#snowbaz sweethearts exchange 2021
angelsfalling16 · 3 years
My (un)Bloody Valentine
My fic for @m-xdd-y for the @snowbaz-sweethearts-exchange. Thank you for being so patient even though I’m several days late. It was really nice to meet you and be paired up for this event! <3
I’m not sure a Valentine’s Day-themed murder mystery is quite what you meant when you asked for angst, but I hope you like this!
Read it on ao3
Summary: Bodies of Normals keep showing up at Watford, and Simon is sure he knows who is killing them. That is, until he finds his prime suspect kneeling beside the body, all the proof he needs, but finds himself wondering if maybe he had it wrong all along.
Word Count: 5481
Warning: I don't think this fic is too graphic, but there are mentions of blood and missing hearts, so please proceed with caution.
Part 1: The Suspect
“There’s been another one,” I say to the Mage.
“Another what?”
I growl because he apparently hasn’t been listening to me at all for the past five minutes.
“Another dead Normal.”
He waves me off as he flips through some papers on his desk. “Normals die all the time. What’s so special about these?”
“Their bodies were found in the Wavering Woods.” The magickal side of the woods. It doesn’t mean that it couldn’t have been a Normal who killed them, but it does make it less likely. “Someone is either killing them and dumping their bodies in the woods, or they’re wandering into the woods and someone—or something—is killing them.”
“They’re just Normals. Why do you care?” He doesn’t sound the least bit concerned by any of this. He actually sounds more annoyed than anything.
“They’re still people even if they don’t have magic. And they’re being found on school grounds. Doesn’t that make it your responsibility to do something about it?”
“Look, Simon. I have a lot going on. I don’t have time to deal with a couple of Normals who wandered into the woods and didn’t come back out.”
“There have been six of them so far. And they were all drained of their blood and missing their hearts.”
The Mage’s eyes widen slightly at that, but it’s the only sign that he has any feelings about this.
“We could move their bodies to the other side of the woods and let the Normal authorities deal with this.” I can’t believe he’s actually serious. Doesn’t he care at all?
“That doesn’t seem like the right thing to do. Shouldn’t we—?”
He slams a book down on his desk, cutting me off before finally looking up at me. His expression is harsh, and I can tell before he speaks that my efforts here are fruitless. He isn’t going to do anything about this.
“Enough, Simon. I have enough on my plate dealing with the Old Families. I do not have time to deal with some idiotic Normals on top of that.”
I glare at him for a long moment, searching for something to say, but it’s pointless, so I turn and walk out of his office. There’s no use fighting with him. He’s obviously not going to do anything about this.
That’s fine. I’ll figure it out on my own. I’m pretty sure I know who’s committing these gruesome murders anyway.
It’s the same person I’ve been suspicious of for years. I should have known that one day his evilness would turn into murder.
I’ve been watching him closely ever since the first body was found, and I’ve compiled a list of facts that prove that Baz is the one committing these murders.
Proof Baz is killing Normals and dumping their bodies in the Woods:
No. 1: He’s a vampire. It easily explains why all of the victims have been drained of their blood.
No. 2: He’s been staying out until all hours of the night recently, sometimes not coming back until just before sunrise.
No. 3: He’s been taking a shower almost every night when he returns, and he tracks in dirt everywhere, which he cleans up when he thinks I’m sleeping. He usually takes his showers in the mornings, which must mean he’s wanting to clean off something that can’t wait. Like blood. And all of the dirt serves as proof that he’s spending his nights out in the woods.
No. 4: He’s evil. He tried to take Phillipa’s voice in fifth year, and she had never done anything wrong to him. He definitely wouldn’t care about hurting some Normals he knows nothing about.
No. 5: He hasn’t been acting like himself. He seems more withdrawn and tired than usual, and when he sneers at me, it’s missing most of its usual venom. It’s like there’s something bothering him so much that he doesn’t care about anything else anymore. (Being a serial killer will do that to a person.)
All of this has me convinced that it’s him, but it isn’t enough to convince anyone else because I don’t have any actual physical proof. No one believes me. Not even Penny.
She does at least seem concerned about all of the dead Normals, but she doesn’t believe it’s Baz who’s killing them. I tried to convince her, but she thinks I’m “too blinded by my obsession with him to see things clearly”.
