#shi jingzhi
malewifingonside · 11 months
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They're so ill for this ...
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arytha · 4 months
WOO fucked up contract stuff. guy who treats him as a possession. the shi jingzhi-ness of it
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addictivecontradiction · 11 months
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一代宗師, 2013
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nemainofthewater · 3 months
Best character surnamed : Shi
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgot anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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keepingitneutral · 3 years
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“Z’scape”, Hylla Alpine Garden, Lijiang, Yunnan province, China,
Part of  Lijiang Hylla Vintage Hotel complex,
Lead Designers: Liangjun Zhou, Ting Zhou,
Landscape Designers: Hao Yu, Liping Chen, Xueting Liu,Weiguang Hou,Hongjie Shi,Junxing Lv,Yueheng Liu,Qiuyu Zhang,Jingzhi Du,Pei Han,Zijian Wang,Jiaqi Liu, Meng Zhang,Jie Chen,
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fuyonggu · 4 years
Biography of Sima Jiong (Book of Jin 59)
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Sima Jiong was styled Jingzhi; his posthumous title was Prince Wumin ("the Martial and Pitied") of Qi. He was the son of Prince Xian ("the Presented") of Qi, Sima You. Even as a child, Sima Jiong won acclaim for his kind and benevolent attitude and enjoyed being generous; he had the same spirit as his father.
Before Sima You's death, although he had become ill, Emperor Wu did not really believe that he was sick. So he sent the imperial doctors to examine and diagnose Sima You, and they declared that he was not ill. When Sima You then passed away and Emperor Wu went to attend the mourning service, Sima Jiong was in a fit of grief, declaring that the doctors had given false reports about Sima You's illness. Emperor Wu ordered the doctors put to death, and Sima Jiong won renown for this act and was permitted to inherit his father's title as Prince of Qi (although he was not the eldest son).
During the Yuankang reign era (291-300), Sima Jiong was appointed as a Cavalier In Regular Attendance, as acting General of the Left Army, and as Colonel Who Supports The Army. The Prince of Zhao, Sima Lun, secretly formed ties with him.
For his role in helping to depose Jia Nanfeng (in 300), Sima Jiong was appointed as General of Roaming Assault. But Sima Jiong was not satisfied by this position, and he often looked resentful. When Sun Xiu realized this, he was afraid to keep Sima Jiong too close at hand, so he had him sent away as General Who Pacifies The East and Credential Holder and had him garrison Xuchang.
When Sima Lun usurped the throne (in 301), he appointed Sima Jiong as Grand General Who Guards The East and granted him the privilege of a Separate Office with equal ceremonial to the Three Excellencies, in order to mollify and appease him.
Sima Jiong was planning to take advantage of the anger and resentment of the people against Sima Lun, and he secretly plotted with Wang Sheng of Lihu and Wang Chumu of Yingchuan to rise up with soldiers to overthrow Sima Lun. But at the same time, Sima Lun had sent one of his confidantes, Zhang Wu, to keep a close eye on Sima Jiong. When Zhang Wu returned to the capital, he reported, "The Prince of Qi has no ulterior motives against you." And since Sima Jiong's plans were not yet complete, he was afraid that the plot might leak out. So he joined with his Army-Marshal, Guan Xi, to kill Wang Chumu, then sent Wang Chumu head to Sima Lun in order to allay his concerns. However, once Sima Jiong's plan was complete, he arrested Guan Xi and killed him.
Then Sima Jiong raised an army, together with the Inspector of Yuzhou, He Xu, the Dragon-Soaring General, Dong Ai, and others. He sent word around to inform others of his plot: the Prince of Chengdu, Sima Ying, the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong, the Prince of Changshan, Sima Ai, and the Prince of Xinye, Sima Xin.
Sima Jiong sent out a proclamation of his intentions to every general or minister, to all the Generals Who Conquer, Generals Who Guard, Inspectors, Administrators, Prefects, and Interior Ministers, so that everyone might know what his designs were.
When the Inspector of Yanzhou, Chi Long, received Sima Jiong's proclamation, he was hesitant and could not decide whether to support him or not. But one of his Army Advisors, Wang Sui, beheaded Chi Long and sent his head to Sima Jiong.
Sima Jiong camped his army at Yangdi. Sima Lun sent his generals Zhang Hong, Lü He, and Sun Fu to march out through Eban, where they met Sima Jiong in battle. Sima Jiong had the worst of the fighting, so he withdrew into his defenses and fortified his ramparts. But in the meantime, Sima Ying's army routed Sima Lun's forces at Huangqiao. So Sima Jiong led his army out again and attacked Lü He and the others, this time greatly routing them.
Once the Princes had finished deposing Sima Lun and restoring Emperor Hui to the throne and Sima Jiong had completed his executions of Sima Lun's partisans in villainy, Sima Jiong led his troops into Luoyang, where he made arrangements for accommodating his troops. He had hundreds of thousands of armored soldiers, with a full panoply of flags and banners and military gear, and the capital region trembled.
Emperor Hui appointed Sima Jiong as Grand Marshal and granted him the Nine Bestowments. He was granted regent authority to handle all canons and policies, just as Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, and Emperor Wu had once wielded such power on behalf of the government of Wei. 
Sima Jiong thus acted as regent over the government. He lived in Sima You's old palace, and selected forty assistants and subordinates for himself. He greatly expanded the rooms and buildings of his palace, extending the estate north to reach the Five Grains Market and south to connect with the various government offices. He demolished hundreds of homes and buildings in the process. He ordered the Grand Architect to lay out his palace to be on the same scale as Emperor Hui's residence at the Western Palace. He bored a hole through the Qianqiu Gate to make a direct path to the Western Pavilion, and he hung up bells in his rear chambers and arrayed dancers in eight rows (an imperial privilege) in his front hall. He indulged himself in wine and sensual pleasures, not bothering to attend court.
Sima Jiong appointed various ministers without any ceremony, just granting the appointments from where he sat, and he issued commands to the Three Bureaus of the government simply by a mark. And in his selections and promotions, he was not impartial, but only favored those who were close to him and familiar. He appointed the General of Chariots and Cavalry, He Xu, as General Who Leads The Army of the Center. He also appointed Ge Yu as Duke of Mouping, Lu Xiu as Duke of Xiaohuang, Wei Yi as Duke of Yinping, Liu Zhen as Duke of Anxiang, and Han Tai as Duke of Fengqiu; they came to be known as the "Five Dukes", and all of them were Sima Jiong's close companions.
