#revan the dark urge
ghostfacedbat · 5 months
My first bg3 post and it's a shadow fandub shitpost ft my durge, Revan, and Raphael
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It's such an obvious plot twist but I love it every time
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alexsrandomramblings · 9 months
Revan and the Dark Urge are rotating in my brain as we speak.
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marythegizka · 6 months
Okay so I still haven't played Baldur's Gate 3 because my computer is still sh** but I've watched other people do it and umm... is it me or is the Dark Urge Darth Revan 2.0? Because that makes me want to play it more
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inkywarden · 9 months
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A human, in my fantasy game???
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tauri91 · 5 months
Baldur’s Gate 3 and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic are sibling games in my mind. Dark Urge is Revan.
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masterskywalkers · 6 months
Questions for Tavanna [Part Two]
Part one - with links to the original questions - can be found here.
In a bit of a writing mood this evening, so felt like answering a few more of these questions for my girl.
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6. How does your Dark Urge react to waking up with memory loss?
Tavanna's mind was pretty fractured and scattered before waking up on the beach - especially after what Kressa put her through - so she's had a bit of time not knowing her past; but not long enough for it to settle.
In the beginning she tries to remember, but the more she forces herself to do so the more she ends up suffering from painful headaches and sickness. So she soon gives up, deciding that the matter of the tadpole's removal was more important for the time being. She starts off a little frustrated about her loss of memories, but as time goes on and she does start learning fragments of what she was, Tavanna begins to think that maybe ignorance is best and that the reality is she doesn't ever want to learn the past. She comes to an understanding that her memories are locked due to a trauma response her mind built for its own survival, and stops trying to fight it.
7. Did your Dark Urge recall any childhood memories? If yes, how do they feel about the revelations? If no, was it by choice or lack of options?
Tavanna has fragments of a childhood, but she isn't sure if it's one she actually lived or one that her mind has created for herself. She has brief flashes of memory growing up in Menzoberranzzan, either playing with the other children or spending time talking with the spiders. She can also recall a time she fought a young boy, pushing him to the ground before rising, and priding herself for being more worthy in Lolth's eyes than he would ever be.
Tavanna also has memories of the surface when she's a bit older - mostly watching young children play with a feeling of fondness growing within her. She likes children, and Tavanna believes that if those memories are true, then it must mean that she hadn't always been the monster her father wanted her to be, and that perhaps she had a life before Bhaal dominated it.
8. How does your Dark Urge feel about the wilderness?
Tavanna loves it! She loves exploring, and isn't too fond of staying in one place for too long. The more of the land she can explore, the better.
9. How does your Dark Urge feel about the city?
She doesn't mind it, but too long within its walls and Tavanna will find it a little stifling. She likes being able to dress up and appear as if she's of higher society - a leftover pride she carries from her youth in Menzoberranzzan and the Underdark before leaving for the surface - but eventually Tavanna will want to continue on her adventures.
I also think post-game Tavanna would want to move away from settling in Baldur's Gate, claiming it carried too many dark memories for both her and Astarion. She doesn't like the idea of him living surrounded by memories of the life he used to have, and Tavanna doesn't like remembering that the cult of Bhaal was active beneath the very city.
10. What motivates your Dark Urge to either embrace or resist the tadpole?
Tavanna carries a huge hatred and distrust towards illithids. Knowing that the tadpole in her brain is of their creation makes her incredibly wary of its power, and she doesn't want to even entertain the thought of using its potential. ... Which, puts her at odds with the Emperor who spends much of his time trying to coerce her to embrace the powers the tadpole offers. She ends up playing a long game before she tricks him and frees Orpheus instead.
Tavanna also values her own autonomy and control, especially when she learns more about the urge and her heritage as a Bhaalspawn. She feels that while she's already fighting against those demons, she's even more against embracing any other powers that might change her for the worst, regardless of any benefits they may offer in return.
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princessmelinoe · 9 months
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Baldur's Gate 3 - Valeria Revan, The Dark Urge
The color of a drow's eyes could also be indicative of their current mental or physical state; drow eyes reddened when they were angry, and turned yellow when they were sick, poisoned, or under some negative magical influence.
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loquaciousquark · 7 months
I finished my Durge run! Got that Tactician achievement too, hoorah. Lots of thoughts about the Dark Urge/Astarion romance under the cut.
