#onestar we got lost
kpoptimeout · 2 years
K-Pop Debuts and Comebacks for the 4th Week of November 2022 (Nov 21-27 2022)
Nov 21
No releases.
No 22
BOA - Forgive Me
Queen of K-Pop BoA returns with this rock-infused track!
TEMPEST - Dragon
Rookie boy group TEMPEST is back with an powerful and confident performance!
Nov 23
HYNN - Bad Love
Singer-songwriter Hynn returns with this heart-wrenching ballad.
NTX - Old School
Rookie boy group NTX brings back the 90s sound in this comeback!
TO1 - Freeze Tag
Up and coming boy band TO1 returns with this high energy
Nov 24
Kang Daniel - Nirvana
Top male soloist Kang Daniel shows his charisma and moves in this smooth comeback!
Woo - Me
Woo Wonjae return with an introspective piece.
Nov 25
Talented solo vocalist BIBI is back with another intriguing piece.
Nov 26
No releases.
Nov 27
Indie korean rock band THETHE drops this experimental track!
Onestar - We Got Lost
GP999 vocal trainer Onestar returns with another beautiful ballad.
THETHE - Bingle Bangle
Indie korean rock band THETHE drops this experimental track!
Which is your favourite release of the week?
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bonefall · 4 months
Struggling to find posts u've made in the past about Stoneclaw, but I love her sm. Definitely one of my BB Blorbos
I don't think I've ever put together a particular thingie on her, she's a beloved background character who tends to show up on her own in various places. Like when I talked about sign, before making the deafness guide!
BB!Stoneclaw is a gray-and-gold tortie, and the sister of Thrushwing. They come from one of the field guides, where it's revealed the two of them were sitting their vigil on the night that ShadowClan drove WindClan out of their home. In canon, Thrushwing is the survivor, but for BB, we all just kinda liked Stoneclaw's name more than Thrushwing's, so I decided to hit him with the Woman Beam.
On the night of the WindClan Massacre, Stoneclaw and Thrushwing were sitting vigil.
Daughters of Flytail and Eagleswoop, and grandkits of Tallstar himself. They were a promising young pair.
Before they even knew what hit them, they heard Brokenstar's yowl.
A squadron burst from the shadows, sliced Thrushwing's throat open, and smashed Stoneclaw's head to the ground
ShadowClan wasn't showing mercy, survivors were incidental. Their goal was to kill as many cats as possible.
Stoneclaw was dazed for a few seconds, going limp, but when she came to she leapt right back into the fray. She watched the rest of her family fold.
Tangleburr and her squadron went right for her father, Flytail, out of revenge for Lizardstripe, mobbing him and pulling him down
Eagleswoop just had a stroke of bad luck, failed to dodge, and was killed like prey
It was a horrific night, and what was once a large family was decimated to a couple of cats. She lost auncles, both parents, and her sister in one fell swoop.
Injured and aching, Stoneclaw said nothing as WindClan escaped the scene. The other survivors took it as a sign of great honor from the young warrior; that she had upheld her vow to the bitter end, even after losing so much.
But it lasted long after that night. The vigil has never truly 'ended' in her mind, so her vow of silence hasn't either.
Unfortunately, WindClan gets rough shake after rough shake from this point on, and she barely has a chance to heal in the constant barrage of violence and aggression. Between Nightstar's invasion, TigerClan, the BloodClan battle, the destruction of the White Hart woods, the Great Journey, and the Civil War... things only really started settling down years into her life, during Po3.
During the Civil War, Stoneclaw was actually ideologically aligned with Mudclaw, but took Onestar's side. She wanted to believe that Tallstar was lied to, but... she knew her grandfather better than anyone. Once the shock wore off, she had to face the horrible truth that he made a sudden, naiive decision.
It didn't take her long to stop regretting her choice, though. Her feelings are complicated, but her line too far is Mudclaw's willingness to attack his Clanmates.
Had she taken his side, she would have gone into battle with her future mate as a target. She doesn't think about it-- dismissing that she ever could have made such a choice.
Her internal monologue is a lot more afraid, frustrated, and exhausted than other cats would guess it is. Her actions don't match her thoughts.
She's hardworking, always trying to make her Clanmates comfortable, frets over her friends and family endlessly. Pair this with WindClan's assumption that her selective mutism is a "vow of silence," and most cats see her as an "ideal warrior." Someone kits should look up to and aspire to be.
She got into a relationship with Snapstorm waaaay too quickly; but luckily, Snapstorm is a really good mate.
After everything she'd been through, Snapstorm's cheerful, easygoing attitude was soothing and attractive. Snapstorm just had to say, "Hi Stoneclaw! Mice to see you around!" and then hand her a mouse for lunch and it was all over
Snapstorm was a BloodClan trader who joined along with Brushblaze, and one of the targets of the Civil War. She's a bit flighty and doesn't always think through everything she says, and doesn't worry about much either.
Their oldest kit is Buzzardclaw, who takes after Snapstorm a lot. So far I also gave them Crouchfoot in a later litter, but I've been thinking about giving them a bunch more.
The oldest litter was definitely accidental.
But not unwelcome. They both responded to it enthusiastically, Stoneclaw because she suddenly felt like she would have a big family again, and Snapstorm because she loves kids and just wanted to be a parent one day.
As mentioned before, they got into their mateship very quickly. They made each other happy and that's the whole reason.
Unfortunately, they would start seeing the difficulties of their personalities clashing while raising kittens. Which I just find FASCINATING which is honestly kinda why I want to throw more kits at them (not to mention how small WindClan is, padding is super appreciated)
See, Stoneclaw is dealing from serious CPTSD. Her mutism is NOT a vow. She can't speak and it's frustrating to her.
At the same time, watching the very helpful tail-signals that WindClan uses to communicate across the distant moor reminds her of battle signals, like she had to deal with during the fights with TigerClan. It's triggering, and that's ALSO stressful.
She's also lost so, so much of her family within the span of a few years, and is dealing with attachment issues as a result. Especially to that first litter, which she would be terrified of losing.
This makes an individual who can't communicate, but is desperate to. She hasn't been able to work well in groups for years, and unlike a more solitary cat like Willowclaw, this is not the result of a choice.
Snapstorm, being an outsider, is the first and only cat to not treat her behavior like... well, some kind of solemn vow to be "respected."
And that means a lot to Stoneclaw. Even if she was poetic, these are complicated feelings which would be hard to describe.
And Snapstorm is a sweetheart, but, she is putting a lot of effort into this relationship. She's not really great at focusing on one thing for too long, and a bit "forgetful" in the way that details go missing for a while until they come back later.
So sometimes an important bit of info slips her mind, or she misses a social cue and makes a joke that's a bit gruesome, or the fact that Clanmew is her second language rears up and she forgets words or translates a Townmew idiom directly and it Does Not Work.
While all this is happening, especially with the early litter, Stoneclaw is being a helicopter parent. Too worried to give her kits the freedom they need to develop, and Snapstorm is both trying to be a good parent and a good mate.
I'm fond of the idea that when Buzzardkit was very little, Stoneclaw was the Mi. But as she started to realize that her fear of losing him was hurting both of them, Snapstorm started taking over as Mi.
I think their dynamic is interesting. I like the idea of each litter ending up having a different upbringing, because of the state of their parents each time. Stone's also going to be sticking around for a very long time; definitely the last survivor of the WindClan Massacre, by many years. It's nice to think she's eventually surrounded by kits and grandkits, growing up in a better world than she did, even if it's not without its problems.
She's also going to start using Pawspeak, being one of its foundational members after developing a little friendship with SkyClan's Fallowfern. It's cathartic to her, finally feeling like there's a new context for WindClan's old tail signs, being used to communicate in a language rather than just be used for battle and hunting.
Stoneclaw is one of my personal little BB blorbos that I think about a lot. It's fun having conflicts like this going on in the background.
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everybody-loves-purdy · 7 months
I find Curlfeather very interesting especially because she was alive during both times the Dark Forest was a threat. She was just a kit when the Great Battle happened and was a queen when the whole Ashfur thing was going on so I feel like there's no way she didn't know about the consequences of her actions.
Also another thing I found interesting, and shoutout to someone who you replied to earlier bc I didn't know this, is that Curlfeather was a kin prisoner (They never mention it in the little summary before the history section on the wiki and they never made a prisoner sprite for her or Duskfur so you'd have to scroll down to where they're mentioned in Onestar's Confession). Reedwhisker was also a kin prisoner. That could be a reason she didn't want him as a leader because he was weak enough to be taken hostage.
I guess she must have decided that success and fame in life could outweigh any punishment in death. Or could be for a cause she feels so strongly about, she’s willing to be condemned to hell for.
And she perhaps maybe she thought she might be able to get out of it somehow with time? Blackstar got into StarClan eventually after all.
But yeah it would be really interesting if she became completely disillusioned with Reedwhisker and lost all faith and Mistystar in him because he was captured, he never (as far as we know) tried to escape and just submitted to Darktail. Curlfeather probably feels that she was failed by him, she and her mother eventually managed to get out of there, why couldn’t Reedwhisker? In her mind why was she left to escape for herself when her deputy is right there?
It would be a very interesting explanation and would be a really good way to make her appearing in Onestar’s confession more than just extra screen time for the character.
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the-owl-tree · 6 months
Okay I would like to ramble rq bc you are the best one for calling out the series. But the MISOGYNY is going crazy. Let's talk abt our favorite boy crowfeather.