The Secretary of the Central Hall, Huan Bao, submitted a petition without first sending it to Sima Jiong's office for review, for which he was submitted to interrogation. From then on, the court ministers all glanced about in fear, and everyone within the Seas lost hope in Sima Jiong.
A recluse of Nanyang, Zheng Fang, submitted an essay harshly remonstrating with Sima Jiong (his essay is listed below). And one of the Registrars, Wang Bao, often warned Sima Jiong against what he was doing (his essays and biography are in the Biographies of Loyal Ministers). But Sima Jiong did not follow either of their advice, and he even arranged to have Wang Bao killed.
A white-haired gentleman ran into the office of the Grand Marshal, exclaiming that there would be an uprising soon, before the next Jiazi year (in 304). He was arrested and killed.
Sima Jiong only grew more arrogant by the day, and he never did reform his desires. 
A former official from the office of Bandit Management, Sun Hui, also wrote a letter to Sima Jiong remonstrating with him. He wrote, 
"I have heard that Your Highness has faced five hardships to reach your current position, and I am familiar with four truths about the impermanence of power. Yet Your Highness remains unconcerned about any of these things. 
"To set aside your gravity as keeper of your family’s ancestral temple and lay down your majesty of being lord of a domain of a thousand chariots in favor of personally donning armor and helmet and braving risks and facing dangers was the first hardship Your Highness undertook. To muster a band of three hundred fellows, devise plans for decisive and total victory, assemble soldiers from every corner, and gather together brave heroes was the second. To abandon the hallowed halls of your palace and dwell in the wretched conditions of a soldier's tent, peacefully enduring the noise and filth of the camp and sharing the labor and toil of the generals and soldiers was the third. To organize a flock of conscripts, prepare them to resist the fearsome might of the enemy, devise for them genius plans of martial prowess, and temper them with courage and resolve was the fourth. And to send out proclamations in every direction, gain the trust of sworn allies, restore the deposed Emperor to the throne, and revive the imperial fortunes was the fifth. 
"At the same time, I observe these truths: even a great reputation cannot ensure one's position, even great merits cannot secure one in office, even great influence cannot be wielded forever, and even great authority cannot be counted to last.
"Yet Your Highness does not recognize the extent of these five hardships you faced to get where you are, nor do you acknowledge these four truths. I cannot help but be concerned for you.
"In the eleven years since the start of the Yongxi era (in 290), there have been no instances of public virtue, but only reports of slaughter. The imperial clan has suffered the disasters of usurpations and struggles for power, and imperial relatives have inflicted punishments and executions against their own flesh and blood; princes have endured the indignities of jail cells and prison carts, and consorts have lamented their fates of being cut off and set aside. Indeed, in all of history, though we read of states that suffered disasters and close relatives that warred among themselves, never has there been a situation as dire as this one. If the historians be honest about our faults, how will our descendants ever bear to read about them? 
"Why then has the realm not abandoned Jin, and why has the Mandate not passed from our dynasty? Only because the ruler has not exhibited tyranny and severity and the court has not governed with violence and cruelty, because of the enduring grace of Emperor Wu and the lasting love of Prince Xian (Sima You). It was their sage benevolence and their kindly magnanimity which bound the hearts of the people toward Jin. And these are the things which secure the support of all those within the Four Seas.
"Now although Your Highness displayed an unparalleled sense of righteousness when you led your uprising against the usurper, still you have failed to show an equivalent sense of peerless virtue by yielding your position afterwards. The realm wonders at the reasons for this, and they seek an answer. Furthermore, the Princes of Changsha (Sima Ai) and Chengdu (Sima Ying) have the same close bond to one another as the ancient lords of Lu and Wey, they are the immediate family members of the Emperor (as his younger brothers), and when one considers whom among the three of you accomplished the most during the recent campaign and deserved the greatest rewards, it is difficult to be certain that Your Highness has an undisputed claim to supremacy. By continuing what you are currently doing, Your Highness will be giving up the good achievements of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin when they selflessly rescued the royal family of Zhou from peril, and treading the same path as Zang and Zha instead. Straw dogs and all the beings of creation are not treated any differently out of any consideration of benevolence.
"Your Highness should honor your relatives and yield in favor of those near in stature to you, considering that your work is complete and withdrawing from the center. Entrust affairs to the two Princes, while you supervise the heirs of the various feudal lords. Display the banner of your righteous intention to yield power and sound the call of your wish to return to your noble fief, dwell within your domain as lord of the great Qi region, catch the spirit of the billowing wind, take the areas of Qingzhou and Xuzhou into your hands, and stand proud at your post at Yingqiu. If you do these things, then even gold will not be a good enough medium to record the greatness of your achievements and even the Eight Sounds will not be sufficient tunes to sing your praises; Ji Wen (King Wen of Zhou) would no longer have the sole claim for sagacity, nor Taibo for worthiness.
"But if you forget the dangers of the great precipice you are standing upon and heedlessly ascend towards the summit, you would be abandoning the security of the Five Peaks and making your position as precarious as a stack of eggs. Without, your power and authority would invite suspicion, and within, your reputation among the officials would suffer. Even if you were to venture to the top of a high terrace or seclude yourself behind rows of walls, I would still presume to fear for your safety, even more now than at the time of Yingchuan and Yangdi (during the uprising). Your subordinates quiver with fear for you, but none dare say a word. 
"Now who am I, Sun Hui, to tell you these things? Nothing but a sad remnant in fact. But inviting the onset of calamity and welcoming the perils of the slings and arrows, I once rushed to Your Highness's righteous call; casting aside my common clothes and putting on my helmet, I followed your army to Xu (Xuchang). Of great and glorious deeds in the line of battle, I have none to claim. Yet I followed you through the wind and dust of those days, and I am prepared to receive punishment in addressing you now. Though Qu Yuan was exiled, his heart was always with Ying in the south; though Yue Yi fled to Zhao, his thoughts were always with Yan in the north. Can it be any different with me, who has received your grace and was blessed with your recognition and your care? Though it may seem that I go against your wishes, I am your man through and through; I am baring my flesh to show the sincerity of my blood, and it is thus that I offer you such unpalatable advice. Having presented my words, I am prepared for my punishment. If by writing these things I can convince you to righteously yield power and to secure your achievements, I go to the chopping block willingly, for it would be a worthy end to my life."
Though Sima Jiong did not accept Sun Hui's advice, neither did he punish him.
The Colonel of 翊軍, Li Han, fled from the capital to Chang'an, the base of the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong. He lied and said he had received a secret edict from Emperor Hui, calling on Sima Yong to punish Sima Jiong, and that Li Han had been sent to Sima Yong to help facilitate the plot.
