#sso mc
mllenugget · 3 months
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I was made fun of because I was speedrunning daily quests without paying attention to what the npcs were asking for, and the SSO lore timeline in ROUGH in my head I haven't played since last summer
For all I know mister ex-druid turned ex-exiled could've been asking to open yet another breach between dimensions I would have done it without batting an eye-- and- and honestly noone would've given a damn anyway 's just another tuesday in Jorvik
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fnsilvicot · 2 months
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kate-embershield · 2 months
Warm Hands, Silver Tongues
AKA ah FUCK i had a terrible idea and got invested.
Alternate title - The MC (Kate in this instance) said Fuck It and embraces godhood.
Sabine suffers, Garnok's an ass, Kate finds out she can make deals, Khaan's about to have a very rude awakening.
Also chock full of Headcannons
13K Words of Sabine regretting everything under the cut + A little explanation
This was originally spurred on by the idea of how Weirded Out the Dark Riders would be if/when they find out the MC is connected to Aideen, and then it took off into this.
I love writing characters who fully embrace their powers and just go apeshit, and i think the MC would be a really fun character for this, especially with the way we're able to interact with the Dark Riders. I know personally i play like i'll offend them if i say something rude, so whenever i'm given the choice, ill always try to go the 'Talk it Out' route, which, in the context of this little fic, translated to Kate being terrible at Godhood. She's simply too nice and if i ever expand on this, it'll be fun to see how the rest of the Dark Riders interact with her.
Please come scream at me about your thoughts and headcannons! I have so many stupid little scenes that branch off this idea that i've already written
“Sabine”, the General relaxed under the fingers running over her shoulders as Kate softly pushed the ebony hair out of the way. “I found the problem”, her voice betrayed her calm demeanour, strained and shaky.
“What is it?”, she turned to the Druid, scared lip scowling as the blond focused on the magic coursing through the Dark Riders body.
It was quiet for a moment, Kate intent on rooting out the problem before Sabine’s patience ran out. “There’s a tether between you and Garnok”, she started, and the General raised a brow. “Every time your magic grows-”, brilliant white light pulsed through her veins, and Sabine stiffened under the warmth, so different from the fire coursing through her body, but similar all the same, “-every time you use your power, Garnok eats away a piece of you”
“What are you saying?”
“Garnok is killing you to survive”, Blue met Amber, and Kate froze at the horrified look in the woman's eyes, “Pandoria won’t hold him for long”
“We’re dying?”, Her voice was quiet, far away, eyes unfocused as she stared at nothing.
“Garnok’s using you, and the other Dark Riders, to sustain himself while he's trapped”, the light pulling at her veins pulsed brighter, filling the room with a soft glow. “He’s killing you all just to keep himself alive”
“I guess that's why no Generals survive for long”, the Rider hummed darkly.
The air was heavy, as the two sat, stagnant silence between them. Sabine stared at her boots as Kate shifted behind her. “I might be able to help”
“How?”, her voice was low, arms resting on her knees as she leant back. “We made a pact with a God. I don't think there's any coming back from that one”, her eyes were closed, lips pulled into a thin line.
“I’m-”, Kate started, but the words caught in her throat. “The Keepers and the Druids really wish I wasn't, I know Avalon hates it especially”, She shifted, stretching her legs out along the couch, muscles strained from the uncomfortable way she had sat. “Sometimes I wish I had stayed away too, but then I guess I wouldn't have had this much fun”
“Spit it out”, Sabine growled, arm thrown over her eyes.
“I’m Aideen”, Kate draped herself over the arm of the couch as Sabine turned to her with the speed of a whip.
“What!”, she roared, bent over the Druid, amber eyes bright and fiery.
“Well technically I'm her reincarnation, but-”, Kate stammered, lips twisting into an awkward smile as she shuffled back. “-I can use a lot of her abilities, her light. I'm kind of like a boost for the other circles-”
“Your Aideen!?”