My final thoughts now that I've finished it - it's fine. Honestly? It's fine. I think there are some interesting parallels drawn specifically for his backstory with Cazador compared to the Dark Urge trying to resist the urges, but I didn't come out of the romance feeling like it was the end-all be-all One True Romance version for the character. I think there are some interesting dialogue lines ("is today a 'wed you with a delicate veil of blood staining your white curls' kind of day?" made me laugh every time), and it's definitely fun to see some major hurt/comfort vibes play out on screen in the attack-the-romance scene, for sure. That said, I didn't feel like there wasn't anything in that romance I couldn't get for myself with a dominate spell and 4k words of fic with a Tav I like much more.
And like, there's nothing at all wrong with the Dark Urge background! I think it's really interesting to have that internal struggle kind of flavoring the run, and of course it makes sense to have strong Bhaalspawn ties in this particular canon. I think the stuff that's added with Isobel and Scleritas and Orin is very interesting and it definitely added depth to to the Sarevok interactions, and even the conversations with Withers had a lot more nuance! I can definitely see why some people call it Tav+, because it is a customizable character with a lot of extra dialogue options that a regular Tav doesn't get.
That said, the particular type of character that Dark Urge is is one that's not as compelling to me, and setting that up against Astarion's arc felt correspondingly less compelling than the Tav arc I made on my first rogue run. I've played amnesiac characters with a twist before (KOTOR) and in that game I found myself similarly uninvested in the character to the point that I went full Dark Side with her very early in the narrative. To date, she's the only evil main character I've ever intentionally played! There's just something about that blank slate background that doesn't appeal - I find that my characters are generally very strongly shaped by their histories and backstories, even if the details of those backstories develop over the course of the game. They make choices because of who they are and what they've experienced and who they've lost and loved, and I find it hard to create a character with a consistent internal moral needle when there's no backstory to guide it.
And I guess that's part of why the Resist path for the Durge just makes me internally go ???? Because realistically, if I've spent my entire formative life being excitedly murderous, ritually necrophiliac, gleefully cannibalistic, and generally not very nice, why does the amnesia change that? Why would that character want to become something else? How do I internally justify a character making that sort of MASSIVE ethical and moral shift just because of a brainworm and a knock on the noggin? I get that it's fun as a player to try to play a good character with these unexplained evil urges, and I totally get why it's narratively satisfying to see good arise from the ashes of corruption, but I just can't find a way to make the character want to be good in the first place! I had this problem with Revan and I've had it again with the Durge, and that foundational schism was just something I could never really overcome enough to buy into the immersive fiction of the character.
Plus, as far as the Astarion romance goes, I think the Durge arc generally pushes into that similar need to resist the uncontrollable commands given to you by an outsider. It's very much the same space. The thing is, Astarion tells you he knows how important it is to resist those compulsions in the night attack scene, but--we KNOW he couldn't! We know he tried for two hundred years and never once could defy Cazador, and it broke him so badly he gave up resisting at all. And there's some interesting parallels there maybe, that he wants so badly for you to succeed that he's willing to ignore two hundred years of his own personal history, but it puts a pretty despairing tinge to the whole first half of the romance arc. And honestly, that makes me very sad for him.
I think it's just again a less riveting pairing. The Durge/Astarion romance is about both of them overcoming external compulsion through inner will and good choices and white-knuckled defiance, except the timescales of those compulsions are vastly different. And maybe there's a little bit of needing to depend on each other's support to do that, but it's not really so for Durge; you can do the entire Bhaalspawn questline without having Astarion in your party once and you only lose out on a few lines of dialogue. He definitely cares about you, sure, and he can talk to you about how worried he is for you, and that's nice--but there aren't a lot of times where his emotional support is directly critical for you to overcome your urges. On the other hand, I think it's arguable that your friendship (and relationship) with Astarion are directly responsible for his success against Cazador with that last persuasion/insight check combo. If you could have his emotional support be more directly impactful in terms of your ability to resist the urges or Bhaal in Orin's temple, I think I'd be more on board.
In addition, I find two characters going through the exact same narrative arc at the same time not as interesting. Like, if Astarion already had beaten Cazador before the Durge stuff happened and he could directly talk about what was successful for him and help you along the way, I think that might honestly have interested me a bit more. The mirrored arcs we have instead are a little less fascinating than complementary ones. And honestly, there's something about Durge trying to relate to Astarion's centuries of struggle with their own, like, two days of fighting that compulsion, that feels just a little pfeh to me.
And maybe that's why I liked my original Tav so much? As I developed the romance with Astarion, I could shape elements from her backstory (and the way she changed and grew from those events) to make a character that I felt resonated complementarily with Astarion's arc and emotional needs. I could create a character whose defining trait was hope and had always been hope her whole life, because I feel like that's a useful trait to have against an LI who explicitly lost all hope in any rescue. A character who has stubbornly clung to hope throughout a miserable broken life and a miserable broken family paired against a character with a similar background who's lost that hope and has to relearn it--I like that! I like that the characters can teach each other things and can learn from each other. I like that they can make each other better by sharing aspects of themselves that the other person doesn't have.
