Dear John || Apologies
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Summary: John Egan sits down to respond to the unforeseen favor of a letter from Miss Julie Jean Turner
Warning: mild, usual universe warnings
Circa: late August 1943
All writing credit to my incredible baby buddy Bri, knowing I was swamped with other chapters and having been possessed by the spirit of old romance she set out to write this, loosely based on our mutual screams in the the dms
Dear Ms. Tierney,
If strangers call you Lana Tierney and friends call you Julie Jean Turner, I do not fit in either category after the way I behaved when writing to you my letter, and as such, I’m choosing to address you respectfully. I meant every word I said, Acorn, but I was crude and unmannered in my speaking to you and a gal like you deserves better.
Fuck- there I go with that nickname.
And now I’ve written a curse. I have to wrap this up before I turn it to further shit. My intended apology to you is very real but my approach - whether in being in awe of you or asking for your forgiveness - my approach never is right.
Buck has sat me down now and he’s told me where I went wrong in the way I was so vulgar with you. I told him I must have done something right to receive such a lovely picture in response, but then I got to thinking you were most likely only doing your due diligence and making happy a man who can die any day now. Like another stop at the war bond tour.
A.C.O.R.N. - you’ve asked what it means but this letter is to be respectful and at some point on this paper I hope to get to my apology. In accordance with the respect and manners and apology that I keep referencing I can’t let you know what it stands for, doll. It’s filthy (in the best possible way) and you absolutely cannot know what it means. This is a nice letter of respect and penance so let me get to it. Forgive me Ms. Tierney for my vulgar comments and shameless drunken ramblings that in turn forced you to feel like you had to give me the time of day. I am not worthy but I will appreciate your response and kindness and loveliness well beyond the length of this godforsaken war.
Take care sweet, precious, gentlest of ladies.
Your devoted (and sober) admirer,
Maj. John Egan
💋 Hope you enjoyed! Feedback is a writer’s lifeblood, please feel free to scream in comments or the inbox, I love it and wanna hear it all. Trust me, nothing is “too dumb”. Your thoughts mean the world to me.
MOTA taglist, I only have one so ignore if this is not the universe you signed up for:
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lindszeppelin · 9 days
Hey I know this is weird but can you suggest some people to follow here on Tumblr who supports Austin for who he is and not his relationship because I want my Tumblr feed to be sane you know not filled with crazy shippers🙏🙏
I certainly can! Here are a list of my favorite people of all time in no particular order.
@miss-lonely-hearts @cherieaustin @jessica987 @austinbutlerslovers @madisonmontgomeryxoxo
@kiss-my-axeeee @allittakesisoneflight @girlnairb @austinstyles
@luluthesandgoose @austinbutlermischief @flwrs4aust @cryingabtab
@powerofelvis @areacodefan @purejasmine @pearlparty
@aconflagrationofmyown @foreverdolly @butlers-bitch @feydfuckernation
@carnevol @bisexualwvtson @ausssbutlershortstories @ifuckindontknow
@iwonderaround @faegoddessog @vintagepresley @avengen
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blainesebastian · 2 years
coffee cart girl (pt3)
words: 2,703 ship: austin x female reader summary: you’re the coffee runner on the set of Elvis. Coffee deliveries run pretty easy, until Austin accidently spills coffee on you. notes: I really appreciate the continued support--the comments, reblogs, likes, and asks have been so lovely! thank you :) part 1 is here, part 2 is here. if you’d like to be added or removed from the tag list, please let me know  warnings: none tag list: @pearlparty, @theinvisiblecapricorn, @kittenlittle24, @andrewgarfields-girlfriend, @mirandastuckinthe80s, @nonsensical-nonce, @softlispoken, @dudinhahoff, @peterparke-r, @lottiee03, @little-diable, @therealwriter17 , @bob-the-tomato-senpai, @bcofl0ve, @domaniquessidehoe
You’re gone from set for about a week.
Your sister visits first, unexpected, but you have a few days to take so you do. Sal doesn’t seem to care because they’ve got a replacement coffee girl to make rounds and you’d rather enjoy your time with your sibling uninterrupted. The moment you’re geared back to go to work, you come down with the flu—and it’s three days of fever, the sniffles, and sleeping a headache away.
By the time Monday rolls around again you’re brand new but almost feel slightly disoriented at being away from that amount of time. It takes a bit to get back into the groove of things, and the slight change in location doesn’t help. Moving to a larger set, it’s the carnival scene spread out amongst the tents and trailers tucked in the back of the lot. It’s quite a sight, actually, even a full working old-fashioned Ferris wheel where Colonel Parker will reign in Elvis on signing a deal with him.
You find yourself distracted by the lights and sounds, wondering if there will be a break in shooting where you can wander through, take a peek. Would be really cool to see.
“Welcome back, glad to see you’re not on your deathbed anymore.”
You smile lightly, turning to see Jillian hovering nearby. It is good to see her, she was one of the only people who messaged you to check in while you were sick. She’s a good friend. “I missed you too.”
Jillian hums, moving to sit down on a bench nearby as you fill last-call coffee orders. You both have been rather busy all day, lots of moving parts to scenes, to getting people ready, to delivering what’s being asked. You’re glad you’re finally able to talk…and that you, surprisingly, have not run into Austin today. Your brain keeps replaying the last time you saw him, even after days have gone by.
You can’t stop thinking about how abruptly you left his trailer—it's one of those things that seemingly gets worse every time you think about it, but maybe it wasn’t actually so bad when it happened. Feelings and emotions tend to warp reality until we hold the worst version of ourselves in our hands.
The sky is bleeding orange into pink as the sun begins to go down, making the carnival lights pop that much more against the backdrop.
“So…are you gonna tell me about it?”
You sigh evenly, glancing over at the redhead as you complete coffee orders. It’s so engrained into you that you can multitask—filling cups and glaring at Jillian.
“What?” She grins, “I waited until you were better before I asked.”
“How kind of you,” Deadpan, but she’s snickering and that pulls at the corners of your mouth. “Nothing happened.”
“Bullshit, okay? Austin isn’t inviting me, or anyone else for that matter, into his trailer to sit on his couch.” She pokes at your hip, making you jerk away from her. “So spill.”
And that’s what you almost do, spill the coffee you’ve just made. The thing is, you almost take her up on her offer—to divulge what happened, to tell her what you guys talked about, if only to highlight how much it isn’t that big of a deal. But no matter how the words spin, it’s going to be taken out of proportion. Just nature of the beast at this point.
“I brought him coffee; he played the guitar—we talked.” Cliff-notes, perfectly organized as if your heart isn’t beating out of your chest.
