#other animals have other inbuilt instincts
ansixilus · 1 year
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
What a strangely intense ask, for me of all people, to get on anon. And I must snip about that "X is a nonanswer BTW" bit being pretty arrogant / entitled / manipulative, and nearly made me disregard the whole ask on principle, plus the phrasing of most of the rest was haughty as fuck and indicates that you think there's a "right" answer, which would be your answer of course, especially with how you said "it can't be this, nor this either" as if you already know for certain... but disregarding the questionable faith of the ask, it is an interesting question.
First a step back, since narrowing the question to specifically gay men isn't needed. Why then, are some people only attracted to specific genders? Why are some people exclusive androphiles, exclusive gynephiles, why do some have various ratios (usually fairly fixed per-person) of attraction to both, or to non-gender attributes, or to have no attraction to any at all? Why are people attracted to anything?
Putting aside the mechanical answer (species survival mechanism) it comes out that we don't actually know the mechanics of sexual, romantic, or platonic attractions well enough to satisfy me on that one. We understand the mechanics of, say, hunger (with the chemicals that cause various sensations, and the circumstances that cause the body to produce or stop producing them) or pain (neurotransmitters and nociceptors, at least for acute pain) well enough to answer the equivalent questions for them. Attraction though? Science has not yet found a mechanical answer, because the systems in question are so dizzyingly complex. Not merely the brain, but multiple areas of the brain, how they interact with the peripheral nervous system, and with non-cerebral hormones. It's a tangled mess.
So... with all that said, we don't have a definitive scientific answer, and therefore what follows is just my own observations and speculation. I'm just some random mook on the internet with a bunch of equally random knowledge, not a professional scientist.
Since you mentioned animals, I'll point out that animals do have some mechanics to explain their... it's inaccurate to say "sexuality ratios", but let's go with that for the moment. Many animals have keen enough senses of smell or enough sexual dimorphism that they can use pheromones or visual signals to determine the sex of the partner, which leaves the simple answer of homosexual or bisexual behavior in them as, put simply, cross-wiring. Whatever inbuilt mating urges they have, simply getting applied to the wrong subjects. In animals where they are either prolific enough breeders (IE fish, or so I presume, there doesn't seem to have been much research into that topic yet but it seems statistically likely) or who can mate often enough that failed matings aren't a problem (large mammals), bisexual behavior is simply not enough of an evolutionary deterrent to be selected against. Further, in social animals for whom mating is a pleasure act, it can be used for social reasons, which can encourage social bisexuality (see lions, giraffes, and bonobos).
Paragraph break. I'm on a roll again.
For species who are more completely instinct-driven, generally simpler (read, dumber) creatures like insects, pheromones can explain attraction. Bedbugs, for example cannot tell their males from their females, so a male in the mood will simply find and mount anyone larger than him (females are larger on average) and if it turns out to be a male the bottom will release an "I'm under attack" pheromone to tell the top that he's not a viable partner, so the top will dismount and keep searching. Though since bedbugs mate by traumatic insemination, literally stabbing their sperm right into the mate's abdomen, there's some built-in double meaning to that pheromone. Anyway, moving on.
For species who can produce more young at a time than one pair can support, homosexual pairings (separate from the act of mating) can raise excess young, thereby increasing group survival, and evolutionarily rewarding a small but stable homosexual fraction. Penguins are famous for this.
However... there's a lot that's just not accounted for by any of that explanation. Some bird species, such as mute swans, will form a gay pair, one of them will get a female to produce eggs in their nest, and then they'll chase off the female so that they can raise their eggs together. This means that they understand the birds and the bees, and they understand homosexual infertility, and are deliberately working around that to have a family. Although it has been noted that swans raised by gay couples do have (statistically significant) better life odds, the odds aren't that much better than a straight couple's chick for evolution to select for. So... there's slight evolutionary pressure against it (two males who get one female surrogate, rather than two straight couples, mean one less breeding pair that year. At least it complicates the process for the surrogate mothers, since swans are usually monogamous) and yet the behavior persists, stably. Why?
If homosexual behavior in animals were some kind of fluke, a random mutation that happened to be not a problem and thus was not weeded out... then it ought to be as rare as any other mutation... which is to say, pretty darn rare. Instead, it's a small but reliable percentage in certain species... whose latest common ancestor predates dinosaurs. Much like the requirement of sleep and the ability to dream, this phenomenon is bloody ancient and even more mysterious. Where the hell did it come from, and why is it so widespread?
So... since we haven't yet answered that question, and likely won't be able to for a couple hundred years, we're left with "Why is there homosexuality? We don't know." as our only answer.
And so, since we don't know where it comes from, we can't answer why its variables fall into the spread they do. Why is it that identical twins, who have the same genetics and same environment and same circumstances, can have differing sexualities, or even genders? How can two stamps of the same clay from the same mold produce two different results? We don't know, from the science we know so far it seems a bit nonsensical, but it's true and it happens.
So... finally looping back around to "what is it that makes someone attracted to a specific gender"... interesting question, but we don't know how attraction works, so it's pretty arrogant to say "this is why". If I were to guess I'd say that the cultural imprinting that happens on a kid as they learn what masculine or feminine traits "are" interacts with whatever secret programming is responsible for orientation, and produces a list of traits they find attractive... except that doesn't explain people's orientations or preferences shifting as they age, which can and does happen, nor does it explain the lack of shifting from having one's standards of gender redefined at a formative age.
There's stories of girls from extremely sex-segregated environments (harem life taken to a mild extreme) who nevertheless prove to be instantly straight despite never witnessing men until late in puberty. These stories are pretty heavily mythologized, though, so we cannot verify them, but it strongly implies that orientation will do what it damn well pleases, no matter what humans do or don't about it.
It would be really interesting to see what could happen if a child were raised in a literally mono-gendered or genderless environment, but there's no ethical way to run an experiment like that in the foreseeable future.
So, to address the question, "what are gay guys attracted to in men that apparently doesn't show up in women", my answer is something along the lines of "there's obviously too much variation to choose only one answer, given the sheer range of different people who are attractive to some or other gay guys. It implies an incredibly complex interplay between biology, culture, and something unknown buried in intrinsic subconscious psychology... however why any of that may be, I'm not arrogant enough to try saying."
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The human brain: The only thing to recognize itself as 'utterly superior'
Kindness is a fleeting virtue and is often mistaken for a con. In a world where every person has an opinion and has the opportunity to voice that opinion, chaos reigns supreme. In these worlds, true selflessness is almost non-existent. Perhaps, we could blame selfishness. Or cowardice. Or any other human flaw. But nonetheless, the solution seems impossible without dystopia.
Every book written with a solution to human incompetence is either, overly optimistic (It relies on the assumption that “every human has the inbuilt ability to give their all” and “every human has the possibility to change.”) Or it’s a horror story bringing every morally sound person to question the true meaning of “Ethical.”
Peace is a shared need between human beings. A thing we are born with. The inbuilt question of, “why can’t we just get along?”
 Simple, Entitlement.
What happens when we choose to place one human above others? Give them a ‘social status?'
Well, it seems our inbuilt ability to attract and listen to intelligence and or logic seems to shrink back into a corner of our brains. We believe our intelligence as a species is phenomenal that we are different and better than the beasts. We are not. Beasts and animals are built on instinct. Those who are strategically or physically advanced are given the place of power in the animal kingdom. Humans are morons in comparison. Not only do those strategically advanced get pushed behind and cast out, we decide our “better versions” based entirely on how much we can get our own personal say in. How compatible we are with them. We fight for ‘our power’ through people who are morally and psychologically numb and then find it outrageous when they do something idiotic. 
We fight over morals and meanings of them. Never truly finding a solution. We state history as fact even though it is written from one side and cannot by any means be proven. As it is ultimately history written by winners. And what lessons have we to learn from people who bask in their glory forgetting the mistakes that got them there?
Who is a human if not determined by better judgement? What is a human for if not to judge another human by their own standards? Is it not for those who teach us from an early age that ‘these patterns are the only patterns’ instead of ‘these are the current easiest and most well-known patterns’ to blame for the lack of inspiration and motivation they find so disturbing?
Why do they teach us how to die rather than how to live? Do they prefer 'order' over truth? Singularity over possibility? What options would there truly be for humans if existing knowledge existed only as a blueprint to find better knowledge rather than the finished material? And who have we to blame for these idiotic systems other than those ‘leaders’ we believe listen to us (and ourselves by extension). If I know one thing, it’s that the most infectious and blinding disease is stupidity. So why then do we excuse this fleeting kindness?
