#rly hard remembering who's like still around making stuff 😭
dreamgirledward · 5 months
WIP tag game
ty for the tag orla <333 mwah mwah @kellyscabin
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
ok i have a chronic starting-wips-and-never-finishing-them condition plus i havent been able to edit for fun in a while bc of work BUT in my brain i have these finished (😭)
florence + the machine - the end of love [iwtv]
bruce springsteen - hungry heart [dean winchester]
hozier - first light [spn]
mitski - love me more [dean winchester]
mitski - heat lightning [spn]
bruce springsteen - rosalita [dean winchester]
florence + the machine - search and destroy [dean winchester]
bee gees - tragedy [ofmd]
leonard cohen - lover lover lover [ofmd]
mitski - star [destiel]
mitski - i'm your man **i literally started two v different projects using this LOL** [saltburn] [iwtv]
mitski - stay soft [dean winchester]
florence + the machine - bird song [yellowjackets]
fred again.. - dermot (see yourself in my eyes) [multi]
hmmmmmm i will tag:
@danneelswife @deanwinchesterwebsite @emeraldcas @gaywerewolftransgender @clairewolf @dawittiest @anna-coded @agentgayngel @lesbianjoannaharvelle 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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kirarifutari · 1 year
enhypen as fast food workers (enhypen ot7.)
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GENRE .. !? enhypen ot7 headcanons i guess... pureee crack, comedy
WARNINGS .. !? not proof read, swearing, for shits and giggles don't take anything to heart lol
WC ..?! approx 852
NOTES.. ?! okay pls blame @dazed-hee for putting this thought into my head and helping me w this... i cannot believe i sat my ass down and wrote this,, yes i just got off work ... anyway i hope u enjoy this goofy little piece pls like + reblog to support!!
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actually does his job properly LOLLL
he's so good at it asw he is never ever stressed 😭😭 he never complains either he just gets shit done ?? like you'll be on shift w him and magically you don't have to do anything ever bc somehow he has it under control…?
all the customers love him asw LMAO he's the type to remember regulars 🙏
god sent everyone needs a heeseung to work with, he's even nice to the rude customers but is not afraid to be a little passive aggressive bitch 🤧
he never talks badly about anyone so no one ever shit talks him?? but if you ask him ab drama he'd be like “not naming any names but…” 😭
he is exactly like heeseung except when is jay ever NOT stressed
he is internally crying every five seconds over something and every time a customer complains about something you can see the light in his eyes die little by little 💀💀
he doesn't even care what anyone else is doing he's just so caught up in doing his job he doesn't realise that he's doing everything himself…  more utc!
if you catch him on a good day tho you can hear him make fun of customer orders 😭 “who the fuck orders 3 hamburgers past the age of three years old…”
let's you do whatever you want bc hes too busy dealing w the emerging grey hairs 🙏
the best person to work your shift w for a good time hands downnn
he's so funny he will make you cackle every five seconds,, you'll be taking a drive thru order and you'd be trying so fucking hard not to laugh into the mic 😭 he will fr start SINGING in ur ear goodbye
super friendly w customers and will literally start a conversation ab the most random things ?? “bro did you just order this family box?? you eating that yourself? that's crazy, mad respect” 💀
dawg does everything all at once, making burgers, taking orders, handing out food, changing the bins ??? yet somehow he's the one goofing off the most ? 
doesn't know how he landed the job tbh… everyone expected him to be unemployed the rest of his life 🔥
HE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO COUNT CHANGE W CASH 😭 bro tries his hardest but is always fumbling around fr,, our maths legend
the type to be like “hm? i can't hear you” “what did you say? “yeah just gimme a minute” he is TOO CHILL he's so unserious ab this job he clocks on and does nothing half the time 🙏 he'll say he'll do what you ask him too but... you both know he won't xoxox
somehow he's still one of the managers favourites and gets good shifts every week… 
if a customer yells at him he'd be like “yeah give me a second” and then just gets someone else to deal with it LMFAO 💀
THE BIGGEST SHIT TALKER having a shift w him is so good, he somehow knows everything that's going on w everyone ??? fills you in w all the gossip fr.