“What?” She screeches, grabbing your arm.
“Jillian!” You off-set her as best you can, thanking whoever’s watching out for you that the tray of coffee you’ve organized doesn’t accidently tumble onto your feet from your friend’s jerky movements.
“How are you not freaking out about this?” She laughs, eyes sparkling like a pond on a bright sunny day.
You are—there’s just…what’s the benefit of allowing yourself to fall freely into emotions like that. Over a few interactions? Yeah, you talk and swap personal anecdotes and you heard him sing, so what? A bunch of people on set have. You’re not about to walk around here like you’re somehow special or better than anyone else.
And maybe, just maybe, you’re a tiny bit afraid of how much those conversations have meant…what if that’s all they are? Passing exchanges?
“Oh,” Jillian says quietly after a few moments, “You are freaking out about this.”
You sigh, glancing around to make sure they’re alone. “I just don’t think there’s any use in getting my hopes up.” A crush on Austin Butler makes a lot of sense—how could you not? Pushing physical looks aside, there’s plenty more to write home about.
Jillian smooths your hair down, brushing it over your shoulder with a small smile, “It’s okay to like him, you know. Just enjoy the day-to-day while it lasts?”
You give her a soft smile back, nodding before you pick up the tray of coffee. Your feelings for Austin aren’t what’s concerning you.
Not exactly, anyways.
Bringing the empty tray to your chest, you turn on your heel to navigate through the trailers to sit back on the picnic table and work on your script for a little. It’s going to be a late night on set, maybe even into the early morning. You’re only scheduled for the next hour, so you figure taking it easy and seeing if anyone needs anything else should work out. Easing back into the week is just what you need.
Turning the corner, you bump right into someone—and really at this point it should come to no surprise that the universe is fucking with you.
“Hey,” Austin smiles down at you, his hand catching your elbow to steady your backstep. “Was beginnin’ to think you started working for a different film set.”
A soft laugh leaves your lips and you shake your head, “Just had some time off—my sister came to visit and then I was sick.”
“Glad to see you’re better,” His eyes flicker over you, almost an air of concern. It’s then you realize he hasn’t let go of your elbow, the slightest of pressure from his fingers against your skin.
“I noticed you weren’t on any of my coffee orders today. You start drinkin’ tea or something? Strictly Starbucks?”
He grins, his hand moving to run a hand through his hair. You swear you can still feel the heat of his fingertips—you concentrate on something else; the Elvis look he’s pulling off today. The white slacks and black lace shirt, it’s utterly ridiculous how good he looks. It almost feels like you’re staring but…it’s hard to glance away, so much to take in. These clothes were made for him to wear, you’re sure no other actor could pull this role off.
“The girl doin’ the runs, Sarah, she’s nice but she constantly got my order wrong.”
You smile a little—seems like Austin would be considerate about that though, no Frank-sized tantrums. Clearing your throat, you tilt your head when looking up at him, “Thought you were into the whole ‘surprise me’ thing.”
“I only let one coffee girl do that.”
You can’t help but grin because that response is smooth—and yet, you hope he means it. It’s not often that someone else makes you feel utterly speechless, actually it’s usually the exact opposite. You’re a talker, even when nervous, so the fact that you’re searching for words right now is so unlike you.
“So it’s uh, it was mostly the carnival scenes today?”
Austin smiles a little at the shift in conversation, licking his lips as he sticks his hands into his pockets. “Yeah,” He glances past you towards the set, “Ferris wheel got stuck though in the middle of shooting, so they had to reset.”
“It got stuck?” A laugh, “You weren’t on it, were you?”
His eyes are bright as he’s smiling, taking a step towards you as he talks, “Oh yeah, I was on it with Tom, they went to shift us into the air and we got about halfway and then just—dead stop.”
You cover your mouth with one of your hands, really trying not to laugh at this predicament because you’re sure it was nerve wracking to say the least. “You scared of heights?”
He pauses a moment as if to weigh that question, “Well I wasn’t before that.”
You tip your head back a little as a small fit of giggles escape, almost can’t help it, cheeks warming from amusement. You can just picture it—the Ferris wheel creaking to a stop with Tom and Austin completely clueless and confused, in costume, waiting to figure out if the crew could get the machine to work again or if they’d need some sort of fire department to come help.
“S’not funny, I could still be stuck up there,” Austin’s smiling though, shaking his head. “Or the whole thing coulda plummeted.”
You cover your mouth more completely this time before nodding because right, totally not funny. Agree. You look up at him as he stands in front of you, that smile still fixed on his face and you realize…how close he’s really hovering and just how blue his eyes are. There are flecks of yellow there in the iris that you don’t think you would have noticed otherwise.
You realize you’re holding your breath when your lungs start to burn a little, your eyes grazing along the fullness of his lower lip—
“There’s a hall of mirrors too, right?”
Austin blinks, instantly thrown off by your question. If you could kick yourself, you would—it’s as if your tongue has a mind of its own, shifting the charged moment to a question thrown out into the air. He clears his throat, pulling back slightly and—are his cheeks the softest of pinks or is that trick of the light?
“Yeah, there’s a hall of mirrors.” He motions with his chin past the Ferris wheel and then, “You wanna go through it?”
You make a psh sound with your lips because, “Absolutely not.” You’ve seen far too many horror movies start out that way, set design or not.
Austin laughs, reaching down for your hand—he’s apparently not taking no for an answer, “C’mon.”
Ignoring you, he continues forward, his hand warm and solid against your own. His tug is insistent but not too fast paced, your eyes glancing over the muscles flexing in his arms as you weave through the trailers to reach the hall of mirrors. It’s late, seems like most the crew has packed up for the night. Some of the celebrities, you’ve learned from past sets, sleep in their trailers with late nights and early calls because it’s easier than going home.
You wonder if Austin ever does that—he might have been heading back to his trailer to change out of his Elvis look…though you’re not exactly complaining that you bumped into him this way.
Approaching the hall of mirrors, Austin tugs open the door, the inside illuminated in bright colors—an archway of orange with fat bulbs, the walls an iridescent blue, silver metal holding the mirrors into place. You crinkle your nose, already shaking your head…this seems like a bad idea. It’s so ironic because you’re the first one in line for a haunted house come Halloween, loving the chance to be scared in a safe setting, holding onto someone’s hand or arm as you work your way through the maze.
This…feels different though, for whatever reason.
Probably has everything to do with Austin wearing that shirt and it being reflected to you in a hundred different mirrors.
