purecantarella · 7 months
Just a Bite
day 8 since kinktober started but i like to think better late than never AHAHHAHA and i can't be the only one who's imagined marking up any one of these women's skin 😭 anyway, so i hope yall enjoy this one!! day 8 : biting myoui mina x reader dislcaimer/s : incredibly suggestive. minors dni
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Mina always considered herself to be a patient woman. Nothing in particular easily set her off. She knew how to take a joke. The Japanese woman all-together just knew how to handle herself and maintain an air of grace around her.
But you really were working her last nerve.
It's not that you intended to do that, and she fully knew that. But you had an odd and rather distracting tendency to bite down on her shoulder when you two are cuddling or standing beside one another. It was cute at first, but then it got increasingly hard for Mina to ignore how her heart would jump when you took a particularly hard nip that would leave her breathless.
She was able to mask it with a light giggle or pushing you off. But there were days when it was hard...much like tonight.
After the day she had, greeting fans, playing with her members, and performing, she was just glad she could come home to you. From the moment she walked in the door, you greeted her with your puppy-like charm and bright eyes.
A calm washes over her as she walks into your embrace. You prop your head atop hers while she nuzzles gently into your neck. You feel a her release a relaxed breath as her hold on your waist tightens.
You pull away, much to her dismay, to brush her hair out of her face, "Long day, Minari?" You ask only for her to nod and fall back into your arms. You silently listen as she talks about the highlights of the fanmeet that day, waddling backwards into the couch, setting her beside you.
The Japanese woman continues to ramble as you nuzzle yourself into her neck, savoring the moment as you could. Mindlessly, you begin leaving hair-light kisses over clothed shoulder, nodding every now and again to make sure she knew you were listening.
Mina is joking about something Momo and Dahyun had done that had the fans screaming when she felt it. Your teeth sank into the cloth of her shirt, down onto her skin. It sparked a jolt through her and she couldn't help the groan that fell past her lips, cutting her sentence off.
In a feeble attempt to brush it off, she cleared her throat before continuing her story. Hoping that you didn't hear it through your blissed out daze.
But you heard it.
Faint, but it echoed in your ears. You eased your teeth back into her porcelain skin and your ears perked up hearing the barely audible whimper fall from your girlfriend's lips. Unable to stop yourself, you smirk against her.
Lifting your head, you watch Mina immediately look away, a hot flush coloring her cheeks. You lean up and place a feather light kiss over her cheek. Allowing the contact to linger as you whisper, "And just what was that, Minari?"
Mina clears her throat and forces her eyes away, a nervous smile growing on her lips as you leaned in closer. As she tried to stand up, you grab her wrist while the other finds purchase on her waist. Forcing her onto your lap. She watches the glimmer of mischief shine in your ever darkening eyes.
"Y-Y/n—" Her shaky voice falls into a soft gasp as your lips wrapped around her earlobe, teeth grazing the skin there as you tug down playfully. Your grip on her wrist lets and your fingers trail up her arm. Finding the ends of her hair, you push it all behind her shoulder. Your falls to a hushed whisper, voice husky, "I didn't think my little actions had such extreme reactions in you, Minari."
Finding her voice, she says as firmly as she can, "I don't know what you're talking about, Y/n." The laugh that settles in your chest does nothing to soothe her nerves, it was dark as your head slowly ducked into the newly exposed skin of her neck, breath fanning the skin there. Boldly, you kiss above her pulse point, baring your teeth as you scrape down the column of her neck.
Knowing full well she would be unable to fight you off, she gives into the sigh that caught in her throat. Her hand runs through your hair, scratching gently. Silently telling you to continue.
Your hand trailed from the back of her neck to the front of her shirt ad you continue to bite and suck her neck. Slowly unbuttoning every button from its hole. One at a time, each time you left a small nip leaving her blushing. You pull away, her shirt fully open and exposing the white bralette, her toned stomach flexing as the hand that sat on her waist slipped their way towards the zipper of her jeans.
Pausing for a moment, you look into her eyes. Want oozing from the dark pools and you can't help yourself from leaning forward. Catching her lips between yours. The arms that had dangled on her sides through your onslaught wrapped around your neck as she deepened the kiss. As you pull away she tugs your lower lip between her teeth, hard enough to break the skin.
You groan before snapping out of your daze, chuckling darkly before lifting your thumb to brush off the blood. You kiss her jaw, then her neck, all the way down to her heat. Her eyes were liquid metal watching you with intent, her hands still knotted in your hair. Silently begging you for more.
You tilt your head curiously and teasingly to the side. Slowly, you're pulling the zipper of her pants down with a small smirk. "Something tells me you have something to say, Minari..." You trail off, waiting for her to verbalize what you knew she wanted you to do.
The bashful blush over her cheeks deepen before she says a shaky, "P-Please, Y/n..." You grin before slipping her pants and underwear off in one slick motion.
You wink before moving between her thighs, leaving light nips on your way up to her center. "Well, I suppose I could have a bite to eat, Minari."
The afternoon was filled with Mina's increasingly loud whining and you were left with a wildcard to use against your girlfriend even in the most public settings.
was that shitty towards the end? yes. will i edit it any further? not any time soon HAHAHAHAH i know its a little weak for my personal day 1 but i'll get back into the swing of it, i promise my lovelies!! anyway, i hope you all enjoyed this and i will see you all tomorrow!! keep safe and i love every single on of you 💗 - r
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posies4rosie · 2 years
sage and camilla?
“sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?”
music no doubt. i think it has something to do with the fact that it’s easy for my brain to associates music with memories.
“camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?”
less tired, less wary, but no less a dreamer, probably way more than I am now.
i guess, in short, I grew up. trauma changes people, turns them into someone they don’t recognize anymore.
thank you for the ask 🥰 take care now!!
get to know me
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typegirls · 1 month
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𝓨ours to claim
→ Rosé x Leitora g!p
→ Palavras: 1.6K
ATENÇÃO: smut, leitora com pênis, palavrões, menção a gravidez, sexo sem camisinha .
📌 ps:. sempre use camisinha, se proteja, se cuide, é a sua saúde que está em jogo.
📌 masterlist
© all rights reserved by @purecantarella
© tradução (pt/br) by @typegirls
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Você e Rosé estavam em um relacionamento há anos antes de se casarem, mas mesmo antes disso ela gostava de imaginar a vida de vocês se tivessem filhos, os criando, cuidando deles, os vendo crescer com vocês. Tudo isso era muito empolgante para ela e a empolgação só aumentou quando vocês se casaram.
Na verdade, essa foi a primeira pergunta dos pais dela.
— Quando vocês vão nos dar netos?
Eles viram isso como uma piada, mas ela tinha isso gravado em sua mente... E você também.
Você sabia que, eventualmente, vocês duas teriam filhos, era inevitável. As duas adoravam crianças e queriam ter as suas próprias. Como você podia ter filhos biológicos com sua esposa, isso só a impulsionou ainda mais. Isso a deixou feliz no início, mas depois você pensou um pouco mais sobre o processo para chegar lá.
Transar com a mulher mais linda e sexy do mundo, com seu esperma escorrendo dela. Isso fez o sangue correr até seu membro. Falar sobre filhos ficou muito mais difícil, pois você ficou mais dura ao pensar nisso.
Você se deitou na rede da varanda de seu apartamento, com uma perna pendurada na lateral, balançando as duas suavemente, enquanto olhava para o céu com Rosé cantando calmamente em seus braços.
— Esta noite está tão tranquila, não está? – Você pensa em voz alta, aproveitando a felicidade de sua vida de casada com a cantora.
Ela acena com a cabeça contra seu peito, parando de cantar por um momento enquanto se inclina para brincar com seu cabelo. Delicadamente, ela encosta os lábios nos seus. É um momento tranquilo, inocente, bonito. Você sorri quando Rosé se afasta, ela espelha a felicidade em seu rosto antes de se deitar em seus braços.
— Quando tivermos filhos, provavelmente vai ficar um pouco mais barulhento, você não acha?
Seus ouvidos se animam quando ela começa a falar sobre as coisas que aconteceriam quando você tivesse seu primeiro filho, sua mente para de processar o que ela está dizendo e adormece. Você pensa em pegá-la ali mesmo, a enchendo de sua carga repetidas vezes até que ela tenha certeza de que carregará seu filho.
Sua cabeça nadava com a ideia e seu coração batia forte ao pensar em todas as formas de transar com sua esposa grávida. Enquanto outra fantasia se desenrola em sua mente, você ouve sua esposa gemer baixinho. O som a joga de volta à realidade quando as palavras dela são interrompidas.
Um rubor envergonhado colore suas bochechas à medida que seu pênis aumenta de tamanho e começa a cutucar a barriga de sua esposa com força. A expressão de Rosé se torna mais desesperada quando ela morde o lábio, mas ela tenta brincar com a súbita mudança de eventos.
— Deus, S/N, você quer tanto assim ter filhos?
Incapaz de entrar na brincadeira dessa vez, você pega o queixo dela entre o indicador e o polegar, com a voz trêmula.
— Você realmente quer saber o que eu quero agora?
Você gira os quadris, se certificando de que o seu pênis esfregue contra ela novamente. Ela geme baixinho, com a cabeça caindo um pouco antes de olhar para cima novamente, com as bochechas rosadas quando você se inclina. Seus narizes se encostam um no outro.
— Diga a palavra. E eu lhe darei o que você quer, anjo.
Sem pensar duas vezes, você sai da rede antes de a pegar em seus braços. Quando ela está confortavelmente apoiada, os lábios dela estão nos seus imediatamente. Seus dentes se chocam e suas línguas se encontram em uma dança apaixonada, ela geme em sua boca enquanto se agarra ao seu corpo.
Você já havia andado por essa casa inúmeras vezes, mas em sua mente obscurecida pela luxúria, você bateu no sofá e em vários itens domésticos. Rosé se afasta e ri.
