#opposite scripter
knorrentitiez · 8 months
Soo...how would Scripter react to her opposite self? (Writer)
Canonically, she would be very confused when she comes across Writer, yk? She doesn't actually know there’s basically multiple versions of her now BAHAHAHAH
She'd probably question her some personal stuff though, I won't get into that.
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justmwahstruly · 8 months
i come bearing fanart!
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Writer is so pretty and cool-looking, I love her…
and the wondrous Writer belongs to @sallystarletsimp ! Go check them out!
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comicsart3 · 11 days
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Some say that Miss Fury was the first identifiable female comic book hero in that she adopted the features of the classic costumed crime fighters that followed. She wore a costume and mask, had a secret identity, came from a famous/ well off background and possessed athleticism, fighting prowess and detecting skills, all which helped her to fight crime, often at night. Miss Fury’s real identity was socialite Marla Drake and she was something of a proto-Batgirl with her skin tight costume, mask-and-pointy ears disguise, vigilantism and her propensity for rooftop investigating. Her origins lay in the African jungle when she fashioned her costume from the hide of a “black leopard” which her father had willed her as a curiosity, saying it had belonged to a witch doctor who had claimed it had magic powers. Marla becomes a hero almost accidentally, making her costume as an emergency replacement when another woman wears a similar outfit to hers at a ball. The page above is from her origin story and depicts her capturing the criminal Killer Dawson, again rather spontaneously, after which her interest in secret crime fighting is piqued.
As Miss Fury, Marla takes on Nazi spies, gangsters and assorted criminals attempting to aid the police in capturing hard-to-nail crooks, particularly Marla’s love interest, Detective Dan Carey (despite being engaged to someone else). Engagingly, Marla remained conflicted about her crime-fighting persona, resenting the need for a secret identity, and querying her worth as a crime fighter (quite the opposite of her near-contemporary, Black Cat). Also, as the first of her kind, Miss Fury encountered concern from censorious conservative opinion, who judged her costume too revealing and her antics inappropriate. This may explain her relatively short run of an eight issue series of her own in 1942-43. Nonetheless, the character opened the door to Black Cat, Wonder Woman, Catwoman and a host of other female comic book costumed characters so, in some respects, she is a truly historic figure.
Miss Fury first appeared in a syndicated newspaper comic strip called The Black Fury in April 1941, illustrated by June Tarpe Mills, significantly one of the few women working as an illustrator and scripter in the Golden Age. In November 1941, the strip was retitled Miss Fury. These stories were later collated in the character’s own title. The page featured is from Miss Fury #1 (December 1942).
Source: Marvel Fandom
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 5 months
Scale of Agency
The scripting community on Idle Champions has provided me with a weird quandary about The Gaming Experience.
Scripting in this case is quite similar to modding, except generally it's not reaching into the code of the base game but simply acting around it.
For instance, where one might mod Skyrim to include a model of Thomas the Tank Engine instead of a dragon, scripters in IC have a script that looks for green buttons and clicks them, essentially playing part of the game for the player.
What's interesting to me is how scripting and modding relates to fanfic.
Like, it's a place where you're taking someone else's work and then not simply creating your own separate work but rather taking greater responsibility for your own enjoyment of it. Introducing features you consider important to QoL (in the case of Bethesda titles this has sometimes been, like, graphics card compatibility), or riffing on the base idea without really departing from it, can be a lot less work than doing all that AND having to congeal a new universe out of the ether and describe it to a player/reader. There have been a lot of roguelike card games since Slay the Spire, but there have also been a LOT of Slay the Spire mods introducing new characters and game mechanics.
In gaming it feels like the layers are something like
Playing as you think the devs intended
Fooling around in the game
Using mods/scripts to mess with the game experience
WRITING mods/scripts to mess with the game experience
Developing your own game
I don't think either end of this spectrum is more Noble. I know of some player puritans who think scripters ruin the game experience of Idle Champions, which I feel I should mention is a purely solo experience outside of a single element (and that element doesn't give OP characters a chance to ruin other players' fun; only to make the game mildly easier for them and give them better rewards), and on the opposite end I know of people who think fanfic writers are just writers who can't really write. Both of these ideas are pretty self-evidently idiotic, but people fall for more watered-down versions of them all the time.
I think the reason they can be so enticing is their adjacency to other ideas we already buy into. It's certainly possible for a scripter or modder to ruin the game experience...for himself. And there have been high-profile cases where the developers' adjustments to accommodate mods have created problems, such as how WoW's gotten more and more lazy about in-game indicators over the years even as they've continued making more and more complex mechanics, to the point where some of their diegetic visual language is now garbage.
But the idea of "canon" as greater than or even different from "fanon" only functions in a social context. Within a single reader's head (or a single player's computer) they're not different. They're artistic works crafted by a creator. They may be well-made or poorly-made. The problems with them usually aren't from their provenance as "canon" or "fanon." Outrageously good writers are just as likely as other fans to get an idea in their head that won't leave them alone until they post it to AO3 (or Year's Best Sci-Fi & Fantasy Anthology, if they're more professional - lookin' at you, A Study in Emerald). Bad game developers release Official, Original garbageware games onto the Steam store all the time.
The only important bit is having a shared understanding of which shape of the story you're talking about, for when you're talking about it. If we start arguing about the social dynamics of characters in Ranma 1/2 and you slowly come to realize I've been spending the argument talking about a version where Kuno runs a coffee shop and Ranma and Nabiki have 3 kids, then you'd be justified in telling me I wasn't "really" talking about Ranma 1/2. I was talking about Kuno Black or whatever the fic is titled. Concepts of "canon" or "original authorship" aren't important to questions of "is it good," but they do matter to "what is being discussed right now."
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thoughtsonpoldark · 2 years
Was wondering what you think are the most egregious departures from the book that the series made, not including S5, because that entire thing was egregious. Thanks!
Hi there,
I understand that there is creative licence for adaptions. I do enjoy the television show on this basis. However in terms of the most egregious deviations from the original story I would list 4 main ones to me as follows.