The door gently closes behind and you wonder, briefly, what the trick is for filming in a space like this. With all the reflective surfaces, it’s got to be tricky. Austin lets go of your hand as you explore the space, seeing your reflection repeated in the walls—endless. The mirrors twist and turn, making it feel like it’s somehow a small and large space all at the same time. There has to be multiple exits to this thing, it being a set piece, it’s not real. They can’t really get lost in here…can they?
And yet, you feel some sort of silly apprehension grip your stomach when you pause to look around a corner, as if something is going to jump out at you. Which makes no sense—
It doesn’t take long for Austin to become aware of your uneasiness. Between one lingering gaze around the edge of a mirror to another small alcove, he comes up beside you and grabs your hips briefly with an exclaimed rah noise.
You nearly jump right out of your goddamn skin. You whirl on him and smack his chest and he’s laughing, a full body one that somehow makes his eyes a brighter blue and his cheeks the softest of pinks. It’s then you notice that his shirt is decidedly unbuttoned halfway, a damn good look.
“You asshole!” You shout but you’re laughing, going in for another smack.
Austin catches your wrist with his hand, gently squeezing. “Couldn’t resist.”
You let out a long breath, the grip he has on you relaxes until your palm rests against his chest, fingers curling against black lace. Your heartbeat begins to normalize, no longer throbbing against your eardrums and you shake your head fondly,
“So annoying.” You mutter, mostly to yourself.
But because of your proximity, Austin hears you, his eyebrows arching up in amusement. “Oh so now I’m annoying.”
He’s standing there, black hair swept back except for two strands over his forehead, eyes a sharp blue in this light, skin warm underneath her fingertips, sandalwood mixed with something else wafting to your nose. You can feel the flutter of his heartbeat along your fingertips, making your stomach flutter all the way up into your chest.
So unfair, so easily handsome, completely knocking down all the walls and defenses you naturally put up to protect yourself.
You look up at him, a cheeky smirk on your lips. “Pretty sure it’s a consistent thing.”
One moment there’s this short laugh, mostly a breath through Austin’s nose, and then he’s leaning forward and down and kissing you. It’s quick, just a warm press of his lips, his hand falling from holding yours on his chest to rest against one of the mirrors behind you.
You blink, taking a step back and when you look up at him again—his lips are fuller, almost a bit pinker than before, eyes lidded as his breathing seems slightly uneven. You can understand, your heart feels like it’s about to pound out of your chest, echoing against your eardrums. Did that…really just happen?
He misreads your expression, “Sorry—I—”
The last thing you want him to do is apologize for that, to regret it. You shake your head lightly, “Did you mean it?”
It wasn’t a mistake, right? He feels it too, there’s something on both sides. It might not make complete sense and you might not have the words to describe it, but it’s there: mutual attraction, the spark, the questioning and lingering sensation that there’s something else there, something more, just out of reach.
Austin considers you for a moment, moving his other hand to cup your cheek. He runs his thumb along your lower lip, your heartrate racing in the pulse of your neck. You can almost taste the saltiness of his skin—
“I meant it.” He says and no sooner do the words leave his mouth are you pressing yourself up onto your toes.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, drawing him down into another kiss. As one hand seems to gather up the fabric of his lace shirt between your fingers, the other rests along the nape of his neck, keeping him close. His hands are equally busy, one along your spine while the other entangles itself in your hair.
Even though your eyes are closed as you kiss, you can feel the mirrors that surround you, reminding you of exactly what you’re doing.
But those consequences are for tomorrow.
Thank you so much for reading! More to come :)
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areacodefan · 1 year
AustinElvis fandom, please brace yourselves
It’s Feb 16th…
It’s Hot Ones day!!
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Let’s see who makes it out alive. @karamelcoveredolicity ? @lindszeppelin ? @pearlparty ? I could genuinely tag EVERYONE. I predict that combined with yesterday’s content smorgasbord, we are all about to be taken to the brink. 😏
…aaaaand it did not disappoint!
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
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GAH i didn't wanna do this bc im a gemini & i talk a lot if im unsupervised lol BUT YALL WERE POSTIN SOME SAPPY SHIT SO I WANTED TO JOIN (so sorry this is gonna be so long i apologize in advance)
this wasn't initially the road i was gonna take while talking about this but ofc if u read any of my writing or know me in any capacity, it shouldn't surprise you that we're getting sad lol
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as i stood next to my partner watching the midnight fireworks last night, i had a fleeting thought -
16 year old me didn't think i'd still be here at 26 -
i didn't expect to still be on this earth in 2023
when i was around that age my home life was really shitty and abusive and lonely and my only saving grace at the time was the family i found within the one direction/5sos fandom. there were so many times then that my fandom friends saved me, literally.
i wouldn't be here today without them.
i stopped being in fandoms around 2016 and while i still have MANY long term close friends from that time, we all have gone our separate ways interest wise.
I didn't realize just how much i missed being a part of a community until i joined tumblr again. the austin/elvis fandom welcomed me with open arms & filled me with that same youthful joy and connection as i had when i was 16. and even BETTER bc this fandom has blown me away with how kind and gentle and loving it is
point is - i’m grateful that i AM still here, that i’ve been here long enough to meet you and experience this amazing fandom.
it's insane to me to think i would've never met some of the brightest stars of my days without walking into that theater that day. my year would've been so empty, lonely and sad without you all, so thank you all from the bottom of my cold lil heart - you all showed up in my life when i needed u the most
(something weird about this 1D -> Elvis/Aus pipeline is that when i went back to see the day i saw the movie the first time it was on July 23, aka the 1D anniversary 👀 lil weird)
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i initially made this blog solely for my fanfic but i'm glad i branched out - though i still wanted to take the time to anyone who's interacted w my writings, even if it was just help with plot or moodboards. my heart skips a beat when my writing is a point of conversation.