I told her that I’m only obsessed with stopping him, but she rolled her eyes at me and still refused to help me prove it’s him, so I’m on my own.
 Part 2: The Proof
This most recent body that was found has pushed me to work harder to find the person who did this because I was the one who discovered it. I knew that there were dead Normals in the Wavering Woods, but the details of their condition were kept a secret. So, when I stumbled across that body, almost literally stumbling on it, I couldn’t move.
The scene was gruesome. The body had been left lying half-hidden in some bushes, and there was a gaping wound in its chest where the person’s heart had once been. I wanted to scream out, but I couldn’t make a sound. I was too afraid that whoever had done this was nearby and would come after me if I did.
After that, though, I was determined to stop whoever it was, even if it meant putting myself in harm’s way.
It’s been a week since then, and I’m still not any closer to proving that Baz is the killer. I haven’t just been focusing on him—I’ve had other suspects—but he is still my prime suspect.
A body has been found every day since the first one was discovered, and it’s only a matter of time before one is found today, so I refuse to take my eyes off of Baz. I can’t let him kill another Normal.
He went to classes as usual, but at teatime, he heads straight for the woods. I wait a moment before following after.
I followed him into the woods a couple of nights ago, but I’m pretty sure he knew I was following him. He wove through the trees in circles, with no apparent direction, until I couldn’t catch my bearings. I was sure we were lost but after nearly two hours of that, he led us back out of the woods.
I don’t feel too great about the possibility of experiencing that again, but I would feel even worse if he killed someone and I didn’t try to stop him.
His pace is quick and purposeful as he makes his way through the woods. He seems so sure of his path that I wonder if he has already tied up a victim out here somewhere and is just now going back to take care of them.
A few feet ahead of me, he makes a quick turn into a thick patch of trees and bushes, and I pick up my pace to try to keep up with him. I turn where he did, but I don’t see him anywhere. I hurry forward, looking around for any sign of him, but everything is still and quiet. It creates an eerie feeling of both being all alone and being watched by a million pairs of eyes.
I slow my pace but keep moving towards where I think Baz went. I wander slowly through the trees, hoping to see or hear something that will help me find him.
As a couple of minutes pass and I still haven’t found anything, a lump forms in my throat, and my heartbeat quickens as I imagine all the awful things Baz could be doing right now to some poor sod.
I summon my sword and start thrashing it wildly about, clear the path in front of me so that I can push through the woods faster. I probably look like a complete madman, but I don’t care. I have to stop Baz before he hurts anyone else.
After what seems like forever, I slice through some low-hanging branches and step out into a small clearing. It’s only a few meters across, but the trees block out most of the light, which makes it difficult to see much.
At first, I don’t see anything, but as I take a few steps forward, two figures come into view on the opposite side of the clearing. I slowly move closer until the scene is clear. There is a limp body lying on the ground, a gaping hole the size of a fist in its chest, and someone is kneeling beside them. That someone is dreadfully familiar.
I gasp loudly, unable to stop myself, and Baz whips his head up towards me, his fangs bared.
I can’t believe it. I can’t believe I was right all along. Baz is the killer.
“I promise you this is not what it looks like,” he says, his words slurred because of his fangs.
“I don’t believe it,” I say, feeling queasy.
I was certain it was Baz but thinking it and seeing it are two completely different things.
I think there was a part of me that didn’t want to believe it was really him, didn’t want to believe he was capable of such horrific things, didn’t want to believe he really is a monster.
Being a vampire didn’t inherently make him a monster but this—these killings—are so much worse than being a vampire who feeds on wild creatures. It’s brutal and cold and unthinkable. I don’t understand how he could do it.
But here he is crouching over a fresh dead body, blood still pouring from the gaping hole in its chest, and the proof is irrefutable.
Baz did this.
He killed those Normals, and I have to stop him before he kills anymore.
“You killed them,” is all I can think to say.
“No. I didn’t. I know what this looks like, but you have to believe me, Simon. Please.”
He stands up, and I have to fight the urge to take a step back. I’ve never heard Baz plead with anyone before, so it’s strange that he’s doing it now.