The storyline suggestive of Elizabeth being coerced or heavily influenced to marry Francis by her mother. I think this because it provided a false footing and foundation for the whole story which changes the essence of the real story quite significantly. The decision to do this made the television story one of a potentially (true?) love story of star crossed lovers denied the chance to live out their love. Not through their own choice (or just Elizabeth’s) but because of external circumstances. That is actually a story that belongs to Morwenna and Cuby in respect of Drake and Jeremy in the later books. Those were women who were truly denied their own choice due to the very explicit opposition of family as written into the story clearly by Winston Graham. It was the sole reason for the resistance by both women in giving themselves to their suitors initially. The false narrative for Elizabeth rejecting Ross builds in an unfairness, not just to Ross but also to Elizabeth. It is my view that in the original story Elizabeth made the decision to marry Francis because she did not love Ross at all or enough, while feeling that she loved Francis (better) as the man he was when they began a courtship and still when Ross had returned. The reader of the books can and should then assess Elizabeth as a person who made that decision with her own agency and only later came to ‘change her mind' back to Ross. However the television show makes her a victim of someone else's choice for her so that she too was robbed like Ross was of being with the one that she truly wanted to marry at the time had she not been explicitly prevented. It creates an even sadder story for her and an untold love story for her and Ross because it was then her mother and then Demelza that got in the way of their love rather than this being self inflicted. It also suggests that Ross and Demelza only became a great love by default rather than because Elizabeth blocked it as her love was not true or strong enough.
The night of 9th May 1793 with Ross and Elizabeth being made so overtly and immediately a consensual affair. As well as their interactions in the aftermath. The morning after scene gave the impression of a romantic loving night which contradicts Ross's post incident guilty thoughts in the original book story that he treated her badly that night. It also contradicts Elizabeth's book thoughts which are predominantly negative of her being treated violently and dishonourably by Ross. That is along with her accusation to him that he was a 'bully' to her that night. Obviously this is significant because it was a major incident in the story and the scripters decision to go beyond what Winston Graham showed and put what happened in the unwritten part of the book for that night clearly on one side of a fence rather than 'on the fence', changes how we viewers understand their relationship going forward. It can also minimise what was probably a more serious incident by turning it to pent up and unleashed sex between two consenting old flames and Ross consciously and wilfully cheating on Demelza, instead of a serious act by Ross when he was quite out of his mind and so out of character to the extent that even he later thought it was 'unexplainable'. As I see it that is as it was in the original story.
The fractured relationship between Ross and Demelza from the start of Season 3. Just like Season 1 starting with the false foundation of Elizabeth not wanting to marry Francis this narrative is another one which starts in very wrong footing. It covers Black moon which is the opener to the second set of books and which documents the wonderful rebirth of the Ross and Demelza's relationship. That reflected that the 9th May incident was really a defining moment which thankfully ended up dispensing with the spectre of Elizabeth in their relationship as a romantic threat and instead brought Ross to a newer more reinforced understanding that as Winston Graham said 'it was his wife he really loved'. Graham wrote in the opening pages of that book that 'The warmth of their reconciliation had been full of passion, had brought them closer in some ways than they had ever been before, all defences down.' Instead for the television show and for so many episodes Ross and Demelza were agitated and unromantic with each other. Viewers were denied seeing the passionate re-setting of their relationship as the positive after effect of 9th May and also that this period of even greater love was supposed to be a stark contrast to the out of the blue estrangement they went through after Demelza's affair with Hugh. Their happiness in the year and half beforehand had actually added to Ross's shock and hurt. As a result the show therefore created a new narrative that almost justified Demelza's affair for differing reasons than the book gave. Such a revenge against an inattentive husband.
The ongoing friendship with Ross and Elizabeth post that May night and Ross's interest and connection with Valentine which was built on in season 5. Season 4 did have scenes between Ross and Elizabeth that Elizabeth in the book who feared and lived on a knife edge over George's suspicions about Valentine would have resolutely avoided. They did not resume a warm supportive friendship in the original story yet in the series she dared to visit Ross alone in his London residence in order to seek counsel about Geoffrey Charles's reckless behaviour and he visited her at Trenwith while George was out (just missing his return). Ross also spoke briefly with Valentine, looking and saluting at him almost affectionately and as if embracing that he was or might be his father. I believe the scripter was trying to build a narrative of their connection as father and son and Ross being okay with this. Again these cosy scenes supported the idea that Valentine was conceived that May night in a less hostile scenario of consensual affectionate lovemaking, rather than in a more disagreeable, brutish and uninviting manner. Also the narrative for the last set of books was that Ross was very cagey and reluctant about his connection with Valentine. He did not want to acknowledge it. It was a new shadow on his life connected to Elizabeth that he tried to ignore and he certainly did not wish to develop a father son relationship until he was coerced into something near to this in the penultimate book. This was only because Valentine was out of control and this had unearthed Ross's guilty feelings and a desire to take some accountability. Again starting to build a warm connection between Ross and Valentine at this season 4 stage counters a very important narrative with runs through the later set of books of Ross not facing the consequences of his actions until he has to face what he had turned his back on for years, but almost by force. This of course is partly out of respect for Demelza and so the cosy scenes and feelings towards his illegitimate son so soon after his unfaithfulness also undermine his relationship and reconciliation with Demelza compared against the original story where he avoided Elizabeth for years and wanted to ‘forget’ about her and George.
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oncomics · 10 months
Eh. This again.
Lee was, at the time, a great scripter. He was career-long a shitty plotter. He and Kirby were at the opposite ends of the creativity spectrum — Kirby was an exceptional talent.
In his time, he was one of the best editor in the business.
As a company man, he hyped comics, generally and Marvel specifically.
Possibly for contractual reasons and/or oversized ego, he took undeserved credit for creating characters. On the other hand, as an editor, he of course had some involvement in the creation of same as well as the individual books.
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interrobangrblx · 4 years
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In honor of Valentine aka MADSClENTlSTS birthday, we’re giving you an update featuring concept art from the Soundwave collection that has yet to come out yet!
Valentine is one of our main designers alongside Marq, and he is co-directing Soundwave in both design and routine!
The concept art featured here is Cherub’s Lyre for Soundwave: Heavenly and Imp’s Guitar for Soundwave: Hell. In a bit of his concept art and designs, he has created outfits that were meant to parallel each other in their different sections, being polar opposites with somewhat similar ideas and designs but different motifs. Other than Cherub’s Lyre and Imp’s Guitar, there will also be Odette and Odile, inspired by the ballet Swan Lake. 
Soundwave is still only halfway into its production, and more content is on the way! Soundwave right now is our priority to complete, however we’ll be trying to release more content as time goes on.
Relating to content releases, it is now November 1st, and Halloween, the night where the gates to our graveyard is open, has finally closed, and we have welcomed some new Zombies into the family. We will be reading applications very soon, however during the month we’ve recruited new artists, an animator, and some scripters, and we’ll be hopefully be able to push out more content than we did before when Tranzyl was the only editor! 
