#sab falco
anaalnathrakhs · 10 days
Hii! Numbers 40, 46 and 3 (fave era of motley crue) from the music ask thing 🫶🏻
hehehe thank you for asking
40. The best album title
has to be Legends from Beyond the Galactic Terrovortex, on specificity alone. at least from the top of my head. i love me a good silly evocative title.
46. The most unknown band/ artist you know
god. difficult question. i can cheat and answer french bands so that they'll be a magnitude more obscure to everyone else i guess.
uhhhh Banane Métalik is a good one, I feel like I keep bringing up their Murder Party song in all these ask games though. Les Rats is an older punk band that is def not my generation so I don't know, they used to be more popular but not very? I think. Camion Bip Bip seems to be a pretty recent one I discovered a couple days ago and it's fuuuun I love the instrumentals
Of all the local band @robinsnest2111 talks abt I've listened to Crystal Steel and it's p good, they're still fairly obscure I think (rooting for them from afar tho)
I'm not much in the local scene so far. I know a bit about a few bands and artists, but not much, and idk if I'd want to put that info out there lmao
3. The best ‘era’ of Mötley Crüe
sue me but i like Shout At The Devil. is it perfect? no. but the bangers on it are BANGERS of the highest order. (can be said for any crue album tbh but i like the vibe satd has. angry music my beloved.) and the OUTFITS they had, lord above. incredible artistic direction if i'd dare call it that.
i realized it said best not favorite. uh. i'm not qualified to judge that. dr feelgood probably, objectively.
tyyyyy <33
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cold-riot · 2 years
Hi! 16, 18, 23, 24 from the last ask 😁
thank u for the ask, my dear!! xo
16: thoughts on mint chocolate chip? - talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. ((no all memes aside i LOVE mint chocolate chip its superior))
18: your boba/tea order? - god I FUCKING LOVE BOBA i usually order taro tea whenever i get a chance :)
23: do you wear jewelry? - i do! mostly a lot of cheap costume jewelry so i can easily replace if i have to - lots of rings, necklaces, earrings/cuffs, etc.
24: which do you find yourself using, american or british english? - American English! but sometimes i enjoy writing in British English :))
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transgeoffrickly · 2 years
they're the cornerstone of the fandom to YOU. the cornerstone of the fandom to ME is tumblr users @infectiouspiss @heyitsphoenixx @bootlegfrnk @weenhands @obsessionwithcontrition @intotheblindinglight @coldbug @judeiscariot @tasteofmisery @urdyingwish @jerseyclown @lilmoonlad @concatenationart @sab-falco @dykeray @gothedrals and @okom and anyone who makes posts about frank being trans.
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seanfalco · 1 year
Don’t Kiss My Daddy
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an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco​​ & @super-unpredictable98​​​​ for @ockissweek​
Word Count: 3.9k Tags/Warnings: Lots of cuteness, a continuation of Fancy Restaurant Featuring: Sean & Blossom Falco and their daughter, Simone, as well as the Quad’s twins, Charlie & Ellery.
[ masterlist ]
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"Hey, Moony!  Y’know who's comin’ tomorrow t’spend the weekend with us?" Blossom asked excitedly as she walked into the flat and dropped her bag, joining her daughter and husband on the couch. 
"Charlie and Ellie!" Simone cheered. 
"That's right! We can set up a fort in the living room so the three of you can sleep here, we'll eat junk food and stay up late watching movies, it's gonna be so much fun!"
"Sounds like a blast!" Sean exclaimed. "You're one lucky kid," he chuckled, tousling Simone's hair.
"I miss them, they live too far away most of the time," Simone murmured. 
"They miss you too, baby, and they miss their uncle Sean!" Blossom ran her fingers through his hair. "I think they mentioned something about Time Out Market, they also wanna go to drag queen story hour at the Lincoln Center. I haven't been there since I was a girl taking those classes at SAB."
"What's a Time Out Market?" Sean asked quietly.