Sima Yong believed Li Han. He submitted a petition to the court: "The imperial family has suffered from many incidents of late, and disasters and difficulties continue to plague us. Although the Grand Marshal, Sima Jiong, may claim the credit of having called an uprising and restoring the Emperor to the throne, in truth it was thanks to the Prince of Chengdu's efforts that the capital region was pacified and the altars of state were secured. Yet Sima Jiong, not content to observe his proper duties as a minister and subject, has begun to harbor nefarious intentions.
"At Sima Jiong's army camp at Xuchang, he set up eastern and western Ye Gates like one sees at the Emperor's palace, and on his staff there, those whom he appointed as Secretaries of Recordskeeping, as Chief Clerks, or as Marshals all hovered about him with the same ceremony that residents of the palace would show towards the Son of Heaven. During the campaign, although the capital had already been entirely purged and the usurpers and traitors punished before his arrival, Sima Jiong still led an army of a million soldiers to infest the walls of Luoyang. He has kept his troops garrisoned there for an entire year by now. He never attends court, but makes the government ministers bow and perform obeisance before him, while he sits serenely facing south (in imitation of the Emperor). He has torn down buildings of the Music Bureau and the marketplace purely to expand and broaden his own estate. He has helped himself to the stored equipment of the Arsenal, and he has imposed martial law on the city without any sign of lifting restrictions. The former Prince of Donglai, Sima Ruí (Sima Jiong’s elder brother), recognized that Sima Jiong had betrayed his duties, and he presented a petition to the court listing Sima Jiong's offenses, but he was only met with slander and infamy, until he was charged with a crime and suffered demotion and exile. Sima Jiong has presumed to fill the government ministries with his own partisans and minions, and he grants his favored lovers and floozies titles comparable to those used in the Emperor's harem. He freely indulges himself in wine and in sensual pleasures, showing no regard for the common people. He allows his henchman Zong Ai to do whatever he pleases without any hesitation or suspicion, for though the government receives complaints about Zong Ai's behavior, he always gets let off from any charge. He permits a nobody like Zhang Wei to determine whether imperial edicts shall be allowed to go out or not, and he entrusts a miscreant like Ge Yu with control of the state. He hands out noble titles as he pleases, and bribes change hands freely and openly. He surrounds himself with a rogues' gallery, and he makes the call on who will live or who will die. His closest confidantes think only of how to enrich themselves. And he has slandered and punished good and worthy people, while gazing with longing towards the sacred instruments of power.
"I was assigned a serious charge and am responsible for protecting and defending a strategic area of the realm. But as I have witnessed Sima Jiong's actions, I have nursed a sense of righteous indignation. Then this very day, the Colonel of 翊軍, Li Han, secretly came to me by courier horse to present to me the imperial will and decree. When I bowed before him to hear the reading of this edict, which called upon me to raise my banners and turn against my own flesh and blood, my feelings were assailed and all my senses were aflame. And is it not a principle of the Spring and Autumn Annals that one may never war against their liege or their kinfolk? Yet Sima Jiong has a powerful army at his beck and call, he has placed his favorites into positions of power, and not a one of the important offices of state exists but is filled by one of his cronies. So though in turning my sword against Sima Jiong I would be committing a serious crime which deserved death, still I am afraid I could no longer in good conscience accept what he has done.
"Thus I am now marching at the head of a hundred thousand elite soldiers. May the provincial commanders join me in this loyal and righteous cause and combine their forces with mine at Luoyang. I ask that the General of Agile Cavalry and Prince of Changsha, Sima Ai, likewise prove his loyalty and sincerity by removing Sima Jiong from power and sending him back to his estate. Anyone who refuses to heed the imperial order shall be dealt with by military law. 
"The Prince of Chengdu, Sima Ying, is wise, virtuous, luxuriant, and friendly; his achievements are lofty and his deeds profound. When he departed the capital last year and yielded his power, he gained the hopes and admiration of all. He is suited to serve as regent over the government. Let him take up the role of A-Heng (Yi Yin) in Sima Jiong's stead."
When Sima Yong's petition arrived at Luoyang, Sima Jiong was terrified. He summoned the ministers and said to them, "When Sun Xiu plotted his treason before and usurped and oppressed the Emperor and the Princes, the very altar of state was nearly toppled, and no one else was able to stand against such difficulties. I was the one who gathered together soldiers to begin an uprising, and I was the one who swept away and purged the chief evil. I have maintained my duty as a subject and as a son, and the spirits can attest to my trustworthiness. Yet now these two Princes have returned my trust with slander and are causing great trouble. Gentlemen, I shall depend on your loyal advice for how to reconcile with these wayward foes." 
The Minister Over The Masses, Wang Rong, and the Minister of Works and Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue, advised Sima Jiong to resign his authority and honor the others by yielding his position. 
But Sima Jiong's Attendant Officer of the Palace Gentlemen, Ge Yu, angrily told them, "The commoner of Zhao (Sima Lun) heeded and employed Sun Xiu, and he abused his authority; Heaven and Earth themselves changed based purely on his whims. Everyone talked and talked about doing something back then, but no one else dared to speak up first. It was our lord who braved the slings and arrows, personally wearing armor and helmet and attacking the enemy lines and breaking their formations, and who brought us to this happy day. Considering the rewards he has received for all that he has done on behalf of the state, one could argue that he has still not gotten all that he deserves. 
"For members of the Three Bureaus to say such things shows how much you disregard the Prince's affairs. It is no fault of his that rewards for others have been slow in coming. Besides, those who speak slander and stir up chaos should all be put to death. How can you heed the empty orders of this presumptuous letter and command our lord to retire to his estate? And through all the time of Han and Wei, what prince or noble that retired to his estate has ever been able to protect his wife and children? Anyone who suggests such a thing out to be beheaded." 
The ministers were greatly disturbed and trembling, and all of them turned pale.
The Prince of Changsha, Sima Ai, rushed into the palace, then raised troops to attack Sima Jiong's office. Sima Jiong sent Zong Ai to array troops west of the palace. Sima Ai also sent Song Hong and others to set fire to and burn down the various pavilions and the Qianqiu and Shenwu Gates.
Sima Jiong ordered the Prefect of the Yellow Gate, Wang Hu, to steal all the Zouyu Banners and display them (thus compelling all soldiers to cease fighting) while announcing, "The Prince of Changsha has forged an imperial decree." 
But Sima Ai also spread the message, "The Grand Marshal has plotted rebellion, and anyone who helps him will have their families executed to the fifth degree."