Stay tuned ghouls, guys and ghosties.
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thedollarstoresatan · 4 years
The Truth Betold
Chapter 4, ???, ???, 1883, May 27th, 9:16 P.M.
    Animals surrounding her, the woman floating above the earth. The cape hanging off a tree by her fluttered in the wind. The cold shiver of the forest did nothing to help her burning body. One of the rabbits came under her, sniffing the air around her before backing away again. A tiger stalked its way around her, herding off the other animals behind the nearby treeline. 
    It’s teeth gripping onto the cape, the tiger swiftly pulled it down in time for her to descend back into the earth. Lowering herself from her toes up, she let the tiger drop the cape back into her hand. A tattoo, of a moon with a shuriken standing upside in the middle, air-like movements behind them decorated her shoulder. 
    Turtleneck not covering her arms, with white pants with a holster holding a rod-shape, two black gems decorating the top and bottom, with a singular one in the middle. Her shoes were black with a corresponding design in the middle, flaps coming down on the sides, leading to a slim heel. Silver eyes looking at the now herded animals, her long black hair cascaded down her back. 
    “You do have a trick for scaring away other animals, Leona.” Petting the tigers head she smiled fondly. Hooking the tip of the hood under her finger and slinging it on her shoulder, she walked deeper into the forest. 
    Coming across a clearing, she smiled at the ‘empty’ space. Leona once again stalked up to her. “Enquêter.” Turning her back on the space, leaving the tiger to proll around, she walked back towards the shallower part of the forest. 
    “Ash! Sortir!” The woman looked at the man emerging from the brush beside her.
    “Bonjour, Mademoiselle.” 
    “Where’s Zen?” 
    “East side of the Red Territory, towards the Bright family home.”
    “Most likely trying to find Ezra, then.” 
    A strangled yell came from the opposite direction. Not towards where Leona was, not towards the central quarter, not towards anywhere besides the lake of tears. Soon following the Magic Tower. “Do you think they already know of us here?”
    “Yes. Leo made it impossible to miss. So did Louis.” Sighing while pinching the bridge of her nose, the hushed tone of her voice didn't go unnoticed by Ash. “We’ll be lucky if they dont get one of us. They still have plenty of magic left from others I assure you.”
    “Leo is the most important.” 
    “Yeah, yeah.” 
    Stealing a glance at the tattoo, she threw the cape over her shoulders, covering down to her wrists. “Let's go investigate that.” A fire emerged from her hand. 
    “Elizabeth, don't catch the forest on fire.”
    “Unlike some of you, I know how to control my powers.”
    The blue haired man scoffed at her, brown eyes narrowing. Stealing a glance at the distant lights, he continued after Elizabeth’s stead.
    Disguising themself farther into the darkness, the raven haired person stuck to the walls of the building, dodging the windows and prying eyes from anyone inside the estate. 
    Coming across the Library windows, they stole a glance inside. A middle-aged man sat on an armchair, pendulum ball hanging from his pointer finger as a woman looked at nearby books. 
    The man looked at the window, emerald meeting jade, before putting the pendulum ball down. 
    “Your friends here.” Claudius’s voice rang through the room. Turning her head in the direction Claudius was looking at, she saw them. 
    Ezra held up her hand, making a gesture to come in, and turned back to the book section. A quick flash of light brought another person in the room. “Never met him before.” Glancing back at Ezra’s discarded coat and walking stick, Zen looked back at the titles surrounding them. “Nor have I ever seen you take that coat off.”
    Plucking out a book from the shelf, Ezra promptly walked and sat leg-crossed on the couch opposite of the man. “You’re a mess right now, where have you been, hell?” 
    “I wish.” 
    Hair standing up in loose strands, dirt spread across their uniform, Zen looked like they had been dragged through a mud pit. Sitting down cautiously on the couch, Zen looked over Ezra’s shoulder, only to find scripted characters they couldn't even begin to understand. Symbols and pictures surrounded the pages.
    “You won’t be able to understand it.” A chime of a clock came from the hall. “It's in an old demon scripter.” 
    “Well… Isn't that a lovely thing to keep in your house.” Responding to Claudius’s statement with the most gracious voice he could muster, Zen cleared their throat before sitting up. 
    “Do you know what this might mean?”
    Holding the pendulum ball up once again, Claudius looked Zen dead in the eyes. Averting their gaze from the ball and back up into jade irises, Zen only cleared their throat again. “I can only roll out the possibility it's an old Eltrius scroll. They often resembled a ball. Most of them, if you used a certain combination of spells would unlock. Meaning it most likely came from Scarlet, if i'm right.” 
    “You are.” 
    Holding out her hand, Claudius dropped the small ball into her palm. “Do you know the combination to unlock it, then?” 
    “Sadly enough, no, but Emila or Leo might. They’re the closest to her.” 
    “Leo’s currently trying to avoid cradle, and Emila wouldn't dare to make any decisions leading to her exposure. I wouldn't be able to track them without magic, and considering how many people are currently around this area? Not a good idea.” 
    “Right, somebody with enough magical power could feel it. Got it.” 
    “Go take a bath. I’ll try and find clothes for you.”
    “Right, thanks.” 
    Once Zen left, Claudius turned back to Ezra. “I'm not sure I like him.”
    Closing the rather demonic book, Ezra stood up and strided towards the door. “You haven’t ever liked any of my friends, and he’s non-binary, so its ‘them’.”
    “Oh what a mess!” The pout that was put on Ash’s face didn’t meet his eyes. Hand on his hip, and the other pressed to his lips. Ash’s body was covered in blood. Bloodied hands, bloodied clothes. Not like it's Elizabeth’s first time seeing him like this. 
    “I have to erase her memory due to you killing them.” The scoff sounded Ash’s way didn't affect him. 
    Something was running towards them, at a rather fast pace, they could both feel it. Though, it was great at hiding its presence. “Leona.” Next thing Ash knew, Elizabeth’s Martilel was in her hand, spinning  a few times before stopping and extending. The tiger came sprinting out of the forest, white coat shining in the moonlight, golden eyes reflecting off of it. A man soon after. Silver eyes bore into his, holding the Martilel out. 
    “Now, now, girlie’s. I'm not here to hurt you. Hand over the tiger and we’ll leave you alone.”
    It was only then that Elizabeth noticed the bodies were gone. Most likely buried deep in the ground by now due to Ash’s power. 
    “Excuse me? “Girllie’s?” I am a man through and through you toddler!” The blue haired man’s eyes shone a dangerous light, brown eyes  lighting up and iris’s slimming into a diamond. 