“Aideen’s Reincarnation, yes-”
“Your a god!”
“Not officially!”, She managed to squirrel her way out of the Rider’s shadow, “But if Garnok can make deals, maybe I can too”
“Your-”, Sabine eyed her warily, but a faint sparkle of hope burned in her eyes. “You want me to make a deal with you?”
“Yes”, the Druid leapt to her feet, staring up at Sabine with hope. “I'll be honest, I don't really know how it works, But I’m like 76% sure I can make deals too”
“That-”, Sabine turned away for a moment, arms crossed and foot tapping, “-Doesn't fill me with confidence”
Kate leant over the couch, resting her chin on her arms as the Dark Rider paced. “If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work, but if it does…”
“If it works, what happens to Khaan?”, Kate turned to the wide window, and the barn sitting quiet, warm glow spilling from between the slats. “He’s bonded with General Malumi, not…me”
“He might be corrupted, but he’s still a Starbreed, both of you are still bonded, I can tell”, Sabine had stopped pacing, arms still crossed, but she followed the Druid’s gaze to the barn, face neutral, but eyes betraying the sadness she felt at the thought of her loyal beast in pain. “Besides, I’m Aideen, if I can help you, I can help him”
“I thought you were just her reincarnation”
“Potato Tomato”, Kate smiled up at the woman, hand outstretched and smiling wide. “What do you say? Care to make a deal with God?”
Sabine eyed the hand warily, “What do you want in return?”
“Oh, uhh”, The offered hand lowered, arm hanging limp as she hummed. It was quiet for a moment, and then Kate turned to her with a hard-set look in her eyes. “You and I know that the Keepers will destroy Jorvik if it means killing Garnok”, the resourceful diplomat had returned, and Sabine wondered just how frightening this woman could be when she was determined. “They’ll justify it as a necessary sin, they don't care what happens to the people as long as Garnok is eradicated”, for a woman laying limply over the back of a couch, Sabine was amazed at how frightening she could look. “I won’t let them, I can’t. Not when the people of this island have no say in it. I’ve made my life here, and I’ve grown attached, and I won’t let Dark Core or the Keepers destroy the world just so the other doesn’t get their way”, Sabine eyed her curiously, starting to piece together what Kate would ask. “Help me stop Garnok, and whatever power he’s given you, whatever he's taken from you, I promise it's all yours”, Sabine eyed the woman, something curious shining in her eyes. “And I'll help Khaan. Those are my terms”
“You would have helped Khaan regardless”, The Dark Rider raised a brow, and Kate smiled.
“I would have. Mortifa and Acerbus and Jay and Katja too, if they'll let me. But now it's written in stone”, She held out her hand again, veins burning white hot as she smiled a deceptively sweet smile, as if she wasn't a God about to tie herself to her enemies most trusted General, as if Sabine wasn't about to gamble her own life for the second time.
The General took the God's hand, and the world exploded in white hot stars. It burned, like flames eating at her skin, her bone. Fire had never bothered Sabine, not when she was its master, but this, it felt like dying. A bone deep pain that ripped through everything she was, flaying her very nerves and sending blinding bolts of light through her. The point where her calloused palms met Kate’s, that hurt the most, like pure electricity racing between their palms.
Sabine screamed. Agony was barely enough to describe what she was feeling. If this was dying, she didn’t want it.
And then it stopped. Just as quick as it had started. The pain simply vanished and Sabine was left kneeling on the floor, wood biting into her palms and jaw locked shut as she struggled to breath. Faintly, she could hear someone calling her name.
“Sabine!”, the Druid was kneeling next to her, deft fingers running down her spine as the woman shook. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know it would hurt!”
The General turned to her weakly, head resting on the floor as static danced between the two. “I’m fine”, she knew the Druid didn’t believe her, if she focused enough on the little silvery thread coiled between them, she could tell that Kate was frowning, eyebrows pinched as Sabine lay still. But she couldn’t look at her, simply because she wasn’t corporal. She was hazy around the edges, eyes glowing and veins burning white, and if Sabine looked too hard, a headache would slowly start breaking her skull in two. 