— Você está uma enorme bagunça, S/N.
Você sorri contra os lábios dela, depositando beijos leves nos lábios, nas bochechas e até no pescoço.
— É minha culpa se eu quero tanto você? – Você chupa o pescoço dela, a fazendo gemer baixinho.
Quando você solta a pele quente dela, você se enfia novamente em seu centro carente, a voz dela fica rouca quando ela grita novamente.
— Eu só quero encher você. Deixar sua boceta pingando com meu esperma por dias.
Finalmente chegando à porta, você a abre com um chute brusco. Você se afasta do pescoço dela, encontrando seus olhos arregalados.
— É isso que você quer, não é?
Ela a puxa para outro beijo violento, com as unhas cravadas em sua nuca. Ela arranca um gemido de seus lábios quando morde seu lábio e o puxa de volta com um olhar presunçoso no rosto. Você está atordoada quando ela sussurra.
— Eu quero que você me leve a sério... Várias e várias vezes, S/A. Você está entendendo?
Você a joga na cama e a vê engatinhar com um brilho sedutor nos olhos enquanto puxa desesperadamente suas roupas. O sorriso no seu rosto aumenta quando você vê o olhar de pura luxúria no rosto dela quando você fica apenas de boxer e sutiã.
Você dá um passo para a frente, se encontrando entre as pernas dela, enquanto desabotoa a blusa, expondo os seios empinados para você. Sua mão encontra apoio no monte dela, apertando o seio com a mão. A boca dela se abre quando você faz isso, fazendo com que você se incline para baixo e pegue o mamilo excitado na boca, enrolando o botão entre a língua.
— Oh, merda, S/A... – Ela geme, com a mão agarrada ao travesseiro embaixo dela, enquanto observa você chupando os seios dela com grande paixão.
— Sem provocações, por favor. Eu quero que você me foda, S/A. – Você olha para cima e a vê olhando para você, com as sobrancelhas franzidas e o lábio inferior tremendo de desejo.
Mãos quentes deslizam por suas pernas e se encontram atrás de suas coxas. Você interrompe o beijo para se inclinar para trás e empurrar as pernas dela até os ombros, você se senti ainda mais excitada com a flexibilidade de sua esposa.
A mão dela se inclina até seu membro, o esfregando através do tecido fino. Você inclina a cabeça para trás e fecha os olhos, gemendo com a sensação antes dela puxar o tecido para baixo, fazendo com que seu pênis bata na barriga. A mão dela circula em torno do membro ereto enquanto ela morde o lábio e observa sua expressão se fundir em um estado de êxtase.
— Porra, Rosie... – Você geme baixinho enquanto o polegar dela brincava com a cabeça bulbosa do seu pênis, limpando o líquido da fenda.
Você abre os olhos a tempo de vê-la mergulhar o dedo na boca, gemendo baixinho ao sentir o gosto salgado familiar em sua língua.
— Me fode, S/A.
Sua mão guia o membro em direção a entrada dela, roçando a ponta contra o clitóris para coletar a umidade. Em pouco tempo, você introduz seu membro na caverna molhada dela. Ambas soltam um gemido de alívio ao fazê-lo, penetrando cada vez mais fundo no núcleo dela.
— S/N... – Ela geme enquanto sua cabeça se inclina dramaticamente para trás.
Você faz uma pausa por um momento, sentindo-se no fundo do poço. Você ouve o gemido dela e a mão dela encontra o caminho para o seu estômago, raspando suavemente.
— Você pode se mexer agora, amor...
Não demorou muito para que seus quadris encontrassem um ritmo suave, entrando e saindo da buceta dela, deixando Rosé gritando seu nome. A cama batia violentamente contra a parede atrás de vocês duas enquanto seus lábios sugavam e mordiam fervorosamente o pescoço dela.
— S/N... Oh S/N! Mais forte, por favor, me fode com mais força! – Sua esposa grita enquanto as mãos dela voam para suas costas, arranhando a pele, a fazendo sibilar em um prazer doloroso.
Obedecendo às exigências dela, seu ritmo se acelera e suas investidas são mais fortes.
Os olhos de Rosé rolam para a parte de trás da cabeça enquanto sua mão brinca com o clitóris dela, desenhando círculos em torno do ponto exitado. O prazer começa a crescer em vocês duas enquanto você geme contra o pescoço dela.
— Amor, porra, amor, sua buceta é tão gostosa... Tão gostosa.
Ela sente que suas investidas estão ficando desleixadas e puxa sua cabeça do pescoço dela, a forçando a olhar para ela. Você fica extremamente excitada ao ver o rosto suado dela, desesperada por você. Sua testa é pressionada contra a dela enquanto vocês duas ofegam e gemem incontrolavelmente.
— Eu vou gozar, Rosie... Jesus, porra, você é tão apertada, amor. – Você murmura para ela, Rosé morde o lábio, o que a deixa infinitamente mais quente.
— Goza dentro de mim, amor. Encha minha buceta com seu esperma, S/A. – Ela respira contra você, com os olhos escuros como a noite, quando finalmente diz. — Goze na minha bucetinha apertada.
Você geme alto, com a mão livre apertando os lençóis acima da cabeça de sua esposa. Ela geme gostoso em seu pescoço e chega ao ápice com mais força do que jamais sentiu com você ao sentir seu esperma pintar as paredes internas dela, a enchendo até a borda.
Seus corpos têm um espasmo antes de você ofegar enquanto seu corpo cai sobre o de Rosé, tentando recuperar o fôlego. Deve ter passado apenas um minuto antes de sua esposa se inclinar e beijar seus lábios. Seus olhos cansados encontram o sorriso atrevido dela.
— Ainda não terminei com você, S/A. – Ela a empurra para fora dela e a coloca deitada antes que seu pênis seja envolvido pela entrada quente dela novamente.
Ela geme suavemente ao sentar em você, enquanto você suspira por ar.
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justalonelybitch · 1 year
Recommendation List!
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Call It What You Want by @perfectsunlight - Yoo Jimin
I'm Sorry by @goldennikko - Yoo Jimin
Best Friends by @perfectsunlight - Uchinaga Aeri
Sticky Note Love by @kimsohn - Kim Minjeong
Brave by @ddoxhan - Ning Yizhuo
At Your Service by @let-them-read-fics - Kim Minji
Hoist the Colours High by @foolish-sparrow - Kim Bora
Take A Look by @flooffybits - Kim Yoohyeon & Lee Yubin
Aftertastes by @seollenda - Hwang Yeji
Lost In Thoughts of You by @flooffybits - Choi Jisu
RUN2U by @panda-writes-kpop - Choi Jisu
Touch Ups by @seoltzuki - Shin Ryujin
~Le Sserafim~
Neglected by @k-comfyspace - Kim Chaewon & Kim Minju
Best Friends by @perfectsunlight - Huh Yunjin
YouTube Series by @jihyoruri - Huh Yunjin
In Your Face by @flooffybits - Jo Haseul
Breathless by @flooffybits - Ha Sooyoung
(Not Just) Friends by @flooffybits - Kim Jungeuen
Are You Done? by @seoltzuki - Kim Jungeun
That's Not The Case by @seoltzuki - Kim Jiwoo
This Suffocating Silence by @flooffybits - Park Chaewon
Bright Path by @k-comfyspace - Son Hyejoo
~Red Velvet~
First Kiss (Royalty AU Reaction) by @luxora - All Members
It's Not You I Want by @sodamvelvets - Bae Joohyun & Park Sooyoung
Dance For Me by @kpop-zone - Bae Joohyun
Trouble Maker by @luvlyrv - Kang Seulgi
Good Enough by @revelwrittenscenes - Park Sooyoung
Lights, Camera, Action by @kdyism - Kim Yerim
2.10am by @eunjidrabbles - Kim Yerim
Past Tense And An Arms Length by @seollendaollenda - Kim Taeyeon
Apology by @girlgrouptrash101 - Jung Jessica
Figure My Heart Out by @gllitter-asian - Im Yoona
Ignore The Rumours by @multiphandomunnies - Im Yoona
Don't Keep Me In The Dark by @sarcasmmoo - Seo Joohyun
Wait For Me by @soulkeeper801 - Im Nayeon
Can you?? Ugh! by @seoltzuki - Im Nayeon
Mary Sue by @purecantarella - Hirai Momo
Something To Make Up For by @mashup-writing - Park Jihyo
What I Thought by @sarcasmmoo - Park Jihyo
Don't Call It Cliché by @seollenda - Park Jihyo
Maybe Less Blush? by @seoltzuki - Myoui Mina
~New Jeans~
Something There by @jigujellee - Kim Minji
Convinient For Who? by @rosiehrs - Kim Minji
Shades of Cool by @jiihu - Kim Minji
See Through by @jiihu - Pham Hanni
Please! (SMAU) by @mingkuri - Pham Hanni
Push & Pull by @the-roo-too - Lily Morrow
Say Something! (SMAU) by @the-roo-too - Oh Haewon
Real You by @the-roo-too - Seol Yoona
The One That Got Away by @silantryoo - Choi Yunjin
I am definitely making another rec list in the future. There are so many groups and more amazing fics I wanted to include, but unfortunately it was too late before I realised Tumblr wouldn't let me add anymore links :(((((
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evilzhou · 1 year
hello! i'm a new reader so can you recommend me other wlw writings blogs? thank you <3
I'm tagging the accounts I follow. I love all of them.
Just a warning: some of these accounts write dark content, so you can avoid them or read only the works you're comfortable with like I do. All of their works are properly tagged, so read the warnings.
@lovelaetter @softluda @nayeonmatter @itzypinkstwice @jinlias @darlinghyo @aeiuwu @jisuahh @threenounname @fortheloveofshasha @purecantarella @pinksavage @luvsdive @jigujellee @heavenlycloud @invitur @winrinas @velvetsomnia
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ssaakuraaa · 2 years
。• blog recommendations pt 3 (final part) 。• <3
pt 3 !
song recommendation : bother me - chung ha
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Blackpink Master Fic Rec List
(work in progress!)
