#stella is so cute shes so so silly :33
gghostcatt · 9 months
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stella from tower heroes on roblox :D <3
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enden-agolor · 10 months
Hhaaiiii :33 i see you draw lukesse alot but i was wondering if there were any other mcsm ships you like? have a great day!!!!!
Ohhh 🤭
I adore Harper and Ivor, as well as Jack and Nurm, with my whole heart.
One of my faaavorites is Binta/Stella. Even though they never met in the game, I think Binta would be the perfect woman to put Stella in her place. Really beat down Stella's arrogant pride and make her realize she is an equal and should treat everyone as such, especially if she's going to be leading. They're both leaders, and Stella is without Champion City after the events of Season 2. I think that would be a great opportunity for Binta and her to get close, by Binta offering to help rebuild Chamption City and help with leading the construction of it, along with the help of her own people from the Underneath. I think Binta can fix Stella, make her a great, and kind leader, more like Jesse and Fred.
I enjoy f!Jesse/Petra under the circumstances that Petra does leave after Season 2 so she can find herself and become a better person, then to return to BeaconTown where she can confront Jesse and express how sorry she is for the way she treated her during Season 2, understanding now the lengths of her manipulation and guilt tripping. But I also see Petra being aroace so that's why I don't really dip my feelings into this ship very often.
I can appreciate Olivia/Axel. I see the chemistry they have. They're cute and silly, but I also still really like them just being close friends.
Aside from those, I don't think I really have any else 🤔
And thanks! You have a fantastic day, and thanks for the ask! 😁💙
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secretliz001 · 4 years
翻译:Yesterday, Today and Paul
WELL, IT SURE SOUNDS like rock & roll, even if it is Wings. Little Jimmy McCulloch, former Thunderclap Newman, and Denny Laine, former Moody Blue, are burners on guitars. Joe English, former nobody, is ecstatic on blistering drums. Linda McCartney, former photographer, punches away at a stockpile of keyboards and accounts for all the sound effects we’ve grown to love on all the Wings albums. And Paul McCartney, former Beatle, drives the whole band, plus a four-piece horn section adding funk and frills. He cruises on bass while Laine and McCulloch provide the power; on piano, he hammers out “Lady Madonna” and “Live and Let Die”; back on bass, he screams, reaching back for some of that Little Richard inspiration, through “Beware My Love” and “Letting Go.” And after a particularly meaty, beaty number, there is a shout from Laine or McCartney of “rock & roll!”
Well,就算对Wings乐队来说,这场景也很肉啃肉。小只的Jimmy McCulloch曾属于Thunderclap Newman,Denny Laine曾属于Moody Blue,都是吉他手;Joe English先前不属于任何乐队,在激烈鼓声前挥汗如雨;Linda McCartney,前任摄影师,在一堆键盘上大展拳脚,并在Wings的所有专辑中加入了我们所喜爱的音效。以及前任披头Paul McCartney带领着整支乐队,加上一个四人铜管组合,为乐队的funk与多样性锦上添花。有了Laine和McCulloch的助力,他在贝司上游走,在钢琴上敲出了“Lady Madonna” 和“Live and Let Die”,再回到贝司,带着Little Richard标志性的嚎叫唱出“Beware My Love” 和“Letting Go”。唱完一曲尤其内容有料节奏抓耳的歌后,不知是Laine 还是McCartney吼了一句“rock & roll!”
And Wings gets all the rock & roll responses: people in the audience suddenly sticking their arms up in clenched-fist salutes, piercing the air with two-fingered whistling, whooping in celebration of each of the five Beatles songs offered, unleashing ferocious, match-lit, Bic-flicked encore calls. It is the first American tour by Paul McCartney since 1966, when he was still a you-know-what. Along with John, George and Ringo, he was supposed to have detested the audiences, scream storms of wet panties that rushed them everywhere from Shea Stadium in New York to Candlestick Park in San Francisco. Now, with the Apple rot, Beatles split, lawsuits and bad-mouthings pretty much behind them, Paul finds himself invoking the old days, inviting people to clap hands and stomp feet, waving and posing to audiences behind and to the sides of the stage.
Wings也得到了十分摇滚的回应:观众突然举起双臂握紧拳头致意,;两个手指吹出的口哨刺破了空气,依次为出场的五首披头士曲目欢呼,为了最后的encore举起打火机以火作灯疯狂尖叫。这是Paul McCartney在美国开的第一次巡演,上一次还是1966年,当他还是个“你懂的”的人物的时候。与John, George 和Ringo一样,他本应痛恨着观众,狂热女粉们带着尖叫驱赶着他们从纽约Shea体育馆到旧金山Candlestick公园。而现在,Apple已倒,披头士解散,官司和恶语相向差不多过去,Paul发现自己又唤起往日的时光,邀请人们拍手跺脚,向着四面八方的观众挥手致意。
【我猜wet panties是狂热女粉的意思吧?】
But here in America in 1976, few try rushing the stage; first-aid setups go untested; security guards wind up turning down their walkie-talkies so they can hear the show. The only Beatlemaniacal screaming is at the beginning, when Paul first appears out of the darkness. The one song that gets screeches – an absolute demonstration, in fact – is the quietest Beatle song of all . . .
Saturday, May 8th: on the main floor of the seedy Olympia Stadium in Detroit, Michigan, one young man keeps shouting for the people in front of him to sit down. We were into the acoustic set, with Laine, McCulloch and the McCartneys on rattan chairs, all but Linda playing guitars. After a few numbers, it is Paul alone onstage, tuning up for “Blackbird.” The man in the audience-he apparently saw the first show here the night before – seems to know what’s coming.
5月8日,星期六:在密歇根州底特律市奥林匹亚体育场的主楼,一个年轻人不停地喊着让前面的人坐下。演出进入了原声吉他主场,Laine, McCulloch 和McCartney夫妇坐在藤椅上,除了琳达其他人都在弹吉他。几首曲子过后,只剩Paul一人在台上为“Blackbird”调音。这个观众他显然在前一天晚上看过首演,他似乎知道会发生什么。
“Siddown!” he shrieks. “Siddown, you fuckers!” Then he turns to a friend and explains his urgency. The voice level is down to conversational and he sounds rational.
“你给我坐下!”他叫着,“坐下,你个傻逼!” 然后他转身向朋友解释他着急的原因。他降到了普通对话的音量,听起来很理性。
“I wanna see ‘Yesterday,’ ” he says.
If you want the Beatles, go see Wings.
–George Harrison, November 1974
- George Harrison, 1974年11月
Paul McCartney doesn’t mind a look back at Yesterday, but today he is dedicated to two goals: the acceptance by public and press of Wings as a band and not as a backup for a former Beatle, and acknowledgment from those same two difficult institutions that Wings (and Paul) are rock, not pop.
Paul McCartney不介意回唱Yesterday,但今天他专心于两个目的:希望公众和媒体接受Wings是一支正经乐队,而不是他这个前披头士伴奏乐队,以及希望他们承认Wings(和Paul)走的摇滚路线,而不是pop。
But McCartney has some difficulties.
