#satya school
satyaschool · 4 hours
Apply Now to Satya: Best Schools in Gurgaon Offering Full Scholarships! Admissions are open at Satya, one of the best schools in Gurgaon. Full scholarships available for students scoring 90% or higher. Apply today and take your first step towards a brilliant future. Click the link https://bit.ly/3wrZUe1 to know more.
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odessastone · 8 months
still musing on whether or not Pharah was intended to be autistic-coded in her PVE logs. Like it makes sense, autistic people tend to have a strong sense of justice that can sometimes lead to black and white thinking and morality (which Pharah very clearly struggles with). She’s just not a character I ever thought of as potentially being autistic. But things like the over-explaining in the logs, the ridiculous adherence to arbitrary rules, and the repeated complaints about loud noises bothering her makes me wonder if that’s what they were going for.
I mean I’d be all for it tbh. Personally I’ve since incorporated it into my interpretation of her character already lol
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bhartifoundation · 1 month
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Empowering Futures: The Satya Bharti School Program
Explore the transformative impact of the Satya Bharti School Program, providing quality education and opportunities to underserved communities through the Satya Bharti Schools. Discover how this initiative is shaping brighter futures and fostering positive change.
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satyaschoolgurugram · 7 months
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Satya School the best cbse schools in gurugram is equipped with innovative learning spaces that make our school a great place to learn. We offer a world-class education with IB-Primary Years Program for junior school & CBSE for middle & senior school. Satya comes in the top 10 cbse schools in gurugram. Our school believes in holistic development of our students, and we lay emphasis on both academic and co-curricular activities. Satya school Gurugram is equipped with world class sports facilities like all-weather swimming pool, squash courts, basketball court, football ground, cricket nets and a magnanimous multi-purpose hall for indoor sports like gymnastics, taekwondo, badminton.
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janaknandini-singh999 · 9 months
Modern day Krishna (girl version)
- request by @ezs-diary <3
"Hello, bestieee hehe" a girl emerged practically out of nowhere behind her friend and cupped her eyes with her palms "Guess who it is!"
"Manmeet, stop! Let me study for the test!" she replied, frustrated
"Aww no, Radhya!" Manmeet came in front of her friend, smiled her ever shining smile and closed the book which her friend was reading so gently that she didn't even realize it. Manmeet whispered "All you need to be is studying my eyes and you shall find in them all answers that have ever existed."
Transfixed, Radhya stared. Manmeet blinked her deep brown doe eyes which were sweetly adorned in kajal and her ever deeper brown skin as radiant as ever. Her curls flying gently as if there was an eternal breeze around her and a kind of warm aura emanating and touching every part of the essence around her. She was wearing a simple yellow floral skirt, a peacock feather hair clip and a necklace of the full moon but put the sun and moon and all the stars to bow at her. She laughed and started quietly placing flowers in Radhya's hair, which also she had conjured up from God knows where, whispering "You have the most beautiful hair I've ever seen. I shall start calling you Keshavi." Then in an instant, blushing but realizing what Manmeet was doing she smacked her shoulder lightly and said
"Yeah, right! Universal answers and pretty hair and flowers! You top the test anyway and just distract everyone else. Ugh. Just leave me alone!" Radhya walked away. Walked away before Manmeet had the chance to play that hypnotizing flute of hers or start to sing. Because once she started, Radhya would lose all control.
Manmeet just smiled and ran up to her, planting a kiss on Radhya's cheek, so gently it was merely a brush, and then giggled running away. Radhya blushed even more profusely but blurted out "You do this with everyone, na? Go on. Trick them all, boys and girls. But why are you dragging me into this?"
Manmeet smiled and turned around "Because I live in their hearts. But you live in mine, my love." and winked.
Radhya blinked and she disappeared just as instantly as she had came.
Radhya sighed. This girl was just.. something else. And then resolved her stride to where she was actually planning to go.
"Is everyone here?" Radhya called out
"Vaidharbi, here." A girl raised her hand
"Satrijiti." Another one
"Bhanuja." "Vrinda." "Satya."
There were at least 8 or more of them. Radhya raised her eyebrows and put down her fists on the table "Ok, good. Y'all my gang."
They were in the common practicing hall of the school and had congregated after being called by Radhya. Suddenly, an army of more many more girls rushed hurriedly inside. Looked like the whole batch was here now.
