#paljae: child of winter
mercifulgracious · 3 months
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Really hope this isn’t a place holder date, but considering before it only said Season 2 has ended and how close the actual date actually is makes me hopeful that it isn’t.
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cappucosmic · 1 year
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Welcome Home
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ponpon-posts · 5 months
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Quick Mun Ryeong drawing
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dreamersingingroses · 4 months
Help Getting BL Manhwa Paljae Licensed
As per an initiative started on Reddit, I would like to ask you for help in regards to the potential licensing of the BL manhwa Paljae, Child of Winter.
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I'm not kidding when I say this manhwa is a treat for the eyes.
With its Korean-inspired mythology and eery fantasy elements, Paljae is a beatiful story about a blind, powerful dosa (akin to a cultivator) who saves the life of a mysterious creature close to death that seems to be weakened by high temperatures and empowered by Winter season.
This is a mesmerizing manhwa both in artstyle and content. The exploration of human emotions, the blossoming of deep-rooted love and lifelong lessons are just the tip of this phenomenal story about two messed up beings finding companionship in each other.
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I could sing praises about this story for hours and still it wouldn't be enough to express just how good it is. If this tiny summary has picked your interest, or if you're already acquainted with the story, please spare me five (5) more minutes!
See, as many of you know, the publishing house Seven Seas Entertainment opens a reader's survey every month to get suggestions from people about what their new licenses should be. From personal experience, I know getting a publisher's attention is hard (very much so), which means that this survey is a great opportunity to hopefully make them consider licensing this title.
As readers, we have the power to suggest what we're interested in buying, and we have to take this chance.
So without further ado, I propose we take this monthly surveys to get them to at least consider Paljae as a potential license.
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A user on Reddit posted how you can help us by participating in the monthly surveys with instructions to do so: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paljae_ChildofWinter/s/KamfbYGn18
If you don't want to exit Tumblr right now, keep reading for my own summary of the post.
Whether you're familiar with Seven Seas or just want to give us a hand, if you're interested in reading Paljae, are already in love with it or just want to support the author, please consider taking Seven Seas Entertainment's monthly survey.
How can I help?
1. Once you click on the link, you'll be redirected to the FREE survey.
2. You will need to give them an email. This is only so they can make sure one person doesn't fill in multiple surveys. Your email won't be shared with their associates, and you won't be sent any emails either. I've been participating with other less wholesome suggestions for months, and it's alright.
3. You will have to answer a brief multiple-choice questionnaire about the formats you prefer to read manhwas, comics and the like.
4. Frequently, there will be a compulsory question about their new releases, so you may be prompted to choose the ones that pick your interest. Their covers and names will be included in a multiple-choice format, so have fun looking at them :)
5. There will be a question about which WEBTOON/WEBCOMIC you'd like to see licensed. This is where you can type Paljae, Child of Winter.
6. Finally, if you want to participate in their monthly raffle and win a paperback they published during the year prior, just enter your email in the last section. This is voluntary and won't affect the consideration of your answers.
We Tumblerinas know that fandom makes impossible things come true, and wouldn't it be awesome if we could make this happen?
You can find the link for their monthly reader's survey in different places:
- At the end of their webpage, https://sevenseasentertainment.com/
It will look something like this:
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- On Instagram, in their stories: https://www.instagram.com/sevenseasentertainment?igsh=MWpsZ2xuZ2xvdG8zaA==
It will look something like this:
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- On Twitter/X/whatever (I know we don't talk 'bout X around here, but still), https://twitter.com/gomanga
The tweet will usually be posted the first week of every month.
- On the reddit post linked in this publication, https://www.reddit.com/r/Paljae_ChildofWinter/s/KamfbYGn18
[This user will update the link every month, so that you can access the newest version whenever you see this post.]
That being said, I am very thankful for your time and I hope you can spare a few minutes to make this a reality. Thank you very much!
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mikaaui · 6 months
anyone else obsessing over paljae child of winter? becos i am😫
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eruhamster · 1 year
i used to be like obsessed w age gap ships while i was a little girl, like i used to be like a 12yo writing OCs of some shota and some grown-ass teacher-man. i aged out of interest in that for obvious reasons but ive been reading Paljae, Child of Winter and by god do i got some weird problems i gotta work out with a therapist one of these days for why i identify so much with a little thing growing up to love a caretaker that is essentially their entire world and teaches them everything there possibly could be to know in a way like a person growing a plant from a seed or God raising Adam in the Garden of Eden
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jjands · 21 days
Comics that I like but are unpopular:
Guardians of the Lamb | 양의 사수 (Lezhin)
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Stigmata | 스티그마타 (Manta)
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Paljae, Child of Winter | 팔재 (Manta)
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Demons Can't be Pretty | 악마도 의무교육 받습니다 (Tapas)
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(I hope to read more like these pls send recs thank you :'] )
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nc-vb · 2 months
ik you have a list of recommended manga and stuff, but what are your top favourites??? like your personal faves
I think I've read way too many in my life to make a sane list of them, but imma do my best LMAO (pls I have 1000 tabs open between my phone browser and private browser and my tablet ;-;). I'll give you both bl and straight manga/manhwa ok??
