#sorry I had to mangacap this as soon as I saw it
aealoarcturus · 2 years
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Berserk (ベルセルク Beruseruku) by Kentaro Miura, Kouji Mori and Studio Gaga
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pfreadsandwrites · 3 years
congratulations on 100+ followers!!🥺❤️✨ bless you and your quality content ahhhh and thats a really good list of prompts there i actually had trouble picking one... but, since im truly a sucker for angst at heart, can i please have a number 15 with Kakashi?👀 please hurt me lmao thank you, and congrats once again!❤️
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100 follower celebration
Yes, i used this mangacap. 
Anyway, ahh @enchantedpendant, I’m so sorry I’ve kept you waiting so long for this! I know you expressed excitement over me writing something angsty way back when I first began the celebration event and ugh I’m just sorry it’s taken so long. And thank you for your support as well. You’ve been so amazing and encouraging right from the start and I’m so grateful :) I really hope you like this... if ‘like’ is the correct word.
Oh - also, to the anon that also requested this exact prompt (great minds think alike, huh?) I’m planning on writing a different version for you! But yours is the penultimate or last one so I’m hoping this’ll tide you over in the meantime! 
This is my first piece after being unable to write for a while - forgive me if it’s rusty. I worked hard on this but I also struggled to all hell with it. It’s a circular-ish/montage-y piece. And I could have made it short, focusing on the scene itself, but I wanted this to have an emotional impact, ya know? I hope it worked! Please let me know what you think. Or if there are any mistakes.
warnings: character death, angst, miscarriage, sad feels all around, female reader, mild violence and sex mentions but nothing explicit, 2.9k
taglist: @madaras-housewife @datblobbyfish @praisingkuroosbedhead @allthingskakashi @enchantedpendant @ibukiirisha @cinam00n @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @tachibrii @drunkenfists
15. “Don’t die on me - please.”
Why did it always feel too soon, each time he let you go?
You remember it, the first time it happened. 
How could you not? Little, insignificant, as it might have been to some - to him, if he could convince himself - to you, it was momentous. Lasting only a second, where his calloused fingers had brushed against yours, softer than his, yes, but no less enduring. The normally aloof eye, the only one he seemed to show without hesitation, was intent, the obsidian endless in its depth. 
But - out of courtesy to him, or some kind of self-preservation - you’d paid it no mind. Or kept up that pretence, anyway. You found your footing as quickly as you’d lost it, stumbling away from his support no matter how reluctant you were to do so. The gratitude you’d muttered was enough and it seemed like you’d made the right choice; when that quietly shrewd eye of his turned away from you and his strong hands let you go in the same movement. He never let you bask in your own clumsiness, but that somehow made you feel worse. His nonchalance was excruciating. As if he hadn’t just saved you and made it look effortless. As if his touch alone hadn’t frozen you in place. 
As if it never happened at all. 
(It never should have happened at all.)
But still, you remember it. The moon’s luminosity the perfect backdrop, illuminating that wild silver hair as he turned away from you. 
(It was all so disgustingly poetic.)
It took longer than it should have for you to turn away in kind. But you did. Eventually. You made the awkward trek back to camp before him, the internal rambling of your self-berating your only company. It grew louder each time you looked back, stealing little glances against your own will.
It was so loud that you didn’t notice much else.
Not even Kakashi stealing glances back at you, for instance. 
Why did your breath hitch,  even when the air had never been more tranquil?
You remember. 
How he always did that, you still don’t know. Perfect timing, though you never appreciated just how perfect until he was gone again. 
(You should have learnt to count your blessings.)
Without a trace, and so quickly, unceremoniously, that the entire encounter might well have been a mirage. It still might have been.
(Maybe it’d been better that way.)
 You’d had enough. You didn’t think it through much further, and your desperation triumphed over your cautiousness as you sought out the bar exit. The mission, against all odds, was a success. And, against all better judgement, you were dragged along to the accompanying celebration. The atmosphere should have been infectious, you should have smiled more, you should have enjoyed yourself. 