First, he was a Beatle; he can’t change or deny that. And he wouldn’t anyway. “I’m a Beatles fan,” he says later. “When John was saying a couple of years ago that it was all crap, it was all a dream, I know what he was talking about, but at the same time I was sitting there thinking, ‘No it wasn’t.’ It was as much a dream as anything else is; as much crap as anything else is. In fact, it was less crap than a lot of other stuff.” And he agrees with George’s equation of Wings and Beatles:
第一个难题,他是一个披头士,这一点他无法改变或者否认。虽然他本也不会。"我是披头士的粉丝,"他后来说。"当John几年前说那都是屑,都是梦的时候,我知道他什么意思,但同时我也在想,'不,不是的'。它和其他任何东西一样像是一场梦,也其他任何东西一样扯。事实上,比起其他东西,披头士可没那么垃圾。" 他也同意George把Wings和披头士划上等号的说法:
“I wouldn’t put it just like that. I’d say, ‘If you want the Wings, go see Wings; if you want Beatles, look at an old film.’ But I probably was a little more sort of Beatleminded than the rest. I tended to ring people up and say, ‘Let’s work now,’ ‘Let’s do this.’ So I suppose it’s a fair point that that was my bag anyway and I just continued doing it. Whereas George  . . . ’round about Sergeant Pepper, he only did the one track on Sergeant Pepper, he didn’t turn up for a lot of the other stuff, because he really wasn’t that interested. I was still very interested.”
“但我不会这样表达。我会说,‘如果你想看Wings表演,你去看Wings,如果你想看Beatles表演,你去看老视频吧。’但我大概也比其余人更一心向披头,我是那个经常给别人打个电话说‘来干活吧’,‘咱们做这个吧’的人,而George 则是......制作Sergeant Pepper那一阵,他只有一首歌,很多别的环节他都没有参加,因为他不是那么感兴趣。但我依然十分感兴趣。“
Second difficulty: McCartney is cute. And at age 33, there are none of the signs that make for easy writing – that, say, his face is fuller . . . fleshier . . . rounded out by the years. Backstage, he introduced himself cheerfully as “David Cassidy,” and I could see why. But with few exceptions (if pressed, Peter Frampton and Suzi Quatro come to mind), cute people are not quite believable as pained, ravaged, booze-based, serious rockers.
第二个难题:McCartney看着太可爱了。33岁的人,没显示出任何让人可写被岁月磨圆的痕迹的点,除了他的脸更饱满了,肉更多了。在后台,他愉快将自己比为" David Cassidy ",理由也很明显。可除了少数例外(一定要说的话,可以算上Peter Frampton 和Suzi Quatro),这样一个可爱的人,实在是不像一个(通常意义上看着)痛苦,受折磨,酗酒,严肃的摇滚乐手。
【Wiki: David Cassidy是一名美国演员、歌手作曲家和乐队吉他手。在1970年代凭借热门影集“欢乐满人间”走红影视歌坛,促使他成为一个流行文化的青少年偶像。】
Another difficulty is that McCartney writes, sings and produces in the pop manner. Not that he wants to. “We’re trying to make it sound as hard as possible,” he says. “But sometimes you just don’t bring off in a studio what you can bring off in a live thing.”
Also, Paul is a family man – married in 1969 to the former Linda Eastman. He doesn’t exactly flaunt her but there she is on the album covers and there she is onstage. The kids (Heather, 13 – by her first marriage – Mary, 6, and Stella, 4) are taken along on most Wings tours, and this one is set up partly around the family situation. The McCartneys, band members and closest aides are in four base cities (Dallas, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles) and commute to and from concerts (31 shows, 21 cities) by private jet. This saves on hotels, airports and general wear and tear, and it keeps the family together. But a photographer on the tour finds the daily commute limiting. “So far,” he says, “I’m shooting an architectural book, mostly buildings. They don’t exactly hang out a lot.”
另外,Paul是个有家室的人--1969年与Linda Eastman(原姓)结婚。他并不高调表现他的婚姻,不过专辑封面上有她,舞台上也有她。孩子们也几乎全程跟着Wings的巡演(Heather, 13岁 – Linda第一段婚姻所生 – Mary, 6岁, and Stella, 4岁),本次巡演也是围绕着家庭情况安排的。McCartney一家,乐队成员与最紧密的随行人员基于四个城市(达拉斯,纽约,芝加哥和洛杉矶),来回演唱会都乘专机(一共31场演出,遍布21个城市)。这样可以省一笔酒店机票和杂物钱,家人间也更紧密。虽然巡演中一位摄影师发现,每天来回飞行导致限制很大。"目前为止,"他说,"我像在拍一本建筑书一样,大部分照片是建筑。他们并不经常出去玩。"
And, finally, nothing – no new band he can concoct – can compare with the Beatles. This he knows well and, as he patiently counseled a young reporter from NBC-TV: “It may not be the Sixties, but nothing’s the Sixties anymore except the history books. It’s the Seventies and it’s hip and it’s happening. And it’s just . . . enjoy it.”
McCartney and his wife and band have weathered six years of criticism and misunderstanding. They are consoled only by the record buyers and have sold millions of records like “Hi Hi Hi,” “My Love,” “Helen Wheels,” “Jet,” “Band on the Run,” “Junior’s Farm,” “Listen to What the Man Said” and “Letting Go.” Not to mention seven albums, five under the name Wings.
McCartney与他的妻子以及乐队经历了六年的批评和误解。只有唱片卖家们和“Hi Hi Hi,” “My Love,” “Helen Wheels,” “Jet,” “Band on the Run,” “Junior’s Farm,” “Listen to What the Man Said” 和“Letting Go”的百万销量才在安慰他们。更不用说七张专辑里五张是Wings的。
But commercial success – the greatest, most consistent success of any of the former Beatles – is not enough. Paul says he ignores criticism – for every putdown, he says, there’s someone else who loves his stuff. He relishes reminding reporters how critic Richard Goldstein panned Sergeant Pepper. But he is thin-skinned to the point of writing “Silly Love Songs,” an answer to the dismissal of his music as pop puffery. And Linda has long been abused, written off as a particularly successful groupie in her days as a rock photographer in New York’s Village and Fillmore scenes. As a musician and a member of Wings, she has been written off as a particularly successful, etc. . . and she is, you can understand, very defensive.
但商业上的成就是不够的,即使他是四位前披头士中最成功最持续的也不够。Paul说他无视批评,认为有人贬低他的同时,也会有人喜欢他的东西。他乐得提醒记者曾经乐评人Richard Goldstein是如何诋毁Sergeant Pepper的。但他脸皮也薄,薄到写出了“Silly Love Songs”,以回击将他的音乐斥为浮夸流行音乐的评价。而Linda长期以来一直被diss,他在纽约Village and Fillmore scenes作为摇滚摄影师的时期在别人笔下被写成了一个尤其成功的groupie。作为音乐人和Wings的成员,她则被写成一个特别成功的,等等......所以可以理解,她是非常防备的。
AT THE SOUND CHECK BEFORE THE first of the two concerts in Detroit, Linda is showing me around her keyboards, instruments she learned to play after marrying McCartney. Atop the electric piano are an ARP synthesizer and a Mini-Moog, which she plays for the opening of “Venus and Mars.” Buttons are labeled “controllers,” “oscillator bank,” “mixer,” “decay time” and “modifiers for attack time.” And if that’s not confusing enough, here, facing the audience, is the Mellotron, which is loaded with tape loops that are activated by depressing keys. There are tapes of Paul singing a line – “Till you go down” – and of a laughing hyena, a pig and a bull. Here, too, is the chorale behind McCulloch’s number, “Medicine Jar,” and the robot/chain saw/moog/drum sound that opens “Silly Love Songs.” And the sounds of frying bacon and chips that appeared on Linda’s “Cook of the House,” her first solo vocal outing on the most recent album, Wings at the Speed of Sound. I mention the criticism that has already built over her celebration of her place in the kitchen. She swivels on her electric piano bench. “My answer,” she says, “is always ‘Fuck off!’ ” She continues, in a weird hybrid of accents from England, New York and finishing school. “Look, we had a great loon in the studios that night. All the hung up people don’t have to buy it, don’t have to listen to it. It’s like having parents on your back, this criticizing. I’ve grown up. I had a great night last night, this is a great band and this is great fun. And that’s all we care about.”
