#or from rexburg
pasteliume · 1 year
i’ll always think of people much longer than they think of me
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nerdygaymormon · 5 months
Why did you choose to remain in the church when you figured out you were gay? What made you want to stay?
Let me share why I'm in the church now.
I had an experience where I felt like God said it's okay to leave this church, but if I'm willing to stay there was a special work to do. As a result, I feel like I've had some amazing opportunities come to me.
For a long time, leaving the church didn't feel like an option to me. It was part of being in the closet and trying to pass as straight.
I was a teenager in the 1980's and when I figured out I'm gay, it didn't feel safe to come out. I attended 2 different high schools, no one else was out. Staying in the closet was a way to be safe with my family, my community, and society at large.
I attended the church schools in Rexburg, Idaho & Provo, Utah. The way the Honor Code was at the time made it risky to come out. I finally graduated and wound up in a job with a Mormon boss and rented a place from a Mormon landlord. So while there were times I explored this side of me, legal protections weren't in place back then so coming out meant I could lose my job and my housing.
For a long time, coming out felt too big and too hard because I had several undiagnosed mental health issues, including a social anxiety disorder which made disappointing the people in my life incredibly hard, which is what would happen if I came out. So yes, I'm a late bloomer, and I have some regrets about that, but finally being out has been the most important milestone and transformed my life.
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yosb · 1 year
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im in boise this week attending the trial of lori vallow daybell. here are my sketches from today:
🔹lori’s sister summer shiflet during a court recess with her back turned against lori who kept staring in her direction 🔹rexburg police detective david stubbs on the stand 🔹fbi tactical specialist nicole heideman going over exif data abt the malachite rings purchased 🔹fbi analyst nick ballance going over cell phone pings
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misspearly1 · 2 years
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Chapter 3
Chp1 || Chp2 || Chp3 || Chp4
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
WC: 7K
Summary: How does one adapt to the changes of the world? You’ve grown too comfortable in the post-outbreak of the Cordyceps Virus. You had to change, for your own safety you had to change who you are, you had to alter your moral compass, but now one year after finding sanctuary in Jackson community, how do you turn back and change into what you once were to fit into the normalities of society? Maybe a certain Texan man who knows exactly what you’re going through could be of help, a lot of help.
Warnings: 18+ Adult Content. Minors DNI. There is violence and dark themes in this fic. A lot of flirting. Fade to black smut and then a lot of smut. Somnophillia. Joel and Reader are very horny here peeps. (Not sorry 🤣). Fluff.
AN: Wow okay! I don't actually know what my end goal is for this fic, did have an idea to begin with, but now I'm just going with the flow at the moment and I'm really enjoying the plot I'm coming up with as I go along. I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you my lovelies 💜
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Adrenaline is just a hormone that the body releases into the bloodstream when your fight-or-flight response is triggered. Amazing right? How your own body can produce a chemical that makes your heart beat rise and your mind react quicker, basically making you fast on your feet with god-like reflexes and quick thinking skills. 
Your fight-or-flight response was activated the moment Joel drove over the bridge leading into the heart of Rexburg City, where the Skincrawlers live - a nasty group of men, covered head to toe in their own dirt, wearing nothing but a piece of thin material over their crotch and behind, for whatever reason why, you do not know. Nor do you wish to know. Skincrawlers isn’t their official name, it’s just what you call them as they physically make your skin crawl.
After stashing your original vehicle somewhere safe, you and Joel managed to sneak into the army base like a breeze, but of course finding the keys for Cougar 4x4 MRAP was locked up tight in the HQ building, where the vast majority of the Skincrawlers resided. With far too many of them to face head on in a fight, you and Joel kept on with being stealthy and carefully slipped by them all, reaching an office on the southside and finding the keys. Everything was running smoothly, right up until you were caught running across the tarmac to reach the vehicle warehouse and an alarm was sounded. 
Your stealthy cover was blown, but it didn’t matter at all since you had the keys for the Cougar and it is from their retched behaviour and desire to ravage you and Joel that really triggered the release of adrenaline to flood your bloodstream. The adrenaline rush - where the real fun begins. You’ve never felt more alive than what you did sitting in the top seat of the Cougar handling the big gun while Joel drove around the army base like a madman. He made the right choice to put you in the gunner seat and you understood why he wanted one of these vehicles for himself. It’s like a mini tank on wheels, but quicker. Empty bullet casings rained down like a tropical storm as you let loose on the trigger, tearing up the Skincrawlers base while they ran for the hills. Would you blame them? Who would go face to face with this vehicle? You certainly wouldn’t. 
“Woah.” Ellie sighs. Cutting through your story telling with her chin placed into the palms of her hands and her eyes transfixed on you in Jacksons pub. A whole group of ears is around you listening, but she was most excited to hear how Joel and you brought back each and every one of the Rexburg Residents from The Temple. “What happened next?” She asked, intrigued to know everything. 
“Well, we chased them outta the city too, kiddo.” Joel answered with a chuckle. Seeing the child-like wonder in her eyes once again was refreshing, given the circumstance of their relationship as of late, he was optimistic of reconciling since she smiled at him, still asking for more details of how he and you managed to do what you did. Ellie’s grown into a young woman now, but Joel will always see her as his baby girl. Looking over to you, Joel jerked his chin outwards for you to finish the story while he nursed his beer. 
“There was a lot more supplies in that army base that Ronald knew about, too much actually.” You began after taking a sip of your own beer. “The Skincrawlers were hoarding a lot of useful shit. Years upon years worth of stock just sitting there, not to mention all of the things they had stolen off the poor people who entered the city.” 
“Shit, that sucks.” Ellie’s brows furrowed, thinking of the many that had failed at what you and Joel succeeded to do. Many were probably just seeking passage. 
“We cleared the city out, El.” You reassured the young girl. “Ran the Skincrawlers out, buried the people they had killed and cleared the bridge. Rexburg is open for any survivors that want to pass through unharmed. The Temple is our base now. We’re using that for more survivors and maybe even a place for Jackson to expand.” 
“Oh.” Maria popped out of nowhere, cutting in with her verdict. “No one said anything about The Temple being our base or expanding-”
“No Maria, think about it.” You cut her off too, not backing down with your idea. “Me and Joel can go back out there with a group, they stay at The Temple while we scout ahead for other communities, and if the group happens to find survivors while they’re waiting for us, they can stay at the Temple. The supplies Maria-” You emphasized with a nod, reaching into your jacket to pull out a sheet of paper with a list. “I ain’t lying about the amount of supplies, there was too much for us to transport back here and that Temple is locked down tight. Ronald made sure of it.” 
“We’d be willing to help, Ma’am.” George - one of the ten able bodied people of Rexburg - stepped forward, speaking on behalf of four other people behind him. “We know that area like the back of our hand, it’s still our home and we still have a fight left in us before we’re ready to retire. We, and anyone else who you’d be willing to give, would happily operate the Temple and find survivors.” 
“It’s expansion, Maria.” Circulating back to your own point, you patted George on the back as a thank you for stepping forward and backing you up. “If you’re okay with this and we go ahead, we will have a base eighty miles out in another state, not only finding survivors who want to live and make the world better again, but we will find the people who don’t, the people who pose a risk to Jackson and what you’re building here-” Upon seeing the look of consideration on her face, you could visibly see how she was contemplating the idea and decided to add some more good news. “-You want to know why the Skincrawlers took over the city? It’s because there is a solar power plant on the army base. The idiots had electricity but never used it. I checked it out myself Maria, they shut everything down. It looks as simple as flipping a switch.” 
“It probably will be.” Another man amongst the crowd butted into the conversation, this time it was a Jackson resident, one of the many who fixed the hydroelectric dam years ago. “Solar power is simpler and if it’s on an army base like you say, I’m willing to bet that It’s a backup source of electricity for the city.” 
The whole pub broke out in chatter of the idea, most favouring it and a small amount going against it. You looked around the room, taking in the reaction and feeling your chest swell with pride. For once in the whole time you’ve been a resident of Jackson, you actually feel a part of what they were trying to do here, like you were making a good beneficial difference of bettering the society. Ellie looked at you with a grin, her reaction and Joel’s making your own smile grow wider, but before the group within the pub could debate any further, Maria held her hand out and yelled for everyone to quieten down. “It hasn’t been decided yet folks, so don’t be getting your hopes up.” The woman turns to you then, her jaw tight with annoyance. “I need a word with you in private.” 
