#sola ui
m3gummy · 1 year
i ♥️ lancer trio
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hellionil · 1 year
Not me getting emotional because Grainne cast a spell on Diarmuid to make him leave with her, thus taking away his consent in the situation because he 100% wouldn’t have betrayed Fionn like that if he had a choice, and then in fate/zero when Sola Ui was trying to convince him to forget Kayneth and follow her his response was to say “I cannot consent to this” because he didn’t want to betray his master. And then when he actually gave his consent to Sola Ui for the sake of saving Kayneth, everything still went horribly wrong and resulted in him dying at the hands of his master. Nope, totally not emotional
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falsegrailwar · 1 year
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Assorted posts with no clear theme part 2
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degeneratedreamsrp · 2 months
A Way Out of a Bad Marriage (Closed RP with @a-den-of-demons)
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Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri had finally made the summoning circle and had encircled it in a bounded field. She would fill the circle itself with mercury, the liquid metal running through each of the extensions as needed. Soon a chant would begin, causing a bright light to flash from the summoning circle though this was nothing like bringing about a heroic spirit.
"Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Let each be turned over five times, simply breaking asunder the fulfilled time.
Let Brimstone and Iron be the essence. Let the archduke of contracts be the foundation..."
The ritual would continue as the magical energy would draw something forward. Something that'd allow her to escape her farce of a marriage to Kayneth. A way to be free. She was tense as she'd known what she was likely to have to give up for what she wished for, but this was going to be her golden opportunity. Her shirt already partially open to reveal what cleavage she had.
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typemoonsmashorpass · 5 months
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melonisopod · 7 months
Team Lancer would've won the hgw if they were poly
(Serious answer I think it was more than just that. Sola clearly didn't have any chemistry with Kayneth and was just going along cause she had to, while Kayneth loved Sola he clearly didn't pick up on the fact that SHE wasn't interested. "Oh he really cared about wooing her he really loved her!" but did he care about her feelings at all? No. But on the flip side of that Sola didn't care about Diar's feelings either, he was just an outlet for her sexual frustrations. Diarmuid just wanted to do his damn job, but then he got distracted cause "Oh no King Arthur's a hot girl and I lowkey want her to stab me!" which, fair, but overall Team Lancer was just everyone having their own agenda and nobody wanting to communicate or work together. It was an ugly situation from the jump)
(Silly answer: however, if Kayneth and Sola-Ui were both trans and Diarmuid had read Marxist theory, I believe they would have gained an implicit understanding of mutual trust and respect for their fellow man, each having a sense of equality among their respective roles. They'd have acted as a commune, operating together to win the Holy Grail. In this essay I will -)
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unit-zero-two · 2 years
Fate/Zero: Diarmuid, Kayneth, Sola-Ui and Freedom
When I first watched Fate/Zero I loved it. Mostly. The part that struck me as least satisfying was the story of Diarmuid and his Masters Kayneth and Sola-Ui. The love triangle drama was maddening and the cruel, overly gruesome deaths each of them died left a sour taste in my mouth. What was the point of this? How was this fair? How did any of it make sense? The fact that Sola-Ui was charmed by Diarmuid’s love spot into falling for him and leading to her acting without agency was infuriating. The man was perfect, magic wasn’t needed to fall for him!
Over the years, I came to understand bits and pieces of their story in better detail. Obviously it’s meant to mirror and recreate the tale of Diarmuid, Gráinne and Fionn. Legend repeats itself. The next piece is understanding how Diarmuid represents the pure knightly ideal that Arturia is in conflict with between her dual roles and knight and king. He also mirrors Lancelot, whose love affair with Guinevere was based off his own. Two knights, both seeking redemption for their pasts. One by serving again, the other by forcing his king to condemn him. Even if they never meet, they are intrinsically related.
Kayneth also grew on me as I got past his being an asshole and the bait and switch antagonist of the first part. This is a man who is defined by his pedigree in society, who is fighting not for a wish, but to prove that he is superior to raise his status. For him this is just a small step on his road to the highest echelons of society. He has power in his society, but is as much bound by it’s rules as everyone else. If he does not work to be the strongest mage by any means possible, society will leave him behind and the best case scenario will be his death. He’s right to be overconfident by the way, on paper he is the strongest Mage in the Grail War. Unfortunately for him, this isn’t a battle of mages.