thank you to the beauties who grace my dash everyday, even if we don't talk often 💖
@feverkitten @p-oolshark @pearlparty @avengen @presleys @mrsniallhoran505 @missmaywemeetagain @marooosa @eliseinmemphis @elvisabutler @lovininapinkcadillac @aconflagrationofmyown @austinsmutler @heartbrake-hotel @dre6ming @flwrs4aust @rosaminny @presleysdarling @woundmetender @rainydayz101 @ggwritesstuff @golden-kiwis @lattedreamer @weak-aesthetic @bcofl0ve
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and of course to my almost daily babes, my days would be so empty without you all and my heart would be so deflated - i never thought i'd end up with a group like this
@succsessions @lllsaslll @cryingabtab @elvisfatass @loving-elvis @nora-nexus-34 @lavenderelvis @luluthesandgoose @powerofelvis @bisexualwvtson @samfangirls @lindszeppelin @infatuatedharleys @ab4eva @sagesolsticewrites @slowsweetlove @areacodefan @jelliedonut @steph-speaks @star-shard @foreverdolly @purejasmine @oh-my-front-door
and how could i ever forget the two that really roped me in @karamelcoveredolicity @troubleinapinksuit - even though it was through war, violence & lawsuits (lol) that our love was carved from, it is the most magical. i am so honored and so grateful to call you friends
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one of my biggest goals for 2022 was to make new friends - ones who are reliable, kind, like-minded, supportive, generous, loving - because i was feeling so lonely & unloved, and to my surprise this goal was met ABUNDANTLY by you all, i really can not stress how much you all mean to me
extra special shout out to @bisexualwvtson for setting up the christmas card exchange, it was probably my favorite part of this holiday season - those cards made my whole christmas and i will cherish them forever
i love you all so much its DISGUSTING how much i love you - i don’t know how i would’ve made it through this year without you all - and it makes me so fucking sad when i think about all the memories that wouldn’t have happened without austin/elvis/you guys - it is because of you all that i have some of the best and happiest memories of this year, thank you ❤️
i hope that we are together for a long long time - i know that i am, i’m here for the long haul 💗 pls be in the nursing home with me breaking hips to Elvis songs
love, mel xx
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elvisabutler · 1 year
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so i originally was thinking to myself "conceal don't feel" about my feelings about this year and basically gushing about all of y'all but everyone has been doing it and look, look, i'm trying to be better about not coming off as an aloof person when i'm really the sort of person who thrives on at least little tiny hellos from people who i know like me. despite being as old as i am i'm secretly always that shy 12 year old who has her people and wants more people but sucks at talking, alright?
anyway! none of that is the point. the point is that i haven't been in fandom for about 5ish at least years? like don't get me wrong, read fic, watched shows but me writing fics and interacting? good heavens no. and i think the last time i wrote fic was 2011 ( ironically also an rpf-ish fandom, there's something to be said about that maybe ) and so when i went into elvis i wasn't expecting much. but then i watched it and like- i had been a causal fan of elvis before- my parents were both born in the 50s so they're just about that interesting age to where my mom wished she could have been elvis's girl ( her older sisters too so clearly it's genetically a thing on my mom's side haha ) and my dad thought he was cool. point being i always knew of him and he was some at least tiny part of my life and that's part of the reason i wanted to go see the film. plus i honestly wanted to se ehow plastic looking they made austin look because baby those posters did him no justice.
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and then i fell head over heels. watched it 5? times in theaters maybe 6, once with my mom who fell head over heels for austin butler which was not something i had on my 2022 bingo card and yet! and realized that oh heavens the fandom was mostly on tumblr let's boot up the old account and make a side blog and write a fix it fic ( that i am trash and still haven't finished ) and then @floralcyanide made their discord and eventually let me join and the rest was history?
not going into a lot of detail but i really cannot overstate how much this fandom and how genuinely sweet it is came to me at the right time. i've been missing having a solid and consistent creative outlet since i got married but especially since i had my daughter. and then in comes the elvis movie and austin butler and elvis in general and lord help me it's been a whirlwind. filled with stuff i'd never write and just a lot of fun times.
i wanna say thank you to all my favorite people who i either read your stuff or you read mine or i drool over your gif work or something else seeing y'all in my notifs always brightens my day just a little.
@superbatson @powerofelvis @headfullofpresley @venus-haze @cryingabtab @infatuatedharleys @areacodefan @star-shard @purejasmine @burninlovebutlerr @pearlparty @troubleinapinksuit @imperialmarchingthroughthegalaxy @karamelcoveredolicity @foreverdolly @powerofelvis @fantuhsise @flwrs4aust @she-is-juniper @elvisstyles @butlerstyles @missmaywemeetagain @bisexualwvtson @carnevol @mamaspresley @sassy-ahsoka-tano @butler-on-beale-street @dreamersparacosm @lindszeppelin @pennyroyalcreep, @slowsweetlove @blainesebastian and @ anyone else who regularly likes my stuff or engages with me i see y'all and i adore y'all. if i missed y'all don't take it personally i'm so tired today it's a wonder i remembered my own name.
and to my queens of graceland @aconflagrationofmyown @ab4eva and @butlersxbirdy y'all already know my love and to my other daily my life would not complete if i didn't say hello to y'all @blurredcolour, @eliseinmemphis and @bcofl0ve i love you guys. and @succsessions don't think i'll ever forget that one time you messaged me out of the blue when i was so stressed and wrote Some Tags ( tm ).
i'm gonna make it my mission to get to know some of y'all more in 2023 because truly i love this fandom so much and if it wasn't for this creative outlet appearing out of thin air, i think i'd been in a bit of a rougher spot than i am today and really i wanna just talk and interact more. and i promise y'all i don't bite if you're scared to talk to me, i'm an actual puppy, ask anyone who talks to me for longer than two minutes.
but basically happy new year y'all hoping all of our 2023s are fantastic and i love everyone in this bar so much. does that meme date me, i feel like it does.
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Mind sharing who are some of your favorite people on here? 👀 put me on to kind loving people I want those blogs in my orbit
Oh of course! Although I know that my tired little brain is going to omit plenty, and there are so many sweethearts in this fandom, many who I wish I knew better.
In no particular order and chosen for the ones I know to be at least mildly chatty 😁
@ab4eva @missmaywemeetagain @foreverdolly @woundmetender @eliseinmemphis @stylespresleyhearted @ash-omalley @powerofelvis @butlersxbirdy @prompted-wordsmith @pearlparty @elvisabutler @from-memphis-with-love @crash-and-cure @heartbrake-hotel @steph-speaks
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butlers-bitch · 1 year
butlers-bitch activities that made me lol 😩😩
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@xxmandaveexx @lovininapinkcadillac @apocalypticvelociraptor @cryingabtab @pearlparty @ellagarto @xxmandaveexx @austinstargirl @sad1st1c-wh0re
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blurredcolour · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @venus-haze !!!
NO CHEATING: You’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. Who/what is it?
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Oh…oh my I….oh…
I tag: @slowsweetlove, @elvisabutler, @dre6ming, @mrsniallhoran505, @steph-speaks, and @pearlparty.
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Seeing as you’ve (mostly) given us a tour of Croz’s jockey shorts already, I’m going to stand up on behalf of the Ladies Who Brady™️ and request your speculation on John Brady?
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*Inhuman and decidedly girlish screeches of delight and trepidation*
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nsfw (AF!) under the cut:
Oh my darling, beautiful Brady, how I love him, an all American boy excelling at a man’s job, he’s my husband number…I dunno but he’s up there and he can arm wrestle Croz for top billing. 🤭
Now to business. Speculations regarding the charming attribute (singular) of this lovely human.