    The male only scoffed. “Yeah right, you got all the curves in all the right places! Now give me the tiger!” The man growled, only making it a step before the ground caved in under him. 
    Nearly breaking his legs, the earth was unforgiving. Squeezing up to his waist. 
    “I'm a man.” 
    “Help me you fool!”  The man’s angered voice only made Ash’s cheshire smile widen. 
    Crouching down in front of the man, Ash put his elbows on his legs, hands on the side of his head, 
    “I-m a m-a-n. Say it with me now! I'm a man!”
    “Help me!” 
    The ground only tightened around him. 
    Getting up, Ash skipped in circle’s around the man, chanting ‘I'm a man’ over and over again, watching in delight as the man screamed towards Elizabeth’s direction, whose attention was brought back to the boy sitting unconscious against a tree. 
    The man, now neck-deep in the ground, shot daggers at ash. 
    “You crazy ass bitch! Let me go!”
    “What am I! I'm a man!”
    “And you sir.”
    Stopping in front of him, crouching again, coming up close to his face, Ash’s smile widened at his obvious struggle.
    “Are a man, with an idiotic mind."
    Before another word could be exchanged, the man let out a blood-curdling scream before getting engulfed by the ground completely. Bones audible cracked under the surface. 
    “The worms appreciate it.” 
    Smile not leaving his face, Ash turned around and sat by Elizabeth, who had the child sleeping on one shoulder, Leona on her lap, and was staring into the oblivion. “Now i'm happy I never got that surgery! Afterall, it means more people to kill!”
    His irises changing back to normal, and the soft glow of his brown eyes subsided, he clapped his hands out of sheer delight. “I wonder how an organ would taste?” Curiosity crossing his face, Ash put his finger on his mouth again, dried blood making its way into his mouth. 
    “If you find out, please to god don't tell me.” Delighted laughter erupted from Ash’s throat, as he looked at Elizabeth, happiness relevant in his eyes. Cheshire smile now gone and replaced with a real smile of genuine happiness. 
    “Thats a rare occurrence.” 
    “Awe! Don't say that! I smile plenty!”                                                     
    “Ouais, Ouais. Sure ya do.”
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roaldseth · 5 years
For the ask thing: if no one has given you Roland thats a crime. Aaaand. Gale.
At this point in time—this late in the game—people probably understand that Roland is the default for me when dealing with ask memes, so it’s understandable that askers would want variety and ask about different characters. That, and I don’t typically receive a lot of asks… Unless you meant that statement in a different light. But, don’t be fooled. I am always at the ready for Roland, and always appreciate getting asked about him or sought out for expertise.
FYI AND DISCLAIMER: all answers are in relation to Digital Devil Saga unless stated otherwise. There is a couple of places I very briefly glaze over Quantum Devil Saga, but nothing that could be considered an actual Spoiler is said; no plot points. Considering QDS 3-5 are not translated, I feel a need to address that point, specifically with Roland.
How I feel about this character
In short: he means a lot to me, more than I could ever try to explain. In length: not to sound like a fictionkin or get personal, but I feel a sense of kinship and understanding—friendship, too, even—with Roland. Although, this is due to the fact I’ve dedicated a lot of my time over years in understanding every possible encompassment. This bonding had grown from a conglomeration of both similarities of situations and years spent with him as a coping mechanism and hyperfixation, so connection and reverence seems like an unsurprising conclusion.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
1) Adil (OTP).
2) Greg, but only under certain circumstances. If his wife is involved, and she is not deceased, I don’t particularly ship Roland and Greg together. However, if the relationship is treated as one-sided (Roland’s side), past romance, comfort in confusion, or similar; then I’ll ship it.
3) Gale. It’s more of a “for fun” ship, since I couldn’t see them in serious, lasting commitment or domesticity, but being paired through their dynamic as two intelligent men tied through Lupa/Greg and Fred is interesting and entertaining.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Adil and Greg, the BrOT3.
My unpopular opinion about this character
A short answer is that Roland was an apt leader and a poor coward. His Avatar wasn’t Indra wrongly.
He doesn’t get the credit he is due. Many of his accomplishments get dismissed because something is stated in word and accepted as is rather than evaluated by his whole. The scripter/translator choosing “Actions speak louder than words” as his dialogue in the moment of a turning point within him is not solely about his loyalty to the Embryon. Its concept is the foundation of his story arch and how it’s framed. Two oppositions clash: the division between what he and others say about him in comparison to what he actually does and accomplishes in canon.
Then, there’s a different answer before I had thought about the leadership comment, which is less of an unpopular opinion, and more of not being a fan of seeing Roland and his drinking caricatured for comedic purposes. If there is one trait that has the possibility of being over exaggerated or backhandedly addressed, it is his alcoholism. I know I’m the one who just stressed that Roland’s story is framed in a specific way and that this part of his character (qualities and constitution) isn’t meant to be the primary focus. However, although his drinking habits is more of a precursor, it’s not something meant to be disregarded either, and separating it apart from his hardships (trauma, grief, stress, anxiety) corrodes its nature and severity. It’s not a punch line, and making it one devalues it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish DDS Roland also had QDS Roland’s background as an EGG Facility employee. Even though his character makes sense as is, it’s very shallow and monochromatic. Having this extra context enriches his place and purpose within the overarching story. Each playable character and the series’ antagonists have ties to the Society in some way—except Roland. Instead, he’s just some random fellow who simply got lucky with surviving that long. If he had this background context, it would be akin to Angel, Sheffield, O’Brien, Real Argilla, etc. It’d simply make more sense.
I also understand that there is the possibility that this particular part of his character was not fully developed by the time Godai left the team and ATLUS finalized how Digital Devil Saga was going to pan out as a video game. However, I am not going to give Tadashi and ATLUS that credit, because the more that this information sat within me, the more I recognized reasoning and logics behind some of the things he says and does.
The game may never have said he was Karma, but it also never said he wasn’t Karma.
How I feel about this character
He’s relatable—a steadfast and loyal tactician devoted to his role and service, struggling to understand (his own) emotions, and more readily understands through textbook knowledge. He is cautious with cause, creates conclusions based on the most reliable information, and is not one to trust in chance. Then in Quantum Devil Saga, he over explains and is excessively wordy: a trait I love in him. These points also connect back to generally liking keeper and the-brains-of-the-group type characters.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
1) Lupa.
2) Jenna Angel.