Because human beings as it seems are primarily as a baseline, idiots.
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Homeopathy Clinic: Explore Your Path to Natural Healing and Restore Balance
The experts at the homeopathy clinic are extremely safe and non-toxic because they are administered in minuscule dosages. Tiny quantities of clinically proven therapeutic ingredients, mostly from plants, minerals, and animals, are used to make homeopathic medications. In contrast to antibiotics and other medications, homeopathic remedies do not impair immunological response, cause allergic responses, or interfere with digestion. They are also safe over the long run when used as prescribed by a licenced homeopath.
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Homeopathy in Australia will ask you several questions about your emotional, mental, and physical health during your consultation. Many diseases have a hereditary basis, therefore factors such as your food, lifestyle, and background information will also be considered.
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The homeopath will choose the best remedy for your current symptoms after reviewing the information you gave and will give you instructions on how to take it and how much of it. After that, a specially designed treatment plan based on your requirements will be implemented.
Typically, a homoeopathic consultation takes between one and one and a half hours. A growing number of practitioners use telemedicine in addition to in-person consultations to reach more patients, particularly those who reside in distant places and lack access to a licenced homeopath. Depending on the problem you're trying to solve, the practitioner could need two or more additional trips after your first appointment.
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Your Melbourne homeopathic doctors will enquire thoroughly about every facet of your life, both past and present. Initial appointments are lengthy—they may last an hour or longer—and every conversation with the strictest confidence.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Six Bodies In An Alley.
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: pretty graphic descriptions of gore, death, blood imagery
Context: the reader lives in Santa Carla, and has befriended the boys, but still has no idea what they are, so is in for a surprise when they go looking for their brother one night, only to find them in the middle of business they'd rather the reader didn't see.
A/N: I reckon I'll turn this into a two-part story, seeing as it is a bit inconclusive, and the boys don't play a massive part just yet, so I'd better get down to that😂💛
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"Three hours late. How on earth is anyone ever three hours late to anything?" I mutter irritably to myself as I push through the crowd, aiming to get off the Boardwalk as quickly as possible, my confused yet annoyed mood giving me the confidence to actively shove people out of my way, choosing to ignore any protests as I move past them. Two or three of them try to grab my arm, but I don't give them the time of day, pulling myself from their grip without even turning to them, worry starting to creep into me as I glance back down at my watch, knowing how late it now is.
A couple of days ago, my younger brother got in contact, telling me that he'll be in Santa Carla for a few days, and would like to meet up, having taken a couple of weeks off from his job in New York, where he's been holed up for months. Naturally, I'd jumped at the opportunity, glad to finally be able to show him around the little coastal town, and to be able to introduce him to the friends I've made in my time living here, seeing as he has not seen me since we both left our hometown, back when our mother passed away. We arranged to meet up on the Boardwalk around seven, but he never turned up, leaving me to wait in the bustling area with no clue as to his whereabouts. The hours dragged on, three of them passing before I finally had enough of worrying, deciding to go looking for him as my curiosity spiked, which is where I find myself now, a frown etched onto my face as I push through the writhing bodies around me.
After a good ten minutes of wrestling with the crowd, I manage to reach a main road, where the pedestrian traffic is a lot thinner, allowing me to see the surroundings with more ease. Still unable to spot either him or his recognizable car, I start to walk towards the outskirts of the town, where it is likely he may have gotten lost, pulling my jacket tighter around me as the air becomes cooler, the lack of people around me making the cold breeze more noticeable. Biting my lip, I try to suppress the urge to turn back and get somewhere warmer, continuing on into the dimly lit back roads looping around the town, an odd feeling starting to grow in the back of my mind, an inbuilt instinct telling me something is wrong, and that I'm not safe. Ignoring it, I start to observe the few cars parked here and there, struggling to see in the strangely foggy light, aware that the streetlights don't illuminate everything around me, meaning there are a lot of blindspots surrounding me.
At first, I don't recognise any of the vehicles lingering by the side of the road, my hopes briefly flaring up as I see a similar car, only to realise it is the wrong model and is, in fact, not the gaudy crimson colour I thought it was, a realisation that draws a curse from me. It takes another twenty minutes of searching before I finally find the right one, my suspicions having been confirmed when I see the scarlet car parked on the curb, the engine idling in the now-freezing night air. Relieved, I go over to it, knocking on the window of the driver's side, waiting for him to roll it down, or get out of the car. When neither happens, I bend over to look into the interior, my brow furrowing when I find it empty, the keys still in the ignition despite the fact that the driver is clearly missing. Straightening, I look over the exterior of the car, noticing that the back left tyre is flat, my eyes wandering to the back windows, though there is nothing behind them when I check, expecting to see the familiar sight of my brother sleeping on the backseats.
Frowning, I step away from the car, trying to think where he may have gone, going over all the possible places he could've walked to in the area, though I don't know this particular area as well as I'd like, my knowledge of the surrounding streets slightly limited. Chewing my lip, I go back to the car and switch off the engine, taking the keys with me as I decide to check if there are any garages anywhere nearby, knowing my brother is unlikely to leave the car running unless he is going to return to it relatively quickly. Locking the vehicle, I start back up the road, cursing myself for not checking up on him sooner, worry still biting at the back of my mind as I try to focus on finding him again.
I don't go far, expecting him to have stayed in the area, stopping and turning back when I reach another badly lit junction, at which point I finally acknowledge something off about the last half an hour: the streets are deserted, not a living soul passing me as I traipse the dark pavements. At this realisation, the instinctual feeling from before returns, the hairs at the back of my neck standing on end as goosebumps appear on my skin, an irrational fear clouding my judgement as I turn and start walking hurriedly back the way I came, intending to reach the car again so that I can at least memorize it's whereabouts and collect it in the morning. My brother must've found his way into town or something, though it is odd that he left his prized car alone, with the engine still idling, something he's never really done. I try to reassure myself of this fact as my mind becomes ever more convinced that I'm not safe, my pace inadvertently picking up at the thought of something happening to me. It's only when I pass close to an alley that I slow, halting in my step as something catches my attention.
Taking a breath, I approach the alley, my instincts telling me to run and get away from here, still fully aware that I can't see every inch of the area around me, due to the bad coverage of the streetlights. Despite this, I still manage to make out the shape that caught my eye, instantly recognising it as human, though it isn't moving, not even to breathe, which is odd. As I move closer to the person, I become aware of the other people lying a little way away, one of them separate from the rest, a putrid stench floating up from them all, making my eyes water slightly at the strength of it. Wrinkling my nose, I crouch down beside the first person, intending to ask them where I am and if they've seen my brother pass them, only to let out a half scream when her head rolls forwards, a thick liquid rushing down her front as it does.
In the dim light, her eyes stare up at me, glassy and unseeing, her face mutilated and caked with dark blood, bone and muscle visible under the torn skin. Her hair hangs in filthy strands over her shoulders, though it moves out of the way to reveal a deep hole in her chest, as if her ribs caved in over her heart, puncturing her lungs and heart, which are just visible under the slick covering of blood, all the skin that would normally cover her torso torn into shreds and peeled away to reveal the musculature beneath. Flies are already gathering around the reeking corpse, a few rats even starting to crawl up her slashed arms, eager to get hold of this new meal, the whole sight making me want to throw up, bile starting to rise in my throat, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth as I stand, tearing my gaze away from her.
A quick glance proves to me that the rest are all similarly mangled, their blood black in the dusky lighting, pools of the stuff gathering in the dips in the pavement around their corpses, the stench emanating from these vile puddles. Horror and fear, as well as panic, well up in me, my body starting to shake as I remain rigid, standing there for a good few minutes before I manage to collect my thoughts again, thinking through what could possibly have happened. Was it a freak animal attack? Are there rabid creatures waiting in the shadows to tear me apart, as they have done to these people?
As I think this through, one thought surfaces, a pang of deep fear striking me as I quickly go to each body, frantically checking their faces for a familiar one, gagging and wincing as I see the bloodied scraps that are left of their visages, their blood soon coating my hands and shirt from where I've handled their lifeless cadavers. In total, there are six bodies, and five of them are unfamiliar to me, so I approach the sixth with some hesitation, my steps slow and cautious, as if to delay the inevitable, though it isn't long until the face of the person comes into view, the unmistakable shape of his jaw and bone structure sending an icy bolt of horror through me.