"I'm- we're so sorry to disturb but-- Manmeet is singing and we can't-" one of them spoke
Radhya nodded, empathizing and waved at them to come in
"Alright, so they have already mentioned the purpose we are here today: Manmeet. So, I'll start-"
"Umm, guys.." Vaidarbhi said, cutting in "I've got a confession to make. But so sorry to interrupt. After you, Radh."
Radhya went to her, smiling wistfully and closed her hand upon hers. "Nah, you speak first now that you've brought the attention. Everyone! Listen to Vaidi."
"Ok so.. oh, gosh. How do I say this-"
"If it helps, I have a confession to make too." Radhya whispered slowly but high enough for everyone to listen and then looked at everyone's faces because of the eerie silence. Nobody was curious or jumping like "omg, GOSSIP!" but on the contrary everyone's lips were sealed and their eyes revealed a horror that they wanted to say something too. Radhya was stunned.
"Umm...... guys, I THINK I'M into GIRLS. And in love with MANMEET!" Vaidarbhi suddenly bursted and her voice cracked "I just had to let this out I'm feeling so-"
Everyone stared, not saying anything, just as they had been frozen before. Then one of the other girls from the batch finally spoke up "BRO, SAME!? And Manmeet was the one who made me realize that!!? I'm IN LOVE WITH HER, TOO!"
Every single girl was not just coming out to each other because of Manmeet but pouncing at each other.
Radhya almost collapsed in the chaos but Vaidarbhi held her close. She stared at her friend and asked with her eyes "you, too?". Radhya nodded and mouthed "This is why I had called this meeting but-"
Loud as a lightning strike, someone stormed open the door. A boy with a ponytail, a fiercely delicate look and muscular built. It was Manmeet's protective elder brother Halveer.
"Hi girls, has anyone here seen my sister around?" He was trying his hardest not to sound furious but his husky voice bellowed, betraying him
"She was outside that's why we came in, Halveer bhaiya." Radhya answered on behalf of everyone else who had already been tearing themselves up but were now shaken by the sudden appearance of this hulk.
"Dear Lord, Manmeet is such a headache. Mom will kill me if I don't-- ugh-" he half muttered to himself, cursed under his breath and ran outside again
As soon as he stepped outside, he saw boys collapsed on the playground. Half dazed, half fainted and all of them had a long, drooling smile on their faces as if they had seen the most beautiful creature to ever exist but got turned to stone as soon they saw it. Each one was clutching a letter or chocolate or something in their hand on which it was written "To my Manmeet." Halveer shook his head and wiped his forehead, exasperated.
Manmeet was on a swing, sucking on lollipop. A boy was sitting on the grass below and sighing, wincing at touching his injured elbow and chin.
"What's up, Parth? Got in a fight again with that silly brother of yours?" Manmeet looked up at the sky and mumbled through the lollipop.
Parth sighed and shook his head. His white headband and biceps gleaming in the afternoon sun. "It's not that simple, Mann. Yes, he did beat me up. But he's my younger brother. I can't just hit him back. I need to.. talk it out. And... we are orphans. I don't want him to run away from the only family he has. I love him too much." Parth put his head in his hands and started sobbing.
Manmeet jumped off the swing and touched his head. He looked up with teary eyes, sniffing.
"Not gonna lie, babe. That's lowkey attachment. Not love. If you love him, you'll not fight him. You'll teach him. I don't mean to be harsh but it is the truth. You're one of the kindest souls I've ever come across and it's you who deserves wondeful parents. You must be thinking life is not fair.. and maybe sometimes it is not, I will agree for your sake. But it is also the greatest teacher and you, my bestie, are the greatest student I've ever seen as well. Everyone's life and circumstances are different and those who face difficulties more should have the determination even more to fight back and emerge stronger than ever. You don't have parents so it is your duty to be a good figure, a right guide to him. But you can't control if he leaves you in the end or not. But you can control your own actions towards him and make sure you're fighting for what feels right to you here" Manmeet gently placed her hand upon Parth's chest. "That's what counts when it's all over. So, uttho Parth! Aur," her digital watch chimed "oh-"
Manmeet lifted her bag and turned to go. "I've got someone to meet, honey. Catch ya later! Just let me know how it goes. I'll be be here, messing around and having fun. I'm always there for ya, you know that, right?"
Parth was speechless for a second then smiled at her.
"There you go! You're such a cutu when you smile, Parthu!" Manmeet bent to pull his cheeks, grinning and kissed his elbow and neck. "There now. Thank me tomorrow for this miracle when you feel better than ever! And-" she kissed the back of his hands "This will ensure that whatever you do with these warrior hands of yours, you are always lead on the right path!" Then caressing his temple, Manmeet closed her eyes as to transfer all her positivity and strength into him. Parth did already feel so more refreshed and stronger than ever. He smiled. Manmeet opened her eyes and smiled back, squeezing his hands.
