#simon ghost riley requests
spectrerie · 1 year
Would you let me go? Even if I asked you to
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Simon Ghost Riley x Fem!Reader.
Requested by my awesome mutual @lululandd
Part One. ~ 3k words.
Simon meets a young woman on a night out with the 141 ft. Los Vaqueros. He's drawn to protect her and when she needs him, he makes a promise he's not sure he can keep. With one war over another begins, and his task: Protecting you, no matter what it takes.
POV alternates between Ghost and the Reader.
this is a stalker fic where Ghost watches over the reader and discovers that he's not the only one doing so. Eliminate the hostiles and fulfil his mission. Easy. Right?
TW: Stalking, kidnapping, murder, extreme depictions of violence, swearing and foul language, threats, minor character death. Possessive!Simon, Toxic!Simon
Additional parts to come, with additional warnings. This is just a general TW for the whole fic
“I swear lads, I swear I thought I was gonna die of laughter if he didn’t kill me first!” Drinks sloshed and laughter rang out around them as Gaz recounted some sage, albeit dodgy, advice Price had given him. 
A night out with the 141 and two of the friends they’d made along the way was long overdue. The weeks of blood, sweat, and smoke had taken its toll on them. Killing came with a a cost, and they paid it gladly. For their countries, for the world. For themselves. 
Life in battle was easy, everything came down to friend or foe. Friends were hard to make, and the latter easy to dispose of. Usually. Killing could be easy, if they let it be. If that made them bad people so be it, they’d be bad to keep the balance. But not tonight. 
Tonight donned in their civvies they occupied a corner booth of a hole in the wall pub, a town away from the barracks. It was their last night all together, one of their first nights all safe. Before the Cowboys went back home to fight another day. Before Soap went back to Scotland to see the country he missed dearly. And before Ghost and Gaz went back to their corners of England. Before Ghost crawled back to the barracks, to the only life he knew how to live. 
“Ah, will ye fuck off, ‘e didnae say that!  ‘ E’s been up te his oxters in work.” Soap barked out as he clutched his sides. The group waited with baited breath, stifling peals of laughter as they waited for Ghost’s response. 
“Christ, Johnny. In English?” The stoic blonde said from across the table. 
“Eh? D’ye no ken what I’m sayin’ L.t? That was bloody English.”  Soap whined back as he closed his bleary eyes. The first of the laughs began to eek out. When he opened them the blonde Lieutenant was staring back at him with his dark eyes. “Gaun'ae no dae that? That was bloody English! Fine. ’Oh emm gee, he did not say that. He has like totally been up to his armpits with work!’ THERE!” Johnny shouted back in a mock American accent. 
The group fell about themselves with laughter as Simon shook his head slowly. 
They needed this. This release. There’d been other nights for tears, for recalling the horrors they’d seen over the months, but not tonight. Tonight was only for good things. For accents coming out  too thick, for drinking too much knowing you were in safe company, for friendship. 
Ghost stood and pulled his dark cap lower, casting a shadow over his face. “Same orders, yeah?” He asked the group and he walked out of the booth. He had to good sense to leave the mask at home. Or so they thought. He had it folded in the inner pocket of his jacket, his armour against the world.
“I’ll have a Dom Perignon if you’re buying, whole bottle please.” Called out Gaz as Alejandro poured him another shot of earthy Tequila. 
Ghost shook his head and huffed out a low laugh, chasing tequila with pints. They were clever chaps, weren’t they?
As he made his way across the bar, the din of dozens of conversations hushed as he walked by, the packed room parting in his wake. He cut an intimidating figure. Six foot two, almost six four in this heavy dark boots. A myriad of faded scars dusting his jaw and hands, the only part of him easily visible. The brightest thing about him was his blonde hair, neatly tucked away from prying eyes. He didn’t need the mask tonight. His crew knew his face, and no one in the pub could bring themselves to look at it, averting their eyes sheepishly as he moved by them. At most people glance up at the top of his head in awe, surveying the space he took up with his sheer bulk and height. He didn’t need to be Ghost. Not here.
He placed a hand on the bar and slid in, eliciting no complaints from the other patrons. What could they have said? Move? That’d be the day. 
— — — 
“So you’re not going crack a smile, baby? I thought that was a pretty good one.” The drunken lout beside you laughed in your face, the smell of hops, stale cigarettes and chips blowing at you. 
“Ha. Ha.” You said dryly. Turning your attention to the bartender trying to get drinks for you and your ever-late friend. You felt an overly warm, sticky hand slide around your waist, tugging you back towards him. “Alright then, you tell me a joke, if I’m no good at ‘em.” 
“I’d rather not, sorry.” You said with a terse smile, eyes drifting back to the bartender hoping to catch his eye. 
“Okay, okay, let’s play a new game if you don’t like jokes. If I guess your name you buy me a pint,  but if you tell me now I’ll buy you one.” He winked at you, or rather he tried to. 
“How about I tell you and you go away?” You asked, before barking out your name and turning away, though his grip on you tightened.  
“Oi, mate. Two Coronas, three lagers. Whatever’s easy, yeah?” 
A low voice beside you called out to the bartender you’d been playing a one sided game of cat and mouse with. 
“Is Carling alright?” The bartender’s attention went straight to the owner of the voice beside you, as did yours. You were about to tell him you’d been here first, as you looked up and you were met  not with a face, but the middle of a wide set of shoulders. Was this a man or a mountain?
“Excuse m-“ craning your neck up you caught a glimpse of a face and your protests died on your lips. The giant was handsome. In a rugged, cold sort of way, but handsome nonetheless. He cast a glance in your direction that turned cold quickly. All the heat of your body pooled at the bottom of your stomach, you didn���t even notice the arm around your waist had dropped immediately. 
“Hmm?” He grumbled in way of a prompt. 
“Uhh, I was— I was just going to say I’ve been waiting.” 
“I don’t know you.” He said curtly. A normal person would ask ‘do I know you?’, or rather a normal person would understand basic bar etiquette. Though it seemed this man had no need for niceties. 
“Well no, I was waiting to order my drinks. Didn’t anyone teach you any manners?” You said, letting go of your decorum. Two could play at this game. You’d had enough of men thinking they could have whatever they wanted.
“What?” He said, turning away from the bartender. Your bravado dissipated as quickly as you’d found it. You felt your eyes grow round in shock and a heat creep up your neck to your face. 