Oh shit, here we go. Sighing with defeat, you dropped your shoulders and turned to flash Joel a look as if to say, ‘wish me luck’ before following the leader of Jackson out of the pub, preparing yourself for the reprimanding. You know Maria is pissed, you can feel it. “What’s your goal here?” The woman turned to face you as soon as she passed the door, confirming your suspicions with her tone of voice. “What is it that you’re trying to achieve?” 
“Two birds one stone, Maria.” You shrugged, explaining. “I like being outside, but I can do good out there too. Things that could build the community that you’re building here. Before I came to Jackson, my only goal was survival, finding someplace safe and I never thought I’d find it, but I did and now I’m left with no purpose…” Stopping your ramble to take a second breather, you were sharing more than you liked to. “...All I have done for the last twenty years is fight for another day to live. Now, I can live here happily, but what do I do with the fight that's left in me? Isn’t it better to put it into a good cause? Fight for your dream of rebuilding?”
“That was my fathers dream.” Maria kicks at the pavement, dropping her head with a sigh. “All of this was his, he found this place and built the community. I just took over where he left off. My men fixed the dam, we set up security and we’ve just been living out here peacefully.” 
“Maria, I’m not here to take over or tell you how to run your community.” You say reassuringly. Feeling a sentiment of regret in her tone, you could sense that she wants this but is afraid of anything going wrong and you understand why too, being a leader of fifty families is fucking hard work and it’s a lot of responsibility for one person to take on. “You call the shots around here. I would just like to play my part with helping in any way that I can.” 
“God, Y/N why can’t you be an asshole again.” Maria chuckled, shaking her head. “That woman who always disobeyed the rules would make my decision a lot easier right now.” 
Damn, did Maria just call me an asshole, but in a complimentary way? Laughing with her, you shrugged your shoulders and shook your head. “I mean, I don’t think I was an asshole per se, more of a…” pausing to find the right answer, you ended up laughing again in agreement. “Yeah ok. Maybe I was an asshole.” 
“Yeah, but you always mean well.” Maria clicked her tongue, looking up and down the streets of Jackson. She stared for a second in through before looking back at you and gesturing with her hands. “This… Whatever this is that has changed with you, it has something to do with being out there, so you and Joel are still the reps of Jackson, I’m settled on that, but I can’t settle my worries of this expansion idea, Y/N. All I can think of is the risks.” 
“I know, and that’s okay too, Maria. Like I said, you call the shots.” Expressing a smile to the woman, you know for certain that time is all she needs to be swayed. Or maybe she needs a push, just a little nudge in the right direction… “Are we done here so I can go back to my drink?”
“And there it is. I knew she was still in there somewhere.” Maria laughed a genuine and sweet sounding laugh as she nodded. “Yeah sure, go ahead. We’re done here, Y/N.” 
Smiling to the woman with a curt nod, you turned and re-entered the bar with a heavy exhale. Holy fucking shit, that was… something. Collecting yourself together when seeing Joel look at you for answers of what happened, you gave him a wink and mouthed the words ‘later’ before accepting a fresh bottle of bud from him. “I finished yours, it was getting warm.” 
“Thank you, Joel.” You smiled, appreciating the gesture from him. Both of you raised your bottles when Maria re-entered the bar, giving you both a curt nod before making her way over to Tommy. 
“Hm, something good happened out there, I can tell.” The man whispered into your ear, but his beard tickled your skin, causing a giggle to bubble up from your throat as you playfully slapped his arm. “Stop that, you’re tickling me.” 
“Well, I didn’t do it purposely.” Joel retorted, defending himself with a chuckle. Though, upon seeing you narrowing your eyes at him, he brought his hand up from the table and gently held the side of your face. “I’ll show you what deliberately tickling you feels like, darlin’.” 
Trying to pull away from his grip when he dragged his bearded cheek across your neck, he also pinched the sensitive areas on your hips, making you laugh so much that your stomach began to cramp up. “Joel, please.” You begged between giggles, kicking the table. “You made your point!”
The man tutted before pulling back, showing you mercy. “Glad we’re on the same page now, pretty lady. I was going for the knees next.” 
“What? You mean like this?” Grabbing his kneecaps and laughing menacingly when he jerked in his seat, spitting his drink out, you let go of his leg to lean back in your chair, almost crying with laughter. He managed to get beer down his shirt and across the table because of your actions, but each time you stopped laughing and looked at his unamused face and his beard wet with beer, you broke out laughing again, rather loudly actually. It was catching people's attention. 
“I’ll get you back for that.” Joel warned, but you had great pleasure in reply with. “Oh no you won’t-” Leaning close to whisper, you shared why. “Let’s call this even for teasing me about cuddling you in bed, huh?” 
“You’re the one who cuddled me, darlin’.” Joel leaned in, making the gap between you both so incredibly small now, your lips were nearly touching at this point and he probably thought he could make you break first with his intimidating stare down, but that didn’t bother you in the slightest. In fact, it made you that much more confident to bite back. “Yeah, that’s true-” You smirked, well aware of the eyes on you and Joel, expecting you both to kiss each other. “-But I didn’t hear you complaining about it either. Actually, did I put your hand on my thigh too, Joel? Hm, that’s funny.”
“Yeah, that is funny, darlin’.” Joel backed down, his cheeks blushing a crimson peak in colour as he lowered his head with the biggest and dumbest smile on his face. “I wouldn’t know anything about that, sweetheart. I was sleeping. So were you. Maybe it just happened naturally.” 
“Joel Miller.” You tutted. Shaking your head at him jokingly, you enjoyed watching the man blush for being called out like that and you wanted to tease him more now that you’ve had a taste for it. Placing your lips to his ear, you spoke in a degrading tone. “See, I think you know exactly what I’m talking about, cowpoke.”
“Maybe…” Joel paused. Licking his lips and thinking carefully, he placed a hand to your inner thigh with a gripping squeeze before caressing the flesh. “Maybe we should do it again sometime. So we can find out how it really happened.” 
“Oh.” Sucking in a sharp breath of air, your lips formed into the shape of an ‘o’ from his manoeuvre. It felt good, really fucking good. Hand firmly placed to your thigh, burning a hole in your jeans, he dragged a thumb across your leg and looked down to your lips, waiting for an answer. 
You answered by taking his hand away from your thigh and standing from your chair. The look of defeat flashed across his face before you then pulled on his hand, whispering. “Let’s go find out how it really happened, Joel.” 
That smile reappeared on his face and he took one more swig from his beer before standing too. “Yes ma’am.” 
1 week later 
“Are we ready?” You ask, buckling up your seatbelt and turning to Joel, who fired back a rather excited ‘hell yeah, girl’. 
Leaving the Cougar in Jackson, you both were taking your original car back out on the road for another run as Jackson reps after a week's worth of preparation and a little rest too, but with that little nudge to sway Maria on her decision sitting in the back seat. 
It was radio equipment, everything you would need to set up in The Temple to report back to Jackson. Maria doesn’t want to risk sending people out there and that is understandable, but a radio base is just an alternative for now. Tommy was in on the idea and even helped by gathering some of the equipment, most from within Jackson, but the big haul came from a quick scavenger hunt that you took during the week. Your plan is to reach The Temple, set up everything then attempt to reach Jackson to set up a secure line of communications. Eighty miles is quite a stretch for a two-way connection, but at the very least you can broadcast your signal and let them know you’re okay. 
Driving out there should only take a day and a half, and you have enough supplies in the flatbed of your truck to get you that far before dipping into the supply that you left at The Temple, plus there are still more things to be salvaged at the army base too. You weren’t exaggerating, that place is a gold mine for supplies. You’re taking first shift driving while Joel sits in the passenger seat, cycling through a selection of music tapes to listen to. The man made sure to bring some music along this time after the last run. It was too quiet and boring for him apparently, but you didn’t care because you agreed that music would help for the ride ahead. What you didn’t plan for is him to fall asleep not even three songs into the playlist. 