His most obvious conflict is with Waver, the battle of Nature Vs Nurture. But he’s also in conflict with Kiritsugu, who is his natural enemy in philosophy and ability. Kiritsugu wishes to tear down the cruel mage society that led to the death of everything he loved, while Kayneth seeks to reinforce it with his power and teachings. Kayneth is also contrasted with Tokiomi. Both are powerful mages, heads of their families and doing what they think is best on the rules of their society to succeed in life. What they’ve been told they need to do. Kayneth is not a good or nice person, but the humanity he gains in his final moments, the spark of understanding of himself and the actions he needs to take to hold on to the last person left in his life, is heart wrenching and tragic.
Lastly, Sola-Ui. She’s by far the most controversial part of this trio. A young woman who is forced to marry Kayneth against her will and falls in love with Diarmuid because of his love spot. She’s portrayed as shallow and cruel when she gets moments and will do anything to be with Diarmuid. She lacks agency and ends up dying a cruel, needless death just so Kiritsugu can wrap up any loose ends. This is meant as a moment to show the lengths Kiritsugu (and Maya) will go to for his philosophy of Utilitarianism, his goal of making a world for his daughter to be happy in and to drive a wedge between him, Saber and Irisviel. But as an ending for Sola-Ui, it stings.
Or at least, it did. I’ve very slowly in recent years come around on the arcs of all three of these characters. The crux of the matter has been coming to terms with Diarmuid’s Love Spot and the curse it inflicts on those around him. It’s kind of absurd as a trait because in myths it wasn’t as effective as it seems in Fate/Zero and he’s already handsome, kind and perfect enough that it’s obvious that young women like Gráinne and Sola-Ui would fall for him. They’re trapped in the expectations of their respective societies that will set them up will older husbands they do not love just for political reasons and then they will lose the little bits of freedom they might’ve had and follow only the roles they had been set to play for the rest of their lives.
But the thing to consider here is that whether the Love Spot is doing anything or not isn’t important. And all evidence points to it being less effective than we’re told by Diarmuid. Firstly, Irisviel and Arturia aren’t effected. The only ones we see who are are Gráinne and Sola-Ui, who it makes perfect sense would fall for him regardless. Secondly, the only have Diarmuid’s word that the Love Spot is working as he thinks it is. This is a man who is wracked with guilt about betraying his oath and whose wish is to have another chance at being a knight. In Fate’s version of his tale we know he also falls for Gráinne and they marry, and he seeks Fionn’s permission to be with her. They have children who he loves, and tragedy only strikes him when Fionn is stuck between holding a grudge or forgiving him and takes too long. Diarmuid says the curse is strong and affecting Sola-Ui because he doesn’t want to consider the possibility of someone else falling for him again, repeating the complicated story of emotions he went through previously. He is single minded in his wish of serving his oath as a knight. If her affection is just a curse, then he can ignore it. To believe that it is working is to buy into the lie Diarmuid is telling himself.
Which brings us back to Sola-Ui.
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I think it’s useful here to bring in some flavor text from an FGO craft essence released during the Fate/Accel Zero Order Event. “Young Maiden Ignorant of Love”. It reads:
“The path to reaching the Root seems long and endless. That's why mages concentrate on prolonging their bloodlines, so that one day their children might achieve their eternal wish.There is no place for individuals. As it is her heritage and destiny, she has no choice but to follow her family's wish....However, she is not yet aware of the existence of emotions that could overwrite all wishes and destiny.”
Sola-Ui is trapped by the expectations and laws of mage society. She has no freedom beyond the role set for her. To become a mother of a mage child. The only thing she has for herself are her thoughts and feelings. It’s no surprise that she falls for Diarmuid. He’s the perfect knight, and he can save her from the engagement to a monster and give her the freedom she could never have. She falls in love, and this feeling convinces her to do anything for the freedom she now desires. She throws away her role, her wishes and even is willing to be cruel when she sees Diarmuid failing to act to rescue her. She needs to put herself in the position for which she can get his loyalty and love. In that framework Kayneth becomes an obstacle to be removed. The tragedy of her story is that Diarmuid is not in a place to love her, he’s unable to allow himself to give her what she desires. What she needs. He can’t break his oath again.
