have had this weird on and off, together but not together thing going on since the summer before sophomore year.
Maybe one of these days, they’ll get it together. Jungkook loves Hana for Jimin and vice versa- he’s never seen either smile as much as they do around each other. If only they would just admit how much they like (love) each other and put everyone around them out of their misery.
Jungkook thinks it’s a little romantic. Being so in love with someone that labels aren’t needed. There’s something poetic about that.
But Jungkook doesn’t know why you act like you don’t know him at all. You always greet him with a near frown or a roll of your shining eyes.
He doesn’t understand but he pays it no mind, instead turning his focus to the pretty woman eyeing him from the other side of the bar with her friends.
(She’s not you, but it doesn’t matter. Jungkook pushes you to the back of his mind, instead choosing to focus on the velvet heat of the woman in his bed later that night.)
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With your shift at the law firm starting at 9 AM the following morning, you decide to remain relatively sober for the night (you enjoy a good time, but you try to draw the line when you can. Though there have been times when you’ve gone to work hungover or possibly even still intoxicated. It happens every so often. You’ve never claimed to be the paradigm of a working college student.)
But also, you don’t really feel like being out tonight to begin with. You do enjoy nights like this, but you also enjoy your quiet time. And it seems like this is one of those nights.
At least someone’s having fun, you think dryly, your eyes glossing over Jimin and Hana. You do think they’d be a great match- if only either of them would make it official. This dance that they’ve been doing for years frustrates you and Hana knows it. You’ve voiced it to her many times but she always says it’s not the right time.
It makes you roll your eyes. You briefly wondered if you should host an intervention and scold Jimin for taking too long- after all, if they kept playing games like this then who’s to say one of them wouldn’t move on? But it seems like they both always gravitate to each other no matter what.
He rotates around her axis and she rotates around his. It’s sweet but Jimin still puts a sour taste in your mouth for a reason that you can’t verbalize into words.
Maybe it’s the company he keeps. 
The music is loud in your ears as you dance with your group of friends, two of them in an impromptu dance off that you inevitably get dragged into. You sling your arm around Sunmi and nudge hips with her, getting her to come out of her shell a little bit and dance with her on the dance floor. She sings to the same songs as you do and gives you a bright, happy smile that you can’t help but return.
You buy a round of beers for your friends before the first yawn comes, not even at 1 AM. Hana looks at you quizzically.
You keep checking your phone for the time. Which in itself is pretty out of character for you. But you just need a recharge before the next outing…..
But you suck it up, not wanting to leave Sunmi by herself. You fight through your yawns and nurse your beer, twirling and swirling around with Sunmi.
And then you start to get hungry. Damn, you could go for some tacos right now.
“Hey,” Sunmi shouts over the music, “Wanna get food?”
“Wow, you read my mind,” You grin and chug your beer quickly. You and Sunmi both settle on the bar across the street (with the best tacos). You turn to find your friends and let them know that you’re heading across the street. Jimin and Hana both nod eagerly, Taehyung does, too.
You debate if you should ask Jungkook if he wants food- after all, it looks like he’s busy with a girl currently sending him sultry heart eyes. 
“Hey, we’re going to get food. Wanna come?” You ask, “You, too.” You look at the pretty girl who looks familiar. She probably attends the same university as you and your friends. 
Jungkook’s ears perk up at the mention of food, even with the girl currently standing in between his legs. She looks wary for a minute and before you can reassure her, Jungkook speaks up.
“Sure. I could go for some tacos,” Jungkook says, “Let’s get some tacos, Nari.”
“Are you sure, I mean I don’t want to impose. We can catch up later, Kook,” Nari says unsurely.
Jungkook will admit, this feels weird for a reason that he can’t place. The girl he’s trying to hook up with for the night getting tacos with the girl he might have a slight crush on. 
Weird. But still, there’s no harm in just having tacos.
“Trust me, you’re not imposing, Nari. I barely even like this guy,” You joke, “I’m just a big proponent of tacos and tacos should never be eaten alone. Tell your friends too, if they wanna come.”
You ignore Jungkook to reassure Nari and give her a bright smile. Nari looks at you, and then Jungkook before nodding slowly and returning your smile.
Jungkook walks Nari out with a hand at the small of her back, something you don’t miss as you chat away with Nari about anything and everything.
You even shoot Jungkook a wink when Nari isn’t looking. He groans internally- how poetic. His current crush giving him the approval of his hook up for the night (Nari knew what the deal was).
How incredibly awkward. Jungkook is capable of many things, always adapting to situations. But this is a new one and when Jimin and Taehyung catch his eye at the taco shop, they both give him a derisive smile.
Jungkook can only groan internally and eat his tacos.
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Today’s Wednesday night is uneventful- Hana is with Jimin for the evening and they are likely going out with some friends. You had opted out, as you had an early shift at the law firm tomorrow morning. You’ve gone out the night before early shifts and early classes and more than half the time, you regret it the next day.
Does it mean you’ll stop those habits any time soon? Stay tuned.
But today, you just feel tired from a particularly long, difficult morning of class and your half shift that you worked until five PM. You hadn’t felt like cooking dinner (you had taken leftovers to work for lunch) and by the time you finished your homework for your natural language processing class, it was past 9 PM and your stomach was rumbling loudly.
You’ve been craving noodles, dumplings and chicken. So you place an order at the nearby restaurant by your apartment and order some extra for Hana for later or for tomorrow.
It’s only a fifteen minute walk from your apartment to the shop, and you plug your headphones in to begin your walk.
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You sway on the heels of your feet as you wait for your food, saying hello to the couple who owns the small restaurant. They know you by face, from how many times you’ve been here. Your favorite comfort food (besides homemade food made by your parents) exists here. Your favorite aromas exist here and even just the smell of noodles and chicken has your tummy rumbling.
“I thought you would’ve been out,” A voice comes from your right side, “It’s the week before classes start.”
You turn your head at the voice, heart startling a bit. What in the world is Jungkook doing at your secret but not so secret restaurant?
“I could say the same for you,” You remark with a raise of your eyebrow, “I heard Jimin and Tae went out.”
You vaguely wonder if he’s still hooking up with Nari but decide it’s not your business to ask.
“Ah, well… I have work tomorrow,” Jungkook shrugs.
“Me too, they want me in at 7:30 tomorrow,” You complain, “What do I look like? A cog in the wheel that is capitalism?”
“Don’t we all?” Jungkook snorts.
“I didn’t realize you were working this summer, too. Thought you were just doing whatever soccer captains do,” You mutter, picking up your order off of the countertop.
“And what do soccer captains do, Cherries?”
“I dunno. Score touchdowns or whatever,” You shrug and laugh at the pained expression on Jungkook’s face, “And stop calling me that, Jungkook.”
“Whatever, Cherries. I’ve been working at this architecture firm as an intern. Figured it would help with post grad.”
“Oh wow, I didn’t know that was your major…”
“You definitely did, I’m pretty sure I’ve told you.”
“When-” You shake your head, not wanting to argue with him, “That’s cool. I’m working at a law firm, it’s about a fifteen minute bus ride from my apartment.”
