#seren witt
keirangoldenwatch · 1 year
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I feel like I'm still getting comfortable with 2022...oh well.
I'm not going to link everything like I did last year 'cause I'm at a friend's place partying, but it's all on this blog or my RP blog for Yen (with the exceptions of February and October which were saved for Exalted nonsense). I'll get them up sooner or later.
Happy 2023, everyone~
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writingsonsaturn · 2 months
Tim and Y/n are high school sweethearts but they go there separate ways not because they want to but for some reason, and y/n moves to LA (maybe sometime after the break up with Rachel) and meets tim again after she calls 9-1-1 for help and they reconnect - you're an amazing writer
rekindled love - tim bradford
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🪐: i’m so sorry it took me so long to write this, i made it a little longer to make up for it so pls forgive me lol :)
word count: 1.8k
Senior year was the beginning to the end, Tim had talked to you about joining the military and The moment your eyes met Tim’s freshmen year during first period you knew your heart was his.
Your secret crush developed as you continued to stare and daydream about his pretty face, your friends all laughed at you and practically screamed at you to finally make a move on him.
“He doesn’t even know who I am! Why would I make a move?” you had groaned over the phone.
“Y/n, babe, I need you to be serious. That man has the biggest crush on you! He barely even knows what class he’s in because he’s too busy gawking at you” your friend, Darla, argued with a roll of her eyes.
After the much needed push to finally get the ball rolling, you had sat next to Tim in class. Unbeknownst to you his heart had started racing, hands began to profusely sweat, and mouth became dry at the simple thought of you being next to him.
The class was long, and boring. That was until Tim asked “are you understanding any of this?” you were surprised, and slightly caught off guard.
“Honestly, no, but i personally enjoy a good game of pretend” your witt had caught his attention, he smiled and looked back at his paper seemingly writing something down.
Your gaze was curious, looking over his shoulder. “Ms. L/n, please keep your eyes towards me” your teacher had declared loudly, causing your cheeks to heat up.
Tim had looked at you once the teacher's prying eyes had left you two alone, he slyly slid over a note.
“Here’s my number, call me?” the note had read, you smiled and put the note in your backpack. 
Your eager body was nearly out of the seat before the bell could even make the first ring, hurriedly running out of the school halls, ignoring the confused calls of your name spoken by your friends.
The rest was history after that, late night calls began and he started picking you up in the mornings for school. Tim bragged about you to his friends, and you to yours.
you told him about a writing program you had been accepted into. You both were happy for each other, but deep down both of you knew that long distance wouldn’t be something that could work for you two at the moment.
Graduation night you and Tim went out to the coast, sitting on the sand and taking in the serene atmosphere. “I really don’t want to go” you broke the silence tearfully, the impact of the moment finally hitting you.
“Neither do I” he agreed, putting his arm around your shoulders.
You both sat there, tears streaming down your faces in quiet acceptance. 
You both had said your goodbyes, the hug lasting longer than usually knowing it would be the last one. “I’ll find you again” he whispered in your ear, and kissed your forehead, leaving you with his love.
You looked around your now empty apartment, the heavy brown boxes filled with your life already on its journey to Los Angeles. 
Your job had offered you a chance to move offices, you took the chance to finally move back to your hometown. Your life was seemingly perfect, you had a well paying job, a beautiful high rise apartment in the upper east side, you were living the dream.
Although your heart never seemed aligned with your head, it stayed where you left it. The ache never left your bones, the longing for the once in a lifetime love you had experienced. 
While you sat in the back of your cab, your mind wandered off, running away with different thoughts and daydreams. Tim was a recurring image in each of those daydreams and thoughts, you wondered if you’d see him again, if he still thought about you the way you thought about him.
The simple thought of seeing Tim again made your stomach flip and heart pump faster than you could have prepared for. That feeling only enlarged when the airport came into sight, you knew the idea of seeing Tim again was a mere fantasy as you hadn't heard from him or keep up with how his life had been. You both agreed it was better to make a clean cut, seeing each other live their respective lives without one another would just be another grueling stab to the heart. 
You didn’t even know if Tim still lived in California, all of these old, decrepit feelings were clawing their way out of their tomb. You simply just shook your head, hoping to scramble the memories, and quickly made your way inside the airport.
The flight was as nice as a flight could be, you would've gotten first class but you didn't feel like selling any organs. You were lucky enough to get a window seat and a nice older woman who gave you little sweets that she claimed would help pop your ears.
You were greeted by your mother, who was gracious enough to pick you up at 11:30pm on a weekday. “Mom!” you squealed, hugging her tightly with excitement, you only had your bare necessities with you so you didn't have to go to baggage claim. 
You and your mom walked out arm and arm, you talked about your long flight and she mentioned how excited your dad was to see you again. Your parents were letting you crash at their place for tonight while you waited for the moving trucks to arrive.
As soon as you got to your parents house and greeted your dad, you went right up to your old room and immediately went to sleep, not worrying about your skin care or taking a shower. 
Once you had woken up, you were met with the comforting smell of your mothers cooking. You got yourself off the bed and walked into your bathroom, hoping that a nice warm shower would rid you of the suffocating airplane stench. The warmth of the water melted into your sore muscles, while the steam rolled through your stuffed sinuses.
You took a couple of deep breaths before getting out, wiping the steam of the mirror before getting ready. 
“Oh how i've missed your cooking” you exhaled as you reached the kitchen, your dad spoke from the dining room table “you gonna need help moving in?” 
“No, the moving dudes will help with all of that pops” you patted his shoulder while grabbing a piece of bacon, “I’ll be able to stop by sometime next week after i've gotten settled in, and my work hours situated” you explained, your parents smiled at you “we’re glad you’re home, y/n.”
When the moving company had finished their job, you finally were able to take a moment and breath. You were once again exhausted but still needed to eat dinner, you weren't in the mood to cook, let alone were you willing to dig through all your boxes to find your kitchen utensils. You pulled out your phone and ordered take out, as you waited you unpacked the box with your bed sheets and made your bed sleepable. 
Your house was in a dainty little neighborhood, it was older architecture with beautiful accents and all around wonderful. When the room had been unpacked to your standards, your next battle was to unpack your bathroom. 
The doorbell rang, you quickly made your way towards the door. You tipped the driver and said your thanks closing the door. You were thankful they packed you plastic silverware and dug into the mouth watering food in front of you.
You decided to call it a night after a little more unpacking here and there, but you had tired yourself out and you were ready to go to bed.