“I just-“ your sentence was cut off by a low laugh from him as he said “What, as in what were you going to order?” 
“Ah… just two ciders, sorry.” Fuck. Where had all your confidence gone, he wasn’t going to hit you for teaching him manners. 
His gaze grew cold again, well maybe he was. 
“You let your girl do all the talking, do you?” He said, seemingly to the man who’d been pestering you for the better part of your evening thus far. 
“I’m not his anything.” You said before the man behind you had a chance to speak. 
The handsome one turned away from you again, “And two ciders, cheers.” He said to the bartender. When the man behind the bar asked what sort he angled himself back to you again, you sheepishly pointed to the tap of your choosing and said your thanks quietly. 
You heard your name from the pest behind you and ignored it, watching the bartender pull your pints along with those of the only person at the bar you had any interest in. 
“Fine then, be a bitch.” The man huffed and walked away, you only knew because your new companion’s eyes watched him closely as he left. Tracking him through the crowd. Something about him made your skin tingle. Made the hairs on your body stand. There was an edge to him that scared you.
“Sorry about him” you said at the same time, eliciting a laugh from you both. 
“So, you planning on neckin’ two pints or are you waiting on someone?”  He asked as he slid his card over to the barman. 
“Oh, no you don’t have to pay for these. Please, let me ge-“ 
“Think of them as payment, for tonight's lesson. Anyway, are you alone?” 
“Oh, I’m just waiting on a friend.” You shook you head, confused. “Wait. What lesson?” 
He laughed, tucking his card back into his pocket, arranging his three pint glasses into a triangle, then balancing the two bottles on their rims. He’d never be able to carry these back to his table, at least not without spilling half their contents.
“In manners,” he said with a wink before grasping the drinks in his big hands and slipping back into the flow of the crowd, disappearing like a ghost. 
— — — 
“Bloody took you long enough, L.t” Gaz crowed, clearly they’d need less pints and a few glasses of water to offset all the tequila they’d drunk in Simon’s absence. 
“Did you go to brew la cheve, Ghost?” Rudy chimed in, emboldened by the alcohol. 
Ghost huffed and set the full drinks down deftly. “Shut up and drink.” He didn’t have to tell them twice. 
The conversation and alcohol flowed easily as the boys cleansed themselves of the stresses of war. Minutes rolled into hours and their raucous laughs drew a few sidelong glances to their table, they couldn’t care less. 
“Right,” Garrick said as he stood, clapping his hands together and rubbing them mischievously. “I’d murder a kebab right now. Have you lads had kebabs before?” He asked their Mexican companions. Soap stood and stretched, the promise of a trip to the chippers rousing him from his stupor. “Not a kebab on a stick, like… with lamb and cabbage and sauce, y’know. A kebab.” he chimed in, clapping Gaz on the back for his enlightened suggestion. Alejandro and Rudy shook their heads with a laugh, “teach us the British way, amigos. Where do we get this ‘kebab’?” Rudy asked as he and the other two men stood from the table. 
The pros and cons of a kebab after a night out were being discussed as though life’s meaning could be deciphered after one drunken bite. As Soap and Gaz evangelised a groggy ‘no!’ caught Simon’s attention. The quiet pleads were mixed with a name that was new, yet familiar. 
“One second, lads,” he said as he moved ahead of the group, instinctively making his way towards the source of the disquieting feeling growing in his chest. Something was wrong, very very wrong. 
“No, I don’t— I want to go. I don’t— I’m too tired. I want—no,” the girl from the bar was pulling against the grip of the man who’d ran with his tail between his legs at the first sign of confrontation. Simon didn’t have to listen to the young woman’s garbled sentences to know this shouldn’t be happening. She didn’t know him. She didn’t trust him. Neither did he. The would be assailant kept muttering her name and steering her towards the door as she shook her head and kept glancing behind her. 
“Oi. Is there a problem, mate?” Simon asked, as his friends caught up with him. The man blanched as he looked up at Simon, growing quiet as the girl's protests got louder, drawing the attention of the few patrons left in the pub. 
“She’s wasted, I’m just trying to get her home,” a shaky laugh punctuated the lie. 
“I’m sure. But she doesn’t know you.” Simon pushed the mans shoulder, sending him two steps back and giving the girl the chance to shake him off. 
“She… her friend knows me, he told me to get her home. Right? David,” he reached out to the girl in an attempt to get her attention. The look in Simon’s eyes told him that wasn’t a smart move. “Hey, tell them that David told me to-” before the sentence could end Soap spoke up, putting himself between Simon and the man, as Simon stepped closer. Whether this David existed or not didn’t matter, the Lieutenant was ready to separate the man’s lying head from his body. A scene was ill advised, especially if the police ended up getting involved. 
“Alright,” Soap said, he reigned in his brogue as best he could, “let’s not put words in anyone’s mouth.” He began trying to deescalate the situation, much to Simon’s irritation. The girl looked up at him and he watched as she took in his face and something dawned on her. 
“Ah, manners,” she said, mumbling to herself as she drew nearer to him. Simon couldn’t help but soften at that, pulling her close and wrapping an arm around her protectively. She’s been full of fire at the bar, a small part of him felt more sad than angry at the situation she found herself in. Maybe he should have stayed with her, at least until her friend came. 
“Yeah, that’s me. Can you tell me your friends name, or what they look like? Maybe we can find-”
“The ghost with manners” she said weakly as she pressed her head against his chest, body going slack, knees buckling beneath her. Simon’s arms reached around her, his grip like a vice pressing her closer to him. The Ghost. 
Ghost. How could she know that name?
He clung to her weak frame like a raft on a rocky sea. His fingers digging into the soft flesh of her as they both spiralled. 
— — — 
Weak pleads and careful promises swirled behind you, you couldn't hear them. Not really. Every fibre of your being was fixed on the man holding you up. The ghost from the bar with the big hands and scary eyes. But he wasn’t scary now, not anymore. Not to you. 
“Hey,” his deep voice rang out above the world around you, though he spoke to you gently. A whisper that contained the roar of a distant sea. Who? Who was he? 
“Simon, my name’s Simon.” 
Shit. Had you said that out loud? Why couldn’t you tell? Why couldn’t you stand? You tried to take a shaky step back, to get free. To get a better look at this ‘Simon’, but your legs wouldn’t work, the muscles felt heavy and useless. How were you still standing, why couldn’t you remember how you’d gotten here? 