(Images coming soon)
~Coming Soon~
Kim Jisoo
20 Minutes -purecantarella
Kim Jennie
Passenger - fizzydrink698
Park Chaeyoung
~Coming Soon~
Lalisa Manoban
~Coming Soon~
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cladestine · 2 years
Who's your favorite tmblr authors?
Btw, I do love your fics. Waiting for some new ones!!
i am waiting for someone to ask me this!
okay *clears throat*
@hotlink907 - can write a variety of genres. you can see that writing is author's passion, it definitely reflects how they cater every req that they receive.
@purecantarella - rarely updates but, when author did— you will never get disappointed
@jigujellee - author's headcannons are so great. definitely looking forward for the next one!!
- i am currently drafting a new one. i am always busy during weekends; prioritizing family time and all hehe. thanks for the support!!!
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d-dalladalla · 2 years
Here's a fun one, favorite authors on Tumblr? - 🧡
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purecantarella · 7 months
High and Dry
day two (for me) yall!! im not going to lie, im not feeling 100% right now but im not going to be inconsistent just yet HAHAAHAH i hope you lovelies enjoy this one as much as i enjoyed imagining it hirai momo x 10th Member!Reader : day 9 edging disclaimer/s : smut. minors dni
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Even before you and Momo started seeing each other exclusively, you knew her to be a huge tease. When you two started dating, it progressively got worse. Each time before practice, she made an effort to whisper the most depraved thing lowly into your ear before smiling coyly and rejoining the rest of the group.
It was absolutely maddening to you.
After weeks and months of built up frustration before practice, you snapped.
You woke up to Momo half asleep, smiling up at you. It's warm, it's a still moment. All until she nuzzles into your neck, leaving lingering and light kisses all over the exposed skin.
"Do we have to go to practice..." Before you can save yourself from her verbal onslaught, she pushes herself on top of you, cornering you against the mattress. "...when we could stay in all day..." The Japanese woman leans impossibly close with a smirk gracing her lips. "Doing everything and anything that pretty mind can think of..."
She pecks your lips gently, her cold hand running under your sleep shirt. You shudder as she pulls away. You know what she'd be doing next, pull away and get ready for the day, leaving you high and dry.
But not today.
Your hands quickly find her waist and flip her over. Your eyes glued to hers as they widen in shock. You'd never really been as bold as you were in this moment, Momo felt her heart pound madly in her chest. A nervous laugh claws its way out of her throat as she tries to push you off.
"Y/n...you know we have practice in an hour." Momo reasons to which you grin ridiculously down at her. You lean down, ghosting over her lips. You feel her release a shaky breath. "An hour is a lot of time, baby. Don't you think?"
Without another word, your lips are on hers. Momo's hands find your face, pulling you closer, her leg hooking to your waist. You feel her groan against your lips as your hands claw up her side. You smirk before pulling away, your head ducking down into the crook of her neck. Leaving open kisses along the column of her neck, your hands busying themselves against her chest.
She groans as the pad of your thumb brushes against her taut nipples. Flicking them up and down, your hand lowering the elastic of her shorts, exposing her hip as you rub slow circles. Momo releases a soft sigh. Her voice shaky as your hand dips into the expanse of her shorts, "N/n...fuck...please."
You smirk against her neck before lifting yourself up. You tilt your head with a quirked brow, "Well how can I say no to something said so sweet?"
Your hand dips into her sleep shorts, smiling to yourself as you feel her need for you. Her arms lock around your neck as your fingers draw tight circles around her clit. You listen to her soft whines, panting soft 'mores' under her breath. Finally giving into what she was begging for, you plunge a finger into her drenched center.
"Y/nnn...!" Momo choked out tightening her grasp around your neck. You place your lips on hers as you add another finger in a feeble attempt to silence her. You smile before slipping your tongue into her mouth, wrapping the muscle around hers as you allow a groan to scratch its way out of your throat.
You pick up the pace, your wrist beginning to cramp as Momo pulls away abruptly from your lips. Head falling into the pillow under her head. Her nails dig into the back of your neck while you watch her eyes begin to roll to the back of her head. "Baby...baby...babyyyy...!"
A small smirk grows on your lips as you pull your hand out of her shirt and shorts respectively. Momo's eyes bulge out of her head as you pull yourself out of the soft duvet of your bed. You run a hand through your hair before getting on your knees.
"Manager-unnie's probably going to be here in a little bit, we should head out Momoring." You get out of bed, stretching your back before disappearing into the bathroom. Despite shaky legs, Momo chases after you. She growls as she corners you against the sink, a self-satisfied smile on your face. "There's no way in hell you're leaving the house like—"
You lean in and peck her lips, biting her lower lip as she's left dazed. Placing a hand on her chest, pushing her back into the cool tiled wall of the bathroom. "Better take a cold shower, Momoring."
Before she can stop you again, your out the door. Leaving Momo high and dry was satisfying in of itself. Practice was going to be incredibly hellish for her.
and i had fun with this, albeit i am a day late HAHAHAHA i hope you all enjoyed it and i will see yall probably again in a few hours for the actual day 10!! i'll see you all vv soon, keep safe my lovelies!! - r
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twiceinadream · 3 years
really this isnt a request, i just wanted to say how well you're doing despite how things are right now for you personally and the whole world i guess. and to sort of thank you? it was actually because of your blog that i decided to start writing my own stuff. love your work sm! keep safe 💖
Wow, thank you. I appreciate the kind words and I can’t say how much of an honor it is to hear that I helped inspire someone to write. Keep doing what you’re doing and stay safe as well!
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gyupremacy · 2 years
TW d threats, sexualization of minors, the use of the r word
Just in case you don't know, there is a user named @kpoprpmegan on here who is a very problematic and toxic person. She says that she enjoys roleplay fantasies involving female kpop idols who are in their younger 20's and finds it arousing to spank someone... but get this, in her bio it literally says that she enjoys this "like a child getting spanked when they're naughty" tf.
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It had gotten to the point where a callout post was made by @kpopficcys warning other users to not interact with her. Now, I personally know Megan because we were in a Blink gc back when the feature was still here and many people that were in that group chat were minors (who she would frequently interact with). Even then, I got bad vibes from her, so I didn't interact with her at all. After the post was made, a user named waterlemon-amber came into the dms of @dream-of-loona and @hellieaesthetic basically defending Megan.
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This user also took it upon herself to accuse both Hellie and d-o-l of bullying Megan, which wasn't true (then later deactivated her account). Then an anon sent a message to @purecantarella explaining their experience with them claiming that she is in her 40s and has interacted with them (since they are a minor) in a sexually explicit situation.
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Fast forward a couple weeks later, Hellie started to recieve anons that were telling her to k!ll herself and "just die". I just assumed that it was waterlemon-amber, but under a new account since a similar message was sent to me last month. I'm now convinced it was Megan this whole time.
Now today, she has sent d threats onto @jisuahh daughter and proceeded to call her the r word among other things.
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Megan then says she sees no problem in saying the r word because it's "just a word" to her.
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She also says that she has schizophrenia and suffers from depression, but that is no excuse to say such vile things to someone, considering she has also been sent threats by anons. I've tried reporting her, but staff seems to not give a single shit about it. If you do see this, please spread the word so people know how horrible she is and as for you Megan... you sure do a lot playing the victim when in fact you're a bully yourself.
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purecantarella · 1 year
A Long Time Coming
not what i really wanted to post for my comeback buT THIS WAS ALREADY HALF WRITTEN SO I THOUGHT JUST RUN WITH IT!! anyway, i hope you all missed me and i will try to get more writing in, i promise. but for now, here yall go!! kim jennie x reader disclaimer/s : none, mostly floof and a touch of angst if you squint
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You think back to your entire life, never once thinking that you'd find yourself in one of the most stereotypical romcom plot trope in the book. Dashing through the airpot, trembling from the cold the rain brought you.
All for her. All for Kim Jennie.
Your entire life was intertwined with hers. Your father had worked closely with her mother during their college years, moving into the same community in New Zealand, both becoming single parents, and above all, had the same wants for their children.
You'd grown up with Jennie, especially with how familiar your parents were with one another. Same daycare, same friend group, same beliefs. It was uncanny how close you two were. You were even aligned to be in the same college, until she announced her intentions to audition for YG Entertainment.
She remembers the argument you two got into.
"You're serious?" You ask as she sits on your bed, trying to reason with you. She could tell from the furrow of your brows and the twitching of your lip just how upset you were. She breathes a sigh, "I just want to follow my own passion, N/n. Not the path our parents paved for us."
You fall back into your desk chair, averting your gaze from your childhood friend, your best friend. Eyes glued to the photo collage she made you during your 15th brithday. Jennie watches your stilled gaze as you stare at your young faces. Standing up to lean over you, placing her hand on yours.
The warmth of her hand sent sparks from your hand to your chest. Brushing the feeling off, you focus on her smile. The brightness radiating from it lighting up every night you slept over, the softness in those cat-like eyes, those soft plush cheeks.
You knew it would be better for her, but damn would you miss her.
"I know it'll be a little different..." She pauses, squeezing your hand gently, "But it'll always be you and me against the world. I could never lose you." The last part only gets past in a breath. Wordlessly, you pull her into a loose embrace. Arms draping around her waist, your head pressed against her chest, "I don't want to lose you either, Jen."
You whisper, silently giving her your blessing to leave as you nuzzle yourself deeper into her. Unbenost to either of you that your father was listening from the door, snacks in hand forgotten.
He watches as Jennie leans down to press her lips to the corner of your hairline, almost missing her saying, "And you'll always have me."
Your father keeps that in mind as you drive her to the airport, watching the tearful goodbye. He keeps it in mind when he watches you fall asleep talking to her. He keeps it in mind when he catches you making out with another woman in your class.