You flinched awake at a loud clashing coming from downstairs, you sat up quickly thinking it might just be home alone jitters until the loud crash was heard again. You knew better than to try and investigate the noise so you quietly tiptoed to your bedroom door and locked it, then went into the conjoined bathroom also turning and locking it before hiding in your tub and dialing 911.
“911, what's your emergency?” the voice on the other line asked, “There’s someone in my house.” your shaking voice answered, fear present in your speech, “Okay, and what is your address?” she questioned “4758 garden road.” “Okay, and do you know where this person is located?” she asked for clarification “I think he's in the kitchen” you tried to stay calm but the adrenaline and fear were catching up to you.
The 911 operator stayed on the phone with you until the police arrived and arrested the intruder, you hung up the phone when you heard a knock and an announcement stating it was the police. You hurried to the door, unlocking it and ready to profusely thank the officer who had possibly just saved your life. “Oh thank god, i thought i was going to-” you abruptly paused when you noticed who you were thanking.
“Y/n?” you heard Tim’s voice call your name, you almost thought you were hallucinating out of fear. “Tim?” you replied, all the emotions you were holding in waiting for the cops to show up spewed out. 
“It’s okay, it's okay, you’re safe now” Tim comforted you, your shaking form easily fit into his body. He held onto you, also in shock at seeing your face after so much time had passed, he knew he needed to get a statement from you but he just can't seem to let you go. 
When he had gotten you to calm down, he took you to the precinct to get a statement from you. “So you became a cop” you tried to make small talk, your voice nasally and hoarse from crying. “Yeah, i did” Tim responded, putting paper on a clipboard “when did you come back to town?” he continued as he tried to make you comfortable.
You and Tim went over your written statement, and after that you caught up on life. You talked to him about your time in New York, and he told you about his time spent in the army and how he went on to become a cop.
It had felt natural, like the flame rekindled as if it had never been put out.
Before you left the station Tim slipped you a note and a quick smile before going back to his duties and having another officer drive you home, you read the note “Here’s my number, Call me?”
You felt the same excitement you had the first time you read those words, and still were just as eager to get home and call him.
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shiftingpath · 5 months
Exalted Secret Santa 2023 Complete!
Thanks for another excellent year, friends. This year was actually tied for most participants to date, to the point of having some trouble formatting this post. (tumblr fears our power.)
Thanks are in order to many: -to @theuncrucified for her work boosting on discord. All my thanks for spreading the word! -to @delvesdaily for pinch hitting, and to everyone else so quick to volunteer. -to @mechanicalriddle, my second-in-command and second set of eyes. -to our longterm participants who return year after year, I am always happy to see you back. -to newcomers who've only just arrived, you bring so much fresh life to this event. thanks for trying something new! -to those who don't participate, but still find time and interest to comment on the pieces!
I hope we can see you all next year!
Please take the time to check out the submissions; the characters are always so cool and the art is consistently amazing. Thank you all for the hard work. Happy Calibration!
to @butch-king-frankenstein from woolymonster: Meteor King Rahu
to @caprichista from maribunart: V'neef Runai and Salu
to @delvesdaily from grimmjowjaegerjaquez: Pretty Boy
to @eatenbyfaeries from delvesdaily: Vervain
to @fiontan from frostmantle: Gale
to @fourwillows from shiftingpath: Kifimbo
to @frostmantle from hamsandlich: The Sentinel of Blasphemous Covenants Sealed in Silence
to @fullmoonspecial from fiontan: The Phoenix Knight
to @gforceworks from delvesdaily: Laughing Sister
to @grimmjowjaegerjaquez from fourwillows: Cold Fire Hunter
to @hamsandlich from paint-lady: The Seraph of Promised Silence
to @heedra from sondersonne: Daia Shan
to @keirangoldenwatch from moonstar-mush: Seren Witt
to @kessinder from sly-works: The Cultivar of Bloodied Sunsets
to @maribunart from toxinfox: Lei-xin, Ivy, and Kilani
to @mechanicalriddle from eatenbyfaeries: Pleione
to @moonstar-mush from fullmoonspecial: Spears-to-Billhooks Nazmiya
to @paint-lady from theuncrucified: The Marionette Dancing on Bloody Sinew
to @shiftingpath from caprichista: Flame-Eating Moth
to @skarchomp from keirangoldenwatch: Candor That Draws the Horseman's Blade
to @sly-works from heedra: Exquisite Toffee Spinifex
to @sondersonne from thedashingduke: The Brigand Queen of the Western Wyld
to @thedashingduke from mechanicalriddle: Komoh
to @theuncrucified from gforceworks: Kalara
to @toxinfox from kessinder: Anjali, Kaveri, and Malati
to @woolymonster from skarchomp: The Left Hand of Hell
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mollidays · 1 year
TORRES DEL PAINE (06.02-13.02)
Puerto Natales is de uitvalsbasis voor wandeltochten en excursies naar nationaal park Torres del Paine, het pronkstuk van (Chileens) Patagonië. Veel hikers komen hier voor de W-trek, een meerdagentocht genoemd naar zijn vorm op de kaart. Waanzinnig populair en de slaapplekken op de campings zijn hopeloos uitverkocht. Wij bemachtigen toch nog twee nachten in het park en wagen ons aan een groot deel van de tocht. We didn’t go all the W(ay), maar we maakten er wel een UI’tje van.
Onze eerste kennismaking met het park is een tocht naar Lago Grey met zijn gelijknamige gletsjer. Grey is een goede omschrijving van het weer die dag. Wat startte als een heldere en zonnige dag, sloeg op z’n Patagoons snel om in mist en hevige regenbuien.
Gelukkig worden we op weg naar mirador Brittanico ruimschoots gecompenseerd voor de slechte weerservice van de dag voordien. Het kerkhof van uitgebrande witte bomen heeft op een serene manier iets knap, en wordt verder op de tocht ingeruild voor weelderig groene bomen in de Frances vallei, waar we langs een gletsjerrivier omhoog klefferen. Op het einde van het pad worden we omringd door bergtoppen, de één grijs en besneeuwd, de ander geel en rood getint, met onder ons het uitzicht op de groene vallei met turquoise meren.
