#spring cleaning read-a-thon
lpcoolgirl · 3 months
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bookbeani · 7 years
Spring Cleaning Read-a-thon | TBR & Goals
I don’t have any specific goals for this readathon, other than using it as motivation to read more (and to finish the ridiculous number of books I’ve been currently reading for a while now). My TBR is extremely tentative and it will definitely be changing over the course of the readathon, but right now here are the books that I’d like to finish/continue reading/start during this readathon: 
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Half the World by Joe Abercrombie
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
The Tropic of Serpents by Marie Brennan
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud
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herwitchinesss · 7 years
finished my first book for @booksbeyondimagining‘s readathon! it was “Moshi Moshi” by Banana Yoshimoto and it was super good! now, onto “today will be different” by maria semple!
i’ll get reviews up most likely after the readathon ends on the 29th!
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Spring Cleaning Read-a-Thon Reading Sprints
Hello all and how are you this fine May day?
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow begins our nine-day read-a-thon!!! (see here if you have no idea what I am talking about)  If you remember, a couple weeks ago, I asked if anyone would be interested in hosting some reading sprints.  Well, I’ve finalized everything so here are your sprint dates, times, and hosts.  It’s okay if you can’t participate in all of them - that’s why we have so many!
Sunday, May 21:  11:00am - 12:00pm CST.  Hosted by @dreamsandplants​
Sunday, May 21:  6:00pm - 7:00pm CST.  Hosted by @dreamsandplants​
Monday, May 22:  6:00pm - 7:00pm CST.  Hosted by @dreamsandplants​
Tuesday, May 23:  6:00pm - 7:00pm CST.  Hosted by @dreamsandplants​
Wednesday, May 24:  7:00pm - 7:30pm EST.  Hosted by @refrescorojo
Thursday, May 25:  7:00pm - 7:30pm EST.  Hosted by @refrescorojo​
Friday, May 26:  7:00pm - 7:30pm EST.  Hosted by @refrescorojo​
Saturday, May 27: 7:00pm - 8:00pm EST.  Hosted by @booksbeyondimagining (me)
Monday, May 29: 5:00pm - 6:00pm EST.  Hosted by @booksbeyondimagining
Monday, May 29: 7:00pm - 8:00pm EST.  Hosted by @booksbeyondimagining
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Spring Cleaning Read-a-thon
TBR & Goals!
This week was the end of my finals week, so now I’m free, and I really want to read a bunch of books with the free time I’ll have in the upcoming two weeks! I’ve got to start doing summer research after that, and then I get very tired and it’s hard to read a lot. Books that I want to read this week:
Cryoburn by Lois McMaster Bujold
Within the Sanctuary of Wings by Marie Brennan (technically I’m cheating a little bit on this one because I finished it this morning, but oh well).
Everfair by Nisi Shawl
2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson
Ha’penny by Jo Walton
The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove
The Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher (there’s six of them)
Within the Sanctuary of Wings, Ha’penny, and Cryoburn are the next books in various series that I’m reading. I want to read Everfair because it just sounds really cool (I love steampunk). I’ve been wanting to read 2312 for a while because I’m very down for space and politics and stuff. @heretherebebooks recommended The Glass Sentence to me. I’ve read the Codex Alera books several times already, but I now own all of them, instead of just the first two, so I’m ready to re-read them!
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samreads · 7 years
Spring Cleaning Readathon: Final Day Recap & Wrap-Up
Currently Reading: Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller
Final Read Count 
Books Read: 8
Voltron Legendary Defender
Saga, vol. 1
Saga, vol. 2
Miraculous: Tales of Lady Bug and Cat Noir vol. 4
The Best Kind of Magic
My Letter to the World
The Love Interest
The Tijuana Book of the Dead
I really need to read the ARCs I still currently haven’t finished
Read Gifts for book club
Write & post daily updates
Collect at least one quote from each book I read
Read all my library books…?
I didn’t actually complete any of these goals, but I almost did and that’s pretty awesome! I have one ARC left. I didn’t pick up Gifts at all (whoops). I missed two days for the daily updates. I collected quotes in all the books I read (except the graphic novels) and I read all my library books except for two. Not bad. Not Bad at all. 
It was an overall really great reading week for me. I read 8 books (sorta). I didn’t end up reading and finishing Mask of Shadows though because family. 
Thanks so much booksbeyondimagining for hosting!
read-a-thon posts //
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refrescorojo · 7 years
Spring Cleaning Read-a-Thon | TBR & Goals... & Update
Hi! I’m super late with this post, you can call me P, I’m excited for this read-a-thon but so far live has gotten on the way, my favorite genres are classics and historical fiction. 