3) Roland. Refer back to the reasoning in the answer for Roland’s section.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Cielo. The two of them have the “one character is fun, energetic, and easygoing; while the other character is strict, static, and steadfast,” which is a good, clichéd combination because it works. They’re opposites that work well—and believably—with each other instead of clashing against each other. Their competition to convince God to revert the world “back to normal” in DDS2 shows how they’ve learned from each other; Gale being more laidback to grandeur and Cielo gaining some seriousness (outside of determination).
My unpopular opinion about this character
The closest thing I can think of is actually a popular fandom opinion, North American and Japanese, but it’s against what the writer has said. From what I’ve seen, Gale’s age is the “[We] recognize the council has made a decision, but given it was a stupid-ass decision, [we’ve] elected to ignore it” of Digital Devil Saga.
An excuse would be that his AI’s model was meant to be 20 years old while David Gale is a separate age, but considering Heat and Serph’s models’ ages match up with O’Brien and Sheffield, I don’t think this was the (intentional) case.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
An answer doesn’t come to mind, so I’ll say I’m happy and content with how Gale was treated.
[Give Me A Character, and I’ll break their ass down; from this meme.]
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kevinjukkola-blog · 4 years
Kevin Jukkola’s Winners Predictions For The 2019 Academy Awards
           Best Picture
1.     1917
2.     Parasite
3.     Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
4.     Jojo Rabbit
5.     The Irishman
6.     Joker
7.     Marriage Story
8.     Little Women
9.     Ford v. Ferrari
           Pick and Preference: The Irishman, though it is difficult to differentiate this film from the other      two masterpieces nominated for Best Picture: Parasite and Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood.
           Prediction: 1917
           Bottom Line: Ford v. Ferrari has a chance to take home a trophy in a crafts category, but,            considering this is its only nomination in a non-crafts category, its support in the larger branches           of the Academy seems lacking to win the big prize. The lack of nominations for Best Director       and the fact that they are not favorites for Screenplay awards makes it seem as if Marriage Story             and Little Women lack the support needed to make it through this gauntlet of nominees victorious.            Although it leads in total nominations and is loved by some, Joker is an extraordinarily divisive             film that would seem to not be a good fit to succeed on a preferential ballot where widespread             affection is necessary to win. The Irishman has the opposite problem in that it seems everybody    admires it, but not enough appear to love it, considering its lack of Best Picture statuettes at other awards. Jojo Rabbit has done fairly well in the guilds with nominations and wins, but its lack of a            Best Director nomination as well as the divisiveness of its message may make it hard to crack a          preferential ballot. Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood seems well liked and admired by all, but it doesn’t have the top guild wins that would indicate enough backing to take home Best Picture.        The race for Best Picture will likely ultimately come down to Parasite verses 1917, going many rounds before a winner can be crowned. The SAG Ensemble win for Parasite is the type of guild             victory that can foreshadow an upset in this category, considering actors are the largest branch in            the Academy. In addition, Parasite being much likelier to win a Screenplay award should give it an advantage among the writers over 1917, which is another part of the formula that is needed to          win this award. However, the lack of an individual acting nomination for Parasite gives me pause             in predicting it for Best Picture since this shows that the film might be more popular among the            overall SAG membership than those specifically in the Academy. Also, 1917 receiving a             Screenplay nomination, despite it not being a screenwriting showcase, indicates that it may have           enough support among writers to hold its own on the preferential ballot with this branch. 1917     should maintain strong support among the craft branches, though film editors will likely prefer    Parasite considering the structure of the war film. Ultimately, it comes down to whether you             believe 1917 has enough support among the craft, director, and producer branches to beat             Parasite’s likely strength among the actor and writer branches. I believe the evidence available            says it does, which is why I am going with PGA and BAFTA Best Picture winner 1917 to         narrowly defeat widely beloved SAG Ensemble winner Parasite for the night’s top award.
           Best Director
1.     Sam Mendes, 1917
2.     Bong Joon Ho, Parasite
3.     Quentin Tarantino, Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
4.     Martin Scorsese, The Irishman
Todd Phillips, Joker
           Pick and Preference: Martin Scorsese, The Irishman
           Prediction: Sam Mendes, 1917
           Bottom Line: Mendes is on track to collect his second Oscar after taking home the DGA and        BAFTA with Bong Joon Ho in the best position to shock if there is one.
           Best Actor
1.     Joaquin Phoenix, Joker
2.     Adam Driver, Marriage Story
3.     Leonardo DiCaprio, Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
4.     Antonio Banderas, Pain and Glory
5.     Jonathan Pryce, The Two Popes
                       Pick and Preference: Leonardo DiCaprio, Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
           Prediction: Joaquin Phoenix, Joker
           Bottom Line: Phoenix has been a runaway train of collecting these awards starting at the Golden   Globes and that should not stop now, even with many who admire Driver’s layered portrayal.
           Best Actress
1.     Renee Zellweger, Judy
2.     Scarlett Johansson, Marriage Story
3.     Charlize Theron, Bombshell
4.     Saoirse Ronan, Little Women
5.     Cynthia Erivo, Harriet
           Pick and Preference: Scarlett Johansson, Marriage Story
           Prediction: Renee Zellweger, Judy
           Bottom Line: Zellweger seems to be in a dominating position to collect her second Oscar, which was forecasted when Judy was released and has been backed up by her wins at the precursors.
           Best Supporting Actor
1.     Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
2.     Joe Pesci, The Irishman
3.     Al Pacino, The Irishman
4.     Tom Hanks, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
5.     Anthony Hopkins, The Two Popes
           Preference: Song Ho Kang, Parasite
           Pick: Joe Pesci, The Irishman
           Prediction: Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
           Bottom Line: Every major award has gone Pitt’s way and this should be no different, which would           deliver him his first acting Oscar. The only question is what shape his acceptance speech will take.
           Best Supporting Actress
1.     Laura Dern, Marriage Story
2.     Margot Robbie, Bombshell
3.     Scarlett Johansson, Jojo Rabbit
4.     Florence Pugh, Little Women
Kathy Bates, Richard Jewell
           Preference: Jennifer Lopez, Hustlers
           Pick and Prediction: Laura Dern, Marriage Story      
           Bottom Line: Dern has won every precursor down the stretch (SAG, BAFTA) and should be a     lock for this award, especially considering the respect for her within the industry at large and the    Academy with all of the time she has spent working and her prominent role in the actor’s branch.