And that leads to the tragic end of all three characters. Diarmuid refuses to break his oath. Sola-Ui breaks from her role to try to gain her freedom. And Kayneth sacrifices Diarmuid to try to protect the only person he has left in life now that his very life as a mage has been destroyed. All act out of tragic desperation. it’s bitter with no sweetness. But it’s also beautifully earnest to see everyone working to understand their own humanity beyond the shackles society and their stations have imprisoned them with.
I’ve seen comments about how Sola-Ui and the other women in Fate/Zero don’t have agency. And they don’t. Because no one in Fate/Zero has agency. Everyone is trapped by the systems and societies to which they belong. Individuals crushed by the rules that govern the machine of life in which they are just mere cogs. Sola-Ui is an obvious example of this, but Kayneth has just as little freedom. So does Diarmuid. And Kiritsugu. They are all trapped, unable to gain freedom. To seek freedom is to die. And that is the true tragedy of Fate/Zero.
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allseeingbirchtree · 7 months
been thinking about team lancer ot3 and unconditional love lately. the way kayneth textually believes that unconditional love and loyalty is a joke, which is what makes him mistrust diarmuid even before the whole love triangle thing, while at the very same time loving sola-ui unconditionally, not stopping even after it’s become evident that she does not love him in return and is ready to do horrible things to him. the way diarmuid is pretty much unconditional love incarnate, loyal despite everything, but he’s so hurt by his experiences with being loved that he can’t possibly believe that sola-ui’s love for him is her own conscious choice, not the fault of his love spot. the way sola-ui is horrified of losing the only genuine emotion she’s ever felt and unwittingly destroys herself, her beloved, and the one who loves her. none of these people are normal. i love them so much.
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dailyfatefigures · 1 year
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Petanko Mini! - Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri by Penguin Parade
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soigniert · 11 months
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thievinghippo · 4 months
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Decided that BG3 Solas had to become a thing. So I made it happen. We've got deep gnome Solas with his guardian Flemeth (that's the closest I could get to her hair!)
Immediately put him in hobo gear and I'm pretty pleased with the results!
I included a screenshot of the UI cause look at Solas's portrait. It's uncanny!
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mary-graphics · 1 year
Creando un foro
Ahora que ha surgido toda esta conversación alrededor de los foros y su nivel de actividad, y que di mi opinión sobre la creación de foros propios, quise compartir un poco mi experiencia. Crear foros es complicado. Es una inversión de tiempo estúpidamente grande, más si eres una sola persona haciendo todo el trabajo. Aunque he contado con el apoyo de dos personas para algunas cosas y mucho, mucho feedback de por medio. Llevo desde 2020 con la idea de crear mi propio foro. Es muchísimo tiempo, ¿No? Y la verdad es que yo soy una persona muy perfeccionista. Jamás he administrado un foro, jamás he tocado realmente el panel administrativo en foroactivo, pero me dije a mi misma: quiero hacer un foro, ¿cómo puedo hacerlo? En 2020 compré una skin que me salió a buen precio, tome algunas referencias de foros antiguos en los que había estado porque me gustaba la temática, me basé en lo que conocía para hacer los grupos y todo lo relacionado y medio empecé a hacerlo. Escribí ambientación, razas, grupos, historia. Ya saben, todo lo necesario. Estábamos en pandemia, así que tenía con que entretenerme. Pero entre más escribía, más me daba cuenta de que estaba llena de vacíos, errores y cosas que no me terminaban convenciendo. También quería un mejor diseño del foro. Deje todo lo que tenía, tomé solo algunas bases y me puse en marcha. En 2021 contraté a una persona que me diseñara una skin completamente personalizada