#simon ghost riley x python
Transfer Him (Or Not)
A/N: For context, here is Python's introduction Ghost. And here is Python's basic info post.
It took Ghost two days of putting up with Python before he stomped towards Price's office. He practically threw open the door, glowering at the captain for what he has had to put up with from the American medic.
"Transfer him." Ghost growled out as he stalked towards Price's desk.
Price looked up from where he writing a report. "'Him" who? Be more specific, there's all men here in this task force," he replied, amused with his own joke. He chuckled for a bit before turning serious, raising a brow at his lieutenant. "Is it Soap? I thought you liked him now."
Ghost scowled beneath his mask, crossing his arms. "I do and I was talking about that bastard American medic," he grumbled.
"Python?" Price couldn't help it, he burst out into laughter, which only made Ghost more irritated. He had his laughing fit for a whole minute before he wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes, his smile forming on his face. "You want me to transfer Python?"
"Yes," Ghost said gruffly, not understanding why Price found it so funny.
"What? Why not?"
Price's amusement was gone now, his hands moving around some paperwork on his desk. He waited until he was sure Ghost was seriously asking the question. "Ghost, I can't transfer Python," he explained, his words careful. "For one, I didn't transfer him to us in the first place, Laswell did, and secondly, a medic would be good for us. You and Soap barely made it out alive in Las Alamas. So he's staying, no matter how much you don't like him."
Ghost growled at that, very upset by Price's logic. "I don't trust him. The last American we trusted was Graves, and we all know how that turned out," he said.
"Do you trust me, Ghost?"
"Without question."
Price smiled at that, knowing he could always count on his lieutenant to trust him. "Then trust that I know you'll end up liking Python," he replied. "Besides, you don't even know him well enough to hate him. He's only been here for two days."
Ghost grumbled again. "I know him enough to know he's a mysterious bastard."
"Ah, so you two have that in common," Price said, his smile widening into a grin at the playful glower Ghost threw his way for that comment. He chuckled. "Just... Try to be nice, okay? You wouldn't want to piss off a medic, Ghost. Trust me."
Ghost nodded and then left the office so Price could get back to work. He decided to head to the base hospital, heading out of the building he was in and making his way over to the base hospital.
He walked inside the base hospital and made it to the office that was designated as Python's. As he walked there, Soap came out of the office with Gaz in tow, Soap having his hand bandaged.
"What happened to you?" Ghost asked, frowning at Soap's bandaged hand. He went to grab it to get a closer look but Soap pushed his hand away with his good one.
Soap gave Ghost a cheeky grin. "It's nothing, mate. A simple second-degree burned from a cooking accident," he told Ghost nonchalantly. "I just went in to see the doc to get it bandaged."
Gaz interjected, rolling his eyes. "I brought him to Python," he explained his presence there. "Soap wasn't even going to treat it and I had to drag him to Python's office."
"You're such a tattletale, Gaz," Soap complained, his voice almost a whine. He then turned to Ghost, a curious glint in his eyes. "Why are you on your way to Python? Injured, aye?"
Ghost playfully pushed at Soap's chest. "My business is my business," he said, warning Soap not to push for details.
Soap merely smiled, used to Ghost's evasiveness. "You and Python are similar in that respect. A pair of men who want to remain as mysterious as possible."
Ghost rolled his eyes and bid goodbye to Gaz and Soap, Gaz playfully dragging Soap back to the barracks. He watched them leave before walking up the office door, knocking, and entering.
"You injured?" Python asked as soon as Ghost stepped in, lifting his head up from where he was putting away the bandages and gauze back into the drawer of his desk. "And on a scale from one to ten, how bad is it?"
"You know, most medics are less harsh when it comes to asking how bad an injury is." Ghost couldn't help but have a little bite in his voice, feeling annoyed whenever Python was in his vicinity.
Ever since he met the man, Ghost had this need, this itch, and he could only assume it was because they were so similar that Ghost hated it with a passion. And yet, Ghost found himself wanting to be closer.
He pushed down that sudden urge, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Anyways, I'm not here because I'm injured," he said, eyeing the taller man.
Python finished putting away the bandages and gauze back in the drawer of his desk, closing the drawer before giving Ghost his full attention. He still had on that damned mask and balaclava that made Ghost all that aware of how similar they were. "Okay, why are you here then?" he asked, moving around his desk to sit on the edge of the surface of said desk.
"I just wanted to let you know that I'm... I'm going to try to get along with you," Ghost blurted out awkwardly, at a loss for words. He was never a talker anyways.