"Aightyy then see ya! Ba- byee!" Manmeet waved at him and left, running and checking her watch.
Halveer was quick to search the playground. He found Parth there.
"Hey! Have you seen Manmeet?"
Parth was sitting frozen, but he blushed hard and smiled as soon as he heard that name. Halveer groaned, kicking the dust and ran off again. "That girl has stolen all of the food mom made for the guests today! WHERE DO I FIND HER NOW?!"
"SUDAMAAA!" Manmeet reached, panting
"Mannu?" Sudama quickly stood up from his place on the pavement. "Oh God, what are you doing here?" He rubbed the dust off his torn and shabby clothes and dared not to look at her, distancing himself "If anyone sees a girl like you with a dirty beggar like me then you can get away easily like you always do but I-"
"Oh, please." Manmeet huffed "Shut up with that beggar thing. You're my bestest friend. And you're gonna get out of here. I promise. But hush now, I've got something for you." She took out tiffins from her bag and opened them, delicious dishes filled in each. Sudama couldn't keep his eyes from slowly glancing towards it. His mouth watered and stomach growled.
"I- I can't."
"There are no 'can'ts' with me." Manmeet whispered as she pulled him close and hugged him. Sudama cried uncontrollably, he may have been a poor, stricken boy but being embraced by Manmeet, he felt the luckiest and happiest man on earth.
"Thank- Thank you so much, my best friend. I love you." he croaked and held her tighter
She fed him with her own hands and patted his cheeks
"I always love you MORE! MUAH!"
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stxrrynxghts · 2 months
Draupadi sat fuming at her work desk. Life as a lawyer who mostly worked for rape and domestic violence victims was hard.
"Name, Ritu. Age, 16 years. Cause of death, marital rape performed by husband."
Draupadi furiously rubs her eyes, wiping her tears. The details of the girl's injuries and death are horrifying to even look at. And poor Ritu suffered from this in real life.
Draupadi would make sure her husband rots in hell for this.
She keeps working till she loses track of time, making notes and preparing for her case.
"Hey, Drau!" Satyabhama peeks in. "It is lunch time. Let's go."
"I don't want to." She mumbles in response. "I lost my appetite looking at this."
Satyabhama's face turns solemn. This is their daily routine, looking at the painful deaths of women, but it still disgusts Draupadi the way it did when she was a student.
"We need to eat, don't we?" Satya says, rubbing her shoulder. "Let's leave early today."
Both of them live in the same flat, it is very convenient that way.
"You know, when Rukmini visited last month, the both of us went to this lovely dhaba. Let's eat there today." Satyabhama says, pulling her by the arm.
Rukmini is the wife of one of Satyabhama's friends, Krishna. Draupadi always felt that Satya liked him, but now she and Rukmini are fast friends.
They reach the eatery soon enough. It is a simple building, with a cot and few tables outside, the signboard "Bhima ka dhaba" slapped in various places.
The eatery is small, and seems very middle-class. The menu, however, is rather grand, with a variety of dishes. Tables and chairs are arranged below the dingy fans. There are few people in the eatery.
There is a counter in a corner, with a variety of sweets placed. A song from the film Aashiqui plays in the radio.
"Hello Memsaab." A young boy asks, holding a notepad. He couldn't be a day older than six. "What do you want to order?"
"Do you go to school?" Draupadi asks. "Is the owner of this place forcing you to work?!"
If he is, then she will be filing a case against him, free of cost.
"No, my father worked here, but he died, so I work instead of him. Bhima Bhaiya is very nice, he even pays for my school-"
"CHHOTU!" Someone yells from a room in a corner. "Did you take the order yet?!"
Satyabhama quickly places the order, and the boy, Chhotu, scurries into the room, which is most likely, the kitchen.
After some time, a man steps out, and keeps the plates on the table.
He is quite handsome, she realizes, startingly.
He has curly hair, which falls into ringlets, framing his face. He is quite tall, and has huge arms.
"I am sorry for the delay." He says, and heads back. The food was great.
"I think we should visit once more." Satyabhama says, after they are done.
Draupadi knew she would return to this place again, for reasons other than the food.
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nitewrighter · 11 months
How about some info about fankid relationships we dont see much? Like Gyo and the Amari twins please?