“You wanna study law? Makes sense, because you always wanna argue with me-”
“No, I don’t really know if I want to go to grad school,” You trail off, “Hey! I don’t always argue with you!”
“You’re arguing now,” He says smugly, crossing his hands across his broad chest that you definitely do not ogle at.
“Whatever, Jungkook,” You roll your eyes, “You here for classes or anything?”
“Nah, not this summer. Just work and soccer,” Jungkook replies, “Gives me lots of time for other things.” The man has the audacity to wink at you and give you a big, bunny grin. You pretend like your stomach doesn’t flutter.
You roll your eyes, again. 
“How about you, Cherries? Any classes?”
“Yeah, I’m taking this natural language processing class three times a week for three hours each day-”
“Wait, you’re a comp sci major?” He asks incredulously, “Why are you working at a law firm then?”
“I’m working half as IT support and half as the intern,” You reply with a shrug, “It pays well and it’s pretty easy. Half of the IT support comes in the form of telling the lawyers to restart their computers for software updates. It’s so funny, you should see their amazed faces when all it takes is a fuckin’ restart. Makes a girl feel smart as hell.”
“Smart and pretty, huh?” Jungkook says with a crooked grin, “Where you been all my life, Cherries?”
“Shut up,” You say flatly, levelling him with a glare that only makes him smirk even wider at you.
“Cute,” He breathes with so much conviction that it almost makes you flustered. You clutch your bag of food a little tighter to ground yourself. 
“Me telling you to shut up is cute?” You raise both your eyebrows, eager to shield him from the heat in your cheeks.
“Among many other things, Cherries.”
“Share with the class then…”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Shut up, and why do you like calling me cherries so much,” You complain, lips jutted out in a pout, “I only wore that top once and now look. You’re referring to me as a delectable, juicy fruit. I mean I don’t blame you-”
“Cherries are my favorite,” Jungkook says, dark eyes swirling with stars. He unnerves you with his raw honesty and sincerity and he lets the implication of his words hang in between you both, your eyes wide by his statement. 
“Well, your taste is questionable because mangoes are very obviously superior-”
You both share a laugh and you’re pleasantly surprised by how the silence that comfortably falls isn’t awkward when you deflect. His name is called shortly after, breaking his intense stare. 
You let out a huff, pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose.
“Hey, I’ll drive you home,” Jungkook says, pushing the door open for you to exit the shop.
“You have a car on campus?” You say, unable to hold back the awe in your voice, “That’s awesome. And uh, no, I mean, you really don’t have to, it’s only a fifteen minute walk-”
“It’s a two minute ride,” Jungkook says, “But I mean, if you’re not comfortable, I get it-”
“No, it’s not that,” You say honestly, “I just don’t want to inconvenience you-”
“You’re not, it’s a two minute ride. Now get in,” Jungkook says reassuringly, opening the passenger side door for you. He puts his own bags of food in the backseat before getting into the driver’s side.
You’ve never really been alone with Jungkook, but for some reason it doesn’t feel that strange. It’s easy to keep conversation (really, it’s banter) flowing with him- as if you’ve been friends for the entirety of the last few years of college. As if you hadn’t spent nearly every waking moment thinking of him a certain way.
He’s easy to talk to. It unnerves you, but you roll with it.
“You should come to a practice one of these days,” Jungkook murmurs. You raise an eyebrow. Why would he ask you to come to one of his soccer practices when you had only just started an acquaintance-ship? Isn’t that crossing some sort of friendship line that you both hadn’t approached yet.
It’s months later when you realize that everything Jungkook does and says is because of his kind, golden heart. He’s such a genuine person, sincerity always dripping from his warm, brown eyes. Everything he does, he does with love.
“Thanks for driving me home, Jungkook,” You murmur with a small smile. It makes his heart sputter in his chest and he easily returns it. “Text me when you get home?”
“If you wanted my number, all you had to do was ask. Cherries,” Jungkook says smugly and you gasp, affronted. “Text me when you get inside your place.”
“That’s not- I didn’t-” You stammer, sighing, “I already have your number, stupid.”
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
“I’m not flustered,” You mutter, cheeks blazing as you hurry to get out of his car. Which coincidentally smells just like him. “Goodnight, Jungkook.”
“‘Night, Cherry.”
You roll your eyes but give him a small wave and a smile before entering your building. 
cherries: I’m inside. Drive safe jungkook: you worried about me? cherries: no im worried about your nice car jungkook: uh huh… gonna leave now, text you when i get home? cherries: 👍🏾
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It’s about three minutes later (you barely even have time to wash your hands and change into pajamas) before your phone lights up again.
jungkook: im home cherries: me too jungkook: wow you’re funny cherries: pretty and smart too, according to you jungkook: well i wasnt lying 😍 cherries: Uh huhhhhh
You put your phone to the side to put some of the food on your plate, your stomach still rumbling. You turn on the anime you’re currently watching and get cozy on the couch with a glass of wine.
And in the middle of your late dinner, your wine and your show, your phone lights up with texts from Jungkook. It surprises you that he holds the conversation even when you had given him such a dull response. Isn’t he tired of texting you by now?
He keeps you company through your dinner and you barely are even paying attention to the anime you’re watching, only giggling to yourself over Jungkook’s silly texts-
cherries: you’re so distracting, couldnt even finish this episode of fruits basket jungkook: cute cherries: i cant tell u if its cute, i barely watched it bc of you jungkook: no i meant u. Ur cute
Five seconds go by. Then ten. Your face is heated- you’re glad he can’t see you. Maybe you’ll reciprocate someday. But today is not that day.
cherries: shut up
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tags: @kookdbean
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sapphos-catpanions · 2 years
the shredding of kim kardashian, in the wake of her “get off your ass and work” comments, was probably the purest display of misogyny i’ve seen recently.
some self-absorbed people on twitter really took her words and responded with “how dare you say that to MEEE, i’m fully off my ass and i’m working myself to death” like step outside yourself for 2 seconds and consider that maybe she wasn’t talking to you. in fact, she was actually addressing the young women who look to her as a role model, who want to be her, the insta thots and the wannabe sugar babies and the mid-tier onlyfans creators who are wondering why it hasn’t all come together effortlessly for them, the way it seemed to for her.. when they have literally no concept of how hard she works, what it took for her to get to where she is today.
yeah, she came from money. and? so did i. and i am grinding it out in a low-paying job, trying to keep the pieces of my life together, and kim is a billionaire. i don’t judge you by where you start, i judge you by which direction you’re moving and where you end up.
what do you think her typical day is like, managing her multi-tentacled business empire, her tv show, her law work, her FOUR kids, her unhinged ex-husband: i would end up in a padded cell if i had to fill her louboutins.
some twittering assholes really looked at an incredibly successful businesswoman, a pioneer in her chosen field as well as a good mother and wife, who had the audacity to say “hard work brings success”, “no toxic work environments”, and decided “i’m gonna knock her down a peg, i’m gonna put that bitch back in her place” and FUCK them for that. it’s just one more example of the vicious woman-hatred that is so endemic in our culture, and it is especially noxious in people who self-id as woke. memory is resistance and i will not forget this.