Sign (18+, bl)
This was one of my first bl manhwa I ever read (before I spiralled down the rabbit hole). IT'S SO SWEET, the mc Soohwa gets a job at the ml's cafe, and the ml Yohan is deaf-- Yohan loves when Soohwa signs at him, and Soohwa loves when Yohan talks, and they're both just so so cute, I love this manhwa with all my heart.
The manhwa is completed!!
2. Paljae, Child of Winter (shounen ai)
Where do I even begin with this one, holy shit... the art style would be gripping me by the balls if I had some. It gives a little of tcgf AND mdzs vibes tbh??? the mc Munryeong starts to take care of this tiny "child" he names Paljae but there's a couple of plot twists and surprises that I don't want to spoil, it's SO GOOD.
It's currently ongoing BUT it's on a break before it starts its third season!!!!
3. Pink Heart Jam (18+, bl)
Probably one of my favourite manga; I don't remember much of it so I'm going to reread it-- it's short, about 11 chapters? and it has to do with a band, but the mc and ml are *chef's kiss* wonderful
4. Payback (18+, bl)
I... have many words I could use to express my love for Payback. Jay and Yoohan are skskhsks I NEED A CERTAIN PLOT THING TO HAPPEN BUT IT'S KILLING ME THAT'S IT'S SLOW BURN. Lots of angst and unraveling of truths and facts and it's kind of a revenge story but GOD, those two are so hot, I blush, I blush.
5. Cherry Magic (18+ish, bl)
6. One Summer Day (18+, bl)
I just recently started this and it has 50+ chapters so far, but it's by the same artist etc. as Sign!!! it's really good. The mc died and then undied because of an accident he and a Grim Reaper cause, so he's in limbo, alive but is scheduled to re-die once his name gets re-added to a death list or something, but he had a lasting regret because he never had a relationship or anything further, so the Grim Reaper has to give him "organic energy" to calm down those "regrets"... hehehe.
7. The Guild Member Next Door (18+, bl)
I'm putting 18+ for now because I believe the novel for this has smut/sex scenes, but it just hasn't been drawn into the manhwa yet. It's super cute!!! mc plays an online game and meets the ml there, but they don't know who they are irl yet (there's 30 chapters), but the mc ends up moving next door to the ml and the ml thinks the mc is stalking him bc of some previous incidents due to this game-- it's cute. Just read it.
8. Dear Door (18+, bl)
EXTREMELY 18+ SHFSLKLS the ml has to engage in sexual frivolities with the mc in order to open a "door" to hell. This is a completed manhwa with 150+ chapters, a side story (iirc), and some really interesting plot twists. WARNING: this does also contain some dubcon/noncon stuff with certain characters (not including the mc and ml, but also kind of, it's weird). But the story ends on a good note, it's one of my favourites EVER.
9. A House for Samsami (18+, bl)
If you're a fan of hybrid, golden retriever-like characters, this one's for you! A veterinarian finds a stray hybrid on the street and takes him in, and I should reread this because I don't remember the details, but I love the characters, and I really recommend this one for its cuteness. Only 13 chapters so far, I believe; it's slow uploads.
10. Our Sunny Days (18+, bl)
The mc is a single father after a woman he'd been with leaves him with a baby and leaves, and he moves into a small village town where he meets the ml who's like, the village chief, and they both start crushing on each other and sjhfsks d'aww it's just so sweet, I love them. The first season is done at 25 chapters!
11. Bailin and Li Yun & Fathoms of Atonement (bl)
Both of these are by the same artist and are both on Webtoon. They have shorter chapters and one of them just became a Webtoon Original (finally!!!). I won't spoil these ones much; both have to do with merman... enjoy~
12. Mimori's Naughty Mouth (18+, bl)
AHHHH SUPER HOT AND THE MC AND ML ARE HOT TOOOOO, ml is a dentist and mc has a sensitive mouth, like insanely sensitive, so going to the dentist is a nightmare for him... until he gets this dentist. Hehe.
Now for the straights *cracks fingers*
Do Androids Dream of Love? (18+)
After mc's father dies (or someone dies, idr), she's left an android to take care of her, and she's against it at first, but he's very sincere and kind and is programmed to want to take care of her, but he finds himself going against his coding a bit and starts falling in love with her and vice versa... vewy cute. Slow uploads, but long chapters; there's currently 16.
2. I Thought My Time Was Up!
Lariette, my cutie patootie, gets with another cutie patootie Duke, Asrahan, that happens to be cursed, and she happens to have the power to heal the curse, but she's not so strong that she can do it in one shot-- but she thinks she's dying in three months' time and makes a contract to date him for that time because she has a mini bucket list she'd like to complete with him. There's another character, Doha, who slowly falls for her as he heals her and helps train her in her magic. So so good, and Asrahan's blushing moments? oh my god. There's smutty themes, but nothing explicit since it's on Webtoon.
