#telehealth Development platform
sisgainae · 1 year
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Telehealth Software & Solution Development Company
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ayushsisgain · 2 years
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mycareind · 3 months
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MyCare India provides a user-friendly telemedicine app connecting patients with doctors for convenient virtual consultations, ensuring easy access to quality healthcare services.
For More Information:-https://www.mycareindia.co.in/
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techdeveloper001 · 8 months
Connecting Patients and Providers: Telehealth Software Evolution
Telehealth Software Development plays a pivotal role in Connecting Patients and Providers. Witness the Telehealth Software Evolution that's transforming healthcare. Explore how advanced technology is enhancing patient-provider interactions and streamlining care delivery in this exciting journey of Telehealth Software Development.
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emedhealthtech · 1 year
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Healthcare integration aims to use the available resources to efficiently deliver healthcare services, enable effective communication between different systems of healthcare, and incorporate standardized protocols to ensure its overall smooth functioning. It prioritizes giving the best possible care to the patient, increasing the quality of the overall experience. We offer integrated healthcare software that includes a Telemedicine app, Online pharmacy, and Diagnostic lab application. This all-in-one healthcare platform increases your health business efficiency and customer satisfaction. Request a free quote for any custom requirement of the Integrated healthcare platform. Visit this to know all about healthcare integration platform: https://www.emedhealthtech.com/all-you-know-about-integrated-healthcare-software/
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mann777 · 3 months
Physiotherapy at Home
Title: The Evolution of Rehabilitation: Exploring the Impact of Physiotherapy at Home
In recent years, the landscape of healthcare has undergone significant transformation, driven by advancements in technology, shifting patient needs, and a growing emphasis on personalized care. One area that has seen notable progress is rehabilitation, with the emergence of innovative solutions like "Physiotherapy at Home" revolutionizing the way patients access and receive rehabilitative services.
The Rise of Home-Based Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy at home represents a departure from traditional clinic-based models of care, offering patients the convenience and comfort of receiving treatment in their own homes. This shift towards home-based rehabilitation has been propelled by several factors, including the increasing demand for accessible and patient-centered care, advancements in telehealth technology, and the recognition of the importance of the home environment in the rehabilitation process.
Personalized Care Tailored to Individual Needs
One of the primary benefits of physiotherapy at home is its ability to deliver personalized care tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of each patient. Unlike clinic-based rehabilitation, which may follow a one-size-fits-all approach, home-based therapy allows for a more individualized and holistic approach to treatment. Therapists have the opportunity to assess patients in their own environments, gaining valuable insights into their daily routines, challenges, and goals. This enables them to develop customized treatment plans that address not only the physical aspects of recovery but also the social, emotional, and environmental factors that may impact rehabilitation outcomes.
The Role of Technology in Home-Based Rehabilitation
Technology plays a crucial role in facilitating physiotherapy at home, enabling therapists to deliver high-quality care remotely and monitor patients' progress between sessions. Telehealth platforms allow for virtual consultations, exercise demonstrations, and real-time feedback, providing patients with continuous support and guidance throughout their rehabilitation journey. Wearable devices and mobile apps further enhance the patient experience by allowing individuals to track their progress, set goals, and communicate with their therapists from the comfort of their homes.
Advantages Over Traditional Clinic-Based Care
The advantages of physiotherapy at home over traditional clinic-based care are manifold. In addition to the convenience and comfort of receiving treatment at home, home-based rehabilitation offers greater flexibility in scheduling, reduced transportation barriers, and increased opportunities for family involvement and support. Moreover, research has shown that patients who receive care at home may experience faster recovery times, higher levels of satisfaction, and improved adherence to treatment plans compared to those receiving clinic-based care.
Empowering Patients and Promoting Independence
Physiotherapy at home empowers patients to take an active role in their own recovery, fostering a sense of autonomy and self-efficacy. By providing education, resources, and support, therapists help patients develop the skills and confidence they need to manage their conditions independently and prevent future injuries or setbacks. This empowerment not only enhances patients' quality of life but also reduces healthcare costs and promotes long-term health and well-being.
Overcoming Challenges and Expanding Access
While physiotherapy at home offers numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges. Ensuring patient safety, maintaining communication and collaboration between therapists and patients, and addressing technical issues related to telehealth platforms are among the key considerations facing home-based rehabilitation programs. However, as technology continues to advance and healthcare delivery models evolve, these challenges are being increasingly addressed, paving the way for expanded access to home-based rehabilitation services for individuals of all ages and abilities.
Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Rehabilitation
In conclusion, physiotherapy at home represents a transformative approach to rehabilitation that is reshaping the way patients access and receive care. By combining the convenience and comfort of home-based treatment with the personalized and holistic approach of physiotherapy, this innovative model of care is empowering patients, improving outcomes, and enhancing the overall quality of rehabilitation services. As we continue to embrace the possibilities of home-based rehabilitation, we move closer towards a future where rehabilitation is accessible, effective, and patient-centered for all.
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podcastdx · 2 years
Monkeypox part 2 with Dr Tiffany
This week we will discuss Monkeypox with Dr. Tiffany Najberg.