It's giving brambleclaw (we don't give him respect of bramblestar) but like how is it that once a male character suddenly "learns" he's perfect as a character and leader? And everyone is okay with it? Leafpool had her lesson learned FOREVER and no one accepted it and kept shaming her except for like 2 ppl. And Lizardstripe? How dare she not want kits? Wow what a monster for not wanting to make being a queen her whole personality. Let's make her "ambitious" bc an ambitious woman is a bad one. Like.... ??????? It confuses me sm bc I thought it was good for ppl to be ambitious? The problem is they labeled tigerclaw as "ambitious" and "bloodthirsty"(he is) so everyone associates "ambitious" with bad. But tigerheart is ambitious and he's a good guy(sorta not rlly). But she wasnt ever ambitious again after her kits left the nursery so like? So idk???
And squilf... oh squilf.. only known as brambleclaws mate. Like that's all she's written for I swear, promoting brambleclaw, fueling the feud between brambleclaw and ashfur, omg firestars daughter, like she has a personality sure, but not one that's used.
And how about Brooke? From the mountain tribe? She was well written sure, but after the whole trip and her and stonefur went back for help she wasn't relevant.. like at all. She was then known as the cat who married a clancat and saved the tribe but she wasn't appreciated like firestar after saving the clans. Like ik there's kind of a difference there but I mean cmon she still worked hard and didn't get a lot of recognition! I love her character but she lost any and all personality after the one arc. And half moon.... she was.. interesting. Ppl can interpret her character so many different ways but I think she was literally a book device to add drama and pain to jayfeather. They needed him to have a reason to be connected to the tribe so they invented a shecat to be his mate or wtv. I mean she had a personality but no purpose other than to fuel jayfeather and his angst.
YOU'RE GOOD! Crowfeather my detested. Proof that an abusive father can not only blame his mate for shit she didn't do (no she did not turn Breezepelt against Crowfeather, go read Outcast PLEASE) and have it be held as canon for years until it's retconned in......the super edition where the abusive father has to have his hand held by onestar, nightcloud, heathertail, feathertail, AND ashfoot in order to learn that Wanting Your Son Dead is Actually Bad. In a fascinating turn of events, this was then taken as a compelling story by fans instead of the most blatant double standard I've ever fucking seen.
Crowfeather gets a promotion for learning that abusing his son might be icky, but Leafpool get humiliated, berated, and threatened to be thrown in cat hell for doing everything right for the children that StarClan manipulated her into having. Fun.
For Lizardstripe, well. Ambition is okay as long as it's not a woman who doesn't want to feel confined by the strict expectation that she have babies and also accepts that the father has zero obligation to help her and will face zero repercussions for doing Fuck All. But it's a-okay, Yellowfang's Secret assured, because Lizardstripe would be happier if she just mindlessly accepted the duty of every she-cat is to have babies and those that don't want that are abusive monsters.
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squilf deserves an essay on what she's been trhough good LORD poor girly. it's what makes her compelling in many ways, the trials and tribulations she's been through, and stripping it would just make her lose a lot of her spark......but man is it frustrating to watch the authors endlessly fawn over bramblestar.
Brook and Half Moon I have no strong thoughts on. I think the document covering the anti-Indigenous writing in the series breaks down her issues way better than I can, and Half Moon and the original lake cats are like. very nothing characters to me lol wasted potential!
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firelordgrantham · 2 years
OK so I have not read WC any further than DotC/The Last Hope (publishing/chronolocigally) but I've got insomnia, I've browsed tumblr, and I'm ready to fight Erin Hunter on a Wendy's parking.
Here is how I see whatever the situation is (and by whatever I mean I've got no idea what is going on or what book we are on).
Last book of the arc: Bramblestar, Squirrelflight and Lionblaze lead three patrols to attack Windclan because of a border squirmish that got out of hand. Ivypool was left in charge of the camp and the protection.
As Squirrelflight's patrol attacks the cove in which Wind has its camp, Bramblestar's patrol is caught by a hunting patrol led by Breezepelt. They attack each other.
Flash back: Jayfeather is discussing the upcoming attack with the other patrol leaders, since he's expected to heal people at some point. Leafpool is going with Squirrelflight's patrol, Alderheart with Lionblaze's. Jayfeather is staying at camp and is trying to knock some sense into Bramblestar.
"You lost your seventh life last week because of this weird sickness the dog got you!" (nda: rabies) he hissed.
silence falls on the den as people realize he just told them Bramblestar only had two lives left. Bramblestar snarls at Jayfeather and doesn't consider his advice to stay in camp instead and not lead the patrol.
"You're not getting any younger either!" Jayfeather adds. "You were already a warrior at the beginning of The New Prophecy, and that's a long way ago!"
"What's TNP??" Bramblestar asks.
"A star clan thingy nevermind" Jayfeather says. "Anyway you're old, you should go to the elders' den, retire, not lead the clan into a freaking battle which you could have avoided."
"Are you telling me we shouldn't have this battle?" Squirrelflight asks.
"Nah, we still should", Jayfeather answers. "I lust for blood. But still, Bramblestar is needlessly reckless!"
"I still have strength, and two lives to spend for my clan." Bramblestar says.
"Yeah, I guess, whatever, your life, your death." Jayfeather says.
"Then I guess it's settled."
End of the flashback. Breezepelt attacks Bramblestar very violently and they fight very violently. Squirrelflight on the other hand just got in Harestar's den (I heard Onestar was dead at some point and Harestar succeddeed him but idk). Harestar's mate, some ridiculously young she-cat who was retconned into his kits' mom, attacks Squirrelflight, because who knew, the kits were actually in the den to see their father and she's protecting them. Bramblestar loses a life to Breezepelt while Lionblaze arrives just in time in Wind's camp to see Squirrelflight die under his eyes. He is devastated and fights like the lion that he got his name from, impressing his apprentice, and Bramblestar, going back to consciousness, attacks Breezepelt from behind and kills him. The rest of his patrol fled when they saw their leader lose a life because there's no reason Tunderclan would be the only clan not to flee in such circumstances.
The attack on Windclan is more or less a success, but Bramblestar collapses upon passing the border and dies of his injuries during the night. Jayfeather is pissed beacuse both leader and deputy died and he is supposed to design the new leader. He goes to the Moonpool to have a vision about that.
Kestrelwing sees him there and is pissed too because of the attack. Jayfeather tells him he could drown him on the pool right now and no one would suspect the blind medicine cat, but he won't because he's the bigger person and also Kestrelwing is totally right about the attack. It was stupid. Bramblestar was stupid. Everybody is stupid.
Wait, was? Ooooh mousedung Jayfeather just revealed to Kestrelwing that Bramblestar lost his last life! Kestrelwing runs to Wind Camp while Jayfeather naps next to the pool. He would have tried to drown him but Dawnpelt, who left Shadowclan a while prior, is living around and he doesn't want her to start drama about him drowning a medicine cat again.
Star Clan appears before him. He sees Yellowfang, Oakstar (because why not) and Bramblestar himself, who are like ''what's up dawg what are you doing here?" and he tells them about Squirrelflight being dead and who's gonna be the new leader? Bramblestar didn't know Squirrelflight died because they didn't see each other yet on this side. Yellowfang is like ''idk just chose whoever'' and Oakstar is like ''wait there's this rule!"
so they all gather around him and he says:
"In thunderclan we do 2 male leaders, 1 female leader, so basically Squirrelflight should have become leader, but she died so now the only thing Jayfeather should do is chose a female as new leader.''.
Jayfeather awakes and is like ''wow thanks Star Clan that was useful'' sarcastically and goes back to Thundercamp, thinking very deeply about who to chose. He stumbles into a few signs put by different Star Clan members with different opinions, which each indicate different persons (Rosepetal, Blossomfall, Icecloud and Lilyheart).
So he goes to a particular tree, takes ivy out of it and drench it in a puddle then brings it back to clan and is like ''it's a sign! Star CLan is telling us Ivypool should become the next leader! also they told me so in a dream''.
Everyone is like ''why Ivypool? what's the sign?'' and he is like ''well Ivy drenched by a pool's water'' and they are like ''yeah it adds up" and make Ivypool a leader. She names Cinderheart as her deputy.
The rest of the book is Ivystar and Jayfeather scheming together so that no one realizes there was no sign saying Ivypool. Also the rabies that killed Bramblestar's seventh life killed almost all of the oldest of the clan because Thornclaw and Cloudtail and all are very nice and all but they are far too old to still be warriors in the what, 8th? 9th arc?
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solplparty · 2 years
[Teaser] Onestar(임한별) - We Got Lost(길을 잃었다) https://youtu.be/bSZHlKjtbR0 [Teaser] Onestar(임한별) - We Got Lost(길을 잃었다) Onestar's Single Album Will Be Released on 27th Nov 18:00 PM(KST) #임한별 #더리슨2 #길을잃었다 SUPER SOUND, BUGS! http://www.bugs.co.kr SUPER SOUND Bugs!
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one-mopeyboi · 4 years
The Exile of Shrikerush Pt.1
“Papa, story?” Grousekit sleepily mewed, nestling into Harestar’s warm side. Toms did not usually care for kits, especially leaders, but that idea was of the long past and the defeat of the dark shadow that walked the land of the living as the impostor of Bramblestar is definitely proof that things have changed. Besides, who else would Harestar allow to raise the little loner tom he found in the snow?
He hardly called him Papa any more now that he’s learned his name, so Harestar definitely would treasure this.
“This is a story about the unlikely hero of WindClan, long before you or even I were born. Long ago...”
WindClan’s warriors were divided into two kinds. The moor runners and the tunnelers, and a brave tom called Rattledance was one such tunneler... one day he went down into the tunnels to hunt weasels, and he was lost forever.