Briefly, as she rolled onto her back, she remembered the pain that laced through her for weeks after she had sold her soul to Garnok. There was none of that stabbing agony here, not when the fire burning through her had died down to a warm ember. It was nice, she thought, and for the first time since Garnok, Sabine found that the wildfire that lived in her veins had calmed. It didn't eat at her skin anymore, it just…burned, like a campfire content to its bed of warm coals.
She could hear the Druid calling her name, but ignored it in favor of the sleep that came easily now.
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caylenqueen · 5 months
MC: *clicks pen*
Galloper: *clicks pen in response*
Jon Jarl: Stop that.
MC: Stop what?
Jon Jarl: You’re talking about me in Morse code!
MC: Yes, that’s what we doing. In our very limited time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. Congrats, you figured us out!
MC, to Alex: That’s actually exactly what we were doing.
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natduskfall · 8 months
Had some drawing ideas but lacked the skill and patience to draw properly so have some very low effort doodles
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My MC is not a skilled rider at the begining of the game so i thought “what if mc meets Sabine sneaking through the house?” Terrifying.
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Here she comforts Thomas after Justin leaves. She doesn’t know what to say and is too afraid to hug Thomas, but desperately wants to. She sits next to him as he tells her about his parentage and Catherine.
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Fripp Frippsplaining some book to MC.
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treeganart · 10 months
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Birch got their new look and I love them so much! They are my little Princess babygirl and I can’t wait to take more photos :)))
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lukas-crowsong · 2 years
on the topic of elizabeth and anne and even justin... maybe it wouldn't be such a stretch to say other jorvegians just accept missing people
because when linda goes missing for like. at least a week?? and a girl can be heard crying in the castle that couldn't be heard beforehand? everyone's just like "oh yeah linda's gone mysteriously coulda done with the extra help but oh well"
how long was the baroness planning on keeping her there??? if mc and alex hadn't investigated would people just occasionally think 'wonder where that linda girl went' and carry on about their day???
also i don't think there's any "oh hi linda there you are where did you go girl" after we rescue her? like guys 😭 a girl under your responsibility was missing 😭😭
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windforestsso · 1 month
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nisaconite · 8 months
read on ao3 - this one's for you, @juliettefarbrooke-sso <3
Juliette is all too used to the rifts.
Ever since she and Anne tore one open in the Guardian’s Dale without a keystone after Elizabeth’s death, they’ve been a recurring problem all over the map, sometimes without warning. Where before, Juliette could sense one opening up hours before it actually happened, now she’ll be entirely through one and halfway to Pandoria before she even realizes she’s not galloping through the Forgotten Fields anymore. It’s a testament to just how much bigger they are, too — the most that could ever sneak through a rift just some months ago were a couple crystals, and now she has to herd back shadow seekers and panda rays before she can seal reality into not destroying itself.
“How did I never feel this before?” Juliette had muttered wonderingly on one particular occasion in which the burst of energy emanating from the rift had been so strong she was sure she could’ve felt it from back home even all those months ago.
Anne had shot her a wry smirk. “This never used to happen before. We messed something up bad getting you and Alex out of chaos space.” Juliette felt a strange surge of guilt when she’d noticed the frustrated furrow in the prettier girl’s perfectly-shaped brows, even though she hadn’t exactly had a choice in the matter. “It’s getting kind of ridiculous, honestly.”
“It has to stop eventually, right?” She had suggested hopefully, but quite possibly only ended up jinxing it, because it only got worse from there.