We sluiten ons bezoek af met de typische daguitstap: de beklimming van Las Torres. De uitdaging bestaat erin boven te geraken binnen een beperkte tijdslimiet (want we moeten de laatste bus halen) gecombineerd met de hordes tragere dagtoeristen die ook op het soms smalle pad wandelen. Met wandelstokken in de hand zetten we het op een versnelling hoger en komen puffend van de steile laatste etappe boven aan het uitzichtspunt. De ultieme beloning: de drie granieten torens, las torres dus, steken mooi af op het glasheldere meer. Zeer fotogeniek! Dit smaakt naar meer, benieuwd wat de Argentijnse zijde te bieden heeft…
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thedjmusic · 2 years
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Junodownload Top 100 Autumn Techno 2022
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/music/junodownload_best_autumn_techno_2022_10_12_flac_mp30
DATA: 2022-10-12 TOTAL: 98 GENRE: Techno
AKKI (DE) - Inside My Head
A*S*Y*S - Sweat & Tears - Original Mix
Adam Beyer,Bart Skils - Your Mind
Adam Beyer,Bart Skils,Charles D (USA) - Your Mind - Epic Edit
Age Of Love,Charlotte de Witte,Enrico Sangiuliano - The Age Of Love - Charlotte de Witte & Enrico Sangiuliano Remix
Alan Fitzpatrick,Rebūke - Nice & Cool Trigga
Alex Stein,Transcode - Control Me
Ann Clue - Six For Gold
Anna Reusch - Another Day
Armin van Buuren - Computers Take Over The World
Balthazar & JackRock - Define
Belocca,Nusha - Serenity
Bisou - Device - Original Mix
Boris Brejcha - Schwarz
Boris Brejcha - Up Down Jumper
Carl Cox,Franky Wah - See the Sun Rising
Charlotte de Witte - Kali
Chris Veron - Critical Thoughts
Claude VonStroke,VNSSA - These Notes In This Order - VNSSA Remix
DJ Dextro - Commodore
Deborah de Luca - Dori Me - Rework 2022
Deborah de Luca,Robert Miles - Children - Radio Edit
Devid Dega,Nico Cabeza,Millie Forsberg - Darkness
Disfreq - Essa Mina
Disfreq - Time Is Now
Eli Brown - Believe
Eli Brown - Can't Stop the Feeling
Eli Brown - Deep Down
Eli Brown - Nazareth
Eli Brown - Pressure
Enrico Sangiuliano - Future Dust - Original Mix
Enrico Sangiuliano - The Sound Of Space
Filterheadz - Helium
Flanko,Clap Codex - Stay Silent - Clap Codex Remix
Floormagnet,Tiger Stripes - Space Age - Tiger Stripes Remix Edit
Frank Spector - OMEN (ASOT 1087)
HI-LO,Eli Brown,Oliver Heldens - Industria
HI-LO,Oliver Heldens,DJ Deeon - WANNA GO BANG
HI-LO,Space 92,Oliver Heldens - Mercury
Impérieux - Ferishtah
Jacidorex,Popof - Midnight Express - Original
James Hype - Dancing
Jay Lumen - Bring the Dish
Jay Lumen - Here We Go
Jay Lumen - Human
Jay Lumen - Mandala
Joyhauser - Crawler
Kai Tracid,Genlog - Mockmoon (Peace, Love, XTC)
Kaiserdisco - Together One Time
Lampe - Anytime
Lampe - Differences
Layton Giordani - Digital Age
Layton Giordani - UFOs & LFOs
Lilly Palmer - We Control
MOTVS - Rumor
MOTVS - Unnatural Alchemy
MOTVS - We Go On
Maketech,Thomas Schumacher - Konfusion - Thomas Schumacher Rework
Marco V,T78 - GODD - T78 Remix
Mark Dekoda - Rave Harder Techno Bass
Mark Porter,Thomas Schumacher - Telegraph - Thomas Schumacher Rework
Matt Sassari,Green Velvet - Dance Or Die
Mella Dee - Techno Disco Tool - Radio Edit
Metodi Hristov - Clouds of Eden
Monococ - Pryzm
NoNameLeft - Excess Animus
NoNameLeft - Keep Goin'
NoNameLeft - Prisoner of Mind
NoNameLeft,Hiboo - Ego Lab
Novem Vivit - Filthy
Oliver Schories,Oliver Huntemann - Devon - Oliver Huntemann Remix
Pablo Say,Marko Krstic - Illusions
Pleasurekraft - Sex and the Machine
Radio Slave,NEZ,Mark Broom - Wait A Minute - Mark Broom’s Non Stop Remix
Ramon Tapia - Bring It On Down
Rebūke - Dystopia
Reinier Zonneveld,HI-LO,Oliver Heldens - Flying Octopus
Sabura,Maurice Mino - Human Race
Sam Paganini,Adam Beyer,Layton Giordani - Rave - Remix
Sam Paganini,Zøe,Wehbba - Flash - Wehbba Remix
Skin On Skin - Burn Dem Bridges
Slin Bourgh,Marie Vaunt - Into the Night
Sonique,BEC - It Feels So Good - BEC Remix
Space 92 - Colonia
Space 92 - Meteor
Space 92 - The Door
T78,RobJanssen - Mind Your Step
Teenage Mutants,Heerhorst - Ppt
Teenage Mutants,Heerhorst,PETER PAHN - Angel Dust
Thomas Labermair,Bultech - Voices In My Head - Bultech Remix
Thommes Jay - Compromise - Original Mix
Tiga,Hector Oaks - Easy - Héctor Oaks Difficulty Adjusted Mix
UMEK - Persona - Original Mix
UMEK,Popof,Space 92 - Control - Original Mix
Victor Ruiz - Beirut
Victor Ruiz - Surrender
Zajon,Thomas Schumacher - Rage Control - Thomas Schumacher Rework
sharpside,Wehbba - Space Cruising - Wehbba Remake
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posthavenblog · 19 days
Ontdek de Betoverende Stranden van Zanzibar: Ultieme Gids voor een Onvergetelijke Vakantie
Zanzibar, een betoverende archipel voor de kust van Tanzania, is een juweel van de Indische Oceaan. Zanzibar staat bekend om zijn ongerepte stranden, levendige cultuur en historische betekenis en belooft een onvergetelijke vakantie. Of je nu ontspanning zoekt op poederachtig wit zand of spannende watersporten, Vakantie Zanzibar biedt voor ieder wat wils. Hier is uw ultieme gids voor het ervaren van het beste van het kustparadijs van Zanzibar.
Gelegen op het noordelijke puntje van Zanzibar, Nungwi Beach is beroemd om zijn prachtige zonsondergangen en levendige sfeer. Het zachte, witte zand, Hotels Zanzibar en het kristalheldere water van het strand maken het een perfecte plek om te zonnebaden en zwemmen. Het bruisende nachtleven van Nungwi, met strandbars en visrestaurants, zorgt ervoor dat uw avonden net zo spannend zijn als uw dagen. Mis de kans niet om te snorkelen of duiken in de nabijgelegen koraalriffen, vol met kleurrijk zeeleven.