His mate Pigeontail was distraught, because now he’d never see their little kit. The kit, Skipperkit, was something special altogether ; he was a male tortoiseshell... but Pigeontail didn’t know that. She thought Skipperkit was a molly because tortoiseshell were almost always mollies!
But Pigeontail had been heartbroken since her beloved mate died, and a few moons after that she herself passed away in her sleep. Skipperkit got very little milk, so he was tiny - yeah, that’s right, just like you, Grousekit, but you grew big, didn’t you?
“And one day I’ll be big as you, only I’ll be a medicine cat so I can help others!”
“That is very good, Grousekit.”
I had you memorize the leaders’ names, right? Heatherstar, Tallstar, Onestar, and then me.. but two leaders before Heatherstar was Buckstar, a very wise tom. He decided that it would not do for Skipperkit to be an orphan, so he asked his mate Hailfleck to take him in. Skipperkit and Buckstar’s kit ; Dogkit, who was named that because he was very large, became like siblings. “
This happiness did not last so long. When it was time for the two young toms to be apprentices, Dogpaw stopped caring so much for Skipperpaw because he didn’t understand the fact that Skipperpaw knew he was actually a tom. A Changeheart may be accepted now ; you know, like my brother Kestrelflight, or you’ve met Fernsong of ThunderClan, but it was not always so back then. Dogpaw started being mean to Skipperpaw, like tripping him during battle practice and eating his prey and embarassing him in front of Duskpaw, who Skipperpaw really liked.
Skipperpaw decided that this disrespect wasn’t going to stand, so he challenged his brother to a battle and if Skipperpaw won, Dogpaw would have to apologize to him. “Claws sheathed, so there’s no wounds and Buckstar won’t know we fought,” they agreed at the gorge (that was the outskirts of WindClan’s territory back then) , and they were just about to pounce on eachother when Dogpaw spotted the scent of another cat - no, two cats - at the gorge with them. It was two lost kits, so young they couldn’t even mew, and their mother looked badly hurt!
“Why’d you stop there, Harestar?”
“Because that is all I’m telling you tonight. Get some sleep, small one.”
“I’m not tired,” his foster son protested, but the kit was already yawning and fast asleep within a heartbeat.
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kuriboo · 4 years
Crooked Destiny
Omen of the Stars Book 6: The Last Hope
Do you promise to be loyal to your Clan above all other things?
Elders always spoke of the good Crookedstar did for RiverClan, but it was hard to reconcile that image now with Crookedstar himself telling her about a mistake he made. "Is that happening to cats around the lake now?" Willowshine asked.
Crookedstar closed his eyes with a sigh. "Just do not judge them too harshly, if they are. Surely, I've proven that any cat can make a mistake."
Do not become so blinded by the stars that you cannot see the truth.
author’s notes at the end, link to ao3 in the notes
Wilowshine's tail swished as she looked up at the barn.
At least, she thought it was a barn. She'd never seen one herself before, she had only heard tales involving them from elders passing down stories of past elders who had lived in the old Clan territories before the Great Journey. There was no barn on RiverClan territory now. She must be dreaming.
But why would she be dreaming of someplace she had never been before? Not all her dreams came from StarClan, of course. Some dreams really were just dreams. Yet she couldn't think of another reason why she would be here. Why would StarClan bring her to a barn? Why would a Clan cat be at a barn?
She realized there was a cat sitting nearby,  facing away from her and towards the  barn. We're they a StarClan warrior? Did StarClan wish to speak to her? Slowly, she walked towards them. 
"Do you promise to be loyal to your Clan above all other things?" they asked. 
Irritation trickled through Willowshine's fur. "I've already said I would stay away from the other Clans," she muttered. Did StarClan just want to remind her of their warning for the Clans to stand alone? She hadn't forgotten.
If the other cat heard her, she was ignored. "You and your desires are nothing compared to the needs of RiverClan."
As Willowshine drew near, she angled her path so she could sit next to them and see their face. Once she did,she was surprised to see their crooked jaw, a sign it has been broken. She had heard of a RiverClan cat with a face like this before, though... "Are you Crookedstar?"
Crookedstar almost jumped before turning his head to look at her. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." He studied her for a moment. "You're our current medicine cat. Wilowshine. You've heard of me before, I see."
"Of course I have! They say you're one of the greatest leaders the Clans have ever seen. " She dipped her head. "It is an honor."
Crookedstar stretched his neck to bathe the fur on his shoulder, clearly uncomfortable, so Willowshine rose her head and quickly changed the subject. "I didn't know there was a barn on StarClan's hunting grounds. I've never seen it before."
"It's not a popular spot. I don't come here often, either, but..." He tucked his tail around his paws. "Not every cat that goes to StarClan is a Clan cat."
"And not every Clan cat believes in StarClan," Willowshine added, thinking of her mentor.
"That's not a bad thing." She blinked surprise at those words, and he went on. "Some cats are too blinded by the stars to see the truth."
A StarClan cat that was fine with cats not believing in StarClan? Willowshine thought again of her mentor; Mothwing had been starting to question Willowshine's insistence of following StarClan's message to all the medicine cats. "Are you talking about me?"
No answer was given. Instead, he looked towards the barn. "You heard what I said before we started talking. I didn't mean to think out loud, but maybe it was for the best. Would you make that promise in exchange for your destiny, in exchange for strength?" 
"As a medicine cat, I don't know if I need more strength, but that's an easy for most warriors to make. Of course I'll always be loyal to RiverClan. "
"Right. There are few Clan cats who couldn't make that promise, but I imagine most would give that answer." Crookedstar glanced back at her. "That was the wrong answer to give, but don't worry. Like I said, many cats would give that answer. In fact, while we could still see around the lake, I saw cats from all Clans who did make that promise, or at least, a similar one. I could see it because I could see the same things happening to them that happened to me."
"You weren't asking me to make that promise. You made that promise yourself."
His tail twitched. "It was soon after I broke my jaw, sneaking out of camp as a kit. No one was sure I'd be able to make it to be an apprentice. Then a cat appeared to me in my dream and offered to train me, if I made that promise. I thought she was from StarClan, since she was in my dreams, so I agreed. But I was tricked. I woke up every day with the pain and injuries I got from training in my sleep, and I slowly lost every cat that I was ever close to."
She blinked, looking up at him. Elders always spoke of the good Crookedstar did for RiverClan, but it was hard to reconcile that image now with Crookedstar himself telling her about a mistake he made. "Is that happening to cats around the lake now?"
"None of us can see the Clans now, but I saw signs it could've been happening before." He narrowed his eyes. "Just do not judge them too harshly, if they are. Surely, I've proven that any cat can make a mistake." Sighing, Crookedstar closed his eyes. "I did not come here to discuss what cats do in there dreams."
"You didn't? Then..." Willowshine looked at the barn. "Why did you come here? What did you want to talk to me about?"
Crookedstar stood up and gestured with his tail for Willowshine to follow him. Together, the two of them approached the barn. "Pretend, for a moment, I am not a StarClan cat. Think of me for a moment as just a Clanmate. Pretend StarClan cannot hear you, which should be waste right not, since we can't." He twitched an ear. " What do you think of StarClan's warning for the Clans, even the medicine cats, to stay apart and not trust each other?”
"What do I think? Well, I don't think the medicine cats have done this before. It does feel strange." They were close to the barn now. Willowshine opened her mouth; it was clear mice used to live here, but she could tell by the scent they were gone. "But, I've always trusted StarClan's wisdom before, and I've never been steered wrong. Then again, you said we can be blinded the stars so much we cannot see the truth, so I wonder..."
Crookedstar stopped just inside the barn, his tail falling closer to the ground. "I learned how to eat and hunt with my jaw like this in a barn. I wanted to visit Highstones to talk to StarClan, but I never made it there. And I did not speak with StarClan for moons afterwards. They did not guide me for much of my path before I became a leader, though I did not know that. But I found my destiny anyway, and RiverClan was fine until then." The tip of his tail twitched. "StarClan is dividing itself the same some of us have told you to. I am not saying any of us are wrong, I just want you to think for yourself whether it is a good idea. I came out here to think for myself, too. I never did enough of that for much of my life. I'm not yet sure if I agree with most of my Clanmates."
"Think for myself whether StarClan is right..." she whispered. She had never questioned StarClan before, so this was not going to be an easy task. Her dream began to fade, but Crookedstar said one more thing before she came close to waking up.
"Do not become so blinded by the stars that you cannot see the truth."
I’ve finally returned to my roots... I started writing fanfiction over a decade ago, in 2009, when I was in middle school. The very first fanfiction I started was Warriors fanfiction. It was fairly typical middle school fanfiction fare for the time I believe— obviously none of it’s on ao3, but it’s your typical lol random XD type humor, very oc-centric, not very well written at all (like, not in a self-depricating way, but in a critical way), and like a lot of it is just... Crimge is dead in 2020 but it makes me cringe, because it’s just obviously how much of a different person I am, and how much I’ve grown up and learned, because I would not write anything like most of it today. But I had this confidence in my writing back then that I wish I still had, and I wish I had even half of that energy still, and I had so much drive to develop and write about ocs that I wish I still had today, too. I only write as a hobby but Warriors was a huge part of that. I’ll always be thankful for that. In a way, by writing this I’m getting back in touch with my roots. Writing Warriors fanfic was always so much fun to me back then, I miss writing Warriors stuff.
