#soul sleeps anywhere that isn't in his own space/room
sneeb-canons · 6 months
soul sleeps in the WEIRDEST positions. the bitch has been found asleep on the tv, on the fridge, IN the fridge, under mind AND hearts beds, in a closet, on the roof (more than once), and many more places and positions that i shan’t say for legal reasons. oh and on top of all that, darrel sleeps on soul’s head. he will also peck soul to wake him up. he has drawn blood like that before and now heart is terrified of darrel.
Headcanon #271
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dreamingdelusionz · 1 year
The master of Earth walked silently through the hall, knowing every floorboard and crack all too well. His weight shifted with each careful movement- one would not think a man of his size could move gracefully. But he was muscular, not fat- and fully in control. Narrowed eyes swept the space around him as he moved, seemingly headed for a goal. His dark skin and clothing help him be even less noticeable.
Suddenly, a door creaked open a few feet away, and the man froze. He listened, carefully. The handle had not moved, leaving the only explanation to be that it had been left open. What he heard next, however, struck fear into the very depth of his soul.
"Cole... COLE!!" A very familiar voice sobbed in despair, and thrashing was heard in the room. That voice.. It sounded so heartbroken and afraid. Old instincts kicked in for the man and he rushed into the room, fully alert and ready. Only... there was no danger to be found.
Jay was curled in a tight ball on his floor, thrashing about and sobbing in his sleep. It became clear to Cole that what he had perceived as danger was only his best friend having a nightmare. The tall man sighed and allowed himself to relax, calming down. It wouldn't be wise to scare the element of Lightning, Cole knew from experience. So instead he sat down beside the other, and was about to speak when Jay cried out again.
“No!! No don't leave me, stay with me please I NEED you!!” His voice was already hoarse from crying in his sleep. Cole leaned down to try and wake him with Jay woke with a scream of terror and heartbreak.
“Woah- easy, firefly..” Cole watched as Jay's eyes found him in the dark, the normally sweet amber eyes filled with tears. “I'm right here, I've got you.”
Jay sat up, one hand held to his chest as he struggled to release his panic and fear. Cole wrapped one strong arm around the slender, shaking man and pulled him close, taking Jay's other hand and pressing it to his own heart.
“See? I'm right here. I'm OK. It was just a dream, my firefly..” Cole whispered, feeling Jay melt into his arms as he calmed from the nightmare. “I'm here with you and I'm not going anywhere- I promise.”
Reluctant to let Jay go now, Cole carefully stood, lifting him up into a bridal carry, and taking him to the bed. He then sat down, and tucked Jay in tenderly before lying down beside him. “I'll be right here, he murmured as Jay relaxed and nestled close.
And if the two were found the next morning, wrapped around each other, Jay held securely in Cole's arms? Well, that's their business, isn't it?
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languor-em · 2 years
I'm curious; How would your Pokemon Black Self-insert react to Ingo going missing/getting lost in time?
This is gonna be a bit long so,, under the cut it goes!!!
Theo's first reaction is shock, and a bit of disbelief.
I mean, can you blame her? Her husband goes missing on the job, and her brother-in-law can't find him anywhere. She tries to convince herself that maybe Ingo got lost, that maybe he wandered off to grab something at a nearby store and just forgot to tell Emmet. They don't always have the same shifts after all, and Ingo can be forgetful sometimes.
But then he doesn't come home.
And then days pass.
Then the police start putting up the missing person posters.
And Theo can't convince herself that Ingo isn't missing, that everything's fine and that he'll be home soon. Because it's been a whole two weeks by now with absolutely no sign of him.
A part of her blames herself. Maybe if she was a better wife, maybe if she had done something, anything differently, he'd still be here. He'd be coming home with Emmet, he'd be fondly exasperated at her and Emmet's teasing, he'd help her with meals and tease her with his brother. Their room is quiet and dark- horrifically empty. Theo cannot sleep for the life of her, even as her Gengar and Mimikyu try to put her to sleep. Even as Ingo's Chandelure tries as well to offer her rest.
She does her best not to wallow in her heartbreak, at least not until she's alone. She has Emmet to care for, after all. He's her best friend, after all, and her brother. And Theo considers family more important than anything, and he's the only family she has left. She offers him what comfort she can, does her best to get him to eat and rest, to not throw himself into his work until he collapses. She gets his pokemon to help a lot, and Ingo's and her own as well. She and Emmet are both on the verge of collapsing without Ingo, but she does her best to hold them together. Emmet does his best to help her as well- but he's never been one for many words. They spend a lot of nights together after Ingo disappears, both of them feeling far to lonely and empty to sleep alone. They keep eachother company- it's the most either of them can think to do.
Their friends help as much as they can. Elesa visits when she can, and Theo's friends from Galar fly in and call when they have the chance, but they still feel very... Isolated. There's an important part of their life missing now, and neither of them are having a good time trying to cope with that loss.
So when Emmet vows to get his brother back no matter what, even if he has to track down the very gods themselves, Theo quickly agrees to go with him. They bring Ingo's team with them, just in case. Chandelure knows her trainer's soul, better than any other Pokemon could. And besides that, Chandelure and Theo become very close while Ingo is missing.
Theo leaves her Unova shelter in the care of her employees and Emmet finds someone to temporarily take over the duties of subway boss. And they head out.
They explore all over the world, researching every legendary Pokemon, asking everyone they can if they had seen Ingo anywhere.
Until Theo finds a potential lead- the two legendaries that were revered in her grandfather's birthplace of Sinnoh. If there was anyone that could help, any god or Pokemon, it would be the very gods of time and space themselves.
So they journey to Sinnoh, and they search desperately for Palkia and Dialga. And they do not stop until they find them.
Because they are finding Ingo, and they will not stop until they do. And when he his back with them, they are not losing him again.
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