he's rly bubbly w all the nice customers and is one of the nicer employees to work with but if ur on his bad side … 💀💀💀
like if you annoy him as a customer he will hand you order wordlessly and look you up and down HE DOESNT CAREEE BROOO 😭
if anyone ever blames him for doing something wrong on shift he literally will just be like “that wasn't me tho 😄😄” biggest liar and everyone knows it but no one cares cus we all love him 🫶
sunoo will definitely be the type to buy you food on his break or give you free stuff when you clock off 😭
would be the biggest gas lighter LMFAO
“oh you ordered a double big mac and not a regular? yeah on our register it's gone through as regular so i don't know what you want me to do, you can pay for another one tho!” 💀💀💀💀
bro gives so much sass to rude customers he does NOT gaf, he does it all w a smile on his face too like “sorry about that but we can't do anything to fix it 😊” 
he’d be so chill w his co workers asw, he would really care if everyone's messing around but somehow w him on shift everything goes oddly smoothly… 
working w him is so fucking funny cus he will never take no for an answer w a customer he will keep pushing until they LEAVE 😭
LMFAOOO okay this kid fucking hates his job LOL
will spit in a customers drink because he can 🙏 he will not take shit from anyone and he knows no one will fire him bc they're understaffed 😚
plays the best music and always has kitchen speaker aux !!!
if you ask him to remake a burger or help you with something he'll either give you a blank stare or a “no, i won't.” and then do it for you anyway 👊👊 he is such a little menace but he doesn't care 
w annoying ass customers he will literally start arguing w them STOP
would go viral on tiktok cus some customer was filming him being rude but everyone would be siding w him bc niki is always in the right godbless.
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cursedvibes · 11 months
you!!! you get it!! yuki's entire existence feels like such a slap to the face for the spvs. shes the only one that escaped n has a ct but she still ended up fighting n dying for tengens sake, despite building up herself from the ground (i dont think the higher ups wouldve rly empathized with her situation, most definitely made it wayy more difficult to deal with, if geto n gojo had such a hard time she prolly got much worse 💀). i wonder what it wouldve been like to hear all the spv xP but alas we can only hope gege remembers this bit....yeah honestly i wish we got more drama out of their interactions n a bit of yukis own childhood instead of choso crying abt his brothers for the nth time 😭 pls tell me more abt the thoughts u have abt those two its always nice to read see ur thoughts (me who has read every single kenjin fic on your ao3 😁😁😁) the tengen situation rly showed who all read the manga n who all just saw the pictures n came up with their on hc for the situation 💀
Thank you for reading my fics <3 it means a lot to me
Well, we don't know if she's the only SPV with a CT, but I'm sure it's why she was able to escape. Riko doesn't seem to have one and that might be one of the reasons why Tengen saw her as an ideal candidate. We don't know about the other two that got merged, but it would make sense for Tengen to choose the ones that would have less means of defending themselves. The Heian one might've had one because that was probably still more of an experimental phase and she might have had less options, unlike now where there are multiple popping up in one generation and she picks the ones with characteristics she likes most and who probably also have a closer match.
So Tengen most likely knew Yuki's CT, but didn't tell the higher-ups, since Kenjaku got their help, but couldn't find it out. They basically promoted her to special grade based on mission results and I assume a good word from Tengen. That might've also helped her break through the glass ceiling of misogyny. As we see with Maki, it really doesn't matter how skilled you are, you can only advance as far as they let you and if you're a woman or they don't like you for some other reason, you're not getting anywhere. But she had her results to show off and what Tengen says goes, so they couldn't protest. It's impressive that she managed to keep her CT and status as former SPV a secret for so long, although the foreign missions definitely helped there.