Having a hopeful Durge doesn't feel the same, because first, that hope is incredibly recent and only comes out over the course of the game because right before the game started, they were still full murderbaby. It's not as longstandingly stubborn despite setback after setback over many many years the way I can have Tav be. And second, again, I can't figure out why an otherwise perfectly content murderous bastard would ever want to hope for anything else after taking a fall off a skyship. I guess that's my biggest problem, that I can't get into the fiction of the character at its baseline well enough to build anything of substance on top of it.
So now, having gone through both the Tav/Astarion romance and the Dark Urge/Astarion romance, I can definitively say I prefer the Tav version. I think the extra stuff you get in the Durge run is fun, and I think the Durge material itself is great and wonderfully tied to the lore outside of the romance, but in terms of the Astarion romance itself, it's just not as captivating. Too similar in the wrong ways and too disjointed in the ways that matter most, and I'd rather have a Tav I can build to fit what I want, someone I can shape to draw out the elements of his character I'm most interested in exploring.
I will say that at one point my Durge sorcerer did roll a 44 on a persuasion check at one point, which was extremely exciting. But I think I'll be going back to my "canon" rogue Tav on my next game to figure out that exact story now that I know her much better, and that'll almost certainly be the one I stick with for future fics.
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defira85 · 25 days
For the Durge Asks - I have to also ask 4, but also how about 5 and 17 :)
Ask meme here!
4. Gorion's Ward was a hero and a Bhaalspawn that defied Bhaal. But they're also a powerful person who rose far above many, as well as the reason Sarevok once returned. What does Durge think of them? Is he an idol or a villain to them? When did their view of them change or do they perhaps even feel pity for the sibling which had been led astray?
I know we talked a bit about how not having played BG1/2 coloured our view specifically of the Dark Urge origin and Sarevok - for me that sort of extended to Gorion's Ward as well, because I just didn't have the emotional investment in the character as an OC either. Normally I'd be rabidly angry about the company making the default/in universe character a guy (hello, default Revan in swtor, I have humiliated you in my universe canon) but in a way it sort of worked in my favour as a writer for it to be someone I wasn't invested it because then I was quite happy to use Abdel Adrian and his death as a means of exploring Kass' story
Younger Kass (pre Bhaal's resurrection) sees Abdel as an idiot. She sees a man denying himself vast amounts of power, dancing to the amusement of the people of Baldur's Gate, uncomfortable with fame and uncomfortable with riches and uncomfortable with power, and she thinks he's nothing but a fool. Older Kass (post Bhaal's resurrection) understands precisely what Abdel was doing and is haunted by the fact that she couldn't see it sooner. And following the Battle of Baldur's Gate when she's given the title Heart of the Gate, she also comes to understand and sympathise with his discomfort with the spotlight and with the adoring attentions of the people
5. Durge loves efficient killing, but what was their one little indulgence whenever they did it? I don't mean getting loot, keeping trinkets. Did they perhaps draw out the hunt or play with the mouse unfortunate enough to fall into their trap?
Kassara is a cat in human (? titan?) form. She wants to hunt, and she wants to play chase, and she wants to pounce on the mouse. This is fundamentally where she and Orin disagreed in their methods, because Kass made an artform of the pursuit, whereas Orin made a canvas of the victims. Kass felt that there was more glory to Bhaal in the primal terror and panic her victims felt, and that a body was just a body - carving up a two day old corpse doesn't offer anything new to Bhaal
Enver helps manage the urge to hunt after she's rejected Bhaal because he doesn't mind being pounced on
17. On a scale of 1 to 10, how easily does your Durge snap? 1 being the world could end, and they'd barely be mildly inconvenienced, and 10 being somebody looks funny in their direction, and the next minute, they're in a nasty brawl.
I want to say that Kass canonically has excellent self control - she spent her childhood fighting to suppress the urge, and then after Bhaal's resurrection she spends all her time fighting him for control, so she has that shit locked down. It doesn't mean she doesn't have her trigger points, and won't lash out on occasion, but she tap dances along the razor's edge quite elegantly
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ghostfacedbat · 4 months
durgetash shitposting because i'm too far gone ft my durge Revan (i really love how default durge looks)
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alexsrandomramblings · 9 months
Lock Revan and the Dark Urge character in a room together. Make it a fight to the death.