You and David had been drinking, laughing. He’d gone to the bathroom. Said he’s meet you at the door and you’d get a taxi home together. Then the room began to slip away.  A tide pulled you to the door. Sticky hands, a shake voice, and your name over and over again as you were pulled away.  You’d wanted to fight but your body wouldn’t let you. You wanted to scream but your voice wouldn’t work right, your words didn’t fit together. The last few minutes became a puzzle somehow, and it terrified you.
Then Simon. 
Like some vengeful angel, he appeared from nowhere. Pulling you close, holding you up though you felt as heavy as a star. 
“Please, Simon… Simon,” you muttered, not sure whether he could hear you or if you were speaking in your mind again. Though a part of you felt like he could hear everything in there too. 
“I’ve got you, don’t worry. I’ve got you.” 
Suddenly you were warm and weightless, drifting through the cold air. Fear beat in your chest, thumping against your ribs like a molten ball. You were going to die. You were certain. Your stomach rolled at the realisation. 
“You’re not going to die, pet. You’re just a bit poorly now. But I’ve got you.” 
His voice was closer now, warm lips pressed against your ear as he spoke into your mind. You wanted to believe him, so badly. You wanted to believe it was true. 
“It is. I won’t let you die. I swear.” 
“Don’t you let— don’t let me down. Are you gonna drop me?” please don't, Simon. Please. 
“No, never.”
Your ghostly Simon. The word shone bright in your foggy mind. “Never— don't hurt me.” 
Something deep in you told you he couldn't.
— — — 
The nurse at the desk was asking all the wrong questions. Simon could guess the answers she wanted, he could form a loose timeline in his mind. A version of events that made sense. But one thing was certain, he’d have to embellish the truth to get the right result. Civilian life was easier in someways, harder in others. 
He gave her a name, gave an approximation of an age but he wouldn’t be allowed to stay with you unless he started filling in the blank spaces. He’d made a promise to you, and he’d keep it. 
“I need a surname for the intake form, sir. Do you actually know this young lady?” 
He sighed. He wasn’t the villain here. He knew how it looked, five men bringing a clearly intoxicated girl into the ER was dodgy. But he wasn’t the villain. 
“Yeah, I already said that. Look, she needs help, and I have to stay with her, she’ll be looking for me when she wakes up.” 
“I understand that sir, but only family are allowed to stay with patients overnight. And you still haven’t given me her—“
Surname and relationship to him. Yeah, because he didn’t know. All he knew was that he had to be here, all night if it took that long. He had to be there when you woke up, so he could fulfil his promise. So you'd know you were safe.
“Riley. It’s Riley.” 
“And you’re family?” 
Was he?
“Yes, of course.” 
Now he was.
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ghostlychief · 9 months
posting a request later tonight, stay tuned!
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mimisplayground · 2 months
trust exercises with Ghost but its him fucking you in the full nelson. Holding you in front of a mirror and bouncing you up and down like a fleshlight because you hadn’t let him carry you out of a building when you had tripped.
It had nothing to do with distrust in him. You just didn’t want to be a burden on him. But he had whispered in your ear that he wanted to work on your trust in him and then you had found yourself here.
He had a solid grip on you too, one hand perfectly snug around your throat with both arms hooked under your knees. Your face was smushed into the mirror at this point, drool stringing from your mouth.
Fucks you through more than one orgasm, leaves you an incoherent babbling mess and groans in your ear the whole time. Only takes mercy on you when you promise that you trust him.
:( i wanna do trust exercises with ghost
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callofdutysimpsstuff · 6 months
ghost would love having a housewife-
being able to love you is enough for him, and yet he still gets to come home to home cooked meals? and a cute decorated house? that man is folding.
he’d open the door and spot you in the kitchen, your hair falling perfectly around your face, aroma of the dish making the whole house smell good. he doesn’t say a word just rushes over to you and pulls you into a deep kiss.
it still takes you by surprise even though his reaction is a regular occurrence. you’ve just never met anyone as passionate as him.
ghost who is obsessed with calling you his wife, most of all in bed.
“yeah, love? that feel good? is my pretty little wife gonna cum?”
“what does my wife need, hm? need me to make you numb like last time? yeah, that’s what i thought.”
you try to respond, but you’re squeezed around him so tight, anything that leaves your mouth us incomprehensible.
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ink-n-shadowfiction · 9 months
Alright...hear me out. Ghost with a fem!reader that wakes him up with a blow job, and he later returns the favor by waking her up by either eating her out or very gently fucking her awake. I am a FERAL for consenting somno.
this, THIS is what i needed to write about😌
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader
word count: 908
warning: smut (minors—DNI), consensual somnophilia (m! and f!receiving), oral (m!receiving, mentions of f!receiving), slight dirty talk? (basically just simon having a way with words), not proofread
note: pt. 2 can be found here ⤳ link
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you wouldn’t even know how this whole thing started with simon. you would both probably be a bit tipsy, trying to celebrate his most recent mission with a few sips (an entire bottle) of wine at home.
you would be sitting in simon’s lap, thighs hooked on either side of his hips and leaning back against the hands he was running along your spine. you weren’t even sure you heard him right at first, which made your eyebrows furrow a bit as you met his gaze.
“you want me to what?”
simon rarely got sheepish or embarrassed, but when it came to sex, he was typically a bit more reserved.
“c’mon…don’t make me say it again, sweetheart. that’s fuckin’ cruel to do to a man.” he joked quietly, the touch of his hands on your back becoming a bit firmer as he pulled you closer. “just wanted to give you somethin’ to think about, lovie. i think it’d be bloody sexy to wake up with my cock halfway down your throat."
simon never mentioned it again. but you remembered, letting the idea hang in the back of your mind for weeks. the more you thought about it, the more it excited you. so when you woke up early one morning with simon still fast asleep next you, you knew that it was the perfect time.
you slowly slipped down the bed, nestling yourself under the blankets and between simon's slightly opened thighs. you gently tugged down the hem of his briefs until you could fish his semi-hard cock from its confines, unable to hold back the soft hum that fell from your lips as you felt its heaviness in your palm.
it didn’t even matter that the blanket over your head concealed simon’s peaceful face—all you could focus on was licking a long stripe along the underside of his cock, tongue flicking against the soft pink tip and fingers squeezing along the base. the heady taste of simon bled out on your tongue, making your eyes slowly flutter closed as you closed your lips around him and gave him a gentle suck.