Most of all, he keeps it in mind when Jennie comes back to New Zealand.
"Dad, I was in a meeting. What's up?" You ask, carefully eying your assistant who fends off the angry businessmen. Suddenly, the nerves from the meeting are a distant memory when your father's gruff voice says, "You remember Jennie Kim?"
Your mind goes blank for a minute, previous stress from the meeting fading away as the memories of your first love filling your senses. Each sensation still fresh in your head, on your skin, and in your heart. Your father's words falling on deaf ears.
The last thing you caught before you thank him and tell him you won't be home for dinner is, "She's coming home."
It's been several years since you last saw Jennie, and just around the same time since you two drifted apart. She wasn't your adorable next door neighbor anymore, she was Kim Jennie of Blackpink. While you became a lawyer, choosing a smaller university to stay near home. You were successful and so was she.
But upon hearing her name again, you were a teenager just wanting her to look at you as more than a friend.
Your father and her mother spoke and arranged for a dinner just the four of you when she arrived. You'd planned all your cases around the week she would be in the country in spite of your client's irritability about all of it.
Her arrival date came far sooner than you were emotionally prepared for it. You dressed in your best, picked up flowers, and insisted to your assistant that you could drive to the airport just fine alone.
As you parked, you swallow thickly, placing a hand on your chest in attempts to calm your pounding heart. You take a deep breath and look at the lavish flowers with blue roses, lilac, and hydrangeas before whispering, "She's your best friend, it'll be fine."
Jennie was the same on the plane.
She sorely missed you but it had been years since she saw you. Would you be happy to see her? Would you want to see her? Were you the same? Did you still smile then your cheeks would flush? Do you still scratch at your nails when you got nervous? With how many questions flooded her head, she almost didn’t realize that she was landing.
As she dragged her luggage behind her, she looked around the airport for her mom. A couple minutes to no avail, she pulled her phone out in attempts to call her. A couple rings later, "Jennie! You've touched down, I presume?"
"Yeah-" Before she could say anything more, her mother interjected, "Oh! Then you'll see my surprise for you soon enough!" Jennie's mother exclaimed gleefully. A wave of tiredness washed over her and she sighed, a retort just at the tip of her tongue when someone spoke behind her.
The rapper whipped behind her and her eyes widened to a concerning degree.
There you were. Far more cleaned up than when she last saw you. Your tired eyes and loose fitting and dirty sweater evidently missing. In its place was a casual business suit, hair shiny and healthy, your eyes more alert and discerning. Her serious demeanor shattered at the look of you.
A squeal broke from her lips as she wrapped her arms around your neck. Your ears perked up at the contact, before you wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. Savoring the smell of her vanilla body wash.
Jennie pulled away and looked at you in amazement while you take in every ounce of her. Not much changed, more so she just grew into her features. But regardless, you feel your heart pound harder than when you imagined reuniting with her.
"I uh..." You trail off awkwardly, only raising the flowers up to her. Like a child giving a gift to their first crush. Well, when it came to Jennie it was pretty much the same feeling. She smiles warmly at you before taking the bouquet in your hands, "Thank you, N/n. I love them." Her hand finding purchase on your arm.
A nervous laugh falls from your lips as you say, "The florist I terrorized for an hour will be very happy to hear that you liked them." Jennie looks up at you with an adoring glaze in her eyes. The smile on her face leaves you breathless and you grin like a child, slipping your hand onto the handle of her luggage, briefly brushing with her hand.
Jennie, trying to mask the flush on her cheeks, looks down. She sees how much you've changed from when she last saw you, just a teenager with their whole future ahead of them. It was odd, but comforting. You'd grown up to all that you strived for, she'd read up on some of the cases you've handled when she had down time. It filled her with an inexplicable amount of pride.
But she also couldn't tell if you would still want her around.
But then, her eyes fall down to your nailbeds and smiles, faint white lines. Maybe you weren’t too different from the Y/n she grew up with.
Once you were both hauled into your car, once again she'd felt like you've reached a point in your life where you have it figured out. A shiny and sleek black car that just oozed class and sophistication. It overwhelmed her to an nth degree.
The only thing keeping you grounded in her mind was the picked at nails you had, a sliver of what made her believe you were still the one she looked up to. The one she looked for in every friend she ever had...in every relationship she'd ever had.
You on the other hand, were just praying that your sweat wouldn't seep through your suit jacket. The anxiety of having her eyes on you weighed on you so heavily. The silence didn't help either.
You open your mouth to speak, but it shuts before anything substantial or just about anything came out. From the corner of your eye, you see Jennie smile before finally easing into the seat, gaze still locked on you.
"You really made something of yourself, N/n." She pauses as you shift the gears into drive and pull out of the slot you were in. You laugh gently at her statement, stealing brief glances, "You're one to talk, miss Jennie Kim of one of the world's biggest girl groups."
"Hope that's not all you think of me..." Jennie pouts before crossing her arms playfully, your smile softens as you lean over and pull her arms out of their position. Smoothly taking her hand in yours, in spite of yourself. Your heart catches up with the action but by this point it's too late, her fingers lace comfortably with yours.
You clear your throat and reply, "Of course that's not all I think of you..." I think of you as the first person I've ever had feelings like this for...maybe even the only one. You think to yourself.
Jennie stares at you expectantly, "You're extraordinary on stage, but nothing beats the memory of you and I just kicking back in my room with a cheesy sit-com on our off-brand cellphones on a crappy pirating site." You both laugh before you continue, stopping at a red light and looking over at her. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I see you as I always have..."
Pausing to find the right words to say to her as Jennie waits with bated breathe. Her mind and pulse rushing at a million miles a minute. You smile goofily at her, "I see you as the amazing, smart, gorgeous girl who took a chance on her soft-spoken neighbor."
The air around you both is thick and your eyes unconsciously flick down to her lips. Jennie is shocked and is left frozen. Realizing yourself, you clear your throat and pull a forced and dry laugh. "But that's not of course without the drawback of your hair literally being all over the place, on top of your obsession with keeping everything tidy!"
Jennie is pulled out of her adoration and howls out laughing, "Shut up!"
"I swear, one or two of my jackets being left on the floor leads to a whole fuckin spring cleaning moment!" You retort as the light turns green. The rapper beside you rolls her eyes and scoffs.
"Please, if it were just one jacket as you claim, why could I not walk in your room without accidentally stepping on a clean t-shirt."
The rest of the car ride went without a hitch, falling back into your old conversations, her telling you interesting stories of the idols she socializes with, and you whining about the demanding partners and clients you have.
Before you knew it, you were at the curb of your childhood home.
You and Jennie stepped into your home, a sense of familiarity filled the rapper. She breathed in the scent of lavender and sandalwood, the only candle your father ever lit. 'Added a touch of class' he would always say. Your hand wrapped around her waist, making her jump out of nostalgia.
"Jen, I'm just going to grab your bag. Make yourself at home." You say quickly before ducking out the door again, leaving her with a hot flush on her cheeks. Damn feelings, she thinks to herself.
"Jennie Kim! It's been far too long." Your father calls from the door of your kitchen. She smiles warmly at him before jogging over to him and accepting his embrace. He pulls away, ruffling her hair. "You gotta come around more often, kid."
You grunt as you lift Jennie's luggage to the first step of your staircase. Proud of yourself you turn to see Mama Kim smiling at you, "N/n, dearest!"
"Mama Kim!" You cry happily before enveloping her in a warm and tight embrace. She chuckles and pats your arm affectionately and as you pull away, she slaps it gently. You feign distress before she says to you with playful anger, "I've been in the country for weeks and it takes me running into your dad for me to see you."
You chuckle softly before bowing your head respectfully, "Some partners just keeping my hands full."
Jennie's mother smiles deviously, the idol must've picked it up from her. "Speaking of partners keeping your hands full, ever going to woman up and tell my daughter how you feel?" Your eyes bulge as she says this.
"I swear to God, did dad tell you anything?" You ask, embarrassment pumping through your veins. She simply hums and bumps your shoulder with a childlike pout. "Like you could ever hide anything from me. Remember when I caught you sneaking in after curfew."
You eye the older woman cautiously, her eyes glued to her daughter and your father. A soft expression falls onto her face before she looks up to you. "I know how happy she makes you. You don't buy bouquets like that for someone you don't care for." Mama Kim nods over to the flowers atop Jennie's purse.
You blush thinking back to when you bought the arrangement, being so meticulous and seeking the perfect flowers to give to your childhood best friend whom you haven't seen nor spoken to in 9 years. You clear your throat as Jennie looks over at you both, eyes disappearing as her smile brightened.
"I just want everything to be up to her standard." You whisper as she closely approaches. Her mother, still looking at you mutters, "Is it what she wants though?"
With that Mama Kim walks up to her daughter, giving her a tight squeeze while you walk over to your father who was still leaning up against the door frame of the kitchen. Two bottles of beer in hand, he hands one over to you. "She looks good."
You cringe as you take a sip, "Creepy, dad." But you both laugh, before you look to the two other women in the living room looking at old memorabilia. "You are right though...those YG cameras have nothing on how she looks in real life."
There's a lull, you two sip your alcohol quietly waiting for the oven to ding for dinner. You hear your father chuckle beside you, "And that is one hell of a bouquet, Y/n."
"Shut up, dad." Your dad sputters laughing when the oven dings. You grin to yourself and walk into the kitchen, "Dinner time!"
Dinner was filled with laughter and one too many drinks. All the while you couldn't keep your eyes off Jennie. You knew even when you two were kids that she was gorgeous and that that gummy smile lit up anything and everything. She was an enigma...and she still was.
You both stumbled into your bedroom, tipsy from the evening's drinks. Laughter echoing the hall followed by shushing from one another, given your father was asleep on the couch and her mother in the guest bedroom.