"Okay," Python said after a minute of waiting for Ghost to say more.
"Okay? That's all you have to say?"
And there Ghost was, getting irritated with Python all over again. It was like there was an inferno in his chest, an emotion he couldn't describe but was so intense that it made him so irritable to the way Python was so cagey.
"Bloody hell," Ghost exclaimed, unable to help the rush of emotions. He threw his arms up in the air in a "I give up" gesture and turned away from the infuriating man. "It's like talking to a wall! Fine, keep yourself locked away, see if I care."
With those words, he stomped out of the office, slamming the door shut. Despite his irritation, Ghost's lips couldn't help but twitch into a small smile when he heard Python curse at the door being slammed shut.
So the medic does express some emotion, Ghost thought to himself. Interesting.
A/N: This was longer than I thought it would be. But have this, Ghost not understanding what emotion he's feeling. He doesn't like his questions being brushed off by Python, but he doesn't understand that he too does that to others. But also, what was Python supposed to say in response, Ghost, huh? I still love Ghost, it's fine.
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sonnenflamme · 1 month
This might be a bit niche, but oh well:
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Complaints to @spicy-enshulada for encouraging me >:)
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rcehb-art · 1 year
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canon event. source: trust me bro.
- monty python and the holy grail
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*Python in the recreational room, so blatantly staring at Ghost who is trying hard not to stare back* Price, walking over: So I hear you and Ghost have a sort of rivalry going on. Python, furrowing his eyebrows beneath his mask and balaclava: What? Price: You and Ghost... rivals? *realizes that Python is still confused* You aren't irritated with Ghost? Python: Why would I be irritated with Ghost? Price: Because he's being as mysterious as you are? Python: ... The man's entire shtick is that he keeps his identity anonymous, mysterious comes with the territory. Besides, I quite like that we're both mysterious. Price: Then why are you staring at him so intensely? Python, shamelessly: Have you seen the man? He's HOT. Price: ... what?
A/N: In case it isn't entirely clear, because it's written a little weirdly (my fault), Ghost and Python's "rivalry" is one-sided. Ghost is terribly irritated by Python and Python's just annoying him for shits and giggles. Also yes, Python is the one that falls first (though he hasn't yet fallen in love, he just thinks Ghost is hot).
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COD OC "Python" Masterlist
This is a masterlist for everything for COD OC "Python". He will eventually be paired with Simon "Ghost" Riley.
New Guy
Basic Information on Python
Transfer Him (Or Not)
Python's Feelings
"He's so Infuriating!"
Give Me Something to Work with
A Date? No, a Hang-Out
This is not a complete list! It will be updated as time goes on!
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New Guy
A/N: Python's introduction to Ghost!! Note that this OC will eventually be with Ghost.
Ghost finished up his workout in the base gym, grabbing a towel and wiping off the sweat on his neck. He waved goodbye to the few soldiers he knew, heading out of the base gym and towards the barracks.
As he walked, he heard whispers of an American joining one of the task forces as their medic. Supposedly it was because the task force needed a medic and there weren't any SAS medics who could be spared.
He huffed at the thought, wishing a silent good luck to the task force that was unlucky enough to have an American medic.
Ghost opened the door to the barracks which were assigned to everyone in the 141. As he entered the barracks, he expected it to be empty since he knew the rest of the 141 were away training or doing paperwork. However, as he stepped inside, it wasn't empty.
There stood a tall, shirtless man who had to be no taller than six-foot-six and had light brown skin that seemed to be covered in tattoos. With his back towards Ghost, he was the process of putting on a shirt, his head covered by a black balaclava, and Ghost could see the full sleeve tattoos of snakes and a large tattoo of a snake spiraling up the man's back. The man was burly, muscular with a thick layer of fat on top of the muscles.
Ghost snapped out of his stupor, remembering who he was and clearing his throat. "You're in the wrong barracks, mate," he said, annoyance lacing his voice as he stared at the irritatingly mouth-watering man. "These barracks are for the Task Force 141."
The man finished putting on his shirt, somehow managing to do so without disturbing his balaclava and mask, before he turned to face Ghost. He had on a black hard-plated mask which had gold etchings of a snake coiling all around the mask.
"No, I'm in the right barracks," the man said, Ghost noting the American accent and the way the man's voice was deep but harsh. "Captain Price showed me where to go."
At that words, it clicked in Ghost's head that this was the American medic he had heard about on his way to the barracks. The task force that got said medic was the 141. Great.