simon’s legs twitched at the sudden stimulation, his brain slow to catch up and stir out of his tired stupor. “mmm…what’re you—oh christ.” his hand found the back of your head beneath the blanket, his other making quick work to push the fabric away from your face and letting his eyes feast on the sight in front of him. “jesus, sweetheart. m’not—fuck, not gonna last long with your throat squeezin’ me like that.”
simon was still half-asleep, his movements slow and sluggish as he shifted further up on the pillows to get a better look at you sucking him off. one hand remained on the back of your head, not as a guide but simply to touch you, the other resting along your opened jaw and fingers brushing at the corner of your stretched lips. he was right—he didn’t last long. it took only a few more languid dips of simon’s cock into the back of your throat before he spilled his cum into your eager mouth with a soft hiss and whimper of your name.
what you didn’t expect to happen after that morning was for simon to return the favor.
you had fallen asleep on the couch one afternoon, legs splayed open and head nestled against the armrest as you slept. it was a blazing afternoon, one so hot that you were only wearing a pair of silk shorts and a tank top—all of which exposed too much and not enough all at once.
simon was walking through the door, arms loaded with his bag of gear and dirty laundry he’d collected while away at base. his eyes caught on your figure immediately, and it took everything in him not to drop the items in his grip. you looked so peaceful as you slept, but simon couldn’t care less about that.
once he had placed this things into a neat pile by the door, simon made his way over to the living room and sunk down on his knees in front of your sleeping form. he didn’t even bother pulling your shorts off of your hips, afraid the movement would stir you from sleep too quickly—so he settled for pressing heated kisses directly along your clothed core, a soft groan leaking from his lips as one arm curled around the thigh propped up against the back of the couch and tugged you closer to his waiting mouth.
a smirk flitted on simon’s lips as your sleeping body reacted perfectly to him, your legs falling open a bit more as you shifted your hips up in your sleep. he continued pressing those kisses along your covered slit until a breathy whine fell from your mouth. he peeked one eye up to notice your tired eyes fluttering open, a soft ‘what’re you doing, si?’ falling from you in a panted breath.
“remember last week? woke up cummin’ down that pretty little throat of yours.” simon mumbled into the heated skin of your thigh as he sunk his teeth into your flesh, pulling away with a lewd pop. his hand dragged up your body, palm pushing against your balmy skin from the top of your cunt until his fingers were splayed on your sternum. “just returnin’ the favor, sweetheart. relax f’me, baby—yeah, that’s it. go back to sleep and let my tongue do all the work, m’kay?”
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rileyslibrary · 9 months
Ghost would come walking (definitely not running) into your room because you called him at 2 a.m., screaming that there’s a bug flying around.
The guy’s pissed, alright? You gave him a heart attack, it’s a long day tomorrow, and he had to change into his uniform and put on his mask. Also, you could have handled this alone, being a soldier yourself. You know how to eliminate targets; you could have used your slipper in this situation.
On the other hand, he could have stayed in bed and let you deal with it. Hell, he didn’t even need to answer that call. He cares, though he’d rather endure five consecutive hell weeks than admit it.
And then he’d just stand at the door and stare at you being all frantic. You’re running around, tugging at your clothes and shuffling your hair.
He finds it amusing; You’re not in real danger, and that bug is smaller than your big toe. Plus, you didn’t receive any reports of hazardous predatory insects in the area, so it’s safe to assume that this little guy cannot eat human flesh.
But you’re almost in tears, and beg him to stop standing there and do something. He notices how distressed you are and understands that he stalled a little too much. He waits for it to sit still and stomps on it or smashes it with his hand if it’s on the wall.
And then he’d pick it up with a tissue and, instead of throwing it away, he’d just show it to you—indicating that it’s okay and you can calm down—murmuring something like, “this is why you woke me up for; remember it next time you whine about a surprise wake-up call.”
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alwaysshallow · 3 months
Hello!! This is my first ever req, and I was just wondering how Ghost would react to the reader wearing pheromone perfume. Like she just gets bored and decides to wear some, and it gets him all riled up.
oh, he'd be absolutely feral.
see, the thing is: simon isn't home much. he's needed in the task force 141 more often than not, and that's okay—you were aware of his job before the two of you got together. but, when he comes back, he's the clingiest man possible.
of course, clingy his way. he's a terrible cook, but he observes how you do it; from distance, or he has his hands under your shirt, kneading your skin.
mornings in bed? more like days in bed, only getting up to eat something, work out or fuck you in other place. if you have a job, you needed to call in sick a few times, but it feels like a small price for spending it with simon.
considering all of the above, how he loves to be around you after being deployed, you can't really be surprised how the pheromone perfume works on him. first, he's more confused than anything, when you talk to him—completely forgetting that you put it on.
the realization hits you the moment he starts biting your earlobe, several times. too handsy, he doesn't even want to shower first, like he always does. before you know it, he tosses you over his shoulder and goes to the bedroom.
"simon, dinner is burning—"
"—i don't care," he practically growls.
your suggestion for him to hop into the shower ends up in biting your ass (you pray that it won't make a bruise) and a bathroom fuck in a tub. long one, edging both of you.
simon is way more talkative than usual. he tells you what he's gonna do in the future, how he's gonna wife you up and that maybe you two should think of the kids since he's gonna be around more. how he could buy a house for the two of you.
apparently, a pheromone perfume has interesting effect on him.
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mactavishwritings · 2 months
Domestic Bliss
Poly!141 x wife!reader
Requested by: @supernaturalstilinski
You’re boys were a team. A well oiled machine, knowing each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They all fit together so seamlessly, having the ability to pick each other up before the other realizes they need it. Before you, they had a system that seemed to thrive from chaos and confusion. When you first met the group, you were hesitant. Mainly because of the four giants who all professed their love for you and each other. There was another reason you were so hesitant to join the group; deep down you feared that you didn’t fit in. That your presence only hindered the boys, but they saw something that you didn’t. You made their chaos make sense.
You guys had a routine. Each time the boys had to go on a mission, you would pamper each man in a special way that was dedicated to just them. You would start the routine a week before the mission so you had enough time to make sure that each boy felt loved.
For John, you would go on hikes each morning before the mission. You two would wake up earlier than the others and spend the entire morning wrapped up in each other. You two would make coffee before heading to the car and driving to your favorite park. You would walk around in the peaceful forest together and just soak in each other's presence.