I'd also like to have a bit more background on Yuki. Did she have the same religious upbringing as Riko? She was likely groomed into a sacrificial mindset too, so what made her be able to resist that? Did Tengen wait too long and teenage hormones ruined it for her? Just natural instincts? She is very rebellious in general after all. How did her first meeting with Tengen go down? So many questions that will likely never get answered. But that also means there is no limit for how we can imagine it all happening.
It's a real shame that Tengen and her intentions and past never really got questioned by anybody besides Kenjaku. Yuki has her complaints, but she ultimately doesn't do anything about them. Gojo suggested at one point to kill Tengen if she wants to force the merger with Riko, but apparently completely forgot about that once Toji came into the picture. He was so close to the root of the problem, but then didn't act on it. Riko would've died anyway, even if Toji wasn't around, just in a different way. And even if they managed to rescue Riko, it would've been some other kid that got sacrificed in her stead.
Mind you, I don't think Gojo could ultimately do anything against Tengen, certainly not at 16. He wouldn't even be able to touch her and she knows the capabilities of six eyes users better than everyone else. But I feel like an effort should have been made. The issue should be addressed. There could've been a lot of interesting stuff between Tengen and him too. After all, she also created him to make him protect her, so if he went against that, that would be a nice source of conflict. But I don't think he knows about his purpose and will likely never find out about it.
Either way, I would've liked more skepticism of Tengen in general. Kenjaku brings up right to Yuki's face that there is something very important about the Culling Game that Tengen has been keeping from them, but nobody fucking listens to them. It's so frustrating. Megumi also brings up that they should maybe not 100% trust Tengen, but nothing comes off it. The kids get so caught up in their plans and the opponents that keep popping up around them, that they forget who put them in this situation in the first place. That's how Tengen likes things to go I guess. Make people just forget about her and that's how she keeps getting away with it. And she relies a lot on the influence she established early on.
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astrowaffles · 2 years
Ushiten 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30
right, this is probably gonna be the longest post I ever make on this site, let's do it
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Well, it depends what "affectionate" means in this context, but probably Tendou. I've seen that man, he's basically a Wakatoshi cheer squad even when he's one of the best players in the prefecture himself 😭
2. Big spoon / little spoon?
I think most often tendou big spoon and Ushijima little spoon, I can see Ushijima rly wanting all the affection and tendou's rly happy to give it :)
3. Most common argument?
Who's sending the next care package. They live on different continents and they LOVE sending each other stuff but they can never remember who was meant to do what. Also, what time the facetime call was scheduled at. Time zones, my dude.
4. Favourite non-sexual activity?
They are 100% a picnic, flower picking, and orchard visiting couple. They do it whenever they can, just go find a random plant and yank it around until they have what they want, whether it's because it's pretty or because it's a good ingredient. It's good bonding.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
There is no way Tendou's bony chocolate-making ass can still get anywhere near lifting professional athlete Ushijima, but he probably could do it when they were both teenagers, though only to shock Ushi :'). Nowadays, it's obviously Ushijima who does the lifting, plus doesn't Tendou just seem like the kind of guy who demands piggy backs???
6. What is their favourite feature of their partner's?
Eyes. See my first OTP ask :D
7. What's the first thing that changes when they realise they have feelings for each other?
Ushijima prolly starts talking about Tendou. A lot (by Ushi standards). To everyone who stands still for long enough. I can just imagine it.... Anyways, yeah, I think Ushijima would be a lot more obvious, affectionate, and would suddenly compliment Tendou's blocking out of nowhere T-T
8. Nicknames? & If so, where did they originate?
Tendou calls him ushy gushy because he thinks it's funny, and Ushijima just rolls with it 😂
9. Who worries the most?
Tendou, hands down. Ushijima has no worries, he goes with the flow. Tendou stresses about pretty much everything to some degree, and sometimes he can even infect the worry into Ushijima so they're both worrying about it 💀💀
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
They prolly both do this, but it seems like an Ushijima thing. He probably has a corner of his brain with "tendou" written across it and decorated with those awful little adhesive gems that get EVERYWHERE as soon as you start using them, and in that corner he keeps everything that tendou ever said or did in case it comes up again some day
11. Who tops?
At this point leave me alone, I don't wanna think abt that!!! Although logistically, Ushijima, right?