"So you're the medic that has the whole base alight with gossip," Ghost grumbled, stepping closer and eyeing the man. His eyes settled on the man's mask and it ticked him off how much they looked similar. "Why do you wear a mask?"
The man seemed unperturbed by the way Ghost was eyeing him warily, as if he was bored. "For the same reason you probably wears yours. For anonymity," he replied. "Call me Python."
Ghost raised his eyebrow underneath his mask, not that Python could see it. "Python?" He tested the callsign on his tongue before huffing in annoyance. "That's a mouthful."
"Yes, but it's not like I chose the callsign myself." Python lifted up his duffel bag with ease and set it down on the bunk that wasn't being used. He definitely sounded bored. "Any other burning questions?"
"Why do they call you "Python"?" Ghost asked, ignoring how rude Python was being. It wasn't like Ghost was being nice either.
"You going to tell me why they call you "Ghost"?" Python shot back, turning back around to face Ghost and crossing his arms.
Ghost scowled beneath his mask, crossing his arms as well. "Don't do that, don't be cagey with me." His irritation was rising steadily. "I'm the mysterious one in this task force."
Python surprisingly laughed, his laughter deep and lacking any actual amusement. He stepped closer, making Ghost step back instinctively. "I guess you're not the only mysterious one here anymore, Ghost." He sucked his teeth. "Deal with it."
Python then turned away from Ghost again, the sharp change of movement making his medical bag clack against his uniform, drawing Ghost's attention to it.
"You have a shitty attitude for a medic," Ghost muttered underneath his breath, glowering at the man in front of him now.
"I didn't think the great and all-powerful Ghost would cower at a little bit of attitude thrown his way." Python taunted, glancing back at Ghost before unzipping his duffel bag to take out something. He then took a big sniff of the air before making a sound of disgust. "You should shower, you stink."
He zipped up the duffel bag again and then moved past Ghost, leaving the barracks to go God knows where. One minute he was there and the next, Ghost was alone, staring at where Python had been.
Ghost blinked once and then twice, his eyebrows furrowing. "I'm going to have Price transfer him," he grumbled to himself before making his way to the communal bathroom.
A/N: I didn't know this OC x Canon relationship would be rivals to lovers (I don't think we can classify them as enemies, not even sure if we could classify them as rivals really), but as Python likes to chant in my head, "Stone might be a bigger bitch, but I'm still a bitch!" (I don't know why he likes to chant that in my head.) So um, this is just how Python is, I guess.
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Give Me Something to Work with
A/N: If this is the first post of Python's series that you're seeing, read this masterlist first to get the full context.
Minors and Ageless Blogs Do Not Interact!! While this post is SFW, my blog isn't!!
Python entered the base gym at four in the morning, having gotten there extremely early so no one else was there. He needed privacy, craved it even if he was in the military.
It was hard to have privacy in the military, which would've made the military a terrible fit for someone who was as paranoid as Python, but he wanted to serve his country more than he wanted to hide away from the world.
He walked over to weights section of the gym, starting his workout by lifting weights. He kept his mask and balaclava on, simply in a tank top and shorts, huffing and puffing beneath his balaclava as he lifted the weights.
Python was just about to switch to the bench press when Ghost walked into the gym, stopping short at the sight of him. He figured Ghost might just flee at the sight of him, but instead of leaving, Ghost walked right up to him.
"You going to the mess hall for breakfast later?" Ghost asked Python, surprising the other man.
Python shook his head, glancing at Ghost before focusing on putting his desired weights onto the bench press bar. "No, I already ate breakfast."
It was a lie, he never had anything more than a protein shake before working out and always had a hearty breakfast afterwards. But he didn't eat with the rest of the 141, to keep his identity anonymous.
Ghost saw through Python's lie, his jaw clenching beneath his own balaclava. "Come eat with us after breakfast, the rest of the guys will be up by the time we finish our workouts," he said, his words soft like he was trying to gently coax Python to open up to the 141, but Python didn't understand why.
"I don't eat in the mess hall anyways," Python muttered, feeling his paranoia spike at the thought of eating around all of those people.
"Then we'll all take our food back to the barracks and eat there," Ghost replied, adamant about Python eating with them.
Python scoffed, looking down at Ghost. "Why do you care about me eating with you all?" He couldn't help himself as he laughed, a mischievous glint in his brown eyes and a smirk spreading beneath his mask. "Aw, do you already have a soft spot for me, Ghostie?"
While Python couldn't exactly see Ghost's scowl, it was evident from the way Ghost's mask creased that he was indeed scowling at Python's words. "No," he answered, his words harsh. He stepped closer to Python, squaring up to the taller man. "I don't have a soft spot for you, because you haven't let me in enough for that. I know how hard it is to trust others and I don't trust you like you don't trust me, but you're our medic."