I reread The Last Hope and Crookedstar’s Promise back to back recently. With all the cats being trained in the Dark Forest in Omen of the Stars, I was like, hey Crookedstar kind of was like the preview sneak peek of this huh! Brambleberry showed up in Omen of the Stars, and don’t get me wrong, I love Brambleberry. She is great. I am a huge fan. But I was also like hey Crookedstar probably has a really unique perspective of this whole situation that not even Brambleberry has and I kind of miss that not being here! That’s kind of sad! I wish Crookedstar was featured more here! Well good news, that’s what fanfic is for. So I wrote a little bit of Crookedstar being in Omen of the Stars during down time at work; I had him visit Willowshine during a dream, though not entirely intentionally. Willowshine and Mothwing are really cool, I love them both.
I’m very far behind on Warriors. I just recently finished reading Thunder and Shadow, to give some perspective, so please keep any spoilers away from me. (I also recently read Bramblestar’s Storm, and reading the two back to back really has given me some feelings about Rowanstar, and Onestar... I’m getting way too invested again. Maybe I need to write more). Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by!!
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brokenfoolishdreams · 2 years
Ley´s Release Corner April´22 - Boys Edition (2/2)
DISCLAIMER: This is all my personal opinion and most of the impressions are after first listening. So please keep in mind that my opinion can change and that I respect other opinions too. My rating is just based on how I like the song and has nothing to do with hate or anything else against an Artist. When I don't like a song it doesn't mean I don't appreciate the work and effort that are put into it.
Feel free to let me know what you think of the releases and now let's dive into Kpop:
Title: Darl+ing
Album: Darl+ing (Single)
Release: 2022.04.15
Seventeen has a special place in my heart and this song is so beautiful I totally love it. I´m almost at a lost for words to describe this. And the MV has a so interesting story I just love that there is so much to figure out. And the message they tell with the lyrics I freaking love it.
Rating: 8,5/10 for Darl+ing (Instrumental: 8/10; Vocals: 8/10; Rap: /10; Lyrics: 7/10; Choreography: 7/10; MV: 8/10; Overall Vibes: 9/10)
Title: How About Me
Album: How About Me (re;code Episode X) (Single)
Artist: Onestar, Park Woojin (AB6IX)
Release: 2022.04.15
Actually it´s a fun listen and at first I thought it was a little bit boring but when Woojin starts to rap I realized how much I love his rapping style and his voice. It adds so much to the song.
Rating: 7/10 for How About Me (Instrumental: 6/10; Vocals: 7,5/10; Rap: 8/10; MV: 4,5/10; Overall Vibes: 7/10)
Title: 1 of 9
Release: 2022.04.20
This is a debut song and let me say it´s iconic like it´s asking you to pick 1 of the 9 members (so it´s like pick a bias). The MV is pretty solid like it´s really colorful and they spread a very youthful energy.
To find this album on Spotify was an odyssey just to see that it´s not available in my country (yet?). I really hope they add it because I want to listen to their songs. Anyway I had to listen to it in YT and they start with "YOUNI-BIRTH" which has experimental instrumentation I am kinda obsessed with it and I really like the rap in it. "EVERYBODY (Feat. DJ Juice)" is also a pretty solid song with an interesting sound. "RING RING RING" showcase their vocals ver well. Lmao I just see now they have a song called "ODYSSEY" I feel that on a deep level. Anyway, this song is really interesting, especially the instrumentation there is a lot that is happening and I´m not sure if that´s too much or if I love it. Lastly we have "I GOT THE FEELING" which has a very happy pop feeling.
Rating: 7/10 for 1 of 9 (Instrumental: 7/10; Vocals: 7/10; Rap: 7/10; Lyrics: 7/10; Choreography: 6,5/10; MV: 6,5/10; Overall Vibes: 7/10)
Rating: 7,5/10 for YOUNI-BIRTH because the have really solid songs
Title: Undercover
Album: SERIES ´O´ [ROUND 3: WHOLE] (Album)
Release: 2022.04.25
"Undercover" has a strong vibe and interesting instrumentation. And I love the MV and the choreo as well.
"Moment" is a good start in the album. "Coming over" has an experimental and noisy sound but I like that. Next is "Wish U were here" which has an EDM Beat Dance beat which made it really fun. "Candle" showcase their vocals very well in a power ballad. "O" is the title of their album Round 0 (Review here) and "Fallin" continues with the overall vibe with a strong vibe and I think it's kinda my favorite of the album. "Childhood" feels light and youthful and makes me so happy. "Emotion" goes into the Vroom vroom line playlist while "Velocity" is an upbeating song with a car theme as well. "Our Spring" is a B-Side from the previous single as well. Lastly "Fine" is a good last song for the album.
Rating: 7,5/10 for Undercover (Instrumental: 7,5/10; Vocals: 7,5/10; Rap: /10; Lyrics: 6,5/10; Choreography: 7/10; MV: 7,5/10; Overall Vibes: 7,5/10)
Rating: 7,5/10 for SERIES 'O' [ROUND 3: WHOLE] because they show different side of them and I like that
Title: Love
Artist: Monsta X
Release: 2022.04.26
"LOVE" is a pretty solid title track for MX with a few jazzy vibes but they didn´t go off (vocally and raplike) like I hoped for so it´s not a high-tier ranking like I thought it would be but I´m not disappointed at all. The MV is really something else especially visually I fall in love with it. And they really own the wearing suits concepts.
"Burning Up (feat. R3HAB)" has this little disco sound and I like it. "Breath" is my least favorite of the album because I don´t really like the instrumentation but it´s still pretty good. "Wildfire" is really something else and I´m so in love with Jooheons verse but just everything in it is just chef kiss. "사랑한다" is such a cute love song I really love, it just gives me the chills right from the start. But the vocals and melody and everything are just so beautiful I´m gonna cry. Lastly "AND" also shows their vocals very well and I´m so in love with it too I can´t pick a favorite on this album.
Rating: 8/10 for LOVE (Instrumental: 7,5/10; Vocals: 7,5/10; Rap: 7,5/10; Lyrics: 7/10; Choreography: /10; MV: /10; Overall Vibes: 8,5/10)
Rating: 8/10 for SHAPE OF LOVE because I love a lot of tracks
Title: Creature
Album: 3rd Mini Album [ROAR] (EP)
Artist: E´LAST
Release: 2022.04.27
Ohhhh I love this one. We have strong vibes a beautiful MV with a lot of wolf aesthetic shots and a nice drop in the chorus.
"INTRO" is a normal intro that is pretty long for no vocals. "Poison" is a solid pop song with a nice rap, "Desire" has too many synth/retro sounds for me to like it. "Shelter" and "Let me free" didn´t really convince me as well but both showcase their beautiful vocals. Lastly "Nightmare" is the only b-side I actually like.
Rating: 7,5/10 for Creature (Instrumental: 7,5/10; Vocals: 7,5/10; Rap: 7/10; Lyrics: /10; Choreography: 7/10; MV: 8/10; Overall Vibes: 8/10)
Rating: 6/10 for ROAR because the most bside were too boring for me but they are solid songs
Title: Sober
Album: REBEL (EP)
Artist: DKB
Release: 2022.04.28
I love the instrumentation with the piano but with strong sounds it doesn´t feel like every other song as well. The MV shows mainly the performance but it´s very well made.
"Get Away" isn´t really my style because I don´t like the sound of it but it has a nice rap. "Rollercoaster" is a solid song and lastly "Sober - Remix" is a remix I like but didn't need.
Rating: 8/10 for Sober (Instrumental: 8/10; Vocals: 8/10; Rap: 7/10; Choreography: 7/10; MV: 7/10; Overall Vibes: 8/10)
Rating: 7,5/10 for REBEl because I like the most songs
Title: That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS)
Album: PSY 9th (Album)
Artist: PSY, (SUGA (BTS))
Release: 2022.04.29
To out myself I thought that PSY is wierd back in 2012 and now I still think the songs are a little bit wierd but in the iconic way now. It's a pretty fun song and shoutout to SUGA for producing this song. The MV is in the wild west and such a fun watch.
"9INTRO" is such a fun good intro I already hyped for the album. "Celeb" is such a good mood instrumentation. "You Move ME (feat. SUNG SI KYUNG)" is vocaly very good while "Sleepless (feat. Heize)" is a slow song and I don't like Psy on this track. "GANJI (feat. Jessi)" is a pretty good song I really like it. "Now (feat. Hwa Sa)" has a retro vibe that I can't stand and "Happier (feat Crush)" is a solid song while "Hello Monday" and "Everyday" are a little bit too boring for me with it's EDM beats and everything. "forEVER (feat. TABLO)" is solid but a little bit long. Lastly "Dear Me" is a fun last song.
Rating: 7,5/10 for That That (Instrumental: 7/10; Vocals: 7,5/10; Rap: 8/10; Lyrics: 6,5/10; Choreography: 7/10; MV: 7/10; Overall Vibes:7,5 /10)
Rating: 7,5/10 for PSY 9th because it has a lot solid songs
Title: Ready to ride
Album: Ready to ride (Single)
Artist: Kang Daniel
Release: 2022.04.29
For a Kang Daniel single I expected something more. Especially after Antidote and Paranoia this song doesn't catch me. Like the chorus is just too boring for me and this is a solid song that can run in the background.