Once Jennie gains her composure, she looks around your room. "Not much changed around here since I was last here, huh?" She asks as you plop down on your bed. You hum softly as she continues to walk around the room, everything was meticulously kept. Even the stack of papers was kept tidy and organized. But something out of the corner of her eye piqued her interest.
"No." The rapper gasps before bolting to your shelf, there sat a Blackpink album beside her solo album. Jennie marvels at them for a second, dust had collected atop both of them but they hadn't lost their sheen. "You big fucking nerd!"
You groan and smile before you lift your head up, mind returning once you saw what she had in her hands. "You have my albums?!" She makes out of her laughter.
You grin sheepishly before sitting up to remove your jacket, "Don't make a big deal of it, Kim. I happen to be very in touch with music, not just yours." Trying to brush her off.
Without saying another word, Jennie returns your mini-collection to the shelf, and jumps onto you. You grunt as she lays flat on top of you. "Did your bed get lumpier or is it just me?"
You laugh breathlessly, "I will throw up if you crush me like this."
There's a silence for a moment, it lingers before she rolls over her eyes meeting yours. Eyes droopier but still so bright, it sends a wave of warmth through your chest. You stroke the back of her hair lovingly, weaving your fingers through her soft locks. "I don't think I've told you just how much I missed you, Jen."
She nods and lays her head flat on your chest, nuzzling deep into your shirt. You continue, "I wanted to reach out, but I never knew what to say or I was scared I'd say the wrong thing."
"You could never say the wrong thing, N/n." Her voice childlike and faint. You knew full well how hard your heart was beating and you just knew that she could hear it too. You press your nose atop her head, savoring the moment before your lips meet the soft skin of her forehead. "I almost did, so many times...I've almost told you that I-"
A soft snore.
You shift your gaze from the ceiling to the woman on your chest, sound asleep. You smile and lay another soft kiss on her forehead, "I love you, Jennie."
After that night, you noticed that Jennie had become more clingy. The morning after while you were cooking breakfast, she was seated on the counter, feeding you freshly cut fruit as you cooked. The next day while you were walking around in the New Zealand heat, she took the time to pat your forehead dry while your arms were interlocked.
Finding new ways to make each other smile and reminiscing on the days when all you had to worry about was a paper due at the end of the week. Now, you had jobs, she had crazy fans, and there was so much pressure on both your backs to do well by your clients and her audience.
"You get me, you just get me." Jennie says before she takes another lick of her ice cream. You two had found a nice shady tree with only a few onlookers in the middle of a serene park. You lay on her lap as she talks about how demanding her company is. Photoshoots, video shoots, promotional appearances, all of it. "Trust me, I know a thing or two about that, the people in my law firm suck." You whine.
Jennie laughs, brushing your baby hairs back with a thoughtful look on her face, "They can't be all bad."
You look up at her, catching her eye, giving her a small wistful smile, "They aren't you."
Jennie's eyes widen before she nervously laughs and crushes what's left of her ice cream on your forehead. You gasp and shoot up pulling the sticky substance from your skin, "You're fucking dead, Kim!" You yell before she squeals and runs around the tree.
Her laughter makes her breathe catch before she leans up against the tree, holding her hand out in defense. "Y/n, I call truce, please?"
You laugh, shaking your head. "You stuck a cone of ice cream on my head."
"I made you a unicorn." She retorts with that damn gummy smile on her face. Before you can catch yourself, your hands press against the rough bark of the tree behind her. The smile on her face falters and you feel a twinge of hesitation in your chest. But before you can take a step back, her hand finds its way to the back of your neck. Brushing the hair away and scratches the skin right below your hairline.
She'd done it since you were kids.
Your gaze falls onto her lips, pink, hints of the strawberry ice cream left on her. You wonder if that's what it would taste like if you'd kissed her, like you dreamed of since you were 15. Jennie gently, oh so gently, pulled you closer. "You know, you should really be careful what you confess when you think someone's asleep."
A dry chuckle falls from your lips, "I knew it," You pause, just looking at her in all her glory. No make-up, no stage lights, no big crowd screaming her name. But she still blew you away. Finally, you finish, "I meant it."
Her smile grows twice as wide and you lean forward, your lips ghosting hers before her phone goes off. You hear her curse under her breath before pulling it out of her pocket, leaving you rather awkward.
Jennie answers in the phone in Korean, her brows crease instantly. She's seemingly arguing with whoever's on the other end before her hand balls into a fist behind your neck. Practically fuming, she nods and hangs up. You'd pulled away a bit to give her room to speak, but she turns her attention back to you before she says, "It was my manager, apparently they'd booked me for something this Friday."
"But your going back on Friday?" You return.
The rapper nods but continues to say, "Yeah, but there's preparation, fittings, video shoots to promote that I'll be in attendance." She breathes a frustrated sigh, before her eyes loose their spark, "I'm flying back tonight..."
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Jennie, packing everything away into her suitcase. Making sure everything was packed. Her mom stopped by to bid her goodbye and that they would have dinner when she was in South Korea again.
"Now or never, N/n." Mama Kim whispered to you while she held you in her embrace. "If I hear from my daughter that you did nothing now, I will hunt you down."
You smile and nod. After that moment in the park, you knew it was about time. Your dad called a cab and you two waited on the curbside, a comfortable yet, as paradoxical as it was, uncomfortable silence. You knew what you wanted to say, you know you should explain, and she does too.
But the words just feel like they'd fall flat.
A car pulls up and Jennie takes her bag to the trunk, thanking the driver before turning back to you. "I'm sorry I had to leave, I know you moved everything around to be able to spend time with me."
"It's no worries...Just maybe don't wait a decade to come back?" You joke to which she slaps your arm gently. She smiles up at you. Your heart is hammering again. You want to say something, you should; but all you do is open your arms to her.
Jennie steps into your warm embrace and nuzzles herself into your neck. Leaving a light kiss as she did.
Your arms around her tighten as her taxi waits on the curb, honking impatiently. She should go, you know it but as the beat of your heart echoes loudly in your ears you need to do it. The urge fills you as you pull away. 
Everything slows, you pull the mask over her lips down slowly. The idea of her rejecting you terrifies you further, hands shaking, heart pounding, blood rushing through your body quickly and you feel warm in spite of the cold winter air flowing around both of you. 
Your foreheads press briefly together as your eyes maintain steady eye contact, as if she were giving you her final permission. With a grin on both your faces, you lean in and your lips press together for the first time. 
A long time waiting, but you can’t help the smile that breaks onto your face as time returns. It was short, but it was everything you'd ever wanted since you were just kids in your bedroom dreaming of the future.
Jennie pulls away with a gummy smile on her face, you mirror the smile on her face as you cup her cheeks lovingly. Your lips littering pecks across her face as she giggles as her hand finds yours.
"I can't believe I'm leaving now." Jennie says, a pout forming on her lips. You chuckle, thumb reaching back to stroke the back of her hand. "Neither can I."
You lean down, pecking her lips again, longer than the first time. "But if you think I'm waiting for the next time you're here for a kiss like that, you're dead wrong."
The rapper giggles again, before another honk pops the bubble around you both. Reluctantly, Jennie pulls away, her hand loosely locked with yours as she gives you a shy smile.
"I'll see you soon then?" She asks, hopeful.
You can't resist the teen-like giddiness running through your body, lifting her hand to your lips. Paying particular attention to her ring finger, your pulse hammering as you look up into her dark brown eyes. "It's a date."
Before she can cancel all her schedules for the coming week, she pulls your hand away and opens the door to the car. Turning back briefly to look at you standing with your hands in your pockets, a goofy smile on your face. "I'll call you before I board."
"And when you land?" You ask.
"And every night after." She replies before slipping into the car.
You smile at her through the car window, cheeks sore from all of it. Even though you know she can't hear you, you say, "I'll be waiting."
Jennie sinks into the seat with a dreamy sigh. The driver of the car looks into the rearview mirror, seeing the wispy look on Jennie's face and you folding out of what he assumes is delight. He smiles before saying, "Must be someone amazing to get you smiling that way, ma'am."
She's taken aback for a moment, but her shock melts into a warm smile, too giddy to push the question away.
"Yeah, but it has been a long time coming."
this was far longer than i had initially wanted BUT i quite like how it came out, the parents were a little janky and i feel like a lot of the parts are OOC but still, as a story i quite liked it HAHAHAH i was typing this on my bed so my back really, really hurts rn i hope you lovelies missed me a bit and i will try to continue to bring you guys the content you deserve. i love you all so much and i'll see you all vv soon!! - r
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purecantarella · 7 months
✨Kinktober 2023✨
i lowkey hate how this is how i comeback to tumblr but here i am again HAHAHAHA here's my personal calendar and masterlist for this years kinktober, hope yall enjoy this one!!
Day 8 : Biting w/ Myoui Mina
Day 9 : Edging w/ Hirai Momo
Day 10 - Hate Sex w/ Kim Jennie
Day 11 : Lactation w/ Park Jihyo
Day 12 : Make-up Sex w/ Im Nayeon
Day 13 : Degradation w/ Park Sooyoung | Joy
Day 14 : Mirror Sex w/ Park Chaeyoung | Rosé
Day 15 : Humiliation w/ Kim Yerim
Day 16 : Aphrodisiac w/ Ahn Hyejin | Hwasa
Day 17 : Student/Teacher w/ Kim Yongsun | Solar
Day 18 : Caught w/ Hwang Yeji
Day 19 : Toys w/ Shin Ryujin
Day 20 : Ropes w/ Minatozaki Sana
Day 21 : Role Reversal w/ Yoo Jeongyeon
Day 22 : On Camera w/ Shin Yuna
Day 23 : Face Sitting w/ Son Seungwan | Wendy
Day 24 : Begging w/ Kim Jennie
Day 25 : Fingering w/ Kim Dahyun
Day 26 : Dirty Talk w/ Lee Chaeryeong
Day 27 : Car Sex w/ Moon Byuli
Day 28 : Against the Wall w/ Lisa Manoban
Day 29 : Masks w/ Jung Wheein
Day 30 : Mommy w/ Bae Joohyun | Irene
Day 31 : Overstimulation w/ Chou Tzuyu
im sorry im starting so late but genuinely was on the fence about doing this again lmfao but im glad to do it :> keep safe lovelies 💓
- r
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purecantarella · 1 year
Too Little, Too Late
who missed meeee? HAHAHA but yeah, finals have come to a close and i now have a significant amount of free time!! so i will be back for the next week or so before the beginning of the next term kicks up but since i've been going through my own heartbreak as of recent, yall have to feel it with me HAHAHA enjoy lovelies!! update to this, not super heartbroken anymore and i might just wind up with this girl, so pray for me. shin yuna x reader ; chou tzuyu x reader disclaimer/s : nothing much, i had to change this disclaimer cause i ended up writing a fluff piece rather than the angst it shoulda been but there's a hint of angst if you squint.