"We're supposed to trust you," Ghost continued, on a roll now. "We have to trust that you, as our medic and a fellow soldier, have our backs in the field. You're there to patch us up, something that requires a great deal of trust on our part. So for fucks' sake, give me something to work with! Give me a reason to trust you with my life in the field or transfer yourself to somewhere else. Because we'll never trust you if you don't first try to trust us."
Python was taking in Ghost's words when Ghost started to walk away, probably to workout in another section of the gym.
"Ghost!" he called out against the seed of doubt in the back of his mind, his paranoia begging him to keep himself locked away from everyone else. He waited until Ghost turned back around to look at him to continue. "Spot me? I need a spotter... and I want to try and trust you all."
Ghost's brown eyes flickered with an emotion that came too fast for Python to register and he nodded. "I can be your spotter, sure," he replied, walking back to where Python was.
Python took a deep breath, trying to quell his growing paranoia before moving around the bench press. He sat on the bench and laid back, waiting until Ghost was in position behind him before lifting the bar.
As he did each rep, he saw Ghost out of the corner of his eye, ready to catch the bar in case it fell, and the sight of Ghost so diligently standing there made Python's paranoia slowly drift back in the abyss of his mind. Seconds ticked by, Python taking breaks in between reps until he was finished.
"Thank you," he murmured, getting up and off the bench. He then shifted on his feet as he started getting sheepish, the first sign of emotion Ghost had ever seen on the man's body language. "I could spot you too if you want to bench press as well?"
Ghost was shocked at the offer and he took it graciously. It led to them working out together, not really talking, at least not about anything personal, but it was better than the irritation that had enveloped Ghost when he had thought about Python days before.
There was still a long road to go before they both could trust each other and then like each other, but it was a small step forward. And that was all Ghost asked for.
A/N: Python's a softie underneath all of that bravado, which is the case with most, if not all, of my OCs. I have a type of character I like to write, okay?
Ghost being able to melt away a little bit of Python's paranoia makes my heart go brr. Also yes, I did find myself clever for having Ghost say the title of this post.
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the-whispers-of-death · 20 hours
A Date? No, a Hang-Out
A/N: If this is the first post of Python's series that you're seeing, read this masterlist first to get the full context.
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"Have breakfast with me."
Python paused in the middle of wiping the sweat off his tatted arms, both him and Ghost finished with a workout at the base gym. He stared at the man who had managed to worm his way past Python's defenses enough to become Python's gym buddy for the past month.
"What?" Python asked, wanting to make sure he had heard Ghost correctly.
Surely he couldn't have heard Ghost asking him to have breakfast with him, right?
Ghost didn't seem amused by Python asking him to repeat himself but he merely huffed in annoyance before leaning forward, as if that would make Python hear him better.
"Have breakfast with me," he repeated before adding, "Please. You can't keep avoiding eating with us."
Python's eyebrows furrowed beneath his mask and balaclava and he was about to reply when Ghost interrupted him.
"You said you were going to try trusting us. Don't worry, I won't make you eat breakfast with me in the mess hall, yet. Today, we'll just take it back to the barracks with us."
Python could just tell Ghost was smug underneath his own mask and balaclava. Somehow, despite not even knowing what Ghost looked like, he could just see the smirk that must've been on Ghost's face in his mind's eye.
He was silent for a few seconds before rolling his eyes. "Fine, I'll get breakfast and take it to the barracks," he answered. "But you better not look at me while we're eating."
"Scouts' honor," Ghost said with a chuckle, giving Python a little salute.
"You were a boys scout?" Python's curiosity piqued at that, despite his insistence to himself to still have Ghost at a distance.
Ghost shook his head, the two of them walking out of the base gym to go to the mess hall. "No, I couldn't afford the fee to get into the boys scouts." He let the heaviness that came with his honesty before turning to glance at Python. "Did you do the boys scouts program?"
Python turned his head away to look at the woods that surrounded the base before looking back at Ghost. "Nah, I've always hated the wilderness."
It was something new, something personal that he told Ghost. The first personal thing he had ever told Ghost.
"Hate the wilderness?" Ghost asked, puzzled because he had never met anyone who didn't like nature. "How can you hate nature?"
"I just do."
Python's words were clipped and the facial scar beneath his mask pulsed with phantom pain, reminding him of the day he got the scar. His hands rolled into fists at the reminder before he then took a deep breath, uncurling his fingers.