底特律首演前的试音中,Linda向我展示她的键盘,这是她和McCartney结婚后学会的乐器。在电子琴上有一台ARP合成器和一台Mini-Moog,是她在“Venus and Mars”开场时弹的。按钮上标有“controllers,” “oscillator bank,” “mixer,” “decay time” and “modifiers for attack time."【好多术语233】。如果这还不够让人迷糊,面对观众的还有Mellotron,装满了循环磁带,按下键就能开动。里面是Paul唱的预录音频--“Till you go down”,鬣狗、猪和牛的笑声。里头也有McCulloch的“Medicine Jar”伴唱,以及 “Silly Love Songs”开头的机器人/句子/moog音效/鼓声。还有Linda写的“Cook of the House”中出现的煎培根和薯条的声音,这是她在最新专辑Wings at the Speed of Sound中的第一次solo。我提起,人们批评她这首拥护自己在厨房角色的歌,她坐在电子琴凳上打转,回答说,"我总是回' Fuck off!'。“她继续说着,用着一口奇怪的英式、纽约和受过淑女教育的混合口音,"听着,那天晚上我们在录音室有点疯。那些介意的人可以不买,不听。这种批评就像是父母在背后叨叨,但我已经成人了。昨晚我非常开心,乐队也很棒带来乐趣也很多。这些才是我们关心的。"
【A finishing school is a school for young women that focuses on teaching social graces and upper-class cultural rites as a preparation for entry into society.】
Offstage, heading toward the dressing room, Linda asks that I forget her outburst. But a few minutes later, in conversation with Denny Laine, her hostility wells up again. We are talking about “Silly Love Songs” as a reaction to criticism. “You respond to it,” she says, “but I’d rather have life without it. I had life without it before and found it quite nice. You have criticism in school. When you get out of school, you want to be free.”
下台往更衣室去时,Linda请我无视她的“暴言“。但几分钟后与Denny Laine谈话室,她的刺又冒了出来。我们正在谈论“Silly Love Songs”这首用来回应批评的作品。"回应确实时应该有的,"她说,"但我宁愿过没有批评的生活。这生活我曾经拥有过也很喜欢。在学校里会受到批评。走出学校自然就想着自由了。"
Laine adds: “We’re pretty good critics of ourselves. We don’t need all these bums coming along and telling us, “Hey, man . . .’ “
I venture to say that theirs sounds like an insular process, with no room for sounding boards and outside opinions.
“We always know what’s wrong,” says Linda. “We know with every album what’s gone wrong.” During recording sessions, Denny adds, there are friends who drop by and offer thoughts. “So we know pretty well where we stand.”
“We know we��ve got a lot more to do,” Linda says, and turns away to talk with Paul, who’s just returned from the sound check.
Laine speaks with us for a minute more about Wings and the remains of Beatlemania. “The main thing about us,” he says, “is we want to be able to work on the stage without too much adoration, if you know what I mean. We’d rather work for it.” A lot of the audience, he says, still respond out of reverence for a Beatle. “They’re in awe, you know, of Paul. And that’s a bit of a drag.”
Laine和我们聊了一分钟���于Wings和Beatlemania的残存痕迹。"比较重要的是,"他说,"我们希望在台上演出的当下,不会收到过分的崇拜,you know。这种崇拜我们希望自己争取。" 他说,很多观众的反应还是出于对披头士的敬畏。"他们带着些敬畏之心,对Paul的敬畏。而这有点拖后腿。"
SUNDAY, MAY 9TH: PAUL McCARTNEY has just flown into Toronto from New York and sped, in one of the customary five limousines, into the backstage area of the Maple Leaf Gardens. It is 6:20; the show has a scheduled 8 p.m. starting time and he’s been booked into a gold-record presentation with Capitol Records/EMI of Canada, interviews with CBC-TV, two radio stations, one Toronto paper, and ROLLING STONE. And he should have dinner. He is running late. But a rushed sound check in Detroit spoiled the first concert there, and he isn’t about to let it happen again. He steps out of the Fleetwood, looks around, asks the closest person where the stage is and heads off. Dressed in his usual offstage clothing – loud Hawaiian print shirt, tails hanging out of a short leather jacket, unfaded jeans and rubber-soled shoes – he jumps from bass to keyboards to guitars to drums, pumping frantically until he loses a stick. Then he occupies himself behind the sound board to check other mikes and instruments. He works meticulously and by the time he’s finished, it’s 7:20. Capitol and all the interviewers have been waiting since five, but Paul seems positively casual. After a ten-minute break and a huddle with his manager (Brian Brolly, a former MCA executive who joined McCartney in 1974), he signals us into the dressing room for a double-speed interview that takes us up to the minute he has to switch to his stage outfit, a black suit with sequined shoulders. He gnaws at a fried-chicken drumstick, waving his hands expressively and freely to emphasize points.
5月9日,星期日:PAUL McCARTNEY刚从纽约飞到多伦多,乘着惯用的五辆limo之一,进到Maple Leaf Gardens后台。现在是6点20分,演出晚上8点开始,他还要在加拿大Capitol唱片/EMI的金唱片发布会上,接受CBC-TV、两家电台、一家多伦多报纸和滚石的采访。他其实应该在吃晚饭的,快迟到了。但在底特律场试音太过匆忙,首演有点搞砸,这他可不允许再次发生。他走出Fleetwood,环顾四周,问旁边的人舞台在哪儿,赶紧走了。他台下穿的日常装—明亮的夏威夷印花衬衫露在短款皮夹克外面、穿着牛仔裤和胶鞋—试音从贝斯到键盘,吉他再到鼓,他飞了一根棍子才停止敲打。然后,他就在调音台后面忙着检查其他话筒和乐器。他一丝不苟地工作着,完成时,已经7点20分了。Capitol和别的采访人员从五点开始就一直在等待,但保罗却显得相当随意。歇了10分钟,和他的经纪人(Brian Brolly,前MCA高管,1974年加入McCartney)碰头后,他示意我们进入更衣室接受两倍速的采访,直到他换上舞台装--一套肩部带亮片的黑色西装。他啃着一根炸鸡腿,表情丰富地挥着手强调重点。【草你不是75年开始吃素了吗??fried-chicken drumstick是咋回事?】
We begin with Laine’s complaint – about the audience responding more out of awe for Paul than from appreciation of the music.
“I don’t think that’s happening so much now,” he says. “I think that’s what this tour is doing. Maybe they came a bit like that – which can’t be helped – but on this tour, everyone is saying backstage afterward, ‘We came and expected one thing, but it’s very different, really.’ I think you find yourself starting to look at Denny and Jimmy and Linda and Joe and thinking, ‘Well, it’s not what I expected.’
“In the Sixties, or the main Beatle time, there was screaming all the time. And I liked that then because that was that kind of time. I used to feel that that was kind of like a football match. They came just to cheer; the cheering turned into screaming when it translated into young girls. People used to say, ‘Well, isn’t that a drag, ’cause no one listens to your music.’ But some of the time it was good they didn’t because . . . you know, some of the time we were playing pretty rough there, as almost any band from that time will know.” McCartney eases into his answers, gets comfortable, stretches them out, seemingly unconscious of the rush around him.