It’s no wonder that what used to be a single-person mission, capable of being undertaken by a druid just barely connected to one of the Circles, now requires at least three Soul Riders — two if it’s Anne and Juliette, who can access the Sun Circle (mostly) at will. Today, though, it’s all five of them, in part because the ripple effect was so bad that Juliette had to take three tylenols and Anne four before either of them could get up long enough to tack up their horses. The migraine lessens when she’s atop Cato, their soul bond soaking up enough of the strain that it recedes to background discomfort, but the point stands. The other part is because they’re all so bored of having to travel halfway across the island to close some rift that they’ve started meeting up halfway like it’s a group hangout instead of the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
Currently, they’re moving at a pace that would make Fripp fall back into a coma if he could see them now, all sipping at the milkshakes that Alex convinced them to grab on their way to the ferry dock at Fort Pinta; Lisa has a brain freeze and is hanging mournfully from Starshine’s back, auburn hair too close to grazing the ground for how short it is. Linda looks mildly anxious, fingers twitching around her reins as if ready to catch the smaller girl were she to fall to her concussion.
Starshine’s complaints make an excellent soundtrack to their current conversation, while their Soul Horses merely indulge him with idle placations. Well, Cato and Concorde do, at least — Tin-Can is laughing in that way Juliette has never known how to explain that horses do, and Meteor has his own troubles.
“I told you,” Alex is insisting, at Anne rather than to her, since she doesn’t seem to care much at all about whether or not she’d been told, “Those milkshakes would be worth the time. You can’t tell me you’re not enjoying this.” She lifts her cup in emphasis.
She is, technically, right. Anne can’t argue her point, because she sips at her plain vanilla with just as much enthusiasm as Lisa, if a little more subdued so as not to share her fate. However, the day Anne agrees with Alex will be the day rifts stop opening on Jorvik, which is shaping up to be an unfortunately distant event, and so she just glares.
“Poor Lisa’s paying the price, though,” Juliette offers as a peace treaty.
“Poor Lisa,” Anne repeats with scorn, “brought this on herself.”
Lisa groans pitifully. Linda massages an imaginary headache out of her temples, just to make a point.
Once upon a time, they all — Linda especially — took this kind of thing more seriously. Then they went through hell trying to save Anne, and lost Elizabeth, and then priority became trying to get Alex to crack a smile again, and then keeping it on her face once she did. Then Juliette realized that she didn’t think she’d actually had a full night’s sleep in weeks, and then she realized that Anne was still playing catch-up on life after two months trapped in a crystal, and then they started focusing on the smaller things. The easier things, like sleepovers to stave off the nightmares, races to have something healthy to compete over, and midnight makeovers to embrace the scars. It works for a while, and Juliette starts to think she might love the Soul Riders, a little, until Fripp catches wind of it and gives them his patented Look of Disappointment, and she’s immediately guilty for messing around when the world is at stake.
That doesn’t mean, though, that they can’t still be bitter and rebellious about their responsibilities, teenage-style, which is how they end up taking their time on the way to the tear in reality just past the idyllic, suburban town of New Hillcrest.
This is their vacation of sorts.
“Pretty sad vacation, if you ask me,” Alex scoffs, and Juliette realizes she’d thought the last part out loud.
Lisa hauls herself back right-side up in the saddle with a grumble of agreement, but also discomfort, and Linda finally relaxes enough to launch into a detailed analysis of some new book series she’d picked up at the library the other day. From what Juliette can understand, it’s a sweet romance with a surprisingly dark twist to it, which she notes with interest that Anne seems to appreciate despite her harsh criticism. That, actually, seems to be the manner in which she appreciates most media, which makes movie nights with her all the more entertaining. She briefly entertains the thought of inviting her to the movies, then brushes it off with a wince — it’d be in poor taste to suggest an outing now. Besides, this is very nearly enough; Lisa offers her own input over the sound of Alex pretending to gag, and Juliette takes a sip of her milkshake to hide her grin. She knows exactly how to cause Linda a heart attack with one simple statement.
“The show was better,” she chimes brightly. She’s only actually seen a few episodes, and the book series definitely sounds like something she’d love to check out, but if there was ever a more surefire way to cause chaos…
Linda’s head turns in her direction so quickly that Juliette is half-surprised it doesn’t fall straight off her neck. Anne snorts. Alex groans. “Oh, no, Juli, why would you say that… do you know what you’ve done?”