Their trip to the mess hall and then the barracks was in silence, Ghost knowing that Python didn't feel like talking more.
They both got to the mess hall and got their food rather quickly. They then headed towards the barracks, heading inside to find it empty of everyone else in the 141.
Python's lips quirked into a smirk beneath his mask as he saw it was only the two of them. "You know, if you wanted to go on a breakfast date with me, you could've said it was a date. Didn't have to browbeat me into it by saying it was for building the trust between us," he teased as he sat at the table in the corner of the barracks.
Ghost rolled his eyes, frowning beneath his own mask as he took in the way Python slipped back into his dodgy attitude he had before. Seemed to him like it was a defense mechanism, which was interesting.
He sat at the table as well, purposefully sitting next to Python so he was in his personal space just to get him back for the tease. "It's not a date," he replied, leaning forward to pull up his balaclava just enough so he could eat. "We're just hanging out, sharing breakfast together and bonding as teammates."
"You tell yourself that, Ghost. But one day, you'll admit that this was a our first date."
Python took off his hard-plated mask so he could roll up his balaclava enough to eat, causing Ghost to look away so he could honor Python's wishes about not watching him eat.
"Wait, first date?" Ghost was perplexed at that specific phrasing. He took a bite of his food. "As in there'll be many more dates?"
Python chuckled and smirked, happy that Ghost couldn't see his smirk since he was so kindly looking away. "Of course, you're going to be hooked and need to keep coming back for more dates with me." He took a bite of food on his fork and started eating.
Ghost briefly glanced at Python, making sure to just look at the upper part of his face which was still covered by the balaclava. "Cocky bastard," he grumbled playfully.
"You're cock too, if Soap is to be believed." Python chuckled. "He said that you told him that you were "quite the opposite" when he asked you if you were ugly underneath the mask."
"And I stand by that." Ghost could barely focus on anything other than the fact that Python had chuckled, a chuckle with actual amusement. "I'm not ugly under here."
Python ate another bite. "So we're both cocky bastards."
"I suppose we are, Python. I suppose we are."
They both kept eating their breakfast and talking until they both finished and had their masks and balaclava properly on again. Python went to get up so he could come with to take their trays back to the mess hall, but Ghost settled his hand on Python's shoulder.
His touch doesn't make my skin crawl, Python thought to himself, confused at the revelation.
"I'll take your tray back with mine, stay here," Ghost murmured, his brown eyes soft after their little banter. He squeezed Python's shoulder before pulling away to grab Python's tray and stack it on top of his. "We have little time until the rest of the 141 come back to the barracks, might as well enjoy the peace. Especially since Soap most likely will barrage you with questions about workout tips when he comes."
"Okay," Python found himself saying, still in a daze from how warm Ghost's hand was on his shoulder. He cleared his throat. "You're right, Soap will be his talkative self when he gets back. I don't know why he wants to get even bigger, he's already strong enough for the military."
Ghost chuckled and shrugged before leaving the barracks.
Python stared at where Ghost was, his heart still racing from the touch. Realization that he was starting to grow softer, to fall for Ghost hit him like a ton of bricks.
He reached up to massage his temple through the balaclava. "Here I was thinking Ghost would be the one hooked and coming back for more dates," he murmured humorlessly to himself.
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Separator made by @une-femme-de-lettres
A/N: Half of this was me winging it. I never have a set plan for my posts. I'm just glad I finally got back to writing these two, even if I'm not entirely happy with it.
This is the moment Python fell first and I think that's funny.
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Ghost, staring at Bear Hybrid!Reader trying to court Python: ... But he's going to be mine.
Stop giving me bullets if you don’t want me to load the gun 😭🫧
Python falling in love with Simon and having to come to terms with the fact that he’ll have to accept the polar bear hybrid that Simon’s already in a relationship with. Python eventually falling for the reader too and it keeps him awake at night.
Load the gun, bestie.
Python is just like "How did I get here, in this point of my life??"
But then he sees Simon and is just like "Okay, I'm in love." And then he looks at Polar Bear Hybrid and it hits him, "Oh shit, I'm in love with him too."
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hear me out on reader x ghost x python……bouncy, cheerful ray of sunshine whose made it his life goal to annoy pythost until one of them smile
I can see this going one of two ways:
Python helps you annoy Ghost because if anything, the man loves to annoy Ghost (he's living up to "I'm a bitch" comment).
Python and Ghost are endeared to each other because they (very affectionally) bitch about how cheerful you are.
Either way, they end up falling in love with you and each other. So win-win.
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