#otherwise this is genuinely offensive treatment of a main character
mortysmith · 5 months
In theory i like the idea that rick is growing and developing as a person. In practice it ends up falling short though, because no one balances him out. rick is getting better while no one else is getting worse, and it causes the whole thing to end up feeling a bit stale. The biggest draw, at least for me, has always been rick and morty's shitty dynamic, but it barely exists anymore because rick has been so watered down.
The ideal solution is literally just to make morty into a bigger asshole. Essentially flipping the main characters' personalities would offer a wide variety of conflict into the show, and would also help keep it "fresh".
Instead it feels the writers are pretending that they can't possibly do anything with morty's character, that they have to keep him the same anxious idiot he was in season one. I've said this before, but it's incredibly frustrating to watch the show have no problem with expanding rick's character while struggling with keeping morty's heavily stagnated characterization consistent. Where rick has space to develop between multiple seasons, morty is constantly forced into one of two boxes (smart/stupid) depending on the episode.
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elegant-etienne · 4 years
12. what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
Multimuse Asks!
All of them are huge messes with varying degrees of obviousness about it. Eti most of all TBH.
Houmei has the Echo, but like, in a bad way moreso than a “makes you really good at everything” way. His whole “prince” thing essentially started with a meta joke. I wanted to play someone who mimicked the way some RPers play really grandiose characters with nothing but their word to back it up, knowing others will roll with it, and see how often he could push his luck with just saying really off-the-wall things with little consistency. Turns out it’s a lot.
Adi is chronically ill, and finding a cure is something that may or may not happen within his storyline, but while he’s technically looking for a cure, I am not OOCly looking for one, since confronting the causes of that is the main gear in a larger machine. I’ve made this pretty clear with anyone I’ve RPed with long-term. His focus is on trying to live as best he can and manage his symptoms, and he dislikes any hyperbole around his daily struggles or treatment.
For Etienne, the main thing is simply that they go by they/them and are neither male nor female! I do use rather specific identifying language for them when I fill out memes (transfeminine nonbinary, as they are DMAB, transitioned, and identify more with femininity but do not identify as female) but Etienne doesn’t really like labels! It feels a little unfair to them to label them at all when they would probably resist doing so.
Also, Eti really doesn’t care that much about pronouns at this point, as long as others treat them with respect and don’t deliberately, intentionally push them into a gender after being presented with evidence otherwise. They like being ambiguous and it amuses them that two people could meet them on the same day and one would call them “he” and the other would call them “she.” However, if that same person, upon getting to know them, deliberately only called them a binary pronoun, that would upset them.
(As an aside, I also wish neo pronouns felt like more of an option. Somehow in the 200+ years it’s been since the first ones in usage were posited, they just haven’t taken off much. Mm.)
I understand, love, and appreciate that folks work hard to self-correct when they misgender Eti - and as part of a larger trend, I think it’s very important and necessary to be cognizant of those slips and correct them when necessary. Just - also - Etienne genuinely does not care that much. So, just know when I say, “It’s not a big deal to them! They’d take no offense!” I am not trying to smooth things over. That’s honestly how Eti feels. They want gender to be fun, not serious, most of the time. While they do have some fragile emotions connected to their gender (and how they experience it in the lens of others, etc.), that isn’t something that’s raw in their day-to-day life.
Thank you for the ask, @atomicdeke!
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gch1995 · 6 years
I want to watch new Drama/Fantasy TV series on Netflix and Hulu to get the bad taste that OUAT and TWD left in my mouth.
Here is what I want:
• A show that is more strongly driven by the characters consistently and believably, rather than half-cocked convoluted plots, and/or the creators/writers abrupt, blatantly biased, hypocritical, petty, and unfair preferential treatment of their favorite characters/ships, who they destroy other great characters/ships that they don’t care about as much to prop up their pet characters/ships up onto pedestals that they don’t deserve-
I dealt with six seasons of the continuity and logic of every rule of magic, relationships, storylines, and most of the timeline from S1 getting deliberately retconned left and right more and more inexplicably at the drop of a hat every season afterwards for (oftentimes disappointing) random plot twist convenience, and the writers completely stopped trying in 3B when they broke the rule of magic not being able to bring back the dead and decided “Fuck all the rules of continuity and realism in characterization and organic development in any of our remaining main characters, and fuck any and all sort of sort of storytelling integrity in writing a canon that consistently sticks to its timeline and rules of magic! We’re just going to reframe the entire narrative around Hook’s “redemption” arc and CS by ruining/retconning everyone else’s original characterization and development from S1-3A, and do whatever the hell we want with magic and the timeline on this show now because LOL, BOLD STORYTELLING! We’re really just too afraid to admit that we’re a team of horrible creative writers and show-runners, who didn’t know how to write more than two-and-a-half seasons of satisfying and original character development, who, thus, ran out of good new ideas for what else to do after 3x11, and who, thus,, would have done a lot better just ending the show with that episode because that’s clearly all we could handle before ruining everything that made this show genuinely entertaining to fans in the first place with our plot fuckery and character/ship favoritism!”