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If you were asked just what you liked about her, you’d stare off and just be in awe of Shin Yuna’s whole being. The way she smiled, the way she made others feel, the way she dressed, the impeccable way her eyes would shine when she spoke.
It was just so perfectly her.
While others called her flighty, a loose cannon ready to leave at the drop of a hat, you looked passed that. You saw her at her best and loved her at her worst. You knew why she was the way she was.
You’re her best friend after all.
“Hey!” She cries while wrapping her arms around your neck, permeating the music blasting in your headphones. Any normal person’s response to that would be immanent shock or to be confused, but you were used to her antics at this point. You smile warmly and lay a hand on her forearm before pausing your music. “Hey yourself, your manager was up all night calling me asking where you were.”
A faint sense of bitterness rumbles in your chest as you face her, “I wondered the same thing if I’m honest.”
She giggles cutely before shrugging, “Here and there, you know how it is, N/n.”
You roll your eyes, a hint of jealousy in the action but it goes completely unnoticed. As it always does. Yuna’s always been the type to go out without a word to her managers or the rest of the girls, choosing that it’s better to seek forgiveness than to ask for permission. Which lead you to often lie to her managers, telling them you were with her all night.
“So, N/n, my sweet girl, my partner in crime,” Her rattling off makes your heart melt ever so slightly but when that cheshire grin pulls up on her lips you know she means trouble. You shake your head with an adamant look on your face, you say, "Nope, I know what that look means."
She sighs dramatically before falling into your lap. You can't help the smile tugging on your lips, because even if she's a world-renowned idol, she was still this silly little kid. And you adored her for it. "It's a company party and Yeji and Ryujin are going together, Lia and Chaer are bringing separate dates, would you really want me to be going alone?" Yuna looks up at you with a pout and the softest eyes imaginable, completely obliterating whatever self-control you have.
You breathe a deep sigh before leaning back on your arm, running your hand comfortably through her long dark locks. Paying special attention to her bangs that began to grow out. The singer smiles under your touch as you mutter, "You are an agent of chaos, Yuna."
"That's not a no." She retorts sing-songy, letting her eyes slide shut for a moment. You laugh gently, and for a moment you allow yourself to take her in. The soft features she has, just how loudly your heart was beating in that moment, and how the afternoon wasn't so unbearable when she was here with you.
It was stupid that you couldn't say no to her, but there was no way she would have it any other way. "Fine, I'll go to your stupid party." A satisfied smile breaks onto her face as she cracks one eye open slightly, "I'm happy."
"I can tell." As you pull your hand away to try and look at your phone, Yuna's hand finds yours. You eye her curiously before she places it back atop her head. "Don't stop doing that, it..." She trails off for a moment, her voice becoming small, "It's comforting."
Your heart stops for a moment, before you smile down at her, both her eyes now open as she smiles the way she does. Her eyes bright and warm as stars, the afternoon just drifting away. All you can think in the moment is how radiant she looks under the light of the sun and just how lucky you were to have her in your lap.
Even if it were just as a friend.
The night of JYPE's ball, you anxiously stood in front of the off-site stylist's mirror. It was odd seeing yourself in a suit or a turtleneck, it wasn't often that you were given the opportunity to wear anything like it, much less how expensive you knew the items were. You sported a dark blue suit jacket over a black turtleneck with matching black slacks and dress shoes.
You stared at Yuna getting her make-up done from behind you, laughing and joking with staff and Chaeryeong who sat beside her. You couldn't keep your eyes off her, and it was becoming more and more difficult to hide. Chaer's date siddles up to you with a gleeful look on their face, "Someone's looking rather smashing."
You smile and pull the high neckline away from you, "Are these supposed to be that itchy?" You ask with a genuine look of discomfort. They laugh and pull at their own collar. "Well, we are walking in with Itchay."
You roll your eyes and push their shoulder gently, "You're awful." They smile at you with a toothy grin, "But now for the big reveal?" You feel a pang of nervousness before you're abruptly turned around and you hear Chaer's partner ask, "Ladies, don't we just look stunning?"
Their conversation is broken the moment you both turn around. Chear, unable to hide her excitement jumps up from her chair and embraces her partner, spewing compliment after compliment between kisses. You smile as you stare at them, wishing Yuna would give you the same attention.
But what you got was somehow better.
You look over at her and see a dumbstruck look on her face as stares you up and down with a shy smile on her face. She excuses herself from her make-up artist and saunters up to you. Before you know it she's in front of you, fixing the lapels of your jacket wordlessly. Hand snaking around your neck until both hands are interlocked behind your head.
"If I'd known I'd be walking in with the most dapper gentlewoman I've ever laid eyes on, I would've dressed up a bit more." You chuckle and wrap your arms around her waist. You raise a testing brow, "Dapper? Never thought I'd ever hear that from you..." You pause as she stomps her foot while whining, but before she can fully pull away, you pull her closer, "And you don't need to dress up when you're next to me. This is me keeping up with you, bareface, full face of make-up, or whatever."
There's a silence in the room as Yuna stares up at you with soft-eyes and while you break-down internally, thinking you said the wrong thing. Then her face breaks into that bunny smile you adore so much, adorned with a light coat of blush that you can't make out if it was there before she got up or not. Her hands unclasp and pinch your cheek hard, "You're an idiot, N/n."
You laugh nervously before she turns around and sits in her make-up chair again, talking to the make-up artist and stylist. You stand there dumbfounded and feel a sense of loss when she lets you go. Chaer looks over at you once she'd finished gushing, and whispers, "You did great, just give her a minute to figure everything out."
You smile at her, disappointment resonating in your chest, "Yeah, but I don't know if I have a minute to spare anymore."
A couple hours and about a million photos for their Instagram, you found yourself in the middle of a party with aspiring stars and some of the most recognizable face in Korean pop music standing with you waiting for their drinks. You were there primarily to get a breath away from Yuna, someone who was supposed to be your best friend.
Who you promised to sit next to and whisper random gossip you'd heard or seen across the room. But after the debacle in the dressing room and how much it muddled your sense of self and how much you felt for her, you needed a break.
The bartender walks back and forth trying to get everyone's orders right, "Excuse-Can I-? Fuck it this is pointless." You grumble to yourself as you take the napkin in your hands, tearing it to little shreds.
"Yeah, they can be brutal on guests they don't know by face or name." A voice called from behind you. You turned and saw the face of the youngest member of TWICE, Chou Tzuyu herself. You blush seeing her this close, you'd always confided in Yuna that you found her the most attractive of the members of TWICE after a long drunken night on the phone. To which Yuna cussed you out and laughed.
You never thought you'd get to see her in person.
You gulped as she walked up to the bar, catching the barkeep's attention. He attended to her immediately, "A mojito and..." She trails off looking at you, you nod to the man, "Whisky on ice, please." He whips them up almost instantly, and it wasn't long before they were both in your hands.
You smile tipping your drink towards her. "Thanks, I really needed a drink to handle tonight." Tzuyu nods solemnly, before taking a sip of her own drink, cringing a bit at the taste. You laugh as you take your own sip. "Stronger than you thought?"
"No- I mean, yes?" You laugh again, staring at the singer with a quirked brow, "I saw that you needed help with the bartender and I wanted to sound cool, the other members usually order a drink for me." She says with a light flush over her tanned cheeks, you feel a flutter in your chest as she does.
You smile before nodding off to the balcony, "I think some fresh air would do me some good," You pause as you watch her face falter a little. "Care to join me?"
You were absolutely right.
The night air did you so well, and being around Tzuyu definitely helped. She was easy to talk to and even when you'd both finished your drinks, you didn't want to leave. She told you an assortment of stories about what happens behind the scenes. How Dahyun and Momo are almost always late cause they're too busy with each other, Nayeon and Jeongyeon's arguments in the morning, and how she and Sana got together. It twinged you a little to know your bias was taken but she just seemed so happy.
"Short to say, Nayeon-unnie was not very happy about the compilations of Jeongyeon-unnie with Jihyo-unnie." The young woman finished as you cracked up.
"I didn't realize just how jealous she was." Tzuyu shakes her head with a goofy smile. "There's a lot you all don't see, which sometimes I think is a good thing." She says again quietly, you look at her.
With a small gust of wind of wind takes you both by surprise. Tzuyu shudders under the cold blow and wraps her arms around herself. Mindlessly, you take your suit jacket off and drape it over her. She looks at you, her cheeks an embarrassing shade of red which makes you smile.
"Sana's lucky to have you." Tzuyu smiles up at you before the glass doors of the balcony open up. Revealing an disheveled and irritated looking Yuna. She grins at Tzuyu with a sickeningly sweet smile. Your eyes go wide before you look down at your phone screen. You'd told her you were going to get a drink almost an hour ago.
Tzuyu stifles a giggle before nodding of to you, "I have to go, N/n. I'll just get your number from Yuna then?"
You were fully aware of what she was doing, you nod off before she pushes away from the railing with her empty glass in hand. Before she can walk in though, Yuna clears her throat, "Unnie, Y/n's jacket please."