Fully laid back, mouth open and snoring, Joel was having the time of his life sleeping the hours away while your eyes remained glued to the road and that was really boring. Hm, I suppose he needs the rest for when he takes over later. You think to yourself. Your thoughts are all you have right now to accompany you anyways and boy did you let them run free while he was sleeping. I wonder if he dreams about that night… The smirk crept onto your lips, thinking back just seven days ago when you left the pub with Joel and took him home.
The things that the man did to you in your own bedroom, the way he left you in a puddle of your own mess, whimpering and begging for more, should be illegal. You’ve never resorted to begging, but you begged for Joel and when he finally stopped with his edging and gave you want you want, you have never been left so utterly satisfied in your sex life. Joel discovered things about your own body that not even you knew, reaching areas that deep within your core, given the right angle, that you didn’t think could be reached. That man had shown you a whole new experience, but ruined it for others. No one else could ever satisfy you like Joel. You know it. And what you also know is that one night of passion with the man is simply not enough. You want, no, you need more of him. You need more of Joel’s loving touch at every chance you can get, but being out on the road together doing a difficult and dangerous job is not the right time or place to do it. It’s too risky. Distracting. Just like it was distracting you now as you tried to concentrate on the road when all you can think about it pulling over and climbing onto his lap, waking him with a kiss. 
“Fuck!” You say out loud, unintentionally but thankfully not loud enough to wake him from his slumber. I’m frustrated, Joel. Sexually frustrated and it’s your fault! Sighing as you shake your head, you haven’t felt this way in a long time. In fact, you can’t exactly remember the last time you had sex, Joel is your first in what must be at least eight to ten years now. You’ve been celibate for so long that a non existent sex life didn’t bother you, but now it does since you’ve had sex again. I wonder if he could tell. Your face scrunched in thought. Could he tell it’s been a while? Maybe that’s why it was just the once. 
Joel didn’t act differently at all after that night. The man took a shower the next morning, ate breakfast with you then headed out with you to start preparing for this trip. It was weird because it felt… right. As if you both knew that you’d end up having sex, it was just a matter of when, but the issue now is that you find yourself asking if there's anything more to it, or is it just meaningless sex. I’ll ask him later when we’re ready to call it a night, not while we’re driving. 
Keeping yourself entertained for now with the music playing through the car, the song that played next started with a ghostly yodel. Country music with a country singer, you should have guessed Joel liked this music, but this song in particular was called Cowpoke which made you smile considering you like to call Joel that name. You wonder if he purposely chose a tape with this song on there just for that reason. It was an old song, you could tell, but it had a nice beat to it. The next song however, you recognised instantly with the beginning guitar riff. It was Otis Redding, Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay and you couldn’t help but sing along, but quietly so as to not disturb Joel as he slept. 
Before you even knew it, half the day was gone already and Otis had played his song four times already, but this time with Joel rousing just in time to hum along with him. It was time to switch seats, you needed a break from behind the wheel, but first you both needed a good stretch. There is a spot you picked out to sleep in last time you drove this route and if the break on the side of the road is kept brief, you both will make it there in time before nightfall. “I need to stretch my legs.” You say as you pull the car over to the side of the road. “My ass is numb and my legs are cramping.” 
“I can help with that, pretty lady.” Joel eyed you up and down with a smirk, eliciting you to roll your eyes at him. Unclipping his seatbelt and hopping out the second the car was turned off, he stretched his arms out wide, his shirt riding up from the action. Shaking off your thoughts about the trail of hairs on his abdomen, the ones you kissed when you went down on him that night, you got out of the car too and did the same as him, stretching your arms and legs before joining him at the side of the road. 
While Joel went to retrieve a couple items from the back of the car, you sat down on the grass and leaned back onto your hands, basking in the evening sun with closed eyes, until you felt a pair of lips on your own and a hand to your shoulder gently pushing you back. “J-Joel what are you doing?” You ask breathlessly, feeling him slot between your legs and carefully distribute his weight above you. 
“Kissing you.” He mumbles before slipping his tongue past your lips. Exhaling a deep breath when feeling you grind against him, he met your movements halfway by rutting into you. “Eager for me, aren’t yer darlin’?” Joel asks, mockingly. 
“Yes, Joel.” You gasped. More than you know. Kissing him back feverishly, your body spoke all the words you couldn’t as you clamped your legs around his back and ran your hands up under his shirt, feeling his skin beneath your fingers, but Joel broke the kiss to look you in the eyes with a smirk. “Well, you’re gonna have to wait, sweetheart. We’re on a schedule.” 
Missing his touch as soon as he moved away, you sighed, feeling even more frustrated than before and sat up to face him, looking for answers. “What are we doing here? Do you like keeping on edge or something?”
“A little, yeah.” Joel chuckles. Grabbing a couple sandwiches for you both and handing you one, he pulled your leg over his lap and began massaging your calf. “I like when you're a whining mess beneath me, and I ain’t sorry about that either.” 
“Asshole.” Muttering under your breath before taking a bite from the sandwich, you appreciated the moment you were sharing together right now as he kneaded the cramp away from your leg, looking in your eyes with what you can only describe as lust, but there’s a chance you’re going to ruin it with your next question. “And what about what we’re doing here? Are we a thing or is this just sex?” 
“I don’t do casual sex, if that's what yer thinkin’.” Joel spoke seriously and looked at you seriously. Running his hands up your legs and grabbing your thighs, he dragged you close to sit in his lap. “I’d like this to be something, but if you feel differently then we should end it here, pretty lady.” 
“Ok, cowpoke.” Fighting back the smile on your lips and swallowing your food, you were relieved to know that Joel wasn’t looking for casual sex, but you didn’t particularly plan for a relationship either. It’s new and exciting. “What happens if I want it to be something too?”
“Then it’s just like I said.” Joel smiled, kneading the flesh of your ass. “You’re just gonna have to wait. We’re on a-” he pauses briefly, slipping his hands closer to your heat, “-really tight schedule, darlin’.”
Nodding to him, you rolled your lips together in an effort to disguise how his words and actions clearly had an effect on you, on your nether regions in particular. You were soaked, pulsing with every subtle touch from his fingers. Jesus, this man knows how to please a lady. Smiling with your thoughts, you placed a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth and adjusted your legs to properly sit in his lap before tucking into your sandwich again while Joel took his first bite, his lustful eyes never leaving yours. 
This road trip is going to be very exciting that's for sure. 
Opening your eyes with yawn, the sunlight trickled through the car, alerting you that it was morning. You need to get moving, get back on the road. Peeling your cheek off of Joel’s shoulder, you turned your head to look at him but found that he was still sleeping soundly. The movement from you stirred him a little, causing a whimper to slip past your lips with his semi-hard member still seated inside of from last night's activities. 
Resting your cheek back down to his shoulder, your eyes roamed his face in adoration for the man while he slept. You could get used to this. Waking up in Joel’s arms and feeling spent after a night of his passionate love making. Your core ached and your legs too from the positions he had you in, but you loved the feeling he left, the claim he made on your body. You’re his, there’s no doubt about that now, and that thought alone made your heart swell and your smile grow. 
After driving the rest of the way last night, he stopped at that spot you picked out to rest in, which was a blocked tunnel, but the entrance itself had enough space for you to park the car up and provide a little cover from the natural light slipping through the windows. You like to sleep in darkness, much like Joel and this place was perfect at concealing you both fucking like wild animals in the front seat of the car before you collapsed onto his chest and fell asleep. You giggled quietly when remembering the horn being pressed a couple times from Joel pushing you up against it and pounding into you from behind. The noise echoed throughout the tunnel and he stopped his actions, waiting to see if he had unintentionally alerted anything hiding in the shadows, and when he was satisfied that he hadn’t, he turned you around and switched the positions before returning to fucking you, but slower and deeper, with loving kisses. 