I quit watching OUAT after S5, but I still dealt with watching roughly four seasons of Rumple, Belle, Rumbelle, and Emma getting made OOC, and later on, outright destroyed in favor of cheaply emotionally manipulative “Gotcha” plot twists, and A&E and their team of hacks petty and hypocritical favoritism that led them to prop up Zelena, Regina, and especially Hook/CS onto pedestals that they didn’t deserve in their favor by ruining them to make them look better by comparison without really doing much to change them, or making them sympathetic characters in their own right, especially post 3A. I still kept up with the spoilers post S5, so I know about what they did to ruin all my faves to prop up Hook/CS, Zelena, and even the dark half of the EQ some more in 6A, past the point of no return this time around, basically.
It would be one thing if Hook/CS had always been a main character/ship on the show, and Rumple, Belle, Rumbelle, and Emma had always been framed/written as unsympathetic characters and a ship that the GA was supposed to consistently root against from day one. But that’s not how it was set up, no matter what A&E and these writers try to insist otherwise.
Hook was meant to be a guest villain, but A&E and these writers got distracted by him so much so that they decided to make him a regular by setting him up with Emma out of nowhere, having him take Neal’s place in the series, retconned the beauty of everyone else’s original characterizations, developments, and storylines on the show to make him look more “sympathetic” without actually doing anything to build him up that way organically post 3A, and made him the entire lead of the show.
Emma started out as a badass, compassionate, selfless, and sympathetic underdog for the little guy and the main protagonist on the show from day one until they forced her together with Hook, and ruined her to set them up post S3.
As for Rumple, he had always been written as a problematic fave from day one. I acknowledge that he had done horrible things that I could never realistically excuse, but from 1x08-3A there was a deeper sympathetic motive for why that was always explained on screen. He quickly became a fan favorite who the GA quickly sympathized with and rooted for as a sort of anti-heroic underdog, who with had a genuinely beautiful, believable, and consistent characterization and struggle for redemption that we saw, and expected to continue to see regularly once we saw his tragic and unfair backstory, and we learned about his love for Belle and particularly Bae and saw how everything he did he did out of love for them. We saw that he had a bizzarely adorable friendship with David, and we saw that he, Belle, and Neal were always willing to offer advice, compassion, emotional support, and understanding when he brokenly and honestly opened up to them for it by offering it in without enabling his bad choices, mercilessly judging him with negative assumptions without asking questions first, or giving him a chance to open up to them honestly, acting hypocritical, acting like they were so above him and incapable of having their own flaws and making mistakes, or making him feel guilty for not giving up magic for them. Belle had always had the short end of the stick on the show when they made her a regular because she often got fridged for Rumple’s man pain from S2-S3, but they outright destroyed everything that made her a great character to begin with from S4-S6 to prop up Hook/CS, Zelena, and Regina by turning her against Rumple, even when it didn’t make any sense for her to do so. When Hook/CS became the lead of the show, Neal was killed off. Rumple and Belle’s consistently sympathetic and complex original characterizations and development/redemption arcs in the narrative got so horrible butchered, and the two most important relationships in his storyline all got abruptly thrown under the bus and trashed on this show by A&E and these writers for roughly five seasons with bad writing, even in the final season when they decided not to fuck up Rumple’s redemption arc halfway through, just so they could prop up Hook/CS, Zelena, and Regina by shitting on him.
I don’t want to have to deal with watching another TV series where beautiful, complex, and relatable fictional characters and ships are abruptly made OOC, and/or outright destroyed in favor of stupid plot twists. I don’t want to deal with watching another show in which the creator(s), writers, and/or network have Gary Stu/Mary Sue pet characters/ships, who abruptly get unfair preferential treatment from the creators and writers in the narrative on the show with my personal favorite characters/ships getting abruptly, cruelly, and unfairly thrown under the bus for their benefit.
• A show that is run and written by a team of people, who don’t offensively enable, encourage, or casually dismiss ableism, abuse, rape culture, incest, racism, and sexism in the tropes they use in the writing for their individual characters, the relationships between them, the plot devices they sometimes make them use, especially if they let them get away with using them, and the plots they set them up in-
I had to watch every character and relationship on OUAT get tainted in canon with all of these offensively problematic issues in the the tropes in the writing for them in one way or another more and more from day one of this trash show of wasted potential in ways that disgusted me, including all of my faves, such as Emma, Rumple, Belle, and Rumbelle, just because A&E and their team of writers never learned from their mistakes, and refused to do so.