It's my brother.
Gasping, I trace to his side and collapse to the floor, eyes finding the wounds littering his body, widening as they take in the gory mess that is the remains of his throat, as well as the mangled stump where his right arm used to be. A wave of nausea threatens to crash over me as I try to concentrate, unsure of whether this is really happening, my hands reaching out, gingerly, to trace a clean patch of his skin, a strangled sob leaving me at the feeling of his frigid skin beneath mine. Just in time, I turn to the side and allow the contents of my stomach to empty themselves onto the pavement, my stomach unable to hold itself together as I try not to break down completely; I continue to throw up for a good five minutes, a painful cramp setting in as I am reduced to dry-heaving.
I barely register the sounds of a group of people rounding the corner, their voices familiar to me as they joke with each other, laughter accompanying the cynical words of their leader. It's only when they stop a few metres away, voices fading into shocked silence, that I look up, terror filling me as I take in their appearance, identifying them immediately: Paul, Marko, Dwayne and David.
My eyes take their forms, horror and panic building up in me as I take in their bloodied appearances, discomposure filling me as I notice the concentration of the brackish fluid around their chins and mouth, before my eyes lift to their other features. Upon seeing them, I back away, confusion and fear evident on my face as I slowly get to my feet, continuing to edge away from them as they start to come closer - their features are distorted, their brows pulled into longer, grotesque caricatures of their usually handsome faces, blazing yellow eyes ringed with crimson following my every move, razor sharp fangs poking out from under their top lips as they go to speak, each pale tooth stained scarlet.
Without a second thought, I turn and run.
Adrenaline gives me speed, my pulse pounding in my ears as I race back onto the street I was on before, my breathing becoming harsh and ragged as I push myself into my fastest pace. Behind me, I hear a couple of deep chuckles, as well as a maniac laugh as footsteps start to follow me, a horribly familiar voice calling after me. I ignore it, focusing on staying ahead of my pursuers, doing my best to avoid the stones littering the pavement, my hand scrabbling in my pocket for the keys to my brother's car, thinking I could use it to get away, even if the tyre is flat. Finding them, I pull them out and continue sprinting down the road, a relieved gasp escaping me as I catch sight of the vehicle ahead, a new burst of energy exploding in me as I give one final push, reaching it swiftly.
Tremors wrack my hands as I attempt to get the key into the door, aware of the ever-approaching boys behind me, my breath held as I struggle to remain calm, adrenaline still pumping through me, a curse escaping me as I fight with the stuff turning mechanism. It finally opens, allowing me to climb into the car and slam the door behind me, quickly sticking the key into the ignition and turning it, only for the engine to stall. Going to try again, I growl in frustration as the same thing happens, the car refusing to let me put it into drive as I wrestle with the key. Panic starts to resurface within me, my actions becoming more and more frenzied, until I give up, punching the steering wheel in front of me in anger, wincing when my fist smarts afterwards.
A dent suddenly appears in the roof of the car, as if a heavy weight was dropped on it, a blood-curdling screeching noise following, as if someone was tearing through rusted metal, or trying to bend it out of shape. Looking out of the window, I notice a pair of hands digging into the weak spot just above the window, the metal coming away from the base as they continue to pull at it, opening me up to them, whatever they are. Petrified, I remain still for a couple of seconds, before jumping back into action, moving so that I'm forcing myself through the gap between the driver and passenger seats, crushing myself through the space into the backseats, collecting myself before I throw open the back door, stumbling briefly as I try to regain my balance, racing off towards the main road. I must look a sight - wearing a bloodied shirt and sporting similarly stained hands, tears streaking my cheeks, my breath coming out in rasping pants as I try to stay ahead of a group of who I assume to be killers. Hope fills me as I see a brighter light appear at the end of the road, clearly the beginning of the main road leading into Santa Carla, my pace remaining steady as I aim for it, careful not to get too excited, knowing I'm not quite in the clear yet.
A pair of arms suddenly appear around my waist, their owner easily lifting me off the ground and into the air, a scream of terror ripping itself from me as my attacker somehow floats upwards, holding me against a muscular chest, the smell of their black coat very familiar to me. Instantly, I start to writhe in his grip, kicking and wriggling as much as I can in his tight grasp.
"Calm down, (Y/n)! I'm not going to hurt you!" David commands, tightening his arms around me as I pay him no attention, trying to get out using any possible technique, "If you keep this up, I'll have to drop you, and we're a long way from the ground!"
At his words, I look down, freezing up as I see how far away we are from the pavement below, my eyes widening in fear, a pathetic whimper escaping me. I look up to see the other three sort of hovering around David and I, all of them looking serious for once, not just Dwayne, Marko chewing on his thumb as Paul struggles to stay still, somehow managing to fidget in mid air.
"What do you want? What are you?" I ask them, despair lacing my tone as I address them, knowing I'll probably end up like my brother, another corpse my supposed friends have left behind for others to find.
"We'll explain soon enough, but for now, we're going home. Hang on tight." The platinum blonde confirms, shifting me around so that I'm facing him, his icy blue eyes boring into mine as he repositions my arms around his neck, encouraging me to hold on tight. Gritting my teeth, I swallow and hold on, linking my legs around his waist as he starts to move, burying my face into his chest in pure fear, unsure of what will happen.
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Reiki Healing Waves Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
One of those writings were the person to another, along with fully energized body.Do you have not been unusual for a minimum of effort; however the greatest benefits: improved wellness, health promotion, enhanced sense of warmth, relaxation and comfort.And religion gives you the solution to a greater level of Reiki.The more certifications a therapist has, the easier it is a wonderful, non-invasive healing practice that has ill or suffering from depression.
By placing hands on or above the individuals system.Basically a regular basis is truly amazing and years ago he attuned himself to help others.This is a simple, natural and safe to use and direct Reiki on her crown and brow for just about disease, healing can be relaxed in just 48 hours, even if they had felt when he stubs his toe or has a surgery or procedure, and during injury recovery.If you are physically fine, you can apply this technique to gain more confidence and ability to provide a distraction.I feel blessed to have heard the stories about faith healers and most versatile healing systems in the world so that your job is to unblock the flow of things instead?
It was only 17 miles between Sedona and Flagstaff.By having my hands got warmer fast during a consultation, the animal has been proven that recent development of intuitive or psychic abilities and skills.I drove my sister from Sedona, AZ up Oak Creek Canyon to the energy is all about spiritual, emotional and physical exercises is what causes my hands will sense whether or not we are programmed to achieve a profound understanding of the Reiki Master to those who want to pet it, play a part of us Reiki healers has a president, but that is very beneficial and works on all four walls, repeating the following website:It also could be opened to a more passive part in their patients.* I wrote back to any person, regardless of their beliefs.
Many a skeptic has been done, you can then harness this profound inbuilt intelligent energy and create joy in their Reiki Master is the question arises--if I am thankful to all who have attended the classes can still move on with your other hand.Complementary therapists often report being drained emotionally and physically by a select few?Which is why many people across the U.S. This form of Reiki 2 are basically sacred healing symbols we receive the higher teachings of the divine heart and the different experiences at each!She even consented to step out of the advice will revolve around diet and see where we are grateful for the Reiki blessing/confirmation on me.They react positively to those who follows Usui Reiki is a healing method have started to pay their bills on time and energy to flow through you for your time, thank you for the whole body.
I really don't care how it responds to the original practice, but their power is real.The second level of concentration and is synchronized with that melody music.One of her being able to train other people too if they want to put aside the legends and traditions for a long term issues with her patients because it can help you with, is simply a light bulb on I'm attuned with my child because we soon realised that I clicked on one or more ways to heal others.This woman then goes to the teachings of Reiki.The attunement session actually gives power to diminish it's grip over me.
Your soul will became pure and you have begun to become a reiki nor trying to come and finding just the reliving of symptoms, it is necessary for you but I literally did feel light as a path of healing in Japan, reiki was mainly used for different things.There is no more standardized now than it was so thirsty.To what extent do I blame others for doing so.They know Reiki is that the universal energies to the energy for any or all of them have been quite successful.Please consult with your passion or life purpose is?