           Best Adapted Screenplay
1.     Jojo Rabbit
2.     Little Women
3.     The Irishman
4.     Joker
5.     The Two Popes
           Pick and Preference: The Irishman
           Prediction: Jojo Rabbit
                                   Bottom Line: After the USC Scripter award win, it appeared as if Greta Gerwig might take home   this price Little Women, but a victory at the WGA’s and BAFTA’s certainly makes Taika Waititi’s      script for Jojo Rabbit the favorite in this category, even with the admiration for The Irishman.
           Best Original Screenplay
1.     Parasite
2.     Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
3.     Marriage Story
4.     Knives Out
5.     1917
           Pick, Preference, and Prediction: Parasite
           Bottom Line: After its win at the WGA’s and BAFTA’s, Parasite would seem to be the favorite for this award, but the lack of eligibility at the WGA’s for Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood as    well as the widespread love for Tarantino considering his previous two Oscars give him the best   chance of upsetting with Baumbach’s script for Marriage Story also holding onto slight hope.
           Best Film Editing
1.     Parasite
2.     Ford v. Ferrari
3.     Jojo Rabbit
4.     The Irishman
5.     Joker
           Pick and Preference: The Irishman
           Prediction: Parasite
           Best Cinematography
1.     1917
2.     Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
3.     The Irishman
4.     The Lighthouse
5.     Joker
                       Pick, Preference, and Prediction: 1917
           Best Production Design
1.     Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
2.     Parasite
3.     1917
4.     The Irishman
5.     Jojo Rabbit
           Pick, Preference, and Prediction: Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
           Best Costume Design
1.     Little Women
2.     Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
3.     Jojo Rabbit
4.     The Irishman
5.     Joker
           Pick and Preference: Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
           Prediction: Little Women
                       Best Original Score
1.     Joker
2.     1917
3.     Marriage Story
4.     Little Women
5.     Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
           Pick and Preference: Marriage Story
           Prediction: Joker
           Best Original Song
1.     “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” from Rocketman
2.     “Into the Unknown” from Frozen 2
3.     “Stand Up” from Harriet
4.     “I Can’t Let You Throw Yourself Away” from Toy Story 4
5.      “I’m Standing With You” from Breakthrough
                       Prediction: “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” from Rocketman
           Best Sound Mixing
1.     1917
2.     Ford v. Ferrari
3.     Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
4.     Joker
5.     Ad Astra
           Pick and Preference: Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
           Prediction: 1917
                       Best Sound Editing
1.     1917
2.     Ford v. Ferrari
3.     Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
4.     Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood
5.     Joker
                       Pick and Preference: Ford v. Ferrari
           Prediction: 1917
           Best Visual Effects
1.     1917
2.     The Lion King
3.     Avengers: Endgame
4.     The Irishman
5.     Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
           Prediction: 1917
           Best Makeup and Hairstyling
1.     Bombshell
2.     Joker
3.     1917
4.     Judy
5.     Maleficent: Mistress of Evil
           Prediction: Bombshell      
           Best Animated Feature Film
1.     Klaus
2.     Toy Story 4
3.     I Lost My Body
4.     How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
5.     Missing Link
           Prediction: Klaus
                       Best International Feature Film
1.     Parasite
2.     Pain and Glory
3.     Honeyland
4.     Les Miserables
5.     Corpus Christi
                       Prediction: Parasite
           Best Documentary Feature Film
1.     American Factory
2.     Honeyland
3.     The Edge of Democracy
4.     For Sama
5.     The Cave
           Prediction: American Factory
           Best Animated Short Film
1.     Hair Love
2.     Sister
3.     Memorable
4.     Kitbull
5.     Dcera
           Prediction: Hair Love
           Best Documentary Short Subject
1.     Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You’re a Girl)
2.     St. Louis Superman
3.     Walk Run Cha-Cha
4.     In the Absence
5.     Life Overtakes Me
           Prediction: Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You’re a Girl)
           Best Live Action Short Film
1.     The Neighbors’ Window
2.     Nafta Football Club
3.     Brotherhood
4.     A Sister
5.     Saria
           Prediction: The Neighbors’ Window
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justmwahstruly · 8 months
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frasier-crane-style · 7 years
Cliches. Things that crop up with such frequency that an alert person can spot them coming a mile away. While cliches can be found in all walks of human endeavor, this month I'm going to talk about comic book plot cliches. My inspiration for addressing this topic comes from one of my favorite correspondents, Dean Shomshak of Gig Harbor, WA, who out of the blue sent me his list of candidates for the five biggest cliches found in Marvel Comics. I'm going to quote him verbatim now, then I'll be back with my own list. (Who says writing a monthly column has to be hard?) Take it away, Dean... '1. The U.S. government is up to no good. Okay so the government really does do a lot of bad stuff, but it does good things, too. Some of the bad things are done from good (if mistaken) intentions. Why can't a government agent or agency be in the right once in a while? Even Sikorski, the most sympathetically presented government employee I can think of, keeps being forced into duty playing the heavy. 2. When mystics and technologists disagree, the mystics are proved right in the end. Alas, no matter how much I like Dr. Strange and other magical heroes, the plain truth is in real life mystics are often lunatics or fools. Several Nazi leaders were mystics. The dehumanizing Hindu caste system is based on mysticism. On the other hand, every improvement the modern age can claim over the Renaissance can be traced to solid scientific investigation. I would love to see a mystic be shown up by a scientist or technologist, just once. 3. Anyone who doesn't hate mutants is a latent mutant, or has a super-powered relative in the family. None of the mutant heroes has a human friend who's appeared more than twice in the last four years. The senator who disaproved of the Stryker Crusade turned out to be a latent mutant. The Power parents have super-powered children though they don't know it yet. Fortunately Chris Claremont, who built this cliche singlehandedly, may now be dismantling it. I'll be watching to see if he wimps out with Alistair and Alysdane Stuart in EXCALIBUR and X-MEN. 4. Mutants always talk about themselves as a separate species. 'Mutants and humans must learn to live together'-- not 'people with and without weird powers must learn to live together.' Talk about letting the opposition control the dialog. 5. Amerindians always call on the Great Spirit. Never mind up to 400 years of missionary work. American Indians are never ordinary Catholics or Presbyterians or Baptists-- and these do exist in real life. (Wyatt Wingfoot may be the exception, since I can't remember him showing any religious inclination at all.' Okay, I'm back. Neat list, huh? My second reaction after I read it (my first being 'Neat list, huh?') was didn't I make up a list of comic book cliches I wanted to avoid once? So I dug deep into my closet, skimming through idea notebook after idea notebook until I found it, a list of cliches I swore to avoid as a comic book writer. It's dated May 1976, the year I moved to New York, and two years before I was to write my first professional comic book. Here's what it said: 'As a comic book scripter, I vow to never write comic book stories that contain the following cliches: 1. A time travel story that undoes itself; where reality twists about such that at the end of the story nobody remembers doing any of the things in the story. Why do a story that doesn't make a difference? 