"And you've lived in New York for decades... “ Blossom murmured, shaking her head in amusement.  “It’s that market next to the Brooklyn Bridge, those cute restaurants with a view of the East River? We went there for our tenth anniversary or something," she answered, trying to remember. "Then we went to Jane's Carousel."
"Oh, I thought it was a game the kids made up or somethin'," Sean chuckled ruefully.  "I may live here, but I'll never be a New Yorker."
"I know, you're Irish to the bone, I love that about you," Blossom said, looking down at her wedding ring, a Claddagh ring. "I don't really feel like a New Yorker either, I'm so British I'm still angry about the tea in Boston."
Sean snorted. "Coulda fooled me," he teased, leaning in to peck Blossom on the lips.
Simone watched the scene unfold with a pout. "I'm going to my room," she announced with a little huff, suddenly jumping from the couch and marching to her bed.  Blossom exchanged a confused look with her husband. 
"What's gotten into her?"
"That's strange," Sean murmured, frowning. "I'll go talk t'her." 
When he got to her bedroom, he found the door slightly ajar and he knocked before pushing it open further, peeking his head inside.  "Hey Moony, mind if I come in?”
"No... I suppose" Simone finally agreed, turning her head and folding her little arms in front of her chest, very much like her mum when she was upset.
Joining her on the bed, Sean craned his head to catch her eye. "What's wrong, darlin'? What's with th'long face?"
"Nothing... my face is normal," Simone insisted. "I just... nothing."
"You can talk t'me, dearest," he assured her, pulling her into his lap.
"I don't want you and Mommy to kiss," she whispered.
Sean had to fight back a snort of laughter, glad that she couldn't see his face. "How come, love?" he asked instead, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"You’re my Daddy and Mommy is my Mommy, I don't like it when you kiss, you should only kiss me!" Simone whined, hiding against his chest.
"Oh darlin'!" Sean exclaimed, rubbing her back as she hugged him. "Are y'sayin' it makes you feel jealous when Mummy and Daddy kiss?" he asked, glancing over to see Blossom standing outside the door.
"Yeah! It makes me angry," she mumbled. 
"Hey, sweetie," Blossom cooed, joining them. "We're really sorry you're upset, but y’know Mummy and Daddy are married right?  Usually married couples like t’kiss and hug and cuddle... one day when you're married you'll wanna do all of that." 
"I'm not! I'm marrying Daddy!" Simone exclaimed, squeezing him tighter possessively. 
"But honey, Daddy's already married to me." 
"Uncle Nate and Uncle Nats are married to both my aunties,” the little girl pointed out, knowing all about polyamory from a young age.
If not for how seriously his daughter was taking it, Sean would have laughed. “Honey, daughters can’t marry their daddies, it’s not allowed, but you will always be my special girl,” he reassured her gently.
"Oh..."  Simone was hearing that information for the first time and she certainly had some bad news to deliver to her friends, who had the same dream, at school the next day.  "But I still don't like it!" 
"You wanna hear a secret?" Blossom asked, taking her little hands in hers. "I was very jealous of my daddy and my brother growing up. I didn't like when Grandpa and Grandma kissed, I didn't like it when Uncle Simon had his first girlfriend... but I wanted them t’be happy."
“Even your uncles were jealous of me,” Sean added, very carefully avoiding Blossom’s eyes.
"Oh yeah! When I started dating Daddy, your uncles were flipping out," Blossom laughed, “but they knew Daddy made me happy." 
"I do want you to be happy..." Simone sighed reluctantly.
“You’re a good girl, Moony,” Sean said, giving her a squeeze. “When you get older, you’ll find th’one for you.”
"That’s true and we have plenty of kisses for you as well, don't we?" Blossom tickled her sides before kissing the top of her head. "Love is meant t’be shared."
“I’ll always love yeh, darlin’,” Sean murmured, kissing the top of her head.
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The next day, Blossom decided not to send Simone to school, leting her sleep in a bit, and started making breakfast for everyone, including her niece and nephew arriving soon. "Good morning, sweetheart," she smiled when Sean left the room.