12. Who initiates kisses?
100% Tendou, but Ushijima does this thing where he taps his lips to signal he wants a kiss, and tendou RUNS over
13. Who reaches for the other's hand first?
Ushijima. Next question
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Depends on the context? It's whoever's *not* about to get in the plane, any other context I have no clue (is this what y'all think about?!)
15. Who wakes up first?
Ushijima. He's a famer, those knuckleheads are up at 4am on a lazy day
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Tendou, but tbh chocolatiers are up pretty early so he knows he can’t. Life is pain. 
17. Who says I love you first?
Ushijima. He seems like the type to just say it at some random time because it’s what he was thinking about. Although, is he aware enough of the feeling to know it’s love? If not, then obviously Tendou.
18. Who leaves little notes in the other one’s lunch?
Tendou, though it’s usually just an encouragement like ‘work hard today’. Sometime he’ll put in a pun just to annoy Ushijima.
19. Who tells their family/friends about the relationship first?
This one is hard because I don’t know anything about Tendou’s family, Ushijima’s is a bit of a mess, and they share the same friendgroup. I think Tendou would probably get excited and talk about it with all the friends though, so I’ll say Tendou. 
20. What do their family/friends think of the relationship?
I’d love to put something like ‘about time’ but in reality it’s more like ‘really? him?’ from both sides
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Tendou. Man’s French, leave him alone
22. Who cooks more/is better at cooking?
Tendou is the baker and Ushijima is the cook. If they try to leave their assigned skills, the kitchen will be a bit burnt by the end of it.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Tendou, and Ushijima probably doesn’t understand them, so it’s more a crowd-pleaser thing to prove that yes, they are actually dating, thank you, Semi.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during innappropriate times?
...Tendou? Probably him, and it’s probably not anything too racy, it’s just jokes about the couple they’re having lunch with.
25. Who needs more assurance?
Probably Tendou. Ushijima has fans all over the world who thirst over him constantly on twitter dot com, so Tendou probably gets pretty insecure over the relationship. I don’t think Ushijima truly understands it since cheating literally never crosses his mind, it’s physically impossible, but he gives the assurance when he sees it’s needed.
26. What would be their theme song?
Ugh, I don’t even know, I don’t have an ushiten playlist so if I make one, I’ll edit this post and add it in T-T.
27. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
Does Ushijima even know that’s a thing that’s done? So yeah, Tendou. But I do know Ushijima would be the BEST father, he’d take his child out in fields and teach them loads of cool stuff,and tell stories about fairies....
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
They’re probably on the phone 24/7. The Adlers are probably in the habit of going ‘hi Ushijima, hi tendou’ because they KNOW Tendou can hear them. Semi calls Tendou and puts him on speakerphone in the crowd during volleyball games so Tendou can yell along with the crowd while he watches from France.
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
it’s not a headcanon, it’s true, but they’re the only people that seem to show the other one any kind of acceptance. Both of them have been outcasts their whole life and continue to be so, in a way, when they leave highschool and live apart. I realise that the relationship itself isn’t sad, but both of them are sad by themselves so I don’t need to make it worse :’(
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
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kil9 · 11 months
re: the taemin thing (sorry im so annoying about this but i feel you wanna talk about it as much as me!). i wanted to mention his blinking habit too, but as someone who is not autistic myself (not diagnosticated at least lmao) i was afraid it was just me making assumption but you noticed it to so!!! cool. anyway i could say many more things but the line between being just a strange little dude and being a strange little autistic dude is so thin!!! (like the fact that he eats random stuff at unlikely times of the day or that he's so forgetful). ANYWAY!!!!!! i just really love him and how shinee adapts their behaviour around him to make sure hes comfortable
YES ur never annoying i absolutely wanna talk abt it forever 🥺🥺
(this got kinda long so im putting it in the readmore lol)
but yeah the blinking habit for real !!! ur definitely not wrong to pick up on that ! (i even sponged it from him sometimes lol x_x) its cool that non autistic ppl have an interest in this stuff tbh :3 i think that more ppl understanding autism and all the weird specifics of it is rly the key to our happiness ykno 🤔because most non autistic ppl know literally. jack shit.