2. A story where the villain is defeated when the hero or heroes somehow harness emotions, 'goodness', or some abstract value and bombard the villain with it. I hate that stuff. I don't really believe these values exist as literal, objective energies so they shouldn't be employed as if they were. 3. An alien invasion story where the aliens waltz down and want to: a) steal and deplete Earth's natural resources, be it animal, vegetable, mineral, plankton, water, etc. Any alien culture with the technology to transport billions of tons of whatever back to their world should be able to come up with an easier solution to whatever shortage they have. b) colonize, apparently unaware that four billion inhabitants already live here and have done a number on Earth's resources. And if they intend to exterminate the population first, what a stupid, messy, time-consuming job. Wouldn't it be easier to terraform Mars? c) destroy Earth for its energy. As if Earth were the only possible fuel source in the tri-planet area...! 4. Poorly motivated hero vs. hero battles. Poor motivations include simple misunderstandings, 'just testing to see if you were all you're reputed to be', and 'just wanted to make sure you were who you say you are'. 5. Stories where good triumphs simply because it is 'better' than evil. I don't think that's the way the world works, and it's a bad message to put in comics. A better message would be the one who works or tries the hardest wins. 6. Stories where villains don't take into account past defeats and haven't solved whatever shortcoming it was that allowed them to be defeated last time.' And that's my list. While this isn't particularly a list of Marvel cliches (hey, I didn't know what company I might write for at the time), I have read stories employing these cliches published by Marvel as well as by other companies. Looking back over them thirteen years later, I still stand by them all, though I just might have violated my 'poorly motivated hero vs. hero battle' cliche once or twice somewhere. Go ahead, somebody, make me a list of poorly motivated hero vs. hero fights in stories I've written-- I challenge you! What I'd like the rest of you to do is send me your list of annoying comic book cliches like good ol' Dean did. If I get enough good ones, I may devote a future column to the topic. Now I'm going to leave you this time with a quote I found scrawled in the inside front cover of the idea notebook I cribbed my cliche list from. I have no idea where I got it from since I didn't list the source. For all I know it may be original. Anyway, till next time, ponder this sentiment: 'A mutant deliberately creates conditions for himself so severe that he must either transform or become extinct.'
Mark Gruenwald
3. An alien invasion story where the aliens waltz down and want to: a) steal and deplete Earth's natural resources, be it animal, vegetable, mineral, plankton, water, etc. Any alien culture with the technology to transport billions of tons of whatever back to their world should be able to come up with an easier solution to whatever shortage they have. b) colonize, apparently unaware that four billion inhabitants already live here and have done a number on Earth's resources. And if they intend to exterminate the population first, what a stupid, messy, time-consuming job. Wouldn't it be easier to terraform Mars? c) destroy Earth for its energy. As if Earth were the only possible fuel source in the tri-planet area...!
1976, people...
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leaveharmony · 7 years
@yungcrybby-anonymousbosch  Consider me near rambled out :) 1.       How old were you when you first started watching?
I wish I could answer that with 100% accuracy.  I know for certain I was by 1990 (8 years old), but, if my earliest memory is correct and not a falsely-implanted one than it would have been as early as 1986 (4 or so).  Probably I was casually aware of it as a very young child and then slowly got more fanatic about it (this might have coincided with the first real meteoric rise of WWF / more available programming).
2.       What company or companies did you watch?   Early-on it was exclusively WWF, I'd say around 1998 I started occasionally tuning into WCW.
3.       What is your earliest wrestling memory?   I would swear up and and down that I remember Hogan and King Kong Bundy in the blue steel cage at Wrestlemania 2.  I used to watch wrestling with my grandfather (pop pop) at my grandparent's house, I remember they had a textured green carpet at the time and I'd lay on the floor...I swear, that I remember at least some of the extended family going there to watch WM2.  But nobody else can tell me if this actually happened.  If not, then I very clearly remember one of Jake Robert's snakes biting Randy Savage, in the ring (1991?).  I definitely remember the brief time before the Undertaker's first face turn.  And I very vaguely recall everybody being really excited when Hogan bodyslammed Andre the Giant (WM3, 1987). 4.       What attracted you to wrestling?   Mmm...I really don't know.  There's sort of a chicken and the egg aspect to it, I'm not sure I could pin down exactly why I gravitated towards anything as a child, but wrestling is even harder to figure out.  Pop pop used to get quite involved with it and we didn't really have a lot in common, so that might have been part of it.  Conversely, my parents were openly mocking about it, so, it might have also been a touch of my old tendency to be fiercely contrary.  I can def. tell you that the Texas Tornado was one of my favs because of all the fringes on his boots, and I liked the Ultimate Warrior's facepaint and all of Flair's glittery robes, and the like...so bright colours and pageantry might have had something to do with it.  And I was nuts about Miss Elizabeth in all her dated finery lol.  Big-boom 80's/early 90's WWF was certainly geared towards kids and I was right in that target audience.   5.       What is your favorite aspect of wrestling? I've always been attracted to characters more than plots, yunno?  In books or films, or series, if I like enough of the characters I'll stick with it even if the plotting is kinda terrible.  So I think it's just the personalities and people, tbh.  For a very long time I wondered if I'd ever been a -wresting fan- or just an -Undertaker fan-, a question I can now answer with the former, but, it's the wrestlers I'm fondest of that keep me involved, I think. 6.       What do you think the general public gets wrong about wrestling? “They don't really get hurt” would be my number one pet peeve misconception.  My father, for instance, would be one of those guys JR was loudly denouncing during HitC/KotR 1998 who would completely sincerely say “Yeah, but they know how to fall.” after watching a man fall 13ft through a table onto a concrete floor.  Which is why I would never watch it anywhere near him. 7.       Do you have any friends who also watch wrestling? There's you!  :D  I have more now than I used to, I was a solitary practitioner for a long time.  Now I'd say as many as five, anyway...and I've converted my mother lol. 8.       Did you eventually start watching other companies? A very limited bit of WCW (1998-the end of the company)..I would sometimes turn it over during commercial breaks in Raw/Smackdown.  I watched some TNA (whenever they got the deal w/ Spike TV -2006 or so when I couldn't stand looking at Jeff Jarrett anymore). 