Rating: 6,5/10 for Ready to ride (Instrumental: 6,5/10; Vocals: 7/10; MV: 7/10; Overall Vibes: 6/10)
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silverhawk · 6 years
I always thought why they didn't get on Crowfeather was because they already got on him in New Prophecy, and the reason Onestar didn't punish him is because his mindset is like, "Well you clearly don't show to be loyal to her than your Clan, so whatever."
they never got on him in the new prophecy outside of like. a line. and we didnt see how onestar reacted, all we know is that crowfeather took nightcloud as a mate REALLY quickly after hte leafpool scandal bc he wanted to rpove his loyalty
he didnt lose his position, get reprimanded that we saw like leafpool did like….its ltierally NOTHING compared to what happened to her
but thats also a trend for forbidden wc pairings lmafooo like bluestar lost her kits, had mosskit die in front of her, and silverstream literally died during birth. the gals always get more punished for the romances than the boys do and its always been a big compliant in the fandom bc its ridiculous
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fruitpaw · 7 years
Crowfeather AU
I was never a huge fan of Crowfeather really, but I could see that he had more potential than... what we eventually got. I feel like the Erins never were quite sure what they wanted to do with him. In the first moment he was a misunderstood misfit teen with leadership potential,  the next he was a troubled outcast with a heart of a romantic, and then he was a bitter abusive husband and father. I can buy that leadership-material young Crowfeather would make a mistake and fall for forbidden she-cats, and then that young-adulthood mistake would come back and bite him in the butt later on. But what never quite sat right with me was the whole situation with Nightcloud and Breezepelt. I mean, introducing a bad family as a character backstory is something I might find interesting if done right, but here... it's really not. I mean, Crowfeather is just down-right horrible yet it feels like he never gets fully called out on it or punished for it. And on top of that I feel like the whole thing never got a conclusion.  Like, they had this idea of Breezepelt having a tragic backstory which leads him to the Dark Forest, but they never did much with it except have him be an ass and aggressive on occasion.  Not to even mention that Nightcloud's only character trait is being b!tch just so we would feel more sorry for Crowfeather and it would make Leafpool look better... The idea of a one-night-stand getting both Night and Crow stuck in a disfunctional family is sadly realistic and interesting as an idea, but I just don't think it was executed well. Instead, I was always fascinated with the idea that what if instead Crowfeather did find true happiness in WindClan after Leafpool, but then just lost everything again as the truth about the Three came out? Hear me out: • After Crowfeather breaks up with Leafpool he is naturally heart-broken. Not only has he lost a cat he loved, but also he is resented by his own clanmates, for a good reason. • However, instead of being a cold-hearted dick and getting it on with a first she-cat he can, Crowfeather actually starts to use his own resources to win back the respect of his Clan. He helps to clean the elders' dens, he eats last and hunts a lot, he is polite to everyone and bites back any bitterness, allowing himself to be a pushover because he knows his Clan has good reasons not to trust him. • And in time, it starts to pay of. His Clan starts to trust and respect him again. They invite him to eat with them. He gets to lead patrols. He actually starts to feel home again and less lonely in his Clan. • And during that time perhaps he starts to grow close with another WindClan warrior, Nightcloud? Instead of being posessive and naggy, she's actually nice and reliable. Still feisty and sharp-tongued but likeable. • As Crowfeather grows close with her, he once again starts to wonder if he could, after all his mistakes, actually find true happiness and family? Could he actually deserve that? • Eventually Crowfeather and Nightcloud do become mates and have kits. Sadly most of the litter dies (which Crow sees as StarClan's punishment for his actions in the past) and only Breezekit survives. Only this time instead of wrongfully abandoning his son, Crowfeather acts like a father towards Breezekit. Maybe he's not Shellheart good, but he still tries. Maybe he can be too demanding and get in to arguments with his son because their tempers collapse, but he's still always THERE for Breezekit. And that's what matters.  • And for a moment, Crowfeather is actually happy. He has a loyal wonderful mate and a son he is proud of and supports. After all this time, he actually found a family to belong to and a peaceful life in WindClan. He is respected and liked and future looks bright for him. • Then the truth comes out. It is made known to all the Clans in a public gathering that three ThunderClan warriors, Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf, are in fact his kits from a mistake he thought he had already left behind. • And then, in that moment, Crowfeather can feel all his hard work being shattered to pieces. The respect he had worked so hard to get back, gone. His new mate who he loves dearly, heart-broken, the feeling of betrayal clear in her eyes. But worst part for him, is his son Breezepaw (in this AU Breezepaw would be moons younger than the Three so the timeline makes more sense). He can see the disbelief in his son's gaze and then, anger.  • Life goes on in WindClan, but this time it's worse than before. Crowfeather has once again lost the respect of his Clanmates, but this time he knows he can't get it back no matter what he does. • Nightcloud is devastated. She has always been a loyal follower of the Code and now the cat she loves has broken it. However she doesn't abandon Crowfeather. After all, she still loves him, but things are never the same between them and Crowfeather can feel her become more distant as the time passes by. • And Breezepaw? Oh, he doesn't even want to talk to his father anymore. The cat he had always admired as a survivor and honorable, has now become a walking epitome of betrayal and disloyalty. His father is now the least respected cat in the Clan and of course Breezepaw can hear about it. Every day. He can hear cats gossiping behind his back, giving him looks. Theorising if Crowfeather ever truly loved his WindClan family at all and only took Nightcloud as a mate to prove his loyalty.  • Breezepaw feels alone and lost. And that is what slowly starts to drive him towards the Dark Forest. Hawkfrost and others manipulating him to believe the rumors, teaching him to resent his father and his kin in ThunderClan that is poisoning his life with it's existence. • Crowfeather's life is slowly ruined by something he did when he was young and reckless, and there's nothing he can do to fix it. Not anymore. He becomes bitter and angry. Wondering why does StarClan hate him like this? Why can't he just be happy?  • Then when the battle of the Dark Forest comes, he is confronted by his son, now Breezepelt. Breezepelt accuses him of all his lies, how he used Nightcloud and him just to prove he is not as rotten as he really is. • Crowfeather denies this, telling how he deeply regrets what he has done in his past and how he has dedicated​ his entire life trying to make it up to WindClan. • And finally in the battle, he gets his redemption. He manages to protect WindClan and safe Onestar from death, dying himself in the process. Bringing an end to his life full of mistakes and regret, but on his last breath he can feel like he finally did something right. Maybe it's​ way too sappy, but I always wish they would've given Crowfeather a little more dignity and full-thought-through character arc and also done that with Nightcloud and Breezepelt.:/ 
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Warriors ask responses
1. If you had to give a leader a life, what gift would you give and what would it represent? If I had to give a leader a life, the life would be acceptance and it would represent the fact that there are some things about life that you can't change, including other cats and circumstances. Sometimes you have to do the best with what you have to work with.
2. Do you agree with the rule that medicine cats can’t have mates?
No, although I know why it exists. The first medicine cat having problems with work-life balance shouldn't mess it up for everyone else. Besides, medicine cats already have family that they can place above all else. You mean to tell me that if Cinderpelt lost everyone in her family except for Brackenfur that he wouldn't get top priority? Or that if Frostfur came down with greencough Cinderpelt wouldn't work her tail off? That's her mother, what do you expect?
3. Do you agree with the rule that cats can’t have mates outside their own clan?
I don't see why it has to be that strict. Mapleshade and Bluestar are pretty good examples of what what happens when that goes wrong but what about rogues and loners? What if it happens anyway and one chooses to join the Clan? I personally think everyone would be much better off if the Clans had stuck to that one rule of "we don't have to tell you a damn thing about who sired this litter, they're in the nursery and I'm taking care of them." Was Lionheart the father if Frostfur's kits? It's thought of as a given because of Thornclaw and Brackenfur's coloring but could have just as easily been a passing rogue. We'll never know who Greystripe and Darkstripe's birth parents are. They say Willowpelt is their mother but there are a few lines that contradict that in-series. Yellowfang could have been punished by StarClan or it could have been a birth gone wrong and a bad environment. Who knows what tricks StarClan likes to play, but you don't have to be so mean about Ashfur looking like a scrawny ass WindClan cat, he can't help it.
4. What would your warrior name be?
Thunderscar or Wolfflight
5. Which Warriors character do you most relate with?
Cloudtail. He's got some issues with him but he came from one place and was shoved right into another and mocked for it. If half the cats in ThunderClan had kept their foxdung loaded mouths shut he would have been just fine growing up with Ashfur and Ferncloud and might possibly have believed in StarClan because he wouldn't have known any better. But they had to be dicks about it.
6. Which of the three had the coolest power?
Do you know how fuckin awesome Dovewing could have been if she had been treated like a normal cat and taught to deal with her powers rather than shoved into a destiny that was never meant for her? I'd love to see twice as much and know exactly what that hairball halfway across the lake is saying about my sister.
7. Which Clan is your favorite?
WindClan has the best history and I would love to explore it more. They seem like massive jerks, though.
8. Which Clan would you belong to?
ShadowClan is the best because while they are definitely massive jerks, they accept basically anyone as long as they can fit in and I'd be great with them. I'm a night owl anyway, sign me up!
9. Which leader do you believe was the best at their job, in any Clan? Tallstar and Nightstar. They both led their Clans through so much crap and eventually had to pay the piper for it.
10. Which arc was your favorite?
I liked New Prophecy. It was nice to see ThunderClan from another cat's eyes and know how everyone reacted to enormously change in the forest.
11. Which book was your favorite?
Firestar's Quest and Shattered Sky. Firestar's Quest did wonders for Firestar and Sandstorm's relationship and Shattered Sky felt like being back in the old forest.
12. Describe an OC. Shadowpaw is a ThunderClan cat who joins when Squirrelflight's first litter (the originals Three) are born. She's found by Cloudtail and Berrypaw in the process of running away from what amounts to a cat mill/trafficking ring. (I know those are two different things please bear with me) She ends up being mentored by Brightheart because that's who she latches on to.
13. What’s your favorite Warriors ship?
Cloudtail and Brightheart
14. Which was the evilest of Tigerstar’s plots?
He did so much shit... I think the one that hits closest to home for me is the fact that he tried to "purify" the forest in Darkest Hour. Like, where the hell did that even come from? He wanted to be leader, sure, but what changed between his original plot to lead ThunderClan and him becoming a raging genocidal maniac?