Ooh fun! Well again, a thing to keep in mind is that Guillaume is like, four years older than the twins, but since he was the Oldest Boy on the Watchpoint they did follow him around, and because they were, like everyone else, younger than him, he wasn't super fond of being followed around by 'babies.' They did grow on him, though. They were useful for basically distracting Rei from following him around because she would take it on herself to boss them around because she was slightly older than them, but also they would embarrass him in front of Annie because it was clear nothing ruffled his feathers faster and that was funny to them. So your basic young kid dynamics, with things kind of balancing out as they got older and Rei just ended up hanging out with Annie more. Guillaume did end up getting closer to Samir than he thought he would because they're both on similar wavelengths of being kind of reserved, serious kids, though Guillaume was definitely entering a more sullen phase when he left for boarding school.
Actually during Gyo's last year in boarding school Samir had been asking about the boarding school for years (Because even if Annie and Rei were frequently decrying it as a 'school for rich jerks' he saw a lot of mystery and romance in all the pamphlets). Samir finally convinced both his moms and Gyo's parents (and the Boarding school staff) to let him shadow Gyo at the school. And Gyo was finally coming out of his awkward phase at this point, so basically just imagine teenage, vampire prince, Baby John Wick-looking Guillaume being trailed around by this sober, staring, skinny little brown boy for a week. A lot of people asked him if Samir was his sidekick, and Samir was convinced that Guillaume's big, spooky, super-old school was full of mysteries to be solved and he was always either annoyingly right at Guillaume's side and asking his friends a lot of embarrassing questions, or wandering off getting into god-knows what kind of trouble. Guillaume had to retrieve Samir from the undercroft, from the attic, from the groundskeeper's equipment shed, from the girl's dorm (which he ended up in by complete accident), from a dumbwaiter shaft, and from an actual secret passage in the walls ("Samir, get out of the walls! You're freaking people out!"). The school staff told Satya and Pharah in no uncertain terms that Samir was not Académie du Sainte Alchoin material and both Satya and Pharah were like "oh noooo he had his heart set on it. :( :( :(" (there was no way in fuck they could have afforded actually sending Samir there anyway).
And now you're asking, "But Nite, why was there a secret passage in the school?" And the answer is "The passage was constructed by the school's founder, Etienne Beaufoy, pretty much exclusively to accommodate for secret gay sex trysts with Guillaume's ancestor, Sylvain Guillard." The passage was used by servants, spies, and assassins over the years before the estate was eventually turned into a school, but the original purpose was, as it turns out is the case with a surprising number of secret passages, gay sex. Guillaume was able to solve the mystery himself shortly before returning home to the Watchpoint, and he was like "Oh yeah, spies and assassins were definitely using that passage" to Samir, not mentioning the original purpose of the passage. The passage later got offhandedly mentioned while Widowmaker was in the room and she went, "Oh, Sylvain's passage is still there?." And Samir's like "What do you mean Sylvain's passage?"
Basically as a team dynamic when Gyo's finally on the team, though, he gets along pretty well with the twins. He's also warmed up significantly to Rajeev, who's always trying to get him to crack a smile, with dumb jokes during missions. Gyo and Rajeev are also definitely gym buddies, with Rajeev miraculously managing to convince Gyo to take a stupid amount of flexing photos. Rajeev's also not above ribbing him in front of Annie--old habits die hard like that--but it's more endearing now.
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seabiscuit · 4 months
@amadaans / new muse grab bag starter
Sugar Motta loved to be seen and marveled ;
She didn't need to speak to make her presence known. The staple pink business outfits and sparkling shoes did enough ( silently screaming ). But, one of her favorite pastimes was talking, and Satya was currently being tortured.
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" I saw you talking to Charlie at his table last night. Usually, he invites me over to sit next him, on his left, like you, but Daddy needed me to talk to some old schleps. You're lucky I wasn't there, though. I looked at you and thought, ' Wow, I'm such a better best friend to him. ' We went to the same public school, and I use to pinch him because he had that pesky blinking tick when he was nervous. He still does it when he like likes someone. So I wonder why he was trying to hide is all last night. He still blinks an SOS to me when it gets ridic bad -- "
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infiltracion · 1 year
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starting off with the most obvious hobby of her’s: tech. since she was a child, sombra has always been interested by tech. her fascination began at very young age when she was given an old, dingy laptop for school assignments. she definitely snuck it out of the school and kept it for herself to use in the orphanage. this was where she began to learn her most valuable skills - programming (aka hacking) and social engineering. you can learn so much on the internet! (derogatory)
her strong suit has always been in software- she learned the inner workings of a computer and how to troubleshoot any problem, get into places she wasn’t meant to go without getting caught, hide her location, etc.. if you give her a program and tell her to figure it out, she can tell you everything about it within the hour.