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thelittleplantlover · 3 years
Surprise - Corpse x Reader
As requested by @thefanficmonster (with changes), because she writes so much for so many people. It was time to give her something she wanted to read. Thank you for all your amazing stories and your support on this fic Vy🧡!
Pronounce: gender neutral
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1647
~ A surprise does not always means something good. But you might be surprised yourself with how people react.~
I grumbled and cursed while climbing up the steep stairs of Corpse’s building with two heavy bags of groceries and supplies hanging off my shoulders. Of course, there was no food left in the fridge or even the cupboards when I had arrived for the first time today. I could have known. Okay I lied. Technically there was food. However, not even I could decipher what dish could be made from the leftovers. Not to boost my own ego, but I had gotten quite good at making tasty dishes since I first visited his home.
Out of breath I reached the correct floor. In normal times, especially during this heat, I would have taken the evaluators up to his floor. Sadly, several serious safety issues had been discovered during the maintenance work performed on the elevators the day before. Leaving me with nothing but these awful stairs. To admit, I was slightly proud of myself for reaching it without any stops on between. One victory point for (y/n).
I fumbled around to find the keys. It did not help that I felt rushed. What I had left at Corpse’s home could be considered a surprise. When thinking of a surprise, people usually assume it is something nice. Something the other person would like. I was not so sure if he would love it. I rather had the feeling he would be displeased. And in all honesty, I did feel slightly anxious about it. Looking back at the situation I could not see what better option I had. After all, you can’t turn away an infant in need and I was sure Corpse would not either.
Once inside, I waddled straight to the kitchen not bothering to turn on the big lights. Getting rid of the heavy weights on my shoulders was the only think on my mind at this point. How did these cheap weak plastic bags even still hold on? The handles had ripped off before with less.
With a last grunt of effort, they found their way on the countertop. I allowed myself one sigh of relieve before putting myself back to work again. After filling up the fridge, I turned around to replace the foil, which has been living as an empty roll of cardboard for the past three weeks. Wondered why. It was a good move though. To do the foil first and the filled fruit bowl later. After all, foil does not break when it falls to the floor.
What was it again that the insects always preached? If you don’t move they won’t see you? Yes. That apparently what I tried when I saw Corpse sitting on the couch. The infant on his lap. In the dimmed light with his dark clothing, his persona radiated smart psychopathic villain in a spy movie energy. I did feel like that one person that walked into the villain’s office at the wrong moment that would freeze only to be killed a few seconds later.
Corpse looked me straight in my eyes, while scratching the head of the fluff ball that laid on his lap. Only enhancing the psychotic energy. His voice did nothing to decrease it.
“We are both very disappointed in you.” His face was stoic, his voice steady. At least I could exclude the possibility that he would be mad. That did not dismiss the feeling of stress that ran through me.
The only thing I could let out as a response was a sound between a groan and a wince. I quickly ducked down to avoid his gaze. Keeping myself busy by picking up the foil. Placing it on the counter and throwing the empty roll in the paper bin, I started to unpack the rest of the things I bought. Keeping myself busy was a way to delay his disappointment. However, I knew that it would come soon or later. And sometimes it is better to just get it over with.
I decided to explain myself once I heard him moving towards me. “I was not going to keep him. Just until we could check if he is chipped at the vet and get some advice on what to do with him. I promise!” turning around to face him. He had moved the pup from his lap into one of his arms. The little thing was small enough to comfortable lay in his arm.
“We?” His head turned slightly left to peek into the last bag. Curious to see what I had brought with me. I was not sure if he could see the dog supplies. If he did, he did not comment on them looking like a contrast to what I just promised. Not daring to take them out of the bag, I just stood in front of him. My hands fumbling with each other.
“Yeah.” The nerves kicking in harder as he moved to look at me. I still did not know what exactly he thought of the situation. “My lab partner and I were collecting samples at the river and we saw the poor boy stranded on a large rock in the middle of the it. So, we saved him. But neither of our homes allow pets so…” I fell silent, avoiding his eyes. Hoping he would not mind my decision.
I heard an amused huff above me before feeling his lips on the top of my head.
“You’re too cute.”
I looked up to face him. His adorable slime was plastered brightly on his face. Not a hint if displease or discomfort. I had calculated that he would at least be slightly upset with me. “You- are not mad?”
He even had the audacity to let out a laugh. The little boy on his arm shaking with him. “No. I’m not mad.” He sends me a reassuring smile, for which I could only look at my feet for. I still felt bad for not telling him. This received me another amused huff and a one-armed hug. Careful to avoid hurting the pup, he pulled me into his chest. Kissing the top of my head before leaning his head on top of mine. “How could I be while you are being so precious.”
Flustered I buried my head further into him. Something that he did not miss as I felt his chest vibrate with his chuckle.
Pulling slightly away while keeping his arm around my waist Corpse asked: “He is only going to stay for a little while though, right? I still can’t take care of plants, I for sure cannot take care of a dog.” His head nodding towards the window still. Three pale green plants tried their hardest to survive. Their leaves hanging, like they tried to physically show that they were slightly suffering.
“No,” I laughed, “I don’t think either of us has the time to take proper care of him.” I looked up and give him a smile back. “Especially seeing my first job is to make sure you actually have something nutritional to eat in your house.” Petting his chest for the food measure.
Corpse stuttered, his hand leaving me to rub his neck. Pleased with not being the only one put into a little situation today, I unpacked the dog supplies. Leaving the bed and bowls on the counter. Corpse could decide where it was okay to place them. It was still his apartment.
“So, you are okay with him staying over until we know what to do? I will of course stay here for the time.” I still wanted to check if he would be fully okay with it. Forcing him to take a puppy in was the last thing I wanted. “If that’s okay.” I rushed after, my confidence faltering. We have not yet been together for that long and I did not want to invade his privacy. I knew how much he appreciated to have some time on his own as well.
If Corpse was shy or had any doubts about my stay at all, he was good at hiding it. His free arm wrapped around me once again. “If getting an ugly dog was what it took to make you stay longer, I would have gotten one sooner.”
“Ugly?” I exclaimed in disgust as I softly pushed myself away from him. I placed my hand on my heart. My mouth slightly agape, eyebrows raised.
“He is ugly. Look at him.” Corpse argued. Grabbing the floof with two hands he held him out right up to my face. Sure, the little mut definitely did not deserve the first price in a beauty contest. But the little tooth sticking out at the bottom and the goofy eyes made him even cuter. I was sure some of his friend would agree.
“Bingus is ugly and you love him.” I retorted. Which was answered with a loud gasp before I could even finish my sentence. It was questionable to me whether or not the hurtful expression on his face was played or not. Either way, Corpse replied passionately to my statement.
“You take that back!” His finger now pointing to me. “Bingus is a God. He is very pretty.” His passion combined with his facial expression made me fail to suppress the giggle bubbling up.
