#sure. why not.
libraryleopard · 5 months
the biggest plot twist in saltburn was actually when oliver was lying on the grave and he started taking off his shirt and i was like "oh god he's going to take off his pants isn't he" and then he only took off his shirt and i was like "oh phew" and then as soon as i relaxed he actually took off his pants. true emotional roller coaster right there.
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nymdraws · 1 year
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learning csp with some scribbles of These Guys
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basementpotato · 1 day
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Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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starfleetwitch · 6 months
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Lads... It's tickling me something fierce that this was the only backed up photo from the phone that got stollen... Like... YEARS worth of memories gone but this THIS remains. JFC.
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endverse · 1 year
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spockvarietyhour · 2 months
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sodaflood · 1 year
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i need to stop doing art dumps on tumblr
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okay funniest aroace experience is consuming a piece of media, going on tumblr, and seeing everyone talk about the iNcReDiBlY ObViOuS shipping tension you did NOT pick up on at all
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crehador · 7 months
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they are making sanrio ikemen gijinkas???
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laurajameskinney · 6 months
some rp blog rb'd my kurt catholicism post .?
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marnz · 1 year
applying to long shot jobs like
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badidvideas · 1 year
Survivors can shoot each other in duos
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gamebunny-advance · 1 year
Power from the People (NSR Theory and Speculation)
I was thinking about the convo we had about why B2J don't literally die from being attacked by the NSR artists, and how it's likely because the power/magic of being artists is what makes them more resilient. In the original theory, the only real support I had for this idea was an unsourced anecdote that devs said that the artists are powerful due to artistry being a source of power in this universe, but it wasn't supported by anything in-game. However, I recently realized that there actually is something in-game that supports this: the upgrade system.
NSR's upgrade system trades "fans" earned from defeating megastars for new abilities.
So the game equates fan support to literal power: it's only through fan support that B2J can unlock their full potential. There is a similar correlation in the Megastars in that their power is proportional to their popularity. Arguably, since Tatiana once ruled the entire city with The Goolings at some point, this rule even applies to her as the final boss, and most powerful member of NSR.
That said, I do wonder how much of any given artist's ability is linked to their fan support. Like, if someone is inarguably talented but is unknown to the greater public, would they still have the same abilities as the megastars? Can talent only get you so far if you don't have the reach or connections to get support?
I mean, B2J can get upgrades through fan support, but you can technically go through the entire game without buying a single one and the amount of fans you have doesn't provide any kind of passive buff, ergo B2J start the game already strong enough to take down Tatiana. In fact, they start the game strong enough to take down DJSS without any fan support since May considers Kliff their first fan, but he doesn't get involved until after DJSS is defeated, so if the artistry = power theory is also true, then fan support may not be necessary at all for an artist to have extraordinary power and the fans are just an extra buff.
But, if fan support isn't linked to power, but is instead linked to special abilities, then why does Tatiana still have time/fire powers if she *doesn't have an active fanbase anymore? Did her abilities stay even if the fans aren't actually there to support her, or is the support from her staff enough to still give her all those abilities since she's still a talented guitarist at her core? Or do all her political supporters count as "fans" that she can draw power from? Is it both? Are Mayday and Kliff's admiration of her still giving her power? If power comes from any kind of support, then does a person even need to be an "artist" to get the kind of power buff that we see the artists getting? If enough people get convinced that Amal is a real unicorn, will he eventually be able to preform miracles? Does this example not even work, since he's technically participating in a performing art by acting as a unicorn to begin with?
There are just so many interesting questions to be asked about this…
*Since you still gain fans and a platinum record from beating Tatiana, she may actually have an active fanbase which would render the rest of the speculation moot, but the entire framing and mechanics of Tatiana's fight are so weird and don't fit into the pre-establish mold, that I have a hard time parsing any useful information from analyzing her boss battle. I dunno what's real, what's metaphorical, what's just there because this is a video game, and it doesn't make sense to just abandon the pre-established systems for this one fight.
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rahleeyah · 1 year
Is it just me or did the ending of the case part feel weird and rushed? Like they spent the whole episode fighting for the case and having witness disasters and then oop they killed Duarte (brutally… honestly that’s the kind of thing we used to yell at lettuce for that was horrific) and Papa suddenly WANTS to be in jail and he admires Liv or something like… help me make sense of that cause I can’t 🤔
Yeah I kept saying last night in the gc that the ending made no sense. I'm sure they just ran out of time and had to put something in there but like. Papa was about to get out. Why the fuck would he voluntarily spend the rest of his life in jail? And he's not going after Olivia any more bc she's such a good mom??? Excuse?? Why would Olivia believe him when he says Noah is safe now??? Like. That was wild the math is not mathing
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exeggcute · 2 years
adventures in linkedin:
(1) a good-for-nothing recruiter hit me up for a job as a "founding copywriter" at some local and scientifically dubious fitness company. which like, one, no. two, I have dabbled in copywriting and am honestly very good at it but I am a technical writer by trade. so I ignore it and then a day later the recruiter messages me AGAIN to ask if I got their first message. I know there are lots of recruiters who actually place people in good gigs but nine out of ten recruiters I've interacted with are on this level of being so desperate and incompetent that they'll just search for anyone in my city with 'writer' in their job title. and that's not a lot of people.
(2) one of my nice coworkers is going through some sort of product manager training (and liveblogging it) and it's exactly like watching someone who got bitten by a zombie start to slowly transform into a shambling nightmare creature. possibly related to this is that she now has "cyber goddess" in her linkedin description and has also gotten certified as a licensed hypnotist but in like a business coach way. despite this I'm still looking forward to working with her as a PM (assuming she doesn't leave our company after she get trained and assuming I stick around after I come back from leave) because our other PMs are somehow more insane than that
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