Harry Pottter 1, I’m doing a full series reread to celebrate the 20 years!
Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith 
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Socrates In Love by Kyōichi Katayama
Bone vol. 2
My goal  when I saw this read-a-thon was to tackle my physical tbr, but it is not to be, instead I will read form my borrow shelf, read a book I need to review and re-read an old favorite. 
Day Three: May 22, 2017
Book Read: Windfall by Jennifer E. Smith 
Number of Pages Read so far: 77
Thoughts: This is a new author for me, I like her style and the book is light and easy to read, Alice is really self center I don’t know if I like her yet, Teddy and Leo are just there.
Book Read: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling
Number of Pages Read so far: 61
Thoughts: I love this book. I was just noticing on chapter 4 how much of our perception of Hogwartz, Dumbledore and the wizarding world is effected by Hagrid’s idolatration. 
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dreamsandplants · 7 years
I am checking in to see if anyone has joined me on this reading spring! Reblog this post with the book you are currently reading!
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inkedeclipse · 7 years
Spring Cleaning Read-A-Thon Day 2
Spring Cleaning Read-a-thon | Day 2
Books Read Today: -Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken (31 Pages) -A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab (63 pages) 
Total Pages Read: 94
Books Finished: None
So, I didn’t actually get a chance to read yesterday since I had other things to do, but today was an alright start for me. I couldn’t really get into either of my books so just got a little bit done, but a little is better than nothing. 
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infinite0riddle · 7 years
I'm late to the party but here is my TBR for the Spring Cleaning Read-a-thon! The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen The Promise by Chiam Potok Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo The Help by Kathryn Stocket. My goal is to clear out all of the books that I've checked out of my library this past month. I just keep renewing them instead of actually reading them and it's starting to drive me crazy!
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suitesamba · 3 years
Snarry-a-thon 2021 Recs
vWeeks 1 and 2
Snarry-a-thon 2021 has just finished posting it’s second week of fic and art. The fest is posting to three journals (including Dreamwidth) and AO3 and you can find the entire fest here:
Thon 2021
All works are currently anonymous. There’s lots of good art this time to go with the fic, but these are the stories I enjoyed the most:
Reveal Your Secrets - NC-17, 14,751 words
Harry wants to wash Severus’ potion-fume-infested oily lank hair. And Severus, because of some meddling by one of his masters in the past, doesn’t recognize his obsession for what it really is. This all leads to some surprisingly sexy shampooing (you’d never guess how many different shampoos it takes to clean Severus’ hair every Friday), some porridge eating and some Harry Potter pub trivia (Severus wins). I loved the premise of the story and loved the odd bits of magic (like the Recollectoscope) and Severus’ retirement gift from Minerva. A fic that made me smile and one I’ll definitely remember.
Aftermath - NC-17, 18,180 words, underage (Harry is 17)
A lovely, quiet falling-in-love story that starts off with an unexpected connection just after the Battle of Hogwarts then slows down and lets Harry fly away – but not too far – as the two woo each other, Harry working at a Muggle pub and Severus waiting for him to get off work, drinking whiskey on a barstool. It’s so intensely Harry-Severus focused, without protesting friends and people telling Harry what to do and what not to do, and I cheered a bit at the inevitable end. Many kudos for this one.
Hawthorn Branches in Spring - PG-13, 37,500 words
This eighth-year fic has Harry returning to finish his education and Severus back in the Potions classroom. A slow build to a relationship-to-be with lots of school detail, familiar friends and characters, a surprisingly understanding Ron (hooray!) and Harry getting to return to a peaceful Hogwarts and making friends across the aisle. Lots of good potions and ingredients info including the language of flowers, and a more realistic student/teacher relationship with some nice pre-UST. You really never completely see Severus’ perspective, but the implications for the future are clear enough. A good eighth-year story, a really interesting career path for Harry and the promise of more to come.
The Sheltering Trees - G, 7800 words
A non-traditional Severus/Harry, very Severus-centric, but a really good read and very well told and constructed. At a Hogwarts in an alternate universe without a Dark Lord and a Harry Potter, Severus collects potions ingredients in the Forbidden Forest and encounters a Fae named Harry. The lore is excellent, the plot engaging, and I was left wanting to no more about this mysterious fae and his last words to Severus. Really nice writing.
Lost and Found - E, 38,646 words
Lost and Found is a memory loss story which managed to wrap in a senior dog (yes!), a used bookshop (please!), an acerbic Severus (of course!) and a lonely and pining Harry in a lost and found story that is really very satisfying. Harry has supportive friends, Severus as a Muggle is still very much Severus, and the scenes in the bookshop are particularly nice. Snuggle up with this one on a rainy day.
