gy4rucartman · 1 year
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so we started a project zomboid au... ft michael (and @roostertuftart's kyle!)
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cool-island-songs · 2 years
DO KYLE :333 for the ask game ;3333
Thanks for the ask, Rooster! :333
Sexuality Headcanon:
Open to anything. It's really dependent on the story/context for me, but I definitely saw him as 100% gay back in the day. I'm more open to bi Kyle now and also like the thought of him being a late bloomer or questioning things into young adulthood
Gender Headcanon:
Ok but fr usually cis. Trans masc Kyle is also interesting. I'm not rigid about any of this stuff tbh. No sexuality or gender hc is OOC to me in itself. I just like to be sold on characterizations, personally
A ship I have with said character:
Back in the day I was hugely into style, k2, and kystophe and I still like these though idk when the last time I read kystophe was (writing some rn though!)
These days, I'm mainly thinking about style, k2, and twyle dynamics but open to a lot of things
A BROTP I have with said character:
Not to be real boring but he comes with a built-in crew—da main 4! Occasionally estranged super best friend, bro he sometimes dgaf about, loathed frenemy. They're all there! Particularly interested in K2 atm, both ship- and BROTP-wise
A NOTP I have with said character:
I don't really NOTP anymore but I have specific conceptions of certain dynamics and then some I just don't think about
A random headcanon:
OCD and scrupulosity OCD in particular - Kyle's the most neurotic to me after Tweek
General Opinion over said character:
I never know wtf people are talking about when they do Kyle discourse. Fundamentally uninterested in the question of if Kyle good or bad. Kyle regularly enters situations wanting to be good and righteous, and yet he often does bad things (see also: virtue ethics). In my view, this is the defining function of his character on the show, so treating it like a binary when the cartoon's regular starting point already has more nuance than that is a step backwards
Kyle was my second fave after Tweek back in the day—projected onto him hardcore, identified with his desire to do the right thing, and the struggle that comes with determining what that is and carrying it out. I don't understand when I see him deified and his faults elided because I think his flaws and failures are super interesting, relatable, human
No one is required to view him the way I do, though, and I always hope people are having fun and expending their energies in fulfilling ways in fandom. Would be downright evil to hassle people with different viewpoints! Especially when hearing different interpretations and headcanons can be so fun and stimulate creativity. It helps when people can stay respectful and self-aware that we are all ultimately working with our own subjective interpretations of fiction, all projecting and relating in our own unique ways
Because I'm tired of the same old discourses, here are my proposals for alternate Kyle discourses:
Kyle's actions having any lingering impact on geopolitics re: Cuba, Canada, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict
Kyle's ongoing health issues re: hemorrhoids, transplanted kidney, diabetes, does he have the human centipad scars i must know
Kyle's relationship with Kenny after he tells his mom he doesn't give a crap about Kenny, then proposes rounding poor people up into camps and exterminating them. Are they good???
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clydesdonovan · 1 year
13 for clyde? :0
okay this is the third time I’m trying to answer this cause this app truly hates me lol I’m so sorry 🙁
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Okay this is interesting to me bc I feel like I don’t have many unpopular Clyde opinions! He’s still a fairly underrated character, at least I think so, and so I just kinda… exist my little self indulgent Clyde bubble with no interruptions lol
But anyway, I guess maybe this is unpopular? I’m honestly not sure lol. But I think, generally speaking, people don’t give Clyde enough credit! He’s often reduced to a silly, dumb, himbo-type character, with no real personality beyond that, and I just don’t think that’s Clyde.
Sure, he has his moments. He’s not always the brightest. Sometimes he’s a little mean. Sometimes he’s a big baby. But he’s also very kind, and friendly, and selfless. He loves his friends and is so loyal to them. He loves his dad. He has a good heart. He’s creative. He’s funny. He’s comfortable with himself.