also the eating thing YEAH 😭😭 thats also so autism to me. shinee is so good to him !!!! u can tell that even if they dont know WHY he is the way he is, that theyve figured out how he works and how to treat him....
there was such a moment in the 15m thing when key was asking taemin to "prepare" the veggies... and taemin got such a look of dread where hes like "what...... wdym.. ?" & kibum has to be like "CUT THEM taemin" lol 💀💀 its such a silly moment but its SOO quintessential to me for both what its like to be autistic (ie: what the fuck are u saying to me "prepare" this. as if im supposed to know what that means), and what its like to be close with an autistic person (kibum having to kinda remember to "translate" what hes saying for taemin so he knows what hes talking about, it reminds me of how my partner is with me sometimes 🥺)
also back to when im saying they probably dont know why he is the way he is, even if they know all his ins and outs, i think this is probably the same for taemin 🤔 he strikes me as someone who prob doesnt know hes autistic, just knows hes "weird" and "different" and has figured out how to live like that despite. reminds me of myself kind of, cos i wasnt "diagnosed" (used loosely) until maybe 19 ? which is still young but at that point i had already been thru school and everything not knowing x_x its definitely possible to figure your life out & how you work without a diagnosis, and i think it happens all the time, but its also really really hard. i think having a name for it and something u can actually research & learn about is rly helpful. so even tho hes like 30 now im still kinda always hoping he realises 🤔 if it makes his life that much easier ykno ?
this is also why it pisses me off so much that ppl get THAT up in arms when this is brought up. ppl act like falsely "accusing" someone of being autistic will ruin their life, when really its basically harmless (obviously unless ur directly using it as an insult). even the opposite might be true 🤷‍♂️ someone can rly benefit from realising about themselves. also why im so pro self dx !!! even if everyone is "misdiagnosing" themselves these days (🙄 which prob isnt true anyway) like. whats the worst that could happen ? why does it matter if someone is wrong... they might still find some info that will help them 🤷‍♂️ theres not really any autism "resources" that are in scarcity so i dont rly care if someone thinks they are even if theyre not ?
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ncwhereman · 1 year
hey, secret santa here! i'm sorry to hear about your flu :( i hope you're recovering now. sending good wishes and the healing powers of listening to the beatles 🤞🤞
beatles are also in my top 3, every few months i have a beatles phase and i've landed right back in it now. almost bought a load of beatles records today but stopped myself 💪 i agree w you, the new revolver is better appreciated as an album mix concept rather than based on individual songs. and walls and bridges is great :')
it's impossible to find original good quality beatles records 😭 even the poor condition earlier pressings are expensive where i live. once i found a first press rubber soul which was rly dirty and the record was very scratched, but it was still £100 ... letting records go is the worst, even when u rly can't afford them :') i really want some of the funky blue albums, like your AR bc the shade is everything to me!! i just bought 62-66 today but sadly it's a regular black record :( tysm for the tip abt elton john records, i never knew it was even a thing. i really need to get some of his stuff now - did you just figure it out from holding it up to light?? i also want some yellow or orange records bc they're my favourite colours :)
i watched th&t, thanks so much for the recommendation. it was a rly interesting film and i enjoyed it quite a lot! definitely gonna watch it again.