For Kyle, you two would sit together and water horror movies. Something about the fact that you cling to him that brings hm comfort, it helps him get into the right head space. It helps him come home to you safely. You two would go to the guest room with big bowls of popcorn and giggling to each other as you pick the next movie on the list.
For Johnny, you two would get together a couple days before they left for the mission and you would trim his Mohawk. He always claimed that you did it the best, not letting anyone else touch his hair with a pair of scissors, even the other boys in your group. Johnny would melt into your soft touch as you gently passed over the sides of his head with the razor. The gentle vibrations soothing him so he could finally concentrate on his thoughts.
For Simon, his time with you doesn't start until right before they have to leave. He stands in the bathroom, hands placed firmly on your hips to keep you in place. You sat on top of the bathroom counter, his black makeup in your hands as you slowly massage the paint into his skin with a brush. His eyes were closed as you worked, a hand on the side of his head. You hum children’s lullabies to him to help the chatter in his brain, so that you know he will be safe.
Everyone knows the routine, never interrupting each other’s time. The entire group needed it as much as you needed it. It helped you to know that just in case this was the last time, they felt loved.
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spectrerie · 1 year
Ok I have no idea if your requests are on or not because I literally never request but I love your writing so here I am! Anyways I can’t stop thinking about ghost x hacker reader who works with 141 and they have to go with the guys on a mission to like hack through security systems or something (idk) but ghost absolutely refuses to let them go like he is so against it. And maybe while they’re on the mission the reader gets hurt or something idrk I haven’t thought that far ahead but I thought you would do so good with this idea!!! Thank you!!
Hello!!!!!!! This request is so good! I got a bit carried away and wrote 3.5k words on it lmaoo, but I'm happy with it now, so I'll post it as an answer to this ask
If you die, I swear I'll kill you.
Simon Ghost Riley x gn!reader
Please enjoy this anon, and anyone else who reads it.
TW: injury, slight workplace bullying, enemies(?) to friends
“With all due respect, sir, no. I don’t need to babysit some egg-head while I’m in the field.” Ghost sat with his arms crossed, knees apart, filling his chair and the room with his presence. 
You glanced at Price, you’d both expected this reaction, but it still hurt to hear him say it so easily.  For nearly two years you’d put your best foot forward. Did everything to get him to like you until it became clear that he never would. You were ready to settle for respect, for a crumb of acknowledgement. Though soon that too was clearly out of your reach. Now you were just happy to keep out of his way. You weren’t part of the 141, no matter how much information you’d stolen for them, no matter how much data you mined for them, no matter how many sleepless nights you’d given them. You weren’t a soldier. Ghost made sure to remind you of that at every chance he got. 
At every debrief he treated you like you were just a piece of the furniture. He ignored you with ease, asking questions to everyone but you. Making plans and strategising with everyone’s strengths in mind but yours. Any information he needed about what you could do he’d obtained through Captain Price. Often with you in the same room, going over your head like you were some machinery he’d be crazy to speak to. 
You typed and looked through files. You were a glorified intern as far as he was concerned. 
“Well Lieutenant, it’s not up to you, is it? Owl is going with you, and that’s final.” 
A part of you cringed at the nickname despite the joy it normally filled you with. You’d felt honoured when Soap had coined it. The night owl of the 141, playing with mice and bringing veritable feasts of information back to the nest. But hearing it used in front of Ghost felt wrong. You could feel his eyes roll without even looking at him. 
You didn’t need a call sign. 
You didn’t need to be closer to the 141.  
You didn’t even need a name, because they didn’t need you. 
“Yes, sir.” He said as he stood to attention, mumbling his acknowledgement to the Captain            as he prepared for his dismissal. 
“Final brief at 0400. Wheels up at 0500, understood?” Price barked out at the two of you. You both gave your acknowledgement and he nodded, satisfied for now. 
“Alright, dismissed.” 
Ghost made a quick exit, as though being in your presence was more than enough to make him ill. You sighed and began to move, but a hand at your shoulder stopped you. 
“Owl, don’t let him get to you. You’re a part of this team, and you’re needed on this mission. I wouldn’t send you out if I didn’t believe you needed to be there.” 
You nodded, dropping you head to pull back the tears that threatened to fall. 
“Thank you, sir. I won’t let you down.” 
“I know you won’t. Your intel has always been good. We don’t have the time to wait for the boys to bring the drives back, if they even knew what to look for, time isn’t on our side.” 
You knew that better than anyone. If only Lieutenant Riley would admit that you weren’t an incompetent civilian, maybe things would go along quicker. 
 — — — 
“Alright boys, this one should be simple, yeah? We go in, subdue any hostiles, grab the tech and get the fuck out. I don’t want any mistakes, I don’t want any problems,” Ghost’s eyes stopped at you as he said the last word, “I don’t want any bad news, understood?” He said as his voice boomed over the sound of the plane's engine. 
“Yes sir!” The group called out as one. This would be easy, as he said. You didn’t have to do too much, just follow the group and live long enough to break through the encrypted drives. From their you could relay the information back to Price and Laswell. Simple. 
Your eyes drew closed as you took in a breath, trying to centre yourself. Get in, get the drives, get out. Job done. You repeated your mantra until you fell into a fitful sleep.
You woke with a start as your name was barked out. 
Lieutenant Riley stood over you, arms crossed. An obvious scowl beneath his mask. 
“Gotten enough beauty sleep, sunshine?” 
The plane was empty, your teammates stood out on the makeshift runway, watching your change out of earshot. The late evening sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows into the plane.
“I’m sorry sir, I just wanted to be rested for the mission.” 
“Well, aren’t you considerate, thank you so much, Pigeon.” His voice dripped with a saccharine sarcasm that cut you to your core. You hate that he’d made a mockery of the callsign you were so fond of. You were sure other people had slept on the flight over. Why was he singling you out so cruelly? 
“Are you still on your bloody arse?” He barked out, loud enough too draw the attention of your teammates. “Sorry, sir!” you replied as you jumped up. Your body was yanked back with a start, bucking against the fastening that had kept you in your seat. Your head knocked back against the body of the plane, tilting your helmet over your eyes. 
“Oh fucking hell, Pigeon. If you get yourself killed on this bloody mission, I’ll murder you.” His hand made quick work of your seatbelt, snatching it off you in one sharp motion, sending you lurching forward.
If only you’d had the confidence to tell him off. 
