dodelidoo · 2 years
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Sashanne Week Swords & Hearts
the lines aren’t straight, but neither are these girls :p
@monochromatic-ahhhh @maritasdump @ohyoumeanher
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loversarcanas · 2 years
Sashanne Week: Day 1
"Hah, you think you can beat me, knight? I will fight you to the death with this sword!"
"Oh yeah? Well I'm not going to give up! I will defeat you, evildoer! And save the fair princess, Marcy!"
Across the grassy field of the park, your park, you sword fight with your best friend. Not with real, metal swords - they're light and made of wood with edges shaved and rounded for safety - but swords nonetheless. Gifts from your father, the first and last time he'd taken you three to a Renaissance Faire. Before the inevitable divorce of your parents, and before he packed his things and moved to the other end of the country.
You play the hero this time, a role that was easily given to you, but you would have begged for were it not. Atop the slide is Marcy, the princess - who looks much too excited at the action below her to be endangered. She laughs and woops at you to win, and yet also roots for your "enemy" at the same time. While she may not have the roleplaying aspect down completely, her enthusiasm is endearing.
And before you, stands the fierce villain Anne. Clad in dark armour (a purple tshirt and grey shorts), a cocky smirk, and the cutest mess of curls on her head, bouncing along to every movement.
Your swords clash with blocky, clunking sounds for several minutes, as you stare in each other's eyes and fight the urge to break character and laugh. Finally you get the upper hand and jab her with your sword, knocking her to the ground.
"Noooo, i'm hit! I can't believe you somehow defeated me knight! I can feel my wickedness draining..." Anne cries in the most over-the-top, dramatic inflection possible, and this time you can't stop yourself from laughing, eyes squinched and tummy bubbling with a happy warmth. Marcy slides down from her tower (nearly face planting upon landing) and running up to Sasha, shouting "My brave hero! Thank you good knight!"
You look to Anne on the ground and reach out a hand, an offering to help her up. She takes it in an instant and grins, and jumps to hug you, fits of giggles erupting from her. You wrap your arms back around her as the thump, thump, thump of your heart speeds up, yet you find yourself grinning all the same.
The memory flashes before your eyes, a stark difference to the current situation you find yourself in.
Your bottom hits the stone cold ground of the tower, your weapons knocked from your hands, and you're faced with the pointed tip of a steely blade - one that Anne is pointing directly at you.
In this story, you're the villain - despite your best efforts in heroism. You thought plotting with Grime so you could find a way home with Anne would make her happy, that she would jump into your arms the same way she would back then, that you would be hailed as her hero.
And yet, something unexpected happened: she grew close to these frogs. These slimy, weird, talking frogs that she'd barely known for two months. And she sided with them over you, who she's known for more years than you can count on one hand.
It hurts, and conflicting emotions flood your brain as you sit and stare blankly ahead, attempting (and failing) to process the scene before you.
"It's over, Sash." Anne breathes, sweat dripping from her brow and deep umber eyes piercing your very soul. "I'm not gonna let you push me around anymore."
You feel anger, you want to break something. a you feel numb, like your spirit separated from your heaving body. You feel several things, all rooted in just one - hurt.
Maybe you were wrong before, always so desperate to be the hero, desperate for the feeling of good that comes with it, desperate for her love and attention. Perhaps, you're just predisposed to villainy, to control issues and to anger issues and to every negative trait you tried to push down and force into non-existence.
The cobblestone quakes beneath you and voices rise in panic, shouting and crying as you hear the building crumbling in quick succession, and yet you can't bring yourself to move. Your eyes come in and out of focus, flicking from crowds of frogs to your toad army shuffling to safety, to Grime himself falling off the edge, and yet your body's gone limp, too weighted to move, frozen in time.
The rumbling underneath you grows closer to your body, and your eyes land on her. You search for her eyes on you, for her attention, for anything, and are left crushed as she looks to everyone except you. The metaphorical sword piercing your chest, the final nail in the coffin.
The ground beneath you gives away and you fall, desperately calling out to her, and are shocked when she reaches for you. She tells you that you've gotta be okay, but her words are muddled, your mind is elsewhere.
You're the bad guy now, she's the courageous hero, the big hearted, loveable girl (and god do you love her), and heroes and villains simply don't mix. You are oil and she is water. And so you make your choice.
"Hey Anne?"
She looks on the brink of tears, and you savour the attention for those sweet few moments.
"Maybe you're better off without me."
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reyraccoon · 2 years
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Sashanne Week Day 2. Hearts
Sasha works hard to hide her feelings. Someone help this gay disaster.
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eightpoundsofhair · 2 years
Wrote a piece for the Sashanne week!