Maybe it’s because he’s trying to keep himself out of trouble. But I won’t fall for it. I won’t let him get away with this.
I shake my head. “No. You did this. I know you did.”
“Are you sure?” He asks, and when I nod, he asks, “How sure are you? They will kill me for this if you turn me in, whether they have proof or not, so you should be absolutely certain before you run off and tell someone.”
He’s trying to trick me. I know it. I just… For some reason, I want to believe him. I guess I just don’t want to feel like this is my fault.
If only I had kept up with him, I could have prevented this from happening.
I shake my head again, hoping to clear away the doubt he has planted in my head before it can grow.
“You won’t fool me that easily. I know you did this.”
“Simon,” he says, and his voice is so soft and desperate that it steals my breath away. He rarely uses my first name, and he has definitely never said my name like that. “Look at me. Look at this scene. Really look at it. Do you honestly believe that I could do something like this?”
I take a deep breath and look at him then at the dead body and back again. I can’t stand to look at the scene before us for too long because it’s too gruesome, but I take a few long moments to study Baz.
His expression is hard, but there’s something vulnerable in his eyes, like he’s silently pleading with me to believe him.
It’s too much, and I have to look away, so I let my gaze fall down.
He’s still wearing his school uniform, same as me, but his somehow looks nicer. It never seems to wrinkle, and it doesn’t seem to have a spot of dirt on it even though he was just kneeling on the ground.
That’s what stops me.
If he had just killed that Normal, carved their heart from their chest, wouldn’t there be blood all over him? He could have cast a spell to clean himself up, but then, where’s the heart?
It’s not enough to wipe away my suspicions, but it is enough to make me doubt. Which I suppose was his plan, but it only means that I’ll have to keep an even closer eye on him tomorrow. I won’t let him hurt anyone else, but I also won’t turn him in until I know for sure he’s killing these people.
“Fine,” I say through gritted teeth.
“You believe me?” He almost sounds surprised.
“Not completely. But like you said, I need to be sure before I tell anyone. I’ll just have to get more proof.”
He nods once then says, “Alright,” before quietly adding, “thank you.” If I’m not mistaken, he looks relieved.
I only hope I haven’t just signed a death sentence for another Normal.
 Part 3: The Truth
I don’t get much sleep that night. Baz and I walked in silence back to the castle, and after we reported the body we found, he disappeared down to the Catacombs and didn’t return to our room for hours. I kept having to stop myself from going down there to keep an eye on him.
I get up bright and early the next day to make sure Baz doesn’t sneak off. It’s Saturday, so there aren’t any classes today, which means I should be able to keep my eye on him all day.
It’s Valentine’s Day, but I’m not sure how everyone can be so cheerful when these murders are taking place so close to our school.
If the victims were mages, I’m sure everyone would be scrambling. Parents would be picking up their kids; classes would be canceled; it would be a whole ordeal. But no one except me seems to be at all bothered by the murders. They haven’t even cordoned off the woods. It’s like they don’t even care for anyone’s safety.
The only person besides me who doesn’t seem in a cheerful mood is Baz, who seems to be moodily stomping his way all over the school.
I manage to keep my eye on him all morning and through lunch, but eventually I have to use the loo.
“Will you watch Baz for me for a minute?” I ask Penny.
“Why?” She asks, already looking annoyed at the mere mention of him.
“I want to make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone while I’m gone.”
She rolls her eyes at me but says, “fine. But all I’ll do is watch. I’m not interfering in this.”
I smile gratefully at here and hurry to the loo. When I return, I don’t see Baz anywhere.
“Where’s Baz?” I ask Penny, an edge of panic worming its way into my voice.
“He left a minute ago,” she says matter-of-factly.
“What? Where did he go?”
“I think he was headed towards the woods.”
“And you didn’t try to stop him? Or go after him?”
She sighs. “Simon, this is ridiculous. Baz is not a murderer. You need to face the truth.”
“I have faced the truth. Baz has killed thirteen Normals, and it’s only a matter of time before he kills another.”
“That’s not what I meant. I meant the truth about why you’re really obsessed with him.”
I frown. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
She nods solemnly. “I know, and I’m only saying this because you’re my friend.” She pauses briefly before saying, “You’re oblivious. You are completely oblivious to your feelings for him.”