para el foro. Me dio mucha ilusión, trabajamos meses en el diseño, pero al final la persona desapareció y todo lo avanzado se fue al caño. Esto me dio un bajón tremendo y me quede meses desanimada, pero dije: No quiero dejar morir esto, así que empecé a hacer yo misma el diseño del foro, lo que me llevó a adquirir una nueva pasión y, ¡Oh por dios! encontrar una nueva pasión que podía llevar profesionalmente: Diseño UX / UI Me empezó a apasionar el tema y bueno, ya estoy estudiando para convertirme en eso, un diseñador de experiencias e interfaces. Pero bueno, yo no sé programar, por lo que tendré que contratar después a alguien que se encargue de esa parte. Y cuando ya lo tenga todo montado buscar a personas que tengan interés en el proyecto para poder mantenerlo a flote. Pero a lo que voy: Empecé a diseñar el mockup de mi foro a finales de 2022. Y llevo desde entonces diseñando, aprendiendo, viendo como se hace esto y aquello. (Dato: Si quieren hacer mockups para interfaces web utilicen el programa de Figma. Es fácil de utilizar y puedes usarlo incluso en un navegador web.) Cierre de paréntesis, llevo tres años trabajando en un proyecto al que le tengo mucho amor. Le he cambiado de nombre, he cambiado un sin fin de cosas. No saben cuantas cosas del diseño se han modificado. Paletas de colores que van desde el color de grupo hasta decidir cual será el color principal del foro, cositas de la ambientación. Miles y miles de bocetos que terminaron en algo completamente diferente, escribir un montón, borrar un montón. Ha sido muchísimo trabajo y ni siquiera lo tengo listo, así que no sé cuando saldrá al aire este tan esperado proyecto que tanto quiero que vea la luz del sol. Pero a lo que voy es qué, tengámosle amor a nuestros proyectos y también paciencia. Mas adelante compartiré con ustedes todo el proceso, si quieren, pero me ha tomado tres años hacer este proyecto, muchos borradores, errores y mucho aprendizaje. Y aun me falta mucho más por aprender. Todo se va puliendo sobre la marcha. Todo se va perfeccionando. Y hay muchas cosas que sólo podemos aprender a través de las observaciones de otras personas. Así que recíbanlas con amor y, si van a darlas, también denlas con amor. Disfruten el proceso de crear algo, de ver lo mucho que sé a avanzado, y sean respetuosos con su propio trabajo y con el de los demás. Crear un foro toma mucho tiempo. Y está bien. Ahora eso es todo por ahora, sdjfai. Gracias por leerme.
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disquiet-doll · 1 year
I don't think Fate/Zero is like, overwhelmingly sexist to the point that it ruins the story, but I DO think it's women are very often denied their own agency in favor of being used as tools to further the development of the men in the cast.
Also like, it's kind of telling toward Urobuchi's mindset on what kind of story he was writing that pretty much all the actual participants in the war outside Saber - who literally had to be there - are men. All the masters (aside from Sola-Ui I guess but uh that's another whole thing), and every servant except her and, if i'm being very generous, kind of Hundred-faces Hassan. Not that the story couldn't have the non-participants be important, but it's not really a good sign and I think the deprioritization of women it's indicative of carries through the entire story.
Because like, at the end of the day Fate/Zero is in a lot of ways a "hard men making hard choices" kind of story. And to it's credit, it doesn't actually valorize that! The ending is effectively "actually this was just a bunch of suffering for no reason, no one was helped by this and that whole 'hard man doing what has to be done' act DEFINITELY made it worse."
But like. It's still about that whole thing, you know? And there's just... a lot of women suffering in it not to further their own tragedies (because it is a tragedy, of course they'll suffer for being in it), but as part of the tragedy of the men in the cast. It's kind of a thing.
All I'm saying is like, any of like half the servants, Ryuunosuke, Kayneth, maybe Kariya, or even (as much as it pains me to say, because I love him as-is!) Waver could've been women and it would've substantially increased the agency of the entire gender across the cast. But. Well. They aren't!