"在六十年代,或者说是披头士的鼎盛年代永远有尖叫声。那时候我很喜欢,我曾经觉得这有点像一场足球比赛。他们来看,只是为了欢呼,而年轻女孩在欢呼的时候,就成了尖叫。人们常说,'那不是很差劲吗,都没人听你的音乐了'。但有时他们听不到也是好事,因为......有时我们表演真的很糟,几乎所有那个年代的乐队都懂的。" McCartney慢慢答道,开始放松舒展开来,仿佛没有发现周围的匆忙。
“I thought when I came out on tour again, it might be very embarrassing if they were listening instead of screaming. David Essex was talking excitedly about the British audience. ‘They’re still screaming, you know.’ Well, for him they are, and that’s his kind of audience, but when we went out, we just got up there and started playing like we were a new group. So everyone just took us like that. Sat there. ‘Yeah, that’s all right.’ And they got up and danced when we did dancing numbers. It’s perfect: you can have your cake and eat it, because they roar when you need them to roar and they listen when you’re hoping they might be listening.”
“我想,如果我再次出来巡演如果大家都在认真听歌没人尖叫反而会有些尴尬。David Essex谈起英国观众很激动,‘他们还在尖叫诶!’,对他来说尖叫当然能持续,因为观众就是来看他的。但我们开始巡演是,上台后就是一个新的团队。别人也会认为我们是新团队。他们坐着想”啊,还行啦“。然后我们表演舞曲是他们会站起来舞动。这很完美,我们尝到了甜头,因为他们在需要他们叫时叫,也会在你希望他们可能会听的时候认真听。"
McCartney opens a fresh pack of cigarettes – the brand, Senior Service – lights up and continues:
McCartney新开了一包Senior Service牌香烟点着了继续说。
“There is this feeling that I should mind if they come to see me as a Beatle. But I really don’t mind. They’re coming to see me; I don’t knock it. It doesn’t matter why they came, it’s what they think when they go home. I don’t know for sure, but I’ve got a feeling that they go away thinking, ‘Oh, well, it’s a band.’ It lets them catch up. I think the press, the media is a bit behind the times, thinking about the Beatles a lot. And I think the kids go away from the show a lot hipper than even the review they’re going to read the next day.”
The press, however, seems to be catching up. On numerous next mornings, reviews have told about the reviewers’ discovery – that Wings is a rock & roll band. The New York Times attended the first show, in Fort Worth, and called it “impressively polished yet vital” and “harder-edged” than expected. Newsweek, apparently forgetting Wings’ six-year stack of golden wax, declared, “Paul McCartney had proved that he could make it on his own.”
不过媒体似乎也在追赶步伐。许多个演出隔天,评论员们都发出了”Wings确实是一个摇滚乐队“的声音。纽约时报参加了Fort Worth首演,称其为"处理到位,但又充满活力"并且“比想象中更充满锋芒”。Newsweek,显然忘记了Wings六年来的一叠金唱片,说" Paul McCartney证明了,他可以凭自己做到这一点。"
“The whole idea behind Wings,” says McCartney, “is to get a touring band. So that we are just like a band, instead of the whole Beatles myth.”
But no matter how much he wants to be just a member of a band, and no matter how good the band is, most of the audience is there to see one man. You can tell by the explosion of strobes and flashes from cameras around the auditorium when the moment occurs that McCartney is by himself on the stage. And by the subsequent explosion set off by people who want to capture the actual moment McCartney is singing “Yesterday.”
但无论他有多渴望自己只是乐队中的普通一员,也无论这个乐队有多棒,大部分观众都只为了看他而来。这,当McCartney独自在台上从观众席摄像机传出海量闪光灯咔擦声中,就能看出。而随后人们掀起的轰鸣,则是想要捕捉他演唱 “Yesterday”的真实瞬间。
Wings is a talented group of musicians, especially with Laine and McCulloch. But the Beatles came to be considered geniuses in the studios. I wonder whether Paul misses the other three as sounding boards. Or were Linda and Denny right in their assertion that they always knew “what’s gone wrong” with every album.
Wings确实由一群才华横溢的音乐人组成,尤其是Laine与McCulloch。但人们通常认为披头士们是录音室里的天才。我不知道保罗是否怀念以前还有其他三人互相激发想法出主意,还是说是Linda和Denny的说法是对的,他们总是知道每张专辑 "出了什么问题"。
He does miss the Beatles, he says. “I don’t know about the genius bit, but yeah, I think the Beatles was a very equal thing . . . yeah, I used to worry a little more about that, kind of saying to Linda, ‘Look, I know Denny’s good, but he’s not used to me enough. Will I dare offer him this riff; what if he turns it down?’ This standoffishness. But again, you consult your inner oracle and it tells you, well, it’s time that does all of that. You can’t take a baby and make him 14 overnight. Everyone is coming forward a bit more now. So I just thank me lucky stars that I hung in there.”
他说自己确实怀念披头士乐队。“天才不天才我不知道,但披头士内部非常平等【No, it’s not……】。以前我有点担心,会和Linda说,‘我知道Denny很棒,但是他还不够习惯与我合作。我敢不敢给他个riff让他弹啊?他会不会拒绝啊?’,这种很纠结的心态。但最终还是要从心,内心会说是时候做这些了,一口吃不成一个胖子。现在大家心态都放开些了,我就挺感激,幸运星还是在的。“
But democracy, as McCartney knows, has its price. “You’re opening the door to other possibilities, and that’s sort of what broke the Beatles up, really. The freedom for the personalities to do it. I started a group, I’ve got my wife in, took the kids on the road, just because it was all part of the way I feel.”
The McCartney family image does not seem to bother or affect any of the other band members, but McCartney seems sensitive about its effects on Wings’ audience and on the band’s image.
The audience, he says, is “kind of the age group that goes to concerts – kids – and with us it stretches through to older people who were listening to the Beatles and have come right through. And I think we have a bit of a family audience because the way Linda and I live is pretty straight, in a way. So I think people maybe identify who’ve got kids and are bringing them up the same kind of way – sort of liberal, kind of ‘now’ way, rather than . . .” Paul seems momentarily embarrassed. “Sounds terrible, doesn’t it?” he asks.
他说,“观众所处的年龄段是平时会去看演唱会的孩子,青年,对于我们,年龄段会直接延伸到那些听过披头士乐队的老人们。我觉得我们有一些观众会一家一家地来,因为我和Linda的生活方式在某种程度上会很直接传达到他们。所以我想,和我们带孩子风格一样的人会认同我们这些做法,这种有些自由,专注当下的风格,而不是......" Paul似乎突然害羞了。"听起来不太好,不是吗?"他问。
Surprisingly, the audience is, as Paul notes, pretty much your rock concert crowd, more wheelchairs than baby strollers and not a picnic basket or a leisure suit in sight. And no one seems perturbed that the leader of Wings is not on the loose, the way a Robert Plant or Roger Daltrey or Mick Jagger seem to be. And even if they’re married, they don’t display their wives up onstage with them.
出乎意料的是,现场几乎都是摇滚演唱会的受众,轮椅比婴儿车还多,看不到一个野餐篮或休闲服。而且没有人因为他没有像Robert Plant,Roger Daltrey 或Mick Jagger那样豪放感到不安。甚至即使上述歌手已经结婚了,也不会和妻子一起上台表演。
“I used to think of that, when we first got together, had Linda in the group. ‘Oh, oh, we’ve had it with the groupies now! Everyone’s gonna think we’re real old squares – blimey! Married! God, at least we could have just lived together or something – that would have been a bit hip.’ Then you realize it doesn’t matter. They really come for the music. At first it did seem funny to be up there with a wife instead of just friends or people associated with the game. But I think the nice thing that’s happened is it seems to be part of a trend anyway, where women are getting in a bit more, families are a bit cooler than they were, Things change.
“And the show doesn’t have anything that’s ‘family.’ I mean, I kissed Linda onstage the other night, and for me, that’s kind of, ‘Wow, I must be getting real relaxed,’ ’cause I can’t do that in public, normally. I’m a bit kinda shy.”
It is past eight now; the show, it was decided, would start around 8:30. Capitol and local press are still waiting. Paul waves all that aside with a hand. He had told a publicist that he wanted to do this interview right.