“I am completely aware of how much I hate him,” I tell her.
She rolls her eyes. She does that often. “It’s more than that. You like him, and I think that if you really took the time to think about it, you’d see what I mean.
I want to stay and argue with her about this, but I have to go after Baz.
“I don’t have time for this,” I say. “I have to go after him.”
She shakes her head but doesn’t try to stop me when I turn to leave.
I take off towards the Wavering Woods, running as fast as I can and hoping it’s fast enough. I don’t even stop to consider the possibility that he might have gone elsewhere. I know he didn’t.
I have my sword drawn before I pass through the tree line. I keep running, blindly making my way through the woods. My movements are too loud for me to hear anything, but I can’t risk slowing down.
I have to keep moving. I have to keep running.
I have to stop Baz before he hurts anyone else.
I run for a long time, pushing harder and harder, until I trip on something, probably a tree root. I reach out to catch myself, scratching my hands on branches as I manage to stumble forward a few more steps before falling on my knees, hard.
I give myself a few moments to catch my breath before pushing myself to my feet.
That’s when I realize that I’ve made it to yet another clearing, bigger than the one yesterday and not quite as dark.
I take a few steps forward and find a scene similar to the one from yesterday. There’s a figure lying on the ground and something crouching over it. But it isn’t Baz.
This thing has wings and appears to be floating above the body with what appears to be an arrow poised over the figure’s chest.
I take a few more quiet steps forward, and that’s when I see who the figure is on the ground.
“Baz,” I whisper, barely audible.
The creature moves its arrow lower, and I cry out.
“NO!” I scream, and startled, the creature backs off and turns to me, hissing and spitting.
I freeze when I see its eyes. They’re bright red and glowing, and all of his teeth are sharp and pointed. What the hell is that thing?
It looks back down at Baz, and I cry out again.
“Leave him alone!” I shout, and somehow, my words are imbued with magic.
The creature hisses at me again, but as if he’s being pushed by something, he glides backward before turning and flying off into the woods.
I release a breath and realize that I’m shaking. I stay frozen to the spot for a long moment until I hear Baz take a gasping breath.
I rush to his side and sink to the ground beside him.
His shirt has been ripped open to reveal his chest, and there’s a button hanging from it by a thread. He’s pale, paler than I’ve ever seen him, and he doesn’t look well.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper.
How could I be so foolish? How could I honestly believe that he was killing people? If only, I had believed him.
“It’s not your fault,” he coughs.
“You’re so pale…” He’s more like an ashen grey. All of the color seems to have faded from him.
“Perks of being a vampire,” he says with a forced laugh, finally admitting it to me. Hearing him finally say those word aloud doesn’t make feels as victorious as I used to think it would, though.
“What did he do to you?” I ask, looking for a wound but finding none.
“Drank my blood. What little I had in me anyway.” He says it flippantly, like it’s no big deal, but it is a big deal. If he weren’t a vampire, he’d be dead right now.
He’s still dying, though. He can only go so long without blood. I have to do something. I have to help him somehow.
I think for a moment before the answer comes to me.
“Drink my blood,” I tell him.
He shakes his head violently. “No. I won’t drink human blood.”
“I won’t let you die.”
“I’ll go to the Catacombs. Drain some rats.”
“You won’t make it there in time.” Tears well in my eyes at the truth of this statement. I don’t want Baz to die. I have to save him.
“I can’t drink your blood, Simon.”
“Yes. You can.”
I pull him up into a sitting position and press his face into my neck.
“It’s okay,” I whisper. “It will all be okay.”
I feel his hesitation even as he nuzzles his face into my neck—he doesn’t want to do this, but he doesn’t have a choice. Then, there’s a sharp pain as he sinks his fangs into the side of my neck, and I gasp.
The initial bite is incredibly painful, and my instinct is to push him off, but I just grip onto his arms instead. And after a moment, his bite starts to feel good. Really good. It’s like as he takes my blood, he’s giving me something else in return, something warm and pleasant.
My eyes fall shut, and my mind goes blank. All there is is me and Baz and this pleasant feeling.
But then suddenly the feeling is gone, and reality comes crashing back down around me.
