thecherryontopx · 1 year
Whenever I see you, I have to act like I don't miss you.
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fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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"Je suis ballerine"  --   Serghei Ghetiu
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justineportraits · 3 months
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Serghei Ghetiu The Piano Player 2023
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1007xf · 1 year
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unavernales · 2 months
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"say 'ah'~" noel coos and grants sujin a spoonful of sweet lemon semifreddo. they were currently on a little date, the dhampir unable to leave her dragon home alone while she partook in a lunch promised to be divine. noel had been persuaded to write a review on the newest high end cafe in the area. "what do you think? the flavor is good, but there are some ice crystals here..." they gently dissect at the dessert with their spoon, ever the picky judge. she scribbles something in her notebook and tsks. "hopefully the pistachio financiers will be more carefully prepared."
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dance-world · 1 year
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Daniel Camargo - American Ballet Theatre - photo by Serghei Gherciu
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theanticool · 9 months
Gane's performance against Jones was so bad that it made me reconsider how bad heavyweight actually is. The bar got lower. It's worse than I though it was. And 20% of my text post on this blog for the past 12 years have been about how bad heavyweight actually is.
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weedzkiller · 4 months
to @unavernales ( for serghei )
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"oh, hey, serghei!" even as he waves and hurries across the campus courtyard to him, daehyun still can't believe that he's talking to him, that they're—kind of, maybe, sort of—friends. or at the very least, they get along well enough to do this. he doesn't know how to talk to serghei about anything other than farrah and the clothes he makes, but progress is still progress! "i wore that shirt you gave me to practice yesterday; do you wanna hear my thoughts now or is this a bad time?"
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ofeden · 1 year
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@mythous said "you really have to get your house in order." serghei to lil brudder
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THE SCOFF THAT ESCAPES is laced with the poison of bitterness between brothers . the betrayer . the cain to his abel , sacrificed for the sake of wandering from place to place without purpose . ❛  my house   ❜ he reminds serghei without missing a beat as a palm lay flat against the dining room table between them . this is a conversation for his office , not in the openness of what is likened to a grand hall , but hindsight is a petty little bitch and he’d rather focus on his brother’s words . ❛   and what advice do you have for me , serghei ? — what of your house ?    ❜  he leans back then , just far enough so his fingers can tap impatiently upon the edge of the table , ❛  or do i remember correctly how you don’t have a home any longer ? even if you have four walls — your name is still connected to mine    ❜ yes , he reminds the eldest of this , drives it in with a sharp blade . after all , it is because of him that the petran name is worth a damn . not his father , and especially not the shameful excuse of a brother that sits before him on his white horse . ❛   need i remind you , that you may carry the petran name even if you are ashamed to admit it , but you will never have a house to call  your own   ❜
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fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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A busy day in Morocco by Serghei Ghetiu
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bujorulgalben · 1 year
the other day i was chatting to saf abt how i based a lot of facial features for anica and serghei to represent influences from the south and the north respectively, while also trying to make sure they still look related. and i feel i’ve succeeded with that!
she then brought up anica���s face reminding her of türkan şoray and hold on fellas hold tf on 
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i see it!
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justineportraits · 5 months
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Serghei Ghetiu Je suis Ballerine VII 2022
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longlaz1972 · 2 years
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Serghei Gospodar
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sufletvoronet · 1 year
[text: СЕРЬОГА 😎] oy seryoha im sorry i meant to tell you i cant do our usual in odesa this year (((
[text: СЕРЬОГА 😎] im a little busy on new years actually i was wondering if we could do something a couple days after ???
[text: СЕРЬОГА 😎] but still not um that ((( i actually dont know if... doing that exactly is gonna be possible anymore sorry брат ((( it's hard to explain but i hope you understand
[ /the message chain sits on read for several days. even on the train back to chișinău! he would only lift his phone off the folding tray for a minute to tap away at some other conversations before glossing over his. he would then slam his phone face-down back onto the tray with a snarl and a dramatic huff; folding himself up in his seat to watch the moldavian countryside go by.
he only replies a week later, in some sleepy hungover state: ]
[TXT: Даниилko 💪👯‍♂️] Hello Datsko.
[ /he tries to be civil for a while, but after a few attempts, a few backspaced replies, he resorts to something else. ]
[TXT: Даниилko 💪👯‍♂️] or should i say....CRINGESKO.....fucking backstabber man y do you.... Why. this is TRADITION!! U STOOD UP YOUR BROS FOR THE HOES???? did you think i would go to odesa ALONE? thanks for letting me know so i could cancel my fare there LOL!!!!??? ok fine yeah thanks 😒😒😒 i GUESS
[TXT: Даниилko 💪👯‍♂️] 😑 whats their name. you got a picture at least so i at least know what im up against? 😒🤔 are they cute???
[TXT: Даниилko 💪👯‍♂️] god as my witness u will be lucky if i dont drag your balls over the ice at epiphany for this 🍅🍅🥶 or did you cancel that too!!! pula mea dude. very not cool. ice cold. fuck. i hope you got shit-faced. i hope you puked on the new light of ur lifes shoes.
[ /there's a five-minute interval for him to throw the phone down onto his mattress and step out into the biting morning cold; for a cigarette, to cool down. he returns to his phone afterwards, and decides to stop treating this like a bad breakup. ]
[TXT: Даниилko 💪👯‍♂️] ok look man that was mean. Im sorry. 😥...its just. bruh even anca got dicked down for christmas what is HAPPENING!!!! 2023 HELL YEAR 🔥😩👿
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unavernales · 2 months
"get in the fuckin' car, tae," serghei lights a cigarette because he's already pissed. it was an afterparty. they didn't show up together, but they were planning on leaving together. it only took twenty minutes for serghei's nonexistent patience to be tested. some b list actor trying to get in tae's pants (serghei assumed from across the way) had the designer wanting to turn that irrelevant face into pulp. it's times like these that he thinks retiring from the ufc was a bad move. at least he could kick the shit out of people regularly without making a big deal out of it. nowadays, though? he has to storm out of the venue and take deep breaths. tae had followed him out, argument inevitable. now serghei's holding the car open for tae (ever the gentleman) urging him to get inside so they can go to his place.
"get in the fuckin' car before i go in there and rip his fuckin' face off--" voice raising, serghei nearly rips the car door off its hinges. it's a selfish, ugly thing: being infatuated with tae. serghei wants to show him off and hide him away all the same. hoard him all to himself. tae is too pretty. too bright and lovely. it drives serghei insane.
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inprimalinie · 1 day
Lavrov a declarat că BRICS intenționează să stabilească o categorie de țări partenere
Ministrul rus de Externe, Serghei Lavrov, a declarat că membrii BRICS intenționează să creeze o categorie de țări partenere. Georgiana Arsene Va fi stabilită o categorie de țări partenere. Această categorie ar trebui să fie prezentată în detaliu atât în ceea ce privește criteriile, cât și în ceea ce privește țările care se pot califica pentru ea. Iar acum noi, în calitate de președinți, acordăm…
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