#still learning side profiles n such 🫶
spooksicl-e · 2 months
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he was a man of habits, narrow and concentrated habits, and i had become one of them… i was a whetstone for his mind. i stimulated him.
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sanctuary1988 · 4 months
~ Owned Flower |2| Gwi
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French: /the petals of love/
Pairing: Gwi x fem! noble! Reader
Summary: A heartless vampire falls in love for the first time in centuries of loneliness. Passion, secrets, betrayal and love drown the royal palace. Will your love for Gwi prevail through time or will it wither away like a fallen rose petal? Maybe love was his punishment, maybe love was your salvation. Or wasn't it a curse to you both? Because, who can beat a race against time? Who can love in the dark? Who can love without truth? After all, even the most beautiful flower will wither away and end in ashes of time, remembered only by the one who cherished her the most.
Warnings: strangers to lovers? fluff, angst, minor injury, burns, mentions of marriage, talks about arranged marriage, period typical misogyny, age gap (huge), historical! AU, royal! AU?, cannon copilant, (let me know if I missed anything!)
Word Count: 2.4k words
A/N: Second part of this series! Thank you all for the love the first chapter received, hope you will enjoy this as well. 🫶
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You were mesmerised at the sight of the underground palace the handsome stranger you came to learn his name was Gwi lived in. You dared not ask any questions for he had told you not to, you simply followed him around in silence, your hand still clasped in his much larger palm.
"You will live here from now on, petal."
He spoke, that thunderous voice of his made you shudder as you looked up at his side profile, taking in his sharp features. He sensed your stare and looked down at you, halting in his steps as you danced in his dark eyes.
"Can you really prevent my marriage, My Lord?"
Gwi smirked down at you, that same smirk he had shown you at the gardens before he was to drag you down to his home.
"Don't doubt it, sweet (y/n). I can do that and much more for you."
The smell that radiated from you was intoxicating. Even more so to him as the full moon was tomorrow, his eyes nearly glowed red at the mere thought of tasting your blood but he had to physically restrain himself. A part of him didn't want you to be scared of him. Not like everyone else was. He didn't want to see such fear in your beautiful eyes.
"What do you want in return, My Lord?"
You weren't stupid, you knew the kindness of this mysterious lord was not free and that he'd want something from you. You just hoped it was something you could give him. He took a step forward and you tensed, he felt it as your hand grew rigid in his hold. You swallowed, never breaking eye contact with the man who towered over you.
"I want you to stay by my side forever."
His eyes roamed over your beautiful features, feeling entranced by your beauty and your intelligence. You were smart enough to know there was a price for his kindness, he couldn't wait to see what other thoughts resided in that precious head of yours.
At your lack of response he took a step back and continued walking down one of the tunnels, dragging you next to him. Once again, you followed him in silence until you both arrived at a large room with a stone throne in the middle. You swallowed as your eyes lingered on the beautifully crafted throne, torches and candles were all around the place to illuminate it in its own darkness and you couldn't help but feel a strange safety within those walls of the underground palace.
Gwi walked down the right tunnel letting go of your hand when he turned to the large hallway. You instantly shivered at the lack of contact. You didn't know if it was because you missed having your hand in his or because the tunnels were truly cold.
The corridor eventually transformed into another room also adorned with torches and candles. A big cherry blossom was planted on the ground as little rays coming from the moonlight illuminated the grand tree coming from the ceiling... or rather the ground above you.
"You'll stay here. If there's anything you need you'll come to me and me only, do you understand?"
He turned to look at you with a sharp motion that made you tense once more at the swiftness of his movements. You looked into his dark eyes, having too many questions to ask, too many answers you needed. But his emotionless gaze made you swallow your words, you nodded instead and he smirked once more. You didn't know if it was a good sign or if he was growing annoyed by your lack of words but he didn't comment on it.
"When I call for you, you must always come to me. If I refuse your presence, you must leave without another word. I expect absolute obedience from you, petal. After all, you are now mine."