15. Which book made you cry the most?
Not sure... Probably Hawkwing's Journey. SkyClan needs a break.
16. Complete these sentences:The dark forest cats are kind of…… The StarClan cats are kind of…..
The Dark Forest cats are kind of dumb for not taking advantage of their spies more. The StarClan cats are really dumb for a number of things, including cherry-picking when to help their descendents and letting a whole entire Clan be lost to history.
17. Do you have an Erin whose writing you prefer over the others?
18. Complete these sentences:ThunderClan is…… WindClan is…… RiverClan is……. ShadowClan is……. SkyClan is…. BloodClan is… The tribe is……. ThunderClan is getting ridiculous. WindClan is in need of a history lesson. RiverClan is most likely to come out of nowhere claws flying but they definitely need time to heal first. ShadowClan is constantly fucked over and they don't deserve it. SkyClan is fun to have around. Also constantly fucked over and they don't deserve it. BloodClan is a group that would have been more interesting if Scourge had known his half-siblings growing up. The Tribe is best left alone. Their whole plotline is weird, and DotC just threw me off of wanting anything to do with them. Poor Half Moon went through so much shit.
19. Name your top five characters of all time.
20. Name your five least favorite characters of all time.
Tigerclaw/star (obvious)
Tigerheart/star (whiny foxheart)
Onestar (obvious, though I liked onewhisker)
Bramblestar (though I liked Brambleclaw)
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bonefall · 1 year
can we have some random trivia for HeatherHareBreeze? Im weirdly attached to that ship now tbh
Behold. The thems. A summary of the Hare/Heather/Breeze polycule.
Something overlooked about canon is that Breezepaw begged Crowfeather to let him say goodbye "to his friends" and was shot down
So I have interpreted this to mean that Breeze is actually a total ride or die little fella for his buddies
That was the reason why so many WindClan cats were in the Dark Forest. He was the RINGLEADER
By the way-- I am writing Breezepelt with BPD in mind. Him, Cinderheart, and Squirrelflight. He often sorts people into broad, unhealthy categories-- BAD or GOOD
But anyway I could talk about BB!Breezy-P all day
Bottom line is, these three were TIGHT. They're the three warrior apprentices of Lake WindClan in Po3 and were always getting in trouble together
Heatherpaw got them into digging holes. Normal stupid teenager shit "let's make the deepest hole ever"
Harepaw got buried OOPS. Get tunnel'd idiot
Brushblaze was nearby enough to hear someone scream and helped pull Hare out
After three sets of teary eyes BEGGED him to not tell Onestar, he made them promise to come get him when they were digging deep enough that they couldn't dig back up.
He's an ex-solver from BloodClan and can help them make sure they don't make an unstable hole
Bottom line is, the three of them go back a very long time, but I don't imagine it was even romantic back then. It was Heather And The Boys.
The Dark Forest drove a wedge between Heather and the boys, as she quickly realized that they may not have started with bad intentions, but cats like Mudclaw, Tigerstar, and Hawkfrost were BAD news and they were going to drag them all down too.
It wasn't worth it. Training with a REAL tunneler was the bait to lure her in like Tunnelbun crumbs for a hunted bird.
The wedge between Heather and the Boys became a wedge between the Boys when they all got their Dishonor Titles. Harespring --Darkseeker-- was working to atone. This meant disavowing his training, focusing on how he could help people, and seeking the things he could learn in his own Clan.
Breezepelt --Dodderheart--, took that badly. How dare Darkseeker start pretending like there was something to disavow! Onestar sucks! Crowfeather sucks! StarClan sucks! He'll do whatever it takes to get power and change things around here, get the respect he wants, but Breezepelt didn't learn his lesson at all
Darkseeker lost his Dishonor Title first, back to Harespring. Rottenheart decided he wasn't his friend anymore, just like Heathertail.
Dodderheart: "Everyone hates me except Furzepelt and Sunstrike! I'll bet they're all sitting around plotting against me right now!!"
Harespring: "aw this tunnelbun has a grumpy face like breezepelt lol"
Heather: "lol"
And so, as soon as he learned The Kin was looking for any cats who felt like the Clans had wronged them, misfits and rejects, he brought himself and his two supporters there. BIG mistake.
Mistake he spends the rest of his life regretting
Heather rightfully calls him on this when she ends up joining the Kin to learn more about her brother Darktail. "This is all garbage you put in your head! Crowfeather is a dick, and so is my dad, but you shoved me, and Hare, and even your stupid half siblings or whatever into some ridiculous narrative about how evil and hated you are! We LOVE you, can't you see that?!"
"YOU'RE the one who's blind! I killed Firestar, I tried to kill them, and only now with Darktail am I finally-"
"Being used AGAIN. He's using you. Just like Tigerstar when he wanted to get rid of Firestar."
"...thats not true you're l-lying"
"You're always being used, Breezepelt."
"No I'm not! Darktail's my friend and my leader! He sees the value in me, he says I'm going to do a lot for him, and without me the Kin wouldn't..."
Heather stares, unimpressed, before shrugging, "I'll still be here when you realize it. Will he?"
In the big breakout, Harespring is there to secure a tunnel for them all to escape with
I think it makes a good idea that it was a backup plan Heather had all along, and Hare was entrusted with making sure it was done by this day. Just in case Darktail turned out to be the lunatic they expected him to be
Brushblaze is going to go out here, too, collapsing the tunnel so they can't be followed. It's a really good end for him.
When Breezepelt comes back to WindClan, it is on their grace. Hare and Heather are both vouching on their honor that they will he responsible for his actions.
I imagine Harespring looked Onestar in the eyes when he did this. FULLY expecting to have to defend himself for working on a secret tunnel, losing Brushblaze, possibly losing his deputyship for LITERALLY undermining
But... Heathertail was saved. Breezepelt looks bedraggled and humbled, unlike what happened just about a year ago. Brushblaze made the ultimate sacrifice. Now is not the time to discuss this.
AVOS is just about to hit its climax; where Onestar steals Breezepelt's plan to drown killing Darktail.
But anyway, enough of the plot of Better Bones AVOS. Fluffy trivia time
Harestar eats his tunnelbuns like a beast. He bites clean through them, Heather and Breeze are always screaming about this
Harespring's personality is very mild, level headed, and thoughtful. He moves slowly when he's not in a hurry.
He can be pushed around under stress though. He doesn't like being under pressure for that reason, and tries to minimize situations where he's put on the spot.
In Clanmew his name is "Hare Will-Jump Up", it's a hare that thinks before it leaps.
Breezepelt appreciates how Harespring will reword things for him, when they work on communication together.
If Hare worded something in a way that set Breeze off, Breeze can just ask what he meant and Hare will say it a different way
When Harespring becomes Harestar, I like to think there are cats in the Clan who feel like Breeze is only here because of his wife and husband. And maybe he is, what're you gonna do about it? Cry?
Heather has an honest, curious personality. She likes to be respected for her intelligence and insight, being a smart person is something she values about herself.
She is not easily tricked and can be cutting if she smells bullshit. She will be rude if she thinks you're lying to her.
"Did you eat, Breep?" "Ye-" "no you fucking didn't go get food"
I don't see her as "nurturing" like others think, she's a militant carer and outgoing about what she believes to be the right thing
She's definitely the head of one of the patrols, probably Construction.
When kits come through in TBC, Breeze is the primary parent. Villain to mom pipeline
He doesn't hold a high rank in WindClan because he spent the majority of his life Being Breezepelt, and is accepting that he probably never will
And that's okay because he's currently the loyal Kitchen Head of MeadowClan and the kits have just gotten back from the harrowing death of Honeysucklestar but it's lunchtime
"Honeysucklestar too, being a corpse doesn't make you stop being hungry. Come on, up up up" Woodkit jumps up from her deathbed
Turns out he's better at caring for others than he is at caring for himself
He doesn't feel like he deserves this. Like love and happiness isn't something he should have, after everything he did and the people who are not here because of him
Yet, he persists. He's still here and, somehow, people think he's worth saving.
And maybe that's what matters. Making life better from this point forward, for everyone. In the ways he can.
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My 2023 Warriors reread!
As you may know, we celebrate 20 years of warrior cats in 2023, so I decided to do my long overdue reread of every single book this year. I thought it would be fun/interesting to keep everyone updated with my progress and thoughts, so here is how this is going to work.
To reduce spam, this is going to be a regularly updated master post containing a continually updated tier list. I’m going to have a short pinned post containing a link to this post, and update that with what book I’m currently reading. I also thought it would be fun to have one sentence reviews/ statements/ thoughts about each book.
Since I have very recently reread River, Sky, and Onestar’s Confession, they’re already on the tier list/review list (I couldn’t find a tier list with Sky yet so that won’t be on the list itself but it still gets a ranking). I will mostly read the books in publication order with a few exceptions which include reading all books in a single arc together, and reading a few books in a reading order I prefer more.
As books come out this year I will pause my reread to read those, give them a review, and then continue my reread after they’re done.
Anyway, the tier list:
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One sentence thoughts on each book:
Into the Wild - A - No wonder this thing got like 100 sequels.
Fire and Ice - B - Graystripe commits manslaughter twice in this book.
Forest of Secrets - S - This book is littered with so many good character moments throughout, and despite reading this book more times than I can remember, the third act is still so tense and emotionally driven for me.
Rising Storm - A - This book is quite chill until Runningwind dies and it all just gets more dramatic from there, I always am unprepared for how hard Yellowfang’s death hits.
A Dangerous Path - A - Seeing just how ill Bluestar gets in this book is absolutely heartbreaking.