Summary: Anne had always been infatuated by the stars. Sasha had always been infatuated by Anne. So, in consequence, she found herself turning her attention to the stars.
Read it here on AO3!
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veromdraws · 2 years
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#sashanneweek: swords 🗡
sharing your most precious belonging to your most precious person ❤
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reyraccoon · 2 years
Sashanne week
Day 1. Swords
The swords clashed against the training dummy.
Training to overthrow a giant newt King that planned to conquer the world wasn’t exactly a teenage dream yet here she was.
Sasha wasn’t sure how long she had to prepare for the inevitable war, or if she could ever be ready for whatever King Andrias was planning to do next, but she really didn’t know what else to do. With uncertainty threatening to throw the teen into a full mental shutdown, Sasha desperately needed to have control over something.
So she trained.
Every thrust and slash gave her a sense of purpose. Her swings felt heavy and made her arms burn. Sweat rolled down her temple and she huffed, her body asking for a water break. Sasha couldn’t afford to stop. If she stopped swinging she would start thinking. If she started thinking, she would remember. She would remember her situation. Her mistakes. Her friends.
Sasha took a second to breathe. She looked down at her swords. She had always wanted to dual wield… for what? To do even more damage? She had done so much damage even before she ever touched a sword-
“Brrrrtttt!” Bessie was nice enough to interrupt Sasha’s angst before it spiralled out of control.
“What is it? Am I overdoing it?” There were more snail noises that made Sasha huff “I have to keep it up. I have to improve, I have to be better.” Bessie tilted her head to the side. “I vowed to be someone better. Someone that deserves-“ Sasha cleared her throat. “Someone good. Why am I explaining myself to a snail?”
Sasha returned to her swinging at the dummy. “This town now depends on me. I swore to be their protector. I can’t fail them. Like I failed my friends. Like I failed Anne.”
“I am getting therapy from a snail now. Better than Grime that’s for sure at least-“
“Woah, hey it was a compliment- well not really but-“ Bessie kept making loud noises and pointing her head behind Sasha.
Sasha frowned and turned around in a hurry, swords ready.
Then her eyes went wide.
“Anne?” In the distance there she was, standing still, her frog friends close behind. Anne was not only there, she had seen Sasha. Then she was slowly approaching Sasha.
How cruel of the world to not even give her a chance to hide.
“Sasha.” Her voice. It was cold. It was real. She was there. Anne was standing in front of her and Sasha couldn’t move from her fighting stance. The only movement that proved Sasha wasn’t a statue were her trembling hands. Her arms frozen in the air, a tight grip on her swords.
Sasha wasn’t ready.
She wasn’t prepared.
She hadn’t finished writing her apology.
She didn’t have the speech that explained how she was going to be better.
She hadn’t even single-handedly defeated King Andrias and brought Marcy back to life.
How could she face Anne?
What was Sasha supposed to do?!
Anne started to get closer so Sasha closed her eyes flinching back. Whatever Anne was going to do, Sasha was sure she would deserve it. She didn’t know what to expect. Would Anne scream? Push her? Hit her? Curse her out? Tell her how awful she was?
Instead, Sasha felt arms slowly and gently wrapping around her. Sasha was hugged tightly as she felt Anne resting her head on her shoulder. Sasha opened her eyes, incredulous.
Surely Anne was about to supplex her-
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Anne’s voice was soft. Softer than she deserved. She felt Anne slightly tremble as she sniffled.
Sasha’s swords hit the ground. Her eyes watered as she hugged Anne back. She wasn’t sure if her apologies were said out loud or if she kept repeating “I’m sorry” in her head but as Anne squeezed her tightly she knew, at least, that hope wasn’t lost. She could try and make it better. She would make it better.
For Anne, she would change to a better person.
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reyraccoon · 2 years
Sashanne week
Day 3. Recovery
It hurts. Everything hurts. I can’t move. Why can’t I move? I try opening my eyes. Nothing. I try raising my arms. Why is everything so heavy? Frog’s sake; What’s the point of being buff if I can’t even lift a finger?!
Whats that noise? Turn it off. That was supposed to be said out loud. Mouth. Say things. Speak. That’s your job. Work, dammit. I will fire you-
“You idiot.”
It was a relief to hear something other than the annoying beeping but there’s no need for- wait who is this?
“You idiot.”
The damn pounding in my head bounced around. Static in my eardrums overtook the mumbled words, reducing them to barely anything. How do I increase the volume of a person’s voice?
Alright Sasha. Focus.
Where the frog am I? The voice is coming from my left side. There’s a weight over me keeping me down, but the worse is my splitting headache. The right side of my face has… an extra pressure? Definitely can’t open that eye. My left side feels relatively okay. My eyelid still feels impossible to lift. Darkness envelops me because I can’t open a frogging eyelid. Can a person work out their eyelids?