The older woman chuckles and slips off the jacket, gingerly placing it in Yuna's open palm. Your best friend's gaze never wavering, baring imaginary holes into yours. Yuna rattles off before Tzuyu can even get into the building, "I've been looking for you for the past half hour, Y/n."
The older woman pulls a sour face and shoots you finger guns, mouthing, 'good luck' before finally closing the door behind her. "I've just been here, Yuna. Socializing. Isn't that what you wanted?" You ask pointedly, spinning the empty glass in your hand.
"What I wanted was for us to be here together." She pauses taking a step closer. "What I wanted was for my best friend to be with me, smiling and chatting with me. Not sneaking off to a secluded spot to make out with her bias."
You laugh, completely blown away by Yuna's outlandish statements. "Did it look like I was anywhere near doing that?!" You call out, hands up in the air. "What if I had been just a second late, you two were standing awfully close for two people who were, just as you say, 'socializing'."
You roll your eyes and begin to walk off when Yuna puts her hand in front of you. "You don't get to walk away, Y/n."
You rub your eyes tiredly as Yuna flares her nose and stares up at you with the eyes you'd normally swoon over. "You think I didn't want to do that? Walk in with you be all cheery and make fun of the execs who are wearing suits too trendy for their own good?" Your voice softer now, not wanting to escalate the argument further.
"I wanted to be there with you, hell..." You pause, your confession on the tip of your tongue but you bite it back. Knowing that once it's out you'll never see Shin Yuna again. "You know what, forget it."
Her hand is on your wrist pulling you back, she's still fuming. "What? What were you about to say, Y/n?" Her saying your name was nails on a chalkboard to you, she never calls you by your full name, even when you had arguments.
In your mind, you really fucked it up this time.
"I can't say it."
"Well, if you aren't I am. I wanted you there with me not as my friend, not as a guest, but as mine. Because I like you so fucking much! It's insane to me just how much I like you." Your breath catches in your throat as her confession spills messily.
She pants madly as she pulls her hand away from yours stepping away from you. Normally, you'd catch her hand in yours and tell her everything's going to be okay but you're stunned in place. Yuna covers her face, no doubt red as a tomato at this point as she tries to recompose herself.
"I've done everything I can to avoid this feeling, going out to parties, taking more hours rehearsing, talked to different people. But then I saw you in the park yesterday, being your geeky self, reading the book I suggested to you and something snapped." She releases another breath, "Then I saw you out here with Chou Tzuyu, someone you said you'd leave me in the dust for..."
"That was a joke, Yuna..." You finally say before walking up to her. Before you could touch her though, she shys away from you. Leaning on the stone railing of whatever building JYP could book for his lavish event. "I know it's too little, too late. I...I'm happy for you if you want to go chase after Tzuyu."
Finally, the storm clears and Yuna looks up at you with the same puppy-dog eyes she gave you when first saw you tonight. Your stomach leaped over and over as you looked into her eyes. "Yuna...Tzuyu..." You pause, watching her cringe at the sound of her name rolling off your tongue. You smile, "Tzuyu's dating Minatozaki Sana."
She whips her head over to you with a look of shock on her face. A smile blooms on her face, "I fucking knew it! I saw them behind the scenes of one of their music videos once and I-"
Before she could finish her thought, your lips were on hers, cutting her off. Her words muffled and eyes wide as your hands cup her warm, defined cheeks. In an instant, she melts and leans into you. Arms draping over your shoulders, pulling you closer.
You pull away, just a hair apart you smile down at her, "Suffice to say, I'm no where near dating or making out with Chou Tzuyu. You were right, I'm all yours."
Yuna says nothing but pulls you closer, the noises of the party inside completely vanishing as you held her under the moonlight. Like you'd both always wanted. Completely numb to her members all crowding towards the glass doors, abruptly screaming and cheering.
You both pull away from one another, and laugh at the enthusiasm her members and their partners had for you both. You look down at your best friend, planting a lingering kiss over her cheek, making her blush deepen.
A warm and delicate smile over your lips as you say, "Not too little, not too late, Yuna." Another kiss to her nose. "You were right on time."
and there's another one!! this was what i was meant to post as my comeback but i went back to workshop it a bit. i hope you all enjoyed it!! i'll try to keep posting but given my classes begin again next week, i won't promise much. i'll crank out as many as i can this week tho HAHAAH i love you all vv much and i will see you all soon!! bye lovelies 💕 - r
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purecantarella · 9 months
BLACKPINK Reactions : You Deal With Racism
request : Question, can you do a post about a black reader dating a blackpink member and then dealing with racism? I’m black and never seen it done so it would make me happy! i was very nervous when i saw this, because i don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable or to get anything wrong and offend more people, so i hope that i did the request and the community as a whole justice. i would like to stress and say that while i am filipino, while i have experienced microaggressions, i have been blessed enough to not have experienced outright racism...that i can remember at least. i hope i do the ideas justice though and to those who have to stand for these actions, you are brave souls indeed. blackpink x black!reader disclaimer/s : racial slurs and aggressive acts (verbal and physical), oh and cursing. read with a level head.
Kim Jisoo
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When Jisoo began dating you, she entered the relationship with a sort of colorblind mindset. It didn't matter to her what color of skin you had, she just liked you and found your energy electric.
It was never an issue to her, until you came home one night in a rage.
She scrolled through her timeline, laughing softly at viral memes of her member over the course of the tour when you entered the house. Jumping when the door slammed against it's frame as you stormed in. Tears in your eyes as you pulled your jacket off of your body.
Instantly, Jisoo stared at you with a concerned expression. She allowed you to calm down as you paced in front of her, thoughts clouded with rage. "I just can't believe that in this century, this point in time people still look at me with such..."
You're unable to continue your statement, only blundering into a groan of frustration. Jisoo was rather confused, before taking your hands in hers, the contrast between your hands only fueling your frustration further.
You sit beside her before letting your tears run down your cheeks, feeling helpless as she runs her hands atop your head lovingly. "What happened...?" She asks, her clumsy English accent making you smile.
You sniffle softly before pulling your hands, wiping your tears away, "Just some idiots...they thought I couldn't understand them and they said quote-on-quote, be careful with your bags kids, that gangster might steal them from you." You explain quickly, not wanting to dwell on it any further, just wanting to find comfort in your soft girlfriend.
However, your beloved girlfriend simply tilts her head to the side, offering you a small smile. On a normal day, the hint of innocence in her smile would often comfort you, bringing you a sense of calm and reminding you just why you fell for her in the first place.
Now though, it struck you as insensitive and all together it added onto your frustration. Just when you thought she would say nothing more and you could brush it aside, Jisoo says, "Just ignore them."
It wasn't anything offensive. In fact it was good advice. But after the day you had, after how much you've pent up with living in South Korea and having to deal with it each day of your life, ignoring those kinds of comments felt impossible.
You pull your hands away from Jisoo, her bright expression melting into one of concern again. You laugh dryly before getting up, walking towards your shared bedroom, "You...Soo I don't think you get it."
"No, no, I do, I swear," She tries to backtrack before she shifts to face you better. Innocence smeared all over her face. "I get a lot of hate as an idol, but I suppose the best thing to do is to just turn the other cheek."
You laugh again, tears of frustration pricking your eyes. Your hands rushing over your face over and over again in attempts to get your thoughts together. "I will always be discriminated based solely on how my skin looks. It isn't the same." You try to explain calmly in spite of the fire kindling in the pit of your stomach.
Still she looks up at you confused.
You sigh deeply before walking back towards your shared bedroom, "It doesn't matter, Jisoo. It's fine." You say quickly before slowly closing the door behind you. Leaving Jisoo confused and guilty.
As soon as she hears the door click, she's on the phone with Jennie, asking for advice. Wanting to understand you and what you go through better without hurting you further.
"I'm sorry, you said what to her?" Jennie berated her as she looked at your closed door with a bitter taste in her mouth, regretting everything she'd said and done in the span of a five minute conversation.
Kim Jennie
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Getting into a very public relationship was already a scandal to Jennie's fans, but dating someone like you was almost unheard of for her fans who saw her as an angel and had assumptions of you. Both of you were very aware of the potential consequences.
But in that moment it was all or nothing. And you were both all in.
To Jennie, the freedom of being able to hold her girlfriend's hand while they were on a date was the most liberating and amazing feeling she could ever have. Your hands intertwined with one another as you told her about your day, waiting for a waiter to approach.
"Ah miss Kim! It's a pleasure to serve you again." The waiter greets politely, his smile gleaming. The rapper offers him a kind smile before she notices that he looks over at you. Expression not as polished, more restrained. Merely offering you an acknowledging nod but she chalked it up to her being a regular and more familiar to the man.
"Hon, what do you feel like having?" Jennie asks you, her hand momentarily breaking from yours to pluck the menu from in front of her. You turn to her but before you can say anything the waiter butts in, "We have a selection of chicken, normally we wouldn't fry anything but if that's what your..." There's a pause as he eyes you up and down, "...companion would like miss Kim we can surely find a way."
You fall silent and laugh nervously while Jennie glares at him, resentment boiling under her skin, "N-No thank you, I'd actually like-" Again he cuts you off, "Or perhaps she would like baked potatoes, Miss Kim? We can have them serve it extra spicy for your companion."
"I can speak for my-"
"However I am sad to say there are no more watermelons available, miss Kim-"
Finally, Jennie has enough and cuts the waiter off with a kind but venomous smile. "First of all, she can speak for herself. If you had anything valuable to say, you can say it directly to her. She is not an object or dare I say what you think she is...the help." Jennie says begrudgingly, shooting you an apologetic look.
She watches the waiter gulp nervously, "Second, the stereotypes you've stuck to her based on what she looks like are not only offensive but outlandishly wrong. And lastly, saying she's my girlfriend. Not a companion but my girlfriend."