“Good morning, darlin’,” he replied, pulling her in for a kiss. “Somethin’ smells good.”
"Thank you, I made loads of bacon, hash browns, scrambled eggs with cheese, and toast for the small army," Blossom grinned. "So... how are we gonna deal with the whole Moony thing? D’you think she's still bothered?"
Sean sighed, glancing at the door to her bedroom. “I dunno, she seemed a little put out about it still when we put her t’bed. Hopefully her cousins’ bein’ here’ll help her get past it.”
"I don't really remember what my parents did with me, it just stopped bothering me as time passed," Blossom mused as she served his plate. "I want her to grow up surrounded by love and I don't wanna have t’hide to kiss you."
“I guess th’best thing t’do is just… make it more normal,” Sean replied, grinning as he picked up a piece of bacon.
"Smells so good."  Simone murmured, opening her bedroom door to stumble out, still half asleep, still wearing her pajamas. "Are they here yet?" 
"No, baby, but they will be soon," Lydia nodded at Sean. "Let me get you some breakfast."
“C’mere, why don’tcha sit next t’me, huh?” Sean said, lifting his daughter into the seat next to him. “Someone looks sleepy still,” he teased gently as she rubbed at her eyes.
"I had bad dreams," she yawned before taking a bite of her toast. "Why didn't you come sleep with Mummy and Daddy? We always keep the nightmares away," Blossom said, sitting to eat as well. 
"Because Elly told me after Mummy and Daddy put their kids to bed they just kiss all night and do special cuddles. I didn't wanna see it or get in the way," she said, which nearly made her mum lose it and laugh.
Sean had to bite his lip to keep from laughing as well, sharing a look with Blossom. “I suppose that’s true sometimes,” he said, clearing his throat, “but you’d never be in th’way, darlin’. We’re always here for yeh if y’need us,” he assured her.
"That's true, usually when mummies and daddies do that, they lock the door. You can always knock and we'll help you no matter what, nothing is more important than you," Blossom assured her. 
"Okay, next time I'll knock, but I'll sleep in the middle, just in case," Simone said.
“Good,” Sean said, flashing her a grin and digging into his food. It wasn’t long after when the doorbell buzzed. “That’ll be your cousins no doubt,” he exclaimed.
"Let's see... who do we have here?" Blossom opened the door and was attacked by the two children who jumped into her arms. "Oh my God!" she cried through her laughter.
"Thank you so much for taking them, we just really need some romantic time," Lydia grinned, barely able to contain her excitement.
"Yeah, I'm sure y'do. Heard all about the special cuddles you're gunna do," Sean teased.
"Nate was the one who told Elly adults do special cuddles... she kept asking to join when he invited me for cuddles, tryin’ to steal me away," Lydia laughed while the kids were distracted by their aunt and cousin. 
"Come here, we've got food," Simone pulled the twins by the hand. 
"If they need us, we'll be only a block away," Nate said, handing Sean Ellery's inhaler. "But try t'make sure they don't need us.
"No problem," Sean exclaimed, watching the children join Simone at the table. "You guys have fun."
"Thank you so much, see you guys on Monday!" Lydia waved and blew a kiss at the children, "We love you, make sure to be good." 
"We will," Elly said, paying very little attention to her mum. 
"Charlie, what if we did for Uncle Sean and Auntie Blossom a romantic night like we did for our mummies and daddies? Wouldn't it be fun?"
"Bye Mummy and Dada!" Charles called before returning his attention to his sister. "Yeah! Maybe Simmi will help us!" he suggested.
"Why do you wanna do that?" Simone asked. 
"Because we like t'watch ‘em bein' romantic, it's so cracker!" Ellery exclaimed. 
"Between Louise and the boys, she sounds well Irish," Blossom whispered to her husband. "It's adorable."
"Whereas Moony sounds like an American," Sean teased.
"Do you think there's still time to fix that?" Blossom shook her head with a dramatic sigh. "Maybe if we make her watch loads of Paddington," she mused.
"Maybe we need t'spend some time in England," Sean suggested with a grin.