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anywayhereskirkwall · 8 months
dark urge you mean high fantasy darth revan
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voidendron · 6 months
thanks to a game of CAH with the guild
I can't stop thinking of Synnda and his relationship with the Force - specifically with his dark side corruption brought on by the shielding technique
and since all of my previous ramblings about it are either old, or Tumblr's dumb search issues are burying them so I can't find them again, I'm writing a new one dang it
and like. he hides his emotions well! intentionally or not, people have a hard time reading him!
and yet he was Very Obviously Distressed when he noticed orange creeping into his irises, and the way the skin around his eyes just looked. sickly, almost. more purple-y/gray than it should have been, prominent veins?? he looked Sith!! it was distressing!!
but he swallowed his panic and just. kept protecting the affected Masters. even as it made the corruption look worse. even as it... well. we'll get into it shortly.
he didn't want anyone to worry. he knew Lina, and Nadia, and the rest of his crew were concerned for his health, with the way he was So Obviously Weak and Sick from the shielding
he started wearing masks to soften his face. he noticed that, hey, hiding his "resting bitch face" really helped soften his eyes, people weren't as intimidated when it was Just His Eyes they were seeing, rather than the frown and sharp teeth. even the Council was. unsure, what to think, as his eyes seemed brighter, more predatory; as the veins around them stood out as if the corruption was in his very blood
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Synnda tried, harder than most, to follow the light. because he knew - he knew - that if he was to fall... well. taking that dark side plague into himself to protect so many others really opened him up to the dark side itself.
it whispers where he can just barely hear it over the buzz of conversation
it coaxes, when it thinks he's not paying attention
but he's a stubborn one, he is.
he meditates, visits places pure in the Force, doesn't let his emotions, nor the impulses they may try to cause, get the better of him
Yavin was the first time he really, truly, had to fight against the corruption. it was too dark there. too loud. too manipulative. it was so hard not to reach out to the spirits that wandered that moon, to request their presence, to speak with them. he knew it could only end poorly, but...
the temptation was there. and it was strong. and he had to do everything in his power not to rend Revan limb-from-limb when they finally came face-to-face.
he was still the one to break her nose. to fracture ribs. to throw her against the nearest wall and come within inches of crushing her lungs with the very air within them. as the whispers of the moon grew overwhelming and he needed to leave dammit
no one confronted him for it. thought the injuries Revan sustained before her death were merely...self-defense. right? no one knew of the internal conflict that the Barsen'thor faced, that one of the most softspoken Jedi in the Order, one of the most gentle, was constantly at war with his own virtues
and then came the Alliance. the Star Fortress... "incident," we'll call it.
for the first time in his life, through constantly shoving away the unwanted urge to touch on the dark side,
he finally used it willingly. it wasn't just. a little more violence than he'd normally use like what happened with Revan. it genuinely reached into the darkest depths of the Force that he could grab in an unsteady chokehold
he would feel guilt for it the rest of his life, even as he reasoned that it was a necessary evil to end Zar Draya then and there before she could cause any more suffering to Alderaan.
the only witness: his own conscious, the soon-to-be-destroyed cameras of the Fortress, Exarch Draya... and Darth Nox. his partner in the mission. a rival for so long, but now an ally
and Nox won't talk about what happened that day. not to anyone. not Synnda, who couldn't even look him in the eyes as they fled the Fortress that tore itself apart
Synnda gave in to the urge to touch on the dark side that day. he crushed Draya with her own armor, crumpled the very platform she stood on around her even as she choked on her own blood, before dropping her into the unstable sun reactor as her heart still beat in her chest. Nox felt as though he were suffocating, the air around the pair thick with... well. he was used to the dark side. so why did it feel so frightening when this Jedi used it? why did it feel as though, had he followed a different path, had he chosen to willingly use the dark side of the Force... why did it feel that it would have been a terrible thing for the galaxy?
because, well. let's keep in mind that he's Still Holding Onto The Plague. it's still very much there! he's just keeping a Really Stubborn Hold On It! and it's why he needed to teach his students the shielding technique! because he has No Idea if it'll just be re-released when he dies, so someone needs to be ready to hold onto it again when he's gone! but he's Not gonna make a single person Ever go through what he's living most of his life holding onto. it's terrible! it's stressful! it's probably why his hearts fail to kill him eventually! so five holding onto it is far better than one!
and maybe, he hopes, they won't have to deal with the dark side whispering to them all their lives if they can share the burden
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onecoolbee · 7 months
wait a second, the dark urge storyline is just the revan storyline from star wars knights of the old republic. thats why it feels so familiar. just with a gothic horror, high fantasy twist. and this amnesia was the result of severe traumatic brain injury instead of mind wipe force powers from a bunch of old jedi farts
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hawkepockets · 10 months
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Jove they/any 🌩️ blue dragonborn 🌩️ paladin 🌩️ guild artisan
🌩️ multiclass: bard
Jove’s Oath of Ancients is a sacred commitment to affirm life, foster joy, be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES!! A literally sworn optimist, they can come across as risk-happy, blasé, even callous in their dismissal of danger and negativity, but it’s also easy to get swept up in their huge dragonborn muscles and +9 rizz modifier and believe them when they say it’ll all be okay.