that doesn’t mean she doesn’t know about hardware, though. the intricacies of hardware was something she picked up soon after her interest in hacking was sparked. she began by dismantling and reassembling electronic devices like phones, tablets, cameras, computers. much of her late childhood was spent learning as much as she possibly could on her own about how these things worked the way they did. it was during this very experimental phase where she created the first prototype of what would eventually become the cybernetics she has today.
she is also canonically skilled enough with hardware to use the schematics of lena's chronal accelerator to create her own version of it that essentially teleports her which means not only did she had to understand the complex tech that went behind the workings of the accelerator, but she knew enough to modify it for her own purposes. also, pretty sure she's one of the only people who's figured out teleporter tech for her own use besides satya unless i'm forgetting somebody.
related to the above, she can type absurdly fast. like god DAMN everybody is lucky she tends to use touchscreen keys because if you get her on a mechanical keyboard it sounds like a constant keysmash. basing this off of myself because everybody constantly says i sound like this and im at a 130wpm speed so. she's probably around there or faster.
she knows so many coding languages she literally learned these for fun as a kid. javascript? she’s probably developed her own coding language for her personal systems too.
next hobby… so i know this is a punch to the face but just. i think she likes classic literature. shakespeare shit. is this because there's a potential reference to her in havana on one specific screen where they quoted twelfth night, specifically a scene with the character olivia? absolutely! i don't need to justify this! she also likes sci-fi and the like, which is a given, and she has so many opinions on it. don't get her started
anyways, i think that sombra’s favorite subjects in school were spanish, art, science and math. in spanish class they read and wrote plenty of literature and she found herself really enjoying the older stuff. something about period pieces hit considering how futuristic the world was + she was in a war torn region that hardly had limited, generator powered electricity for most of her upbringing. weird sense of familiarity + escapism. she enjoys similar historical themes in other media like television and movies, but she likes it best in books. she was very well read in her younger years, but nowadays most of her reading tends to be news articles and restricted files. still fun for her, but it’s not the fiction she grew up loving.
on a similar line of thought, i think sombra really likes art. she did a lot of sketching and painting when she was younger, dabbling in various types of art. her favorite mediums have always been traditional pen & paper and graffiti. she can do stylized people and animals, but her favorite things to do are landscapes, objects, and letters. a common theme with these hobbies is that she hardly gets to indulge in them anymore. it’s been longer than she can remember since she was able to sit down and draw, write, read, etc.
she did a lot of writing in her youth, mostly for school but she also indulged in personal writing that she would never show anybody. it was basically fanfic of shit she read or watched because yeah. mood. now any writing she does is in the non fiction territory like articles, e-mails, essays, etc. etc.
whatever time isn’t spent working typically gets spent watching tv or movies. she keeps up with the newest stuff, but she has a soft spot for “older” media (aka… shit we watch now). she canonically likes star wars (she named her stuffed bear artuito which is … R2-D2) which would be really old by their standards. she loves older scifi the cheesy effects and all that are just … chefs kiss. she also likes more historical period works too, you’d be surprised at what she’ll pay attention to. she has a lot to say about the things she watches and could go on for hours with analysis but she doesn't cuz that's some nerd shit and she is NOT a nerd.
this wasn't exactly a huge hobby for her but she did dance pretty often with the people around her, especially in her teen years when she started going to parties n all that. she wouldn't consider that hobby territory though even tho she does like it.
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satyaschool · 11 days
Satya: Best Affordable School in Gurgaon for Holistic Education
AtSatya School, one of the best schools in Gurgaon, we nurture the inherent capacity of every child to learn through exploration and collaboration. Our mission is to develop critical thinking, creativity, resilience, and a lifelong love for learning. By fostering physical, mental, emotional, and social growth, we prepare students to become responsible global citizens. Emphasizing skill development, we inspire our learners to become confident and innovative changemakers. As one of the best affordable schools in Gurgaon, we partner with parents and teachers to create timeless learning opportunities centered around each student's unique journey. Discover the Satya School difference where education meets holistic development.
To know more, visit: https://satyaschool.com/about-satya/
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deathbypufferfish · 2 years
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Hi bringing you the laziest crop and zero editing pics just to introduce the werewolf household I’ve concocted since I spent all my time today building their house.
