#stwg prompt motivation
chaosgremlinmunson · 2 months
STWG 04/16/2024
Prompt: motivation 
Pairing: modern Steddie pre-relationship 
Rating: mature; sexual themes
Eddie had been down in the dumps for the past few weeks, Steve knew his best friend better than most people. Robin and Eddie were two of the most important people to him, and he knew Eddie had decided to talk to Alec and let him know about his feelings. Steve and Robin had encouraged him to do so since Alec had seemed into Eddie everytime they'd all interacted, so to see Eddie now almost sulking around spoke to Steve in a way they couldn't quite explain.
Steve had made it his mission to cheer Eddie up, and he had some ideas, granted it may not be the best ideas, but ideas he had nonetheless.
Steve went into his closet and pulled out his distressed black jeans that hugged the curves of his hips and ass and cupped his bulge perfectly, he paired that with his baby pink crop top that said “yes, daddy” and pulled on his pink combat boots with the tiny bat wing accessories on the laces. He looked over his reflection and smirked, and went to his playlist on his phone to make sure Motivation by Kelly Rowland was queued up on his screen then headed out the door. 
When he pulled up he waltzed into Eddie's apartment seeing him slouched in front of the TV reading through his screen, he sighed tossing it to his side running his fingers through his curls and Steve made the move to come stand between his legs while his eyes were closed temporarily. When he opened them, he yelped his eyes wide looking up at Steve and swallowing. 
“Hey Eds, I missed you.”  He said leaning down into his space, “I have an idea to cheer you up.” Steve was beginning to feel a little shy, if Eddie didn't like this idea he could very well ruin this friendship, but he had to try. 
Eddie ran his hand up Steve's pant leg and a blush had spread over his cheeks, “Okay Stevie, whenever you're ready.”
Steve gulped his time, but stepped out of Eddie's space to set his phone in the dock for the surround sound system and hit play, the song filtering through the speakers as he started rocking his hips to the sultry voice pouring through.
“Whoa lover, don't you dare slow down
Go longer, you can last more rounds
Push harder, you're almost there now
So go lover, make mama proud (turn the lights on)
I don't wanna feel my legs
(And when we're done) I just wanna feel your hands all over me baby
But you can't stop there (whoa, lover)
Music still playin' in the background (whoa, lover)
And you're almost there
You can do it, I believe in you, baby
So close from here
Baby, I'ma be your motivation (uh-huh, yeah)
Go, go, go, go, motivation
Go, go, go, go”
Steve kept his eyes on Eddie's face who slowly had started to lean forward, as he moved within reach Eddie's hand snapped out and pulled Steve onto his lap, he grinned up at Steve's stunned face. 
“Stevie, baby.” Eddie breathed leaning up and nipping at Steve's jaw before rolling his hips, “Had I known I had a shot with you, Alec would have never been on my radar. Stay the night with me?” 
Steve moaned in response, rolling his own hips down before whispering back, “Yes, daddy, anything for you.”
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eyesofshinigami · 2 months
Proper Motivation
Rating: M
Tags: Established relationship, can be read as gender-swap or trans!Steve, spicy content
Written for the STWG prompt motivation:
"But I don't want to do my exercises. It hurts and it makes me hot and sweaty and not even in a fun way," Eddie whines, draping himself over the treadmill dramatically. "It sucks and I hate it."
This had been a near daily fight since Eddie had gotten out of the hospital. Despite the doctors insistence that the walking would help him regain the strength in his legs, Eddie was having none of it. He would whine and fuss and kick his feet like a toddler having a tantrum. Stevie is at her wit's end. She knew her boyfriend hated exercising but this was getting ridiculous.
"Baby, I know, but you need to do it so you can get your strength back. It's only for six weeks, and if you show improvement, you may not have to anymore," she tries, pitching her voice a little higher. It was like dealing with a child.
Which... maybe that was part of the problem. Maybe she was coming at this from the wrong angle. Time to switch tactics.
"Tell you want..." she purrs, which suddenly makes Eddie sit up straighter from where he was still lamenting on the treadmill. "For every hundred steps you do, I'll take off a piece of clothing. And once I'm naked, if you finish your allotted... I'll let you do whatever you want to me. How's that for motivation?"