It was only hours ago but thinking about it had you feeling horny again, ready for another round with him. However, there is business to attend to and at some point, you have to wake him up and get dressed. Just five more minutes. You battle with yourself, pulling the thin blanket further up your back and nestling into his chest, you were just about to close your eyes but instead, you widened them upon feeling him grow. The little movements from you weren’t waking him, but it was waking something else. You could feel your slick around his cock sucking him deeper into your pussy and your brows rose with intrigue upon watching his mouth open to gasp before he settled again, and when you pulsed around him, his brows furrowed before his face softened again. This is fun. Rolling your lips together, you felt a blossom in your lower stomach with the idea of waking him with an orgasm. 
Carefully peeling your body away from his, and slowly sitting up properly, the action caused you to sink down further onto his cock and elicited a humming groan to slip past his lips. You smiled when seeing that it didn’t wake him and took an experimental roll of your hips and the man gasped again, this time tossing his head to the side. Joel was rock hard, you could feel every ridge and vein rubbing through your walls when you pulsed around him. Lifting yourself off him and sinking back down, you moaned with the sensation and watched his hands ball into fists as he murmured something under his breath. He was slowly waking up with each movement you made, but before you could lift yourself off him once more, the man startled you by wrapping an arm around your back and pulling you down to lay on his chest. 
“Last night wasn’t enough for you, darlin?” Joel growled. Gripping bruising handfuls of your ass to lift you up and then slam you down onto his cock, eliciting a soul shattering cry of his name to slip by your lips, he continuously repeated this action, knocking the breath out of your lungs each time he thrusted through your quivering pussy. He put one foot up on the dashboard, giving him that extra leverage to pound up into your cunt as he held you in place. Your desire was soaking him before you even reached the point of climax, hitting that particular sweet spongy spot deep inside, his skin slapped yours vigorously with each thrust. “Oh, there you go again, Y/N.” He mocked, delivering a harsh slap to your ass. “Fucking making a mess of yer’self.” 
“J-Joel…” Whimpering his name, you lifted your head to kiss his lips but he grabbed the back of your hair and buried your face into his neck, grunting into your ear. “No, darlin’. You stay just like that for me and take my big cock like a good girl.” 
Unable to move an inch from the hold he had on you, all you could do was take the punishingly good pleasure of his cock driving through your dripping wet cunt at a brutal pace. Goosebumps rippled across your back, you felt butterflies in your chest as the coil in your stomach threatened to snap at any moment, and your throat burned as you wailed his name for the umpteenth time in the last twelve four hours. “That’s right, baby.” Joel yelled over your voice, the car rocking from his pace. “Scream my fucking name when you cum on my cock, Y/N.” 
“JOEL!” Mewling with your release, a blanket of white static erupted behind your eyes and the man held both palms to your ass, holding you in place just in time for the onslaught of liquid gushing out and around his cock. Your moans hit notes you didn’t think you could hit as you writhed with pleasurable aftershocks. Spark shooting through your whole body, your toes curled with overstimulation as he grinded into you, drawing out more desire from your cunt as you whimpered into his neck, but he wasn’t finished yet. If you have learned anything for the x amount of times you’ve had sex with Joel thus far, the man wasn’t finished just yet. 
“Look at me, darlin.” He requested, his voice gravelly, but soft. Doing as he asked, you tilted your head to look at him, breathlessly panting in your face, his forehead flushed with sweat and his irises expanding like he was on drugs, only the drug was your pussy and the man was high off it, living in ecstasy. “Almost there, sweetheart.” Joel pressed his forehead to yours and planted a sweet kiss on your lips before rutting up into you again. “Hm, if I could cum inside yer doll I would, but I quite like that mouth of yours taking my load.” He kissed you again, this time slipping his tongue inside while picking up his pace. “Oh fuck.” Joel moaned, actually moaned. High pitched and sounding needy, his brows pulled together upon feeling his balls tense, ready to release his warmth inside of you but he warned through gritted teeth. “Where do you want it baby? I'm close.” 
“My mouth.” Pulling off him quickly and dropping to your knees, you wrapped your lips around his length, tasting the remnants of your own sweet desire before sampling a taste of salty pre-cum, his balls were tight in your hands as you sucked. Burying your nose into the hair on his mound, you looked up at him through half lidded eyes and moaned with pride upon seeing the man laying back with closed eyes, his face absolutely torn with bliss. “Y/N.” Joel gasped, running a hand down to his lower abdomen and bucking his hips off the seat, his mouth fell open with a long and drawn out groan as he pumped a hot load of his seed into your tongue. The noises you made as you gulped back each spurting rope was worthy of another orgasm. Your pussy clenching around nothing with the sinful noises he was making, you moaned when slipping your hand down your body to massage your over sensitive bundle of nerves. Still sucking him off, you drew every last ounce of desire that he could give before releasing him with an audible pop and inhaling deeply to catch your breath. 
“Get back up here and kiss me, darlin’.” Joel called for you. Beads of sweat rolled down his temple, the car windows completely fogged over from your steamy love making and when you clambered up his body, your skin stuck to his as you met his lips in a kiss, you shared the mixture of your desire and his. Laying your weight down onto Joel, your pert nipples pressing into his chest as his cock slid through your folds, you whimpered when the tip of his cock brushed past your clit, feeling your libido rise again with a vengeance. How is it possible to want more after all that he has given you in twelve hours? 
Joel at this point has the map to your body memorized, he knows exactly what you're feeling right now from the way you’re kissing him and the way you're moaning. Without hesitating, the man took his hard cock in hand, running the tip up and down your cunt, taunting you with it. “This what you want, darlin? Hm? You want more?” 
Nodding into his neck, you held onto his shoulders and grinded your hips, dragging your slippery folds along his dick and whimpering when his bulbous tip breached your entrance. “Take what you need, baby.” Joel groaned, closing his eyes and savouring the little noises you made as you fucked yourself on his cock. Your movements were slower than his, languid and deliberate, but your pussy squeezed him tight, accentuating every bump and ridge of your velvety walls. You were close, Joel could tell. You were squeezing him even tighter and your soft mewls got louder directly into his ear, and he was close too, surprising even himself of the stamina he had lately, but you stopped your movements abruptly. 
“Darlin?” Opening his eyes to look at you, his brows furrowed when seeing your face scrunched with concern. “What is-” He tried to ask but you shushed him quietly, shaking your head. It didn’t take a genius to know that you were listening for something and Joel listened too. Tilting his head slightly to look through the spots in the window where the condensation had disappeared, he didn’t see any movement, but he heard a distant howl. It was infected. “You heard that too, right?” You ask in a whisper, to which Joel nodded and bucked his hips. “We got a few minutes before they get here, let's make this quick, baby.” 
“You can’t be seriou- oh fuck!” You moaned softly, then bit the back of your hand to muffle the noises you made as he kept rocking his hips while murmuring quietly into your ear. “Oh I’m dead serious girl.” 
Joel Miller is an entirely different breed of man. He continued to fuck you in the front seat of the car while a group of infected were approaching to see if the noise was their next meal, but upon noticing that they were getting too close, the man turned the car on and rolled the windows down before driving off with you bouncing on his cock, your hands gripping his neck to balance yourself as he drove erratically. Somehow, the danger of the whole situation made you feel even hornier, especially when seeing his eyes roll into the back of his head and struggle to concentrate on the road from your grip around him and the moans you moaned into his ear. Only until he was at a safe distance away did he pull over and watch you finish on his dick, seconds before he unleashed his own desire across his stomach. 
The both of you were a panting mess in the front seat of the car, flushed with sweat while the breeze blowing through the windows cooled off the post coital heat still lingering around in the air. You were in a great need of a shower too, but taking a minute breather at the side of the road was cut short as that group of infected caught up and Joel had to drive again. The Temple was an hours drive away from the tunnel and he kept you on his lap the whole way there, his cock still hard and buried deep into your cunt. 
Joel, is just a different breed of man. 
“Homeland, Homeland, come in. This is Juliet reporting to Homeland, do you copy? Over.” Joel spoke into the microphone quietly. After a long day of setting up the radio equipment, preparing dinner and setting up camp for the night in The Temple, you had crashed out as soon as you laid your head back and he didn’t want to wake you. 