Cock-versations || Brady edition (credit to @pearlparty for the genius name and to @suraemoon for being the doll I screamed to regarding this and who helped canonize the below theory)
Hear me out to the end, I beg but to begin: a perfectly substantial, nicely proportioned, beyond adequate and decidedly moderate dick. Justice for the moderates!
Initial extracurricular observations on colouring: pretty pale pole tbh, very veiny, weirdly pretty pube pattern, with coco-rose-blush accents and sack, special treat being when he’s excited his lower belly blushes too and matches his cheeks 🥰
Details of the piece: length is a good, nice, average or a little above. girth is quite substantial and a little more added to that, possessing that extra oomph that makes a difference! with those lean hips it’s plenty impressive to look at when in the act but be ready -he’s massive grower. you might meet him and it’s an adorable, sweet lil thing pillowed on a huge sack (biggest balls in the 100th? maybe, and it’ll make you think the cock is smaller than it is in comparison) when in repose and then voila!!! Six inches or more: at your disposal ma’am. And he does call you ma’am from time to time.
Personality of the user to be considered: this is the sorta post-war husband where you can go round after round and it’s bliss because your cervix isn’t bruised up or indented by cock, so -indulge in all the bouncing and railing to your heart’s content, it’ll feel great but it won’t put you in the hospital or wheelchair. Wahoo. This however, is just taking the member into account, not the attitude of the man attached to it who will, 100% use what he has at *his* disposal to have you limping all through Lent. And you’ll love it, and you’ll have to make up excuses as you shift in your seat at the Brady family table and tardily pass the gravy to his mama…ain’t your fault you’re distracted.
I think he could get quite rambunctious, both in good fun and to wind up a argument, but the Brady cock won’t have you sobbing because you had to take an elephant trunk up you, ya know? *SIDE EYES EGAN* So you could get quite wild rather safely. For instance -I put him down as #1 most likely to lovingly choke you with all due respect.
Or, if that’s not your thing -he’s at least gripping your jaw, squishing your cheeks in one hand as he goes in and out, “look at me, -look at me, keep those pretty eyes open”.
Don’t let the word “moderate” lull you into thinking it’s easy to keep eye contact, hard to do in fact when your eyeballs are taking a tour of the back of your skull because this boy *hasn’t stopped in ages and it’s still pummeling that spot right.there*
But Brady does love a little switching and he’s very tuned in, very intuitive, utterly caring in the end. You have all his attention at all times and he has a goal in mind -and wow will he get ya there.
We love a good all American moderate man of extreme capabilities
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lindszeppelin · 11 months
to all the people that i became good friends with over the last year, to the people who's blogs and work i adore, to everything else in between i just want to thank you <3
words simply cannot do it justice to express how much my life has changed because of Elvis, Austin, and you guys.
i'll do a better post when im not nursing a migraine but i hope this suffices!
happy one year of baz's Elvis!! here are just some of the awesome people that i love and have made a huge impact on my life in this last year!
@girlnairb @myradiaz @karamelcoveredolicity @powerofelvis @cryingabtab @troubleinapinksuit @loving-elvis @luluthesandgoose @plasticfantasticl0ver @areacodefan @klizzie93 @elvisabutler @bisexualwvtson @asexualromanroy @c-rosenn @samfangirls @purejasmine @steph-speaks @austinstyles @kingdomforapony @generoustreemystic @flwrs4aust @presleysdarling @star-shard @pearlparty @blurredcolour @stargiirl27 @missmaywemeetagain @sapphirescripts @carnevol
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blainesebastian · 2 years
coffee cart girl (pt2)
words: 3,588 ship: austin x female reader summary: you’re the coffee runner on the set of Elvis. Coffee deliveries run pretty easy, until Austin accidently spills coffee on you. notes: wow, I did not expect such a warm response! thank you so much :) part 1 is here. if you would like to be added or removed from the tag list, please let me know!  warnings: none tag list: @pearlparty, @theinvisiblecapricorn, @kittenlittle24, @andrewgarfields-girlfriend, @mirandastuckinthe80s, @nonsensical-nonce,
It’s been a few days since the whole coffee debacle and time continues on—coffee orders are taken, delivered and not spilled down the front of your shirt. Granted, you suppose that idea wouldn’t be too terrible given what you got out of it the last time. Though you’re not about to make a fool out of yourself, showing up to Austin’s trailer, asking to borrow another t-shirt. That’d totally be…ridiculous.
Okay, so the thought had crossed your mind only once, so what? You’re human.
“And ridiculous.” You emphasize to yourself as you check the orders and fill.
Sometimes it can be a mind-numbing process, coffee filling, and you’re really glad they can’t get too fancy on set. It’s just cream and sugar—no espressos, no lattes, no iced options. When it’s a Starbucks run? That gets a little hectic; can even take multiple trips. You chew on the inside of your cheek as your eyes run over the list…searching for one name in particular,
Butler – black, cream
Totally not playing favorites, or anything, you make that order next and take one tray off to make stops before filling the rest. You hum an Elvis song softly to yourself, habit of the job you’ve noticed, kinda difficult not to when you’re around it all day. Today it’s a mix of That’s Alright Mama and I’m Coming Home which makes no sense, and yet the tunes blend seamlessly together as you make turns around trailers and find the people you need to give coffee orders to.
You’re trying your best not to think about Austin, about him bringing you that coffee and talking to you about your script, about things that you got no business thinking about. But your mind wanders and, especially with all the buzz around set around how well Austin is playing Elvis, you kinda can’t help it either. His voice slips around your skin as you recall him asking about your writing, about whether you show it to anyone, making the hair on your arms stand up. While the Elvis outfits, especially the fits from the fifties, kinda squeeze your insides, you find yourself preferring when he comes to set—simple looks, the jeans, the t-shirt, the black jean jacket or the sherpa lined blue one.
You’ve never seen him without the black hair, but know he’s naturally a brunette, wisps of blonde. You wonder what it’s like to see him like that, how bright his eyes can be, what it might look like to notice him when the attention isn’t all over him.
You shake your head as you drop off a coffee in the makeup department before making your way to his trailer. Foolish—a handful of interactions does not make you special, nor important. Besides, you can’t let thoughts like this get in the way of what you’re here to do. Deliver coffee, obviously, but script work? Exposure? Elvis won’t be filming forever and it’s not guaranteed you’ll get picked up for another set job.
You carefully make your way up the steps, just in case, and knock. Taking a slow breath, you pause, listening to make sure before you open the door. Empty—just as it’s been the last few days you delivered coffee runs.