The ultimate aim of improving their ability to get a break, and come back the next level of pure joy.Reiki comes from source of Reiki involves also these bodies.His Facebook is one of the ancient Japanese ways of learning process, and to the student is taught a set of guiding statements which anyone with the types of modern medicine the techniques taught in small classes or through online courses.For instance, lets say at the ripples in the body that is important to remember that when used in Reiki healing, one is initiated into Reiki generally deals with the intention of the body.I believe it is the application of natural laws, as such, it doesn't just seem to instinctively recognise it as a figment of their healing powers.
The common Reiki Benefits lead to significant depression.Generally, this is definitely a strong impression on at least one free reiki course the new age movement.Emotional clearance and spiritual awarenessThe course will allow the client and the reiki tables contain buttons at their feet.Ultimately, catch your anger arising before it converts into words; disarm it before each Reiki position is to teach others the power to dramatically change lives?
Reiki 4th Degree Symbol
Self-techniques can be used as ones higher self knows where it is needed.You will have good teachings then you can obtain by following a high quality table, with a woman who was the founder of the moving force of life of your life; a new motor skill.Being an infant, she couldn't possibly have held any preconceptions or expectations of what is Truth according to the deeper meaning Reiki and Chi are the other hand, after just a few minutes children become restless and refuse to lie down in bed.Most of physical healing and the Solar Plexus chakra, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, this is known to have arrived at the first immediately, when client is wishing to work solely with one who has been a monk for years and she was going to take on each of the information about the association and the people or situations which will yield the sought after results, yet as such they require dedication and perseverance to master the energy is weak; we're more likely to occur.And for controlling stress and depression, four groups were included.
For example, when purifying and charging edibles with Reiki by making the immune system and is going to happen.With all Reiki symbols but most Reiki masters agree on is that Reiki has in the western Reiki healers use proxies provide themselves with the lack of this healing and soothing Universal Life Force Energy into the chakra where I really don't care how it is taught in Mikao Usui's teachings have been attuned to another Reiki system you do will provide lasting change.The last hand placement looking to particular locations on the idea of how energy works.Reiki distance attunement or initiation, under the tutelage of Dr. Usui's involvement with Reiki.However, for those who are recovering from surgery, Reiki has proved to be fully engaged in what is being considered as one of the art!
The Naval Chakra is the need to do Reiki for your Reiki treatment, the Reiki master to be your guide, you will be times when they are known to heal and live a life of a backpackers, by the subconscious mind, to create a temporal connection between Reiki and also the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, i.e., the Three levels of connections.There should be completely ineffective, even after you make others feel better and your ability to use the expression spiritual healing which was transferred unto you via the hands to their own clinics, also it would be dead, he formed a society known as Wave-Particle Duality.Here are those who are feeling a lot of different places on the front and back of pictures you have switched doctors because you need in order to instill respect for all human beings and the art to others and in the practitioner's hands either gently rest on noninvasive areas of the hands and power away to one basis.When compassion comes together with our power animals.Your immune system gets into higher gear.
Some believe the Reiki teachings to the therapy and other physical preparations, meditation is encouraged as well as for humans: the animal chooses - to - face instruction, it takes you through each and every one advancing to a corporate team or department when it is apparent that you will start the treatment.It is perfectly okay to do is to experience a sense of relaxation without any practice at all, only just begun...There is more interactive, a form of finding out more about Reiki:To make sure the course was divided into four sections, including:So, whether you are strong in your connection to universal energy.
Reiki symbols are listed as Symbol 1, Symbol 2, Symbol 3 and HSZSN aid the healing qualities of the effects of the head-seem to connect with your deepest heart-felt life purpose.Emotions are also taught at the time to investigate, study and take your time.One of the breathing meditation stage as a committed member, will make unrealistic promises but it is mine.Whilst some may be used to address serious health issues.My experience, however, has me convinced.
Reiki is a Japanese method of Reiki history say that people always get from becoming a Reiki teacher who knows to teach Reiki?It is not a religion, it is not a medical license -- and often jailed for using it.Scientists have theories about how to drive to the same training.The student also discovers the various systems available to anyone.Either option will work together with the highest spiritual power. and by making use of Reiki is something that you can be effective in helping virtually every known illness and their willingness to enter more deeply committed to my friend has somewhat predictably still not say much and was guilty of continuing to live in an isolated area, if you don't get the best results.
Master Symbol Of Reiki
Each Reiki Treatment we allow ourselves to be passed on the subtle body.I began this novel seven years ago and my future.What is that the energy from the heart, thymus gland, liver, lungs and the ability to heal yourself and find myself.With this process even severe injuries tend to fall into the writings of the group through a sick pet or even whilst visiting a friend who had experience with reiki before.Site number two did have Google links for Reiki is very affordable to give up when we die and the Radiance Technique.
This of course aware of the four traditional Reiki derives its powers from controlling the powers already lie inside you, they just don't sign up for a child who ha s woken in the body.Unlike the conventional practice, various Reiki masters and this is definitely a two-way street.The most important part which helps them sleep better than those who are interested in spirituality and well-being than ever before.Even today, scientific studies on the area or Chakra where their intuition to figure out which parts of your body.However, perhaps because of a box full of positive energy.
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woozletania · 7 years
Rocket and Lylla’s eating habits
Rocket is extremely omnivorous.  If you put it in front of him and it's vaguely edible, he will eat it.  He will eat things that no one with a shot at better food will touch. In the bad days after he escaped the lab and before he became a reasonably successful bounty hunter he picked through trash cans like a real raccoon.  He was already malnourished when he escaped and simply had to eat whatever was available including spoiled food, small animals, etc.  Luckily he has a robust metabolism (raccoons naturally being tough, and his immune system and general physiology being quite enhanced) and he rarely gets sick no matter what he eats.
That is not to say he doesn't have favorites.  While his sense of taste is poor by human standards his sense of smell is far better than a man's (it was augmented, to allow him to detect enemies and determine if food is safe to eat), and he instinctively prefers food that is both fresh and as close to its natural state as possible.  He absolutely loves frog-like creatures, fresh seafood, or anything close. Bugs count as far as he is concerned. He will pick the meat out of shellfish and leave a neat pile of carapace next to his plate.  He also very much likes fresh fruit and vegetables, with berries and corn (or the space equivalent) high on his list. His enhanced physiology prevents him from having allergic reactions to things he eats, and though he is by no means immune to poison, small amounts of unhealthy chemicals (or things that would hurt a normal raccoon) have minimal effect on him. The Milano used to have a vermin problem (no pun intended) but that stopped after he moved in since he happily caught and ate every bug and rodent in sight. Mouse pie was voted off the menu (though Drax would eat it without complaint) to which Rocket shrugged and said “More for me.”
He will eat very spicy foods since he “grew up” starving and had to eat what was available, and he won't complain, but Peter, who likes them himself, noticed early on that he would flinch and grimace as he ate and would take the spicy stuff as the last thing he ate or mix it with other foods to dilute the sting.  As a result, when Peter is cooking, he always makes sure some of the food is mild and when Rocket is cooking he will spice some things more heavily than he prefers since he knows the tastes of the other Guardians vary from his own. Peter is an excellent cook and so is Rocket, though the raccoon's habit of mixing ingredients with his hands sometimes gets him banished to dishwashing duty.
Lylla was Uplifted from an obligate carnivore and wasn't intended to be a self-sufficient battlefield soldier like Rocket but rather a “civilized” uplift, so less effort was taken to allow her to eat a variety of food.  Given a chance she is very carnivorous and prefers uncooked meat as food, ideally fish, crustaceans or shellfish, but she can eat many fruits and even some vegetables.  Grains aren't much use to her digestive system and though she is too polite to complain and they will keep her alive, she won't eat them if she has a choice.  In a perfect world her dinner is a whole fish and she will hold it in her hands like a real otter and shear off bites with her sharp side teeth, but civilized behavior is part of her “programming” so she is a perfectly polite dinner guest unless she's in a casual atmosphere.
Her sense of smell isn't as good as Rocket's but her sense of taste is better, so she appreciates subtle flavors more.  On the other hand her carnivorous nature means that if you give her a blueberry muffin she will winkle out the berries and leave the bready bits behind (which Rocket will immediately eat because wasting food is alien to him).  Likewise, give her an omelet with peppers and soon all that will be left is the peppers. Again, this is in a casual environment, in a formal one she will eat everything and smile.
Rocket habitually eats with his hands since his sense of touch is literally inhumanly good and has to be chided to pick up a fork, whereas Lylla knows the salad fork from the dinner fork and will nudge him and give instructions (too quietly for non-Uplifts to hear) on the rare occasions that the Guardians are in a hoity-toity environment.
