traitorlinee · 5 years
written by quavemire | sexiu | 37,162 | explicit
one call to hp customer support seoul flips sehun's life upside down.
pisces’s take: A
this fic was a find, in all honesty. i was on a sexiu binge, found it, started reading, and boom, i was hooked.
sehun... reminds me of myself, and of a lot of people. not just the overly anxious, low-self-esteem having part; but the stressed out college student part, too. reminds me of those years my academic load was enough to send me to tears every night, made me question whether what i was doing was righ or wrong.
but, also, the laptop-isn’t-working-technology-hates-me part. because, right now, my laptop is uncooperative and isn’t working and i have no idea how to fix it. nor do i have the money to BUT THAT’S BESIDES THE POINT.
i loved this fic!!!!! it was... i’d like to say soft, but it isn’t really? there are hints of themes that i would love to explore more, so... i guess the next best descriptor is that this fic is muted. it does not get in-your-face about what’s happening, there isn’t a bang! that keeps you on the edge of your seat as you’re reading. it just... is; it’s every day life, it’s your normal commute to school, it’s walking down the street with your headphones in, the world around you hushed out by your favorite playlist.
and then, imagine this: you suddenly see a pink cat. it starts raining even though there weren’t even any clouds a second ago. you trip on a ledge you somehow missed despite years and years of walking down that very street. your headphone jack gets pulled out of your phone. well, you get the point--something jarring happens and you realize that, oh lord, something new can happen even in the most mundane worlds, the most normal lives.
that’s how i felt when the angst came about. but then--you know. the pink cat is friendly. you decide to play in the rain. you laugh at yourself for tripping. you hear the exact same song being blasted by the building you’re walking in front of. everything goes back to normal--or, at least, the most normal it could be. you patch yourself and your circumstances up, and you live with it. and that’s the best part.
i love sexiu.
scorpio's take: SS
the thing about this fic is it tickles every single thing inside of you that you didn't know you wanted, or needed, for that matter. it comes to you slowly, but not in the sense that it's tiptoeing behind you, eager for a surprise. no—there's no surprise, no big outbursts, just the slow, calm pull of two people falling for one another. and even still, there's no drama in it, no buildup of a huge bonfire that fizzles out into flames that speckle on everything.
this fic is just so chill, and even amidst sehun's struggles as a college student, chanyeol's assholeness, and minseok's weird past, there's not much stress to be found.
i think arguments could be made on the numbers of avenues this fic could've taken, the potential for other subplots that could've been explored, but i supremely love that it didn't. it's very rare that you read an entire fic of people finding safety nets in one another which actually manage to make you feel safe too.
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olympianreads · 5 years
Author: quavemire
Pairing: Junmyeon/Yifan
Rating: NC17
Summary: Prince Junmyeon thought it would be a nice idea to make his guard train in the hot summer heat. Oh, how wrong he was.
Thoughts: Whew. This is possibly one of my newer favourites. I love how Junmyeon was portrayed in this and how serious Yifan is about Junmyeon’s safety. It’s mildly fantasy which I really enjoyed and I hope that one day there would be more in this universe!
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xiuhunfanfics · 4 years
Author: quavemire
Genre: AU, Fluff, Angst, Smut
Length: Chaptered, 37k words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Kinks: Masturbating, Handjobs
Status: Completed
Description: One call to HP Customer Support Seoul flips Sehun's life upside down.
0 notes
olympianreads · 5 years
Author: quavemire
Pairing: Chanyeol/Yixing
Rating: NC17
Summary: Next in line for the throne, Prince Chanyeol of Reind decided to spend his last months of freedom riding across the Empire, before the wedding bound him in Reind. During his stay in the city of Brimrock, he happened to meet a certain priest of the Entity of Night. Things were not the same, anymore.
Thoughts: I read this one on the subway in Korea and I literally could not put it down until I finished the last word. I love the worldbuilding and the language. Can you tell I really love their works? I really do love their work. 
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