I pushed his hand down and stepped closer to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek. “However, none of them are as pretty as you.” The whisper made him flustered and slightly uneasy but also made his beautiful smile break out again. He quickly composed himself, putting the now wiggling pup down and straightened up.
He gave me a quick kiss on the lips, his smile never leaving his face, before grabbing his car keys from the counter. “Come one, let’s get your stuff. If you are going to stay for a while you will be needing more clothes. Can’t have you steal all my hoodies.”
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djmarinizelablog · 3 years
Ultimate Bonding Experience
Hange and Moblit follow Levi and Petra on a date. It's a disaster.
one-shot, fluff and humor, nonbinary Hange, they/them pronouns for Hange, officemates, best friends forever, friends to lovers, jealous Hange
This is for the Levihan Filo Week Day 4 Prompt, Tourist Destinations, featuring Greenbelt, Makati (Yes, the audacity of me.)
"You're going out on a date with Petra?” Hange stood up too quickly, knocking down the pen holder on their office desk in process. “As in… Petra Rall? From the Marketing Department? As in, sweet-as-candy, honey-bunny, gorgeous glam girl Petra?”
Levi swiveled his computer chair to face his best friend. "She asked me out."
"Hmm. And you didn't say no?" Hange was absentmindedly tapping the end of the pencil against their lower lip.
He gave a half-shrug. "Wanted to try something new for a change."
This was really new. Hange was incredulous. Levi never went on dates. Levi went on food trips and grocery shopping and karaoke nights (mainly due to Hange’s persistent nagging), but he never agreed to a date. There were always other people around whenever they hung out. The two of them had been best friends since college, and now as colleagues, Hange could tell from the numerous awkward and sort-of romantic encounters with Levi that Petra wasn't exactly his type.
"Is this a joke? Is this for a dare?" Hange kept prodding. They would bombard him with questions nonstop until he gave in. “Did you hit your head somewhere? Are you dying?”
"No, I just told you, Four-Eyes, I wanted to try something new.” Levi returned to his work and continued typing on his computer. “She said she already has planned something for tomorrow."
"This isn't you, Levi. You don't like itineraries," Hange said, sitting down to compose themself, gripping the pencil in their hand and holding it too tightly against the notepad.
"Maybe it's about time I do."
“So you’re choosing her over me?” Hange was already upset. Their hand was already shaking at this point, the tip of their pencil threatening to break. Levi would usually hang out with them to binge-watch a show or series on Saturdays over pizza and cheap beer, which reminded her, “What about our UBE?”
“Our—what?” He looked over his shoulder, confused.
Hange gave him a hopeful smile, hand still resting on the paper. “Our Ultimate Bonding... Experience?”
Levi glued his eyes to his computer screen once more. “You can Netflix and chill on your own for one night.”
The pencil snapped in half.
It was only 6 pm and Hange had already downed half a bucket of beers this Friday evening. Tomorrow morning, Levi would meet up with Petra somewhere for their date, maybe have lunch, a movie, some hand-holding and kissing, and then the two would possibly end it up with a bang. Something was really boiling deep inside Hange as these imagined scenes flashed through their mind.
And Erwin had to bear with them for tonight.
"I just don't understand, 'Win," Hange started, "Why would he do this? Why would he trade our pizza night for a girl he can't even relate to?"
Erwin was Hange and Levi's colleague in the same department before he got promoted to an executive position in corporate. Times like this, he would lend an ear to his friends' complaints and act as some sort of a part-time counselor, part-time therapist, and full-time drinking buddy.
Hange should be thankful Erwin had never charged them for these sessions before, but now with all of their whining, he was probably regretting that he gave them for free.
"Last I checked, you guys are just best buddies," Erwin commented. "Have you ever told him how much he means to you?"
Hange pouted.
"I'll take that as a no," Erwin said.
Their friend had a point.
"I can imagine it already, " Hange mused, eyes already watery, "I can imagine him walking down the aisle with pretty-face Petra and making babies with her, while I end up becoming that unknown relative who sends them presents for Christmas every year."
"Ah, I can imagine all the regrets you'll be having for the rest of your life."
Hange grabbed a fistful of hair in both hands. "What do I do now? I want Levi to be happy, I really do. I want to see him be happy, even if it's not with me. But why am I getting all riled up about this?"
"Then follow him," Erwin simply said as he wiped the beer of his mouth with his sleeve. "Follow him to the ends of the earth. Maybe you'll see for yourself."
Erwin had meant it as a figurative speech. When he said follow, he meant Hange supporting Levi all the way through. He never meant Hange stalking their best friend on his date.
Obviously, Hange had gotten it all wrong, because now they just blinked once, twice, a grin forming on their face. As if an epiphany had appeared before them. "Hmm. You're right."
Follow him.
This could be the greatest thing that Erwin Smith had ever come up with. Brilliant idea. Superb, even. One-of-a-kind strategy by none other than the genius Erwin Smith—oh, yes, yes, yes.
Erwin was still finishing up his beer when Hange tackled him into a hug out of gratitude, their smile wider than before. "You really are the best of the best, you know that?" They told him. This could work, Hange thought.
The plan was to follow Levi, literally.
"Boss, why did you pay me a hundred bucks to follow them?"
Hange was wringing their hands together. "We’re doing this together, Moblit! I wanna see how Levi acts around this girl."
"That's it?" Poor Moblit couldn't believe what he's hearing.
"I just wanna make sure he's making a good impression!"
They’re both sitting in a cafe right across Levi’s apartment. He and Hange were dressed up in plain clothes with matching sunglasses and baseball caps. Moblit had no choice; Hange was going to strangle his neck if he declined.
Moblit rested his head against his palm. "Aren't you jealous?"
"Pffft, me? Jealous?" The sour look on Hange's face was enough to tell Moblit that they weren't fooling anybody. It was just Levi’s attitude towards the entire ordeal that was tearing Hange apart. “I’m sure I’m not being rude.”
Moblit scratched his head and sighed. Hange as a boss could be really demanding at times, but the two of them were also friends in real life, which is why he agreed to this. "I thought Petra was head over heels for Oluo?"
"I thought so, too."
"He's dense, though," Moblit said. "Maybe this was just a ruse to get Oluo to confess?"
But Hange was already distracted by the sight of Levi coming out of the building.
"Ooh, he's leaving." Hange pointed towards the familiar figure. They then put their shades on as part of their undercover mission. "Let's go."
The two of them hid behind the fast food mascot of the big fat stupid ugly bee. Levi really knew how to dress up, Hange had noticed. He was wearing a plain button-up with dark pants, his hair neatly trimmed and his face cleanly shaven. He never dressed up like this whenever they hung out. It hurt Hange to see him this handsome. Levi then headed straight for the nearest station and waited for the next train to arrive. Hange and Moblit then took the same train but stayed on the other rail cart, catching a glimpse of Levi every now and then to make sure that he hadn't alighted by then.
“What would you do if they do end up together, Boss?” Moblit had to ask.
“I'd sign my life away as a single person for the rest of my years. Be an old cat person, maybe.”