“Homeland, do you copy?” He tried again after a short while. “This is Juliet, reporting to Homeland. We made it to Alpha and we’re safe. Standing by for your message. Over.” Looking over to where you lay, the man wanted to join you right now but he needed to try a couple more times to see if the connection was reaching for a two way call. The code names were your idea. Homeland meaning Jackson, Alpha meaning The Temple and Juliet meaning Joel, but you didn’t give yourself a code name to be used over the radio. He thought of one while he waited for a reply and smiled when he found it. “Homeland this is Juliet. If you’re receiving this message loud and clear, just know that we’re safe. Juliet and Pretty Lady have reached Alpha and we’re safe. Over and out.”
“Juliet Juliet. This is Tango. Do you copy? Over.” Tommy’s voice crackled through. Joel could practically hear the excitement in his brother's voice and it tore a big victorious smile across his face. There's a working line of communications. “Tango, this is Juliet. I hear you loud and clear brother. Over.” Joel chuckled. Leaning over in his chair, he couldn’t wait to tell you in the morning and see the smile on your face. 
“Oh thank God.” Tommy sighed. “Can you stay a while? I want Maria to see this. Over.”
“Sure Tango. I’ll stand by. Over.” 
Almost an hour and half later of communicating with Jackson, Maria was thrilled to know that there was a direct line of communications. If there shall ever be a situation arise where you need help, this radio would come in handy. Joel or you can report back whenever to let Homeland know your plans and when you’re moving out to find another community. Finishing his call by saying goodnight to his brother and Maria, Joel also requested that they also relay the goodnight to Ellie for him before the radio went silent. 
Looking up at you again, the man set the equipment down, stood from his chair and pulled his shirt off before joining you on the air mattress. Joel lifted the covers carefully so as to not disturb you, but nipped a trail of kisses up your arm and neck before settling behind you, his arm laying around your stomach and chin buried into your neck. You hummed sleepily and snuggled into his warmth. There’s a lot of work to do around here and he looks forward to every minute of it because you are by his side every step of the way. 
You’re his pretty lady.
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 0481
Connor Hammond, Idaho inmate 134046, born 1997, incarceration intake in 2019, age 22, scheduled release on 02/24/2029
Leud and Lascivious Conduct with a Minor under 16, Rape - Victim aged 16 or 17 with defendant 3 or more years older than victim
A former Brigham Young University student faces up to a decade in prison for the rape and lewd conduct of a 14-year-old girl he met on Tinder.
Connor Hammond and his attorneys Kristopher Meek and Dan Dummar met before Seventh District Court Judge Steven Boyce. There, Hammond pled guilty to one charge of rape and two counts of lewd conduct with a child under 16 in exchange for the state dropping three other counts of lewd conduct.
Boyce sentenced Hammond to four years determinant and six years indeterminate for the rape charge. The Judge gave the same sentence for the two lewd conduct charges ordering those to run consecutively with the rape sentencing. Boyce gave Hammond credit for the six months and 15 days that he spent in the Madison County Jail.
Hammond’s parents spoke prior to the sentencing and reported sthey had a counselor lined up to help him, another 12-step program for him to attend and a job he could work at while serving probation at home in Oregon.
Connor Hammond’s Rexburg Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bishop also spoke highly of Hammond. Numerous letters in support of Hammond from friends and Latter-day Saints missionary friends in Australia were presented to Boyce.
Madison County Prosecutor Rob Wood reported that the victim initially told Hammond that she was 18, but later admitted she was 14. The victim also told him her dad was deployed with the Army. Such information gave Hammond the opportunity to manipulate the vulnerable girl, Wood said.
Wood reported that Hammond had fondled the breast of a 17-year-old Oregon girl earlier this year. He also stated that while Hammond was in Australia and under constant supervision, he had five sexual encounters where he fondled a girl’s breast. Hammond had also failed a polygraph test where he lied about other sexual incidents.
Hammond told investigators that he never forced the girl to have sex and told them she convinced him to visit her home, Wood said.
“That’s true. We understand a 14-year-old is confused and is acting out. Both agreed (sex) happened, but they have different stories. No one other than Mr. Hammond knows exactly what happened,” Wood said.
Wood reported that Hammond told investigators that he felt pressure to get married following his Church mission.
“It’s mind boggling any 21-year-old BYU-Idaho student would settle down with a 14-year-old girl and have a family,” he said.
Wood also noted news reports where Hammond texted BYU-Idaho students telling them he had an impression to type their names into Facebook and hoped to meet them.
“He was preying on religious vulnerability and naivety at the same time,” he said.
Wood told Boyce that Hammond had proven he couldn’t be trusted and any kind of probation or a one-year rider would show the community that child rape wasn’t taken seriously. Wood also asked Boyce to sentence Hammond to at least six years in prison and to pay a $5,000 civil fine.
Meek spoke and reminded the Judge that Hammond had no previous criminal record, and that he had graduated from a 12-step program while held at the Madison County Jail.
“The retrospective of anyone’s life is that they’re not weighed wholly on the bad decisions they make. Connor Hammond certainly made some poor decisions. Those poor decisions shouldn’t be the only things that this court looks at in examining his sentencing today,” he said.
Meek noted that Hammond was “looking for love in all the wrong places. That could not be any more true than it was at the time this incident took place. He tried to find love with other adult partners. He needs someone to rely on in order to feel loved and cared for.”
Meek reminded the Judge that Hammond’s victim lied about her age, but agreed that Hammond should have ended the relationship when she admitted her age.
“He wanted to be in a relationship. She asked if they could be boyfriend and girlfriend — perfectly playing into his psychological issue. He recognizes now that he needed her, but he should have been smart enough to end it,” he said.
Meek reported that Hammond admits that what he did was wrong and that he has an addiction to pornography that he’s sought treatment for.
“Those are not the statements of an individual who believes ‘I didn’t do anything wrong.’ ‘It wasn’t me.’ ‘It’s all her fault.’ Rather, it’s somebody taking ownership for what he’s done,” Meek said.
Meek reports that Hammond has written an apology letter to his victim, but the letter has not been sent because of a no contact order in place between the two.
Hammond also spoke and apologized to the victim, the victim’s family, his family, the community and BYU-Idaho.
“I know I’ll have a lot of hurtful words thrown at me. I know I’m strong enough to get through this with support from my family. I know I need a lot of help. I’m willing to get that help. I just want to have friends that I’ve known for a long time,” he said.
The Judge noted how complex the case was, and that the state and the defense had suggested vastly different punishments.
“This occurred in Mr. Hammond’s car that got stuck in the snow bank. A 14-year-old girl was in the car. The officer had some suspicions about what was going on,” he said.
Police reports stated that officers found the pair on February 26 at Beaver Dick Park where Hammond admitted to having sex with the girl.
The Judge expressed concerns that Hammond failed to pass the polygraph test and had previous sexual contact with other underage girls.
Boyce was adamant that Hammond’s victim shouldn’t be blamed for what happened.
“There was a comment made in sentencing that ‘What’s causing her to invite men into her home?’ Men don’t go into minor children’s home for these types of activities which have been stated inappropriately as a relationship,” he said. “It’s far beyond that. It’s an illegal relationship. It’s against the law. It’s rape. It’s lewd conduct with a child und 16.”
The Judge pointed out the damage done to the victim and her family.
“The victim is going to take some time to get through this,” he said.
Boyce extended the no contact order between Hammond and his victim. He also ordered that Hammond register as a sex offender.
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virginiaprelawland · 1 year
The Lori Vallow Murder Trial
By Elizabeth Wolnik, George Mason University Class of 2024
June 2, 2023
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Lori Vallow has recently gone through a harrowing trial in which she was charged with murder, conspiracy, and grand theft in the deaths of her children Joshua (JJ) Vallow and Tylee Ryan [1]. JJ was 7 and Tylee was 16 when they disappeared in September 2019, and their disappearance involved a nationwide search. The Rexburg Idaho Police Department formally began a search of Tylee and JJ in November of 2019 after several family members contacted them concerned that they had not seen or spoken to the children since September. Lori continued to tell investigators that JJ was in Arizona with a family friend, but after many welfare checks on the children, they were unable to locate JJ or Tylee. Lori’s property was searched soon after that, but she and her husband Chad Daybell had already left the state. Both Vallow and Daybell were wanted for questioning in the children’s disappearance since they had not cooperated with the investigation. Lori and Chad were eventually found in Hawaii in January of 2020 without the children and Lori was ordered to physically produce the children to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare by the end of the month. Lori failed to honor this request and was arrested and charged with desertion and nonsupport of dependent children [1].