Shut up you!
“You’ve been here for days- you should go rest.”
Different voice. Still from the left. Head, stop, I want to understand what’s happening. The ringing in my ear has subsided enough that I should be able to recognize voices. Should.
“I’m not moving. Not until she wakes up.”
“She’s not going anywhere Anne…”
“And neither am I.” I feel a squeeze on my left hand.
…How dare my body be useless when I could be witnessing stubborn Anne?
Now you’re just mocking me.
“We don’t know how long she’ll be unconscious.” Not Anne said. “You can’t stay here 24/7.” It’s one of her frog friends. Old guy- Hop Hop?
“Watch me.” Cold as ice. That’s my girl. You tell him Anne!
“Her mouth twitched!” Anne exclaimed. “Did you see?!”
“It did I swear! She has to wake up!” Anne sniffles as her voice cracks “She has to Hop Pop…” Oh no, she’s crying isn’t she? Please don’t cry! I will not just lie here and let Anne cry! The only tears she should shed are of happiness!
Come- on- stupid- heavy- arms- frog- sake- MOVE!
“You need fresh air.” Hop Hop- sorry- Hop Pop said. Then open the window?!
“I opened the window!” See?! Just give me a second. I gotta take control of my body but it’s not cooperating.
“I CAN’T LEAVE HER!” I feel Anne’s hands wrapped tightly around my hand. There’s a pang on my chest when I fail to squeeze Anne’s hand. “Not again.” She sounds so… defeated. Hand, squeeze, NOW!
“She moved again! Her hand she- she held me for a second! Sasha can you hear me?”
“If you can hear me wake up!”
I am awake!
“Anne.” STAY OUT OF THIS HOP POP “Your friend will recover, just give her time. She can’t just will herself out of a coma.” LIKE HELL I CAN’T! “Look we can come back tomorrow after a good night rest okay?”
Anne’s sigh is shaky. “Okay.”
Wait no
Anne gives my hand one more tight squeeze before her grip starts to loosen up.
No no no no no
“I’ll be back Sash.”
Don’t go!
Don’t let her go you idiot!
Do something!
My hand finally closes tightly, only to find nothing.
Please no
Anne I’m awake.
A N N E!
“A-Anne.” What was that pathetic noise-
Wait that was me-
“Anne.” My dry throat is showing. I sound like Grime. She’s gone isn’t she? I’m talking to the air. Fate has decided to once again leave me in shadows. Alone and forgotten-
Oh thank frog.
I can feel her taking my hand again. This time when I close my hand I’m met with Anne’s warmth. Good.
My eye finally decides it wants to open. No, I’m not going to question the right eye right now. My recovery is secondary. All I care is that the first thing I see are Anne’s teary eyes. I want to raise my free arm, wipe her tears away- emphasis on Want to. My arm doesn’t. It’s moving somewhat at least.
“I’m here Sasha.” Anne’s smile shines so bright it’s blinding. Or maybe I am still getting used to the light. There are dark bags under her bloodshot eyes. Anne… “you idiot.” Anne?! “I thought I lost you.” She drops her head, sobbing.
I muster all the energy in me and finally manage to bring my arm up. I’m not exactly taking her face in my hand as I intended, it’s more like a sad attempt at caressing her tear stained cheek. Somewhere in the background Hop Pop awkwardly excuses himself but who cares about that?
“Can’t… get rid of me… that easily.” It’s convenient that it’s easier to smile on my left side, I was aiming for a smirk anyways.
“Idiot.” I successfully manage a chuckle out of Anne. She looks back into my eyes- well eye. She brings a hand to my face, softly wiping a tear I didn’t know escaped from me. Anne is being so gentle. I can’t help but lean into her touch.
“Ugh turn it off.”
“That. It annoys me.”
“Sasha that’s your heart monitor. That sound is your heart.”
“It bothers me.”
“It was the only thing giving me hope that you were alive.”
Beep beep
“Yeah well I’m alive-“
“It’s going really fast.” Anne leans back and turns away “should I get a doctor-“
“I… don’t want to be alone.”
Heart I’m going to stomp on you.
Anne turns back to me with a smile. “I’ll stay.”
Beep Beep
“T-thank you.” It’s hard to talk again but I don’t think that’s medically related. Sasha you useless gayass.
All worry is gone when Anne takes my hand again. She does that thing where she rubs her thumb along my hand. I don’t know how long I’ll be stuck in this bed but as long as I got Anne it won’t be so bad-
“Anne. Unplug it.”
“Sasha no.”
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