For every “★” I get, I will post a fact about my characters.
Roland has dressed up as Santa during Christmas in the past.
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redlightriot-blog · 9 years
Beneath that calm and seductive persona, Moxxi is actually quite sensitive.  She may not act like she cares about people say about her, but then the other minute, she is hiring vault hunters to take down some nasty graffiti that bandits wrote about her.  
Moxxi is quite the talented dancer among some of the talents she has.  If she didn’t own the bar or run her Underdome, she considered maybe taking up some burlesque.
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pandorasfinest-blog · 10 years
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[[ my tag is broken so heres a doodle of wonne reacting to cute girl ]]
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hyperioncass-archive · 10 years
pandorasfinest said: Don't chase the rabbit
"Your name, what's your name?" a voice came from somewhere.
The little girl's lip quivered and she huddled in a corner of the room, "I d-don't kn-know," she cried, hiding her face. It was silent for a long time then and she was left in the room by herself. She thought it must have been hours.
"Your name is Cassiopeia," the voice came again, "Cassiopeia. Say it."
"C-Cass--Cassiopeia," she said, the word felt strange in her mouth. They said say it again and she did, "Cassiopeia."
"Good. Welcome to your new home, Cassiopeia."
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eridiumangel · 10 years
pandorasfinest said: ✿✄
HAPPINESS headcanon
Angel finds happiness in little things as well as big things. Good food, sunny weather, and playing with her hair are enough to put her in a good mood. Simply having companionship and friends is where she finds most of her happiness, being without either for a long time.
PET PEEVE headcanon
Angel hates people jumping from one idea to the next without finishing them. She likes understanding people's thoughts, and flighty-ness annoys her. She's likely to bug them until they finish their previous thought or task.
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starttheanarchy · 10 years
Morals, Honesty
Morals- Even though she is on the planet equivalent to hell. Where any crime can happen with out anyone really giving a shit. And yet she still hold high standards, shoot only when people are trying to murder her. Never try to prosperously harm a person, no drugs no stealing (if the people are alive). Just trying to be good on a planet that is bad.
Honesty- If asked Gaige will be brutally honest. And if she doesn't know you, well she isn't gonna normally sugar coat things. The only time she lies is to try and save face.
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stillnomedicallicense · 10 years
36 38 45
((36: What makes them feel guilty? He usually plays it off but the overall failure of most of his procedures really hits hard. That, and whenever he fails to help his friends/people he's close to in sanctuary. 
38: What recharges them when they’re feeling drained? Making new abominations or some nifty shield. People telling him he's a good doctor/pats on the back. 
45: Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds? Deeds, usually. He's not the best with words.
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nishathesheriff · 10 years
((15: Biggest and smallest short term goal? Biggest: capture the slab king. Smallest: Have knew armor made for Daisy.
16: Biggest and smallest long term goal? Biggest: Lead a massacre on the bandits (including Sanctuary because she considers them bandits) with her boys/townsfolk and Jack. Smallest: Build up Lynchwood and increase their force.
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numericalassassin · 10 years
38: What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Usually he’ll find an out of the way place and sit quietly, maybe he’ll draw, maybe he’ll just get lost in memories for a while. Sometimes just sitting quietly with company helps. Always a quiet, sometimes introspective activity.
40: How misanthropic are they?
Surprisingly not as much as he seems to think. He’s been apart from people, removed in his thinking for a long time but he hasn’t been blind to them. He saw what other people did and how they lived and so he does understand. Integrating ‘normalcy’ into his own life is just hard sometimes.
45: Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
Deeds, as often as possible. Haikus are difficult to fit a lot of meaning into and Zer0 is rarely overly talkative even when not using them. When agitated he’s far more likely to talk a lot but otherwise he’d rather his actions spoke for him. He finds it easier to read actions than words.
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spiderantsandbullets · 10 years
Morals, Safety
Morals: Few and far between. Morrie bases how she lives on what keeps her and hers alive. Backstabbing, lying, point blank shooting someone in the face, if it ups her chances of survival she'll do it.
Safety: It was in her camp. That was shot to pieces when the coups started and ruined completely upon Avery's suicide. Now safety is relative and unstable and almost entirely dependent on Mim being nearby.
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hyperioncass-archive · 10 years
Pulling her curved blade free of her enemy she skillfully pushed her self off of its shoulders, flipping in the air and landing deftly on her feet. The threat had been nullified, the task complete. She felt a presence behind her, but it was not a threat and she turned immediately to face them.
"Do you need something?" she asked in a cool even tone.
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eridiumangel · 10 years
pandorasfinest said: 9, 22, 45
Angel wears only minimal makeup; mascara and eyeliner mostly.
22:Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
She would probably try to draw, get frustrated at her lack of artistic finesse, turn the paper over and start writing the first thing that came to her mind.
45:Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
After years of being secluded Angel learned better how to communicate with words than actions, but with emotional or sentimental thoughts face to face she struggles to put words together to convey her ideas.
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numericalassassin · 10 years
Discipline, Addiction
Discipline: Zer0’s got a lot of it, but most is not actually his own. Atlas did a lot of behavioral conditioning after they wiped his memory so they could control him easier so most of the “self discipline” Zer0 has he never trained himself in. That’s why it erodes when given a reason.
Addiction: He’s never been addicted to any substance but the rush of adrenaline he got from a successful kill. Anything that would make him dependent on it to function correctly is looked down on; all things like that do are give others another weakness to exploit. He tries not to think about the fact that he’s clearly addicted to the affection of those he cares for.
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eridiumangel · 10 years
pandorasfinest said: Holidays, Failure
Angel likes the idea of holidays, although there was never much celebrating in the Core. Jack celebrated Christmas and her birthday, but in a very unconventional way. She longs to be able to experience them like normal people.
Angel does not take failure well. The idea that failure was catastrophic was bred into her from a young age. Even the smallest failure is enough to dishearten Angel and cause a frantic desire to fix things. This pushes her however, to pursue success and gives her the drive to do things efficiently.
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