3. Iseop's Romance
Fuck me, reading this hurts my heart because the slow burn is reaaaaaaaal. The mc is the titular Iseop Tae's executive secretary and she's amazing at her job, something he has a complex about because they completed the same program together. The complex slowly turns into a crush and his internal monologues about it are the absolute funniest shit ever. It's on Webtoon at almost 40 chapters.
4. My In-Laws Are Obsessed with Me
SLOW BURN AS HELL I don't even think they've kissed in their almost 100 chapters?? The Lapileon family has a blood curse that kills anyone who touches the blood-- except the mc, Pereshati. I forget exactly why they agree to contract in marriage, I think it's to spite her own House or something, but all of the Lapileon's love Perry, and they start to investigate different things and Perry goes on a business venture-- it's so good, and I adore the art. Webtoon!
5. When Jasy Whistles
I remember crying when this went on its first break after the one season ended, like this story is so fucking good, I WEPT. Jasy Jatare is a rumoured "god" that steals people/children (for whatever reason), and Hela, the mc, has a friend (Rodrigo I think...) who is "taken" by him into a different world, one full of dangers and other tribes of people that either live beneath the thumb of the other gods there or are protected by some (very rare). Hela wants to get her friend back and works with Jasy on a certain condition-- at 100 chapters, a lot happens between them. Sexual themes but not explicit; again, this is on Webtoon.
6. Harem of Luu-Anh (18+, poly)
Ughhhh I love this series. The one on Webtoon is sfw BUT the artist has a Patreon where they post the 18+ series... It's worth it to become their Patron to see it all. The story is well over 100 chapters by now (I believe), plus the Patreon has additional stories having to do with Luu-Anh and her FOUR HUSBANDS, YEAH FOUR HUSBANDS AND THEY'RE ALL FUCKING HOT it's worth it whew.
7. Trapped
I have to catch up in this series... There's about 200 chapters to it, but Chae-A was dealt a shit hand through life and again when she runs into the ml who is a VAMPIREEEEE he's hot though, it's fine, and she's fiery, and it makes for a good enemy to lover story, I SWEAR BY IT.
8. Selina ~ Moon Bride ~
Whyever the fuck Webtoon hasn't turned this into an Original, I'll never get. It is so beautiful, the lore and the characters are so amazing, like... I can't even put into words how much I love and recommend this. Please go read it; it has 228 CHAPTERS Y'ALL AND IT IS A DELICIOUS READ, it's been going on since 2016 but the artist had taken a huge break in between; it updates a few times a month-- PLEASE GO READ AND SUPPORT IT!!! on Webtoon.
9. Tonari no Seki no Hen na Senpai~ (18+, yandere)
Guilty pleasure. Had to pop this in. WAITING FOR THAT EIGHTH FUCKING CHAPTER IS AS PAINFUL AS WAITING FOR A RAMEN CUP TO FINISH HEATING. The ml is obsessed and in love with the mc, and she's put off by it quite a bit because he goes overboard when she finds out, but he's a puppy dog yandere-- imma go read this again tn, tbh. Ahhhh I love it. Want it for myself. Sigh.
All of my other recommendeds is in this list!!
I hope you enjoy all of them; if you want to talk and squeal about them with me, my dms are always open~
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eruhamster · 8 months
shoutout to when i was so miserable living at my parents' with my abusive dad and no privacy whatsoever that i used to write the most disgusting, violent vegebul fanfic known to man and get hate mail on a daily basis about how evil i was for writing it. and then moved out and had to make one last chapter where i was like 'listen guys im not miserable anymore and physically cannot figure out what to write anymore. im normal now bye'
the kink is maintained through other people's comics and fanart n shit i just can't make my hands be the ones creating it anymore LOL
and that's like. tip of the iceberg. abuse does weird shit to your brain.
this is under a read more for a reason but LOL it just got me thinking of the kind of shit that i really cant discuss usually sjfgk
porn of anime kids where they're not just loli-looking and actually look and act like kids is fucked up but my brain is also fucked up enough that i have a weird interest in severe age gap caretaker/dependent kind of shit, but like. i end up putting myself in the position of the dependent. less weird when it's in a fantasy setting so you've got some thousands of years old god stuff going on where it's someone that's younger taking care of someone older that looks younger and was once older (ie paljae child of winter). also like.. caring for someone who's severely physically disabled. like double or quadruple amputee. i used to really like hetalia fanart of someone who made russia/china where yao was a douple or quadruple amputee and would get taken care of by ivan. i also remember some fucked up greentext from 4ch once that went over some really messed up fantasy of enslaved girls that get their limbs removed and get blinded and deafened and the only interactions they have with the world is like, sex toys and stuff and--
like this is shit i've been interested in since i was like. 12. and always in the position of the abused in these situations. oh how fucked up the brain can be. i think i just have issues with feeling neglected and not given any amount of special attention lmfao. i've said this before but in the right environment i definitely could have ended up in a situation like that chick in metamorphosis. probably also some kind of weird mental link as an aroace person with sexual stuff always having an inherent unequal relationship. thanks for coming to my therapy session doctor
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