Then again, you couldn’t find much to celebrate. Mistakes - your mistakes - had piled up. Your team completed the mission despite you, not because of you. The liability, not the heroine. 
(In hindsight, would it really have been so terrible if things ended for you there?)
You’d exhaled dramatically as you made your escape, a feeble attempt to expel all the guilt and shame you’d retained, or tried to retain, up until now. 
You still remember the lilt of his voice, smooth and somehow jovial, but never losing that gravelly undertone, as you walked around the corner. How could you ever forget it? No matter how lax he sounded, or tried to sound, the severity lurking underneath always cut you deep.
Are you alright, he’d asked, already knowing the answer. With that signature one-eyed smile, he pretended to believe your response. And you pretended, in turn, that his smile didn’t have had the effect on you it did. 
You didn’t exchange that many words as he walked you home, but somehow, it was enough. Though he was always careful with what he revealed, it was enough. He understood - much more than he let on, you suspected - but it was enough.
You didn’t hate yourself quite as much anymore, and - well, it wasn’t too much of a stretch - it didn’t seem like he hated you either. Something in the way his hand squeezed your shoulder, lingering for a moment, just before he saw you off. Was he reluctant to let go? 
You slept better that night. 
You’d find out later, that, miraculously, Kakashi did too. 
Why did you feel so secure, sharing in all that suffering?
You remember.
(Why had you been so stupid?)
You’d almost dropped your flowers, when you saw him standing there, facing the memorial stone. It shouldn’t have been shocking; you’d heard gossip, in passing, about how much time he spent here. You’d also heard, in passing, how late he tended to be. Putting two and two together, you never held the latter against him. 
You understood, after all. You'd understood all the more as your eyes bore into his back. Something in the way he curled and uncurled his fists, the way he sighed, the way his straightened back gradually hunched. 
As far back as you could recall, your attitude to graveyards was… ambivalent. You’d avoid them whenever you could, not out of any tendency to be spooked or anything like that. You just couldn’t bring yourself to leave. It was peaceful, to be immersed somewhere so solemn, with such dense air - but the gravity of it also chained your feet there like an anchor. You knew each time you were there, regardless of your own volition, wouldn’t be the last. So if anyone were to empathise with this particular way he chose to punish himself, it was you.
(And now you would take it on twofold in his stead. What a joke.) 
“You don’t often come here,” he’d said quietly, matter-of-factly. Devoid of judgement, though he didn’t bother to face you. 
“No. I probably don’t spend as much time here as I should…,” your voice trailed off, and found new confidence, when you watched him stare at that stone. Hopelessly. You didn’t know all the details. But you didn’t need to. All you knew that it was simultaneously frustrating and pitiful. “And you probably spend too much.”
This time, he glanced back over his shoulder. You couldn’t exactly see through his mask, but he seemed… amused? “How do you figure that?”
“Call it a hunch.”
He chuckled, satisfied, and stepped back to give you room. “Then, I guess we balance each other out.”
“What a pair we are.” 
“Right. Well, I better-“
You still don’t know why you decided to grab his wrist that day, when he turned to leave. You still don’t know why you couldn’t bring yourself to let go, either. 
You still don’t know why Kakashi decided to stay. 
Why did you flit so rapidly from anger to elation, and why was it always because of him?
You remember.
In hindsight, it had been your fault. 
(What the fuck else was new?)
Retreat. Get out of here. It had been a simple order. But it had felt impossible, when the enemy appeared from behind, jutsu blaring, its raw power visible, that disgusting snarl on its wielders’ face - aiming for him.
You didn't think. You couldn’t think. You leapt in front of the attack within seconds, and your plan ended there. 
The same couldn’t be said for your captain. With his signature finesse, with a rare scowl - you couldn't tell who it was aimed at - you were moved away, and the enemy deflected, in the same movement. 
The battle had come to an end shortly after, through no fault of your own. It took all you had, but you bit your tongue as he scolded you, in front of your comrades, quietly healing your wound. 
You had acted for his sake. 
(How futile.)
Apparently, that meant nothing to him, not even worthy of acknowledgement. It wasn’t like you had expected gratitude - but for a man known for his stoicism to blow up, and because of you - it made you livid in turn. 