That night, there was great fighting within the city; flying arrows poured down like rain, and the glow of the fires outshone the heavens. Emperor Hui was at the Shangdong Gate when a flurry of arrows came his way. His ministers were trying to put out the fires, and they fell down dead in heaps.
By the next day, Sima Jiong had been defeated. Sima Ai brought Sima Jiong to the Front Hall. Emperor Hui, feeling sad for him, wished to let him live, but Sima Ai ordered those around him to lead Sima Jiong away, even as Sima Jiong kept looking back. Sima Ai beheaded Sima Jiong outside the Changhe Gate, and displayed his head to the six armies (of the capital soldiers).
Those who were in league with Sima Jiong were executed with their families to the third degree. The Princes of Huailing, Le'an, and Qiyang, Sima Jiong's sons Sima Chao, Sima Bing, and Sima Yīng, were imprisoned at the Jinyong fortress.
Sima Jiong's body was left publicly exposed at Ximing Terrace, and for three days no one dared to claim the body for burial. Then Sima Jiong's former subordinates, Xun Kai and others, petitioned to be allowed to hold a mourning for Sima Jiong and to bury him, and their request was granted.
Earlier, when Sima Jiong had been at his zenith, a woman had visited the Grand Marshal's office to ask for some supplies. When the officials had scolded her, she had said, "I'll just make things nice and tidy and then go." This disturbed some people, for they recognized that the term she had used, 截齊, could be interpreted as "cut down (the Prince of) Qi".
And there had also been a ditty going around: "Wrap the cloth 'round the middle bit, to make it all (or, Qi) nice and fit (or, to submit)." And indeed, it wasn't long before Sima Jiong was executed.
At the beginning of the Yongxing reign era (305), an edict was issued declaring that Sima Jiong's offenses had not been serious enough to merit the harsh punishment that he had received, and that due to his earlier good deeds, his lineage should not be snuffed out. Thus his three sons Sima Chao, Sima Bing, and Sima Yīng were all pardoned and allowed to return to their estates, and Sima Chao was appointed as Prince of a county in order to continue Sima Jiong's lineage. Sima Chao eventually served as a Cavalier In Regular Attendance Without Assignment.
At the beginning of the Guangxi reign era (306), Sima Jiong was posthumously honored with a decree by Emperor Hui.
"I declare the following regarding the late Grand Marshal and Prince of Qi, Sima Jiong:
"The late Prince might have quietly and meekly inherited the fief which he was due. Yet rather than sequester himself in his eastern domain (at Qi), he sent forth his proclamation from Xujing (Xu or Xuchang), and fully acted to protect our royal family and quell the disturbance of the imperial household. Zealously leading forth his followers for a righteous cause and forging an alliance at Lake Chu, he achieved successes and performed the greatest of deeds, and was very accomplished at Yingdong (eastern Yingchuan?). I ought to have responded to these things with congratulations for his exceptional performance, thanking him for his loyal and faithful service, and honoring him according to the ancient standards, thereby ensuring and glorifying his legacy. He ought to have been granted a fief even grander than those once held by Han's Princes of Wu and Chu, and he ought to have been honored with such exceptional courtesy and respect that he would have rivaled the favor enjoyed by Xiao He or Huo Guang. The great assistance and protection which he provided us entitled him to the everlasting admiration of the royal clan and the state.
"Yet the Prince failed to practice virtue, he incurred the enmity of two of his peers, the officials pressed him for his faults, and in the end he was executed. The ancients had a saying: 'Enforce the law, but think of the accused.' How much less can I ignore this sentiment when it was thanks to the Prince's deeds that I remained safe and the fortunes of state were preserved? And how tragic, how heart-rending it seems that only posthumously may his achievements be recognized!
"I hereby restore the Prince to his former title as Prince of Qi, and command that his son and heir be permitted to return and to inherit this title. The salary and privileges, canons and systems associated with the title shall all be as they once were. And I hereby send the Commissioner Bearing Credentials and Grand Diplomat to convey my words to the tomb of the late Prince and to offer a Grand Sacrifice to his spirit. If the dead are still aware of what takes place in this world, then may they take note of my command; may the spirit of the late Prince feel peace in his heart and be joyful of this favor and honor."
Sima Jiong's son Sima Chao thus inherited his title as Prince of Qi.
During the Yongjia reign era (307-311), Emperor Huai also issued an edict which again praised Sima Jiong for having the chief accomplishment of having sounded the call to rise up against Sima Lun. Emperor Huai posthumously restored Sima Jiong's rank as Grand Marshal, and he also appointed him as a Palace Attendant and a Credential Bearer and gave him his posthumous name (Wumin).
When Luoyang fell (to Han-Zhao, in 311), Sima Chao and his brothers were all lost to Liu Cong, leaving Sima Jiong without any descendants.
During the Taiyuan reign era (376-396), Emperor Xiaowu issued an edict appointing Sima Rouzhi, the son of the late Prince of Nandun, Sima Zong, as Prince of Qi in order to continue Sima You's and Sima Jiong's lineage. Sima Rouzhi rose in office as high as Cavalier In Regular Attendance. At the beginning of the Yuanxing reign era (402), when the Prince of Kuaiji, Sima Daozi, was about to campaign against the rebel general Huan Xuan, an edict was issued appointing Sima Rouzhi as a Palace Attendant, and he was sent out with the Zouyu Banners to command the soldiers of Jiangzhou and Jingzhou (under Huan Xuan's command) to stand down. But when Sima Rouzhi came to Gushu, he was killed by Huan Xuan's vanguard. He was posthumously appointed as Superintendent of the Crown Prince's Household.
Sima Rouzhi's son Sima Jianzhi inherited the title Prince of Qi. But after Liu Yu accepted the abdication of the Jin dynasty and established the Song dynasty (in 420), Sima Jianzhi's fief was abolished.
Zheng Fang was styled Zihui. He was a passionate man with a sense of duty and ambition, and he waded through and absorbed all the Histories and Annals. He was exceptionally talented and zealous, and those in his district who knew him all sighed in admiration of how much he stood out. Yet he never held office, because there was no one able to recommend him.
When Sima Jiong held power over the government and abused his authority, Zheng Fang was so moved with indignation that he set out by foot to visit Luoyang. Styling himself a wanderer from Jing and Chu, he presented a letter to Sima Jiong.