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lunarlagomorph · 1 year
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Heyyy, if Arjune were to be summoned in the fourth or fifth holy grail war, who do you think would be the best master in each part? and the worst? I can't see him tolerating Ryuunousuke and I think he would specially hate Shinki, what with his experience of the Kauravas insulting his wife Draupadi, so I think he'd get along horribly wrong with those two but I don't know if Kiritsugu would also be a somewhat bad match for him
Oddly enough I he might actually mesh rather well with kiritsugu if he went full into his ‘I’m a tool that exists to fight for justice please don’t look any deeper than that.’ He’s very archer-emiya coded and as long as kiritsugu continued to keep the casualties minimal (ie, evacuating the hotel building before blowing it up) I think he would at least be able to manage. Not thrive, per say, but I think arjuna is able to at least justify to himself the concept of ‘sacrificing a few to save the many’ (just look at what happened to his own children and family in his origin story) and he’s able to maintain an impersonal distance that someone like kiritsugu would likewise also probably do well with. (Also tbh kiritsugu would probably prefer a servant that’s a long range fighter over a close combat unit)
I do think it would still weigh on him though-ultimately like saber it’s a situation where he can still do well as a warrior but he wouldn’t be happy bc of it’s brutality. His relationship with irisveil if he was contracted to kiritsugu could easily go either the way of being more human or cold depending on his writer mindset
Legitimately I can’t imagine a solid 90% of servants managing ryuunosuke, so that would probably come down to a matter of if his pride in being a ‘good’ servant trumps his general honor as a hero. Personally I think he’d probably go for the latter but I’m not sure? Outside of that…I don’t know. Kayneth is odd to me because diarmuid was also very subservient and eager to please with him and he still didn’t like him, but arjuna’s more ‘yeah I’m just a tool’ general vibe might make his feathers less ruffled? Unless his folklore wife stealing ability kicked in with sola-ui somehow anyway 😔.
I don’t think he’d work well w kirei because kirei is just a bad master in general. He would probably be ok with tokiomi but think the guy was kind of full of himself. He wouldnt get him murdered tho lmao.
I can’t fathom how he and kariya would work out. Kariya summons his servant in the worm basement with Zouken present like oh my god-wait it’s a berserker too. Oh my god. Can you fucking imagine arjuna alter in fate zero the man would go even more insane
Waver and arjuna would be funny tho. I don’t know how, but waver with anyone is funny. Shoutout to waver.
As for og fate….I’ve seen others say he probably wouldn’t mesh well with Sakura, as he tends to be too busy with his own sad boy hours to notice other’s issues and also would probably see dark Sakura as more of a problem to take care of, and I’m not familiar enough with her yet to really say otherwise.
shirou and arjuna sounds like a disaster waiting to happen bc imagine archer but like, not at all connected to shirou and also in the history books. He has no reason to look at shirou’s suicidal desire to save everyone and not be like ‘poggers sounds great master I’m doing that also it’s hell on earth but what can you do :)’ and then he sits in a corner for 40 days pretending he doesn’t have human emotions while shirou turns into a sword or something
If it was shinji in the routes where he isn’t actively a rapist and more annoying I could see him just being tiredly tolerant of him, but I have 0 idea how he’d handle heavens feel shinji.
Rin….lmao. I think he’d like cosplaying her butler.
Illya….he would want to cosplay her butler
Caster…yeah I don’t even know. I think he’d be like ?
I don’t even know enough about them to be really saying anything 😭
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rainbowravioli · 1 year
With the Dragon Age leaks, FINALLY some actual proof the game even exists, when all they have given us for years has been...the title and Solas. I can finally wait for something tangible instead of a concept.
I’ve seen other games go through similar hellish productions and how they came out (not great). This one has the bonus of having people constantly leave the project. Just passing the hot potato. I don’t want to hear about how I need to be patient and how I need to trust the devs (who keep leaving). I want the game to be great, I love this franchise, but I’m not going to be blindly trusting and optimistic when I have been given no reasons to be. 
Having said about, about the leaks content:
The good:
- Grey Wardens, hell yeah! Finally back the THE faction of the franchise. And the idea that we get to be a Grey Warden again? EXCELLENT! I’m hoping we’re getting origins again and that you get to pick which faction your character belongs to and Grey Wardens will be one of them.
- Finally seeing Weisshaupt and what the hell is going on there!
- Possible Dwarf female companion AT LAST! Hope she’s a romance option too, the Dwarf discrimination has to end. 
The bad/meh:
- Not being able to control party members is my current biggest issue but I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt that this is Alpha footage and they’re going to add that later.
- Dragon Age is likely never going back to Origins style combat (if it even makes it past this entry), it was to be expected. One of my least favourite aspects of Inquisition was the combat but I have had years to accept that it is what it is. 
- I have no strong feelings for the UI, I’ve played WoW too many years to think it’s bad and tbh I didn’t even know it was a controversial design until now seeing people react to it. It’s also one of the things that is for sure still being worked on so *shrug*
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