The journey back had been silent, seemingly just so you could bask in your own shame. 
So, when you were back in the sanctuary of your home, nursing your injury, your failure, and your pride - you hadn’t expected to hear a knock.
Nor had you expected him. Headband missing, brow furrowed and glaring at you in that way you couldn’t understand, much less accept. You’d made a mistake - of disobeying orders, of recklessness, of caring - but why the hell did he care in turn? 
“What?” You had hissed, unable to contain the outrage of his interruption of your little haven. Not that it made it any easier to look at him. “You’re here to admonish me again?”
“What the hell was that?” He growled in turn. “You disobeyed my orders and almost got yourself killed.”
“I-,” your voice shook, tears pricked your eyes - he was right, even if it pained you to admit it, but it wasn’t fair. The space between you had shrunk. He was so close now that you saw the rise and fall of his broad chest beneath his vest - apparently just as outraged as you. You had never seen him like this before. “Why are you so mad at me? I was just trying to - I thought-”
“Am I supposed to factor in every one of your impulses? Why did you do that?”
You remember how you heard his heartbeat, pounding - pounding just as loud as yours was. And it depleted your inhibitions. “Because - because you were in danger, you asshole!”
You remember how he had gently grabbed your injured wrist, just as you were about to shove him. You’d anticipated his reflexes, but you couldn’t have anticipated his expression, when you finally met his gaze. You remember how swiftly he’d pulled down his mask, but you couldn’t have anticipated just how breathtaking he’d be, either. Nor how it could feel when he kissed you - finally.
When Kakashi moved to pull away, of course, of course, you moved to pull him right back. 
Why did you always let him leave?
You remember.
(If you knew how it would end, you never would have let him. Better still, maybe you never should have let him enter in the first place.)
You’d never felt so safe. 
When he’d appear and reappear at your apartment - the window, never the door, despite your half-hearted protests - waving with that stupid, adorable, one-eyed smile. He knew you’d saunter over, sliding it open with a matching grin, every time without fail. 
(You always did. That much, you did.)
When he’d laugh, when you told him about your mishaps. You’d laugh at his in kind - though it didn’t suit you, and you replaced it with your usual sympathetic ear. When you’d accompany him to the memorial stone, and pull him way just at the right time. When he’d pull you away, too. 
(What a fool.)
When he’d unmask himself around you, and you pretended not to notice, like it didn’t floor you. When you watched him struggle to decide whether he was relieved or offended. When he kissed you, in that indescribable way that wavered between tentative and determined, soft and powerful, usually choosing the perfect time to flit to the latter, making your knees buckle in the process.
(What a fool.)
When he’d undress you, and no matter how desperate he’d seem, how he always paused to take you in. When he’d move in you, filling your heart and body so much that you thought you might burst. When he’d hold you just that little bit closer, tighter, longer every time.
(What a fool.)
Even when he’d leave, sometimes after you’d fallen asleep, sometimes before - sometimes in the morning - when he’d leave for a day, a week, a month - you felt safe.
Because you knew, in the deep recesses of your heart, that each time you saw him wouldn’t be the last.
(What a fucking fool.)
You remember the first time he said it. Quietly, earnestly, unceremoniously. 
“I love you,” Kakashi had murmured into your ear one night, when he was so, so sure you were sleeping. 
Why did you ever dare think you had any cause for optimism?
You remember.
The two lines, glaring upwards and through you, from that unremarkable little piece of plastic. They’d ran parallel - you thought it apt, just like your trepidation and your excitement. The lines would never meet, though. 
(How apt.) 
You’d been happy. That was what had shocked you most, save only for the very fact of you being in this situation in the first place. But behind the fear, there it was. A little glow, a nucleus of hope and future nascent deep in your centre, spread through your heart and speckled to your fingertips, your face, your smile - that paired flawlessly with the little bundle of meaning, the combination of you and him budding in your belly. 
(Buds drop off before blooming all the time.)
You thought it’d be easy. 
(How stupid.)