Kendwa Beach ligt op slechts een korte afstand van Nungwi en biedt een rustiger alternatief. Kendwa staat bekend om zijn Goedkope Vakantie Zanzibar, zanderige uitgestrektheid die onaangetast blijft door de getijden en is perfect voor lange wandelingen en ononderbroken zwemmen. De rustige, ondiepe wateren zijn ideaal voor gezinnen met kinderen. Kendwa staat ook bekend om zijn Full Moon Parties, die bezoekers van over de hele wereld aantrekken, waardoor een levendige en feestelijke sfeer onder de sterren ontstaat.
Aan de zuidoostelijke kust van Zanzibar ligt Paje Beach, een toevluchtsoord voor avontuurlijke zoekers. Met zijn constante wind en uitgestrekte lagune is Paje een topbestemming voor windsurfen en kitesurfen. Het strand is bezaaid met surfscholen en verhuurwinkels voor apparatuur, waardoor beginners gemakkelijk aan de slag kunnen. Naast de watersporten zorgen Paje's relaxte sfeer en de talrijke bars en cafés aan het strand ervoor dat het een perfecte plek is om tot rust te komen en te genieten van de natuurlijke schoonheid van het eiland.
Grenzend aan Paje biedt Jambiani Beach een kijkje in de traditionele Zanzibari-manier van leven. Dit stuk kustlijn is bezaaid met vissersboten en zeewierboerderijen en biedt een schilderachtige achtergrond voor uw stranddagen. De ondiepe wateren en koraalriffen maken het een geweldige plek om te snorkelen. De lokale pensions en eetgelegenheden van Jambiani bieden een meer authentieke en budgetvriendelijke ervaring, waardoor u zich kunt onderdompelen in de cultuur en gastvrijheid van het eiland.
Als u op zoek bent naar eenzaamheid en ongerepte natuurlijke schoonheid, dan is Matemwe Beach de place to be. Matemwe ligt aan de noordoostelijke kust en is minder ontwikkeld dan andere stranden, en biedt een rustig toevluchtsoord weg van de drukte. De lange stukken zacht zand en helder water van het strand zijn perfect voor ontspannen wandelingen en zwemmen. Matemwe is ook een toegangspoort tot het Mnemba-atol, een van de beste duikplekken op Zanzibar, bekend om zijn levendige koraalriffen en overvloedige zeeleven.
Bwejuu Beach, gelegen aan de zuidoostelijke kust, is ideaal voor mensen die willen ontsnappen aan de drukte. Dit serene strand wordt gekenmerkt door zijn met palmen omzoomde kust en helder, ondiep water. Het is perfect om te ontspannen, een boek te lezen of gewoon te genieten van het prachtige landschap. Bwejuu is ook een geweldig startpunt voor het verkennen van het nabijgelegen dorp Dongwe en het weelderige Jozani-woud, de thuisbasis van de zeldzame rode colobus-apen.
Kizimkazi, gelegen op het zuidelijkste puntje van Zanzibar, staat bekend om zijn dolfijnentochten. Boottochtjes in de vroege ochtend bieden de kans om deze speelse wezens in hun natuurlijke habitat te zien en er zelfs mee te zwemmen. Naast de dolfijnen heeft Kizimkazi een historische betekenis met zijn 12e-eeuwse moskee, een van de oudste islamitische gebouwen aan de Oost-Afrikaanse kust. Het strand zelf is mooi en minder druk, het verstrekken van een rustige toevluchtsoord met een vleugje avontuur.
De stranden van Zanzibar zijn meer dan alleen pittoreske landschappen; het zijn toegangspoorten tot avontuur, ontspanning en culturele ontdekkingen. Of u nu in de turquoise wateren duikt, het levendige zeeleven verkent of geniet van de lokale cultuur, Zanzibar biedt een ongeëvenaarde vakantie-ervaring. Pak je koffers en bereid je voor op het ontdekken van de betoverende stranden van Zanzibar, waar het paradijs bij elke bocht wacht.
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LaDonna Humphrey Arkansas – Everything to Know
LaDonna Humphrey is a versatile talent, excelling in various fields such as writing, podcasting, documentary filmmaking, investigative journalism, and advocacy for victims of crime. She is deeply committed to causes close to her heart, including supporting missing adults, crime victims, foster children, and women in recovery.
Her debut book, “The Girl I Never Knew,” earned her a nomination for Best New True Crime Author at the 2023 True Crime Awards. Additionally, her podcast “Deep Dark Secrets,” which she co-hosts with Alecia Lockhart, received a nomination for Best Indie Podcast of the year.
As the Executive Director of Oasis of Northwest Arkansas and co-founder of All the Lost Girls, LaDonna actively engages with her community. Alongside her husband Danny, she raises their seven children in Northwest Arkansas, skillfully balancing her professional accomplishments with family life.
I'm LaDonna Humphrey, and my journey into unraveling the mysteries of crime began right here in Arkansas, amidst its captivating landscapes. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a profound desire to understand human nature, I embarked on a lifelong quest.
My interest in true crime goes beyond academic pursuit; it's deeply personal. Delving into history and psychology, I've been drawn to the stories hidden in the shadows, compelled to give voice to those silenced by violence and injustice.
From the serene towns of the Ozark Mountains to the bustling streets of Little Rock, I've chronicled numerous chilling tales. Through meticulously researched books and articles, I've shed light on the hidden truths of Arkansas society, revealing its darkest secrets.
One of my most significant endeavors has been investigating the unsolved murder of Melissa Witt, unraveling layers of murder, betrayal, and redemption that have left a lasting mark on Arkansas.
In a world often clouded by sensationalism, I remain committed to honoring the memories of victims and illuminating the complexities of crime and punishment.
Beyond my writing, I advocate tirelessly for victims' rights and criminal justice reform. Through speaking engagements, community outreach, and collaborations with law enforcement, I strive to ensure that the voices of the voiceless are heard and justice is served.
I invite you to join me on this journey as we continue our pursuit of truth and justice together.
Visit https://www.facebook.com/LaDonnaMHumphrey for more details.
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mapecl-stories · 9 months
A Visit to Seedorf: A Day of Discoveries
It was a sunny summer day when ten-year-old Marcus embarked on an unforgettable journey to the community of Seedorf alongside his Uncle Norbert. Uncle Norbert was a local mill employee who knew the area like the back of his hand. The truck they used for the trip had already seen many adventures, and today, another one was about to unfold.