Amado Adolpha (he/him) | outgoing | horticulturist | romantic: Amado is the owner of the house and the broken-nosed, hot mess that he looks like. He turned two years ago, but has spent those years completely isolating himself in Moonwood Mill. Besides of course, working as a bartender, gardening, and getting turnt the fuck up all by himself. But something has recently made a change in him as he has begun to show enthusiastic interest in the moonwood collective. Although...he still does lock himself up in the basement every full moon...
Riya Agarwal (she/her) | ambitious | insecure | good : The orderly and straight-laced Riya is a former elementary school teacher and as of late, a newly turned werewolf. Riya was begrudgingly in Moonwood Mill looking for her partying younger sibling, Satya, when they were both turned by a rampaging werewolf. The siblings have never gotten along, but Satya accidently stripping Riya of her dream job to become a fucking werewolf takes the cake. Luckily, a very “skunky” smelling man was looking for roommates in this werewolf-filled town. She may not be into his whole “vibe”, but they need a safe place to stay with their newfound “issues”.
Satya Agarwal (they/them) | mean | bookworm | restless : Satya has always been on the mission to make their sister’s life difficult it seems. Although Riya did most of the raising of Satya, they could not be any more different. Satya dreams of living their life the way THEY want to, which means every way Riya tells them not to. All they want to do is party dangerously and recklessly, read, and do sick parkour. Which is why they don’t see lycanthropy as a curse, but as just a way to live that signature Satya life.
Victoria Flowers (she/her) | neat | paranoid | gloomy : Victoria Flowers wants to be a werewolf so fucking bad. She wants to be a werewolf so bad that actual werewolves are so put off by her enthusiasm that they won’t do it. Amado said that he’d turn her, but he really just wanted her to stop sleeping in an abandoned lot nearby because it was too sad to watch. After a few months she actually proved to not be that bad and actually shares his love of cooking and gardening. But she still wants to be a werewolf even after seeing Amado gorge down raw meat. Still.
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bhartifoundation · 2 months
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The Satya Bharti School Program - Empowering Communities Through Education
Embark on a journey of inspiration and empowerment with the Satya Bharti School Program, as it reaches the farthest corners of India, bringing quality education to underserved communities. Explore the transformative impact of Satya Bharti Schools, where children thrive, dreams are nurtured, and futures are shaped. Discover the heartwarming stories of resilience,
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Satya Prakash Gupta Delhi
Is Model Town is a Great Place to Live?
Looking for a place that is pleasing with good connectivity, suitable surroundings, close to schools and hospitals nearby. Model Town, New Delhi might be a great pick.
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mahapraja · 1 year
An Introduction
Hi. It's been a while since I went to my psychiatrist. A lot of things have changed, most for the better, some to become lessons.
Saya awalnya nggak kira kalau saya akan menulis keseharian saya disini. Although not all. Kalau saya ingin, kalau saya ingat, kalau sempat. But I will try this activity. Menulis keseharian saya di web kayak gini, soalnya kalau ditulis di buku, saya yakin, saya nggak akan punya waktu untuk nulis sepanjang yang saya mau.
Oh, iya. An Introduction. Nama saya Mahapraja. My legal name includes ‘Altair’ up front. Tapi entah kenapa kalau disini saya mau orang-orang yang baca tulisan saya ini, kenal saya dengan nama Mahapraja. Even though, friends mostly call me Altair. Some do shout Maha; a nickname i got through my years at 107 Junior High School, Jakarta.
Now, I’m 18 years old. Been living my whole life mostly in Jakarta, Indonesia. Lebih tepatnya karena sejak umur lima tahun saya tinggal di Yogyakarta. Kemudian pindah ke Jakarta ketika kelas empat Sekolah Dasar. Sekarang duduk di kelas 11 IPA, semester dua. Bulan Juli nanti sudah naik ke kelas 12. Kehidupan SMA memang terlampau singkat.
The food that I really like lately is bakso tusuk, punya ibu kantin sekolah saya. Nggak ada yang spesial dari bumbu atau adonannya, tapi yang bisa saya makan kalau perut saya mendadak keroncongan tanpa aba-aba, bakso tusuk kantin selalu jadi jawabannya.
Sahabat saya seadanya saja. Dua orang cukup. Satya dan Eja. Malah saya kira, saya nggak akan punya teman di SMA. Selain sulit membuka diri, saya juga kelewat malas berkenalan dengan orang baru. New people will always be scary at first, right?