After months of searching, police eventually found the remains of the children on Chad Daybell’s property in rural Idaho [1]. Daybell was arrested on charges of destruction, alteration, and concealment of evidence as well as desertion. Police stated that they believed that Daybell hid the children’s remains on his property between September 2019 and June 2020. Court documents revealed the horrific nature in which the children were buried; JJ had been buried in a pet cemetery and Tylee had been dismembered and burned in a fire pit [1].
Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell were not indicted on murder charges until May 2021 [1]. The indictments state that the couple “did endorse and espouse religious beliefs for the purpose of encouraging and/or justifying the homicides” of JJ and Tylee. Vallow’s family responded to this by affirming that she had been obsessed with death and the afterlife for a long time leading up to this. Vallow’s marriage to Daybell, who was a doomsday evangelist and author, seemed to deepen her beliefs [1]. Before their marriage, the couple would meet up to record religious podcasts together. They would discuss “zombies”, or people whose souls were replaced by dark spirits. Around this time Lori began referring to her previous husband Charles Vallow as a “demon” [3].
In early 2019, Charles Vallow, Lori’s previous husband, called the police to their home in Arizona because he was concerned that Lori had “lost her mind” after she locked him out of the home and had taken his car [1]. Charles told police that his wife “believed she was a god and that someone had taken over her body”. Charles also stated that “She threatened…to murder me…she lost her reality.” Charles Vallow filed for a divorce a few months after that but was shot and killed by Lori’s brother Alex Cox who claimed self-defense in July of 2019 [1]. Shortly after this Lori moved her kids from Arizona to Idaho to be closer to Chad Daybell [2].
After her indictment and numerous hearings, Lori Vallow was found not competent to stand trial on two counts of concealment in the death of her children. A judge ordered her to be committed to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare for 90 days of treatment since Idaho does not allow for the insanity defense, or the Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity plea [1].
Competence within the criminal justice system refers to a defendant’s capacity to participate in their defense and to make decisions during the trial process [4]. Since the conviction of a mentally incompetent defendant is a violation of due process rights, the court must order a competency hearing if “…there is reasonable cause to believe the defendant may presently be suffering from a mental disease or defect rendering him mentally incompetent to the extent that he is unable to understand the nature and consequences of the proceedings against him or to assist properly in his defense”. Competency evaluations must consist of a psychiatric or psychological evaluation, which produces a report that is submitted to the court. Forensic psychologists make an evidence-based statement that declares the defendant incompetent or competent, but the final ruling of competence is made by the court [4].
Forensic psychologists are held to a very high standard when it comes to the accuracy, reliability, and validity of their reports [4]. Some psychologists may choose to administer psychological testing along with a clinical interview when determining a defendant’s competency. It is also important that forensic psychologists review the defendant’s case information and interview family members or treatment providers who may have more insight into the defendant’s situation. After the evaluation, forensic psychologists submit a detailed report to the court that describes the data collected, observations, clinical impressions, and the defendant’s background information. The report also goes into depth about the defendant’s current mental functioning and an outline of their abilities that are relevant to be competent to stand trial. Forensic psychologists also make recommendations for treatment of the defendant if their competency needs to be restored [4].
After a year of treatment, Lori Vallow was found competent to stand trial and the trial date was set for 2023 [1].
After a five-week-long trial, a jury returned guilty verdicts on all six counts of murder, conspiracy, and grand theft for Lori Vallow. Prosecutors produced 60 witnesses and detailed the horrific events of how JJ and Tylee were killed and how their remains were discovered [5]. The state described Lori as a negligent mother who believed she was on a “religious mission” that ended up being more important than her children. Lori’s defense attorneys did not produce any witnesses and Lori herself did not testify in her own defense, believing that the state had not proven their case [7]. Lori’s attorneys argued that she was a loving mother who had fallen for a “weird religious cult leader” and that there was no evidence tying her to the murders. Prosecutors on the other hand stated that Lori had joined Chad to set in motion a chain of disturbing events that led to the deaths of JJ, Tylee, and many more people [5].
Throughout the trial the couple’s bizarre beliefs were reiterated. Chad and Lori deemed people either a “light spirit” or a “dark spirit” and called those who had been taken over by evil spirits “zombies” [5]. They also believed that the only way to free someone’s soul from the darkness was to kill them, and the couple used this justification in the brutal thought process of murdering JJ and Tylee [5].
One of the jurors in this trial, Saul Hernandez, was interviewed by Good Morning America shortly after the guilty verdict was returned [6]. Hernandez said that when the jury began deliberating, he was the only one who thought that the prosecution had not proven their case. After seven hours of deliberation, it became clear to Hernandez that Lori Vallow was guilty. He said that he was “disgusted” by the photos of Lori and Chad smiling at their beach wedding just weeks after JJ and Tylee were killed and that he found it “hard to look at” Vallow as more and more incriminating evidence emerged. Herndanez stated, “Growing up, we’re taught good and bad, God and evil, and I think for the first time in my life I put a face to evil.” [6].
A sentencing trial has not been set for Lori Vallow yet, but she does face life in prison. Judge Steven Boyce, of the Seventh Judicial District, granted a request from Lori’s attorneys to take the death penalty off the table prior to the trial [7].
[1] https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/know-lori-vallow-murder-trial-rcna77980
[2] https://www.12news.com/article/news/crime/lori-vallow-trial-proceedings-begin-monday-arizona-idaho-murders/75-14c600a8-3067-456a-b6d2-c525d20f4454
[3] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lori-vallow-chad-daybell-case-timeline/
[4] https://www.viennapsychologicalgroup.com/how-do-forensic-psychologists-determine-criminal-competency/
[5] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65567072
[6] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/lori-vallow-new-charges-alex-cox-b2340331.html
[7] https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/12/us/lori-vallow-daybell-guilty.html
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rastronomicals · 1 year
7:02 PM EST December 11, 2022:
Johnny Cash - “I’ve Been Everywhere Man” From the album Unchained (November 5, 1996)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
He’s been to:
Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota, Buffalo, Toronto, Winslow, Sarasota, Wichita, Tulsa, Ottawa, Oklahoma, Tampa, Panama, Mattawa, La Paloma, Bangor, Baltimore, El Salvador, Amarillo, Tocopilla, Barranquilla and Padilla, Boston, Charleston, Dayton, Louisiana, Washington, Houston, Kingston, Texarkana, Monterey, Ferriday, Santa Fe, Tallapoosa, Glen Rock, Black Rock, Little Rock, Oskaloosa, Tennessee, Hennessey, Chicopee, Spirit Lake, Grand Lake, Devils Lake and Crater Lake, Louisville, Nashville, Knoxville, Ombabika, Schefferville, Jacksonville, Waterville, Costa Rica, Pittsfield, Springfield, Bakersfield, Shreveport, Hackensack, Cadillac, Fond du Lac, Davenport, Idaho, Jellico, Argentina, Diamantina, Pasadena and Catalina, Pittsburgh, Parkersburg, Gravelbourg, Colorado, Ellensburg, Rexburg, Vicksburg, El Dorado, Larimore, Atmore, Haverstraw, Chattanooga, Chaska, Nebraska, Alaska, Opelika, Baraboo, Waterloo, Kalamazoo, Kansas City, Sioux City, Cedar City and Dodge City.
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houseofwolvesbuzz · 10 months
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House of Wolves takes place in Idaho, specifically located in and around the beautiful Salmon-Challis National Forest. 4.2 million acres of forest and wilderness is the perfect place for werewolf packs to hide in plain sight. This is not populated land - Rexburg is 4 hours away, and the town of Salmon isn’t what anyone would consider large.