She shrugs, struggling to hide a smile. Anne shakes her head at her with amusement, and she flushes, fairly certain she’s doing a bad job of it. Linda, though, notices nothing as she inhales deeply, evidently gearing up for a rant.
“Juliette Farbrooke,” she begins, words enunciated with exaggerated incredulity, “you cannot seriously believe that trashy, commercialized adaptation could ever hold a candle to the depth and nuance of the original literary work! The characters in the show were a mere caricature of their book counterparts, and don't even get me started on the plot deviations!"
Juliette can’t help it anymore, and sputters with laughter. “Aw, but Linds, the actors were so pretty.”
Lisa claps a hand to her mouth, amber eyes wide with mirth. “You did not just go there,” she gasps. They all know how much their friend hates the superficiality of a show being popular solely for an actor. In her eyes, there has never been such a low point in cinema as the one that utilizes teenage idols to make itself popular.
However, this has also been a long-repeated debate amongst their ranks, and Linda throws her hands up in mock defeat rather than deciding to repeat her ever-static point. “I give up! You heathens can have your eye candy-filled shows. If any of you ever come to the side of the true literary treasures, I’ll be here, untainted by the glitzy world of Hollywood.”
Anne leans over to pat her on the shoulder. “It’s okay, Linda. We all have our guilty pleasures.”
It’s funny until Juliette’s stomach drops down to her toes, and the area around them starts to paint itself a sickly sort of pink. Her giggle stalls in her throat as she takes in her friends’ frozen expressions — she never really does know how to describe this part. For the others, Pandoria is wrong and innately difficult to step into, like forcing themselves to suck in a lungful of water, or so Lisa’s said. Juliette wouldn’t know, because for her… it’s too easy, in the scary way that swallowing something toxic is. It’s so natural that she always has to remind herself that it will destroy her if she lets it, and Cato is her only grounding point, chestnut coat warm with the exertion of the ride even through her pants.
She tightens her grip on the reins and chances a glance at Anne. She’s glaring straight ahead with angry determination, but the way her hands shake is clearly visible even through her facade. Honestly, she could break out in tears and Juliette wouldn’t blame her in the least: the rift looks dangerous, yawning wide across the wheat field and casting a hazy short of shimmer across the air, disorienting and eerie. There’s nothing there, not really, but everything on the other side of it is distorted to her eyes, like reflections on the surface of a disturbed pond. She hesitates, but Lisa only shrugs as she hums.
“There’s nothing here,” she offers eventually. Her eyes are bright, but there’s no way to tell if it’s just the glow of their surroundings or the strain of using her magic. “Nothing living, anyway. We’re good to close it.”
Juliette nods and takes a steadying breath as she slips out of the saddle. She keeps her hand very firmly on Cato’s neck, just in case, and he leans into her touch, constant and unwavering to the point where she has to crack the tiniest smile. “Right,” she says, confidence bolstered, “let’s get this done.”
Behind her eyelids, everything is still faintly lit, and Pandoria crackles where can hear it clawing its way in, but she concentrates on the lilting quality to Lisa’s voice as she murmurs a healing song for the dying land around them as unreality wreaks its havoc. Straining to make out the words - I’m closing the door behind - kind of muffles everything else enough that she can feel the thrumming power in her chest, surging in the veins of her arms and all the way to her fingertips. Her hands burn, although not unpleasantly, with the familiar fire of the Sun. Slowly, she stitches the earth back together, feeling Pandoria pull itself back until Anne says, “It’s done, Juliette. You can stop now.”
She opens her eyes briefly and immediately has to squeeze them back closed, taken aback by just how bright the sky is. She blinks several times in rapid succession, all too aware that what had felt like a few seconds had probably been several minutes while she worked — the first time she’d dealt with something like this, she’d snapped back to reality to find Alex swarmed with shadow seekers from all sides. They’d managed fine in the end, but Juliette thinks, even now, that it’s unnerving to open her eyes and find a gaping but nonmagical crack in the ground rather than a rift as had been minutes prior.