"Yeah, it feels nice t'see how much they love each other," Charlie added. 
"I don't like it when my mummy and daddy show they love each other!" Simone huffed. 
"Why not?" Elly asked. 
"Because... they’re only supposed to love me." 
"But they have to love each other," Charlie frowned. "If they didn't love each other, then they wouldn't stay together," he reasoned. 
"We're waiting on that audition result, aren't we?" Blossom said. "I passed on to the callbacks, so maybe there's a chance.”
"I can't believe they wouldn't choose you. They'd be daft not to," Sean said, pulling Blossom into his arms.
"I really hope so, it was so much fun to be in Beetlejuice back in the day," Blossom sighed. "I might not be a Lydia Deetz anymore, but I'll gladly be the kookiest Delia ever."
"Oh, I know y'will. You're a right natural kook," Sean teased, quickly avoiding her answering poke.
"D'you want your parents to dissolve?" Ellery gasped. 
"It's divorce, sweetie, and nobody is getting divorced," Blossom assured them, finally catching a bit of what the three were talking about amongst themselves.
"No, I want them to stay together forever!" Simone cried.
"Then y'gotta make sure they have some romance!" Charlie exclaimed. 
"O-okay, I guess we could," Simone agreed. "How do we do this?" 
"First we make the room all romantic, then we make them dinner," Ellery explained. 
"Yeah, we're pretty good at it," Charlie boasted. “We did it for our parents too.”
"What if we make mac and cheese with nuggets? I know how," Simone said excitedly. 
“Wow! That’s more intense than what we made! Mama doesn’t let us use the stove,” Charlie replied.
"F-U-C-K you! I remember when you used to be romantic!" Blossom laughed, chasing after her husband as he hurried away from her. "A kook?  You're the kook!"
“Watch out kids, your Aunt Blossom’s gone kooky!” he exclaimed playfully.
"I usually make it on the microwave and I ask a grown up to take the nuggets from the oven, but I think we can do it," Simone said, laughing when she saw her parents chasing each other around. 
"Sean Falco! You are the absolute worst!" Blossom shouted, finally able to cling to his back like a koala. "Maybe you don't wanna have special cuddles with a kook like me... after the kids go to bed, I'll go straight to sleep," she whispered in his ear.
Charlie turned to gape at the adults as they ran past. “Elly, it’s even worse than we thought!” he hissed. “Aunt Blossom doesn’t wanna have special cuddles with Uncle Sean!” 
Sean laughed, turning to look at her over his shoulder. “Oh, but didn’t y’know? You’re married to th’biggest kook of all!” he exclaimed.
"Do you think they don't wanna have special cuddles because of what I said? I said I don't like it when they kiss," Simone frowned. 
"I don't know... I think you'll have to convince me later tonight. I know how persuasive you are," Blossom purred, slipping off his back to embrace him. 
“Oh l can be very persuasive,” Sean whispered back. 
"We'll fix it, don't worry, it'll be grand," Ellery said decidedly, finishing her breakfast and jumped from her chair. "You two, tonight we're gonna make you a romantic night and you're gonna smoochy kiss!"
“Oh?” Sean asked, turning to look at his niece. “That sounds nice, darlin’. Did y’do that for your parents as well?” he asked.
"We did and they even slow danced!" Ellery announced proudly. 
"And Moony's okay with the smooches?" Blossom asked, running her fingers through her husband's curls, slowly but surely going gray, which was quite sexy. 
"Yes, mummy, I want you two to be together," Simone nodded.
Sean couldn't help but grin, turning to share a look with Blossom.  "Well that sounds perfect. Our evenin' is in your capable little hands," he said, crouching down and opening his arms for the kids to hug him.
"Leave it to us," Elly exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him. "You'll have so much fun."
"We have complete trust in yeh." 
"Good!" Charlie giggled, joining in on the hug.
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After playing all day while Blossom worked and Sean edited from home, the kids pushed the couple into their bedroom. "Pick a nice outfit, it's a posh date," Ellery instructed as Charlie and Simone were already working on getting the nuggets in the oven.