Most werewolves find jobs within their packs. From learning medicine, to shepherding livestock, concepts such as stocks or the housing crisis aren’t used in common discussion. If a werewolf does seek out a human-involved job, they’ll often work from home, or if they’re really dedicated, find some mix between the long travels between large cities and the packs. Though Salmon remains the most “human” town - the Grays Peak and Sleeping Deer packs pooled their resources sometime in the ‘70s, creating the “neutral territory” town of Stormy Peak. It rarely receives human visitors aside from weary travelers and excited mountaineers, and really hasn’t changed since the ‘70s - walking the line between charmingly sleepy and completely stagnant. Exciting amenities include: the only restaurant within an hour’s drive, a hotel that hosts most inter-pack meetings, a few small businesses, a hospital (the only up-to-date building) and a K-12 school (yeah, you’re better off taking your kids to Salmon for that). The packs maintain their own territories - the older packs have built their own communes, homes safely nestled into the comfort of the woods, blending in without sacrificing the comfort of WiFi and running water. All packs reside in the mountains - residing somewhere around the landmarks they have named themselves after. Cryptic will probably make a map, but it’s safe to assume that their territories are vast - filled with plenty of wildlife and natural beauty to keep the packs safe. The Sleeping Deer pack resides next to a mountain lake fed by a waterfall from the Sleeping Deer mountaintop - their homes scattered around the lake. There is no central packhouse, however they do have a large firepit that meetings are scheduled around. A boathouse is set on the shore of the lake - filled with small canoes and other swimming gear. The waterfall provides electricity to the pack - though this source gets difficult in the winter. The Grays Peak pack hides within deeply wooded forests - it’s almost as though their homes were built around the trees - treehouses and living trees growing through their houses are common. Because of how carefully they build their homes - they focus on larger, sturdy, many roomed houses - almost multigenerational houses. There is a central packhouse, perched around a massive Western Red Cedar tree where meetings, cooking, and other group activities are held. Salmon River has the most room out of all the packs - their territory contains much of the actual Salmon River - a mixture of mountains and plains provide the pack the opportunity to be creative. Salmon River pack is the only pack to have things like barns and farmland - Salmon River has a fairly decent cattle population, as well as horses when they don’t feel like shifting forms. Their packhouses are more scattered than the rest and less uniform - when the pack expands, they tend to build at random - preferably somewhere that gives them a good vantage point in the plains. Their meeting place is in the largest barn on their territory - smack in the middle. Fresh sawdust and the smell of concrete hangs in the air around Thunder Mountain - this pack is still building their homes, and really haven’t figured out their general aesthetic. Their homes are like typical human homes - they’ve even thrown around the idea of paving their roads. Thunder Mountain has received the scraps of the other packs, as well as territory that was never claimed in the first place - though initially Thunder Mountain seems barren, a series of caves and tunnels have led wolves of the pack to explore them as potential storage/defense. Thunder Mountain has been holding gatherings wherever they’d like - though the idea of meeting in the tunnels has crossed many of their minds.
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gravity-rainbow · 1 year
“We do not want to lose our jobs because we disagree with the public about ‘literary merit,’” said Cora Irelan, a Moscow High School English teacher. “Thus, we are left only with the option of not teaching most of what is in our curriculum. Our students will not be exposed to ancient Greek and Roman epics, nor to Shakespeare, nor even to Mark Twain.”
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sheppyscribbles · 1 year
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Only took me, what, twenty years to get around to making a proper reference sheet for Pyro. Considering I first created him as part of a roleplay with someone who is now deceased ... well, no time like the present. Originally from a planet in the Sirius-Procyon Federation, as a baby Pyro wound up being sent to Earth as part of a Planetary Cataclysm Evacuation Drill gone very, very wrong ("What do you mean, you pushed the launch button?!"). A suburban couple took him in and raised him as their own, naming him Dexter Rexburg. Being short, fat, nerdy, and an alien wolf meant that Dex was bullied a lot as a kid. It wasn't until high school that he had a proper growth spurt and developed his fire powers - and even then, he only graduated to being ignored most of the time. Burning with a passion to protect the innocent (and just kind of burning in general), Dex decided to become a superhero! Alas for him, the nearest city uses superheroes and villains as more of a tourism draw than anything, so his actual heroic deeds are limited and not very noteworthy. Still, even as the sarcastic straight-man of the League, he keeps his hopes up for the chance to burn bright ...                                    
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mkg-modelmyopia · 2 years
Who will you be? What will you do?
Consumer-grade tech conglomerate, Myri-AD, is about to host its 75th Anniversary Sweepstakes. The prize? A home in Myopia, a gated community like you've never seen it before, nestled in the scenic landscape just north of of Rexburg, Idaho. Myopia features a whole array of smart-homes decked out with top-of-the-line Myri-AD products, but that's just the beginning! Beautiful gardens, a shopping district, all that modern living demands can be found within the safe, comfortable walls of Myopia.
You are invited not just to visit, but to stay: free of charge. Myopia is not merely the future, but your future--your utopia.
Model Myopia is a 16+, supernatural friendly, modern fantasy-inspired MKG roleplay taking various inspirations from anywhere between Zero Escape to House Hunters and beyond! Featuring an all-star cast of 18 players with an additional 3 Mod OCs, MM will explore themes of personal identity, community, and survival.
Ready to apply? We ask you, whoever you may be, this:
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nerdygaymormon · 11 months
John 13:26 - Jesus feeds Judas
26 Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.
Jesus identifies the person who betrayed Him by feeding him. 
Jesus didn’t cast out the betrayer. Jesus didn’t get upset and overturn the table. Jesus didn’t prevent Judas from carrying out the plan.
Jesus gave Judas bread after having dipped it in His own cup. Prior to this, Jesus had also washed his disciples’ feet, including Judas’. 
In other words, knowing what Judas was up to, Jesus cleans and feeds him, showing remarkable care towards Judas and treats him as a friend, showing love to the end. 
Jesus never excluded Judas, Judas was included until he excludes himself. This story shows us who Jesus is and who Judas was. 
It’s remarkable.
Jesus treated Judas so well that none of His disciples were able to detect that it was Judas who would betray Him. That’s loving your enemies.
Is this how we treat those we perceive as a threat or enemy?
Elder Boyd K. Packer declared that the greatest threats to the LDS church are gays & lesbians, feminists, and scholars & intellectuals. I remember hearing this in 1993 as a first-year student at Ricks College, the church-owned school in Rexburg, Idaho (now known as BYU-Idaho). As a faithful, newly-returned missionary, I was shocked. I am gay, I was beginning my academic journey, and considered feminism to be important in lifting the status of women and in fulfilling the destiny laid out in the US Declaration of Independence and in Jesus’ teachings. Did this make me an enemy? 
Does the church exclude queer people and treat us as enemies? It certainly hasn’t treated us as friends and has done much to push us away.
In Elder Packer’s talk, he included excerpts from a letter by a gay member who shared some of his positive, loving & spirit-filled experiences at church and some bad experiences with Church members and leaders. Then he wrote:
"So in a spirit of friendship I offer that which I have to give -- the life experience of a gay Mormon. At your convenience I would be happy to meet with you to discuss the issues facing gay Latter-day Saints and the Church. The purpose for meeting is not to debate, or to presumptively call you to repentance, or to be called to repentance myself for being gay. The point is to meet together and share what we have for the good of The Kingdom and the furthering of the Will of the Lord on Earth."
Rather than accept this offer, Elder Packer held it up as the personification of a threat. The LDS Church took many steps against gay people, and in the process turned many of those perceived as a threat into actual enemies.  
What do the actions of the Church reveal about itself? What do the actions of queer people or feminists or academics who try to stay in church, despite everything, reveal about themselves? Which is more Christlike?
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Rexburg, Idaho Mormon temple: *has call from private number*
Lady who picks up: Rexburg temple, this is so and so
YouTube video: "here are 10 reasons why Mormonism is a cult!!"
Lady: *hangs up*
Private number: *calls again*
Same lady: Rexburg temple, this is so and so
YouTube video with Billy from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy: DESTROY US ALL! DESTROY US ALL! DESTROY US ALL!