The skyscrapers of Makati were passing them by, huge billboards left and right of commercial ads and government campaigns looming over them. If they looked far enough, they could see shanties and informal settlers nested in small alleys here and there. Hange had been seeing this for the past few years of their lives; Metro Manila could be daunting, but they wished they could spend away from the noisiness and busyness of the capital.
“He's getting out at Ayala Station, Boss!" Moblit pointed out. "They’re probably meeting somewhere in Greenbelt.”
“Ah, fancy-schmancy. Who could have known?”
Makati was the place only for the very rich, or for the very poor. There was no in between. Nobody dared to bat an eyelash at the rickety houses behind the skyscrapers. The shopping district and the high-end restaurants where affluent people would gather: celebrities, business executives, expatriates, anyone who could call themselves rich, rich, rich. Hange was none of those. Levi wasn't either, but he could easily pass off as one if he wanted to.
When they got off at the station, Hange and Moblit crouched behind the dumpster, craning their necks enough to get a glimpse of Levi coming up to Petra who stood waiting in front of the fountain.
“Ah, I’m so glad you’re here,” Petra said, her smile warm and happy as Levi walked alongside her. “Shall we?”
Petra was effortlessly gorgeous. She had her hair clipped into place, her slender figure matching the nice summer dress that she wore. She had also put on some light makeup, but even without it, Hange could tell that Petra would still be as breathtaking.
There really wasn't anything that Hange could hate about Petra Rall. Petra was attractive and alluring, sweet and shy, probably the ultimate dream girl of every person in their office. Hange would date Petra if she were even into them, provided the two of them had a spark.
But Hange's attention was all for Levi. Always had been. Always will be.
"Shall we, Boss?" Moblit interrupted Hange's train of thought.
Tonight they felt that they had to accept the possibility of Levi ending up with someone else. Regardless of how this would end, Hange had decided they'd be there for him.
They didn't really blend in with this fancy-schmancy place. This was one of the most expensive fashion malls in the area; the price tags made broke people cry, and the restaurants were considered artisan for their taste. People were dressed up in crisp polos and cocktail dresses, the faint smell of perfume wafting here and there. The gardens had a beautiful landscape, stoned paths paving the way, and the lights were carefully draped on the trees around them, glowing like stars. It was a romantic setup for lovers.
Petra was pointing out all the different sights around the area, holding onto Levi's arm. Levi remained stiff all throughout their date, not even shedding a single ounce of emotion when Petra popped a joke. It ended up being a lousy one, though, since Levi didn't even scoff. Hange felt smug after that; their own jokes were terrible as well, but at least Levi would call them out for that.
"I think it's going well, don't you, Boss?" Hange's assistant teased.
“Oh, yeah, perfect, I can see how compatible they are.” Hange was being sarcastic.
Petra had chosen a place called People's Palace. It had a five-star rating on the internet, and even the cheapest item on the menu could break a whole in someone's wallet. There was no way they could eat there. Levi didn't even protest, though. He must have been saving up for this all along. Thankfully, the restaurant's walls were a solid transparent glass, and Hange could see the two of them from afar without having to go in.
Petra was saying something in a hushed tone when Levi came over to her side. He then put a hand on her face, tenderly brushing her cheek, as if he were about to go in for a kiss.
The moment Levi held Petra that close, Hange had to stifle their gasp which ended up like a strangled cry.
The sound made Levi look over his shoulder. Moblit had to cup his hand over Hange's mouth to shush them up, pulling them down behind the huge pots of plants.
"You alright?" Petra asked him, craning her neck towards the source of the sound as well. "What was that?"
Levi clicked his tongue. "Probably some lost bird. Well, more like a dying one."
The two went back to their meals and didn't bother to check if they were being followed. Moblit then let go of Hange and sighed in relief. They were safe, for now.
Everyone in the restaurant looked classy and elegant, soft lights all over the room. After Levi had paid for the meal (he didn't look too happy when he saw the check), he and Petra stood up and exited through the other door on the farthest end. Hange had forgotten about that. The People's Palace had an entryway connecting to the indoor gardens. They would have to enter the premise in order to follow Levi and Petra.
Without any further thought, Hange immediately stood up to barge into the restaurant, urging their assistant to follow. "They're probably confessing to each other in the gardens!" Hange was already right through the entrance. "Moblit, hurry up, I need to—"
"Boss, watch out!"
The warning came in too late. Hange had already knocked down a drink from the waiter's tray right behind them, the liquid spilling all onto the customer sitting nearest to where they were. The huge beefy man was furious, the steam already coming out of his reddened ears.
"Why, you, son-of-a-gun—"
Hange held up both hands in front of their face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"
"Do you even belong here, you prick?" The stranger grabbed the front of Hange's oversized shirt. There were gasps from other customers, and one of the servers left to call the manager.
"Please, don't!"
The man started shaking Hange. "Filthy, pathetic, piece of—"
Somebody grabbed his wrist before he could even do anything else. "Let go."
It was Levi.
"And who the fuck are you?"
He was small, but his presence was intimidating, firm. "My friend already apologized. Isn't that enough?"
The stranger released his hold of Hange and held out the stained fabric. "Fucking pay for this shirt, asshole!"
Hange was mouthing 'sorry, sorry, sorry,' to him, their eyes filled with apology. Levi didn't bat an eyelash. Instead, he quickly took out twenty bucks from his wallet and shoved it into the huge man's hand. He then grabbed his friend by the elbow. "Hange, come on."
"Hey, this isn't enough, shortstack," the stranger grumbled, crumpling the bill. He gestured once more to his stained shirt. "Do you know how much I bought this for?"
"You could buy a similar one from one of the thrift stores downtown for less than half the price. I doubt anybody would notice." He tugged at Hange again and headed for the exit.
"What did you say, you little—"
They were out of the restaurant before the man could even finish. The manager had kept the customer in his seat, trying to console him with a discounted coupon.
Outside was a breath of fresh air, the coolness of it enough to clear their minds.
“You alright?”
Hange was still trembling. Their lips quivered, too. They had never been roughly-held like that before. Levi calmed them down by rubbing their back, urging them to take slow, steady breaths.
"Levi?" Petra called after the two of them. "Are we still heading to the movie?"
Hange had feared this all along. They didn't want to ruin his date with Petra; they merely wanted to see Levi, and now they had done it. Hange held their own face in both hands. Levi saw it and knew what he had to do.
“I’m sorry, Petra, but we should probably call it off at this point.”
"Should we re-sched?"
Levi paused before responding. "I had a good time tonight, Petra. But I think... once is enough.
“Oh. Okay.” Petra stood still for a moment, disappointed. They expected her to cause a scene, to thrash at him or at Hange, and then complain about her evening. But to Petra's credit, she merely broke into a smile and said, "Thanks for giving me a chance, Levi. I had a good time, too. You guys enjoy the rest of the night."
The huge beefy man suddenly burst out of the glass door, the restaurant manager no longer able to hold him back. "You fucking punks, I'm going to call the police—"
Hange hid behind Levi out of instinct, which didn't make any sense, considering that he was a couple inches shorter than them. "What now?" Their hand was still in his.