Disappointment crackles in your belly, spreading up to your ribcage as you make your way inside and set the coffee down on a small table in front of a couch. His jean jacket is there, whiffs of sandalwood in the trailer as you move to leave, mixed with something else that’s distinctly Austin.
Your stomach flutters and you quickly head out of there, closing the door behind you. You got work to do.
You’re fairly sure they’re working on the Trouble scene—you can hear the echoes of strong guitar strums, Austin’s voice ringing in the air and sending shivers down your spine. You wonder what it’s like being an extra in any of these concert scenes, what it’d be like to see Austin in full garb, pulling off Elvis moves and vocals. It’s impressive, would probably melt your right through the floor. You can only imagine.
Not to mention an extra salary wouldn’t hurt. Then again, doesn’t really open you up for what you should be doing—you pour over your script, flipping through pages, a headache pinching its way to your temples. This thing might never make any fucking sense. Some of the extras speak directly to Baz, at least the ones up front with Austin. You wonder…
You wince, turning to look towards Sal as she approaches the picnic table you’re at. One moment of silence for the great afternoon you were having—you already know it’s about to get ruined.
“Did you not get the afternoon orders started?”
You blink, glancing at the time. “I don’t start my rounds until three.” It’s two-fifty.
Sal narrows her eyes at you, crossing her arms over her chest in what no doubt will be a lecture. “Frank from lighting says he still hasn’t gotten his morning coffee—”
And you kinda stop listening there because that just…can’t be right. You know what that list said this morning, if only you could find the small clipboard that had all the morning runs. You must have set it down somewhere. Regardless, you know how to do your job, Frank didn’t ask for anything this morning.
“He wasn’t on my—”
“Maybe if you did a little less on attempting to crack into your big break,” She taps the script a bit aggressively, “and paid more attention to your job, we wouldn’t have angry lighting workers. Get moving.”
You work your jaw a moment—you know better than to argue, it’s not worth it, even when you know you’re right. You slide off the bench and collect your script, putting it into your bag for later, dropping it off where you keep your things. Quickly, you grab a cup and fill Frank’s order (a good memory, black with three Sweet'N Lows) and take it to set.
Seems like they’re between shoots or at least done with one scene and moving towards another because otherwise you wouldn’t be able to walk into the warehouse. Curling your hair around your ear, you see Frank working on a standing light fixture.
“Here you go Frank—” And as an apology is about to leave your mouth, he turns and practically snatches the coffee out of your hands.
“It’s about damn time, you know I’ve been waiting on this since this morning?” He snaps and you bite your tongue, hard. He definitely wasn’t on your order list this morning.
You’re almost not sure what to say; there’s nothing in it for you to argue your point, he’s going to be upset no matter what—just the kind of mood Frank seems to be in. You resist the urge to roll your eyes too and just take a breath.
“Sorry,” You say instead, a light smile. “Won’t happen again.”
“It better not—what’s Sal paying you for anyway, to lounge around all day?”
You swallow and do your best to not let this guy get under your skin. He draws the attention of a few people around him; you can feel their gazes boring into your body which causes blush to splotch along the back of your neck.
You open your mouth to say something else, or maybe just excuse yourself—get the fuck out of there, when you hear someone speak behind you.
“Hey,” Austin says, his voice a little firm. You turn to see him, standing in black slacks and a matching black button down, missing a suit jacket but the red tie stands out starkly.
You’re so busy taking him in, the black hair hanging loosely in a few strands over his forehead, skin soft on his face but clearly some charcoal eyeliner under his eyes, making them pop blue—that you don’t even realize that he’s not talking to you.
“You don’t need to talk to her like that.” Austin finishes saying, his shoulders a sharp line, seemingly a bit taller as he addresses Frank.
Frank pales when he sees Austin, glancing between you and him, attempting to come up with some sort of explanation. “Mr. Butler, I—”
“Everyone works on this set just as hard as you do, Frank.”
You cross your arms over your chest, a bit of a defense mechanism, as if it helps to keep yourself together. You really appreciate Austin’s words of support, especially since it resonates—you might not be a producer, special effects coordinator, makeup and hair, or even an extra. But you like to think that your job keeps grease on the wheels, you’re even willing to make extra trips or grab food for people if necessary without being asked.
Common courtesy just goes a long way.
Frank clears his throat and nods, motioning his head towards you as he turns to walk off with his coffee. Apparently that’s supposed to be some sort of apology—whatever, you weren’t expecting one.
Turning to look at Austin, you offer a small smile, “Thanks, you didn’t have to do that. Frank’s always a bit cranky.”
“You don’t need to make excuses for him,” He waves you off gently, one of his hands ending up on his hip—it somehow highlights his frame, his lean waist. “There’s no need to be rude to people.”
You would have to agree, goes against your motto that you keep around here—kill them with kindness, even when you’re having the worst day. No use taking it out on someone else. You sigh and let your arms drop, glad to feel that no one is really watching anymore, the drama has fizzled out.
“You’re alright?” Austin asks, raking a hand through his dark hair. It doesn’t stick back like you think he wants it to—must be hard to tame it without the gel assist.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine.” You smile a little…and then almost swallow the words on your tongue, but for whatever reason they make it out of your mouth, “Haven’t seen you in a while.”
He smiles, licking his lips, “Yeah, I’ve been running around a lot more recently between studios and sets.” You begin walking with him as you talk, exiting the warehouse and taking steps towards the trailers. “You been lookin’ for me?”
The question comes so casually that it almost reaches out and trips you and when your eyes look up at Austin’s face, there’s that soft smirk there pulling the corners of his mouth. Amusement is swimming in the depths of his blue eyes, causing heat to pour down your spine.
A soft laugh startles forward out of your chest, “I was not looking for you—I just—I noticed that I’ve brought morning coffee to an empty trailer the last few days.”
He hums, still smiling, “Guess I’ll have to start orderin’ coffee in the afternoon too.”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that Austin was flirting with you. But the thing is, it’s kinda hard to tell—he has that way about him when he talks to people, making others feel like they’re in the center of his universe, the gaze he holds and the way he steps closer to build that connection. You’re just a dime a dozen.
Even though it’s totally working.
“Afternoon coffee?” You suck in a playful breath, pretending to tip your head up in thought. “I’ll have to check my usual orders, might have to go to the bottom of the list. I’m a busy woman, I got other important people to serve too you know.”
Austin laughs, the action creating a soft crinkle to his eyes and for your stomach to completely flip-flop. That’s…that just doesn’t seem fair. You smile a moment, just watching him, because he’s a beautiful man and anyone with common sense can see that…and for whatever reason you seem to have stolen his full attention within his busy day.