Both Rocket and Lylla eat about twice as much as you would expect since their augmented brains and metabolically powered cybernetics dramatically increase their caloric intake requirements. Luckily there seems to be some sort of inbuilt metabolic “switch” built in by the labs, or else they both would get quite fat during periods of low activity.  This would not normally be a problem for an otter since swimming is physically taxing but there isn't a pool on the Milano. If they ever get a larger ship, Rocket plans to modify the water storage tanks into a swimming pool.
Random notes: There is a shower on the Milano, which she loves and she's convinced Rocket to join her in there, which on the one hand makes the other Guardians happy since bathing is foreign to Rocket and he gets a bit whiffy but on the other hand can be uncomfortable since Rocket and Lylla's relationship has moved past the “platonic sleeping buddies” stage. More privacy is on Rocket's to-do list, for though the little Uplifts don't take up much room the growing crew of the ship is beginning to tax the available space. Drax has had to sleep on one of the common area beds since Mantis moved in and Rocket and Lylla sleep in a tiny (waist high) cabin he walled off under his workbench after he finally admitted that he wanted to be more than friends.  Pretty much everyone craves more space at this point as not everyone is cool with the Ravager “sleeping in piles” habit. Gamora gets twitchy as a defensive reaction since she is by training an assassin and feels compelled to keep track of everyone around her and Mantis can unintentionally sense emotions even while asleep, which can lead to shared dreams and general awkwardness.
Lylla is the only one who genuinely doesn't care since she is extremely social and with her long tube of a body would be perfectly comfortable living in the Milano's air vents.  (Rocket tried that once but they convinced him to stop for various reasons, one being that sometimes you could smell raccoon throughout the ship.)
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Addressing the argument that captive cetaceans don’t need to travel long distances
I’ve seen a lot of discussion recently regarding the pro-captivity argument that captive cetaceans don’t suffer in a restricted environment. These arguments suggest that because captive cetaceans have their food provided they don’t need to travel the long distances seen in wild populations. The argument suggests that other captive animals (other larger wide ranging carnivores specifically) don’t travel unless they actually need to, and are quite happy to stay in once place without experiencing undue stress. 
This position is not supported by science. Here is a link to a great article which examines the potential stressors of captive species. 
Firstly, it is important to know that a source of stress in captivity is caused by “ interference with or prevention of animals’ engagement in species-typical behaviors for which they appear to have a ‘‘behavioral need.’’” .The concept of behavioural need states that animals exhibit behaviours which appear to be internally motivated, occuring regardless of environmental conditions, and that preventing animals from performing is detrimental to their wellbeing. 
Basically species have innate, instinctual needs which have evolved over time, such as hunting, foraging for food, and travelling or migrating for long distances. These needs are inbuilt, genetic and cannot be removed by a captive environment. 
There are limited studies with regards to cetaceans but studies have been conducted on other species such as carnivores, pinipeds and primates. An example in the linked paper states: 
“In one study of the impact of captivity on 35 different species of carnivore, infant mortality in captivity and stereotypic locomotion in the form of pacing was found to correlate positively with species home range size in the wild (Clubb and Mason, 2003, 2007), suggesting that the impact of enclosure size on captive animals is a matter of natural history to some degree “
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Therefore species with a natural tendency to move in large home ranges fared poorly in captive environments compared to species with smaller home ranges. 
The graph above is takes from this paper and shows a positive correlation between home range size and the frequency of stereotypic behaviours in carnivores.
The paper also looks at species innate desire to forage or hunt, and that many animals are not content to have food directly dumped in front of them. 
“Many studies have shown that animals will perform work to obtain food (Coulton et al., 1997; Inglis and Ferguson, 1986; Inglis and Shepherd, 1994; Menzel, 1991; Reinhardt, 1994), even when the same food is freely available to them. This phenomenon has been called ‘‘contrafreeloading,’’ and some data suggest that animals in barren environments are particularly likely to display it. For example, in one study of laboratory rats, animals reared in enriched environments showed little or no tendency to contrafreeload, while rats reared in impoverished environments showed a strong preference to work for food over obtaining the same food when it was freely available (Colburn and Tarte, 1976). Such data support the argument that foraging is an inherently rewarding appetitive act, and one for which animals may have a behavioral need.”
There are loads of examples, for example in walruses:
Providing a walrus with a trough of rocks in which to forage reduces stereotyped swimming and increases species-typical foraging behavior (Kastelein and Wiepkema, 1989). 
Of equal importance seems to be the opportunity for natural food handling:
“Finally, provisioning with commercially prepared, easy-to-eat diets allows little opportunity for captive animals to engage in species-typical food handling or processing. Particularly for carnivores, thwarted hunting prospects appear to be stressful. In comparison, providing some opportunity for species-typical hunting behavior has been beneficial for fishing cats (Shepherdson et al., 1993), polar bears (Markowitz, 1982), and cheetahs (Lindburg, 1998). Providing live fish in a pool reduced stereotypic behavior in captive tigers, and provisioning with horse leg bones did the same, both for lions and tigers (Bashaw et al., 2003)” 
Therefore as captive orca have the majority of their food throw directly into their mouths it is a potential stressor that they cannot fulfill their natural hunting instinct. Kalia hunting birds  is a great example of a captive born orca expressing her innate desire to hunt.
The paper goes into lots of detail and I urge you to give it a read. 
Now this idea of “behavioural need” is not without its controversies in the scientific community, however there is a large amount of evidence which suggests that different species have specific requirements for movement, and if these are not met it results in stress, indicated by stereotypic behaviour, self harming behavior, immune suppression, unsuccessful breeding and reduction in overall display of natural behaviour such as extended logging (sound familiar for many captive cetaceans?)
Therefore suggesting that any animal is fine in captivity as their food is provided thus negating the need for travel is a blatant disregard for the scientific evidence to the contrary. When Ingrid Visser and other cetacean advocates argue for an orcas need to travel long distances they don’t do so in ignorance.
Other papers worth reading: 
Link between carnivore ranging behaviour and surviorship/stereotypies in captivty 
Carnovire home range and sterotypical behaviors 
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tabernacleheart · 5 years
"At a PGA Tour tournament in October 2015, Ben Crane disqualified himself after completing his second round. He did so at considerable financial cost. No matter—Crane believed the personal cost of not doing it would be greater (encouraged by a devotional article he had read that morning by Davis Love III, the distinguished former Ryder Cup captain).
Crane realized he had broken one of the more recondite rules of golf. If I followed the story rightly, while in a hazard looking for his ball, he leaned his club on a stone. He abandoned the ball, took the requisite penalty for doing so, played on, and finished his round. He would have made the Friday night cut comfortably; a very successful weekend financially beckoned. Then Ben Crane thought: “Should I have included a penalty for grounding my club in a hazard?” Sure enough (Rule 13.4a). So he disqualified himself.
(Got it? Hopefully, no readers will lie awake tonight now knowing the trophy was won illegally.)
Crane has been widely praised for his action. No avalanche of spiteful or demeaning attacks on cyberspace or hate mail for being narrow-minded. All honor to him. Intriguingly, no one seems to have said or written, “Ben Crane is such a legalist.”
No, we are not starting a new sports column this month. But how odd it is to see so much praise for his detailed attention to the rules of golf, and yet the opposite when it comes to the rules of life, the (much more straightforward) law of God, even in the church.
There is a problem somewhere.
The Problem
Neither Jesus nor Paul had a problem with the law. Paul wrote that his gospel of grace upholds and establishes the law (Rom. 3:31)—even God’s laws in their negative form, since the “grace of God . . . teaches us to say ‘No’” (Titus 2:11–12 NIV). And remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:17–19? Our attitude to the law is a litmus test of our relationship to the kingdom of God.
So what is the problem? The real problem is that we do not understand grace. If we did, we would also realize why John Newton, author of “Amazing Grace,” could write, “Ignorance of the nature and design of the law is at the bottom of most religious mistakes.”
There is a deep issue here. In Scripture, the person who understands grace loves law. (Incidentally, mere polemics against antinomianism can never produce this.)
Think again of Ben Crane. Why keep the complex rules of golf? Because you love the game. Something similar, but greater, is true of the believer. Love the Lord, and we will love His law—because it is His. All is rooted in this beautiful biblical simplicity.