If only you had the kind of easy relationship with him that he had with everyone else, one that transcended rank enough to quip back at him. 
If only he didn’t hate you. 
If only he could see you. Not just look at you scornfully, but see you. See your efforts, see your strength. 
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” You said with your eyes focused on the floor. Your gaze could have cut two pinholes in the undercarriage of the plane. You grabbed your gear and rushed down the gangway, thankful Ghost hadn’t pointed out all the things he found wrong with your apology. With your posture, with your face, with your breathing, with your existence. 
“Alright. It’s 30 klicks to their base, but we’ll have to trek the last 5k. Johnny, you get us in, Gaz and I will clear a path while you watch our six. You,” Lieutenant Riley said with derision, “don’t die and find the drives after we’ve swept the place, understood?” You nodded sharply. 
“Alright lads, this one’s easy. Any hostiles will be eliminated on sight, in and out, home in time for Eastenders.” Soap and Gaz laughed easily at Simon’s joke. You weren’t sure if you were allowed to show any crumb of happiness in front of him. Maybe he’d yank your tongue out if you so much  as chuckled and bring it home for his dog. 
As you made your way to the jeep Soap fell into step with you. 
“Ye alright?” He asked, a gentle smile playing on his face. How could you be alright? He was always so kind to you, and Kyle always treated you with respect. Even the KorTac boys said ‘hello’, or ‘thanks for the intel’ once in a while whenever you ran into them. Ghost seemed pissed that he had to breathe the same air as you. 
A short sigh escaped before you could regain your composure, “yeah, I’m okay. It’s just… I don’t want to mess up. It’s my first time really out in the field and—” and Lieutenant Riley, your best friend and our commanding officer hates my guts and doesn’t care to hide it. “And I just want to do well.” Soap nodded, though he couldn’t really understand. He’d been a soldier since he was 18. He’d proven himself time and time again even before he ever saw active duty. His abilities were undeniable. 
You, as Ghost loved to remind you and everyone around you, were a desk jockey egg-head recruited after you’d been caught ransoming credit card companies and running stings on pedophiles with your ‘internet pals’. Caught or betrayed, the thought still plagued you, though the end result had been a job offer from the British Army in lieu of prison time. Soap and Gaz thought you were a genius, some sort of cyber Robin Hood fighting the good fight from smokey internet cafes or 6 monitor supercomputers. Captain Price saw you as a clever kid with good intentions but questionable methods. 
Ghost… well Ghost made no secret of the fact he thought you were an egg-head. An energy  drink guzzling college drop-out with a lot of free time and no common sense. A basement dweller with more waifu body pillows than real life friends. A useless kid with no place in battle, regardless of the fact that your intel was what told him where to go more times than not. 
“He doesn’t hate you, he’s just… well he’s just Ghost. He’s never worked with you, I’m sure things will change after this.” You nodded, thankful for the reassurance though you didn’t really buy much of it. As you opened the jeep door and slid into one of the back seats you noticed Ghost’s eyes were trained on you through the rearview mirror. Watching for something to pick on you for, of course. 
You held his gaze as you closed the door and dropped your gear bag between your feet. ‘That’s right Lt, I can sit down without strangling myself on the seatbelt’ you longed to say to him. You settled for holding his gaze and raising your eyebrows at him. As the jeep rumbled to life you could have sworn you heard a laugh. 
— — — 
Ghost glanced at the pistol holstered on you thigh, as well as the knife sheathed at your hip. The urge to ramble about your right to protect yourself and defend your teammates bubbled up in your chest, the citric need to bite back at him almost won. Thankfully he spoke before you did. 
“You do know how to use that, right?” He whispered to you, crouched to your right, Gaz to your left. You’d gone through basic gun training and safety as well as first aid at Captain Price’s insistence once you’d begun working more and more with the 141. A fact you were sure Ghost knew. He’d never let you carry a weapon without a direct order from Price. A direct order not to snatch it on sight and send you to sit in a corner and think about how stupid you were. 
“Of course, sir,” you quipped back. Your sarcasm was cut with anxiety. This was real. You didn’t have to kill anyone, you just had to keep up and not die. But this was so real. A gun range was nothing in comparison. The slide of the gravel beneath your boots, the heat of your comrades beside you, the dull green of the night vision. This was real. 
“Ghost, do you copy? 30 seconds to detonation.” Soap’s voice was tinny through the comm on Ghost’s shoulder. 
30 seconds? 
Your heart pumped a punishing beat as the reality of it all sunk deeper and deeper. 
A hand on your knee brought you back to the moment. “Look at me,” the last voice you’d ever expect to comfort you was all that filled your ears. The surprise washed away the fear for a moment as you looked into Ghost’s eyes. 
“The second you hear the blast, stay low and follow us, okay? You’ll want to jump up, don’t.”
His dark eyes stared into you as he spoke. “Keep your weapon in your hands, keep your eyes on me, keep up, and keep calm. This is the fun part.” A low chuckled from Gaz calmed you further. 
“I’ve got your six, just focus on moving with the group, okay?” Gaz whispered beside you. 
All you could do was agree, any eloquence you’d had before had long since dissipated. 
A deafening boom rang out and the urge to run flooded every nerve in your body. You watched Ghost. 
Keep your eyes on me
You focused on Ghost’s broad back as you moved with him. Focused on keeping close. On surviving. 
The next minutes were a blur of gun fire and barked out commands. The muzzle flash of the weapons around you was enough to make the night vision useless and so with shaky hands and shallow breaths you pushed the goggles up as you moved through a maze of rooms with Ghost as your guide. 
A heavy hand against your chest stopped you before you had a chance to run into your Lieutenant. 
“Gaz, now.” He barked quickly as a heavy boot made contact with the door, pushing it from the frame. Garrick fired as he moved deftly into the room, sweeping the corner as Ghost fired at a figure hunched over a laptop. 
Everything was happening too quickly. You were pushed into the room, or pulled, you couldn’t know. As your body entered your mind stayed back and watched as a figure rose from a position under the desk. Before you could even see their eyes they hit the floor with a thud. 
A wave of nausea spread through you as you moved to where they’d been, pushing the bodies away from the computer as you grabbed it and began to type a series of commands into the terminal. Your hands shook as you pushed a thumb-drive into a port and watched as your code froze the deletion process. You left that to work as you pulled open desk drawers and riffled through their contents, shovelling everything in sight into your pack. 