She heaves a sigh and leans back against Cato’s side, barely even noticing the way the metal of her stirrup digs into her back. Her limbs feel like jelly. “Did you guys know they opened this cute little cafe in the main plaza down in New Hillcrest?”
Linda laughs in surprise. “Leave it to you, Juliette, to remember that now.”
“No, no, I’ve been thinking about it this whole time—“
“Well, we do deserve to treat ourselves after that,” Lisa puts in, almost pleading as if for permission. It’s directed Linda and Anne than anyone else, the former being responsible for their general health in the way the mom friends always are, and the latter tending to slip into relapses after having to deal with the dizzy sensation of Pandoria all over again. Today, though, her expression is light with something almost content, and she shrugs. “I’m up for it.”
“Great,” Juliette says with a smile, her exhaustion already dissipating. “Then it’s settled. I could really go for a brownie.”
(She never does end up getting it — Alex and Lisa do a weird rendition of All I Want for Christmas in the middle of July, serenading random patrons from on top of their table until they get kicked out. But Linda is laughing as she scolds them, and Anne smirks with mirth brighter the sun itself, and Juliette thinks that this might all be worth it.)
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nyxraex · 10 months
As someone who hasn't read any of the books, I have no idea how she feels about Catherine in-depth (if there is any info on that there), but I was wondering how Eva would react to our character being the fifth Soul Rider in the same sisterhood as her daughter.
Like, would she project her own views of Catherine onto us (which from my understanding aren't very positive), or would she be accepting of us and be able to see us for someone who isn't Catherine?
In my own fanon I personally like to think it's the former, just for the sake of drama. >:3 But I'd like to hear if any of you guys have other thoughts, or just any information about what happens in the books, since there haven't been that many discussions lately. ;w;
(none that I have come across anyway)
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coravonblyssen · 3 months
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I've been working on this for weeks ~ Here's my self insert/my main oc Cora :> I would love to answer questions about them if anyone has any !!
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MC: We have fun, don’t we, Avalon?
Avalon: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
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kate-embershield · 1 year
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I already miss Sabine so much
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caylenqueen · 9 months
MC: I feel so burnt out.
Sabine: Don’t worry, it'll be over soon.
MC: Are you gonna... assassinate me?
Sabine: Well not if you’re expecting it.
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natduskfall · 11 months
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Made a lil sheet for my SSO character.
She looks kinda mean, people might think she’s up to shit, and unapproachable. Indeed she does have a resting bitch face. In actuallity, she’s shy, grew up with an anxious avoidant attachment style, and has never been able to initiate any socialization with people, unless someone takes her into the fold. She also dissociates quite a lot and feels af if she exists behind some sort of veil that seperates her from the rest of the world. That’s complex trauma for you. She speaks little, has no support group or anyone to rely on, constantly overthinks social interactions, but is also very considerate, open-minded, awkward, and compassionate. If you invite her to hang out with your group, she will be quiet but will be very greatful and enjoy being included.
She comes to Jorvik one autumn after enduring the worst year of her life, getting an offer to help out with housekeeping in Moorland. Usually, she wouldn’t be able to make such a big life-changing jump, but this time, she truly has nothing to lose. Luckily, this big decision ends up being the best thing to ever happen to her, in a way.
Her story does have some angst, especially since i kind of want to hone in on that great sanity-consuming power trope, but I still haven’t gotten very far with her Jorvik story. But I kinda see it as her coming to Jorvik and healing her inner child xd
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elisestormwright · 2 years
ok so i've been so so depressed the past month and i'm about to go insane. please send me pictures i can use as references to draw something. it can be your mc, any oc, any horse, any tack, just give me a few references and i'll reward you with a lil drawing
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