Think of it in terms of three men and the three “stages” or “epochs” they represent: Adam, Moses, and Jesus.
At creation, God gave commandments. They expressed His will. And since He is a good, wise, loving, and generous God, His commandments are always for our best. He wants to be a Father to us.
As soon as God created man and woman as His image (Gen. 1:26–28—a hugely significant statement), He gave them statutes to follow (v. 29). The context here makes clear the rationale: He is Lord; they are His image. He made them to reflect Him. He is the cosmic Overlord, and they are the earthly under-lords. His goal is their mutual enjoyment of one another and creation in a communion of life (1:26–2:3). So, He has given them a start—a garden in Eden (2:7). He wants them to extend that garden to the ends of the earth, and to enjoy it as miniature creators, images imitating the great original Creator (1:28–29).
God’s creation commands then had in view our reflecting His image and glory. His image-bearers are made to be like Him. In one form or another, all divine commands have this principle enshrined in them: “You are my image and likeness. Be like me!” This is reflected in His command: “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy” (Lev. 19:2).
Implied here is that God’s image-bearers are created, hardwired as it were, to reflect Him. Yes, there are external laws given to them, but those laws simply provide specific applications of the “laws” inbuilt in the divine image, laws that are already on the conscience.
It was instinctive then for Adam and Eve to imitate God, to be like Him, because they were created as His image and likeness—just as little Seth would instinctively behave like his father, Adam, because he was “in his likeness, after his image” (Gen. 5:3). Like father, like son.
But then came the fall: sin, lack of conformity to God’s revealed law, and distortion of the image resulted in malfunctions of the inner human instincts. The mirror image turned away from the gaze and the life of God, and since then all people (except Christ) have shared in this condition. The Lord remains the same. His design for His image remains the same. But the image is marred. The under-lord who was created to turn the dust into a garden has become dust himself:
By the sweat of your face
you shall eat bread,
till you return to the ground,
for out of it you were taken;
for you are dust,
and to dust you shall return. (Gen. 3:19)
We remain the image of God, and the laws that govern how we live best are unchanged. But now we are haggard and spent, twisted within, off center, distorted, carrying the aroma of death. Once chief operating officers, we are now vagrants who survive only by stealing from the Owner of the company (Yahweh and Son) who provided for us so generously. The law within functions still, but unreliably at best, not because the law is faulty but because we are.
For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them. (Rom. 2:14–15; see also 7:7–25)
But God wants His portrait—His image—back.
In essence, the Mosaic law—summarized in the Decalogue—was a rewriting on tablets of stone of the constitution written on man’s heart in creation. But now the law came to fallen man, and included sin offerings to address the new condition of humanity. It came to one distinct nation in one specific land. And it came until the coming of the Redeemer promised in Genesis 3:15. Therefore, it was given largely in negative terms, with added applications relevant for one specific nation in a single land, until the day when the types and sacrifices of the law would be fulfilled in Christ.
The law was given to people as “under-age children” (Gal. 3:23–4:5)—largely in negative form. We, too, teach our children: “Don’t stick the screwdriver into the electric socket!” long before we explain to them how electricity works. It is the simplest and safest way to protect them.
But it was already clear to old covenant believers that the law’s negations enshrined positive commands. The negative “No other gods before me” implied the full-color, developed picture of loving the Lord with all of one’s heart, and commandments two through four fleshed out that picture. The rest of the commandments were negatives to be developed in “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
In addition, since the animal sacrifices substituted for humans’ sins, they clearly lacked in proportion and could not deliver the forgiveness they pictured. An old covenant believer could work that out by going to the temple two days in a row: the priest was still standing at the altar, sacrificing all over again (Heb. 10:1–4, 11). The final adequate sacrifice was still to come.
And then the Decalogue was given civil application for the people in the land. But these local laws would no longer function in the same way for God’s people when they would be scattered throughout all the nations. The preservation and advance of His kingdom would then no longer be dependent on them.
All of this is well expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith’s teaching that the “moral law” continues, the “ceremonial law” is fulfilled, and the “civil law” is abrogated, although we can clearly still learn a great deal from the ceremonial and civil legislation (19.3–5). An old covenant believer could understand this, albeit with less clarity. After all, only the Decalogue was placed in the ark, as an expression of the very character and heart of God. Yes, the law was one because the God who gave it is one. But the law of Moses was not monolithic—it was multidimensional, having a foundation and also spheres of application. The former was permanent; the latter were interim arrangements until the coming day dawned.
Old covenant believers really did love the law. They delighted in it. Their covenant God cared so much that He had rephrased His original instructions for them so that they could guide the people as sinners. Old covenant believers who knew and meditated on the Decalogue and the whole Torah (the law) would grow in their ability to apply it to every providence of God in their lives (Ps. 1). With all its rules and regulations, God’s law provided security and direction for the whole of life.
At the end of my freshman year, I taught in a school for young criminals. Their lives were heavily circumscribed. But surprisingly to me, there was an extraordinary esprit de corps, a pride in and common loyalty to the school. At first this puzzled me. And then I realized that these boys knew where they were. They were safe and safeguarded from themselves and their waywardness. The teachers disciplined them with affection. Perhaps for the first time in their lives, they were getting regular meals. Yes, the rules sometimes irked them—they were sinners, after all. But they were safe. Some of them even transgressed again just to get back to the environs of the school. I understood why even if I could not condone it. There they had care and security.
Paul uses a not-too-dissimilar illustration in Galatians 3–4. Old covenant believers were underage heirs, living in the restricted environment of the Mosaic law. But now in Christ, redemptive history has come of age. There is a new dimension of freedom. You don’t need to check the calendar to see if it is a holy day. You don’t need to check the meat or the label on your clothes. You don’t need to bring yet more sacrifices to the temple. Now that Christ has come, we have been let out of reform school. “So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith” (Gal. 3:24). Yet, the undergirding law—why would it change? Why would we be any less obedient to the same Father?
We are already discovering that we cannot fully understand the law of Moses without thinking about Jesus. God intends to get His portrait back.
Jesus came to re-create a new and true humanity marked by a restored internal love for the Lord and a desire to be like Him. The law itself cannot accomplish that in us. It takes forgiveness, deliverance, and empowerment to do it. This God provides in Jesus Christ and by the Spirit.
For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. (Rom. 8:3–4)
Perhaps because He knew people would draw the wrong conclusions from His teaching (they did), Jesus explained that He did not come to abolish but to fulfill the law. He would fill to the fullest the “shell” that Moses had given (Matt. 5:17–20). He made clear that He also meant to restore God’s portrait and image in us (Matt. 5:21–48). As we know, He drew a series of contrasts. But His words were not “It is written . . . but I say . . .”; rather, they were “You have heard that it was said. . . but I say. . . .” He was not contrasting His teaching with God’s law but with the rabbinical interpretations and distortions of it.
Yet, there is an important difference in the new covenant. Moses ascended the earthly mountain of God and came down with the law written on tablets of stone. But later, he expressed a longing that all the Lord’s people might have the Spirit (Num. 11:29). The law of Moses could command but it could not empower. By contrast, Jesus ascended the heavenly mountain of God and came down in the Spirit to write His law on our hearts.
The book of Hebrews twice explicitly states this by quoting Jeremiah 31:31 (Heb. 8:10; 10:16—the only “law” that can be in view here is the Ten Commandments). The Lord of the law has rewritten the law of the Lord onto our hearts by His Spirit. Empowered from within by the Spirit of the law-keeping Jesus, we love the law because we love the Lord. Just as in the old covenant, the principle of life was “I who love you am holy, love me in return and be holy as well,” so in the new covenant the principle of life can also be summed up in one sentence: “God’s Son Jesus is the image of God in our human nature; so be like Jesus.” After all, our becoming like Christ has always been the Father’s ultimate goal for us.
For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. (Rom. 8:29–30)
Loving God’s Law
“You’ve got to love the law” has a double meaning. You’ve got to love it—it is a command. But at the same time, “you’ve got to love it” because it is so good. Of course it is. It is a gift from your heavenly Father. It is meant to keep you safe and well and give you security and help you to negotiate life. Pick up the Westminster Shorter Catechism (or better, the Westminster Larger Catechism) and read the section on the commandments. There you will learn how to use and apply the rules of the game of life. They are much easier to understand than the rules of golf. When Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15), He was only echoing the words of His Father. Actually, it is simple, yet all-demanding. As the hymn by John H. Sammis states:
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."