“Hurry up!” 
You obeyed, moving quicker as you grabbed files and thick plastic drives with greedy, shaking hands. The final drawer was locked tight. You wanted to call out for a key but shame held you tongue. You pulled at it and it held firm. Ghost could have yanked it open with one hand, you were sure. His presence in the room motivated you to think like a soldier. Think like him. 
‘I’m not useless. I’m not useless. I’m not useless.’ You chanted to yourself as you reached to you side and gripped your knife. Jamming it into a gap in the drawer you pushed your whole weight onto it and heard a click. 
Yes. You weren’t useless after all. 
“Owl! Wait!” 
With unbridled euphoria you yanked the drawer open and felt your body and mind reconnect with a violent snap. Like a spark to gas you ignited with something you couldn’t recognise. Warmth spread through your middle as you glanced down into the drawer. It was empty. 
“Oh shit.”
“Soap call in a medevac, now!” 
Why was it empty? Were they all shouting because it was empty?
Your hand dug into the wooden cube, patting around until you felt something give. You pushed up into it and heard something drop. Another hard drive. 
“Owl, Owl you need to move, now.” 
A firm hand grasped you by the shoulder and you shook it off. You bent down to pick up the drive and a white hot pain seared your abdomen. You ignored it, and with a sharp wince you grabbed the final drive. 
Why were your hands shaking so much? Was it the excitement of war?
You turned to collect the laptop but it was already in Gaz’s hands. He was shoving it into your pack as Ghost grabbed the drive in your hand and tossed it to him. 
“No! No, I have to decrypt the—”
“You have to move. Now.” Ghost retorted sharply as he angled himself to block your view of Gaz. 
When had they stripped you of your pack? 
Why was Lieutenant Riley suddenly pushing you out the door you’d all just come through?
How were you able to see your group moving through the halls? Watching the retreat from an unnatural vantage point, making note of the thick trail of something syrupy behind you. 
Was that blood? Did your sloppiness get one of them injured?
— — — 
The jeep you’d left 5 kilometres away speed into view in front of the compound you’d just sacked. 
Was it moving or were you? 
Hands pushed you into it and began pulling off the kevlar and fabric of covering your torso. 
‘Is it bad?” Soap’s voice came from the front of the vehicle. 
“No, its not too bad,” Ghost said to you rather than Soap. You craned your head down to look at the wound, but a strong hand tilted your chin away. 
“I thought I told you to keep your eyes on me, Pigeon” he said lowly as you searched his face for some clue of what was happening. His derisive diminutive sounded odd now, it was laced with something tender. 
“Sorry lieutenant, I just wanted to—” you didn’t know how to finish. 
I just wanted to see for myself? 
I just wanted to be a part of the team?
“— I just wanted to impress you. I’m sorry, sir.” You mumbled as your lids grew heavy. 
The pressure on your stomach increased as Ghost spoke to you in low whispers. “Impress me? How? By falling asleep? We’ve already talked about that, soldier. I told you to keep your eyes on me. That’s an order.” 
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” 
— — — 
Your eyes fluttered open, catching a glimpse of a white stucco ceiling. 
Ghost would kill you for falling asleep again. As you tried to sit up your body barked out in protest. A dull ache blanketed your left side and pulsed through you. 
A hand pushed you back down gently. Resting for a beat on your shoulder before pulling away.
“Slow down, kid. You’ll rip your stitches out.” You knew that voice. You turned your head to look at the Lieutenant. You’d already known it was him, all that surprised you was the lack of contempt in his voice. 
You couldn’t speak. You just looked around, taking in the small makeshift clinic you’d found yourself in. 
“The hospital was too far,” Ghost said, answering the question you mind was already forming, “so they set this up in a safe house nearby.” You nodded, laying back against the pillows. “Sir? What happened?” 
You heard Lieutenant Riley sigh as you stared up at the ceiling above you. Too timid to look at him as he recounted your failures on the mission. 
“The drawer was rigged. If you’d been taller, or wider, the shrapnel that hit you would have been fatal, Owl.” 
The name drew your eyes to him before you could stop yourself. 
“I’ve graduated from Pigeon?” You asked, trying to cut the tension in the small room. He laughed,  and the sound was enough to make the pain in your abdomen dissipate. 
You’d made him laugh.
You had made Ghost laugh. 
“You got injured, and didn’t give up. That was a tough thing you did, Owl. I’m proud of you.” 
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, it took everything you had not to let them fall. A warm  on hand your head was what completely undid you. Hot tears slipped out of your closed eyes as Lieutenant Riley stroked your hair more gently than you’d ever thought a man of his size was capable of. 
“You did well, don’t worry.” 
You gathered yourself, remembering the objective of the mission. “How long was I out, sir? Has the  operation window passed?” 
He pulled his hand back slowly before he spoke. “Intel over here took a look at some of the materials before sending them back with Soap and Gaz. The boys back home will decrypt as much as they can while you’re healing up here. Doc said you’d be okay to fly within 48 hours.” 
You nodded, trying to keep your disappointment in check. You wouldn’t even get a chance to do what you were good at. 
“But,” Ghost said slowly, drawing your attention away from the pity party you’d already began throwing for yourself. “No one could make heads or tails of what was on the laptop.” 
“So its useless then?” You asked, trying to push the hurt out of your voice. 
“Oh I wouldn’t say that,” Ghost let out a low chuckle. God, you’d become addicted to that sound already. “Whatever you plugged into it before you got hurt completely stumped everyone, they said only you’d be able to retrieve anything from it.” 
A warm pride filled your chest. No one could do what you could. You weren’t useless. 
“So… unfortunately for you, Pigeon. I’ve brought you some homework while I babysit you. Are you up for it?” 
Ghost dropped the laptop onto your lap. Your thumb-drive was still plugged into it, filled with malware and viruses you’d cooked up over the years. 
You smiled at him, beaming with pride as you opened the device. “Of course, just keep your eyes on me, sir. I’ll be done in no time.” 
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ghostlychief · 1 year
sometimes I wonder if the anons that make requests ever see what I write for them😭
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simonrillleyyysss · 3 months
Tis I yet again
(Send help)
What about reader who twitches a lot during sex? Like her legs kick out a lot and she can't stay still bc the feelings are causing her body to jolt? Not in a bad way but in a very reactive way? With Simon, I imagine he's very condescending but not rude
"Feels too good ya can't even stay still? Oh I know love, I know"
thanks for ur req gorgeous!!