I don’t want to deal with that shit again on another show, or try to justify it, especially not in characters who often don’t get how problematic what they did or said is because the creators and writers behind them refuse to understand how problematic their writing for some of the things they make them do and say actually is in canon, and refuse to address it, no matter how many times the fans call them out for their shit.
I don’t want to have to deal with watching another TV series where beautiful, complex, and relatable fictional characters and ships are abruptly made OOC, and/or outright destroyed in favor of stupid plot twists. I don’t want to deal with watching another show in which the creator(s), writers, and/or network have Gary Stu/Mary Sue pet characters/ships, who abruptly get unfair preferential treatment from the creators and writers in the narrative on the show with my personal favorite characters/ships getting abruptly, cruelly, and unfairly thrown under the bus for their benefit.
• A show that is run and written by people who understand how to portray realistic reactions and fallouts to trauma and untreated mental illness in their characters by acknowledging that it exists and that it happened in the narrative, and allowing them to get help for it when they reach out for it. Instead of pretending that it never happened to vilify a character by refusing to allow them to get help, or emotional support from loved ones, even when they do try to reach out to them for it honestly, or work on being better to constantly make them feel like they have no choice but to revert back to self-destructive behavior, trying to prop up the character who traumatized them, or simply because the characters, who were traumatized in their narrative are the “good guys,” and the “good guys” aren’t allowed to have realistic reactions to trauma and mental illness because they are “strong” and the “bad guys” are “weak” from the ableist show-runners and writers point of view-
I dealt with watching this shit on OUAT for five seasons from season one, and from the spoilers I read about season six and seven after finally quitting, it didn’t get any better because A&E and these writers are hacks.
• A show run and written by people, who don’t make it so blatantly obvious that they are emotionally manipulating you with false hope by dangling a carrot before your eyes, only to abruptly snatch it away with a cruel “shock” value twist in their storytelling that becomes incredibly and disappointingly predictable when dealing with it as a viewer for five to six seasons-
Look, I get it, bad things happen in life. However, it becomes predictable bad writing and cruel storytelling when it becomes obvious that you are being emotionally manipulated by show-runners and writers with false hope for your faves. It becomes predictable bad writing and cruel storytelling when there is an increasingly obvious pattern in the narrative of the types of characters/ships that these writers abruptly and inorganically screw over out of nowhere after giving their fans false hope for them in the narrative, only to deliberately and cruelly screw them over for cheap “shock value, and/or to prop up their faves by displacing all of their shit onto their default scapegoat character through making him or her look bad without actually doing anything to have their Gary Stu/Mary Sue faves truly do anything to prove that they are reformed.
Were D&D and Scott Gimple too stupid to think to think that fans of their shows would ever realize that they often tended to abruptly kill off the purest living cinnamon rolls cruelly and abruptly in their show’s universe every season for shock value out of nowhere after giving their fans false hope on Game of Thrones and TWD?
Were Adam and Eddy too stupid to realize that Dearies/Rumbellers would ever realize that they abruptly and cruelly mostly turned their narrative against Rumple and his loved ones to prop up all their lame ass faves and CS after they killed off Neal and brought him back from the dead to make him an on-and-off-again trickster, even after spending the first two-and-a-half seasons of OUAT building up Rumple as a consistently sympathetic, emotionally complex, and redeemable character on the show?
• A show that is written and run by people who understand how to give their endgame romantic couples and familial relationships realistic, consistent, complex, healthy, in-character, and well-written conflict and resolution-
A&E and their team hacks often lacked the desire and ability to write realistic, consistent, complex, healthy, in-character, and well-written conflict and resolution between their characters, especially in later seasons. The only main living romantic couple, who remained mostly untainted in canon by their increasingly OOC, gross, unhealthy, and unrealistic character assassinating plot fuckery romantic soap opera angst in canon post 3A by S6, was Snowing, and that’s only because A&E and their team of writers didn’t care enough about them to give them any significany screen time, or any interesting storylines post 3A.
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ballpitarchive-blog · 7 years
Apparently the SAO fandom will never accept that this anime has fucking flaws so I’m gonna do an actual legit analysis as to why this show is TRASH.
I’ll start of with the fundamentals of SAO and how shit writing leads to a shit series. Because I think SAO could have been fucking amazing if it wasn’t written by Reki Kawahara who is just a general shit writer.
One of the most important parts of an anime is its main characters and cast. I don’t *really* consider Kirito a character, he’s more like a boring, brooding plot device. His motivations never make any sense and his actions never have consequences. Not to mention he is just ridiculously overpowered. Need I mention the 1v8 fight where Kirito won?