They used to be a gifted artisan, but don’t talk about their career or how it ended. Now they’re a paladin errant, wielding their giant glaive and ferocious positivity against the agents of despair. After losing an eye, breaking their wrist and their oath, Jove’s optimism has grown back harder and more gnarled than before, and they tend to defer to their companions for major decisions, not trusting their own judgment anymore.
Romancing Shadowheart Lae’zel. Best friends with Gale. Healer tank.
My first solo playthrough PC, abandoned at Moonrise Towers (for now).
TAG: #oc: jove
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Estis she/her 🌞 gold dwarf 🌞 dream guardian
Ritika Estis was the master metallurgist who taught Jove to work with molten materials, despite their misgivings about being a blue dragonborn without fire breath or resistance. She passed away some years ago in Baldur’s Gate, but Jove’s dream guardian takes her form—whether as a cheap ploy to gain Jove’s trust, or as a genuine echo of their old mentor, they can’t be sure.
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Auntie she/her ◾️ githyanki ▪️wild magic barbarian◾️ The Dark Urge
▪️ multiclass: storm sorcerer
This gith knows nothing about her life before the nautiloid, but since Lae’zel addressed her (and mocked her) like an elder relative she answers to “Auntie.” Lonely, curious, reactive. Center of a Venn diagram between “cigarette mom” and “Frankenstein’s monster.” Looks and fights like a gith, but lacks any cultural context or instincts that would make her feel like one.
Romancing Gale & Minthara.
Second playthrough, the only one I’ve completed.
TAGS: #oc: auntie, #ellie’s fucked up playthrough
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Deadeye & Singer she/her 🏹 human 🏹 rogue/ranger she/her 🪕 halfling 🪕 bard
Auntie’s 2 hirelings. Deadeye was a young hunter, blinded in an accident and then given her sight back by a True Soul… just so she could watch her entire village burn, then have—her killers thought—her eyes put out and closed forever. Singer was a halfling traveling apothecary, killed for refusing to tend to Absolutists and sing for them after the massacre.
Though both women’s presences are cold and diminished and they can only speak with Withers’s vocabulary, traces of their personality remain. Deadeye was playful once, and still has the light step, deft hand, and trace of a wicked smile to prove it. Astarion swears he’s heard her coo and giggle faintly while playing with Scratch at night, long after the party’s living members are asleep. Singer was stern, matronly, and humorless with others, her face only relaxing when she was absorbed in her herbcraft or music making. Auntie gifted her Lihala’s lute, though it hurts to see a bard outlined against the campfire again, quietly picking out the notes of “The Power,” just feet away from the shadow of Alfira’s bloodstain.
Auntie doesn’t know she is a Bhaalspawn, but she feels instinctively that it’s her duty to care for murdered bodies and souls. She knows the names these revanants bore in life (Maddala and Brenna), but doesn’t use them, out of respect for these women’s vengeful echoes being different from the women themselves, and she’s as protective of them as she is of her “real” companions.
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Terpsichore 🐏 she/her 🐏 satyr 🐏 rogue
She sings! She dances! She rams you with her horns!
Like Shadowheart, Terpsichore is on a holy mission for her patron goddess, armed only with her wits, blades, and the memories that her enclave—her Selûnite enclave—considered necessary for her to complete the task she’s been set: a pilgrimage to Moonrise Towers to assassinate an agent of Shar.
One second, she was crossing the Tower’s threshold (or windowsill, in the adept rogue’s case)—the next that she knew, she was being sealed in a pod aboard the nautiloid for processing. Failed. Abandoned. Godless. For now. If she doesn’t salvage this.
Terpsichore was told she’d know her target on sight, but she can’t be sure it isn’t Shadowheart—after all, while wrestling for the chance to kill each other they saw flashes of their own memories in each other’s minds, and Terpsichore feels… a lot… when she lays eyes on this particular enemy. ;-)
Romance: 3 guesses
TAG: #oc: terpsichore
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