Kemudian keluarga saya. Orang tua saya udah nggak ada. Tapi Ayah sama Ibu, Alhamdulillah masih ada sampai sekarang. Abang saya, Hilmira, tahun kemarin baru saja menyelesaikan studinya di Bandung. Harusnya nggak lama lagi ia bakalan balik ke Jakarta (itupun kalau dia kangen sama Ibu lebih tepatnya).
Saya punya kucing putih gemuk, Owi, namanya. Kerjaannya cuman makan-tidur-gerak sedikit-tidur-makan dan terus begitu berulang kali. Anehnya, kalau dia sakit bisa dihitung jari, alias sejarang itu. Ya, saya harap dia selalu panjang umur. Rumah bakalan sepi kalau nggak ada dia soalnya.
Recommended songs for today: Always Begin by Circa Survive.
I don’t expect much this year. I also stopped placing my hopes on everyone. Saya juga nggak berharap kalau saya akan banyak menulis disini. Maybe I want to write, when my day is too complicated. When it’s too hard for me to express how I feel that day.
Seems enough. Nice to meet you, citizen.
Jakarta, 04/01/2020 mahapraja.
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Buy Upholstery Fabric & Sofa Fabric Online in India
Are you currently seated? If the answer is a YES, there are great chances that it is on some upholstered furniture. Most of our hours while working as well as sleeping are spent on these comfortable furnishings, which range from dining chairs to sofas. 
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More goes into upholstery than just picking the proper cloth. From working artistically to produce and design luxury sofa fabric and furniture of the highest calibre, to cutting expenses and enhancing our services is our main objective here at AARTEX. The process of making furniture by physically packing seats and other items into frames with padding, cushions, foam, or webbing and then covering it along with upholstery fabric is known as upholstery. This kind of work is quite specialised and requires an expert.
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Although it's simple to get upholstery fabric, choosing the best fabric for particular furniture can sometimes be a matter of guesswork. Upholstery fabric can indeed be made of a single fibre or a combination of many. Everything relies on the style and design you choose for your upholstery. Many upholstery stores sell their own fabric while others need you to bring your own fabrics. One can easily buy yardage fabric at a neighbourhood fabric shop or even online at Etsy. Depending on the sort of piece and its location, upholstered furniture is used to varied degrees. No matter where upholstery is utilised in any home, it's critical that the fabric withstands normal wear and tear. For instance, sofas, recliners, and ottomans in guestrooms or more formal settings that only see modest use will be good with less robust upholstery fabric.
Some pinpoints to keep in mind while purchasing the Upholstery Fabric!
While purchasing upholstery fabric one should always remember to buy natural fibres, and ensure that neither chemicals nor fire retardants were used during its production. Also it's important to inquire about the fabric that wherever it has been made fairly tight chemical regulations have been followed. Also the person can easily approach to their upholsterer to let you know whether a particular fabric is appropriate for a particular use, such as whether a fabric one adores might not work for a chair.
Aartex’s ulterior motive is to beautify each and every home. Aartex are among the top producers of furniture in India, and they have their own weaving, knitting, embroidery, sofa fabric and digital printing facilities to produce unique and contemporary designs for all of our esteemed customers. Aartex understands and meets all of their prestigious clients' home furnishings-related requirements because of their more than 30 years of business experience, down to the smallest details which may only be visible to the keen eyes. We have something for everyone. From the extravagant people to the old school romantics to the pure classics, a range of fabrics that have a resistance to wrinkling, fading and piling. 
Aartex furnishings is the most sought-after brand for upholstery because of its vast online collection of upholstery fabric that comes in a variety of features, styles, and colours. Aartex has everything you need to satisfy your search for the best sofa fabric covers online, including timeless solids, luxurious textures, cutting-edge digital designs, energising florals, traditional damask, modern geometrics, and many more designer upholstery fabric. Aartex offers countless variations of plains in any tints and colours you can think of.
We at Aartex have in store for you some of the latest and the most beautiful collections of designer upholstery fabric. AURUS, BEATLES, CABANA, BIBER, CARNATIC, TESLA, SATYA, TAKEDA, TOREX, META, JUNGLE CRUISE, etc. are some of our most famous and unique luxury sofa fabric collection designs. From an aesthetic perspective, the right upholstery add an extra charm, elegance and approachability to a particular space and that is something what we here at Aartex love doing for you. We bring together pieces that are chemical free, with proper joinery, can withstand a little wear and tear and most importantly are antiques at your HOME.