Being a family man, he is saying now, has not affected his songwriting. McCartney, after all, was always the softer, poppier side of the Beatles. “I still think basically the same kind of things I used to; the only difference is I’ll do a tune like ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ [an early Wings single], but that’s the kind of thing kids request. Limitations? Maybe. The only kind I can think of is not wanting to be maybe too . . . far out. But I write songs basically the same way, which is any way. It’s mainly just when I’ve got a minute, but that can come in any different form. Just sit around . . . if I feel like playing my guitar, a song comes out. That’s the same as it’s always been.”
当一个恋家男并没有影响他写歌,他说。毕竟McCartney一直是披头士里更温柔,更流行的一面。"我想的东西基本还和以前一样,唯一不同的是,我会去做一首像'Mary Had a Little Lamb'(Wings早期单曲)这样的歌,这首是我孩子想要的。有限制吗?可能吧。我唯一能想到的就是不想太......扯太远。但我写歌的方法基本是一样的,那就是没有方法。基本就是,如果我有一分钟时间,任何形式的一分钟。就随便坐着也行......如果我觉得想弹吉他,一首歌就出来了,我写歌一向这样的。"
Onstage, Linda McCartney stays discreetly in the shadows, behind her keyboards, for the first few numbers, leaving Paul looking unattached at least for a while. When he introduces her as “my better half,” she gets a roar of approval. In Detroit, with Paul on piano, she steps up to a vocal mike in front of the keyboards only after the 19th song has passed. Number 20 is “My Love,” and she places her hands, rather dramatically, on her hips, as if to show the crowd just who “does it good.” But for the most part, she is there to lend able support to the band. And she has developed into a capable backup vocalist, and a spirited rock & roll cheerleader.
Linda在最初几首歌一直藏在键盘后呆在阴影里,显得Paul有一段时间身边空荡荡。当他介绍她为 "我的另一半 "时,她得到了一片叫好。在底特律,Paul弹着琴,过了第19首歌,她才走到键盘前的话筒前。第20首是 "My Love",她很戏剧性地将手放在臀部上,仿佛在向观众展示谁才 "does it good"。但她大多情况是为了给乐队强有力的支持。她已经变为一个能干的后援伴唱,和一个元气的肉啃肉拉拉队长。
WINGS IS A POP MACHINE that has produced five albums in five years, with singles filling in the occasional lags. And now, as McCartney had hoped before the most recent personnel were affixed, it is a traveling band as well, with annual U.S. tours a real possibility. As such, there is less time for other projects but McCartney is still hoping to do the songs and score for a full-length animation film of Rupert, a British cartoon character. Rupert, McCartney explained, is a bear. “I like Walt Disney cartoons,” he says. “They sort of live forever.”
Rupert the bear is not exactly Yellow Submarine, in which, you remember, the Fab Four took on the Blue Meanies in defense of good old Pepperland and what it stood for: music, beauty and color. And some other stuff. Without getting into what the real-life Beatles seemed to stand for, one wonders what McCartney stands for today.
小熊Rupert风格并不像 "黄色潜水艇",在黄潜中Fab Four反抗Blue Meanies,以捍卫old Pepperland的美好和它所代表的:音乐,美丽与多彩。还有其他一些东西。撇开现实生活中的披头士代表什么不谈,McCartney现在支持什么呢?
“Same goals exactly,” he says, with no hesitation. “It is still peace and light.”
A year and a winter ago, another former Beatle went on tour and, to put it mildly, flopped. George Harrison had maturity, sincerity and the best intentions on his side. He appreciated the Beatles and his role in the phenomenon, he said, but he had grown up, changed, and did not care to dwell in the past. And to let everyone know how firmly he felt, he did a two-and-a-half-hour show dominated by Indian music. He did four Beatles songs, and this only after active encouragement from fellow musicians on the tour. He changed lyrics in three of the four Beatles songs, and rearrangements (along with George’s overworked, hoarse voice) turned them into hardly reasonable facsimiles of the songs many in the audiences had wanted to hear.
一年多前,另一位披头去巡演,委婉说,结果有些flop。George Harrison成熟、真诚也目的明确。他说自己很欣赏披头士乐队以及他在这一现象中的作用,但他长大了也变了,不会留恋过去。为了让大家知道他有多坚定,他做了一个以印度音乐为主的两个半小时的演出。他唱的四首披头士的歌,也是在巡演中同行的音乐人积极鼓励下才唱的。一共四首披头士的歌,他改了三首的词,重新编曲(加之George过度疲劳沙哑),与观众期待的相比有些四不像。
Paul and Linda attended Harrison’s Madison Square Garden show, Paul disguised in Afro wig, shades and walrus mustache, “and we loved it,” he says. He agrees that George had the right, at whatever critical cost, to say, “This is me, now.”
People, says McCartney, have this . . . attitude about the Beatles. “There was some girl on holiday and we were talking to her. She’s a real average British girl and she sort of summed up her view of the Beatles: these lads from Liverpool, lovely, cheery and singing lovely songs . . . and then, drugs! And they all went crazy on drugs. And that was the end of the story for her. Well, that’s kind of silly. And I think there’s a lot of people approaching the new shows like that. ‘Oh, well, can they actually stand up there when they were once the Beatles.’ You just have to say, ‘Well, this is me now, sorry, folks.’ Sergeant Pepper‘s a big change from the record before it. That was us then. So I think George is just taking it very naturally and saying, ‘This is me.’ “
McCartney说,人们对披头士乐队有这种......的态度。"我们有次和一个正在度假的普通英国女孩聊天,她总结了她对披头士的看法:几个利物浦小伙子,可爱、快乐,唱着小曲......然后,Drug!他们开始疯狂搞drug。她以为这是最后的结果。其实这有些啥。我认为有很多人看我们的演出时想,"他们当年还是披头的时候在台上究竟站不站得住啊?“ 你只需要说,"现在这就是我了,对不起,伙计们。”Sergeant Pepper和之前的唱片完全不同。那就是当时的我们。所以我觉得乔治只是很自然在说,“这就是我“。
McCartney has said he doesn’t want to get into criticizing Harrison, but the producer in him finally wins out: “If I’d been producing him and if I’d been his impresario on that tour,” he says, “I would have asked him to do a few more songs he was known for. And also to stick to the arrangement a little bit.” McCartney puts on a good-natured look. “To which he’d probably say, ‘Piss off,’ and good luck to him.”
McCartney曾说过,他不想去批评George,但他内心的制作人的一面憋不住了。"如果我是他的制作人,是他的巡演经纪人,"他说,"我会让他多唱几首他比较出名的歌,以及坚持对编曲发表一下意见," 麦卡特尼拿出一副好脾气的样子,"不过我猜他会对我说一句'滚蛋'。祝他好运咯。"
But, he adds, “I can see his attitude totally.” On the first Wings tours – a limited, bus-hopping affair to British universities in 1972, a larger European swing in ’73 – “We did the same thing; just no Beatles whatsoever. I’ll tell you the truth: it was too painful. It was too much of a trauma. It was like reliving a sort of a weird dream, doing a Beatles tune. One of the guys promoting us on that European tour said, ‘At the end, you should just come on with a guitar and do “Yesterday.” ‘I thought, ‘Oh God, I couldn’t face it.’ Because there was a lot of rubbish on, you know. We were into fighting for a while, we were being poisoned against each other by various people, mainly by one man who shall remain anonymous.”