The drive took them through picturesque landscapes in the Segeberg district. Seedorf, a small community with around 2,249 residents, lay in the northeast of the district. It was a place with deep history and fascinating traditions. The community had originated around an ancient Wendish tower from the 9th century, built by none other than the Wendish prince Slaomir. Over time, the area around the tower was settled, and today, it was known as Schlamersdorf.
En route, they passed by the imposing gatehouse, constructed in the year 1582. Uncle Norbert explained to Marcus that this gatehouse was a significant part of Seedorf's history. While driving through the village, Marcus could admire the beauty of the old buildings and the charm of the community.
A particular highlight was the Himmelsallee, a village road that cut through Seedorf and extended all the way to the Berlin district. Berlin was a subsection of Seedorf and intriguingly had adopted street names such as "Potsdamer Platz" and "Kurfürstendamm" from the capital city. Here, they met with Mayor Philipp Frank, who proudly shared the unique aspects of the village with them.
The people of Seedorf were known for their groundedness, sense of tradition, and hospitality. Most of them spoke Plattdeutsch, a dialect that showcased their strong connection to the local culture. Marcus and Uncle Norbert strolled down "Unter den Linden" street, marveling at the beauty and character reminiscent of Berlin within Seedorf.
Their walk also led them to the Weitewelt district. The name of this area had an interesting history: Originally known as "Witte Welt" (white world), the name had evolved over time into "Weite Welt" (wide world). This change was attributed to the fact that the soil in this district was not particularly fertile. Nevertheless, the residents took pride in their home.
They continued their stroll around the picturesque Seekamper Lake, enveloped by tranquil serenity. Marcus observed anglers, though his interest in fishing was limited. By this point, he had become a member of an animal protection party and adopted a vegan lifestyle.
Seedorf was rich in archaeological and architectural landmarks. Tower hill forts, remnants of burial mounds, and other historical sites told tales of the distant past of the area. Architectural marvels like the gatehouse, orangery, and mansion of Gut Seedorf bore witness to the history and cultural heritage of the region.
Nature also played a significant role in Seedorf. The community spanned picturesque landscapes and lakes. The Holstein Switzerland Nature Park encompassed the Seedorfer and Seekamper Lakes, enhancing the beauty of the surroundings.
As the day slowly drew to a close, Marcus and Uncle Norbert headed back home. They had spent an astonishing time in Seedorf, exploring its history, savoring the beauty of the landscapes, and meeting intriguing individuals. The memories of this day would forever accompany Marcus, and he knew that one day, he would return with his own stories to share.
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loudunity · 1 year
Mixtape with Decay to Remain, Hold me Tight, Witte Wieven, Wasting Hours, My Favorite Nemesis and Allochiria
Six songs for your listening pleasure, today’s post is filled with new music varying from serene to evil, so check it out and support the bands. If available, the songs are added to the Loud Unity Spotify playlist. Make sure to follow as it is updated on an almost daily basis. Photo: Decay to Remain by @marcelhuebnerphotography Decay to Remain from Germany dropped recently their debut EP,…
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peterpijls1965 · 1 year
Het hoogtepunt van carnaval in Venray, jaargang 2023, moet ik hebben meegemaakt toen ik om 12.30 twee kussenslopen wou gaan kopen in de HEMA. Ik reed met mijn rolstoel het centrum in, en stuitte op een ongeveer 18-jarige jongen die de wacht hield bij zijn druk bellende vriendin. In zijn linkerhand had hij een geopende zak rauwe wortels vast, die hij op dienbladhoogte vasthield, echter zonder eruit te eten.
Toen de jongeman me zag naderen, ging hij wat dichter bij zijn wat vettig lachende, bellende vriendin staan, de geopende en reeds halflege zak met rauwe wortels nog steeds hoog houdend, alsof zijn vriendin er ieder moment een uit zou gaan nemen, wat misschien al gebeurd was. Ze maakte de indruk een zwaar opgemaakt dansmarieke te willen imiteren.
Even later beëindigde de jongedame haar geanimeerde telefoongesprek, om met haar amant koers te zetten richting het centrum. Het vriendje hield de geopende zak met rauwe wortels nog steeds hoog in de lucht, opnieuw zonder eruit te eten. Zijn vriendin deed dat ook niet. Ik had sterk de indruk dat beiden althans nog niet onder invloed van alcohol waren.
Even daarvoor kreeg ik al een voorzichtige eerste indruk van wat het meestal zo serene centrum van Venray later vandaag te wachten staat. Op de Raadhuisstraat stopte plots een auto naast me. De portieren gingen zowat alle vier tegelijk bruusk open, waarop kerels van in de 30 explosief uitstapten. Ze slaakten onsamenhangende kreten en maakten wilde armgebaren. Ik kreeg sterk de indruk dat ze zich enorm verheugden op wat komen ging. Ze hadden hun kapsels gemodelleerd in korte hanenkammen, die toch geen agressieve indruk maakten.
Ook de HEMA spaarde me niet. Ik durf mijn hondje niet zo goed meer mee naar binnen te nemen, omdat twee personeelsleden me laatst een beetje vreemd aankeken toen ik met Nima op schoot de sympathieke winkel inreed. Dus vroeg ik een HEMA-meisje dat buiten worstenbroodjes verkocht of ze zo vriendelijk wilde zijn om even op mijn jonge terriër te passen, zodat ik binnen ongestoord mijn kussenslopen kon kopen. Dat vond het meisje geen enkel probleem, en haar collega trouwens ook niet.
Maar toen ik even later met afgerekende kussenslopen mijn hondje wilde oppikken, was het HEMA-meisje bezig een klant een worstenbroodje te verkopen, terwijl mijn boerenfox uit alle macht probeerde haar achterwaarts de winkel in te trekken.
Haar collega, een Afrikaans aandoend meisje, had haar verlaten. Even daarvoor had ze me in de winkel achter de kassa geholpen bij het afrekenen van de kussenslopen. Haar lach zag ik op straat tussen 12.30 en 13.00 uur wel vaker terug bij Venrayse adolescenten die het carnaval aan het inluiden waren.
Het was zo’n lach die het midden hield tussen lievige smerigheid en de belofte dat diverse Venrayse kerels er de komende drie dagen lelijk van zouden gaan lusten. Gelukkig vier ik principieel geen carnaval.
Juist op dat moment zag ik een echtpaar met een grote witte poedel de HEMA inlopen, zo te zien in het geheel niet bevreesd voor uitzetting.