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oh my god. this man. is so. cocky.
he’s cocky anyways, but this?? this is a whole new level of cocky, he brags about this!! even during sex, he’s scissoring your tight cunt with languid strokes and thrusts, your back arching n’ ankle jolting out.
‘fingers so good y’can’t even stay still?’
‘don’t kick me, now..’
when it first happened, he thought you wanted him to get off, so his mouth immediately separated from his chest when you kicked out at his shoulders, hands trembling and lips parted in a heavy moan.
‘what—why did-why did you stop, please..’
he’s so confused, but once you sit down and explain to him that you’re just so sensitive, and can’t control it—he’s grinning and lapping at your cunt in slow circles.
this man never lets you live it down, thrusting into your tight cunt with hard rolls of his hips, balls slapping against your ass and hand kneading at your breasts—your legs buckling beneath you, twitching; ankle swinging inthe air as he fucked you into the mattress.
once you accidentally kicked his face and cried after
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mimisplayground · 28 days
UGH HE WOULD LITERALLY BE ON CLOUD NINE!! would have you sucking on him or cockwarming him constantly :(
would totally leave you panting with the long make out sessions where you’re practically just using his tongue as popsicle with how your sucking and slobbering all over it.
Has you lather his fingers in your saliva before he puts them in you to help prep you. And when he’s got your legs around his wide waist he grunts and allows you to leave hickeys all over his neck and shoulders, leading to his pecs.
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tearsofastraeax · 3 months
hello, i hope u’re doin okay 🫶 i wanted to ask you could u write smth where we have an age gap in our relationship w Simon (legal ofccc) and we’re a bit scared of 141’s reactions ? thank u sm even if u don’t feel like writing this <3
hi, hun. hope you enjoy ♡
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⊹ simon riley never made a big deal about you being younger than him. he rather adored how sweet and innocent you were for him. he loved to have you by his side, and so he suggested you’d meet the 141. you were nervous, you weren’t bad with new people, that wasn’t it. but you couldn't stop thinking about what they might think, these guys were such an important part of simon's life, you wouldn't be able to handle it if they didn't like you. and what did your relationship look like to them? him being the older guy that spoils you and you being the bratty younger plaything? they probably wouldn't even take you seriously, maybe they’d see you as just another stupid girl. 
but simon was persuasive, he knew how to convince you to do his bidding. he trailed sweet kisses down your neck, whispering into your warm skin. 'they'll adore you, my love’, he'd say. his hands wandering from your waist to your hips, grabbing you in the sweetest way he could, just hardly leaving bruises behind. 'please come with me, just meet them.' he punctuated his words with a nip on your neck, his teeth grazing your skin, leaving a faint mark behind. you sucked in a low breath, hardly able to focus. his skilful fingers winding their way around your thighs, massaging them, and ever so slowly moving toward your throbbing core. 'trust me, love.' he captured your lips with his, pulling you into a dizzying kiss that left you breathless. you could only nod, barely able to register what you were agreeing to. 
            ⊹ so, the day came when you would meet the guys. with simon at your side, you stepped into the bar everyone had agreed to meet. your heart was beating so wildly in your chest that you were sure everyone would know just how nervous you were by just looking at you. but against your best beliefs, it was nothing like it. first, you met gaz or kyle, how he had introduced himself. oh, and how happy you were he was the first one of the bunch. with his easy smiles, he made you feel so at comfortable. so much so, that it barely shook you when you met the stoic captain price next. thankfully, the short-lived introduction was interrupted by no one other than soap, who with no time to spare swept you up to join him at the bar and ‘get fucking drunk, bonnie’. 
a few drinks and a couple of shots later you couldn't stop yourself, your brain-to-mouth filter having stopped working approximately 3 drinks ago. so you blurted out, 'I'm so happy that you guys like me, you know, I was kind of scared that you would think it's weird that simon and I have such an age gap.' you smiled shyly, immediately regretting even saying anything at all when everyone became a bit quieter than before. now you had ruined it. 
but instead, a low chuckle turned into a laugh. 'no, no, see we're happy for the old man here, getting some fresh meat', soap exclaimed, earning more laughter from the guys and you. except for simon who looked like he was ready to pounce on the poor guy. 
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bressynonym · 3 days
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soap: SIMON WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? ghost: ʀᴇᴀᴅ 01:41
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gomzdrawfr · 1 month
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ink-n-shadowfiction · 8 months
can u write something about ghost but if he was a dilf im going insaneee over this LOL
the way i would be such a whore for dilf!ghost o_O (i feel like he'd be kinda mean with a side of sweetness, so bear with me)
word count: 306
warning: smut (minors—DNI), dilf!ghost x babysitter!sorority girl!reader, slightly mean!ghost, simon covering your mouth, age gap (reader is in their 20s, simon is in his late 30s), obvious power dynamic, simon threatening your pay, unedited (mega apologies)
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"god—you're a fuckin' whiny little thing." simon grumbled into your ear, forearms caging you in on the mattress as he speared you onto his cock and reveled in the mewl that fell from your mouth. "you this whiny for all the frat guys you fuck? or am i really just that special?”
your eyes rolled, at first in annoyance at simon’s degrading words and his arrogance—until the tip of his cock hammered into the spot deep inside of you that sent stars behind your eyelids, making another needy whine fell from your lips.
you hated the way it made simon’s mouth stretch into a smug smirk. almost as much as you hated the way simon's palm covered your lips, leaving your nostrils uncovered and forcing all of your pent breaths to rush to your nose.
"don't wanna wake the kid up, huh? you spent so long gettin' him to sleep—made me wait so fuckin' long to get my fuckin' hands on you, sweetheart." simon growled lowly into your ear, keeping himself propped up on one forearm as he drove his hips harder against yours.
you could've sworn that simon was battering bruises into the flesh of your upper thighs, the flesh becoming numb from the repeated smacks of skin bleeding up the nerves. your fingers dug into the muscles of his biceps, forehead careening down to smear lazily across his collarbone as you teetered along the edge of euphoria.
it was too much and not enough all at once, your body squirming at the contradictory signals firing off inside of your skull. simon noticed your obvious movements, pushing his body closer to yours while his hand disappeared between your bodies and his fingers pinched at your clit.
"go ahead, sweet girl—milk my cock. if you wake up the kid, though, i'm won't pay you for tonight.
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