"Yes, ma'am," Sean replied, chuckling as he went to the closet.
"Things are going swimmingly, if I do say so m'self," Charlie exclaimed, dusting his hands off as he set the timer on the stove.
"Y'sound like Daddy," Ellery laughed as she set the table.
"This is actually fun," Simone grinned, mixing the pasta that was pre-made and frozen with the cheese and milk before putting it on the microwave.
Charlie giggled even harder, glad to be compared to their fathers. “I’m glad you’re having fun, Simmi!” he exclaimed.
"I hope it makes them happy too," Simone said, taking the bowl from the microwave to stir before putting it back for another couple of minutes. "What should we do for dessert? And what are they gonna drink?"
"Hmm... we could make th'same dessert we made for our parents, unless y'wanna do something different," Charlie suggested.
"I think it's good, can y'make it, Charlie?" Elly asked. "Conjure the ingredients if they don't have ‘em." 
"They should drink beer, Mommy gets really happy when Daddy drinks beer," Simone suggested. 
"That's weird, our Mummy too," Ellery laughed.
Charlie nodded, opening the cupboards to see if they had what he needed, and getting to work.
"Mac and cheese is ready," Simone announced, serving a portion on each plate. 
"Nuggets too," Ellery added, turning off the oven like she watched her mothers do millions of times. Instead of risking a burn, she created a field around the tray and lifted it to the counter.
"I'm ready too!" Charlie exclaimed, hoisting the tray of dessert sandwiches to the table. "I'm so excited t'make Uncle Sean and Aunt Blossom smoochy kiss!"
 "Can I help y'pick out what you're gunna wear?" Sean asked Blossom. 
"Yes, please," Blossom slowly undressed while he picked something for her. "I'm not saying anything but... you look so hot in that light blue button-up with the dark slacks." 
“Say no more,” Sean murmured, pulling out the outfit she’d mentioned before selecting one for her—a purple cocktail dress with sequins that glittered.
"Oh, looks like the dress I wore for my eighteenth birthday party... the night you took my virginity, remember? The first half anyway," Blossom purred as she put the dress on. "I was going insane waiting for you to shag me, you made me wait so long."
"How could I forget?" Sean replied, brushing her hair over her shoulder so he could kiss it. "You were so eager, it made it so hard for me t'hold back," he mused. 
"I was a hormonal teenager, what did you expect?" Blossom laughed, as if that had changed.
“You’re just as enthusiastic as you ever were,” Sean chuckled, buttoning up his shirt.
"I would guess you're thankful for that. I love you so much," Blossom turned so he could zip up her dress.
"I love yeh too, darlin'," Sean murmured, stealing a quick kiss. "Y'ready t'experience some romance?" he teased, opening the door.
"I am so ready!  Are you ready for us?" Blossom asked, peeking out the door. 
"Yes, ma'am, please follow me," Ellery exclaimed, guiding them to the table. She had no idea how many times her own parents had shared that very same table.
"Why thank you," Sean said, taking his seat and unfolding his napkin in his lap. "This all looks amazin'," he exclaimed, gesturing to the food and ambiance around them. You kids did a fantastic job."
"Thank you! We hope you like the food," Simone smiled, for once excited to see them have a moment like that. "You both look very nice." 
"We’ll give you some privacy..." Ellery winked, planning on watching from her cousin's room. 
"Thanks, babies, we really appreciate it," Blossom nodded.
Sean caught Simone before she could pass, pulling her into his arms to kiss her forehead. "Thank you so much for this, baby. I love yeh so much," he whispered before setting her back down.
"I love you too, Daddy," Simone felt her chest tighten with a feeling she didn't know yet, but she was proud of herself and her cousins. 
"Can you believe them? This is so cute," Blossom said before taking a bite of her mac and cheese. "Hmmm I wonder who taught her how to make this..."
“Pretty sure she’s learned from th’best,” Sean said with a grin, popping one of the nuggets into his mouth.