Ik liet me lokken door de orkaanherrie op de Grote Markt en het Henseniusplein. Beide pleinen bleken zo goed als hermetisch afgesloten met hekken, bespannen met vuilgeel plastic, zodat het zicht op eventuele Sodom en Ghomorra-taferelen me ontnomen werd. Misschien was dat wel de bedoeling.
Door spleten in het hekwerk zag ik dat beide pleinen zwaar werden bewaakt door heren van de firma Securitor, hoewel er nauwelijks nog carnavalisten te zien waren. Ook de Venrayse politie patrouilleerde al druk door het centrum, in kennelijke pogingen de orde te handhaven.
Opzij van de Grote Straat stuitte ik op de oude Duitse man die nog voor Xerox had gewerkt. Zijn kleinzoon was drie jaar geleden jeugdprins geweest, memoreerde hij. "En nu drinkt hij al glaasjes bier."
Een imposant matrixbord in de Grote Straat riep de carnavalisten op om lief te zijn voor elkaar. Ik kreeg sterk de indruk, afgaande op wat ik tot dan zag, dat zulks een volstrekt overbodige mededeling was, maar misschien moet het ergste nog komen.
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keirangoldenwatch · 6 months
Exalted Secret Santa 2023
Dear sweet something-or-other it's already December
So my secret Santa request this year is going to be a little different from how I've done it in the past. I usually post different characters from different campaigns, or drop the whole circle from our Green Sun Rising campaign, but if I'm being honest this year has been a total bust for campaigns outside of GSR so I've only really got my main girl here to offer. So allow me to introduce Seren in all her spidery glory once again:
Seren Witt is a Scourge-caste Infernal, standing at about 6'2" and thin as a rod. Her limbs are weirdly stretchy because of the whole spider-demon thing, and she has two additional eyes on her forehead too from that. She's got sickly pale skin no matter how much sun she gets, has very light and fluffy blonde hair, and all four eyes are violet-purple. She's got two tattoos on her body; one a mundane tattoo of a frog in honor of her lunar and lover, Theron, and the other a "blessing" from Mara--yes, that Mara--as something of a...maternal gift? Their relationship is complicated.
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These are her main outfits for the ongoing time-skip arc (aka: how our GM is going to get our asses to Essence 5, and solve the war between the Mask and Lookshy that's been going for almost an out-of-game decade now). Usually the one on the left is her casual/stealth and/or combat wear and the right is what she wears at her actual day job of working in the House of Lore in Great Forks.
Karrath Doublegift is trying to court her. Yes, while she's still happily in a relationship with her Theron. It's not going well for him.
As a little bonus request--only if you, my secret Santa, want to do it--I'd love to see Seren drawn in some kind of airship garb that would look like it's from Lookshy. Our party is presently on their biggest, grandest airship helping them take on the Mask's forces and I would love art that could reflect that somehow. Seren's one of the techies of the group so she is running around helping with repairs most of the time.
But again! If you don't want to do that, you don't have to! Zero pressure. ♡
Happy Calibration~
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childish-toddlr · 4 years
Impure Regression
@hisangelbun on instagram
I’ve seen around the community that not a lot of people know what impure regression is, or they simply need help coping with it. For starters, impure regression is when you regress, but instead of being in a happy, carefree, serene headspace, you tend to be more fragile and have more negative thoughts than usual. A lot of the time, this can result in meltdowns and/or anxiety attacks. I also experience impure regression from time to time and I believe it is important for every baby to know that you are not alone.
Ways to Cope
Personally, I cope with impure regression by
Trying to keep contact with my caregiver for the duration, most likely through video call.
Play games I enjoy that take my mind off of the stressor.
Watch Disney and cuddle my stuffies until I drift off to sleep.
Cry. Crying is okay. If anything, it’s the best way to cope. Let everything out so nothing is built up anymore. If you bury how you feel, one day it will come out an an explosion and worse things can happen.
Though those are the ways I cope, there’s also many other ways to cope as well such as:
Color a pretty picture and hang it on your wall or your refrigerator.
Go somewhere you feel safe, whether it’s just your bedroom or it’s outside or even if it’s in a small confined place. I personally sometimes feel safest in a confined place, because then I feel like nothing can get to me or hurt me.
If you’re able to go outside, find some sticks and other objects to make a small fairy home!
Read a baby book, or a book that makes you feel small and happy.
Play Dress Up with your stuffies! I’m sure they’d love to see you try on adorable outfits because you’re babie and babies are always adorable!
Always Remember
Impure regression is hard, and not everyone can control it. However, you are not alone. You are allowed to reach out to myself and other accounts that allow it if you ever need help or someone to talk to. I care for you all very deeply, and i understand life can be troubling, especially in today’s world, and impure regression on top of it can seem impossible to cope with, but you are not alone. Not one bit. Remember that.
“The darkest nights make the brightest stars.”
—Witt Lowry
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shiftingpath · 5 months
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a Secret Santa retrospective.
Ledaal Fog for Clone-Artist
Crushed Lotus Petal for @sagedarkwoods
Yoriun for koshindou
Iabo for mousewrites
Kaerbasi for Wofuru
Sagacious Chyne for @gwydion666
Xendrick for perfect-defense-d20
Yarona for @akaittou
Bunny for @hilow
Black Ice Shadow for @grimmjowjaegerjaquez
Iselsi Taren for @fiontan
Haruhi for @moe-d-puff
Seren Witt for @keirangoldenwatch
Vervain for @eatenbyfaeries
Kifimbo for @fourwillows
it's nice to feel the improvement and the nostalgia. year 1 was conceived of and run by @myrastuff. years 1-5 were hosted on deviantart. forgive me for not having up-to-date screen names for several past participants; let me know if you are them or know what they're going by now.
hope we'll have many more "editions" to come.
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errthel · 4 years
Route Two Deux
Welcome to part two of which may become a discontinued fantasy, but tis is life I guess. Pulled from the ever fantastic Second Wife AU of the Draconia Family Series by @tri3tri if you didn't know, and if you didn't, how?????? So without further ado I guess, this is the second part.
Tired eyes wandered off to the lush green lawn surrounding the outside of the building. From the barstool in the kitchen, he could see the green grass with tidy flower beds, a small pond off to the side giving a sense of serenity to whoever walked in there. The silence of the large house would have accented the loneliness of the boy, but the music that boomed from the speakers in the other room did well to hide it.
Lucien's damp mood was brought to him by an acceptance letter from a school he never applied to. He remembered that day a week ago when a dove brought it to him during breakfast, and the horror that ensued from his grandparents prompted them to eplain that the school, Royal Sword Academy, was in the same world as his wretched father.