In the episode where all of Kirito’s lower level friends die, he says “My arrogance killed you.” And feels guilty. Yet he continues to hide his power level and dual wielding ability for no defined or explained reason. Additionally, the duel wielding skill just fucking shows up out of nowhere one day. The show hand waves it by claiming he is the fastest player in the game (I’m getting fucking Accel World flashbacks), and when he does end up telling his friends there are no consequences.
Overall Kirito is just an overpowered, plot device who’s actions never make sense or have consequences because he’s just a 12 year old wish fulfillment.
I know how people feel about using the term ‘wish fulfillment’ to describe Kirito, but a spade is a spade I call them like I see them.
Moving on the game itself makes zero sense. This isn’t a big concern for me, honestly I don’t give a shit because I don’t play MMOs but Sword Art Online as a game sucks.
First off, being trapped in an MMO is really just a plot device to set up the death game plot. After that no MMORPG aspects are utilized. There are no job systems, no classes like DPS or support, the mechanisms used in the game, Switch, aren’t properly explained, and it’s pretty clear Reki Kawahara has never played an MMO or just gives no fucks about making it realistic.
The Nerve Gear also has a ridiculous number of plot holes and inconsistencies, such as we still don’t know how much pain the characters can actually feel. In the early episodes of SAO it’s made clear that characters in game don’t feel pain, yet each time a person in game is dying they seem genuinely in pain. I’ve only watched the anime so I don’t know if this was just a failure to adapt the source material, but if the characters can’t feel anything then this makes Kirito and Asuna’s sex scene really awkward.
Moving on. The pacing and structure are abysmal. I’ve heard that the first two light novels were adapted into the Aincrad arc, but one was the actual plot and the other was just a bunch of side stories. So A1 Pictures decided to just combine the both in chronological order. Unfortunately this just kills all tension and loses the core focus of SAO’s appeal as a death style MMO. The second through seventh episodes don’t focus on the plot of SAO and rather on the side stories. Some may argue that this is also character development but I feel that a good anime could do both simultaneously without losing the tension. Plus, Kirito doesn’t grow or develop as a character. You could argue that the episode with his friends dying he learned a valuable lesson, but he continues hiding his skills and power levels so I’d argue otherwise.
Even after we get past these side stories, Kirito and Asuna begin their relationship and this takes up several episodes as well. It’s like they forgot the series initial premise and in the final two episodes were like “Oh fuck we have to wrap this shit up.” And just threw in every major plot point without rhyme or reason. Need I mention that Kirito and Asuna both almost die but come back due to friendship or whatever that shit Fairy Tail always pulls.
The second arc is so downright offensive in so many ways yet it’s played off as sensational to the viewer which is just fucking sick.
The main plot of the second arc is, after SAO’s servers shut down and everyone was allowed back into the real world, somehow another video game was able to program that 300 players would join its servers and would be yet again unable to leave. Don’t ask me how this makes sense or how it would even be possible because it’s just never fucking explained. Anyone noticing a trend? Anyways, Asuna is trapped in a fucking bird cage for like 12 episodes, being repeatedly sexually assaulted by this blonde fuck who’s name I don’t remember. When she does attempt to escape, she’s groped by tentacles for minutes on end. And in the finale the blonde fuck does everything short of raping her, including ripping her shirt off, licking her face, and probably a lot of other stuff that my mind has chosen to forget. Now some could argue that this makes the blonde fuck a good or hate-able villain, but you don’t need to degrade your female characters to make a good villain.
Now someone argued with me that Asuna was not “really raped” but this outright disturbing bullshit shouldn’t be dismissed because he didn’t go all the way. That’s such a toxic mindset.
This is what I seriously hate about Sword Art Online is it’s shit treatment to all of its female characters. The loli’s (who’s name I forget) entire character is just “loli who is raped by tentacle monsters.” Sinon ends up being fanservice material whenever there’s a dull moment in GGO. Asuna basically gets raped as a ‘plot point.’ And Kirito’s sister has no other traits besides 'in love with her brother.’ People also claim that Kirito’s sisters arc was about her getting over this crush on him, but it took like eight episodes for her to realize that he’s in love with Asuna and she can never have him while the viewer knew it could never happen from the moment it was a concept.
And finally, the villains. SAO has some of the worst explained villains I have ever seen. The creator of the game Sword Art Online “forgot” his motivations for making the game, and the other two major villains in the anime are both nothing more than what I like to call 'rapey guys.’ Additionally, in season two theres this really weird twist where the villain is like three different people, and they like inject some drug into people to kill them in real life as they simultaneously kill them in game. It’s really contrived and has a ton of plot holes but I’ll leave an analysis of GGO to another day.
Now I probably have to explain why I don’t like Re Zero too or else these fuckers will never be satisfied
@aincradknightnatlis now you know why I don’t like SAO. I gave you the 'facts’ you wanted. I’m not trying to change your opinion. I’m telling you to stop fucking attacking me for disliking this show.
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