You took a step forward, eyes fierce as you looked at the handsome man in front of you with a confident air around you.
"Not yet, My Lord. Once my marriage is cancelled, you may ask whatever you wish from me. Until then, I am not owned."
Gwi looked down at you with emotions you weren't quick enough to grasp. You feared for a second you had been too bold with your words. Your father's lectures came to your mind as soon as the last word left your lips. He always told you to stay silent. "Pretty things aren't supposed to speak, dear." Oh, how you hated when he spoke of you like that.
But Gwi's reaction made you expel those thoughts from your head as he lifted an eyebrow at you before his smirk returned to his lips.
"Petal, you do indeed have very sharp thorns."
You swallowed, never breaking eye contact with the handsome lord even when his dark eyes intimidated you the most. He lifted his chin in the air, as if he were silently admiring you. In a way, he was.
“Are you challenging me?”
His deep voice drawled out and you had to fight back the shiver that travelled up your spine. His icy glare froze your insides while it also set you aflame. 
“I wouldn’t dare, My Lord. I am simply stating what’s fair.”
He laughed, the echoes of it were so melodiously delicious something clenched inside you at the sound. The deep laugh resonated over the walls of your now new room and you couldn’t help but marvel at the deepness of it. 
“Life’s script is written with ink of unfairness, petal. Never settle for something that doesn’t exist.”
You frowned at his deep truth. Something about those words was awfully true yet it didn’t settle well with you. However, among his words was a subtleness that stirred your heart. Almost as if he had purred those words out for you. 
He watched you with narrowed eyes, his gaze cold and firm over your form. Gwi couldn’t stop watching you. Like a beautiful rose in his forbidden garden. Intriguing.
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Counselor Lee walked through the dark corridors of the underground palace. He was quick on his pace as he had been summoned by the powerful vampire that ruled over the kingdom.
However, what he didn't expect was to see you there. His own daughter, serving the monster he feared over the king himself. You simply bowed down at the sight of your father without saying a word, not that you have ever had a good relationship with him to begin with.
"What are you doing here?"
He asked, walking hastily towards you before his hand grabbed at your upper right arm. You hissed at the force of his hold, nearly making you spill the tea from the cup you held in your hand. You opened your mouth to protest, to say you were alright and that you wanted to stay when he spoke once more, making you swallow your words.
"You are coming with me, (y/n). This is not a place for you."
"Stop it!"
But he simply yanked you forward and some of the steaming tea dropped on your hand, making you whimper at the burning sensation on your delicate skin.
"Let her go, Counselor Lee."
Gwi spoke from behind you. Your father's actions halted as he turned to look at the vampire of the menacing eyes. You breathed heavily as you looked between the two men in the room. Gwi's eyes focused on the aged hand on your upper arm and he took a step forward, his eyes never leaving the hand that held you in your place.
"I said let, her, go."
A shiver ran down your spine at the deepness in his voice. Your father released you from his tight hold and you stepped back on instinct, cradling the nearly empty cup of tea to your chest as you watched the interaction in front of you with wide eyes and a racing heart.
Counselor Lee lifted his chin in the air, his hands tangled in front of him as he addressed the lord before him.
"You summoned me, My Lord, however, I do inquire why my daughter is here."
Gwi smirked, walking over to his throne with slow and calculated steps that gave away just how much power he held over the room and, unknowingly to you, over the entire kingdom.
"I demanded your presence to let you know the marriage between your daughter and Kang Ju Won has been cancelled. I no longer deem it appropriate for such a union to take place in this palace. Consider me telling you personally a kindness of mine."
Your father went pale at the news you thought he was going to collapse right there and then. You turned to look at Gwi only to witness the imposing aura the man had over you and your father. You looked back at your father as he spoke with a raspy voice; it nearly made you scowl at the sound of that voice he used when he disciplined you.
"Why did you change your mind, My Lord? The marriage would surely be of benefit to you in the Council."
Gwi looked aside with a bored expression over his sharp features. His elbow rested on the armrest of his throne as he looked around, his fingers tapping on the armrest in a rhythmical pattern only to chase away the boredom that seeped into his bones as this conversation didn't seem to end.