"I have heard that when the sage and wise steer the affairs of the age, day and night they are always careful and cautious, nor do they get carried away in their joy. Thus do they preserve and defend their honor. Yet you, Great Prince, are currently relaxed and not thinking of any danger, sinking into the depravity of wine and sensual pleasures and overindulging yourself in feasting and music; this is your first fault. You ought to be as respectful to the realm as the pure wind, and there should not be the slightest distance between yourself and your kinfolk and your flesh and blood, yet there currently is; this is your second fault. The barbarians are pressing in from every side and the borders are unstable, yet you consider that you have already accomplished enough and you take no notice of these things; this is your third fault. When you launched your uprising, all the people rushed to your banner, yet although there is now peace in the realm, the people continue to suffer endlessly, and I have heard nothing of any orders from you on how their burdens might be lifted; this is your fourth fault. And you made a covenant with blood-smeared lips and pledged to those that supported you in your uprising that after things had been completed, rewards would not be slow in coming, yet although the evil has already been purged, there have been no discussions of merit or distributions of rewards; you have eaten your words, and this is your fifth fault.
"Great Prince, you have achieved uncommon deeds, and you now occupy the role of chief minister of the state. Yet you allow slander and rumor to swirl around you and you do nothing while people bear anger and hatred against you. Though it be rash and foolish of me, still I would risk death to demonstrate my sincerity to you."
Sima Jiong bit his tongue and only responded, "I had no idea of my five shortcomings. If not for you, Sir, I would never have heard of them."
It was not long before Sima Jiong was destroyed.
The Historian's Appraisal: Sima Jiong was the son of a famous father, he sounded the call to rise up and rallied the Princes to his banner, he smashed Sima Lun's false designs and kept them from fruition, and he rescued Emperor Hui from falling into oblivion. Truly his actions and deeds were excellent and worthy of praise. Yet afterwards, when he himself stood at the brink of destruction, he failed to heed the danger, but only indulged his heart's desires and did whatever he wished. Did he not know that pleasure cannot go unbridled, or a host of difficulties left unchecked? Was it not ironic that he mocked the ancients who never finished their work, not realizing that his own achievements had been undone? If only he had plucked out the fine plan offered by Wang Bao or accepted the good advice provided by Sun Hui, by magnanimously yielding his imperial splendor at the capital and going out to his fief on the Eastern Sea, where his lineage might have endured! If he had done that, could even Yi Yin or Huo Guang have surpassed him?
Crown Prince Li Xian of Tang's Appraisal: 
Pity the magnificent Prince Wumin!
His deeds were bold, his plans so keen!
Alas, his virtues he did not keep
And thus for this good man we weep.
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jiadongqiang · 4 years
Queer Maximalism HyperBody: Pinkray Test, VR gameplay, London, 2020
Queer Maximalism HyperBody is a practice-based research tries to establish an inventive methodology of modding and shipping through spatial autoethnography by reusing the creative practices from ACGN (Anime, Comic, Game and Novel), fandom and digital ethnography in virtual space in game engine. Both visually and acoustically, this new entanglement will redefine the concept of multiple HyperBodies intra-acting of physical-virtual multi-temporal spaces.
Conceptual Support: Emma Tianyu Xiao, Lingge Yang and CheeseTalk
Space Support: Aristo Yong and Jingzhi Wu
Sound Support and Credit: GrannysMilkProductsPlant
1. Field Recording: Hong Kong Taxi's Radio in 2018 Chinese New Year Home Karaoke in Shunyi, Beijing (grannysmilkproductsplant remix)
2. Personal Collection: Old Recycling Worker's Loudspeaker in West Street Community, Moon Altar, Beijing Pete Jiadong Qiang Reading his Short Poem I Want to Commit Suicide in Futong Modern drama Lin Biao Incident (1980) Journey to the West (1986 TV series) Monkey King vs. Er Lang Shen
3. Music: Love River - Snow Jiang 8-bit Version (Ying Liu Zhi Zhu) Modern China is too Complicated - @Shaoyanpeng Dead J Asian Mighty Winds - Liu Huan, Wei Wei Guo Ba Yin - Liu Huan, Na Ying Ei Ei - Idol Producer Theme Song Shuo Chang Lian Pu - Luo Tianyi I Love You (New Pants) - Yan He Transformations of Sailor Senshis - Sailor Moon (TV series) Sleep Baby Sleep (Party Version) - Koji Kikkawa Soft Cuddly - H.E.X.
4. Animation Music: Capturing Enemies in the Air - Black Cat Detective Ending Song - Ichi the Killer OVA
5. Game Music: BGM 3 - Target Renegade OST
Shipping: Pinkray/Katto Ryker (Laike)/White Cat Monitor Ultralisk 01/Ultralisk 02 Lu Xun/Zhou Jianren Bai Juyi/Yuan Zhen Qiu Jin/Wu Zixu Luo Ji/Shi Qiang Er Lang Shen/Howling Celestial Dog
Chinese Boys Love Novel: Peach Blossom Debt by Da Feng Gua Guo Wan Ku by Gong Zi Huan Xi Huang Shu by Da Feng Gua Guo The Study Slacker and Academic Rep by IWannaEatSushio
Comic: Maken X Another, RG Veda
Game: Maken X
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bookofjin · 5 years
Biography of He Wuji
[From JS085]
He Wuji was a native of Tan in Donghai. As young he had great aspirations, was loyal, bright and relied on energy. People who did not declare their hearts were straight-away revealed in speech and appearance [?]. The province nominated him to Assistant Officer, he moved to Broad Scholar of the Grand School. The General who Garrisons the North, Liu Laozhi, was precisely his mother's brother, and at the time was headquartered at Jingkou. He always had great affairs, and he often advised and discussed them with him.
The Heir of Kuaiji, Yuanxian's son Yanzhang was enfeoffed King of Donghai. Used Wuji as the state's Palace Commandant, concurrently General who Broadens the Martial. When Huan Xuan murdered Yanzhang in the market, Wuji entered the market to weep in anguish and then set out. At the time people [found] him right-principled.
He accompanied Laozhi on southern campaign against Huan Xuan. Laozhi wanted to surrender to Xuan. Wuji remonstrated again and again, and explained his viewpoint with considerable sharpness. Laozhi did not follow. When Xuan usurped the rank, Wuji was old friends with Xuan's Gentleman of the Personnel Section, Cao Jingzhi, and he requested to manage a small county. Jingzhi reported to Xuan, Xuan did not allow it. Wuji therefore turned back to Jingkou.
Earlier, Liu Yu once was Liu Laozhi's Army Advisor. He and Wuji had a long-standing close connection with each other. Arriving at this point, they because of that secretly plotted together against Xuan. Liu Yi's family was in Jingkou. He and Wuji had a long-standing friendship. When the talk reached the affair of rising up and restoring, Wuji said:
The Huan clan is strong and abundant, can they be plotted against?