他补充说,"我完全理解他的态度。" 在第一次Wings巡演中--1972年在英国大学校园进行的一次限量、在大巴上穿梭的活动,73年在欧洲的大巡演--"我们也做了同样的事情,完全不想有披头元素。老实告诉你:这太痛苦了,太殇了。唱披头士的作品像是在做一个怪梦。有一个欧巡宣传组的人说,'你最后应该拿着吉他上台唱Yesterday。'我想,'天哪这怎么面对。当时垃圾事情一大堆,有一段时间我们在大吵,我们之间的关系被各种人荼毒,主犯我名字都不想提。"
The man, of course, was Allen Klein, who became manager of John, George and Ringo in May 1969, over McCartney’s protests. As tension in the studios mounted, as Apple teetered, and as Ringo, John and Paul announced separate threats to split, McCartney suspected Klein of taking more than his share of Apple’s money. In spring 1970, in order to take action against Klein, he was forced to sue Apple – and the other Beatles themselves – for dissolution of the group. After several difficult years, the years of the rubbish, Lennon, Harrison and Starr, along with others involved in Apple, filed suit in London against Klein, for “fraud,” for taking “excessive commissions” and for “otherwise mismanag[ing]” his clients. Klein turned around and filed a suit, in New York, against the three ex-Beatles, Yoko Ono and Apple for more than $63 million in damages and future earnings; Klein enjoined McCartney as part of a “conspiracy” to damage or injure him and his company, seeking damages of $34 million plus interest. The London case against Klein is scheduled to go to court next January.
这个人就是Allen Klein,即使McCartney强烈抗议,他还是于1969年5月成为John、George和Ringo的经纪人。工作室局势愈加紧张,Apple也摇摇欲坠,Ringo, John和Paul分别威胁着说要解散,McCartney更是怀疑Klein多拿了Apple的钱。1970年春,为了反抗Klein,他被迫起诉Apple—以及其他乐队成员—他要求解散乐队。过了十分垃圾的几年后,Lennon, Harrison and Starr以及其他与Apple有关的人在伦敦对Klein提起诉讼,指控他 "欺诈"、收取 "过高的佣金 "以及 "各种管理不善"。Klein转而在纽约对三位前披头士、小野洋子和Apple提起诉讼,要求赔偿超过6300万美元的损失和未来收益;克莱因指控McCartney暗地里想损害他以及公司,要求赔偿3400万美元加利息。对克莱因的案件将于明年1月在伦敦开庭审理。
McCartney hopes to steer clear of the trial, he says, but will cooperate with testimony – “anything that can help. I just want everyone’s head to be clear, to get on with what they do.” Klein’s countersuit, McCartney says, “is an old manager’s trick; the best form of defense being attack. It’s ridiculous what he’s doing. Even for himself. He should just get on with his business and think, ‘Well, Christ, I got the Stones’ old masters, I got this’ – he had a half million out of the company, so he’s had a bit, you know. But he’s just trying to hang in there, to prove a point. It’s a bit … to me it’s very like the Nixon thing, of ‘I said I was a goodie and I’m damn well going to prove it.’ “
他希望避开审理,但表示还是会配合作证--"只要我能帮忙就行。我就希望大家头脑清醒,能够继续自己的生活。" Klein的反诉,McCartney说,"这是经纪人的老伎俩了,最好的守是攻,这做法太可笑,这手法就算是Klein也太下作了。他应该继续做他的生意,然后想,'欧好的我拿到了滚石的版权,我搞到了这个那个'--他从公司搞到了50万,所以他有点小钱。但他一直挣扎着证明自己的观点。这有点... ... 我觉得,蛮尼克松的,'我说了,我是个好人,我特么要证明自己是个好人。“
With the pressures between him and the others off, McCartney found the songs coming back. “You think, well, they’re great tunes, I like the tunes. When we played them we’d get a bit nostalgic, think, ‘Oh, this is nice, isn’t it.’ So I just decided in the end, this wasn’t such a big deal. I’d do them.”
McCartney, in fact, is doing only one more Beatles song than George did on his tour. He, too, wanted to play down the Beatle identity (the tour is billed “Wings over America” and McCartney’s name does not appear on tickets or advertising). He selected the songs at random, he says, rejecting “Hey Jude” as a closer simply because “it didn’t feel right,” and choosing instead a song played on previous tours but never recorded, an all-out jam rocker called “Soily.”
McCartney在巡演中其实只比George多唱了一首披头士的歌。他也想淡化披头士的身份(巡演名字是 "Wings over America",McCartney的名字没有出现在门票和广告上)。他选歌随机,但拒绝了 "Hey Jude "作为终曲,因为 "感觉不对",而是选择了一首在之前的巡演中演过但从未录制过的歌,一首名为 "Soily "的即兴摇滚。
But the difference between Harrison and McCartney is in the faithfulness of Paul’s arrangements, so that the horn section does a credible impression of a cello on “Yesterday,” and “Lady Madonna” is churned out happily, and “The Long and Winding Road” and “Blackbird” are almost straight off the records. Only on “I’ve Just Seen a Face,” played on amplified 12-string Ovation guitar, with the McCartneys’ and Laine’s voices blending together in a folky, Rooftop Singers style, does he wander.
但Harrison 和McCartney区别在于Paul他忠于编曲,所以“Yesterday”中,铜管部分模拟了大提琴,“Lady Madonna”也带动快乐气氛,The Long and Winding Road”和“Blackbird”几乎是直接从唱片上下来的。只有在 "I've Just Seen a Face "中,用了放大器的12弦Ovation吉他演奏,McCartney和Laine的声音融合在一起,以一种Rooftop Singers的风格,才变了样。
In Toronto, there was a rash of reunion rumors. By show time, scalpers outside were happily selling their tickets for $50 and $60 apiece, while inside, film crews from as far away as London had their cameras hoisted and ready. From the first show in Texas, there had been talk that the once-again-friendly Beatles might do a friendly number together. In New York, where Lennon lives, similar talk persists. And in London, “Yesterday,” the single, leads a pack of two dozen Beatles reissues invading the pop charts.
McCartney is pleased about “Yesterday.” “It happens to coincide, luckily for us. It’s bringing it to people’s ears. That’s the main thing, really, ’cause if you’re not in with a single or record, people just tend to forget.” He is not wary of an acetate Beatlemania leading to even more fervent calls for a reunion.
“We maybe could be together for a thing but it always feels to me like it would be a bit limp.” In response to an American promoter’s offer of between $30 and $50 million for one Beatles concert, McCartney told a reporter that he would not participate in a reunion purely for money. Now, in Toronto, he is qualifying that remark.
“The truth is very ordinary. The truth is just that since we split up, we’ve not seen much of each other. We visit occasionally, we’re still friends, but we don’t feel like getting up and playing again. You can’t tell that to people. You say that and they say, ‘How about this money, then?’ ‘Or how about this?’ And you end up having to think of reasons why you don’t feel like it. And, of course, any one of them taken on its own isn’t really true, but I was just stuck for an answer, so I said I wouldn’t do it just for the money anyway. And I saw John last time, he says, ‘I agreed with that.’ But there’s a million other points in there. A whole million angles.
“I tell you, before this tour, I was tempted to ring everyone up and say, ‘Look, is it true we’re not going to get back together, ’cause we all pretty much feel like we’re not. And as long as I could get everyone to say, ‘No, we’re definitely not,’ then I could say ‘It’s a definite no-no.’ But I know my feeling, and I think the others’ feeling, in a way, is we don’t want to close the door to anything in the future. We might like it someday.
“Again, talking to John before the tour, I’m saying to him, ‘Well, are you coming to the show at Madison Square?’ ‘Well,’ he says, ‘Everyone’s kind of asking me, “Am I going?” Should I go?’ And I’m saying, ‘Oh, god, that’s a drag, isn’t it. You just can’t even come out and see our show.’ So there are these other involvements. If anyone comes, they feel like they’ve got to get up. Then they get up, we’ve got to be good. Can’t just get up and be crummy, ’cause then they say, ‘The Beatles really blew it on the Wings tour,’ or something. So, but you see how long I’ve taken just to answer this question. God, it goes on forever. So you can see why I just wanted to say no.”