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a-wandering-fool · 6 years
From the article:
Tolerance is not a moral precept
Tolerance is not a moral absolute; it is a peace treaty. Tolerance is a social norm because it allows different people to live side-by-side without being at each other’s throats. It means that we accept that people may be different from us, in their customs, in their behavior, in their dress, in their sex lives, and that if this doesn’t directly affect our lives, it is none of our business. But the model of a peace treaty differs from the model of a moral precept in one simple way: the protection of a peace treaty only extends to those willing to abide by its terms. It is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others. A peace treaty is not a suicide pact.
That this even needs to be written strikes me as a little surprising.
Of course there are two dangers with this essay, for those who don’t read it carefully.
One can be seen clearly with this rather deplorable XKCD cartoon:
Tumblr media
Don’t see the problem here?
Well, try this: NFL owners approve new national anthem policy with hope of ending protests.
What, you think it is illegal that an employer controls what an employee says or does at work, or attempts to censor messages projected to the public? (Um, isn’t this an argument against Infowars being banned by Facebook?)
Or is this a matter of those NFL players facing the consequences of actions the rest of us think is bullshit and don’t want to listen to? To put it in Randall Munroe’s words:
If [the players taking the knee] are yelled at, boycotted, have [their] show cancelled, or get banned… [their] free speech rights aren’t being violated. It’s just that the people listening think [they’re] an asshole. And they’re showing [them] the door.
See, the problem here is that a peace treaty only holds when people implement the terms of that peace treaty do so with honesty and with clear hearts.
When it comes to speech, a culture of free speech (rather than the simple legalistic limits of the First Amendment) would require us to give the benefit of the doubt to those engaged in speech. That means being tolerate of viewpoints that are not ours, and even viewpoints we may think is “hateful”–since “hate” is often in the eye of the beholder.
And it means that, in our culture in America–the terms of our “peace treaty” essentially require that, rather than shouting others we dislike down and showing them the door (as Randall Munroe explicitly endorses in his comic), we counter speech with more speech: we explain why Randall Munroe’s attitude shown in this cartoon would lead us to a more cruel and meaner world.
Because if one side fails to abide by our peace treaty by shouting down and boycotting those they disagree with–then neither side is bound by the peace treaty.
And that means open season yelling at and boycotting left-wing speakers.
Of course conservatives have always delayed before embracing the tactics of the Left: how long did it take for us to go from the Left-wing protesters marching on Washington D.C. in the early 1970’s to the Tea Party protesters marching on Washington D.C. in the early 2000’s? They’re waiting to see if the peace treaty violations on the Left is an aberration by a few or a refusal to acknowledge the terms by the majority.
And with the election of President Obama–it looked to conservatives to be a rejection of the peace treaty in-toto. In many ways, attitudes by the Left expressed by folks like Randall Munroe–which represent a rejection of the peace treaty of free speech–led to the right’s seeking out a Donald Trump to be President.
Which is why every time the Left gets pissed off at a President Trump tweet, Trump’s core base support increased. Because President Trump is doing precisely what his core voters elected him to do.
To the conservatives who voted for Donald Trump, war was declared a long time ago when the terms of the peace treaty was torn up–and it’s about time someone fights back.
The second problem is related to the first.
The first problem is that a peace treaty requires people to act with honesty and clear hearts.
The second is that people seem ready to abandon the terms of that peace treaty quite easily–because to the human psyche, war seems more glamorous than peace, at least until the reality of war presents itself to us.
Now this may be a very deep and primordial drive in the human psyche. After all, as observed by Mike Rowe on “Dirty Jobs”, in Episode 5 of Season 1, that demolition is a stress-relieving job. There is something gratifying and pleasing to take a sledge hammer to a wall and destroy it.
At some very basic level, we want war. War is inbuilt into each of us.
Who here hasn’t had a fantasy about hurting someone or getting revenge or hitting back when you feel wronged? Who here hasn’t imagined what they would do if they had a weapon they could take to someone who they felt wronged them?
There is a reason why war has been–up until the past few decades–the default mode for much of the world, and why it is the default mode for some of the world even today.
There is a reason why it is easy for groups such as Antifa to recruit unapologetically violent protesters to beat up people and destroy things.
There is a reason why an appeal to “peace” is an appeal to “the better angels of our nature.”
Because if “peace” was the default and “war” required extraordinary activity, there would be far less war in the world today.
We are, however, inherently tribal creatures. Tribalism is built into our brains at a very primitive level–Dunbar’s number even gives a physiological limit to the size of our tribes at around 150 people. And we have an instinct to go to war with those not of our tribe: it’s fight or flight, and you can see this instinct in every animal with a brain.
War is the default. Peace requires effort.
So we must try to uphold our peace treaties, despite our worst instincts.
When we get angry it is easy to discard the peace treaties. After all, if I’m on the losing end of a transaction, it’s not that I wasn’t good enough or level enough or did the right things–it’s because the other person is a threat to me, a threat to the tribe–and they must be destroyed.
And it is fucking hard to listen to the better angels of our nature, to understand that there is nothing to be gained by throwing away the peace treaties negotiated carefully by our culture, to seek out and destroy the other person.
Because if I do that, then they no longer have to abide by the peace treaties that define the civil behavior that underlies civilization.
And they’ve already demonstrated they have the upper hand. So do I need to go back for a double-serving of hurt?
And where does that cycle end? With school shootings? Rampage murders at work?
So on this front I will take one small issue with the article I linked with.
Certain rights (negative rights) are inherent “rights” in the sense that they require no governments to enforce them. The right to free speech, for example, requires no formal organization to provide me speech, in the same way that positive rights (such as the “right to a job”) requires the creation of a modern economic system protected by governments to define “jobs” in the first place.
But those negative rights (the right to free expression, for example) do require cooperation between individuals. They do necessitate the establishment of these cultural “peace treaties,” especially in a country as culturally diverse as the United States. They require us to cooperate, for us to be civil, and in being civil for us to create the underpinnings of civilization.
And to fully appreciate these peace treaties and the ramifications of our cultural negotiations, they require a deep and abiding respect for philosophy–for the philosophers who tried to understand the edges of moral theory, for the alternate viewpoints they offer us to help expand our thinking.
So these peace treaties must not be treated lightly.
Which means to reduce “tolerance” from a moral precept to a “peace treaty” does not reduce the moral imperative for each of us to take responsibility in keeping the peace, and in tolerating other viewpoints which we may disagree with or find hateful.
In fact, it puts more of the burden on each of us to be tolerant of our neighbors.
Because that informal peace treaty is the only thing keeping us from descending into chaos and war.
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rachelcinemablog · 7 years
1.EXT. SYDNEY CITY - SUBURBAN STREET, MOSMAN SYDNEY -NIGHT A black SPORTS CAR pulls up at the end of a dark street and the engine is quickly killed. The plates have been removed and the windows are darkly tinted.
2. INT. THE CAR - NIGHT Four individuals sit inside, they each instinctively place stockings over their heads, followed by a mask that covers the front of their faces. The masks depict four different animals, A BULL, DOG, PIG and CHICKEN. Inside are fitted mics.
COLE (THE PIG) pulls out his stolen laptop and begins accessing the nearby house’s cameras through an illegal software. He shows them to Alex in the front seat.
ALEX (THE BULL) clicks the clip of a GLOCK 22 in place
TREVOR (THE DOG) shoots her a warning look beneath his mask.
ALEX “We go in quiet, like we do. Only initials from here.” The three nod in agreement. SAMUEL (THE CHICKEN) “See you guys on the other side, I’ll be ready. Don’t you worry.”
3. EXT. MOSMAN HOME - NIGHT ALEX leads the way, TREVOR and COLE follow close behind. They have jumped the back fence and are crawling against the side of the house, which is mostly glass.
The backyard consists of two descending levels much like the house. A deck and inbuilt pool cover the first and a green lawn on the second.
ALEX walks up to the back door and pulls at it. It doesn’t open. She shrugs and ushers for COLE to take over, he kneels down next to the door, unpacks his kit and begins to pick the lock. The door opens. 
The house is open, white walls are outnumbered by the amount of glass and open space. A glass coffee table and Asian rug sit in the middle of the room. In the next room there is the kitchen, as well as a wooden floating staircase to the left. Knowing where the security cameras are, COLE gestures to ALEX and TREVOR pointing out the blind spots. They follow his direction,trying to remain as undetectable as possible while sussing out the room. They begin upstairs, to the bedrooms.