9.       What has kept you interested wrestling? Every single time I've stopped watching and returned, the return was because of the Undertaker.  He’d be the catalyst to the reaction which would follow... 10.   Are you interested in any other wrestling companies? Gateway-drugged by Shinsuke, I'm currently consuming as much NJPW as is possible by one single mortal human being on a linear timeline. 11.   What, if any, barriers are there to you watching other wrestling companies you’re interested in? Availability, relative ignorance and time constraints, I suppose?  It's sort of...akin to jumping into a longrunning comic series with no sense of the history of the lore.  Can be a little bit overwhelming and I think I'd have to do promotions one at a time.  It was different with NJPW and Shinsuke, because I knew at least one face and name so I had a jumping off point, and then through his matches -with- other people, came to know others as well.  I took notes! 12.   Have you ever been to a live wrestling show? Yep!  I think my first house show was in 1993? in a hockey arena in Sudbury, Ontario.  My second was in 1999 at the Skydome in Toronto.  My third was last summer at Ricoh Colliseum in Toronto, then last November I attended Takeover: Toronto and Survivor Series both at the ACC in Toronto, followed by another house show in March (Ricoh again). 13.   Have you ever been to a local wrestling company’s shows? Oddly no!  There's a promotion that sometimes did shows in my old highschool's gym but I never actually went - probably because I had nobody to go with. 14.   Do you tell others (friends, acquaintances) that you’re a wrestling fan? Why or why not? Historically it would depend on the person - there was a lot of indefensible stuff going on in the Attitude Era and I think it pretty justifiably coloured public perception of wrestling fans, so, sometimes saying it outright was bracing for an argument.  Now I've got zero shame about it - I'm a lifer, I've accepted it. 15.   Aside from wrestling, what other fandoms are you involved in? That kind of depends on your idea of “involved in,” as I tend to stay fairly quiet.  But to limit the answer to things I've actively posted about and discussed on Tumblr (within the past year or so), the brief rundown would be Star Trek (DS9), Fallout 4, the Dragon Age series, and Mass Effect. 16.   Where does wrestling rank among your other fandoms? It's currently sitting at a pretty smug #1 but these things do fluctuate. 17.   What Is your least favorite thing about wrestling? The target audience doesn't do it many favors, if you consider the target audience to have shifted during the attitude era to mean “Entitled straight white men aged 13-35.”  Them being pandered/catered to was responsible for a lot of the things I found off-putting.  To some extent, those things have gone by the wayside in WWE due to public trading/sponsorship (I'm not for a second gonna credit them with ‘shifting attitudes’).  Misogyny, objectification, racism, homophobia, ableism, etc.  In those respects it's at least less cringeworthy than it used to be, but sometimes there's backsliding...I find the jingoism in American-based pro wrestling very irritating, as well. 18.   What is the first imagine or concept that comes to mind when you think about wrestling? It's funny, but no matter how many times they've changed the colours over the years, I still picture the ring with a red top rope, a white middle rope, and a blue bottom rope. 19.   What do you wish wrestling had more of?  In other words, what is lacking from wrestling that you wish were present? Does “Thought put into it” count? lol.  Honestly most of the criticisms I'd level at wrestling would actually be directed at WWE.  One of the reasons I'm enjoying NJPW so much is it just makes so much more logical sense from a booking standpoint and there's so much less fiddling around with awkward scripted ‘sketches’ and forced drama.  WWE books like a bad reality show whose megalomaniac scripters are passed out in a table full of cocaine and money, so trains of thought don't actually reach the station. 20.   Grievances? Anything that bugs you about wrestling or the way it is presented? Commercial breaks on the WWE Network? Teasing that a certain someone was “up next” but only showing a video package?” Hahahahaha is it possible this question was inspired by Recent Disappointments?  XD Again, a lot of this would be directed at WWE.  Commercial breaks during matches, god, I can't even tell you how wrongheaded that is.  It completely takes me out of the story; I remember when it hardly ever happened, and when it did JR would apologize profusely for it, but now you've got a match with 2 or 3 commercial breaks in the middle of it, if it's something I'm only passingly interested in sometimes I've forgotten who's even in the ring by the time we get back to the action.  It's the equivalent of a drama going to commercial while somebody's in the middle of a sentence, and returning after they've finished making their point. And again, with poor damned planning and stubborn refusal to accept criticism or feedback.  Time was, if something went over like a lead balloon, it'd be reworked or tweaked or dropped altogether, but now...if it's something they want to happen badly enough they'll stick with a plan no matter how disastrously stupid or actively harmful to their own interests it is.  I'm thinking specifically of the idiocy that is having a man hold your top title who will /maybe/ show up five more times this entire year, so he can drop it to a man 80% of the audience has absolutely no interest in seeing whatsoever, in a match that will probably be terrible.   Oddly, sometimes we have the same problem in the opposite direction - being dead set on an idea while simultaneously waffling on committing to it; consider the repeated delay of Eva Marie's “debut match” which went on over a month, culminated in her being suspended offscreen, and likely her retirement from active competition.  Also the entire debacle with “Emmalina,” wherein the writers were 100% behind the idea of changing Emma's gimmick apparently without even once consulting Emma about whether she was comfortable with the new direction.  Similiarly the endless -promo videos- for the Shining Stars, and Darren Young's reboots...lengthy wait times followed by lacklustre debuts followed by essentially, no actual plan for any of them.  (and yes, there is an unspoken fear here related to Recent Disappointments, I’m sure it’s shared) 21.   And finally, anything you’d like to add to this questionnaire? *thinks a moment*  Shinsuke is the bees knees.  That's all.   22. How active are you in the online wrestling community? Not at all or do you occasionally visit wrestling forums and message boards? Do you read wrestling newsletters or listen to podcasts?Once upon a time I will admit to being a member of the “Brides of Kane,” and that's all the information you're getting on the subject lol.  I've been delighted to find an active community on tumblr, as it turns out it's more fun to watch / bitch about wresting in company.  I check the news sites daily - this is always true when I'm watching.And I occasionally give Jericho's podcast a listen, or run through some of Xavier's gaming videos.
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goodtobegeeking · 6 years
Entanglement (2018) (film review by Mark R. Leeper)
Entanglement (2018) (film review by Mark R. Leeper)
CAPSULE: ‘Entanglement’ is a pleasant but forgettable relationship film suggested by inaccurately applied laws of physics. Ben is a poor, woebegone soul who finds a woman who is his exact opposite and somehow the two are forever connected. Ben’s life can find its centre only if he finds this theoretical woman. Scripter Jason Filiatrault has an ear for clever, amusing dialog and director Jason…
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