You've heard it a million times before but it still makes your insides melt when she says that. A sense of pride fills you as you watch the rapper stand up for you so fiercely. "Now, I suggest you go back and come back when you're ready to actually listen and tend to your patrons." Jennie finishes before the man bows, muttering a soft apology before he runs back to the kitchen.
You look over at your flushed with rage girlfriend before she looks over at you rather sheepishly. "I"m sorry if I caused a scene." You smile and shake your head, leaning in to place a delicate kiss over her soft cheek.
"I've never seen you get so riled up, Jen." You pause to laugh softly, "Anger is almost a good color on you."
She pauses and leans into you, catching you off guard. Just a moment ago she was a warrior, ready to fight any battle for you. The armor quickly melts as her hand finds yours again. Her thumb brushes over your knuckles, making you lean in closer. Nose burrowing in her hair.
"I shouldn't have made a scene...It might have made you look even worse to the public...I can see the headline now. Jennie Kim's black girlfriend is a bad influence to her good girl nature." Her voice is fragile before you shake your head.
"You meant well, Jen. Just don't make it a every night thing." You whisper before leaving a light kiss on the crown of her head. In attempts to lighten the mood, you look down at the menu, "You know, that chicken sound about right now."
Jennie chuckles softly before shoving your chest gently, "Shut up Y/n, I know you don't like chicken."
After that, the night wasn't so bad. But Jennie definitely took note to not come to the restaurant again.
Park Chaeyoung / Rosé
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From the moment you entered the limelight as Park Chaeyoung's girlfriend, you were under so much more fire than you usually were. Scrutinized for every little thing and it didn't help that you were a woman of color.
It was an uphill battle every day, working extra hard to prove that you were worthy of the Blink's angel on Earth. You couldn't afford to make a mistake or even be proud of your heritage.
Rosé saw the pain that caused you every day.
One day, being fed up with how restricted you had to be, she got you something that she thought you would have loved.
"Okay Rosie, my eyes are closed and I'm in the bedroom. What's this big surprise?" You ask, laughter bubbling up in your chest as you feel around, swatting the air excitedly. You hear your girlfriend giggle softly before excitedly screaming, "Open your eyes love!"
You open your eyes and see a set of matching outfits. You chuckle as you turn to Rosé who wore a proud smile. It was the one where her cheeks crumpled in and her eyes were crescents, it made your heart do all sorts of flips. "We're going to your favorite coffee shop, picking out some books, and playing chess in the park down the street! Everything you've been hinting at the past few weeks."
You blush and twirl on your own axis, "I didn't think you were listening."
She smiles before leaning forward, pressing her lips to yours. "Get dressed, my love. I'm going to hop in the shower." She pecks your lips again quickly, "I want to be looking my best for you."
You smile as Rosé skips happily to the bathroom. You walk over to the bed, a smile growing on your lips as you see just what she's done. She was truly a dream come true.
After preparing yourselves, you take a short walk to the coffee shop nearby. It was secluded enough that Rosé wouldn't be spotted and they made your favorite drink perfectly. Of course there was an odd stare here and there upon seeing you walk in, but you'd come so often that it had slowly stopped.
"Y/n! You're back!" The manager called out jovially before taking head of the register. "You make it sound like I wasn't here last week, Han." You joke before Rosé departs from you to grab a table.
You say your order and the older man nods, striking up conversation with a new staff member. He introduces you but you can see the distain in her eyes as she nods you off. Feeling uneasy you walk over to your girlfriend who chirps up when you walk towards her.
You force a shaky smile, being fully aware of how much of your skin was showing in the outfit Rosé chose, pulling it down every few seconds. She takes your hand in hers, a concerned pair of eyes baring into yours, "Home...?"
A fond smile finds its way onto your face. She only asked when she was worried if you felt comfortable or not and would act according to your answer. You shake your head as the manager serves you your drinks, offering you his apologies about his employee. The singer's eyes shoot back to you but you wave off the concern.
You think it will get better at the bookstore. For a moment, there's a sense of bliss as you and your girlfriend roam around, laughing at certain titles, and offering one another a few recommendations.
You notice the owner's daughter carefully watching you but there was no surprise to you there. It was something you'd grown used to over the years of living in South Korea but it wouldn't deter you from the day Rosé had planned.
You two walk out hand in hand after you checked out. You read the back to Rosé who was curious what you had picked up. "'...will Lucky be able to escape the regime forced onto her or will luck not be on her side this time...?' I don't know it sounded really cool when I picked it up."
She laughs before nodding along, "So...park or home, my love?"
You look up at her with a warm smile, "Rosie I'm fine, you don't need to worry about-"
"Hey! Stop!" Your words are cut off, you and Rosé turn around surprised at the angry young woman, practically gasping for air. Your girlfriend raises a curious brow while dread sets into your stomach. "You didn't pay for that!"
You open your mouth to explain when she shakes her head disappointed, "I watched you the whole time! Not once did you hand that to any staff member. I had a feeling when you walked in something would happen." She pries the book out of your hands and shoves your shoulder. Your eyes jot everywhere at once, panic filling you as a crowd begins to form. "How dare you try and steal from my father, you know your people have always-"
Rosé steps between the two of you with a piece of paper in her hands, "I paid for both books myself, you can see for yourself." The woman, recognizing the idol, lets her jaw hang open and eyes bulge to an alarming degree. Her hands tremble as she takes the receipt, reading it quickly before handing it back, offering the idol a low bow.
Without another word, Rosé wraps her arm around you and she guides you away from the now-dispersing scene. She taps your waist gently, before whispering, "Home?"
You nod, tears flooding your eyes, "Home."
She nods before quickly walking back to the safety of your shared apartment with her blood boiling. But she would get it all out later, in her own time. She knew that she needed to be strong for you, even for a moment.
Lalisa Manoban / Lisa
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Lisa was absolutely bouncing off the walls to call you her girlfriend...that the most amazing, kind, intelligent, talented, and gorgeous being chose her. While you think you're the one who lucked out with her, she actively denied it.
In that spirit, she wanted to show you off constantly. In public appearances, you two were attached at the hip. You were always permitted backstage at the group's concerts. And most of all, once your relationship was made public, she bragged about her beloved girlfriend on social media.
It was innocent at first. Wanting Blinks to get a glimpse into her personal life, but then it became a whole PR thing for the company. Green lighting and excusing their actions by showing off that one of the company's aces, Lisa Manoban, was all about people of color so that excused all their actions.
However, that didn't stop Blinks who weren't on board to come after you and Lisa.
It was meant to be a romantic night, Lisa drew you a bath for the both of you when you got home, cooked you a nice hot meal, and played the romcom you watched for your first date.
It was a lovely evening. But it did come with a lot of preparation, so the moment the meet-cute for the couple in the movie rolled around your girlfriend was sound asleep on your shoulder. You smile fondly and see your phone light up.
A notification on Instagram.
You smile warmly as you see a post by Lisa. She had uploaded a time lapse of the bits of the evening that were appropriate and posted it for her fans to enjoy. You cringe to yourself as you see your surprised face when you see the meal she had prepared, but a loving smile grows from the sour face when you see the elation in her expression. Arms wide open for you to fall into.
By the end of the video, you've pulled Lisa closer to your body, gaining extra appreciation for your beloved. You see the likes and shares sky-rocket and feel the love from her fans.
But curiosity killed the cat. It was Lisa's number one rule about social media posts with you in them to not go through the comments. As an idol, she knew how toxic they could get. You scrolled through the text, it was sweet for the most part. Commenting how you were so happy with one another.
But those weren't the ones that stood out to you.
no one ever told me lisa got a pet gorilla 🤣
she's using lisa for clout, chick probably doesnt even shower probably, look how smelly she looks 🫥🫥🫥
@lalalalisa blink twice in your next story if you're being held hostage by this n-word (im sorry but im not writing the whole word)
They echo in your head and before you know it tears are streaming down your cheeks. The realization that you were probably in over your head. What was Lisa doing with someone like you anyway?
Feeling the dampness of your tears on her cheek, Lisa groggily lifts her head. Try as you may to hide it, she was wide awake when she saw the weepy look on your face. She's quick to brush the residuals away and her sleepy expression twinges into one of concern.
"Baby...baby...what happened? What-"
"I know you told me not to look at comments but I couldn't help it...and-and..." Your voice failed you and you fell into fits of sobs, unable to properly convey your emotions. Without another word, she takes you in her arms, brushing your hair back.
You calm down after a while, choking on air as you try to breath. Lisa patiently waits for you to be completely fine before she pulls away. She looks down at the bright screen and tosses the device to the side.
The dancer cups your cheeks, "I don't blame you, sometimes you want to know what they're going to say...so that when they say it again, it can't hurt you." She chuckles bitterly before continuing, "When I first came to Korea, I was the only trainee who wasn't Korean in the batch. They called me every name in the book, made fun of my accent, said that I was probably a transgender trying to pass as a woman."
You scowl before taking her free hand. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Lili..." A protective aura floating around you. Lisa shakes her head, whether its to say 'no' or to shake out the tears is a mystery to you. "People are shitty for no reason other than to feel superior to others."
She pauses, leaving a lingering kiss over your lips before pulling away, the pad of her thumb rubbing against your cheek lovingly. "But no matter what these people say, I love you. Despite everything people may think. I. Love. You."
You smile before nodding and pressing your forehead against hers, your grip on her hand tightening. "I'm lucky to have you, Lili."
"I'm even luckier, N/n."
The rest of the night was dedicated to you two talking about your experiences and feelings about them.
By morning, comments were disabled and a story defending you was posted. Suffice to say, Lisa made a personal account for just you and her friends.
i am so scared of posting this because sincerely i dont want to offend anyone but i do think it's important for media like this on a more informal platform to open up about how to and not to treat situations like this. i hope this got across what my anon wanted :"") and i hope you all enjoyed this one and i'll probably see you all tomorrow with a fluffier oneshot, im sorry this is how i returned to tumblr :"") - r
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