"我又要说了,巡演前和约翰聊天,我问他,'你会来麦迪逊广场的演出吗?"他说,"每个人都问我,去吗?应该去吗?"我说,'天哪这太扯了,你都不能出来看我们的演出。‘所以这件事有太多牵扯。如果有任何一个来了,其余的会觉得自己必须来。既然大家都到了,我们就板上钉钉重组了。既然四个都到了就不能表现很差劲,不然人们会说‘披头士的Wings巡演上的表演真烂。’所以,你看我真的花了好多时间回答这个问题,这问题从来没停过。现在你懂我为什么我只想说 ‘不‘了吧?“
And yet, McCartney just cannot close the door.
“We’ve left it,” he says, “if John feels like coming out that evening, great, we’ll try and get him in. Have it all cool, no big numbers. We’ll just play it by ear.”
The emotional high point of the concert, of course, is “Yesterday,” but the showstopper is “Live and Let Die,” the song McCartney wrote for a James Bond film. In concert, Wings attacks the audience with powder kegs, strobes, smoke, syncopated spotlights, and the laser machine gunning string beams of light from back of the stage to the opposite end of the hall. And the music – teasing, then exploding into rat-a-tat violence – fully warrants the effects.
演唱会的高潮自然是“Yesterday”,但重头戏是麦卡特尼为007电影写的“Live and Let Die”。演唱会上,Wings用火、闪光灯、烟雾、射灯,以及激光机从舞台后方向大厅另一端射出的光束照向观众。而音乐--先是挑逗,然后发出猫捉老鼠般的火爆--也完全配得上这些效果。
For “Band on the Run,” the last number before the encore call, a film of the shooting of the album cover is projected onto a movie screen; behind other songs, paintings – and one cartoon – appear on another screen, behind the band. The paintings, McCartney says, are by Magritte and David Hockney; the etchings of Magneto and Titaniun Man are by Marvel Comics. “It’s all art,” says the Beatle.
对于"Band on the Run",也就是安可声爆发前的最后一首,专辑封面拍摄的影片投影在荧幕上,其后还有画作--还有一个动画--出现在乐队后另一屏幕上。McCartney说,这些画作是Magritte和David Hockney的作品;Magneto and Titaniun Man的蚀刻画是漫威漫画的。"这都是艺术,"这位披头说。
Before the tour, the best guesses had Wings grossing $4.5 million for 28 shows in 20 cities. Since then, a huge show has been added in Seattle – at the 60,000-capacity King Dome – and additional concerts have been added in Los Angeles and Chicago. The gross should be over $5 million, roughly a million more than the Harrison tour. But the net should be another story, given the lavishness of the stage show, the size of the entourage (17 with Showco, nine-piece band, family, friends, publicists, manager, security and various other aides) and the private Braniff-leased Bac 1011 jet that flies the band back to a base city after every concert – not to mention a mess of Wings memorabilia. Out in the lobbies, fans can pick up a T-shirt, a program and a poster. But backstage, for the touring party, there are Wings jackets, T-shirts from all the different tours, badges, pins, patches and medallions. Linda wears jeans with “Wings” embroidered on a back pocket; she and Paul wear matching ivory wings on necklaces. And the crew drinks from Wings paper cups.
巡演前, Wings在20个城市的28场演出的最高的收入估值是450万美元。此后,西雅图加了一场--在能容纳6万人的King Dome,洛杉矶和芝加哥也加场了,所以总票房应该超过500万美元,大约比Harrison巡演多出100万。但考虑到高级的舞美、随行人员的规模(Showco公司的17人舞美团队、9人乐队、家人、朋友、公关、经纪人、保安和其他各种助手),以及每场演唱会结束后乐队飞回大本营城市的Braniff Bac 1011私人飞机钱,利润应该是另一件事--更不用说各种Wings周边了。乐迷们在大厅可以拿到一件T恤、一份场刊和一张海报。但在后台,对于巡演大队来说,有Wings的夹克、各种巡演T恤、徽章、胸针、补丁和奖牌。Linda穿的牛仔裤后袋上绣有"Wings"字样;她和保罗在项链上戴着情侣象牙色Wings项链。大家还用 "Wings "纸杯喝酒。
The in-group level of a kind of Wingsmania is furthered by the chronicling of this tour: concerts are being recorded for a possible album, filmed for a possible movie, photographed separately by two cameramen for the press and a possible book, and sketched, courtroom-artist style, for possible future paintings or inclusion in another possible book.
But all these projects, McCartney says, aren’t even that probable. “It’s all ‘in case.’ ” In case some day he wants a film, a photo, a record, even a sketch of the first Wings American tour. It’s nice to look back.
It is 8:30 now, the Wings are all in costume and they should be onstage by now. They are instead in an upstairs room backstage. Here, they manage to oblige the executives of Capitol Records/EMI of Canada, shake hands all around, accept six gold and platinum albums, pose for photographs, have a laugh or two and apologize for having to run – all within three minutes. But everybody, in the end, is happy.
The local interviewers are still afloat; they’ve been informed that after the show Wings have to make a quick getaway because their jet has to be off the runway by midnight, to comply with a noise-abatement ordinance. So they are not planning to get any time with McCartney.
But after the concert, with Showco breaking down the light-stands, the sound system and the stage, with band members, security guards, aides, photographers and the sketch artist all scurrying around, and with the five Fleet-woods already warmed up and purring, Brian Brolly, the manager, gathers up the local reporters and hustles them into the dressing room, apologizing all the way. They will have just about two hot minutes.
但演唱会结束后,Showco在拆灯架、音响系统和舞美,乐队成员、保安、助手、摄影师和画手都在四处乱窜,五辆limo正在待命,经纪人Brian Brolly则召集当地记者,边催他们进化妆间,一路道歉。他们时间紧张,大概只有两分钟。
McCartney, back in street clothes, greets them, looking relaxed and interested. He apparently wants to do this right, too. He shows them a painting a friend has done of him and Linda and they proceed to field a dozen questions, about musical roots, the first time Linda saw Paul (Beatles, Shea Stadium, 1966) and, of course, the rumors about the Toronto Beatles reunion. Brolly gets itchy and clears his throat and the room all at once, and the McCartneys scram into their limo and screech away.
Outside, a knot of the faithful wave to them and come up with a modified ovation. It is not exactly Wingsmania, and it is by no means Beatlemania. But it sure seems like rock & roll.
0 notes
disneydreamlights · 7 years
picking questions is for losers, just use a randomizer for like five questions per character; Annalee, Mirai, Sky, Kat, Stella, Sera
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
She’s fifteen, she’s practically still a child. If she had any kids her age I could easily see them still being considered a child. As for her as a parent...not happening. I’d imagine her being not bad as a babysitter though, so long as her kid liked manga.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Despite being a shipper, she’s not a huge romance person. Like if it’s not the main purpose of a story she adores a good pairing, but once the entire story just stops to have a couple get together she’s groaning. In addition I really don’t see her as a comedy person. Again things that are pure comedy just don’t have a lot of story going. 
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Her biggest fear is abandonment. Like in SX when they found her in the cage up until that point nothing scared her more than the idea that nobody would care to come for her and they would leave her there to become a monster. When she was there I’d imagine after realizing there was no escape she was probably curled into a ball trying not to cry until the heroes arrived. Of course she won’t let anybody see she’s afraid so if anybody’s around she puts on a brave face so nobody will worry, but when she isn’t alone...