Lady: *hangs up again*
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yaren-avci · 2 years
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[yaren avci] is [an omega-level] mutant with the ability of [super strength]. they’ve been in new york for [two weeks] where they spend most of their time as [an omega / government agent]. when i think of them, i think of [a winter breeze whispering through a hole in the wall, storm clouds heavy with the threat of thunder, and a pearly smile for the cameras biting down on a bloody tongue]. they are affiliated with [the seven deadly sins]. || (su kutlu, twenty-five, cis woman, she/her) —
trigger warnings: car crash, parental death, evil scientific experiments on children, abusive relationship (brief mention)
tl;dr: aspiring child star yaren lost both her parents when they were driving her back from a commercial shoot. left alone in the world, she was taken in by a government agency and trained as an obedient agent, where she was experimented on and obtained a mutation. now she’s a loyal attack dog to linda mccall, and the seven sins <3 feral little sister energy
full name: yaren hiranur avci age: 25 gender: cis woman mutation: super strength personality: apathetic god complex, loyal to a fault, the puppet master and the puppet both at once height: 5′5 fc: su kutlu star sign: aries
> yaren was going to be a big star some day. alright, rexburg, idaho, wasn’t known for turning out big stars, but yaren was sure she was going to be one of them and not just another cliche. her parents were devoted, and made sure she got tap lessons, and always participated in school plays.
> ever keen to pose for the camera with a pout and a twirl, she managed to land a commercial for Baby Alive Dolls. yaren was THRILLED, and became insufferable at school. in the weeks preceding the commercial shoot, all she talked about was herself and how her acting career was going to take off. 
> and the shoot was everything she dreamed of. the adults cooed over how adorable she was, with her big dark eyes and her long red curls, and her mom said she’d put the money into a bank account to keep it safe for when yaren was old enough. yaren was babbling away about all the plans she had, strapped safely into the back of the car as her parents drove her back to idaho after. it seemed like everything was going right, until it wasn’t: a drunk driver collided with their car, and both yaren’s parents died on impact. 
> there was no family left to take her in. the avci’s had emigrated to the states from turkey after the rest of their family had passed away due to various infirmities and accidents; so she was taken to a special school run by the government. yaren’s love of theatricality and acting made them think she would be a natural for spy work, and as a precocious, aspiring star she wasn’t going to question going to a special school. she was special, after all. 
> she didn’t understand where her family were. the trauma of the crash meant she didn’t remember it at all, and she concluded that her parents would be around to pick her up at the end of the semester. yaren particularly excelled at any espionage skills, and as she grew older and began to understand better that her parents wouldn’t come back, she got angry, too. combat became an outlet; an essential one. the once bubbly and vivacious child turned dour and short tempered. 
> that temper didn’t extend to the agents in charge of her training. yaren imprinted upon them as the only parental figures she has left, and it turned her into something of a perfect warrior. she didn’t ask questions, she didn’t care about anything, and she didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger. by twelve she was a robot for them. she had nothing else.
> linda mccall wasn’t looking for children of yaren’s age for her experiments, but yaren caught wind of something new happening, some new program, and she marched her child-sized self to the office and demanded they include her. her compliance and her excellent track record meant that in spite of her age, they agreed it was worth a go. a younger lab rat meant broader data. they said she might die; she didn’t care. 
> even when the experiments hurt, far beyond the scope of anything she’d experienced before, yaren did not care. all she knew was that when she ripped herself from the chains holding her to the table and instinctively threw one of the scientists clean through a wall, linda mccall looked proud. the violence wasn’t so much born of rage as being ferally overwhelmed by the strength and power coursing through her. yaren felt like a god, and linda mccall worshipped at her feet. and like a good deity, yaren would do anything for her worshippers. linda asks, and she jumps.
> after the experiments wound down, yaren still had six years left at the academy. much of her tutelage would go on to take place privately, one-on-one, as her strength made her a wildly uneven match to her peers, but she continued working relentlessly on her skills.
> at 18 she graduated and was turned loose; yaren had never been so unhappy. she felt incomplete without linda’s guidance, and without the structure of the academy. in the end, she decided to lay low and mind her own business while she awaited orders. yaren returned to idaho, and got a job as a lumberjack. her colleagues thought she was a freak because of her mutation, but they never said a word about it -- when yaren was on duty, the others could kick back with their coffee and she would pick the trees up far more easily and quickly than the heavy machinery.
> so, she waited. she tried a relationship, but when the guy lifted a hand to her she removed the hand as easily as snapping a carrot stick, and decided romance wasn’t for her. yaren’s evenings were filled with whittling and scrimshaw, and visits to the drive-through. though her movie star dreams are dead in the water, she still loves the glamour of hollywood and is totally enraptured by grace kelly, marilyn monroe, and elizabeth taylor. 
> and then after years and years passed and yaren was beginning to wonder if she ought to give up hope, she heard from linda. yaren was going to new york, and she was being given the role of a lifetime...
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TODAYS POTATOES ARE FROM: 😶😶😶😶Rexburg, ID 😶😶😶😶😶😇😇😇😇😇😇😇💙💙💙💙💙😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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tourporlaindiaseo · 22 hours
Chad Daybell
American author and former gravedigger Chad Daybell rose to fame after becoming involved in a widely reported criminal case. Daybell was born in Provo, Utah, on August 11, 1968. She was raised in a Mormon household and subsequently joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Daybell worked as a gravedigger before being involved in the criminal case. He also wanted to be a fiction writer. He wrote multiple books, mostly in the religious fiction and apocalyptic genres, frequently taking inspiration from his Mormon faith.
Daybell's life drastically changed in 2019 after he was involved with Tammy Daybell's disappearance and the ensuing discovery of human remains on his Rexburg, Idaho, home. Particularly after it became known that Daybell had wed Lori Vallow, whose children, Tylee Ryan and Joshua "JJ" Vallow, were reported missing, the case garnered a lot of media interest and conjecture.
Take advantage of Tour Por la India Company's Golden Triangle Tour with Varanasi to witness the historical splendor and cultural diversity of India. This painstakingly designed tour offers a thorough understanding of India's varied past and customs by taking visitors on a journey through the well-known cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur in addition to a visit to the holy city of Varanasi.
The Tour Por la India Company: Why Choose It? Knowledgeable guides offer insightful commentary and interesting cultural experiences throughout the journey. Take advantage of their expertise.
Comfortable Transportation: Enjoy a smooth and comfortable trip between destinations by traveling in style and comfort in contemporary air-conditioned cars.
Customized schedule: Take advantage of a personalized schedule that gives you enough time for sightseeing, shopping, and cultural immersion while letting you experience each location at your own speed.
Highlights of Varanasi's Golden Triangle Tour Delhi: Historical Landmarks: Take a tour of the Old Delhi's busy streets and stop at famous sites including Chandni Chowk, Jama Masjid, and the Red Fort. Modern Marvels: Explore Delhi's contemporary side with trips to Qutub Minar, India Gate, and Humayun's Tomb, which highlight the city's extensive architectural history. Agra: Taj Mahal: Enjoy breath-taking views of this architectural wonder at dawn when you visit the Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Agra Fort: Marvel at the elaborate design and historical significance of the towering stronghold constructed by the Mughal emperors, Agra Fort. Explore the colorful culture of Jaipur, also referred to as the "Pink City," and take in sights like the Hawa Mahal, City Palace, and Jantar Mantar. Travel to the outskirts of Jaipur to see the magnificent Amber Fort, which is built atop a hill and provides sweeping views of the surroundings. Experience the spiritual essence of Varanasi, one of the world's oldest cities and a revered Hindu pilgrimage site. Varanasi is known as the Spiritual Capital. Ganges River: Take in the captivating Ganga Aarti ceremony, where priests use fire and incense to execute rituals while devotees assemble to pray and ask for blessings. In summary Tour Por la India Company's Golden Triangle Tour with Varanasi provides a special chance to delve into the spiritual significance and rich cultural legacy of some of India's most famous locations. This tour promises an amazing adventure full of discovery and enlightenment, whether you're gazing at the architectural wonders of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur or losing yourself in the spiritual aura of Varanasi.
With Tour Por la India Company, plan your Golden Triangle Tour with Varanasi today and start your journey toward a transformative experience.
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