Yi said:
Under Heaven, since there are strong and weak, however strong change to weak. [It is] proper to worry about a master of affairs difficult to obtain, that is all.
Wuji said:
Among Under Heaven's grassy marshes is not without outstanding heroes.
Yi said:
[I] have seen only Liu of Xiapei.
Wuji laughed but did not reply. He turned back to inform Yu. Following that they together invited Yi, and pushed forward and connected with him. Thereupon they together raised righteous troops and assaulted Jingkou. Wuji falsely displayed and passed along a decree to submit, declaring [himself] a messenger with an imperial order. Within the city there were none who dared to act.
Earlier, Huan Xuan heard of the rising with troops of Yu and others and Wuji, and was very afraid. His partisan said:
Liu Yu has a multitude of gathered crows, his tendency is certainly without success. [I] desire [you] not to worry about it.
Xuan said:
Liu Yu's bravery is at the head of the Three Armies, and is now without rival. Liu Yi's family is without the stores for a dan or shi [?], a single throw of chaupar [to win?] a million. He Wuji is the sister-son of Liu Laozhi, and strongly resembles his mother's brother. When they together raise up a great affair, how [can you] say [they will] have no success.
He was dreading like this.
[This episode is also in SS001, with somewhat different wording.]
When Xuan ran in defeat, the King of Wuling, Zun, inherited authority. He used Wuji as General who Assists the State and Interior Clerk of Langye, and used the King of Kuaiji, Daozi's section with spirited troops to fully pair with him, and pursue Huan Xuan south. He and the General who Raises the Martial, Liu Daogui, together accepted the General of the Best of the Army, Liu Yi's rules and measures.
Xuan kept his Galloping Dragon General, He Danzhi, General of the Van, Guo Quan, and Inspector of Jiang province, Guo Changzhi to defend Penkou. Wuji and others stayed at Sangluo Island. Danzhi and others led the armies to come and fight. Danzhi often was sailing a double-hulled boat, with banners and flags in considerable abundance. Wuji said:
The thieves' leaders surely will not stay here, but wish to trick us, that is all. We ought to immediately attack them.
The multitudes all together said:
Danzhi is not among them, his followers there is no profit in obtaining.
Wuji spoke to Daogui, saying:
Now the many and the few are no match, battle is without complete victory. Danzhi, even if he did not stay in his double-hulled boat, [if we] take [it?] then [he?] will be easy to capture. Following that give free reign to the troops to gallop [after] him,[we] can thereby in a single drum strike then defeat [him].
Daogui followed it, and thereupon captured the thieves' double-hulled boat. Following that [they] passed on a shout saying:
[We] have got Danzhi!
Among thieves they were restless and agitated. Wuji's multitudes likewise spoke of it as done. Daogui exploited the victory to straight-away advance, Wuji made clamour and hurried to him. Danzhi thereupon scattered. They advanced to occupy Xunyang, and dispatched envoys to receive and send off the ancestral temple's tablet coffer, and the Princess of Wukang and the Consort of the King of Langye to return to the imperial capital.
He again, [together] with Yi and Daogui routed and ran off Xuan at Zhengrong Island. Wuji advanced to occupy Baling. Xuan's senior cousin Qian and nephew Zhen exploited the absence to capture Jiangling. Wuji and Daogui advanced to attack Qian at Matou, and attack Huan Wei at Longquan, and both times routed them.
After they had been defeated by Huan Zhen, they withdrew and turned back to Xunyang. Wuji, Yi and Daogui then advance to punish Zhen, they overcame Xiakou's three forts. Thereupon he pacified Baling, and advanced to stay at Matou. Huan Qian requested to cede Jing and Jiang provinces, and receive and send off the Son of Heaven. Wuji did not accept. He advanced the army to rout Jiangling. Qian and others ran in defeat.
Wuji attended and guarded Emperor An on the return to the Imperial Capita. Used Wuji [as] Commander-in-Chief of the Army Affairs of Yu province and Yang province's Huainan, Lujiang, Anfeng, Liyang and Tangyi commanderies, General of the Right, Inspector of Yu province, additional with Tally, 50 armoured and armed men when entering the hall.
He had not yet gone to his post when he moved to Interior Clerk of Kuaiji, Controller of the Army Affairs of Jiangdong's Five Commanderies, Holding the Tally and General like before, and was given one section of drums and pipes. In the 2nd Year of Yixi [406 AD], he moved to Commander-in-Chief of Army Affairs of Jiang and Jing provinces' and Jiangxia, Sui, Yiyang, Sui'an, and Yu province's Xiyang, Xincai, Ru'nan and Yingchuang commanderies, Inspector of Jiang province, General and Holding the Tally like before.
Due to his merits in the Restoration, he was enfeoffed Ancheng commandery to found a state as a Duke, with a revenue estate of 3 000 households, additionally to control Si province's Hongnong and Yang province's Songzi, concurrently Cavalier Attendant Gentleman, and advanced to General who Garrisons the South.
Lu Xun dispatched his detached commander Xu Daofu to go down along the course, his warships were all multi-storied. Wuji wanted to lead the multitudes to resist him. The Senior Clerk, Deng Qianzhi, remonstrated, saying:
Now, to use a host of godly martial ability to oppose that rebel's multitudes, turning around the mountains to pressure the eggs, is not sufficient as an example. As such of the plans for the house of state there is this one to raise up. [I] have heard their warships are greatly abundant. The lay of the land is upstream. The venom of wasps and scorpions, the perfect reflection of Zhu and Lu.
[We] ought to breach and break the southern dike, and defend the two forts to wait for them. They will surely not dare to let us go and go far down. Gather strength and wait for their weak and old, and afterwards strike them. Suppose [we] reject the long scheme which is ten thousand times secure, and determine success or defeat in a single battle, if it is a setback, regret will not catch up.
Wuji did not follow, and thereupon used the naval host to resist them.
After that, the thieves ordered strong crossbowmen, several hundrad, to climb a small mountain on the western bank to thereby intercept and shoot at him. After that, the thieves ordered strong crossbowmen, several hundrad, to climb a small mountain on the western bank to thereby intercept and shoot at him, and then pressed against [?] the mountain side. Suddenly there was a western wind violently pressing. Wuji's smaller warships were hurled towards the eastern bank. The thieves exploited the wind to use their great warships to pressure them. The multitudes thereupon fled in defeat. Wuji, still with sharp voice, said:
Take my Su Wu tally and come!