The Darkest Hour - S - What an excellent way to end the arc, and what would have been at the time the whole series, special shout out to that guy Vicky knew/knows which came up with the initial idea of Scourge.
Firestar’s Quest - B - The only real problem I have with this book is the extremely forced Spottedleaf relationship drama.
Midnight - A - I do not remember liking this book this much last time I read it at all, I wasn’t expecting this to get an A, I really like the character interactions in this particularly.
Moonrise - D - You know in games where you choose to play a side quest but it goes on way too long and you can’t wait for it to be over, yeah that’s this book’s Tribe plot.
Dawn - B - The workmen in this book are pretty terrible people, one deliberately injures a cat and most of them just don’t seem to care when several cats are running around their active heavy machinery.
Starlight - C - Brambleclaw please stfu.
Twilight - C - I already can’t remember most of what happened in this book and I finished it about 10 minutes ago.
Sunset - B - I was on the fence about whether to give this C or B but the Hawkfrost confrontation pushed it to B.
Rise of Scourge - A - Wherever Scourge is living there’s a pretty severe feral cat problem judging by the overhead shots showing them littering the street.
The Sight - S - I forgot how good the character interactions are in this book.
The Lost Warrior - C - I feel really bad for Millie’s owner, she clearly loved Millie a lot.
Warrior’s Refuge - C - Why does that cat have a hereditary 90s haircut?
Warrior’s Return - C - Diesel is the best part of this book, he’s great.
Secrets of the Clans - B - A cute field guide, it’s interesting to see in particular the stuff which ended up becoming dotc, and how those stories in the book are presented as the stories as how the clans know them rather than be totally accurate.
Dark River - B - The character interactions really hold this together, it would definitely be a C tier book if based on the plot alone.
Outcast - E - There’s a few good character moments, especially from Breezepaw, but otherwise the book is just racist and boring.
Eclipse - A - I wanted to keep reading this despite having my life consumed by tears of the kingdom so you know it’s good.
Long Shadows - B - Everything before the fire scene was C and the fire scene and beyond was S so it all evened out to an B to me.
Cats of the Clans - C - It’s fine, that’s all I really have to say about it.
Sunrise - S - What a tragic story for so many involved, and the emotional beats are absolutely nailed.
Into the woods - D - The priceless look on the big handsome cat’s face was the best part of the book
Escape from the Forest - C - She should have stayed with the captain and Patch, I hope she went back to them later on
Return to the Clans - D- In hindsight maybe Sasha shouldn’t have insisted to her kits that Tigerstar was misunderstood and other cats just didn’t understand him
Code of the Clans - A - It’s a shame more and more of this is becoming retconned, I like to still think that it’s all still canon bar the elements of the stories that directly contradict new canon.
Bluestar’s Prophecy - A- It’s a miracle no one in ThunderClan immediately recognised Mistypaw and Stonepaw at their first gathering only mere moons after the identical Mistykit and Stonekit supposedly died.
The Fourth Apprentice - A - Jayfeather just can’t catch a break can he?
Fading Echoes - B - I feel so bad for both Dovepaw and Ivypaw, I thought to myself “oh honey… no” so many times reading each of their POVs.
Battles of the Clans - C- How and why does Cedarheart know about SkyClan in this?
Shattered Peace - C - Willie is the worst BloodClan cat name ever, imagine losing your home to a cat named Willie.
A Clan in Need - B - It was very satisfying to see Violet and Barley beat up their abusive brothers.
Heart of a Warrior - B - the last 3 pages are a RavenBarley shipper’s dream.
SkyClan’s Destiny - D - I did like many of the character moments, and almost rated the book higher on those alone, but the plot is just a bunch of random things happening before the main plot gets a rushed resolution in 3 chapters after getting barely any focus.
Night Whispers - B - Dovepaw and Ivypaw’s relationship is breaking my heart in this one.
Sign of the Moon - F - It started off ok but then it became very quickly apparent that there is no reason for this book to exist apart from padding out the arc to six books.
Crookedstar’s Promise - S - This book hurts my heart.
The Forgotten Warrior - E - In this one I can just feel the writers struggling under the weight of everything they set up but neglected to plan how they would follow through.
The Last Hope - B - I found about 77% of this book to be C tier but the battle at the end is good, iconic, and emotional so I bumped the whole book up to a B.
The Rescue - B - That old lady seemed really nice, I hope she found a cat which loved her and stayed with her.
Beyond the Code - B - I hope Sol’s siblings ended up having good lives, did Cinders scout the homes for her children beforehand or did she just randomly choose houses I wonder.
After the Flood - B - Glad Shrewtooth got some time in the spotlight like that before he disappeared, I wonder what happened to him, I miss him.
Yellowfang’s Secret - E - This book is just messy; lots of obvious errors, bad pacing, and Yellowfang herself is just so bland, she’s nothing like the cat she is in the first arc.
Hollyleaf’s Story - C - Nice insight into Hollyleaf’s time in the tunnels, I don’t have much else to say about it.
Mistystar’s Omen - C - Probably worth a read again if you’re invested in ASC, you get more out of it.
Cloudstar’s Journey - A - Why no one talks about this book is beyond me, do yourself a favour and check it out if you haven’t.
Tallstar’s Revenge - S+ - Words cannot describe how I feel for this book but maybe the fact I added an S+ category just for it can.
Ultimate Guide (2013 Edition) - B - Nice guide with a few mistakes, B tier rather than C for the art, RIP Wayne.
The Sun Trail - S - Overall I really liked this one particularly the stuff at the beginning up to Gray Wing finding Jagged Peak.
Thunder Rising - A - I’m sorry for the gross treatment you were given Bumble, you deserved so much better.
The First Battle - S+ - What a heart-wrenching tragedy the second half of the book is, perfectly crafted to just continue inflicting emotional pain on the reader.
The Blazing Star - C - You died too soon One Eye.
A Forest Divided - B - Surprised I enjoyed this one as much as I did, not looking forward for Slash next book, such a nothing villain.
Path of Stars - B - Was considering giving this a C until the second half picked up and the ending left me an emotional mess, Slash still sucks as a villain though.
Moth Flight’s Vision - C - This book was so close yet so far to saying purposefully something meaningful about trauma.
Onestar’s Confession - F - Imagine building up a character for an entire book as an awful person then just having them be forgiven by everyone at the end.
River - A - I’m really glad to see warrior cats doing some good old murder mystery again.
Sky - B - Wake up bestie new character with anxiety just dropped.
Shadow - A - Nightheart gets smacked in the face with a frog, if that’s not enough reason for you to check this book out I don’t know what to say.
A Thief in ThunderClan - A- After all these years of wanting a Brightheart book it finally came and I definitely wasn’t disappointed.
Riverstar’s Home - A - We got a really nice close platonic friendship between a male and female character in this, to make up for it the Erins gave us the most fridged character in warrior cats history.
Thunder - A - It only took 20 years but the warrior cats discovered therapy.
Wind - A - Oh Splashtail, Tigerstar would have given his tail for a son like you.
Ultimate Guide 2023 Edition - C - I liked the new stories, points off for the horrendous colour errors though.