"I do not owe you any explanation, Chief Counselor."
Your father bowed down at Gwi with stiff motions. You swallowed when his eyes locked with yours, silently telling you to leave the underground palace with him.
"If you agree, My Lord, I'd like to start searching for another suitable husband for my daughter. She cannot remain unmarried as she is."
Gwi chuckled, that deep sound that made you shiver as you burned at the presence of the man who promised you freedom in exchange of your own soul.
"Do not fret yourself with that, Counselor Lee. Your beautiful daughter now serves me, therefore she will not marry another man for she belongs to me from this day on."
You saw how your father gulped, visibly tensing in front of the man who had saved you from your doomed destiny only to tie you next to him forever. As if you owned him something. In a way, you did. You had traded your freedom, willingly knowing that you had never been free in the first place. You were a woman. A pretty doll to be owned and be cared for. Oh, how you hated it.  
Counselor Lee bowed down before he retrieved himself from the vampire’s presence. He sent you an icy glare, one that you ignored as you held yourself in your place, lifting your chin ever so softly. Silently telling him you weren’t going to back down upon his domineering power over you. Not anymore. 
“Come here.”
You jumped slightly at the sudden deep voice that resonated across the walls. You followed to where Gwi was without a word, steps cautious and precise as you approached his large throne. With firm eyes, you watched him sit down as his eyes met yours. Gwi motioned you to come over and you obliged, again in silence. Intimidated by the power he held over the room. 
His eyes never left your form, locking with your own as you stopped in front of him. Something about the sight in front of him made his cold heart shudder within him. His eyes, dark in their nature, had a beautiful reddish tint over them that you found yourself hypnotised by them. 
Your heart skipped a beat when his unusually cold hand held yours. With attentive eyes, you watched him. Watched as his long fingers ran over the back of your hand. His touch was featherlike as the skin was still sensitive due to the hot tea that had spilled over your hand. 
He took the cup from your grasp and put it on a wooden crafted table at his right. You watched as he grabbed an ointment with two fingers before he was applying the substance on your skin. 
Gwi looked into your eyes when he heard you hiss, your hand tensing in his hold but he only gripped it tighter. 
“Sorry for spilling the tea.”
He tilted his head ever so softly as you lifted your gaze from your joined hands back to his mesmerising eyes. He smirked, that smirk that seemed to be engraved over his lips for eternity. 
“You can always make more. Your skin, however, is as precious as hidden diamonds in the sand.”
Without resistance at all, you pulled your hand from his hold and the sudden loss of skin made you shiver in the cold underground palace. Gwi looked at you with interest, with delight over all the things he had ever possessed. For you did not fear him. Not now, not ever. 
The full moon was that night, his senses were stronger than ever. His thirst for blood nearly got the best of him as he looked at you. As he held your hand in his, as he gazed at your exposed neck. Nearly hearing the blood pumping through your veins. 
“Go back to your room. Don’t come out until I call for you.”
With elegance, you bowed down at him. Delicate steps left his presence without another glance. When you were out of sight, Gwi let out a deep sigh. The scent of you was intoxicating. Mesmerizingly addictive. And with his senses heightened, he barely restrained himself. The temptation was there. To bite you. To savour your sweet blood. To hear you whimper in his ear. 
To be honest, he didn’t know why or how this new infatuation with you started. But a very deep part of him delighted in your innocent mind when it came to his true nature. Something that once the vampire took pride of, now felt the need to hide it. Because he wasn’t fully human. He was a monster. A blood-thirsty monster that killed to survive in that sadistic way he absolutely loved. But the very thought of you seeing him in his true form, in you gazing into his eyes that would no longer be dark brown but crimson red with the manifestation of his powers, made his heart -as stoic as he claimed it to be- clench inside him. 
For you now were his to serve. His to claim. His to cherish. For all time to come. A cared flower. A fallen rose.
An owned petal. 
~ Masterpost
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