He’s a multifaceted character! He isn’t just one thing, he isn’t just one personality, he isn’t just one trope. He has heart and personality and I’d like to see more of this, instead of seeing him be reduced to one (1) version of him that we saw in one episode over 10 years ago. (also I’m old oh my god)
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6 and 13 (kyle!!)
Thank you so much for the ask!!! 6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? Hmmm, Probably Stendy? I used to really dislike it because I used to see a lot of works that either portrayed Wendy as a nag and/or Stan as an asshole You know, the standard sexist garbage where people act like a het pairing has to make each other miserable to be interesting? The show doesn't really help deter it, but I've seen a lot of really cute Stendy art lately that chooses to focus on how they care about each other and actually makes their issues something they take seriously, rather than trying to make one of them a villain and treating their problems as a gag. (I also of course really love seeing art of Trans Masc Wendyl since it's my favorite headcanon, and a lot of it tends to be Stendy themed lol, so maybe that's warmed me up to a it a bit. ) It's still not one of my OTPs or anything but I can enjoy it from time to time. 13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character? Hmmmm, Unpopular opinions on Kyle... I feel like I have a few? Okay let's see if I can articulate this well, haha I feel like the fandom has a tendency to act as though Kyle is more.... Empathetic or Understanding than he actually is? Like, don't get me wrong, Kyle, out of all the other characters, is the one who goes out of his way to learn and be a better person the most, but he has a very strict idea of right and wrong and he sort of struggles to see perspectives outside of his own, so like, even though he can easily empathize with say, Blanket's situation, cause he's a neglected child and that's obviously a bad situation, I feel like when it comes down to more emotional conflicts, he can be rather judgemental? Like how he can't really handle Stan's depression, it isn't his fault that Stan's depression affects his own emotional state obviously, but also the only thing he really ever does is tell Stan to just, stop being depressed? "Be more positive" "There are starving children in africa" all that jazz. Kyle doesn't experience depression (at least not in the way Stan does ) so from his perspective, Stan just isn't trying hard enough. Even when it comes to his own struggles with his anxiety he can be rather judgey even if we acknowledge that Cartman doesn't actually have anxiety in buddha box, I still think Kyle saying "Everyone has anxiety, They get over it" comes across very "If I can handle my mental illness then why can't everybody?" you know? Obviously this doesn't make Kyle a bad person, some people have more trouble with empathy than others, and I think it makes him all the more interesting that he tries so hard to better himself. Unfortunately I can see a lot of his anxiety possibly stemming from relentless self-analysis to make sure he's being a good person. I feel like he would gain a lot from learning that perfectly moral people don't really exist, and that doesn't mean you don't try to do good, it just means you're not lesser when you mess up. Also I don't think people would go to Kyle for relationship advice cause he would just tell them to dump them. I feel like I have more unpopular opinions on Kyle, but this is really long and I'm afraid of this getting too rambly lol, I hope this makes sense? Ask Meme Here
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not-siri · 2 years
Why do u like the clay show about Stephen stotch
Idk why do you like the sixth episode of Season 17 of South Park?
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iammissingautumn · 1 year
14 15 22 26 :]
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
I don’t think we’re as much as a dumpster fire as others seem to think. Mostly that’s those outside the fandom but like. We have such a rich cool history that I love and seeing the different opinions and staples of this fandom is rlly nice. We have issues, just as any other place does, but i love being here no matter what.
15. Unpopular opinion about the show?
Hmm. I mean I think they just care so much about the characterization of the characters. Like seeing the early Mr. Garrison stuff of seasons 1-5 and the depth to his gayness at the time. I love that kinda smaller progression. The fact that Stan’s parents are usually the ones who will get divorced and so on. Matt and Trey make some good points when their writing their best, and I don’t like to completely discredit them bc i disagree with them when they get weaker or make dumb points. I hope at least one of those things is unpopular
22. Popular character you hate??
hmmmmm. I don’t hate any character. At most I’m just not a fan of Tweek. But i go through different phases and have enjoyed him plenty in the past. So it’s complicated ig?