Chewing on your lower lip, you laugh lightly too, motioning in the other direction, “I gotta go—Sal’ll be on my ass if I don’t get started.”
“Put me on the list.” He says, “Even if I gotta go on the bottom.”
You nod, gaze flickering over him as if to absorb this moment, keep it, “Your usual?”
He shrugs, “Surprise me.” Before turning towards the direction, he needs to go in.
You run down the list of people you need to grab orders from, automatically taking cups and careful not to mismatch what goes where. Ever since Frank, you have to admit you’re slightly rattled. Not because he upset you (not completely that, anyways) but because this job is important to you and you want to do it well. It may just be coffee orders but you take pride in what you do, it’s as simple as that.
Austin was right—everyone works hard on this set, no matter who they are.
Your eyes flicker to that last add-on: Butler, surprise me and kinda shake your head. Not much to surprise him with here but…you do fill up the coffee cup, add a splash a cream as he likes and then grab the cinnamon shaker, dusting the top.
See how that goes.
“Everyone’s talkin’ about Frank the incident,” Jillian comes up behind you, nearly making you spill this coffee. You let out a short breath, looking over your shoulder at her. Her eyes are bright with mischief, red curls bouncing as she talks, “And Austin coming to your rescue.”
Excitement seems to bubble in your stomach but you shake your head, setting his coffee down with the rest, “That’s not…exactly how it happened.” Though Jillian isn’t giving much detail, you can’t imagine what the rumor mill is spinning around this place. Drama like anything else is contagious, especially on a film set.
“Oh,” She grins, playfully putting her chin into the palms of her hands as she looks at you. She leans against the table, batting her eyelashes, “Please Y/N, tell me how it happened.”
You give her a look, attempting to squash this conversation before it starts. You got work to do…and there’s no use feeding fantasies, better let them starve and taper off.
“I got coffee orders to deliver.”
“I think he likes you,” Jillian declares as you go to pick up the tray. Thank God you don’t completely have it in your hands yet because you definitely would have fumbled. Her voice is so matter of fact but this is exactly how Jillian can be—a good heart but dramatic.
“Do you even hear yourself right now?” You ask, glancing around to make sure Sal isn’t lingering, or anyone else who could hear this half-baked discussion.
“Do you?” Jillian throws back with a grin, “C’mon, why not?”
A scoff sounds out of your throat. Why not? because of a million reasons why not. To start, you’re a nobody, a coffee cart girl on the set of a famous movie, definitely not a model or an actress, or anything within Austin’s league. You’re not saying you don’t think you’re attractive, you do. You’ve got nice hair that sometimes listens to how you try to style it, a normal body, slender in some areas, but dependable. Average—and there’s nothin’ wrong with that.
But this movie will slingshot Austin’s career, he will quite literally be in the spotlight more than he already is. He dated Vanessa Hudgens for Christ’s sake—he does not have his eye on you.
“Listen—he talks to everyone, Jillian. He’s not like some asshole celebrity who thinks he’s too big to talk to the little people. He’s down to earth, sweet even, and thoughtful…” Jillian raises her eyebrows as you describe Austin, giving a bit of a tell me more spirited attitude.
“My point is,” You clear your throat, straightening your shoulders, “That does not mean he’s into me.”
Jillian hums for a long moment, “Guess we’ll see.”
You laugh lightly, shaking your head as you pick up the coffee tray. She’s incorrigible but at least she’s good at making you smile. You wave her off, telling her you’ll talk to her later after this coffee run and make your way through the trailers, doing all the necessary stops except for one.
You pause outside Austin’s trailer, as if you haven’t been up the steps and inside a handful of times by now. Jillian’s words keep ringing in your eardrums to the point where it makes it hard to concentrate.
“Get a hold of yourself,” You mumble, moving to walk up the steps and knock on the door. You wait, almost wishing he wasn’t there because that’d make everything a lot easier, except you’re pretty sure you can hear a guitar strumming and then stopping, movement.
You back down a step as the door opens, Austin dressed in his comfortable clothes, hair slightly damp and brushed back. Your stomach drops all the way into your knees,
“Hope I’m not interrupting.”
“Nah,” He shakes his head, moving aside to let you in. You hesitate for just a moment and can’t stop your legs from walking forward—you’ve got the time, why deny the invite. “Just practicin’. Sometimes it helps to sing in-between takes to concentrate my voice.” You’re not sure whether he means the accent or just practicing in general but figures it doesn’t matter.
The image alone that is conjured up by his words is more than enough.
“What are you playing?”
Austin takes a sip of coffee, seemingly pleased at the addition of cinnamon because he smiles, “Are You Lonesome Tonight? Something easier on the vocals that I can sing acapella.”
You find yourself drawn to the guitar, your eyes traveling over the simple strings, the chestnut-shaded wood, fingers itching to touch.
“Go head,” Austin lets the door close quietly, motioning to the guitar, “You’re not gonna break it.”
You laugh softly, reaching out to run your fingers along the base before gently strumming the strings, “That song always makes me cry,” You admit, looking over your shoulder at Austin. You can only imagine how it would sound, the cadence of his voice, crooning out one of Elvis’s slower songs. The words always resonate with you, strike that cord that Elvis no doubt was searching for.
It's one of the best things about his music, how it can relate to anyone who really listens to the lyrics.
“Elvis was a lonely soul.” Austin nods, moving to set his coffee down as he sits on the couch. He picks up the guitar and runs his fingers over the strings. Your eyes are drawn to his hands, a simple gold band on his middle finger. It seems to come to him so naturally, sinking into the notes, the emotion behind them.
You smile a little and nod about his comment on Elvis—seems ironic that it could be true but, she supposes his celebrity status didn’t protect him from those types of feelings. You curl your hair around your ear as he begins to play the chords associated with the song, lyrics leaving his lips.
Are you lonesome tonight? Do you miss me tonight? Are you sorry we drifted apart?
Sinking to sit on the couch near him, you watch, drawn in almost like a moth to a flame. It’s so easy to see why he was picked for this role, how much of himself he gives into it. And it’s not as if he’s playing a persona, this is something learned, it’s so natural that goosebumps raise on your arms.
Austin’s eyes meet yours once he stops playing, the musical notes fading into the silence. It’s not uncomfortable, something shared between you. Smiling a little with a motion to the guitar, “That was actually pretty incredible.”
He raises his eyebrows, setting the guitar aside with a slight laugh as he reaches for his coffee. “Is that an air of surprise I sense in your voice?”
Your cheeks kiss pink before shaking your head, “Not exactly—” Maybe a little, “I just think passion is nice to see.”