He was familiar with the concept of his mother and sisters held captive in a world separate from his own. He was also aware of the existence of magic in that world, and to some extent, his own. The teen remembered distant memories of the past, when he would uncontrollably make objects float and with the unlocking of a special power when he was ten, it seemed that he should have expected something to happen to him.
Lucien expected dying to the hands of the government or being killed in a lab or just being exiled from society and be forced into becoming a laborer. But he stupidly didn't expect an acceptance letter to a magic school, that was a big oh right moment he thought.
His pale hand brought up the juice box to his delicate lips, which were rather plump and pink. Dispite his seemingly feminine lips, his face is anything but female or male. To everyone around him, Lucien is the epitome of androgynous beauty, and if it wasn't for his rather deep and masculine voice, he would have passed off as a female, a rather tall one at that
To his surprise the only one who really physically changed was him, he grew up to a hulking one hundred and eighty cm. While his grandparents, who were having a date in town, maintained their semi-youthful appearance, no matter how much Lucien tried to find a difference from photos of the past to now, he couldn't find any. Are they perhaps immortal? Or have magic unconsciously?
He wasn't sure about that, they smelled as normal as everybody else so he never questioned it.
The ringing of his phone caught his attention as he brought the hunk of metal to his ear.
"Lucien here."
"Ahh! Lucien-sama!" Ah... another girl
Lucien sighed a silent sigh before he quickly asked, "Um... may I ask who this is?"
"Mhm! I'm Mari-chan! From Class 1-B!" the female voice from the other end said in a cheery manner
"Oh okay... sorry, but I have something to do..."
"Do I have to get another number? I just got this one a month ago."
"Another one?" Albert's gruff voice evaded the silence of the home making Lucien sigh once more
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's a high schooler, no one's named Mari in the middle school department."
"Gosh. Our grandson's soooooo popular!"
"This is not a laughing matter Hanna!"
"Why? I'm plenty proud of Lucien! Aren't you? He's like the middle schooler you never were."
"What do you mean by that!"
"Hey, gramps, when I go to Royal Sword Academy, what should I do... you know. I wanna see mother, but I don't want to risk getting her in trouble, same for my sisters." a sad tone took over the fifteen year old's speech
"So that's what you've been thinking of kid..." Albert trailed off as he examined the younger boy
Over the years the boy's grandparents received visions, where they came from, they didn't know. Each and every vision they had, they dictated to Lucien, the visions consisted of the life his mother had living with his so called father, father my foot Lucien thought. But the visions never showed what happened after that tall woman took his mother and sisters, and any knowledge about it was something Lucien heavily desired.
Hanna walked over to the barstool Lucien sat at and sat on the one next to it, she held a sympathetic look whilst a sad disposition overtook her.
"Lucien, you are a smart child, when you are there, I implore you to make decisions that will help you towards your goal." her cold frigid tone showcased the woman's serious side as she pat her grandson's back.
"Kid, when you're there, there will be a time where you will have to show your other form. Whether that time be the first time you step into that school, or at graduation, I hope you don't regret it." Albert added as he walked to the pair
The rest of the day was somber as the fated day drew closer and closer, whatever day that may be. Lucien thought back to what might have went through his mother's mind when she woke up at Night Raven College. Was she scared? He thinks she was.
His mother... Lucien no longer remembers what she looked like or what his sisters looked like. He can only remember the warmth they gave him years ago, before that day.
He remembers sobbing uncontrollably when he and his grandparents watched 'Sleeping Beauty' one day in the past. His small hands took what ever they could and threw it to the television when the villainess, Maleficent, first appeared on the screen. The hands of his grandmother held him back as his grandfather, in sheer panic, unplugged the television cord.
That 'episode' of his left him trembling and wary of all Disney movies for a long time.
The heaviness of the plastic bag he was carrying made the boy cringe. He had only planned to buy a few cups of coffee jelly to share with his friends at the club, but the amount of girls that stopped him to give him some more made him uncomfortable.
The plastic bag was at its witts end as it held at least twenty cups of coffee jelly, storebought and homemade.
Once he had reached his destination, his other hand found the handle of the door that was labeled 'music club' and slid it open. The slight laughter inside the room made Lucien warm up as he ducked a bit to get in.
"Oh! Lucien-senpai! What are you doing here!" a shorter boy with blond tresses sitting by the shiney drum set called out
"Just visiting." Lucien smiled lightly to the boy
"O! There it is! Lucien-senpai's mysterious smile!"
"Hush, hush, Kei-chan." a brown haired girl said to Kei
"Lucien-senpai, I also feel the same as Kei-chan. What brings you here? I thought he graduating class was given a week off." she said looking at the taller male
"There's no harm in visiting my dear underclassmen isn't there, Haru? I thought I would say something before going off to my new school." Lucien said, grimacing a bit in the inside at the thought of leaving this wonderful world of his in pursuit of a world he has no idea about
"So the rumor of Lucien-san leaving for another school was true after all..." a flamboyant voice evaded the club room followed by the shutting of the door
Lucien looked behind to see a head of dyed light pink hair, styled into a very stylish hair style. He chuckled before confirming the rumor.
"Yeah, I have been forced to attend a new school. Also, nice hair Takashi."
"Huuhh! I thought your grandparents were the chillest grandparents! I never knew they would force you to attend a different school." Kei's loud voice made Lucien answer with a sigh
"It wasn't my grandparents really, intact they were against the idea of me changing schools."
"Eh? Then who forced you?" Takashi asked as Haru looked at the oldest male with questioning eyes
"...it's a secret..." Lucien said as he gave a discreet smile with hooded eyes
"Is that so? Actually, I don't think we know anything about your parents Lucien-san." Takashi questioned
"Actually Takashi-senpai is right, we don't know anything about your parents. Are they perhaps the one who're forcing you to change schools Lucien-senpai?" Haru said voicing out her worries
A lump appeared in Lucien's throat, he wasn't at all sensitive to the absence of his parents. He just mildly disliked the concept of parents, considering his own parents weren't a golden example. His 'father' could be summed up to just being a sperm donor and he wouldn't bat an eye. But his mother, oh his poor mother, tortured to do things against her own volition. He hated it, hated that parents meant a pair, a pair that is supposedly bounded by mutual love, but his own parents were just a disgrace to that. He doesn't even know if his mother is still alive at the hands of his father's family.
"I, don't know anything about them." sweetly smiling, hiding his malice to that word so that his underclassmen would stop concerning themselves with talk about his parents
The room plummeted to a chilling atmosphere, their upperclassman wasn't in a good mood, they could tell. They could also tell that any talk about his parents put him in an silently aggressive mood, so they took care to shut their mouths.