26. Most shippable character?
Uhhh. Stanley Marsh or Kenny McCormick. They both get around tbh. Queers.
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sunny-cyrus · 2 years
Thoughts on Stan x Kyle x Wendy x Kenny for the ship asks?? I’m obsessed with them as a poly
Ship it!
1. What made you ship it?
They re cu ute. It's like "oh you ship some of these guys separately? Okay but...what if....they all just dated EACHOTHER AT THE SAME TIME!!" genius shit man.
2. What are your favorite things about this ship?
No idea, I don't make content about them I just know they'd be a fun group y'know it's hard to explain they're all just right for eachother
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on this ship?
Probably not
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bbathsalts · 11 months
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Collab with @roostertuftart in a project zomboid au rp we have. We did on a drawpile
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cchallucination · 5 months
Mutual awards of the year!!
(Just a silly little thing I thought of doing to show all my mutuals I appreciate them <3)
Thank you to @yourqueerinacorner @cryingboyy @sleepdepriver @roostertuftart @cherriakki @mathew-adams @fullpaperking @theevilsandwich @galahlii865 @zzstar-head @fayoftheforest @montanabugz @mitski-slope @austinxhailey @bunnyboyjames @rextile @sweetzscore @sobeksewerrat @inwayovermyhead @xizxles @andrew-the-drew-defender @roryheart @lapisslazulite @emmywlemmy @auspicious-poppy @cosmozzzz @kenneththemenneth @strawberry-pretzels @cringelordofchaos @silver0stars @l1minality @darkowlsages @crydecanon for being great mutuals this year!!! :3 I love all you guys!!!
Special thanks to my FIRST two mutuals ever: @crydecanon and @darkowlsages <33
And another special thanks to the mutuals that like practically all of my posts: @galahlii865 and @sweetzscore :3 !!!
Hope all of you have a great 2024!! ^^
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scourgethecat66 · 1 year
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alr alr i chose kyndy…
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cool-island-songs · 1 year
7 and 19 for the writing meme owo
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
It's looking very eclectic rn, Rooster. Idk if there is a most pulled from artist, but I use lyrics for every single chapter title and most fic titles because I simply cannot name things. It's an impossible task for me and I hate it.
Ok actually I went through all my titles and chapter titles and this is what I've got so far, so Fiona wins:
Elliott Smith (x2), Tommy Genesis, Bauhaus, Fiona Apple (x4), Neutral Milk Hotel, Jclef, Depeche Mode, Portishead (x2), Ministry, SZA, Melanie Martinez don’t judge me leave me alone, Bettye Crutcher, Carly Rae Jepsen, Dinosaur Jr., My Bloody Valentine, Sonic Youth, Allie X (x2), SOPHIE, Cibo Matto, 10cc
me af at all times
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Oh, honestly, like every pairing. Twenny is my second fave after Creek rn so for sure some Twenny and I have two Creekenny fics in the works I'm excited about. But I want to write every ship I have any thoughts on whatsoever. It takes time because I spend a while thinking about new characters/dynamics before writing them.
Probably overly self-conscious/who cares, but I never want people to think the way I write a ship at a given time is how I see them in any fixed capacity. It's just what I'm interested in exploring at that moment with two fake guys. Fanfic is fun because you can explore so many different things with your fiction dolls
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roamerbird · 1 year
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I never uploaded my Camp Camp catified designs on here for some reason? I made these back during Summer 2020.  These were inspired by my good pal @roostertuftart ! 
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fayoftheforest · 2 years
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askthespcircusold · 7 months
An April’s fools post I did. @roostertuftart thanks for the edit lmao
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iammissingautumn · 1 year
bastard moment
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sunny-cyrus · 1 year
20? :0
What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Huh this one is hard actually but probablyyy creek
They're just fourth graders who love eachother idk man they don't have problems with eachother and when they do the other tries their best to help the other! It's cute and simple with them two
Also a lot of the fanart and headcanons I've seen are sweet and fun, no real problems the fandom has with creek
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