"Go ahead, Petra's safe with me," Moblit assured them. "I'll text you guys once we get home safely."
Levi nodded and took off with Hange.
They ran past the gardens, past the expensive shops, past the fountains and the bright lights. Everything seemed like a blur. Hange's senses had overloaded their brain at this point, especially since Levi's hand was still holding on to theirs. It was warm. They never expected any of these to happen. Levi would look over his shoulder once in a while to see if Hange could still keep up. They ran as fast as their legs could carry them, and with every tug of their hand, Hange felt like they were living in a dream. The two of them had already reached the station, heavily panting as they clutched their chest.
"So much for trailing me all this time, Four-Eyes," Levi heaved. He knew.
Hange was beyond apologetic. "I'm sorry, okay! I just wanted to see how you'd act around someone while on a date."
Levi made another scoffing sound. For a minute, Hange thought he was mad. But the intensity in his eyes was full of longing, like somehow, he did want Hange to follow him. And then Levi sighed. "Erwin told me you might be spying; my suspicions were confirmed when I saw you hiding behind the plants."
“Oh.” Hange had nothing else to say. “Well, then, I, uhm, I should probably head home. Sorry for ruining your date."
They were about to leave when Levi held their hand once again, stopping Hange in their tracks. "Where do you want to go?" he asked.
"You already ruined my date, so you might as well hang out with me for the rest of the night."
Hange couldn't believe what they were hearing. It was almost too good to be true. But the reality dawned upon them; they were still in Makati, and they couldn’t really afford any of these places. "Uh… well, I don't really have any money, and I'm not really sure I want to dine here…"
"It's fine,” Levi said. “I know a place to go."
Part 2 coming up soon!
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say yes to the plus one
the sequel to say yes to the drinks. which you should read first. i am so tired. just have it. 
ship: geraskier
warnings: none
editing: ish
words: over 3k but under 4k
genre: floof
After getting drinks with Geralt, Jaskier could not stop thinking about him. He found himself taking more time with his appearance each morning - something that he hadn't even thought would be possible - hoping that Geralt would come into the store.
But Geralt still hadn’t come into Kleinfelds since the day of his trunk show. Jaskier tried not to be disappointed. He knew that he was very busy and it had been a one off that he had even met him in the first place.
Still, he couldn’t help but think that the two of them had something. There must have been some sort of chemistry between the two of them. Why else had Geralt asked him to get drinks after he had made that awful slip up with the magic fingers? Surely, he must feel something for him.
He had been texting Jaskier though, so Jaskier knew that he was at least still interested. Every message that he got wishing him a good morning or about some funny wedding dress design or of a picture of Geralt’s Pomeranian, Roach, made his heart flutter. There just had to be a future for them, right?
So, Jaskier went through yet another day of busy appointments at Kleinfelds, hoping that he would run into Geralt.
Late May into early June was always a busy time for them. Jaskier didn't personally understand the appeal of getting married in a zillion degree heat, but to each their own. This was by far his least favorite part of the year though. He spent every hour at work on his feet, hardly getting a break as he rushed from appointment to appointment: checking on alterations, making sure that every bride was getting their dream dress, and providing tweaks to designs when necessary to prevent bridal meltdowns.
It was nothing short of exhausting.
“Jaskier!” Camille, one of the consultants, called to him at around mid afternoon.
He had just spent the last hour trying to get a very adamant, very conservative mom and a very eccentric bride on the same page. He needed a daiquiri. Or three. Still, he turned around and put on his brightest smile.
“Yes, darling?”
“You’re needed down in alterations,” she said with a sweet smile.
Jaskier nodded and turned back through the salon to walk down to alterations. He hated going to alterations. If he was needed there, it usually meant that shit had hit the fan in some sense. He braced himself for a long afternoon.
He walked up to the manager, about to ask her where he was needed, when a shout from behind him made him jump.
And a swell of desire rose up in Jaskier’s stomach because he knew that gravelly voice. Quickly, he straightened his tie, thankful he had worn his good pink one today, before taking a deep breath and turning around.
“Geralt!” he said, trying furiously to keep his cheeks from flushing. “What a lovely surprise.”
“Surprise?” Geralt’s brows furrowed together as he walked up to Jaskier, his wolfs head cane clicking across the floor. He was wearing a light blue button down today with the sleeves cuffed to his forearms that made his golden eyes pop and Jaskier had to struggle to keep his eyes on his face. “I texted you this morning.”
Jaskier’s eyes widened as he reached into his blazer pocket for his phone. Sure enough, there were two messages from Geralt. The first was a picture of Roach, lying in a patch of sun in his apartment. The second was a message that read:
Hey, I’m going to be at Kleinfelds today doing a custom fitting. Can you help with the appointment?
And Jaskier had never even seen it. Much less responded.
“Oh Geralt, I am so terribly sorry,” Jaskier said quickly. “This is our busiest time of year and I have hardly had a moment to think today.”
“You don’t have to help,” Geralt said sincerely, concern clouding his eyes. “I don’t want to push you too hard with the rest of your appointments, but I just figured that since I was here, I would ask.”
“No, no darling!” Jaskier said, rushing to reassure him. “Of course I will help! Helping you is much better than dealing with emotional brides and entourages that aren’t on the same page.”
“It’s alright Jaskier,” Geralt said, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I know you just want to see my magic hands at work again.”
This time, Jaskier did flush bright red. “ You! ” he said outrageously, gaping at Geralt’s audacity to bring up his slip up from last time. “You need a nap!”
But Geralt just laughed, a glorious sound that sent shivers down Jaskier’s spine. “I think you’re the one who needs the nap, Jaskier.”
Jaskier shot him an incredulous look. How dare he make such assumptions, and how dare he be right?
“Anyway, the fitting is for my brother’s fiancee,” Geralt explained. “I made her a custom dress and she’s coming in for her fitting today. There was a shipping delay, so we only have time for one fitting before their wedding next week. I was hoping you could help.”
Jaskier could see the tension that had creeped its way into Geralt’s broad shoulders and the worry that was clouding his pretty face.
Jaskier placed a reassuring hand on Geralt’s arm. “Of course I’ll help, darling. Helping resolve wedding dress disasters is my specialty. Er- not that your dress is a disaster,” he said quickly, amused by the way that Geralt’s eyebrows had shot up. “Nothing that you design could ever be a disaster, the way that you work lace and beads is just divine, not a disaster. Not in any way a disaster. What I meant was the fact that she only has one fitting, that’s the disaster. Not your dress.”
“My magic fingers are quite incapable of creating a disaster dress, you’re right,” Geralt winked.
Jaskier resisted the urge to smack his shoulder. “You are never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“Nope.” Geralt looked far too pleased with himself. “Can you grab the dress for me? It’s on the rack for the day. And can you bring it to room 13?”
“Of course,” Jaskier said. He’d let the magic fingers comment slide for now. Geralt looked far too attractive with his moonlight silver hair in an artful bun, tendrils framing his face, for him to stay mad at him for long. He had never been able to resist a pretty face.