Baz shoves me away, and I don’t even try to fight him as I land on my back in the dirt.
The world spins around me as I struggle to catch my breath.
I’m still breathing hard, but after a couple of minutes I manage to sit up and look at Baz. He looks a little better now. Color is returning to his cheeks at least.
“That was…” I begin, grasping for a way to describe that experience.
“Awful,” Baz finishes, rubbing his hands down his face.
I frown, wrinkling my brows at him. That’s not how I would have described that.
“Are you okay?” I ask tentatively.
“No. Yes. No.” He shakes his head then tries again. “I’m not thirsty anymore, but I can’t believe I did that. I can’t believe you let me do that.” He won’t look me in the eyes. He just keeps staring at the ground.
“I couldn’t watch you die.”
He shakes his head at me. “Why not?”
I don’t know how to answer that. I don’t know how to explain it him. I can’t even explain it to myself.
“I just couldn’t,” I say, then I push myself to my feet.
“Where are you going?” He asks, finally looking at me.
“After it.”
“You can’t,” he says, attempting to push himself off the ground, but he isn’t strong enough yet.
“I have to.”
“Snow,” Baz rasps, his lips stained red with my blood, but I shake my head.
“I’ll find it. I’ll find whatever did this to you.”
“Simon, no. You’ll get yourself killed.”
I just shrug in response. I always knew I would go out fighting.
I turn towards the trees that the creature disappeared into and make my way to them, feeling woozy and a little unsteady on my feet.
Baz calls my name, but I ignore him and take off running once again.
I try not to think about why I’m so determined to get revenge for Baz. I mean, yes, I want to stop this creature, but I also want to get back at it for hurting Baz.
You like him. Penny’s words ring loud in my mind, but I shake them away.
I can’t think about that right now. I have bigger things to worrying about. Like stopping that creature before it can hurt anyone else.
 Part 4: The Final Victim
I have to go after Simon. He’s going to get himself killed.
I can feel Simon's blood coursing through my body. It makes me feel sick to think about what I just did, but it also makes me feel better physically, better than drinking blood has ever made me feel.
I don't like the implications of that.
I don't care how good drinking his blood makes me feel, I can never drink human blood again. I almost couldn’t stop, and Simon was too dazed to stop me. I can’t risk taking too much from someone. I would never forgive myself.
This one time will be worth it, though, if it means I'm fast enough to save Simon.
I finally manage to push myself to my feet, and after a brief moment of dizziness, I take off running faster than I've ever run before.
I can just barely catch a trace of Simon's scent, that familiar smoky-sweet scent that could only come from him. I keep shoving through branches until his scent becomes stronger. I'm getting close. I push myself to run faster. I have to get to him. He has no idea what he's gotten himself into.
This creature can't be killed by Simon simply going off or swinging his sword at it. There's only one way to kill a creature like this, and it's even harder to do than I thought.
I've been researching this thing since the first body was found.
My aunt used to tell me the Legend of a winged creature that came out every 14 years, killing one person everyday starting on the first of February and killing its final victim on Valentine's Day.
I used to think it was just a story, but as soon as I heard how the Normals were being killed, I knew it was more than a story. And I knew I had to stop it.
I've been hunting it even as Simon was so obviously hunting me. Of course I knew he suspected me. He's not very stealthy. I mean, he handwrote a list of reasons I'm the killer and left it on his desk for anyone to see.
I thought for sure he was going to turn me in yesterday even after he said he wouldn't. But somehow, I just barely managed to convince him. And then it was just my luck to become the creature's final victim today.
The creature doesn't only go after Normals -- I think they're just easier prey. It targets people who are single, people who won't be missed by a significant other. I fit the profile perfectly, but I think the real reason it targeted me was because I saw it yesterday. I wasn’t able to stop it, but I got close.
I was to be its final victim until Simon stopped it, which is why Simon is in so much danger. He's going after it, running right into danger like he always does, not caring a bit whether he lives or dies. He’s so stupid, but I have to help him.
His scent becomes overwhelming, and I know I'm close. I push through some more branches and find Simon fighting the creature in the trees.
He swings his sword at it, striking it on the arm, but the creature barely flinches.
"Simon!” I shout. “That won’t work. You have to get its arrow."