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percyjacksonstan · 7 years
Here’s some in depth analysis of the covers and blurbs for Tigerheart’s Shadow (Super Edition 10) and Darkest Night (Series 6, book 4) which just released this past Monday (the covers/blurbs, I mean).  Release dates: 
Tigerheart’s Shadow- 09.05.17 Darkest Night- 11.07.17  Here’s the analysis for the titles, covers, and blurbs for these books.  Tigerheart’s Shadow:  Here’s my analysis of the title, cover, and blurb for Tigerheart’s Shadow:Title: Tigerheart’s Shadow. Obviously Tigerheart is the POV. But maybe it’s a dual POV with Dovewing. Maybe not. So what’s with the “shadow” part? Well, I’m guessing it’s not his literal shadow. d: It’s metaphorical. The kind of vibes he gives off as a cat. He looks like Tigerstar, as mentioned before, and in a Gathering in Dark River, when Tawnypelt had kits, there were gasps of surprise when “Tigerkit” was announced. I’m guessing some cats harbor feelings of superstition towards Tigerheart because he’s Tigerstar’s kin and shares many things with him, right down to his name and status within the Clan. This might be similar to Bramblestar’s arc. Tigerheart needs to overcome this and realize he’s his own cat, not the echo of a terrible cat that’s gone before him. That’s my take on this, anyway.Cover: Okay, nothing much is given away here. Font and stars are in black…will this be a dark Super Edition? Maybe? I might be reading into things. Other than that, nothing much to discuss. Tigerheart’s obviously on the cover.Blurb: A thrilling stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series! After suffering for so long under Darktail’s horrible reign, ShadowClan is struggling to rebuild. Tigerheart has always been a loyal ShadowClan warrior—but an omen from StarClan suggests that the only way for Tigerheart to help save his Clan may be to leave it, and the forest, behind. Set during the events of the current Warriors series, A Vision of Shadows, this Warriors Super Edition takes Tigerheart and the ThunderClan warrior Dovewing on a quest to save one of the proudest warrior Clans. This extra-long, extra-epic adventure follows in the bestselling paw steps of nine previous Warriors Super Editions—and features the fantastic, eye-catching repackaged series look! Bonus! Also includes an exclusive Warriors manga short story.Before I start off, I’d like us to take a look at the release dates. This comes out 9/05/17, whereas Darkest Night doesn’t come out until 11/07/17. After a few years of SEs being released in November, this will be weird. But that’s not relevant. Will Tigerheart’s Shadow take place before Darkest Night..? Will it overlap? No doubt it happens after Shattered Sky. I’m guessing HC thought a while about this, because the release dates switched a lot. At one point, they were even set to be released on the same day. Maybe it starts before Darkest Night, with some overlap. That’s my guess. HC wouldn’t spoil the fans, so this is probably why Tigerheart’s Shadow comes out first.I’d like to say how glad I am that this isn’t Tigerheart’s retelling of Omen of the Stars. I didn’t really want that. No offense intended to those who did.Alright, so the blurb. This confused me with its vagueness. “After suffering for so long under Darktail’s horrible reign…” this isn’t what confused me, though. d: It’s clear this takes place after Shattered Sky and Darktail is defeated then. I wonder if they killed him off, or he ran off somewhere with his rogues. Guess we’ll see. And “so long”? What’s with that? Darktail only just took over ShadowClan by the end of Thunder and Shadow. Maybe Shattered Sky covers a long period of time…? I dunno, sure seems like it.“….ShadowClan is struggling to rebuild.” Okay, it’s clear there’s some sort of huge battle in Shattered Sky involving ShadowClan and Darktail’s rogues. I’m guessing ShadowClan stays with ThunderClan until they can fight back Darktail’s rogues during Shattered Sky. (which include the ShadowClan traitors, so that might be difficult and might be why it took so long to gain the courage and strength. During this time is probably where Tigerheart starts to try to become friends with Dovewing again, since he’s in her Clan. Maybe they have kits together at this point? Maybe it’s too soon for that….) So ShadowClan probably lost a large amount of cats in battle, or the traitors that ran off or got killed. Either way, ShadowClan is having issues.“Tigerheart has always been a loyal ShadowClan warrior—but an omen from StarClan suggests that the only way for Tigerheart to help save his Clan may be to leave it, and the forest, behind” Okay, this is the confusing part. ShadowClan just had this /huge/ battle. They lost a lot of cats. His father/Clan leader, Rowanstar, was weak already in Thunder and Shadow after a sickness which claimed some of his lives. And who knows if he lost one or two to the battle that apparently takes place in Shattered Sky? His Clan leader is weak, his Clan is weak, and he’s the deputy. He can’t just go off and leave. Why would StarClan tell him to do this? Hm….“Set during the events of the current Warriors series, A Vision of Shadows, this Warriors Super Edition takes Tigerheart and the ThunderClan warrior Dovewing on a quest to save one of the proudest warrior Clans. ” Okay, this makes no sense either. I love Tigerheart and Dovewing together, and I’m really excited for this. But this makes no sense at all…? Why would Dovewing go on a quest with Tigerheart to save ShadowClan? Do they encounter SkyClan, and somehow they can help…? I doubt it, unless the prophecy given in TAQ “Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky” has ShadowClan and SkyClan’s fates intertwined. I dunno. But it just dawned on me. Maybe Tigerheart and Dovewing are supposed to have kits and that’s why they leave the Clans? They couldn’t have kits if they were in their own respective Clans. So they have kits that will help rebuild ShadowClan and Dovewing moves to ShadowClan permanently? I dunno. This part is really confusing.All in all, I’m excited for this and glad for some closure on Tigerheart’s and Dovewing’s relationship. This will end in Dovewing having kits, no doubt about that.  Darkest Night:  So, this is the blurb:SkyClan has returned to its rightful place among the other four warrior Clans, hoping to find a new territory to call home. But not every cat is convinced that this is where SkyClan belongs. The careful balance around the lake is more fragile than ever before—and the fate of all the warrior Clans remains uncertain.“SkyClan has returned to its rightful place among the other four warrior Clans…”I kind of figured SkyClan would return by Shattered Sky, given the end for Hawkwing’s Journey and Thunder and Shadow, and the title “Shattered Sky”. So this didn’t give away too much for me. It just confirmed some theories. I wonder about the prophecy, though: “Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky.” How does this tie in with SkyClan’s return? The sky is cleared now, right? Or is it not quite yet? Does ShadowClan have a role to play in this, or is it Twigpaw and Violetpaw because they were found “in the shadows”? Is it a double meaning? Or is it as straightforward as it seems (which I doubt)? I think it would be interesting to have ShadowClan be the heroes this time. It would be a unique twist. And Tigerheart and Hawkwing are by the lake, so…what are they doing there? Why do they seem to be meeting in secret? I think this might tie in with Tigerheart’s Shadow, but I’m not sure. And how would we even know about it as readers? Does Hawkwing get a POV in Shattered Sky? I dunno, and now I’m rambling. d:“[…]hoping to find a new territory to call home.” I find this bit strange. I get that they probably only just got to the lake, but I thought the territory mentioned in the Bramblestar’s Storm manga would become their new home. I thought that was foreshadowing, but I guess not. I wonder where they will live, though…there’s not a whole lot of room by the actual lake now. Will there be a battle with all 5 Clans to settle this? Or will they *try* to settle it peacefully? Will Bramblestar consider splitting his territory with SkyClan, for the sake of peace? This could cause discord in ThunderClan, though. Those who believe SkyClan could stay and those who don’t. Leading into the next part of the blurb….“But not every cat is convinced that this is where SkyClan belongs.” This much is obvious. Certain aggressive cats *cough* Breezepelt *cough* and others like him won’t want SkyClan at the lake and taking up more territory, even if SkyClan doesn’t have many cats left after Hawkwing’s Journey. I can see Rowanstar being aggressive about it, and Onestar too (if he doesn’t die soon, which I kinda doubt). Anyhow, I wonder about the reactions to SkyClan. Probably much shock, and then anger at their warrior ancestors for keeping it a secret. Or maybe some just won’t care and want to help SkyClan find territory to stay at. Bramblestar will want them to stay, for sure.. But this will probably spread much discord between the Clans, which might even lead to a battle, as I mentioned above. This is called “Darkest Night” after all, and Firestar’s ghost in TAQ mentioned dark times ahead. This is probably the dawn of them. (This isn’t relevant, but I wonder *how* SkyClan will return in Shattered Sky. Dramatic entrance? End of book kind of dramatic entrance? I don’t know.)“The careful balance around the lake is more fragile than ever before—and the fate of all the warrior Clans remains uncertain.” Ever all the living cats could remember, there have been 4 Clans and 4 Clans only. The territory was divided equally between the 4 Clans in Starlight. A new Clan will disrupt this balance, and cause even more discord seeing as Darktail and his rogues had just been tramping about (even though it seems like they are defeated by Shattered Sky given the Tigerheart’s Shadow blurb). So a new Clan, however small, is bound to cause nothing but discord. And thus, the fate of all the Clans remains vague and unclear.All in all, this blurb didn’t give as much away as previous blurbs have, which I am thankful for. This is mostly stuff I had already guessed.
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bonefall · 2 years
(Did I send an ask about this, cuz if I did I completely forgot)
Dare I ask about Riverclan’s family tree? Based on what we get in canon and the author statement’s we get a lot of things
Speaking of that, how’s the Frogleap and Mosspelt situation?
So Frostfur is Featherwhisker’s daughter and Dust and Raven are RobinFuzzy babs, we’re does that leave Brindleface? I’d say Goosefeather child of some kind like what’s typically done but would that jumble with Whitestorm’s bloodline?
Completely random question but would you give Bluestar more kits or does the angst/family tree itself not allow that?
(You did! I plan to answer that ask fully once I knock back the RiverClan family tree, the way I buckled down and did the Thunder and Shadow ones.)
A vague answer about RiverClan
It’s shaping up to be the easiest of all the clans. It’s got tons of orphan warriors and there’s no Snowbird who decimated the genetic diversity. It’s been across the accursed lake for the past few arcs so it’s largely a blank slate.
I’m actually considering giving Frogleap to Graypool, the only surviving child of the initial litter; son of Rippleclaw, an honor-siring. Frogleap is being freed massively because I’m obliterating the useless subplot about Leopardfur having to “choose“ between a mate or her deputyship. Mosspelt is also about to be older.
I’m not invested in staying faithful to Leopardstar’s Honorable Mention or Onestar’s Concession; I simply do not respect those books; BUT, I will absolutely be trying to keep Sunfish’s family intact. I think Sunfish and Whiteclaw added positively to Leopardstar’s character (and nothing else in the book did.)
Ohh Brindleface... I will probably end up making Brindleface the adopted child of Weedwhisker and Stonepelt, and allowing Willowpelt to remain an Adder/Swift child. I checked out their descendants, and there doesn’t seem to be a situation where Leopard and Willow’s offspring might come into conflict until well after 3 generations.
Willow and Frost will probably end up just wet nursed by Robinwing; though I am having issues with Frostfur again. I need to make sure she isn’t fully ADOPTED by Robinwing so she isn’t a sibling of Dustpelt... but Featherwhisker can’t be a father, either. I’m looking for a kit I could save to survive and be Frostfur’s adopted parent; but there’s no options I can find.
So Frostfur continues to haunt my nightmares, as usual
Goosefeather/Bluestar Blood
I see a lot of headcannons that float around to give Goose a child, but my rewrite is taking an approach to his character a LOT harsher than how the general fandom sees him. Bonefall Goosefeather would never break fate to take a mate or have a child; and he resents the sorts of people who do.
It’s a shame because he could have been useful genetically; only Snowfur has descendants in ThunderClan, and she had only one son.
Bluestar won’t be having any additional children, either. The family tree would love it, but the angst won’t allow it. Mosskit was a fated hero who was meant to depose the tyrant Thistlestar, and Bluefur refused to sit by and allow fate to kill so many of her friends and family. She risked the lives of her kits, lost the foretold hero, and severed the thread of destiny.
After that, she was completely focused on being deputy for her clan, never entertaining the thought of having more family, living with that loss forevermore.
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