The tally arrived, he then personally held it to thereby direct the battle. The thieves' multitudes assembled like a cloud, those who climbed the warship were several tens of people. Wuji, his speech and expression undisturbed, thereupon grasped the tally and died there.
A decree said:
Wuji held on to the sagely and trod the proper, and was loyal, bright, and brilliant indeed. He perished to personally sacrifice oneself for the state, precisely uniting cooperating on an outstanding plan [?]. He weaved the warp to guard the ignorant [?], precisely heavy air immeasurable [?]. When he disseminated government affairs to the region's Xia, he indeed spread far his manners' kindness.
The bewitching robbers created chaos, invading and agitating the nation's demesne. He threw up his sleeves to deliver chastisement, with aspirations to clear the kingly plan. But the affair proceeded outside of anticipations. Approaching danger he pervasively incited, grasped the tally and fell to the foe, truly continuing the ancient worthies. We feel pity and sadness in Our breast.
Thus confer Palace Attendant, Minister of Works, the original offices like before, posthumous title Loyal and Dignified [zhongsu].
His son Yong inherited.
Earlier, when Huan Xuan overcame the capital district and Liu Yu was on the eastern campaign, Wuji secretly came to Yu's army to covertly plan raising up righteousness, advising Yu to rise with troops at Shanyin. Yu, since Xuan's great treason was not yet manifest, feared to that to raise the affair in a far way place, managing to cross would be difficult. If Xuan thereupon would steal the Heavenly rank, they would afterwards plot against him at Jinkou, the affair was not yet too late. Wuji therefore turned back. At the rising of the righteous host, he had great achievements in aiding and assisting, always using calculations and plans with attack and capture as the result. Yet this brought defeat with making light of escaping [?]. Court and countryside were anguished for him.
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si4montok · 7 years
Wisata Singapura TempatwisataBizID
Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid http://www.dipopedia.com/2017/04/21-tempat-wisata-di-singapura-tempatwisatabizid.html Binhaiwan zai xinjiapo jinglile shishi ban de zhuanbian. Yidan zai xinjiapo he rukou chu you yige anjing de shuiti, zhege diqu xianzai jiushi zhege xiaoguo ruhe chengwei shijie shang zui haohua de luyou mudi di de zhuangguan lizi. Xinjiapo zui ju daibiao xing de jiudian, motian dalou he jingdian, chongxin huafenle jinrong qu, kela matou he beibu zhongyang shi zheng qu. Hen nan hushi biaozhi xing de binhai wan jinsha dujia shengdi, ta benshen jiushi yi dapi weida de shiqing yao zuo de shiqing. Ben jie shi nin dui binhai wan de zhidao; cong suoyou zui hao de jiudian dao canguan, gouwu, yeshenghuo he jingdian, women yijing yongyoule! Binhai wan shi shishang er jingzhi de yanhai diqu, yongyou xuduo xinjiapo zui hao de jingdian he biaozhi xing jianzhu. Ruguo nin zhengzai fangwen xinjiapo, shiji shang nin jiang hui zai binhai wan duguo yiduan shijian, yinci women yijing wei di yige dingshi youke bianzhile zhege fangbian de qingdan, yibian nin keyi kan dao buyao cuoguo di difang. Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid Women yijing hangaile cong shenme kan dao he zuo de shiqing, nali chifan, shenzhi zui hao de jiudian zai wanshang shuijiao. Zhiyao shaowei yuxian guihua yici, nin jiu keyi quebao zai xinjiapo di yi ci huode zuida de shouyi, qu zui hao di difang, bimian luyou xianjing jingchang hui pohuai yi ge meihao de yitian. Binhai wan you zugou de jingdian he huodong lai tianbu zhengge luxing, suoyi ni yiding bu hui bei kun zai shiqing shang. You henduo you xiyin li di difang keyi kan dao butong de chengshi guannian he jiating youshan de tiyan. Binhai wan jinsha tiankong gongyuan tongguo cong shangfang guankan xinjiapo, zhenzheng tigongle gaoduan shenghuo de weidao. Weiyu chengshi gangkou bianyuan de biaozhi xing binhai wan jinsha jiudian dingbu de zhege daxing mu zhi jiaban quyu tigongle 360 du de quanjing, zhiyou yi zhang boli he ji tiao xian zhi jian, nin he jingse zhi jian. Binhai wan jinsha tiankong gongyuan zuoluo zai fukan hai wan de daxing san guan qi xia de jiudian zhi shang, shiji shang jiang xinjiapo zhi yu ditu shang, shi xinjiapo zai shi nian zhihou kaiye de zui shou huanying de jingdian zhi yi. Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid
Sindikasi dari Socium
Sindikasi: http://socium-anotasidipo.rhcloud.com/wisata-singapura-tempatwisatabizid-2.html
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malewifingonside · 11 months
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Kushan sect no.1 (and only) steward: Yan Qing
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arytha · 4 months
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the shi jingzhiness of him. who's gonna drag him down from heaven
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simontoks · 7 years
Wisata Singapura TempatwisataBizID
Sindikasi: http://apl1-simontocs.rhcloud.com/wisata-singapura-tempatwisatabizid-2.html Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid http://www.dipopedia.com/2017/04/21-tempat-wisata-di-singapura-tempatwisatabizid.html Binhaiwan zai xinjiapo jinglile shishi ban de zhuanbian. Yidan zai xinjiapo he rukou chu you yige anjing de shuiti, zhege diqu xianzai jiushi zhege xiaoguo ruhe chengwei shijie shang zui haohua de luyou mudi di de zhuangguan lizi. Xinjiapo zui ju daibiao xing de jiudian, motian dalou he jingdian, chongxin huafenle jinrong qu, kela matou he beibu zhongyang shi zheng qu. Hen nan hushi biaozhi xing de binhai wan jinsha dujia shengdi, ta benshen jiushi yi dapi weida de shiqing yao zuo de shiqing. Ben jie shi nin dui binhai wan de zhidao; cong suoyou zui hao de jiudian dao canguan, gouwu, yeshenghuo he jingdian, women yijing yongyoule! Binhai wan shi shishang er jingzhi de yanhai diqu, yongyou xuduo xinjiapo zui hao de jingdian he biaozhi xing jianzhu. Ruguo nin zhengzai fangwen xinjiapo, shiji shang nin jiang hui zai binhai wan duguo yiduan shijian, yinci women yijing wei di yige dingshi youke bianzhile zhege fangbian de qingdan, yibian nin keyi kan dao buyao cuoguo di difang. Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid Women yijing hangaile cong shenme kan dao he zuo de shiqing, nali chifan, shenzhi zui hao de jiudian zai wanshang shuijiao. Zhiyao shaowei yuxian guihua yici, nin jiu keyi quebao zai xinjiapo di yi ci huode zuida de shouyi, qu zui hao di difang, bimian luyou xianjing jingchang hui pohuai yi ge meihao de yitian. Binhai wan you zugou de jingdian he huodong lai tianbu zhengge luxing, suoyi ni yiding bu hui bei kun zai shiqing shang. You henduo you xiyin li di difang keyi kan dao butong de chengshi guannian he jiating youshan de tiyan. Binhai wan jinsha tiankong gongyuan tongguo cong shangfang guankan xinjiapo, zhenzheng tigongle gaoduan shenghuo de weidao. Weiyu chengshi gangkou bianyuan de biaozhi xing binhai wan jinsha jiudian dingbu de zhege daxing mu zhi jiaban quyu tigongle 360 du de quanjing, zhiyou yi zhang boli he ji tiao xian zhi jian, nin he jingse zhi jian. Binhai wan jinsha tiankong gongyuan zuoluo zai fukan hai wan de daxing san guan qi xia de jiudian zhi shang, shiji shang jiang xinjiapo zhi yu ditu shang, shi xinjiapo zai shi nian zhihou kaiye de zui shou huanying de jingdian zhi yi. Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid
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nemainofthewater · 3 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
Thanks for tagging me (again) @thebansacredbanned! I'll try and onward tag different people from the last game.
