senatortedcruz · 2 months
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coolbugs · 2 years
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Bug of the Day
When the rest of the partygoers find your secluded hangout spot...
(marsh beetles, Scirtes tibialis)
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babylonbirdmeat · 19 days
The most important part of Tomodachi Life is dressing up Patrick Bateman in scirt
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zanimljivaekonomija · 5 months
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Ogromna količina tekstila zahteva inovativne metode reciklaže
Odeća je previše vredna da bi je jednostavno bacili i spalili. Od 2025. godine širom Evropske unije stari tekstil će se prikupljati i reciklirati. Da bi se efikasno i ekološki nosili sa ogromnom količinom tekstila koja će tada nastati, hitno su potrebne efikasnije metode recikliranja. Za nošenje udoban, za reciklažu izuzetno neugodan - elastin otežava ponovnu upotrebu tekstila. Na Tehničkom univerzitetu u Beču pronađeno je rešenje za ovaj problem. 
Recikliranje mešovitih tekstila, posebno kada sadrže elastin, je vrlo zahtevno. Na Tehničkom univerzitetu u Beču razvijene su metode koje omogućavaju ne samo bolje i ekološki prihvatljivije detektovanje elastina, već i njegovo lagano odvajanje, uz istovremeno očuvanje ostalih vlakana. Ključno je pronaći odgovarajuće rastvarače. „Mnogi materijali koje koristimo za proizvodnju odeće se lako recikliraju u čistom obliku, kao što su pamuk, poliester ili poliamid“, objašnjava Emanuel Bošmajer, sa Tehničkog univerziteta u Beču. „Međutim, čak i ako je elastin prisutan u malim količinama, on onemogućava dosadašnje recikliranje konvencionalnim metodama.“ Elastin se toliko razvlači da dovodi do začepljenja u mašinama koje se obično koriste za drobljenje tekstila pre reciklaže. Zbog toga je najvažnije razviti pouzdanu i brzu metodu za merenje udela elastina u tekstilu.
„U našim istraživanjima otkrili smo da takva metoda do sada nije postojala“, kaže Emanuel Bošmajer. „Uobičajene metode testiranja koriste rastvarače koji su štetni po zdravlje i vremenski zahtevni.“ Tako je razvijena nova detekciona metoda koja meri koliko elastina zaista ima u odevnom komadu. Sledeći korak bio je pronaći metodu za odvajanje elastina od drugih vlakana. „Eksperimentisali smo s različitim rastvaračima i na kraju naišli na bezopasni rastvarač koji selektivno uklanja elastin a ostala vlakna ostavlja netaknutim“, kaže istraživač Andreas Bartl. Metoda je već patentirana. Na ovaj način se materijali poput poliestera ili poliamida mogu gotovo potpuno povratiti, čak se i rastvarač može ponovo koristiti.
Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao deo EU-projekta SCIRT (Sistem cirkularnosti i inovativno recikliranje tekstila). Za svoje istraživanje Emanuel Bošmajer je dobio nagradu za inovacije i održivost u inženjeringu, koju dodeljuje Austrijsko društvo inženjera i arhitekata.
Emanuel Boschmeier © Johannes Hloch
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alabingo · 1 year
NCC-CSIRT warns of phishing attack exploit
NCC-CSIRT warns of phishing attack exploit
The Nigerian Communications Commission’s Computer Security Incident Response Team (NCC-CSIRT) has warned that a new Phishing, Attacks Exploit Windows Zero-Day Vulnerability, can load a malicious QBot malware on the compromised device without triggering any Windows security alerts. In its advisory, NCC-CSIRT indicated that the vulnerability, which is present in all versions of Windows-based…
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stalik13redbubble · 1 year
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mikadll · 22 days
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jim teacher son or scirts daughter
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scirts <3
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adamsvanrhijn · 2 months
I know you were joking about it but the "scirts" post IS maud beaton core for reasons i can't put words to, you're so correct
who says i was joking!!!!!
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pacdevil · 1 year
anyone who sees my posts today: imagine you're walking in a mall and i scirt by you while handing you the posts i reblogged all shagged and stuff like- hehehe howdy heres a sonic fanart i found- before u scurry off to spencers
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rollercoaster59 · 2 years
Frog guy room with scirt, # clycuseptic
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gender-snatched · 2 years
Also I typed it in as “scirt” instead of “skirt” like three separate times and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it
haha i do that
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lanadinata · 4 years
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Разные цвета шерсти по разному проявляются под одним и тем же цветом шёлка. Мне понравилось использовать этот эффект в своей работе. Наглядный пример на фото 👉 двухсторонняя шелковая юбка, с ооооочень тонким слоем шерсти по середине. 😊 Посмотреть больше моих работ, можно просто перейдя по ссылке в био 👆 #валяние #scirt #women #women's clothes #summerscirt #feltedclotches #feltingwool #natalishvets #ecoclotches #ecofashion #ecofashionclothes #womenfashion #customorder https://www.instagram.com/p/CACtA4XjkWs/?igshid=1ntezzj7e6n51
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Right beside the still shots of both drawings from priveous posts - posting the colored version + some of headcanons for c.h.y.k.n i thought of while drawing this
Back in the 60s Sheffield had much more conservative outlook on Halloween , so this photo was taken on " unspecified seasonal holiday party"
Cassidy was a bit of tomboy , despite being forced to wear ancle length scirts , she wore jeans and sweaters to any other possible acattion
Kadma ,Yan Lin and Nerissa were the original trio
Kadma and Yan Lin as first generation immigrants could realte the most to each other struggles at school. And while Nerissa had all of traits to be a Queen bee, she found much more interesting to listen Kadma's strong charactered speaches, then to rumor around with other popular girls
Nerissa grew up without father whom she lost during the war . This made her a very strong willed person with a high sense for justice
This was the way all of them came together - by standing up for each other and keeping together to protect
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zinastromberg · 4 years
#MiniSkirt - sign #Love in a view languages #FindYourThing
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Good news and bad news. Good news is that I found my TARDIS, bad news is that I had to kill half a city to get it so I got blood on my scirt. Honestly why can’t I just walk into the center of a city and reclaim my TARDIS without having to comit mass genocide. Now I have to go find the washing machine.
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