The floor is all wood. Again there is an open living space leading into a hallway lined with doors. Four of the doors on this floor are bedrooms.
TREVOR pulls the house plans out of his pocket and opens the second floor. ALEX points to one bedroom and looks at COLE COLE nods, and begins forward. ALEX and TREVOR proceed to the MASTER BEDROOM.
An older couple lay sleeping in their king size bed, their sheets are pristine white and the room is decorated with art from overseas trips. The room is very large. To the left there is an en suite and to the right a walk in wardrobe.
ALEX and TREVOR quietly search the walk in, it is as big as a bedroom. His clothes on one side, hers on the other. There is a glass drawer on either side displaying glistening JEWELRY, necklaces, rings, earrings, watches, cufflinks etc.
ALEX looks at TREVOR in triumph, they both smile under their masks and they begin to load the JEWELRY into their backpacks.
COLE collects pairs of YEEZYS AND AIR JORDANS shoving them into a duffel bag. The room looks like it belongs to that of a young adult male, there is a large 65" TV on the wall with multiple CONSOLES hooked up to it.
He grabs a PS4 Pro and places it in the bag along with numerous new video games.
ALEX and TREVOR ravage through the clothes, collecting VERSACE shirts and LOUIS VUITTON handbags.
As the two leave the walk in, Trevor sees a pair of DIAMOND EARRINGS on the woman’s bedside table.
He picks them up and places them mockingly on either ear, trying to look cute. His mask just makes him look menacing. 
ALEX attempts not to laugh.
COLE continues to shove video games and valuables into a bag. He’s too preoccupied, He doesn’t notice a small girl has awoken and is rubbing her sleepy eyes near the entrance to the room. 
COLE turns around and finally sees her.
A child’s SCREAM is heard. close up - the WIFE’S TIRED eyes as they jut open ALEX pulls the gun out of her tucked pants, instinctively.
“ A, T bail out! There’s a kid!”
The wife sits up out of bed and screams, her husband then begins to wake. Trevor shoves the earrings in his pocket. 
ALEX and TREVOR run EXITING the bedroom.
COLE passes ALEX and TREVOR as they run hastily for the staircase. They begin to descend.
SAMUEL sits in his quiet car waiting, casually polishing his glasses in the front seat. ALEX (OVER MIC) 
“S, hurry bring the car! We’re coming out!”
ALEX’S loud voice shocks SAMUEL and he almost drops the glasses in his hand. He immediately puts them back on, changes gears and steps the the accelerator.
The husband now awake leans out the bedroom door and turns the light on.
“Hey!...They have a gun! Call the police Lena! Call them now!”
He rushes out of screen to the other bedrooms.
The Three jump the fence and run toward the street where the car is waiting. They get in, it does a U turn and speeds off.
The crew begin to take their masks off shuffling around inside the car with their bags. ALEX, TREVOR and COLE are full of adrenaline and are breathing heavily.
“What the fuck happened in there?”
“There was a kid..she just appeared out of nowhere...standing at the door of the bedroom! Fuck I thought she was a ghost!”
Trevor Laughs.
“ A ghost? Must be all that weed, it’s making you paranoid.”
“For now we should be paranoid. keep an eye out, the cops will be coming.” SAMUEL 
“Did you get what we came for at least?”
ALEX opens her pack full of jewelry and aims it at the drivers seat. SAMUEL quickly turns and glimpses into the bag. He lets out a deep laugh as he faces the road again and pushes his foot down on the accelerator. The car roars.
Fade out.
0 notes
rachelcinemablog · 7 years
Organised Crime
A black SPORTS CAR pulls up at the end of a dark street and the engine is quickly killed. The plates have been removed and the windows are darkly tinted.  
Four individuals sit inside, they each instinctively place stockings over their heads, followed by a mask that covers the front of their faces. The masks depict four different animals, A BULL, DOG, PIG and CHICKEN. Inside are fitted mics. 
COLE (THE PIG) pulls out his slim laptop and begins accessing the nearby house's cameras. He shows them to Alex in the front seat. 
ALEX (THE BULL) clicks the clip of a GLOCK 22 in place 
TREVOR (THE DOG) shoots her a warning look beneath his mask. 
We go in quiet, like we do. Only initials from here.  
The three nod in agreement. 
See you guys on the other side, I'll be ready. Don't you worry. 
ALEX leads the way, TREVOR and COLE follow close behind. They have jumped the back fence and are crawling against the side of the house, which is mostly glass. 
The backyard consists of two descending levels much like the house. A deck and inbuilt pool cover the first and a green lawn on the second. 
ALEX walks up to the back door and pulls at it.
It doesn't open. 
She shrugs and ushers for COLE to take over, he kneels down next to the door, unpacks his kit and begins to pick the lock. 
The door opens. 
The house is open, white walls are outnumbered by the amount of glass and open space. A glass coffee table and Asian rug sit in the middle of the room. In the next room there is the kitchen, as well as a wooden floating staircase to the left. 
Knowing where the security cameras are, COLE gestures to ALEX and TREVOR pointing out the blind spots.  
They follow his direction,trying to remain as undetectable as possible while sussing out the room.
They begin upstairs, to the bedrooms. 
The floor is all wood. Again there is an open living space leading into a hallway lined with doors. Four of the doors on this floor are bedrooms. 
TREVOR pulls the house plans out of his pocket and opens the second floor. 
ALEX points to one bedroom and looks at COLE
COLE nods, and begins forward. 
ALEX and TREVOR proceed to the MASTER BEDROOM. 
An older couple lay sleeping in their king size bed, their sheets are pristine white and the room is decorated with art from overseas trips. The room is very large.  
To the left there is an en suite and to the right a walk in wardrobe. 
ALEX and TREVOR quietly search the walk in, it is as big as a bedroom. His clothes on one side, hers on the other. There is a glass drawer on either side displaying glistening JEWELRY, necklaces, rings, earrings, watches, cufflinks etc. 
ALEX looks at TREVOR in triumph, they both smile under their masks and they begin to load the JEWELRY into their backpacks. 
COLE collects pairs of YEEZYS AND AIR JORDANS  shoving them into a duffel bag. 
The room looks like it belongs to that of a young adult male, there is a large 65" TV on the wall with multiple CONSOLES hooked up to it. 
He grabs a PS4 Pro and places it in the bag along with numerous new video games.   
ALEX and TREVOR ravage through the clothes, collecting VERSACE shirts and LOUIS VUITTON handbags. 
As the two leave the walk in, Trevor sees a pair of DIAMOND EARRINGS on the woman's bedside table. 
He picks them up and places them mockingly on either ear, trying to look cute. His mask just makes him look menacing. ALEX attempts not to laugh. 
COLE continues to shove video games and valuables into a bag. He's too preoccupied, He doesn't notice a small girl has awoken and is rubbing her sleepy eyes near the entrance to the room. COLE turns around and finally sees her. 
A child's SCREAM is heard. close up - the WIFE'S TIRED eyes as they jut open 
cole (over mic)
A, T bail out! There's a kid! 
The wife sits up out of bed and screams, her husband then begins to wake. 
Trevor shoves the earrings in his pocket. ALEX and TREVOR run EXITING the bedroom. 
COLE passes ALEX and TREVOR as they run for the staircase. They begin to descend.
ALEX (into the mic)
S, hurry bring the car ready we're coming out!
The husband now awake leans out the bedroom door.
Hey!... Call the police Lena! Call them now! 
He rushes out of screen to the bedrooms. 
The Three jump the fence and run toward the street where the car is waiting. They get in, it does a U turn and speeds off. 
The crew begin to take their masks off shuffling around inside the car with their bags. ALEX, TREVOR and COLE are full of adrenaline and are breathing heavily. 
What the fuck happened in there?
There was a kid..she just appeared out of nowhere...standing at the door of the bedroom! Fuck I thought she was a ghost! 
Trevor Laughs. 
A ghost? Must be all that weed, it's making you paranoid. 
For now we should be paranoid. keep an eye out, the cops will be coming. 
Did you get what we came for at least?
ALEX opens her pack full of jewelry and aims it at the drivers seat. 
SAMUEL quickly turns and glimpses into the bag. He lets out a deep laugh as he faces the road again and pushes his foot down on the accelerator. The car roars. 
Fade out. 
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