"Anything?" Eddie asks eagerly. He gets to his feet and starts fiddling with the buttons on the treadmill.
"Anything we've done or already discussed."
Eddie's face goes a little pink. "Even the thing with your tongue?"
Stevie nods, delighted. "Even the thing with my tongue. Maybe I'll even ride you after, since you'll be so tired from being such a good boy."
Eddie gulps and she can hear the treadmill whir to life. He starts walking , shaky as he is, but now he's got a determined look on his face.
She can't not reward such good behavior. She pulls her t-shirt tight over her chest, her tits and the outline of her nipples practically visible through the thin material. It draws Eddie's attention down and she giggles when his eyes go wide watching her tits bounce. "Just a sneak peek," she teases.
Eddie keeps staring, mindlessly walking and following every single movement of her tits and hips.
She should have done this ages ago. "Keep it up, baby," she coos. Stevie thumbs at the hem of her shirt, pulling it up to reveal the tanned expanse of her stomach and the tiny little panties she's wearing, the one Eddie really likes to take off with his teeth. "Almost there."
Eddie moans, his steps faster, the tent forming in his sweats getting more and more visible.
Stevie just grins.
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steventhusiast · 8 months
STWG daily prompt 15/10/23
prompt: spider
pairing/character(s): steddie
Steve jumps when he hears Eddie shriek from the bathroom. A concerned frown is immediately on his face, and he gets up to rush over in case Eddie's hurt, when Eddie yells his name. He gets moving a little quicker than before.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asks as he nears the bathroom.
Images fill his mind of Eddie having slipped in the shower, or of him hitting his head on the sink, or of him cutting himself badly while shaving, and he's getting quite stressed as he gets to the bathroom door and pulls it open almost violently in his haste.
His eyes scan the bathroom quickly, and he deflates with relief when he finds Eddie (blood and wound free) standing against the wall with his eyes fixated on a spot on the wall opposite him.
"Steve kill it." Eddie whines, pointing uselessly.
Steve doesn't have his glasses on, so he squints and takes a few steps toward where Eddie's pointing. Eventually, a small spider comes into focus.
"Oh, hey little guy." He says softly, and hear's Eddie scoff behind him.
"Little guy? This 'little guy' was about to KILL me when I was getting ready for my shower, Steve. He's a murderer!" He rambles, and Steve doesn't have to turn around to know he's gesticulating wildly as he goes.
"Don't listen to him." Steve says to the spider as he very slowly moves his hands to offer to the spider, hoping it'll hop on so he can take him out to the balcony.
"Why aren't you killing it!?" Eddie complains, voice high pitched from how stressed spiders make him.
"He didn't do anything wrong. I'm just gonna relocate him." Steve says with a smile, and finally the little spider crawls onto his finger. "Right, let's go little dude."
He walks out of the bathroom and leaves Eddie glaring at him.
"Don't you dare put that thing on the balcony! I smoke out there!"
"Maybe this'll motivate you to quit then."
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blaqcats-fics · 8 months
The Deepest Sighs, the Frankist Shadows
prompt: rehab warnings: billy hargrove as an asshole, rehab, use of homophobic slur towards Steve note: this is an altered excerpt from a wip in progress
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“You shouldn’t smoke.”
Eddie Munson scoffed, flicking his cigarette. He watched as the smoke moved through the air, fading away. He glanced at the boy standing next to him, the one who made the comment.
“It’s none of your damn business what I do,” Eddie grunted, taking another long drag and making the intent to blow the smoke towards the stranger’s direction, but the air made the smoke drift off away from the boy’s face.
“You’re right,” the boy said, shrugging. “It’s not my business.”
Eddie spared him a long glance, taking him in. The stranger was attractive, but that was all Eddie was willing to give him. The boy already put himself on Eddie’s shit list by being rude and not minding his business. That didn’t mean Eddie couldn’t take a moment to admire him, however. The boy, whoever he was, had a head of wavy, curly brown hair with strands of pink highlighting the brown. He had a nose piercing that seemed to be hidden away from his onslaught of freckles and moles. He dressed like a grandpa, though, which was weird — a yellow sweater, a white blouse underneath, and a pair of khakis with the world’s ugliest shoes.
“Are you here for the group too?”