“Thank you.” Geralt moved past Jaskier and began to make his way to the room. Jaskier turned to watch him walk down the hall. His ass looked far too delicious in those gorgeous, fitted navy pinstripe pants. He just had to appreciate it. It would be a crime not to.
Distantly, he wondered if his ass looked just as delicious without the pants on. And was he wearing boxers or briefs? Oh who was he kidding, he had to be wearing at least briefs with pants like those. But what color? Geralt seemed like the type of man to appreciate a fun pair of underwear and-
Jaskier. Get your head out of the gutter.
He made a beeline to the rack and grabbed the dress. He had already left Geralt waiting long enough.
“Here you are,” Jaskier said, hanging the dress in the room.
Geralt fidgeted with his shirt sleeves, eyeing the bag. With a pang, Jaskier realized that he was nervous.
“I’m sure she’s going to love the dress,” Jaskier said, putting as much sincerity as he could into his words. “You are one of the best designers in the industry, Geralt.”
“I know,” Geralt said. “But I’ve never designed for someone that I know before, there’s more risk involved if they don't like it. Cause she’s put all her trust in me and what if she doesn’t like it? This is her only fitting. There isn't time to make anything else."
“Geralt,” Jaskier placed his hand over Geralt’s where he was still fidgeting with his sleeve. “She’s going to love it. Don’t doubt yourself so much, it ruins your pretty face.”
Fuck, did he just really say that out loud?
Geralt’s doubt dissipated as he looked at Jaskier amusedly. “You think my face is pretty?”
“Well who wouldn’t?” Jaskier said, trying and failing to backpedal. “It’s a plenty beautiful face, I mean you’ve got a nose and eyes and everything and…”
“I would hope I have a nose and eyes, yes,” Geralt laughed. Then, he leaned in, as if telling Jaskier a secret. “I’ve also heard that I have lips, too.”
Jaskier was saved the embarrassment of having to respond by a consultant escorting who Jaskier assumed to be Geralt’s brother’s fiancee and her entourage into the alterations area.
“Geralt!” a pretty girl with dark, curly hair said as she stepped up to hug him.
“Hi Triss,” Geralt said, giving her a polite hug and waving to the rest of the entourage. “Are you excited?”
“Of course I’m excited,” she said. “It’s only a week away, Geralt. This better be every bit as perfect as you said it would be.”
“It will be.” Geralt’s smile was easy, as if he hadn’t been freaking out about the appointment moments before.
“And who is this?” Triss asked, turning to Jaskier.
“Oh, everyone, this is Jaskier. He’s a consultant here and my friend,” Geralt said.
“Hello!” Jaskier said, giving everyone a wave.
“Jaskier, this is Triss, the bride to be. She’s marrying my brother.” Geralt gestured to the woman with the dark hair standing in front of them.
“Hello darling,” Jaskier said, shaking her hand. “You look just gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” Triss smiled.
“And this is Triss’s friend Yennefer, Yennefer’s daughter Ciri, my other brother Lambert, and Lambert’s husband Aiden,” Geralt said, pointing at the people sitting on the bench.
Jaskier waved to them all and gave them his best customer service smile.
“Tell me about your fiancee, darling,” Jaskier said to Triss.
“I am getting married to Eskel,” she said, her face lighting up immediately. “We’ve known each other forever and he is perfect.”
“Forever is an understatement,” Geralt said. “They went to kindergarten together.”
“Oh, a childhood love story!” Jaskier clapped his hands together. “How romantic! Let’s hope you have a dress to match.” He turned to Geralt.
“Well darling,” Jaskier said, gesturing to the garment bag that Triss’s dress was in. “Would you like to do the honors?”
Geralt stepped up to the garment bag, his shoulder taught with anxiety.
“Take a breath, Geralt,” Jaskier whispered, just quiet enough for only Geralt to hear. “She’s going to love it.”
Geralt nodded once before unzipping the bag and pulling out the dress. Jaskier couldn't help but gasp.
“Oh my god, it’s gorgeous,” Triss gasped next to him, taking Jaskier’s words right out of his mouth. “Geralt, you’ve outdone yourself.”
“You haven’t even put it on yet,” Geralt said, stepping away so that the entourage could see it as well.
“I don’t have to to know that it’s everything I wanted and probably more,” she said, giving Geralt another hug. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Geralt said and Jaskier thought that he saw a light blush tinting his cheeks. Was Geralt embarrassed? Oh that was just adorable…
The dress itself was gorgeous, just as Jaskier suspected it would be. It was a glorious ivory color that seemed to shift under the lights to be a gorgeous pale blush pink. The skirt appeared to be A line and was sleeveless with a high neck. The bodice had an intricate lace and beading design that blended into the skirt. Jaskier knew that the dress was going to be amazing but Triss was right, Geralt had really outdone himself.
“Would you like to put it on, darling?” Jaskier asked.
Triss nodded, still not tearing her eyes from the dress as Geralt stepped out of the dressing room and Jaskier closed the curtains behind him.
He helped Triss into the dress, zipping up the back effortlessly.
“Oh it fits you like a glove darling,” he remarked. “Almost like it was made for you. Oh wait-” he smiled at her. “It was, wasn’t it?”
Triss laughed at his terrible joke - bless her - as she fingered the lace and beads on the front. “I wasn’t expecting it to look this beautiful,” she whispered.
“Well then let's spin you round, darling,” Jaskier said, taking her hand as she turned to face the mirror. “That’ll really shock you.”
“Oh my god.” She clapped her hands over her mouth as she gaped at herself in the mirror, turning from side to side to look at herself better. “Oh my god .”
“Isn’t it wonderful?” Jaskier smiled at her. “Geralt is far more talented than he gives himself credit for.”
“Tell me about it,” Triss said distractedly as she continued to stare at the dress. “This is absolutely gorgeous. I love it. Eskel’s going to love it. Everyone’s going to love it.”
“Stop feeding pretty boy’s ego and show us then!” someone shouted from the other side of the curtain.
“Fuck off, Lambert!” Triss called back. “I’m having my bridal moment,” she whispered, tears springing up in her eyes as she continued to stare, utterly transfixed by the dress.
“Here, darling,” Jaskier said, pulling his pink pocket square out of his breast pocket. “You don't want to get your mascara on the dress now, do you?”
Triss dabbed at her eyes and took a deep breath before handing the handkerchief back to Jaskier.
“Are you ready to show your entourage?”
“She better be!” Lambert shouted from outside again.
Triss let out a watery laugh. “Yeah, I am.”
Jaskier drew back the curtain as Triss turned around.
“Oh, Triss,” Yennefer said, tears unmistakably clouding her eyes. “You look gorgeous.”
“Holy fuck, Geralt,” Aiden muttered as he stared at the dress, his jaw dropped. “ You designed that ?”
“Hey!” Lambert elbowed him. “I already said that pretty boy doesn’t need his ego inflated any more than it is!”