Aartex are differentiating themselves from the competition so that no one will mistake them for uncompetitive nerds in the furniture industry by using artistic talent to develop and create furniture of the highest calibre to cutting expenses and enhancing our offerings and an option to make your furniture more attractive and unique by adding your own touches to ensure that every time you touch or feel it, you'll fall in love.To simplify things , if you want it, we can provide it. Time and time again, these collections have already been establishing industry best practices. You must see them to appreciate them. Therefore, don't merely envision designer upholstery fabrics but bring it to life only with Aartex furnishings. 
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blessed1neha · 2 years
True Story of Lord Krishna
A true story from a small village called Bhatli in Odisha that took place last century. It's not very popular as it should be, shared by my loving Grandma last Dusherra for all her grandkids and her great granddaughter (baby).
A poor farmer stayed in a village with his old father and newly wed wife. The young girl was called as Satihari. She was a devotee of Lord Krishna and had an idol of Lord Jagannath (whom we consider as Lord Vishnu/Krishna in Kaliyuga since he is Daru Brahma having Neela Madhava as his Soul). The young girl was very sweet and gentle as well as kind.
One day, 3 old brahmins came to her door asking for food. She was clueless, yet decided to do her best. As she couldn't find anything to cook (no rations), she prayed to Krishna. All of a sudden her Father-in-law reached home. He had forgotten some tool for work it seems. He told her, “Yesterday night I came back late so couldn't tell you. I got a lot of rations and some money for the landlord's work yesterday. It's kept in my room. Don't worry, use it!”
A happy Satihari did as instructed. She gave the guests food and 1 Paisa each as dakshina too at the end and took their blessings. They said, “Your name and reputation will be remembered for a very very long time!” She was a bit shocked because during those times mostly women used to get blessed as “Be a Suhagan (may your husband outlive you) or may you get a son or 2”. This blessing was different.
In the evening when her husband and father-in-law came back, they saw 3 clean areas in the house. It was a mud house so usually people apply cow dung water on it after they had food on the floor to make the area clean. The 3 old men had done it before they left. In Hindi it's called Lipa-pota. It takes time to dry so marks are usually visible till next cleaning session.
Satihari explained the whole story and what her FIL said shocked her, “I didn't come my dear! It was none other than Krishna who saved your day by giving you all you needed for the 3 Trinity or divine beings that came to test you! You are really blessed and we are blessed that you are in our family!”
All members happily discussed it again and again but didn't understand why Satihari was given such a strange blessing.
A few days later, fire broke out in the village.
Everyone rushed out.
Satihari was alone at that time. She too came out.
Then she suddenly remembered her idol.
Of Krishna. Her Jagannath. Her God. Whom she considered always as alive not idol.
She ran inside and hugged Him in her arms protecting Him from every bit of Fire and rushed to the pond. Her whole body was engulfed in fire by then. She jumped in the pond.
After all the situation was under control, people started looking for their loved ones, a sudden miracle happened. A dead body with knee length hair (Satihari) popped up from the pond in a sitting position holding the idol still to her bosom.
She had found her Lord. Tears come up from my eyes whenever I imagine the scene, even while writing now. That's how much devotion this young girl had.
The villagers were astonished at this level of commitment to Krishna. The family (husband and FIL) gave up their land to the village to make a temple for the Lord and left the village to become sanyasis.
The temple is still present. And for the first time in History, on the Seat of the Lord, He is not alone. Satihari sits on the Ratna Singhsan (Bejeweled Seat of Lord) holding her beloved Jagannath in her lap like the day she had done while saving His idol, while giving up her human body for her devotion. The temple's Rath Yatra is now the second largest one of Lord Jagannath after Puri Jagannath. People built a school with her name and journal in her name also gets published. Every year the Satihari High school of Bhatli gives very good results, the students are also toppers when it comes to extra curricular activities.
Satihari's name is going to be there for very long time.
Just like the blessings she got the other day.
In Satya Yuga a devotee got a place on the lap of Lord Vishnu by his devotion: He shines as Pole star: Dhruva. In Kaliyuga the same Lord Jagannath sits on the lap of a devotee who surrendered everything for Him: She is Satihari.
The temple of Lord Jagannath in Bhalti village is a place worthy of visiting. It's Satihari's love that calls Jaganath devotees there…. Unshakeable faith makes a devotee worthy enough to sit together on the Lord's Seat with Him in her lap itself! That's Krishna for His loved ones!
Jai Shree Krishna!
Jai Jagannath!!
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