Eddie glanced at him, narrowing his eyes as he dropped his cigarette to the ground, using his boot to ground it out. He glanced at his watch, sighing. He hoped that this dude wasn’t one of the counselors. The boy looked too young to be, but Eddie could never be too sure. A lot of people looked younger than they were these days, or older than they are.
“What’s it to you?” Eddie asked. He pushed his hands into the coat of his leather jacket, glancing away from the boy. He’d rather be curled up in his trailer getting high, maybe work on some songs for his band, then maybe pass out for a while.
“I’m Steve,” the boy introduced, holding his hand out.
Eddie stared at his hand but made no attempt to shake it. “Sure,” he said.
Steve dropped his head, laughing awkwardly. “Okay, well, see you in there, man.” He gave Eddie a small smile, before walking past him and disappearing into the building, leaving Eddie alone with his thoughts once more.
Eddie glanced down at the butt of the cigarette he stumped out, letting out a low groan. He wished that he had smoked a joint instead of a lousy piece of tobacco he had stolen from Wayne’s pack. Maybe he should have downed a beer before he came, that could have helped his edge, but that was why he was here. He had unhealthy coping mechanisms and had been forcefully made to attend these group therapy sessions by both his Uncle Wayne and the lovely judicial system of Hawkins, Indiana. He would have bailed, but unfortunately, Eddie needed therapy both because it was court-ordered and because he needed extra credits to finally graduate from high school. He was on his third go-around, and he couldn’t afford to keep wasting his days in a school full of assholes.
He pushed himself off the brick wall, moving his hands out of his pocket and rubbing his face, blinking away any tiredness. He could do this. He could smile, laugh, and pretend everything was okay. He had to do this for himself and for Uncle Wayne. He had promised his uncle after all, and Eddie had a good motive outside of his uncle.
Eddie walked to the double door, pushed it open, and stepped inside the Youth Center. The heat of the building caused a small sweat to break out on his brow, but it was to be expected from the sudden change in temperature. It was mid-winter outside, and inside it was like summer all over again. Looking around, Eddie was surprised to see how well-kept it was, but it was a short-lived feeling. He wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for Al.
Al was Eddie’s father, a piece of shit scumbag who had waltzed back into town and broken Eddie’s world apart for a third time. Now, Rory was sitting in a cell somewhere, rotting, and Eddie couldn’t have been happier about it. Eddie hated the man to his core and every time he thought of his father, his blood boiled. Rory Munson was the last person that Eddie needed to think of.
Taking a deep breath, Eddie walked into the common room, trying his best to not draw attention to himself — which was a difficult thing to do when he looked the way he did. The common room was warmer than Eddie was expecting for a place where shrinks worked. The room was painted in a soft green color, with couches and chairs spread around the room. There were bookshelves, which Eddie took note to look at. Maybe they’d have a copy of the Hobbit or maybe something from Lovecraft. Moving past inspecting the interior, Eddie found himself looking over the other kids that were already there. Steve was sitting in the far back of the room, chatting with a blonde girl who looked like she hadn’t slept in a week. Across from them, on the other side of the room was a face that Eddie didn’t expect to see, and it wasn’t a warm feeling.
“Billy,” Eddie gritted out, causing the blond to look his way, sneering back at him. They both went to the same high school, and it was common knowledge to anyone who knew either of them, was a simple fact that they hated each other. Billy was everything Eddie despised.
“Wish I could say it’s a surprise seeing you here, freak,” Billy smirked, standing from where he sat. “Though, I think you forgot to take the turn to the prison in Greensville.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes, “Laugh it up, Hargrove. Bet you wish that’s where your daddy was.” He could feel everyone’s stare and did what he could to avoid it. He wished Billy hadn’t been here. It would have made sinking into the shadows easier, but Eddie never said he had an easy life.
Billy, however, noticed Steve and the girl’s gaze. “The fuck you looking at, fag?” he snapped, sneering towards Steve. Eddie didn’t miss how Steve flinched before a cloud of grief briefly crossed his face. He watched as the girl grabbed his shoulder, squeezing it, but with an angry expression, she didn’t say anything.
“Shut the fuck, Hargrove. You’re one to talk,” Eddie snapped before he could stop himself. “I heard Tommy H gets you off in the locker room on Thursdays.”