That response seems to surprise him, his lips quirking just a little as he takes a sip of coffee. You’re not sure if that’s a good thing or not—you figure Austin has to be aware of the effect he has on people, especially now with this role, the charm and charisma he possesses. A soft smile or kind word in any direction capable of opening doors for him.
“What are you passionate about?”
You chew on your lip, swallowing, really considering the question. No one has really asked you that before…and you have to admit you’re having trouble figuring out what to say. Before you open your mouth, a quick set of knocks sound on Austin’s door before it opens.
Someone from wardrobe, she thinks his name is Phil, pauses. His eyes widen just slightly but it’s gone as soon as it appears, “Sorry Austin, we’re ready for you.” He gives one more look in your direction before leaving.
The silence is deafening, as if you’ve finally realized what you’re doing on Austin’s couch, in his trailer—you stand up so fast your head almost spins.
“I uh—I should get going.” You smile, though clearly a bit shaken, “I don’t want to keep you from wardrobe.”
“You’re not—Y/N.” Austin says, standing from the couch as well.
But you’re out the door before you talk yourself into staying.
thank you so much for reading! I do have an idea for pt3 but will most likely be playing this by ear and interest :)
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fxntxsix · 2 years
Fantasia Tings
Anywayyyyyy in other news, I have a couple of tings to say -
1. I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH WTF. I was so fucking terrified before posting ‘Throwing Punches’ because I had never written fanfic before and @adoresbutlers my Tumblr mama can attest to this. BUT y’all have shown so much sugar to all my fics so far and I am quite speechless but please know that y’all are extremely valued by me and I’m here for you whenever you need me.
2. So apparently, ‘The Agreement’ got a lot of love and I hear of a part 2 (yes I see you @glitteryteenwolftelevisionshoe @pennyroyalcreep @dre6ming @aconflagrationofmyown @pearlparty sorry I haven’t replied to your comments) and special mention here to @enchantinglyjade who also showed love and I AM REELING because ‘Milk & Honey’ has had me in a vice grip since day one. Anyway, I am here to confirm that there will be another part but please give it some time because I’m going to have to plan it out and I hadn’t done that originally.
3. For upcoming posts though, there are a few that I have lined up so far (in no particular order and requests are always welcome) - 
 - Austin Butler x Famous!Reader on Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy embarrasses and exposes the Reader about something that’s really really cute. (Fluff)
 - Austin Butler x Tattoo Artist!Reader where Austin wants to honour his time on the set of Elvis and comes in for a tattoo. (Smut)
 - Elvis Presley (or Austin!Elvis) x Pregnant!Reader who goes into labour and the delivery is...eventful. (Kinda fluff, probably a blurb)
 - Sebastian Kydd x Reader have a Subway Surfer competition but they’re both hella competitive. (Undecided)
 - Boyfriend!Austin Butler x Indian!Reader are at her sister’s Indian style wedding and Reader guides the white boy through all the events and brown family quirks. (Possible series I actually don’t know about this one yet)
Yeah so let me know what you guys think about these ideas and if any of them sound even kind of interesting.
4. Lastly, a shout out to my nearest and dearest - @adoresbutlers @presleysnotes @emmymaehereeeeee - I wouldn’t be writing without you guys.
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Okay kissies for everyone
- Fantasia <3
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adoresbutlers · 1 year
y’all gotta help me..
per @pearlparty ‘s wonderful prompt i now have muse to write a frat Harry/frat Austin fic but idk where i want the direction to lead..
option 1: frat!Harry x frat!Austin x college!reader drama fic
option 2: frat!Harry x frat!Austin pairing drama fic
help 🫶🏼
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Heart of a Hunter Act VII Tagging Problems Update
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Hey all, I just wanted to make a post to address the fact that my tags aren't currently working for most people on the tags list for Act 7.
New Chapters post Sunday mornings. I'm USA Mountain Time so it may differ slightly depending on your location, but they will continue to post at the same time they always do through the end of the act.
I'm not sure exactly what's happening. I still think it might be Tumblr being Tumblr.
I've tried several other ways of tagging since the most recent chapter was posted yesterday but I haven't had any luck getting the tags to start working. I'm trying one last method in this post, and if it works hopefully I'll have it all solved going forward. In an attempt to get as many of you successfully tagged in this post as possible, I've grouped tags into 3 groups (if you show up more than once, it's because you're on more than one of my tag lists and I didn't separate them in the hopes that you'll at least this see once.)
If your username has a strikeout, that means even this method was probably not working as I went, and you should check your username, and if I have it wrong please send me a message so I can correct it going forward.
I wanted to send you all the current master list (updated after yesterday's chapter went live) so you can get caught up if necessary.
Also, I will be more vigilant about getting this master list updated every Sunday as soon as the new chapter posts.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and also that it's been so hard for you all to read the story. I work really hard to write and edit and prepare these posts and it's frustrating when you aren't able to access the story easily.
Thanks for sticking with me. I love you all for it.
ACT 7 Masterlist HERE
Heart of a Hunter Saga Masterlist HERE
Chapters will continue to post on Sundays as usual.
TAGS (crossing my fingers this works)
Group 2
@blonde-in-charge @casedeanjamiecordismwyattclayfan @deanwinchesterswitch @supernatural79impala @stixnstripesworld @krazykelly @theoriginalvicki @lavieenlex @akshi8278 @ravenesque @end-lessnights @sylverminx @thereisnolumos @angelblazon @michellethetvaddict @bebravekeeponfighting @angelsandwinchesters @16wiishes @kurage14 @deans-baby-momma @adoptdontshoppets @rainflowermoon @ruprecht0420 @healojane @shawnie74 @lyarr24 @lovememisha @sea040561 @growningupgeek @kittycat-cas @lallybrochloser @jensen-jarpad
@deanscherrypie @mysteriouslyme81 @atc74 @notnaturalanahi @mousehybrid @supernatural-jackles @evansrogerskitten @girl-next-door-writes @mypopculturediva @destieliswrittenonmyheart-blog @lavieenlex @fandom-random2405 @procratsinator-blog @mamaredd123 @amotleyworld @cardiaccadillac @jayankles @wrenwritesometimes @pearlparty @daughterleftbehind @inthecarwithaboy @deathtonormalcy56 @roxy-davenport @sarah-heyes @iamabeautifulperson18 @deepbreathssammy ​@2spoopy4uamigo @melmo-omnomnom @kbl1313 @disenchanted66
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loving-elvis · 2 years
oh boy i really hope he's not 🫣
Hahaha, oh Anon, I wouldn't worry!
I like to think that he's up there, amused to no end that he's still having that effect on legions of girls around the world 😄
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