You thought you could share it all with him right away. 
(You wished.)
But there was a part of you that faltered, when he’d show up at your window in that deceptively lax way. The words stuck in your throat, whenever he asked you if you were alright. The ease of his question didn’t match the weight of the truth. It almost felt… cruel. 
Maybe his fears would eclipse yours, and all that euphoria you’d harboured would dissolve. Maybe he’d be angry, though you suspected that even if he were, it’d be short lived. Maybe you’d end up keeping him from his duty. 
(Maybe you were just a coward.)
Regardless, your hands would float to your stomach whenever they weren’t occupied. Regardless, your mind would conjure up a future, remiss of your own will, an idyllic scene of a child, a marriage, something so sickly sentimental that you wanted to scold yourself. Regardless, it gave you hope.
It was enough, you’d decided. You'd get over it, face him and your fears, because what was waiting on the other side was so good that you’d forget that you had any in the first place. You’d do it. 
You’d tell Kakashi the next time you saw him. 
Why did it always feel too soon, each time he let you go?
You remember it, the last time it happens.
How could you not? The moon’s luminosity the perfect backdrop, incandescent, illuminating that wild silver hair, that crimson eye, that tired eye. His blood gleams under its splendour, under the green light that emanates fruitlessly from your delicate, shaking fingers. Softer than his, but no less enduring. 
It’s all so disgustingly poetic.
He refuses to scream, or shout - just whisper your name, in that restrained, ever-abiding tone. It’s never made you want to scream out more in his turn. You would have done anything to absorb it all in its stead. 
“What are you doing here?” he demands, as if he has the energy to. As if you can answer. As if you don’t see the wounds, the bloodshot-eyes, that compliance of his own mortality. His hand - the one that you were stupid enough to trust in, to think was strong - clenches around yours, calloused, then weakens, loosening its grip. He follows it with another impossible, familiar order. “Get out of here.”
“Shut up. Don’t die on me - please,” you beg, coughing up your words in between the sobs that spill forth, onto his face. The ache, the deep, sharp cramp in your hips, the agonising spark that spreads throughout your lower body, and you repeat your futile mantra two-fold.  
(It hurts. It hurts so much.)
“Y/N, I- I’m sorry,” he begins, moving to use his dwindling force to brush away your healing fingers, “it’s too late for that. Just get somewhere safe. Please.” 
“Shut up,” you repeat. You gasp hoarsely, reinforcing your grip. The pain deepens, in the pit of your throat, your heart, and in your womb, amalgamating together inextricably in some hellish concoction just for you and you alone. “Shut up.”
“I’m sorry,” he repeats. His eyes lid, and suddenly that scar never seems so cutting. It’s all so obvious. He just looks so tired, so… resigned. As if he’s been waiting for this. “I love you.”
“I love you too. So you can’t-”
“It’s over. You know it as well as I do.” 
Somewhere, somewhere deep down, you always knew. You knew, but never wanted to admit it. He’d made his peace with dying, long before you ever met, and you can’t hold him back any longer. It almost feels… cruel. 
(Not as cruel as him.)
His hand drops, dropping with a graceless thud against your damp thigh. “Y-you’re covered in blood. That’s all mine…?”
“Yes,” you lie, voice as thick as the mixture of blood and tears that stain both you and him. “Don’t worry about me.”
He stops - and you almost think he’s going to call you out, like he’s done so many times before. 
(You wish he would.)
You’ve never been able to dupe him. But instead, his eyes crinkle at the corners.
(You love him. You love him so much.)
He smiles that hidden smile, one last time. 
His fingers that fight with yours give up, one last time.
He whispers your name, one last time. 
Why did it always feel too soon, each time Kakashi let you go?
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dcptcnx · 5 years
Hawks Theory
Okay before I get started, I wanna thank @hobitteh for their fanart of Hawks as a child (for his bday and Xmas) !!
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Alright. Now I’ve been listening to this NF playlist on Spotify and it’s got me in my feels (it’s deep af). I know I said that NF songs got me thinking about the Todoroki family (and I will personally make a theory about that later on) but I wanna go on about Hawks today.