“Okay but fucking look at the dress, Lambert. It’s fucking gorgeous. And I’m half fucking blind. ”
Lambert shrugged. “Yeah I mean it’s nice. It’s a dress. It’s fabric. I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“Say she looks beautiful!” Aiden nearly shouted, smacking Lambert’s shoulder. “And that Geralt did a great job because if you don't I swear your ass-”
“Boys.” Triss crossed her arms. “There are children present.”
“I’m nineteen!” Ciri protested, throwing her hands up.
Triss ignored her. “There are children present and this is my fitting. So Lambert, shut up and tell your brother he did a good job.”
“You did a good job not fucking it up, Ger,” Lambert muttered.
“I’ll take it. And Aiden? You can finish that sentence later,” she said with a pointed look.
She turned to Jaskier, who had been watching the entire exchange with raised eyebrows. “Sorry about them, they are always like this.”
Lambert flipped her off. Aiden threw up a peace sign.
“Well,” Jaskier said, trying to contain his laughter. “Clearly they are meant for eachother.” He was just glad that he hadn’t had to diffuse the situation. He was tired of telling entourages to get along.
“It’s a good thing they got married then,” Geralt said, standing slowly and walking over to Triss. “You like the dress then?”
Triss once again read Jaskier’s mind and playfully punched Geralt’s shoulder. “I fucking love it . I was right, it is everything I wanted and more. Thank you.” Her eyes were shining with tears again and this time, it was painfully obvious that Geralt blushed when he looked down at his shoes.
“Of course, it was my pleasure,” Geralt said, squeezing her arm. “I’m glad you and Eskel are finally tying the knot, I couldn't imagine a more perfect match for him than you.”
“Geralt,” Triss sighed, the tears pooling in her eyes spilling over again. “You didn't need to make me cry more! The dress was enough!”
Geralt just laughed. Jaskier silently passed Triss his pocket square again.
“Is there anything big that you want to change or do I just need to adjust the fit?” Geralt asked.
“Just the fit,” Triss said, dabbing at her eyes again.
Geralt nodded and set to work, silently slipping into the zone, pinning and adjusting and occasionally stepping back and squinting at his work. Jaskier knew that Triss and her entourage were talking, but he didn't even pretend to be paying attention. He was much more content to watch Geralt work, his fingers gliding effortlessly over the fabric as he made the already gorgeous gown look somehow even more phenomenal.
“Alright,” Geralt said, stepping back. “I think that that should be good, spin round for me.”
Triss turned to look in the mirror.
“Does it look okay?” Geralt asked and Triss punched his shoulder again. “Ow!”
“Geralt if you don't stop insulting your frankly quite stunning work, I will have to steal your little demon dog,” she said, looking over the dress in the mirror. “But yes, everything looks good.”
“Roach isn’t a demon,” Geralt pouted, and oh fuck wasn’t that adoreable.
“That fucking dog almost bit my hand off!” Lambert shouted from the bench.
Geralt made several rude gestures at him and Jaskier nearly swooned. Fucking hell he was gone for this man. And it was only the second time that he had seen him.
“Jaskier, can you get her out of the dress?” Geralt asked. “Be careful with all the pins.”
Jaskier nodded, very much at a loss for words.
“C’mon darling,” Jaskier said, tugging the curtain closed behind Geralt again.
He undid the zipper on the back of Triss’s dress and helped tug the dress off her shoulders, mindful of the many pins that Geralt had put in it.
“Have you and Geralt known each other long?” Triss asked.
“Oh, no not at all,” Jaskier said, glad that he was standing behind her and couldn't see the flush of his cheeks. “He helped me with an appointment a few months ago and we went out for drinks after and we’ve been texting occasionally, but that’s it.” He didn’t say that he wished it was more.
“You went out for drinks on the day you first met?” Triss asked, letting her voice rise. “That’s interesting, Geralt doesn’t often go out with people that he’s just met.”
There was a shout from the other side of the curtain, but it was muffled almost immediately, the sound of a hand slapping over someone’s mouth unmistakeable.
“Well, it had been a long day and we were both in need of one. Step out for me, darling,” Jaskier said, picking up the dress and hanging it back up.
“I’m sure you were,” Triss said from behind him as he zipped the dress carefully back into the garment bag. Before he had the chance to ask what she meant, she was opening the curtains and walking back outside to her entourage.
Jaskier picked up the garment bag and followed her.
“It was lovely meeting all of you,” he said, waving to the entourage. “Triss, darling, I hope you have a wonderful wedding and Geralt, it was nice seeing you again.” He turned back down the hall to go hang up the dress for Geralt to deal with later. He should get back upstairs, hopefully nothing too dire had happened in the salon during his absence, even if the break had been nice.
He was just turning to go up the stairs when he saw Geralt walking purposefully towards him, his cane clicking quickly against the floor.
“Oh, hi again!” Jaskier said. “I was just going to head back upstairs, we are still very busy.” He gave Geralt an apologetic smile. There was nothing that he would rather do than stand and talk with Geralt.
Geralt winced. “Then I guess you probably shouldn't have helped me with the appointment.”
“No, no!” Jaskier said quickly. “It was my absolute pleasure, Geralt. And honestly? The salon was driving me a bit insane, so it was quite a nice and much needed break.”
“Well thank you for helping,” Geralt smiled. “I think it went well.”
“It definitely did, darling,” Jaskier said. “She loved the dress, just like I told you she would.”
Geralt rolled his eyes and looked down at his feet, placing both hands on top of his cane. “Actually though, I had something to ask you before you get back to work, if that’s okay. I don’t want to keep you.”
“The only thing you’re keeping me from is crying brides and disapproving mothers, and there is only so much of that that my poor soul can take,” Jaskier said. “I’d rather stay here with you and your-” he cut himself off before he made another terrible slip up. He had already learned his lesson from last time.
“With my magic hands? Or my pretty face?” Geralt asked smugly.
Jaskier sighed, ignoring him. “What was it that you wanted to ask me?”
“I have a plus one for Triss’s wedding next week,” Geralt started.
“And you haven’t asked anyone yet?” Jaskier asked. “Geralt, what have you been doing?”
“...Designing dresses?” he said sheepishly.
Jaskier swore his heart melted. He just looked so cute. How on earth was this allowed?
“Well, you better ask someone,” Jaskier said. “You’re running out of time.”
“Yes I know.” Geralt looked at Jaskier and smiled. “Jaskier, what are you doing next Saturday?”
“Saturday?” Well…” Jaskier trailed off, trying to remember what was coming up. “That is technically my day off, but I might still come in because we have just been so busy and we’re getting a new collection in and I’m going to have to….wait….” his eyes widened as he finally processed what Geralt had been asking him. “Are you….are you asking me..?”
“Would you like to be my plus one to Triss’s wedding?” Geralt asked, his golden eyes somehow sparkling in the atrocious fluorescent lighting.
“ Oh ,” Jaskier gasped. “Yes. Yes I would love to.”
“Great,” Geralt said, breathing an audible sigh of relief. “I’ll pick you up at 1pm. It’s formal. Be ready.”
Oh, Jaskier would be ready alright. He walked back to a salon with a huge smile plastered across his face.
may be a ch 2. havent decided. 
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