"Right! I have coffee jelly with me. I was supposed to get four, but it seems that with my parting with the school, the amount of people giving me coffee jelly has increased. I'm starting to think that I'm getting sick of it." Lucien said in his usual voice, which helped immensely in warming up the room, and in time the whole club was enjoying the desserts with some lovely music
Tbh, I have no idea what is happening with Lucien. I just imagine him as someone who decides based on his goal, which is to get out of Twisted Wonderland with minimal drama, plus points on getting his family back, and that would definitely be something his grandparents repeat everytime he thinks of his mother.
When he gets upset, he tends to not outwardly show it at all, he knows better than to throw tantrums.
Lucien surprisingly is also someone who goes with the flow, but he still doesn't blindly let everything to fate. He makes decisions in situations on the spot, and they always worked out for him, so why change?
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sennamybeloved · 3 years
Black,dim grey and eggshell witt anyone
thanks for asking! i’m doing these for my two(2) cowboys since this information is relevant to you
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black - how do you and your f/os comfort each other during rough times?
lucian probably suffers the worst when he’s struggling. he has many self-destructive habits that he tends to fall back into when he’s having an episode, so we have to keep a pretty close eye on him. it’s important to make sure that he’s still eating enough and he’s keeping himself safe. we comfort him by keeping him warm and cozy. soft textures are a blessing to him, so we usually wrap him up in fluffy blankets. thanks to the literal hellfire burning inside him, he reacts poorly to cold tempatures and positively to warm ones. we usually sit with him by the fire on difficult nights, brushing his hair and talking to him. don’t let his tough facade fool you, he’s a massive sweetheart that just needs someone to treat him gently.
senna, on the other hand, is a bit less vocal about her mental state. she becomes very irritable when something stresses her out. a lot of people dismiss this, but lucian and i know her behaviors like the back of our hand. sometimes, she needs space, but most times, she just needs someone to hold her and tell her that she’s doing okay. she’ll never admit it, but being called beautiful really lifts her mood—her body is one of her biggest insecurities, thanks to an assortment of stretchmarks and scars. the same goes for lucian, except it’s just scars, and it’s a lot of them.
dim gray - what do you three wear to formal events? what kinds of formal events do you go to together?
we don’t go to formal events! we hunt monsters, and any formal events we’ve been to, we’ve crashed. but if we were to go to one and take it seriously, lucian and senna would wear suits and seren would wear and extremely informal dress.
eggshell - how do you show each other that you trust one another?
lucian only lets his guard down around people he trusts very, very deeply. he has a tough-guy facade, but deep down, he’s very soft and gentle. he likes having his hair brushed and braided. he likes painting. he knows a little too much about wild flowers. he likes soft things way too much. he’s not completely against wearing dresses. he does and likes so many things that aren’t stereotypically masculine, but nobody would ever know, since he does such a good job concealing it. however, if he really trusts someone, he’ll let this side out around them.
senna is similar. she’s always laughing, joking or being incredibly fucking intimidating, but when she has someone she trusts, she begins to soften up around them. she becomes super adoring, showering her loved ones in all sorts of affection. she’s also open to compliments as well, which isn’t the case if you aren’t close to her—if you try to flirt with her, she’ll laugh at you.
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brujeria-histeria · 5 years
Baby Lit 101
another request from @theballetslippertheblackhoodie
 I don’t do request too too often because I’m usually busy with work, I only had time recently because I had a bunch of days off from a cancelled vacation lol when the mood does hit I’ll let you all know. 
“Harry, why’s there a brand new pair of Beats Headphones on our bed?” Macy asked rubbing her 7 months of grown belly. 
“I didn’t know until recently, that if you play Mozart for babies it makes them smarter so I thought why not play them recordings of me reading poetry as well.
“Like a playlist for babies?”
“A playlist for a baby that shall be as learned as their parents.” he proclaimed. “With your very high IQ and my ever learning mind, we will have the smartest child on the planet, not to mention potentially the most powerful.” he shrugged.
“Harry, the baby is a baby, I don’t care about getting them into those gifted preschools at 2 years old or making them read at 6 months.” she sat down on her bed with her eyebrows raised. 
“I don’t want to put pressure on the baby or you Macy, I just.... want the best for them.. I’m nervous. I’m sorry if I’m being overbearing.” he sat down next to her and put a hand to her belly and another cupping her slightly pudgy from pregnancy cheek. 
“Its Ok Harry, I know, we’re both nervous.... but I think the baby and I would like to hear your poetry.” she said leaning into his hand. 
“Well then I think I can give a live performance right now. How about one for your gorgeous mother, aye, Son?” Harry moved his head closer to Macy’s belly caressing it. “I’ll move closer so you can hear.” 
He gently poked her belly a few times “Ahem, this thing on.” and Macy let out a loud laugh. 
“Harry stop playing with my belly.” she swatted playfully. 
“This first poem is from Geoffrey Chaucer, dedicated to you. Macy, my love.” 
Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly; Their beauty shakes me who was once serene; Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen. Only your word will heal the injury To my hurt heart, while yet the wound is clean - Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly; Their beauty shakes me who was once serene. Upon my word, I tell you faithfully Through life and after death you are my queen; For with my death the whole truth shall be seen. Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly; Their beauty shakes me who was once serene; Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.
Macy awwed at it and lifted his head with her finger to give him a quick kiss on the lips.
“This next one is for you, wee Baby. Also by Geoffrey Chaucer.” 
What man desireth gentle for to be, Must follow his trace, and all his wittes dress, Virtue to love, and vices for to flee; For unto virtue longeth dignity, And not the reverse, safely dare I deem, All wear he mitre, crown, or diademe. This firste stock was full of righteousness, True of his word, sober, pious, and free, Clean of his ghost, and loved business, Against the vice of sloth, in honesty; And, but his heir love virtue as did he, He is not gentle, though he riche seem, All wear he mitre, crown, or diademe. Vice may well be heir to old richess, But there may no man, as men may well see, Bequeath his heir his virtuous nobless; That is appropried to no degree, But to the first Father in majesty, Which makes his heire him that doth him queme, All wear he mitre, crown, or diademe.
“Don’t worry if you didn’t understand some of the words my dear child, I’ll teach you middle english when you come to an appropriate age.” 
Harry loved Geoffrey Chaucer, and he couldn’t wait to share why with his future child.
“Harry, you’re going to be so entertaining as a Father. You’ll have so many stories and so much love to give. “ she snuggled against his side and he nuzzled her curly hair. Harry wouldn’t trade this for the world. 
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