"You are the most handsome man in the world, I really hope I get the job so I can spend more time looking at your beautiful face," Blossom murmured. "Can you imagine? No more late night grading, no more early mornings running to work."  
"Is that th'only reason you want th'part?" Sean laughed, offering her a nugget next.
"I miss being on stage," Blossom admitted. "As rewarding as it is to prepare hundreds of kids to live their dream, I kinda forgot about what my dream was." 
"Then let's find it again," Sean murmured, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. "Plus I'll never complain about havin' you around more," he mused, cracking open the can of beer with one hand and taking a long drink for her benefit.
"The children are watching..." Blossom whispered with a giggle, stealing a kiss. "Don't tease me too much or I won't be held responsible for my actions, sexy."
"That's no fun," Sean drawled, leaning in to chase her lips. "Shall I wait til they go t'sleep then?" he asked, chuckling softly. 
"I can take a little teasing, but save the big guns for after bedtime," Blossom laughed, scooting her chair closer to him. 
"You got it, Mrs. Falco," Sean murmured. 
"Fuck, you're getting more charming with age," Blossom breathed. 
"It's a gift," he grinned, finally pulling back, not trusting himself not to take it too far. "You ready for dessert?" he asked, picking up one of the sandwiches Charlie had made.
"Y-yeah," Blossom tried to shake off the warmth that threatened to take over and took a bite of her sandwich. "Really good," she said, not noticing how messy her face was with chocolate.
Sean let out a soft chuckle, reaching out to wipe her lip. "Now you're startin' t'look like Nathan," he teased.
"Hey! I spent a lot of time with them growing up," Blossom laughed. "It was fun when Lyds and Win would go to work and we had eating contests. I always lost, but it was a good time. One time I finished a jar of nutella in three minutes, too bad Nats finished in two."
Sean shook his head fondly. "Should we go check on th'kids?"
"Yeah, they shut the door..." Blossom was about to stand up when she decided to steal another kiss. "Okay, now we can go."
"It's working! They look really happy,” Charlie cried in a hushed voice as he peered around the door, holding Simone’s hand.
"See? It's nice to see them enjoyin' themselves," Ellie clapped quietly. "Yeah, I guess they can love each other and love me," Simone finally concluded.
"Yeah, and we love you too!" Charlie exclaimed, pulling both girls into a fierce hug.
"I love you guys," Simone sighed, hugging them back.
"You don't have to watch them smoochy kiss, y’know," Ellery said, offering to hide her cousin's eyes as the adults leaned in.
"No, it's okay. I’ll get used to it," Simone nodded, determined to make it work.
Charlie patted Simone. "How about we play in the blanket fort?"
"Yes! I have legos, we can build a city," Simone shut the door and ran to the fort her mum helped set up.
"Hey kiddos," Sean said, knocking on the door before pushing it open. "Whatcha up to in here?" 
"Playin' with legos," Charlie answered, looking up as the adults entered.
"We have a city," Simone pointed at the buildings and houses. 
"Whatcha up to out there?" Ellery asked in a teasing voice. 
"The food was very nice and we're having a very good time, but we were worried about you," Blossom countered. "Quiet kids aren't usually a good sign."
"What d'yeh mean? We're always good!" Charlie exclaimed, planting his hands on his hips as he looked up at Blossom.
"But you're usually loud, like most little kids." 
"We didn't wanna ruin the romance." Simone explained.
"Aww darlin', you're th'sweetest," Sean murmured.
"It's a little early for bedtime and it's Friday, so... how ‘bout this, you kids can keep playing and watching TV, we're gonna watch a movie in the living room and have a cuddle. If you need anything, just call," Blossom suggested, kissing each of the kids on the forehead. 
"Don't worry! Go smooch on the couch," Ellery giggled.
"D'hear that, Blossom? I want some special cuddles," Sean whispered, wrapping his arm around her waist. "If you kids need anythin', just give a shout," he said, winking at Simone.
"Okay, Daddy," the little girl winked back before getting up to turn her own TV on. 