I realize my mistake too late when Simon turns to look at me, leaving himself open to an attack.
The creature rushes at him and knocks him off his feet. Then, it’s on him, ripping at his clothes, trying to get at his heart.
I race towards the creature, drawing my wand. Magic won't do much against it, but it might slow it down.
I cast a spell, sending flames towards the creature’s wings. It cries out in pain but doesn't move away from Simon, who is reaching for his sword which lies just out of reach. I run at the creature, knocking him off Simon, but it easily overpowers me, once again pointing its arrow at my chest. It bares its sharp teeth at me, and I decide not to fight it. At least if it kills me, Simon will be safe.
Baz knocks the thing off of me, but then he stops fighting. It's like he's given up, and I don’t understand why. I start to reach for my sword, but then I remember what Baz said. Get its arrow.
I lunge at the creature, landing on its back, and reach for the arrow. It attempts to shake me off, but when I see a speck of blood on Baz's chest, it’s like something snaps inside of me. I grip onto it and reach harder for the arrow. I won’t let it hurt Baz.
I manage to grab hold of the arrow and viciously rip it from the creature's grasp.
"Kill it!" Baz shouts.
I don't hesitate before plunging the arrow into the creature's chest. It bucks again, and I let go, letting myself slide off of it as black liquid oozes out of its chest. It yanks at the arrow, trying to pull it free, but it's too late.
The creature crumples to the ground in a lifeless pile.
I'm breathing hard as I step around it and help pull Baz to his feet.
As soon as he’s standing, though, he shoves me.
"You idiot!"
"You idiot." I repeat, shoving Simon in the chest again. "You could have gotten yourself killed!"
"I had it handled." He shrugs.
"You had no idea what you were going into. If I hadn't found you..." I trail off, not wanting to think about what might have happened if I hadn't gotten to him in time.
"Why do you care?"
"Because I—." I cut myself off.
"You...what?" Simon asks, and there's a strange expression on his face, one I’ve never seen on him before. It’s almost like he’s hoping I’ll say something.
"Because I care about you, okay?" I sigh, finally saying aloud what I’ve never been able to before.
I expect him to laugh and ridicule me for it, but he just stares silently.
I give him another moment before shaking my head and turning away. I can’t believe I just said that aloud. I can’t believe I said it, and I can’t believe Simon didn't react at all. At least if he'd laughed or hit me, I'd know where we stand.
I should head back to school. I'll report what happened here and then I'll try to forget how foolish it was to say that.
I take a few steps away from Simon, prepared to start running once I'm sure I’m going the right way, but stop when I feel his hand on my wrist.
"Wait." His voice is quiet.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"I care about you, too."
I turn to face him slowly, wondering if now is the point when he starts laughing, like this is all just some big joke. But he looks serious. And maybe even...nervous?
He stares at the ground, but his voice is louder and surer when he speaks again.
"I really care about you Baz."
I suck in my breath. This has to be a joke.
He tilts his head up and slowly meets my eyes like he’s afraid of what I’ll do.
I'm not sure what to say. I like him, and I want for him to be telling the truth, but how can I know for sure?
I search for something to say, and he steps closer to me.
His hand moves from my wrist up to my face, where he brushes a strand of hair out of my face and lets it linger there.
"I like you," he whispers, like it’s a secret only meant for me to hear.
"I like you, too," I whisper back without hesitating.
Then, Simon is moving closer to me, and I'm tilting my face down towards his, but he stops just short of our lips meeting.
"Can I kiss you?"
I marvel at the question because it's ridiculous that he even had to ask, but I also love him for it because he wanted to make sure it was okay.
"Yes," I reply, and the word is barely out of my mouth before he's kissing me.
I kiss him back gently, placing my hands on his hips to hold him there.
We kiss for long moments until we have to part to catch our breaths.
He takes a step back but he’s smiling up at me.
"Will you be my Valentine?" He asks after a moment.
I chuckle lightly. "Seriously?"
He shrugs. "Yeah."
I smile at him, my chest filling with warmth. "Sure, Simon." I nod. "Yes. I'll be your Valentine."
His face splits into a grin, and he reaches out to intertwine his fingers with mine.