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lpcoolgirl · 1 year
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bookbeani · 7 years
Spring Cleaning Read-a-thon | Day 2
Books Read Today: - East of Eden by John Steinbeck (31 pages) - A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas (32 pages) - The Tropic of Serpents by Marie Brennan (154 pages) - Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (22 pages) Total Pages Read: 433 Books Finished: - East of Eden by John Steinbeck So, today I jumped around a bit between books, but overall I got some solid reading done. I finished East of Eden, which had such a great ending, and finally started The Tropic of Serpents. I'm still finding acowar not very interesting, while today's Les Mis reread involved me suppressing the urge to punch Tholomyes in his fucking face. Good times.
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herwitchinesss · 7 years
Well, hello day five of the Spring Cleaning ReadAThon hosted by @booksbeyondimagining! I have read three books, 6 comics in total so far and am currently reading The Inseparables by Stuart Nadler! I finished Rani Patel Goes Full Effect by Sonia Patel last night and absolutely was blown away by it. It was a very healing book in a way for me, and helped me name a few things that I had struggled with during my own recovery (TW incest & rape in that book, though that wasn’t like my own story at all or situation, it definitely triggered a few memories of other things I had dealt with, so just a warning thrown in there!) and I loved how it showed rap as a super healing force (definitely 100% my experience! rap is such a healing force- poetry in motion). I also loved that it took place in the 90′s! Beautiful book, 4.5/5, highly recommended, especially if you love realistic YA! The author, Sonia Patel, is really awesome & nice, too! Check her out on Instagram & other social media! <3
The Inseparables by Stuart Nadler is amazing so far! I’m hella in love with it; the writing is so funny and witty. The characters are likeable, too, which is nice. I seem to pick unlikable characters as main features in novels I read lately, so it’s nice to have two back to back that feature more compassionate characters! I’m definitely enjoying this book & should have it possibly finished by tonight! I’m trying to amp up my reading game a little bit more since the readathon ends the 29th and I want to actually go full marathon speed while I can since I haven’t fully done that yet :D
I hope everyone else is having fun + enjoying the readathon! It’s been fun making posts about what books I’m reading and how I’m feeling about them! I’ll have to definitely keep that habit post-readathon, or maybe search for more readathons to join. Or both. ;)
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Hello fellow readers!!
Is your TBR pile growing out of control?  Have some egalleys you need to read?  Need to work on that Goodreads challenge?
Well, I’ve decided it would be fun to do a small, laid back read-a-thon at the end of May (yeah it’s a little late for spring cleaning but hey procrastination am I right?), namely the week going into Memorial Day Weekend (since a lot of people are off anyway).  The read-a-thon will run from May 20th at 12:01am to May 29th at 11:59pm.  The time zone is non-specific so it’s whatever time zone you are in!  
There is no official sign up for this, so anyone can join at any time!  There will be a tag used, #spring cleaning read-a-thon, so feel free to use it on any posts you make.
There are also going to be a few post prompts for you to do, which are as follows:
TBR & Goals: Create a post showing off the books you hope to read during this read-a-thon as well as the goals you hope to accomplish!  Do you want to read a set number of books, a specific amount of hours, or something else?  Which books are you looking forward to the most?  Feel free to add anything else to this post - an introduction to yourself, favorite book genres and authors, random recommendations, etc.  Try to make this post before the start of the read-a-thon, but it’s okay if you post it after the 20th.
Daily Updates: Share with everyone your progress on a daily basis!  Tell everyone how many books you read that day, how many pages, any progress on your personal goals, and any thoughts you have on the books themselves.  For examples of daily updates, check out the ones I did for the TreesofReverie read-a-thons.  I like doing these myself because it was a nice way of keeping track of things and it felt good to see the progress I was making.
Wrap-Up Post: At the end of the Read-a-Thon, make a final post wrapping everything up!  How many books did you read?  What goals did you accomplish?  Which books did you enjoy reading the most?  Were there any disappointments?  
And there you have it!  Anyone can participate, the only requirement is that you read!  So start spreading the word and come join me next month for the Spring Cleaning Read-a-Thon!
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Spring Cleaning Read-a-thon | Wrap-up
So, this is the end! I’m a little sad, I’ve really enjoyed this! I read 4 books over the course of the challenge--I really thought I was going to read more, but then I watched all of Sense8 instead, whoops. Also, 2312 slowed me down a lot, although I did finish it by the end, about an hour ago!
Books Read: Within the Sanctuary of Wings, 2312, The Glass Sentence, and Everfair.
Overall, I thought this was super fun! A good way to motivate me to not just sit and stare at my computer with all my new free time. Thank you, @booksbeyondimagining, for making it!
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