"Special cuddles sound amazing, we still got some beer left," Blossom whispered back, letting him drag her away from their kid's bedroom. "Wanna put a movie on and not watch it?"
"Sounds perfect."
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@elliethesuperfruitlover​ @salvador-daley​ @firstpersonnarrator​
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minttey · 1 year
tonight I will be holding a christmas mcr trivia kahoot on my discord server! There is a link to my server in my pinned post. This kahoot for Christmas is in no way meant for the religious celebration of the holiday so people of any religion or lack there of are welcome, this is simply meant to be a fun and silly tihng
tagging people who might be interested: @urhopelesshair @emo-oreo @emowithcuff3djeans @footnotesnake @kittennpoker @i-believe-in-u @r-a-t-p-o-i-s-o-n @starboy14176 @friend-of-axolotls @genderpunk @hairbackc0llarup @mx-misty-eyed @tiredandtiredandredundant @switchbladesaints @ce-ci @dogboyfrank @wherearetherats @zombiefr0g @hearts--n--stars @spillmygutsout @araccoonthatlikesmurder @punkpuppylove @thefingerinthemiddle @andaelentari @radiumbatteries @milligramspoison @sab-falco
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missfeelgood · 1 year
Hi friends!
This is my new side blog for Mötley Crüe. My main is @sab-falco so i'll follow or like MC posts from there. I also have another side blog for Royal Blood if you like them as well! It's @tent0nneskelet0n ❤️
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serpentdaughter · 2 years
I was tagged by @sab-falco to post my top 5 fave songs rn! Thank you for tagging me! 🖤
I have no idea who has been tagged and not tagged so if you see this and want to do it just say I tagged you!
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thecyanideyoudrank · 2 years
Thank you so much @ghost-on-the-alter for tagging me!!
Top 10 Movies!
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I tag @cut3withoutth33 , @eyeballrecordz , @heyitsphoenixx , @sab-falco , @shadowpuppett , and anyone else who wants to do this!! (No pressure tho!!)
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can-you-stake-me · 9 months
tagged by @mychemvampires to list 5 songs i actually listen to
tagging @sab-falco @bitethebullets @lucdzenlaurent or whoever wants to do it! :)
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the-wolf-poet · 2 years
Tag game! I was tagged by sab-falco (https://sab-falco.tumblr.com/post/692505069635190784/thank-you-for-the-tag-jackettslut-1-crawling) <3 ✨ Tag game: Put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come on. I do not have music on my phone or an mp3 player or spotify or anything so I can’t do that. Instead, here are the last songs I listened to (via youtube): 1. As We Fall Into Deep Waters - Royal Coda
2. I Am SH(im)e[r] As You Am SH(im)e[r] As You Are Me And We Am I And I Are All... - Giraffes? Giraffes!
3. Freckles and Constellations - Dodie
4. It’s Okay to Leave a Dog in a Hot Car - “The Beatles”
5. Chucky vs. The Giant Tortoise - Dance Gavin Dance
6. Sound the Bugle - Bryan Adams [from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron]
7. Let You Down - Sleeping with Sirens ft. Charlotte Sands
8. Kneeplay 9: ‘This Apple is Really Depressed (Reprise).’ - Really From
9. Thumbnail - Really From
10. Hunger Strike - Temple of the Dog
I tag @shore-selkie @goldenpariah @thekidsfromyestergay
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tent0nneskelet0n · 2 years
Hey, i am Sab and this is my Royal Blood side blog. I follow from my main @sab-falco which is full basically of My Chemical Romance content and other random but cool stuff. ✌️
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anaalnathrakhs · 1 month
Hiii! Numbers 3, 6, 7 and 40 from the music ask 😁🫶🏻
ty for asking <33
3. who is your favorite artist or band? if you’re like me, just give your top 3 or 5.