I don’t think I've ever seen this expression on him, and it's hard to believe that it's because of me.
I feel my own smile widen, and I lean forward to kiss him softly.
This is the strangest - and maybe even nicest - Valentine's Day ever.
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captain-aralias · 3 years
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Thursday recs! (it’s just gone midnight. whoops)
thank you for tagging my @snowybank ! here’s some recs in return. 
firstly, of course, a shout out to the Snowbaz Sweethearts Fic Exchange 2021 in general - this fest was just so good!!!! everything i’ve read is stunning. everyone absolutely on their A game. highly recommend... everything, really. but here’s a special rec for... 
Northern Downpour by @scone-lover - teen, incomplete
just posted today. SO BRILLIANT. canon AU where ebb steals simon when he’s 11 and takes him to norway. i love this idea so much. as well as being about politics, this fic is also about how baz is a vampire and it’s getting to him. in other words - my favourite things a fic could be about. norway, politics and vampires. and learning about simon’s magic <3 <3 
now i feel bad about all the others that i’m not reccing, but... like - go and read the fest. SO GOOD. i added quite a few to my bookmarks... maybe just one more. 
eighteen candles by waveydnp - teen, complete
i already recced this one, i know, but it’s stunning. the beats of the kiss and the early relationship are so like canon, while being completely different. really raw and tender, with an absolutely gorgeous ending thanks to simon being wonderful. 
The Privatisation of Water by @eelwinks - explicit, complete
 released on valentine’s day, but not part of the fest. this fic is ALSO a really cool AU in which simon and baz didn’t get together at watford and meet again at uni, then accidentally goad each other into becoming friends with benefits - BUT IT ISNT ENOUGH. such a wonderful fic. amazing characterisation, good fun, lots of angst about miscommunication, brilliantly written. 
billions and billions all around us by @knitbelove - explicit, complete
simon and baz have awkward, but lovely sex in the back of the moving truck during chapter 41 in WS. i might have recced this at the time, but i’m reccing it again as i was reminded of it ad re-read it and it’s so good!! just slots right into wayward son.
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Snowbaz Sweethearts Exchange 2021 - Masterlist
Check out these amazing fics (all AO3 links) written for our first-ever Sweethearts Exchange! Still waiting on a few fics, but they will be added to the list once they are added to the collection on AO3. Happy Valentines Day to @rainbowrowell​ and especially to our favourite sweethearts, Simon and Baz. 
~ General Audiences ~
It's you I like (the way you are right now) by @themeaningoflifeischeese
The World’s Most Annoying Neighbour by @redalader
Trust Me by @viktorkrumn
~ Teen and Up ~
remedy by @alittledizzy
Nobody’s Artist by @messofthejess
Until We Get There by @seducing-a-vampire
Smoke & Lattes by @arca9
Charm Offensive by @annabellelux
Is This More Than You Bargained For Yet by @the-lincyclopedia
right where you left me by @rosebudbasilton
My Personal Snow Days by @banjjakbanjjak
eighteen candles by waveydnp
Pitch Magical Matchmaking by @jyoti96
Sweet Tooth by @flammable-grimm-pitch
i hear your ship is comin’ in by @m-xdd-y
untitled by @one-more-offbeat-anthem​
~ Mature ~
Winner Takes All by @fight-surrender
Past One O’clock by @amywaterwings
When I Get That Feeling by @im-gettingby
Complications We Could Do Without by @snowybank
~ Explicit ~
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by @krisrix
Good to You by @otherworldsivelivedin
Despite the Winter Chill by @ferelden-loser
bloom by @xivz
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The AO3 Collection is open for submissions!
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I know a few of you have your gift all ready to go, so if you do, feel free to submit it to this year’s AO3 collection, accessible via this link! Once mod Grimm has seen that you’ve submitted, it will be accepted to the collection. If you submitted and don’t see your work, don’t panic! Just send Grimm a message (@the-greater-grief​).
Works will remain unrevealed until February 14th, so please don’t post to Tumblr just yet! We want to keep things under wraps until the day of. 
Didn’t get a chance to read last year’s submissions, but need a bit of sweet Snowbaz lovin’ before the big day? Here’s the link to the 2021 Sweethearts Exchange collection!
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