We know from manga that Hawks was shown as a kid VERY VAGUELY about his rescuing and stuff. But it got me thinking...Is hawks hiding valuable information about his family and what not?
⚠️I’m really sorry for about what I’m gonna say and for this certain reason, I’m gonna put this theory under the bar because it involves the mentions of physical, and emotional abuse, as well as drug use, and very personal and triggering topics. ⚠️
when I listen to any NF song, i obviously listen to the lyrics, as he raps about his personal life and how he has coped. But some of his songs, I hear stuff more vividly.  but Because Hawks’s past was so vaguely mentioned, i have very little to go off of. 
At some point in the manga, we see that the price of endeavor toys has dropped drastically because they were not selling as fast as All Might toys. and we see that Hawks has possession of one at this time frame. But in the entirety of the flashback, we see no evidence of his parents. I came up with 4 outcomes or whatever.
1) his parents were separated
2) he was taken from his household and put into foster care
3) he ran away from home
4) one or both parents were abusive to him and he found peace outside
for reason 1, I think that because maybe one or the other parent was being accused of cheating, doing drugs, being abusive or something and for them to find a point of “peace” they ended up splitting up and not living together??
this leads into my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th reason. if the case was that one or both parents were abusive or split up or something, he could’ve ran away from home at a young age because he couldn’t handle the rage and anger within the household. Or a close family friend didn’t want Hawks to grow up in such a toxic environment and called CPS (Child Protection Services) which had him be taken from his parents due to “lack of resources to care for a child”
if that^^ reason were so, the way he got the endeavor toy was A) he was given it from the nanny, B) he stole it while out and about, C) he found it in the trash, or D) his mom or dad bought it with little money they may had have and gave it as a gift.
When i looked at Hobitteh’s art, i saw that young hawks has smudges all over him, with an empty room with no lights on. and 2 parents arguing about the “Endeavor gift” he was holding. The father silhouette is shown yelling at his wife about ‘why did you buy that? you know we cant afford such things’ and the wife is responding back with ‘its his birthday and christmas gift!’ when examining this, I kinda get the sense that Hawks was poor, or was barely making ends meet. But i took this situation into another angle.
Father is abusive to his wife about hawks. Hawks had a fear about his dad and would do anything to make sure his father didnt release his anger on him. Mother could have loved hawks physically, but mentally and emotionally, she wasn’t there for him: she could have been addicted to some sort of drug, and spent the little money they had on getting her fix. This situation could’ve drove hawks’s father into a ‘frenzy’ which led him to leave. 
in the mangacap of dabi walking away from hawks to an open door is very interesting. This may have absolutely nothing to do with this but, Dabi is seen walking towards an open door with light; open door to new beginnings, while Hawks is left in total darkness; he let his fear consume him deeply and it dictates his life. (the fear of his past creeping back up to him)
I dont know if Hawks knows about how Endeavor has treated his own kids, because he looks up to him. but i feel like if hawks knew, he would distant himself cause he would remind him of his own father. 
Hawks mother, as i said could have been a drug user, may have overdosed on some drug and passed away before Hawks graduated or even at a very young age. This kinda adds to my internal thought that the reason hawks never attended U.A was that it was too much for him to handle, that he didnt really want to be hero for himself but for the people who asked him to. Hes afraid that his downfall will soon show and everyone would immediately dislike him cause he has ‘villainous tendencies’ by his actions.
Being in a poor environment has easier access to drugs, and because his family made just enough to buy the bare minimal on food, his mother just didnt care, cause she needed her ‘fix’ so she would spend the money on drugs, and cause her husband, Hawks’s father, to lash out. 
maybe hawks has a super soft spot that nobody knows about and hes too scared to open up too much cause he doesnt want history to repeat itself. he doesnt want to hurt someone who never deserves it. with the abusive part of the theory, it points me to a direction with an Overhaul theory (which i will also write about some time)
all of this could be a complete utter lie and that his parents loved him dearly and did everything they had, but this is what *I* got with someone’s fanart and how Horikoshi added into the manga with the absence of his family.
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