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Listen I know some fifteen year olds drink but Annalee is not one of them. She was never in a social situation where drinking was a viable option and even then hearing about some of the consequences is enough to deter her.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
She’s always a little stiff in a formal event because she’s not always sure if she’s acting properly and it’s not like she can base off of Emmett because he’s Emmett he’s the worst model for this stuff. She probably tries to follow Andrew’s lead...not really sure how that goes. She mostly just hides in a corner and hopes not a lot of people notice her in case she does something informal. She likes her formal dress though, so she likes dressing up in black tie stuff.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Mirai would make a wonderful mother, since she’s helped to raise another orphan with a friend. She loves to be around kids, but if I’m being honest, I don’t see her ever having her own. I think if she were to try adopting one or having a kid, she’d be too scared of something happening to her, and leaving the child alone in the same position she was in. Especially if they were a baby and never remembered they had a mother who loved them. If a partner worked her through that fear though, I think she’d love having a kid and want to have one. That being said, if the choice was send a kid to an orphanage or she adopts, she’d easily and very willingly do it in a heartbeat, and when any friends need her to watch over their kids, she’s the first to offer.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
I’d say she does. She tends to try to find a lot of reasons to smile, so even if it’s just her friends acting silly with each other, it tends to make her laugh. That being said, she’s not very funny, and she couldn’t tell a joke to save her life, but that’s another thing entirely.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
She technically doesn’t cry often? She won’t get overly emotional over something silly like “Oh my god a cute snake I’m going to cry.” But she does get emotional over anything bad happening to people, or if she has to hurt people, or if she’s hurt. She also doesn’t do a very good job of hiding it, and bursts into tears.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
She loves to read, but it’s very rare Mirai ever gets the chance. Most of her reading is actually done when she’s reading tomes, for magic. She’s also self taught, so she’s not a very fast reader, but she tries.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Aside from her tome, which Mirai doesn’t like going anywhere without, Mirai would bring photos of her friends and family. She’s used to not having a lot, but what she does have is the people in her life, and she’d be able to recover without what little items she has for monetary values. She couldn’t make it without her memories.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
As a child, she was friendly with a lot of the other Keyblade Wielders, but she never really got close to any besides Landon and Marina. Depending on the verse at least she keeps both of those...though in some verses that doesn’t really work out well either.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else 
Mystery. Her life’s already an adventure thanks to all her Keyblade training, but she never gets a good mystery out of anything. She thinks mysteries also help to keep her mind sharp as she works at putting together the clues to figure out the answer.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
(Oh god why. XD)
As a Keyblade Master, she has to pick comfortable underwear so it doesn’t wedgie during fights. She tends to wear simple bikini cut, with like maybe some cute, basic, patterns on it? She stays away from thongs and boyshorts because they are literally the worst and always crawl up your butt crack which is not comfortable. She also doesn’t do lace, but that’s more just because she doesn’t really care that much about what it looks like?
As for bras, because that is also underwear, she’s almost always in a sports bra. Her boobs are small enough where she can get away with it and they’re better for physical activity.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
The traits Sky admires the most is the ability to be surrounded by people and completely at ease, and the tenacity to survive any problem that may come a person’s way. She’s actually very envious of Sera despite how much she loves her, who’s able to handle herself well in most social situations and without the training to reign in her emotions that Sky received, has a better control than her sister does.
As for talents she wishes she had, she’d love to learn to get into art. Unfortunately when Marina tried to give her drawing lessons she was lucky she could draw a stick figure.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
She hates formal events. Too many people are around, especially a lot of time people that she doesn’t know, and so she gets super anxious. She doesn’t hate the dress up part of it, but she definitely hates the interaction part of it, at least.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
No special diet requirements or diets (unless chocolate addict counts. I’m pretty sure with well over half her meals if she can make a hot chocolate or mocha work she’s drinking it) but she does have an allergy to certain breeds of dogs, and she’s also allergic to certain kinds of trees.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
She remembers her first time having her grandpa’s cooking. Other huge meals include the first time she ever had a meal with her grandmother (because that’s when it sunk in that Terra succeeded and oh god she didn’t) and she has very fond memories of any meal eaten in Dorothy’s cafe.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
DON’T LET KAT GET DRUNK. She’s not sexual normally because she’s so scared of becoming exactly like her parents.
So what happens when she’s drunk and loses her inhibitions? She becomes a fucking sexual drunk who tries flirting with a lamp post. So she tends to avoid alcohol. She makes fun of her friends when they’re drunk though so long as they’re not getting sick. 
As for when she’s hungover...don’t disturb her for the next two days. owo’
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Kat tries to wear things that won’t really make her stand out, since she tries to avoid the attention, so unless she’s performing, she’s normally just wearing a slightly baggy hoodie and some jeans. She tends not to wear any makeup either for the same reason. Better for her face to be unremarkable than noticeable (but she’s descended from cute people so it doesn’t help her much.) She wears sweatpants and a baggy shirt to sleep (sometimes she’ll steal them from her dad) and she keeps her hair cut short for low maintenance.
Unless she’s performing, in which case she does steal some of her mom’s makeup and actually puts effort into what she’s dressing up in, and by that I mean wears a really pretty black dress.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Anyways, what Kat wears depends on the day of the week and if she’s performing or not. She wears lacey underwear to give her confidence to do well on stage, but otherwise she tends to wear granny panties. Style wise...I’m not putting my ocs in boyshorts or thongs they don’t deserve that torment. owo’
Her bras never really change, they’re just your basic beige bra...although sometimes when she’s in her normal clothes, she doesn’t bother because who can tell if you’re wearing a bra under a sweatshirt if you don’t have giant boobs.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
She has a codename, but she doesn’t go by it or reference it because it reminds her that she’s less than human, and she doesn’t want that reminder. Other than that, no titles.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
She thinks animals are adorable and interesting. She’s never really seen anything like them. They’re a lot nicer than people, and innocent in their own way. She might hurt a person if they were in the way of something she wanted, but an animal, not unless they got in the way of her first.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
No allergies because she’s an android. As for dietary, she doesn’t really have to eat, but she can if she wants to. Does that count as a weird diet thing?
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Give her an hour with anything fantasy and she’ll devour it. She loves fantasy 
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
She mostly just quietly observes it. For the most part it’s just something interesting to know, but in the right situations, she can use it to her advantage...
Unless of course she’s grown to care about the person, then she’ll get worried and attempt to help keep them away from it in the future.
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Her full name is Serafine Robins. The ooc reason I did it was just because the name sounded pretty and when I started making Sky’s relations I wanted characters connected to her to have an elemental connection, much like the actual KH series with its main trios, which leads to what it means, fire.
The in universe reason for it is that when Sky’s parents were looking at baby names for their second daughter they saw the name and thought it was pretty. XD
19. What’s their least favourite genres? 
Part of me wants to say murder mysteries to make a shitty joke about it. But the honest answer is drama. She hates books that center around interpersonal drama because she gets so frustrated that every single thing could be solved if people just talked to each other for about five seconds anyways. 
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
Very overprotective, she doesn’t want other people who she cares about to be taken advantage of for their fears, so she’ll do anything she can to calm people down when they are scared, no matter who they are.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Okay so Ray introduced her to manga and she very, very guiltily enjoys it because it’s a nerdy thing but she genuinely enjoys it and she’s like “Okay so Sky never finds out got it.”
She’s very unguilty about her love of desserts. She’s physically active so you’d never guess she has such a sweet tooth, but her sweet tooth is baaaad, and she doesn’t hide her addiction to a variety of sweet treats, especially ice cream.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
She’d pack some CDs. She wouldn’t be able to dance without them. She’d want to bring her flute since it did belong to Sky, but the end result is that she’d rather have something to dance to than something to play.
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