Lin Chen - Nirvana in Fire
2. Gu Jie - Suddenly Trending
3. Cao Cao - most media, but the one that first came to mind was Wang Kai in Dynasty Warriors
4. Shi Jingzhi - Sendoff
5. Yu Hua - Mr Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life
6. Bai Yueguang - Your Rival in Love Gets Prettier Every Day
7. Consort Yue - Love Like the Galaxy
8. Cheng Suyue - Strong Winds Return Home
9. Lin Yanyan - Becoming Popular through the "All Villains" Variety Show
10. Yun Biqiu - Mysterious Lotus Casebook
(yes i know that I panicked and the majority of these are webnovels.... does it count as fandom if there isn't an English one?)
Tagging: @fateandloveentwined, @liuet, @redemption-revenge, @erizosan1, @inimitablereel, @luzzeagain, @tofu-robot, @teddybearsandspaceships, @llonkrebboj, @jill-question-mark and anyone else who wants to play!
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seo30media · 7 years
Wisata Singapura TempatwisataBizID
Referensi: http://fantastic7th.blogspot.com/2017/04/wisata-singapura-tempatwisatabizid.html Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid http://www.dipopedia.com/2017/04/21-tempat-wisata-di-singapura-tempatwisatabizid.html Binhaiwan zai xinjiapo jinglile shishi ban de zhuanbian. Yidan zai xinjiapo he rukou chu you yige anjing de shuiti, zhege diqu xianzai jiushi zhege xiaoguo ruhe chengwei shijie shang zui haohua de luyou mudi di de zhuangguan lizi. Xinjiapo zui ju daibiao xing de jiudian, motian dalou he jingdian, chongxin huafenle jinrong qu, kela matou he beibu zhongyang shi zheng qu. Hen nan hushi biaozhi xing de binhai wan jinsha dujia shengdi, ta benshen jiushi yi dapi weida de shiqing yao zuo de shiqing. Ben jie shi nin dui binhai wan de zhidao; cong suoyou zui hao de jiudian dao canguan, gouwu, yeshenghuo he jingdian, women yijing yongyoule! Binhai wan shi shishang er jingzhi de yanhai diqu, yongyou xuduo xinjiapo zui hao de jingdian he biaozhi xing jianzhu. Ruguo nin zhengzai fangwen xinjiapo, shiji shang nin jiang hui zai binhai wan duguo yiduan shijian, yinci women yijing wei di yige dingshi youke bianzhile zhege fangbian de qingdan, yibian nin keyi kan dao buyao cuoguo di difang. Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid Women yijing hangaile cong shenme kan dao he zuo de shiqing, nali chifan, shenzhi zui hao de jiudian zai wanshang shuijiao. Zhiyao shaowei yuxian guihua yici, nin jiu keyi quebao zai xinjiapo di yi ci huode zuida de shouyi, qu zui hao di difang, bimian luyou xianjing jingchang hui pohuai yi ge meihao de yitian. Binhai wan you zugou de jingdian he huodong lai tianbu zhengge luxing, suoyi ni yiding bu hui bei kun zai shiqing shang. You henduo you xiyin li di difang keyi kan dao butong de chengshi guannian he jiating youshan de tiyan. Binhai wan jinsha tiankong gongyuan tongguo cong shangfang guankan xinjiapo, zhenzheng tigongle gaoduan shenghuo de weidao. Weiyu chengshi gangkou bianyuan de biaozhi xing binhai wan jinsha jiudian dingbu de zhege daxing mu zhi jiaban quyu tigongle 360 du de quanjing, zhiyou yi zhang boli he ji tiao xian zhi jian, nin he jingse zhi jian. Binhai wan jinsha tiankong gongyuan zuoluo zai fukan hai wan de daxing san guan qi xia de jiudian zhi shang, shiji shang jiang xinjiapo zhi yu ditu shang, shi xinjiapo zai shi nian zhihou kaiye de zui shou huanying de jingdian zhi yi. Tempat Wisata Di Singapura tempatwisatabizid
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arytha · 4 months
Yin Ci’s attention, however, wasn’t focused on this matter. He observed the paper figures around him and remarked, “Shizun, the hair on the paper figures seems to be real human hair.” Shi Jingzhi: “…” Shi Jingzhi: “Good disciple, Master doesn’t want to know.” Yin Ci: “Alright, Shizun. Speaking of which, I’m a bit curious… Legend has it that thousands of craftsmen were sealed alive in the Ghost Tomb, but where are their remains? Where did they go?” Shi Jingzhi felt helpless and on the verge of tears. “A’Ci, do you hate me?” Yin Ci stifled a cheerful laugh and shook his head sincerely.
Yin Ci: lets scare this cheap shizun of mine
A cultivation/xianxia novel from Nian Zhong is quite interesting~ Yin Ci is some sort of immortal seeking to die (but can't), and I don't really know what the deal is with Shi Jingzhi yet besides that he's dying
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malewifingonside · 10 months
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Shi Jingzhi in his mask + yan qing and su si
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