ok so i'm not very well versed in solo beatles stuff so this is a basic answer to the q about solo stuff, but i really love 33 1/3 and all things must pass. and for john i just really like plastic ono band, it's sth i can listen to in the background while i cook or study or something. they're both my fav beatles, but i have to say i prefer george's solo stuff more. not sure why :^)
also, i'm assuming this is the last ask before the big reveal. i've loved being ur secret penpal this month 🤓 i hope you're able to rest this winter and watch some of those christmas films, and i'll be back soon to reveal my secret identity :)) -srs
thank you! i'm almost alright now! :)
good you have so much willpower to make reasonable choices, i absolutely lose my mind once i go into a record store 😭😭 congrats on the 62-66!! and i hope the 67-70 you get will be a colored one :)
i remember reading aout elton records on discogs i guess, then i tried it with mine and it was so cool! they have different shades of red btw, some are bright like blood red, some more of a pink, some have splatters all around them
i'm glad you enjoyed th&t!! i love the fact it's so short and easy to rewatch 😭 don't even wanna count the times i've seen it but i have to watch it again lmao
as for the solo stuff it's a bit of a vice versa for me, i'd have a hard time choosing a favorite john album bc i love all of them so much 😭 i'd have to pick w&b and POB i think, double fantasy a close 3rd. POB always seemed so heavy for me though. and somehow i still haven't listened to all george's albums so i guess 33 1/3 will be the next one i'll listen to! my fav so far must be living in the material world, but i love all things must pass too. isn't it a pity.... not a song but a spiritual experience
thank you again!! i've loved having you as my secret santa and it was so nice talking to you! thrilled to see who you are :) and merry christmas!!!
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woosansang · 2 years
hey jazzy how did you make math like.. make sense? do you just have a natural inclination for math? do you have any tips on understanding?? pls enlighten????
im asking bc no matter how hard i tried in my math "classes"*, the concepts never clicked sjfjjf it kinda eats at me since im able to understand the concepts in other academic areas fairly easily 😭 (fairly bc physical sciences are a Thing) [ * = the only attempts at learning math after i started high school dkfjkfkg ]
i think an issue was w who was teaching? bc the teacher in 9th grade got pissy w me for asking so many questions bc i didnt get it; my school was a rly small one so we had one math teacher and we had two different ones in 10th; 11th grade was outright lgbt-phobic; and 12th was a neurotypical cishet white man who made me feel unsafe just by being in the same room as me and he was a shitty person all around. i already struggled w understanding math before but these guys def made it even harder ;;;;
pls take a pic of my cats as an apology for my babbling sjkfjgks ty ily
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omg firstly don't u ever again apologise for talking to about maths, or talking to me at all sndbwjsb <333
idk I've just always loved it??? I remember in primary school I used to help tbe kids who were in my grade who weren't good at maths, like I would teach them how to add fractions n stuff bc I just Got It and they struggled. as a hs maths teacher now, I think a lot of kids fall short bc their basic understanding of numeracy is lacking. it's how the concepts get to introduced to u the first time u learn it that shapes how u feel about it, or so I've noticed with many students. like take algebra in particular. kids have no fucking clue why they're suddenly using letters in maths and if they don't understand the point of it, of course they're not gonna understand how to do anything WITH algebra if they don't even know WHAT algebra is, and then they fall into the horrible cycle of nothing making sense and everything getting more complicated and still not making sense and hating the subject and doing badly at it and hating it even more etc etc
but yeah what u said about the teachers is definitely true, that can have a huge impact, especially on teenagers who are super emotional in general, having adults who don't appear open or friendly or empathetic or in ur case, it sounds like, downright against u, obviously makes it very hard to learn anything 😪
i can't tell u how I got maths to make sense to me bc for the most part, I just got it. I was lucky. BUT since i do teach it now to the highest level u learn in high school and obviously i majored in it at uni as well, i can always help u with anything if ur doing courses now 👀
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