Eddie could feel Steve’s surprised glance, but he ignored him, focusing on Billy’s now red face. “The fuck did you just say, Munson? You have a death wish?” he growled, walking towards him, his lip curled up into a snarl.
“You heard what I said,” Eddie snapped. “Takes one to know one, right?”
“I’m going to fuc—,” Billy’s voice was cut short when the door opened and an older woman walked through the door, her voice filling the room, and Eddie felt a wave of relief wash over him. He was always more bark than bite, and he knew arguing with Billy would bite him in the ass later on.
“Good morning!” the woman spoke, her voice filling the room. She had shoulder-length brown hair with strands of gray, reflecting her age. She had a clipboard tucked under her arm, and she had a kind smile. Eddie wondered if she was purposely ignoring the tension lingering in the air. “We’re waiting for just a few more people, and when they get here we can get started! Sit where you feel comfortable!”
Billy glared at Eddie before turning away and slumping in the seat he had been in previously. Eddie breathed, moving to sit on the window ledge, letting his head rest against the cool glass. He didn’t care if he indirectly outed himself. He could care less about people knowing he liked fucking other guys. Hawkins was a small town, so it wasn’t like he was actively fucking anyone in town because most people weren’t into that, but people made it a problem.
Not that Eddie cared. He had been pushed into walls, punched in the face, called a queer, anything a person could think of. He was used to it, even if he wished he wasn’t. Life was life, and Eddie had little control over how people viewed him. Billy had made himself a problem in Eddie’s life. It was a realization that Eddie had when he first moved to Hawkins years ago. Many people made Eddie’s life difficult, way more than Billy did. Jason Carver was another prime example, and he was just glad Jason was an ‘angel’ that he didn’t have to come to group therapy.
Fuck him, honestly.
Eddie had enough problems and didn’t need anymore, but he could easily tell that Steve would quickly become one. Eddie had a type, and Steve was that type, or at least close to his type. Actually, maybe Steve was far from his type. He seemed like one of those boys you would take home to your parents. Steve seemed like parents liked him. Eddie had always gone for quick and easy guys — one’s that he could easily forget the name of. Call Eddie a horrible person, but life had made it adjacently clear that happiness wasn’t in his cards. There was also the tiny fact that Billy was an idiot, and there was no way Steve was gay. Sure, the boy had pink highlights in his hair, but there was something that screamed ‘straight’ and ‘boy next door’ about him.
Eddie couldn’t give up his hopes over a pretty face, especially in Hawkins. He did want to keep whatever little reputation he had. Falling in love with a straight boy and being publicly humiliated was not in his cards. Not that his being publicly humiliated hadn't happened yet. He was in rehab (though the Judge labeled it therapy) for a reason.
The door that led into the room opened and closed, causing noise to fill the awkward silence lingering through the room. The last few people came into the room, and Eddie took a moment to examine the ‘newbies.’ The first person was a boy. He was tall and thin, but there was something about him that made Eddie feel uneasy. Maybe it was because the boy looked too clean and too put together. Next to him was a younger girl with buzzed hair and a blank stare. He noticed that she had ink on her wrist, but couldn’t make out whether it was a tattoo or a sharpie job. The two of them sat near the entrance, staying close together. It made Eddie wonder if they were siblings. The two barely looked anything like each other, but Eddie didn’t care enough to know if they were actually siblings or not. Walking past them was another girl, around Eddie’s age. She looked familiar, but Eddie couldn’t put a finger on who she was. She had shoulder-length hair that was light brown, and she had freckles adorning her face. She was wearing brown khakis and a tucked-in white blouse with a tie. Eddie knew immediately that she was a lesbian, and that was on functioning gaydars.
She sat next to Steve, and Eddie wondered how the two knew each other, but he didn’t have much time to wonder why she was familiar or her relationship with Steve.
“Good, it seems that everyone is here!” the older woman beamed, taking her clipboard from under her arms and glancing over it before nodding. “I’m Mrs. Byers, but feel free to call me Joyce. I want you all to feel comfortable during our time together for the next several weeks. I am aware that most of you aren’t here by choice, and I know that it will take a moment to adjust, but I hope that we can all work together and be respectful to everyone.”
Yeah. This was going to be just great.
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