I CANT ANSWER THAT. ask me any other day and the answer would be different. hmmmmm. lemme think.
in no particular order,
1- Powerwolf (stupid, funny, nothing if not consistent) 2- Gloryhammer (unfortunate but I CAN'T let go the funny space wizards band. maybe one day victorius will take the spot but not yet. also stupid and funny.) 3- Motley Crue (obvious. also unfortunate. also stupid. also funny. not sure that was on purpose this one) 4- Steel Panther (I can't listen to real serious music to save my life) 5- Magoyond (stupid. funny. about zombies. french. what's not to love.)
I'm not much of a band listener, more of an individual song listener, so.
6. what bands/artists do you want to see in concert?
POWERWOLF. i want the metal mass. i want to dress up as a weird creepy nun and act weird. i want to live the werewolf life for a few hours. it's all i need in life.
7. what bands/artists have you seen in concert?
i've only actually went to one show, bc i helped organize it, by a local band, like, the hobby for middle aged established people kind of band. they're not trying to make it big and i'm not trying to be tooooo obvious incase someone who knows me irl comes across this so im not sharing. it was pretty cool, they were really good, but obviously working the stands isn't the same as being in the crowd so.
im not really in the right headspace to make mid-term plans, especially for social events so. nothing planned currently. a bunch of cool shit is going on in my city lmao but ONE DAY.
40. shuffle your playlist and the fifth song—describe it in one image.
Tumblr media
(link. no title you get no preconceptions lets go.)
ty so much for the ask <33
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lavendergerard · 2 years
was tagged by @sab-falco thank u !
Name your top 5 songs from your top 3 favorite bands
my chemical romance: it’s not a fashion statement it’s a fucking deathwish, drowning lessons, mama, house of wolves, destroya
enter shikari: pack of thieves, solidarity, take my country back, modern living…., radiate
biffy clyro: that golden rule, boooom blast and ruin, now i’m everyone, accident without emergency, stingin belle
tagging whoever wants to do it bc i’m feeling lazy !!!
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transgeoffrickly · 2 years
@highendphasers tagged me in a tag game for five songs i like to listen to! thank you!!!  💖
i am so mad at you - ajj
chigaco is so two years ago - fall out boy
harvard on the hudson - with the punches
those anarcho punks are mysterious - against me!
end of life - death spells
if you don’t like tag games feel free to ignore but i tag @sab-falco @butchviking @lilmoonlad @mychemicalanxiety @punk-pins and @vampchem
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sab-falco · 2 years
Orchid, edelweiss, and nutmeg for the asks! :)
Thank you for sending these Tristen! 💕
Orchid - What's a song you consider to be perfect?
In Joy and Sorrow by HIM, this one is my favourite song on the whole world
Edelweiss - How'd you think of your url/user name? What's it associated with to you?
Sab is my name but shorten, Falco is a surname of Sean Falco, a character played by my favourite actor Robert Sheehan in Bad Samaritan. I absolutely love this character and when i created this account it wasn't supposed to be frank/mcr page so the url is nothing connected to mcr because of this 😁 It just happened and i don't want to change it now after all this time
Nutmeg - How's your room/home decorated? Do you have a specific theme or style going on?
I live still with my parents so our home except for my and my brother's room is decorated by them. But they have pretty good style so it's really nice here, i like it. I have my room in basic colours, nothing too much colorful. I also love candles so my part of the room looks like a sanctuary or something 😂
Get to know me asks
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3, 18 and 35 💚
Thanks for the super tough questions @sab-falco! 🥰
3. a song you really like by an artist you otherwise don’t listen to very much (whether that’s because you usually don’t like their music, or just because you haven’t listened to the rest yet)
I really like the song After Dark by Mr. Kitty but have not check out more of his music. I came across the song on a "recommended for you autoplay and added it to my playlist immediately.
18. what decade do you think had the best music? is there any particular year that you think was the best?
Definitely the 80s. I feel like I'm the 80s music wasn't as divided by genre. It feels like everyone listened to everything. Everything from Prince to Motley Cru to Bowie to Madonna was all playing on the same radio station.
35. name two musicians who haven’t already collaborated on anything who you think would sound great together
This is a hard question for me. But just to give an answer, I think it would be awesome to hear Robert Smith do something with My Chem.
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