 Dr. Tiffany Alexis Najberg Pronouns: She/her Physician licensed in the state of Louisiana Dr. Tiffany is a Board Certified Emergency Physician who has served in busy emergency departments and provided prehospital care as well as remote care since 2007. A transwoman currently transitioning herself, she is the first open trans woman Emergency Physician in Louisiana. She is a business owner who co owns her clinic, UrgentEMS, in Shreveport Louisiana. She practices urgent care, some primary care, and gender affirming care there and via telehealth throughout the state. Her experience in remote medical direction led her to begin practicing transgender medicine via telemedicine, as making it accessible to all, even in isolated locations, is something she cares deeply about. She received her medical degree at the University of North Texas in Fort Worth, completed her emergency medicine residency at LSU New Orleans (Charity Hospital), and her EMS fellowship with New Orleans EMS. She has been a teaching staff at Ochsner in New Orleans and St. Francis in Monroe, and has a passion for medical education. She still actively instructs medical students at her clinic. Her non medical interests include amateur storm chasing, writing, all things social, and she is a fierce advocate for public health, trans rights, women’s rights, and lgbtq+ issues through her sizable online platforms.
Dr. Tiffany goes more in depth about this new form of pox quickly spreading around the world.
  Symptoms of monkeypox can include
Muscle aches and backache
Swollen lymph nodes
Respiratory symptoms (e.g. sore throat, nasal congestion, or cough)
A rash that may be located on or near the genitals (penis, testicles, labia, and vagina) or anus (butthole) but could also be on other areas like the hands, feet, chest, face, or mouth.
The rash will go through several stages, including scabs, before healing.
The rash can look like pimples or blisters and may be painful or itchy.
  You may experience all or only a few symptoms
Sometimes, people get a rash first, followed by other symptoms. Others only experience a rash.
Most people with monkeypox will get a rash.
Some people have developed a rash before (or without) other symptoms.
Monkeypox symptoms usually start within 3 weeks of exposure to the virus. If someone has flu-like symptoms, they will usually develop a rash 1-4 days later.
Monkeypox can be spread from the time symptoms start until the rash has healed, all scabs have fallen off, and a fresh layer of skin has formed. The illness typically lasts 2-4 weeks.
If You Have a New or Unexplained Rash or Other Symptoms...
Avoid close contact, including sex or being intimate with anyone, until you have been checked out by a healthcare provider.
If you don’t have a provider or health insurance, visit a public health clinic near you.
When you see a healthcare provider, wear a mask, and remind them that this virus is circulating in the area.
Monkeypox spreads in a few ways.
Monkeypox can spread to anyone through close, personal, often skin-to-skin contact, including:
Direct contact with monkeypox rash, scabs, or body fluids from a person with monkeypox.
Touching objects, fabrics (clothing, bedding, or towels), and surfaces that have been used by someone with monkeypox.
Contact with respiratory secretions.
This direct contact can happen during intimate contact, including:
Oral, anal, and vaginal sex or touching the genitals (penis, testicles, labia, and vagina) or anus (butthole) of a person with monkeypox.
Hugging, massage, and kissing.
Prolonged face-to-face contact.
Touching fabrics and objects during sex that were used by a person with monkeypox and that have not been disinfected, such as bedding, towels, fetish gear, and sex toys.
A pregnant person can spread the virus to their fetus through the placenta.
It’s also possible for people to get monkeypox from infected animals, either by being scratched or bitten by the animal or by preparing or eating meat or using products from an infected animal.
A person with monkeypox can spread it to others from the time symptoms start until the rash has fully healed and a fresh layer of skin has formed. The illness typically lasts 2-4 weeks.
​Scientists are still researching:
If the virus can be spread when someone has no symptoms
How often monkeypox is spread through respiratory secretions, or when a person with monkeypox symptoms might be more likely to spread the virus through respiratory secretions.
Whether monkeypox can be spread through semen, vaginal fluids, urine, or feces.
​Protect Yourself and Others
Following the recommended prevention steps and getting vaccinated if you were exposed to monkeypox or are at higher risk of being exposed to monkeypox can help protect you and your community.
Take the following steps to prevent getting monkeypox:
Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with people who have a rash that looks like monkeypox.
Do not touch the rash or scabs of a person with monkeypox.
Do not kiss, hug, cuddle or have sex with someone with monkeypox.
Avoid contact with objects and materials that a person with monkeypox has used.
Do not share eating utensils or cups with a person with monkeypox.
Do not handle or touch the bedding, towels, or clothing of a person with monkeypox.
Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially before eating or touching your face and after you use the bathroom.
​In Central and West Africa, avoid contact with animals that can spread monkeypox virus, usually rodents and primates. Also, avoid sick or dead animals, as well as bedding or other materials they have touched.
CDC recommends vaccination for people who have been exposed to monkeypox and people who may be more likely to get monkeypox.
​People more likely to get monkeypox include:
People who have been identified by public health officials as a contact of someone with monkeypox
People who are aware that one of their sexual partners in the past 2 weeks has been diagnosed with monkeypox
People who had multiple sexual partners in the past 2 weeks in an area with known monkeypox
People whose jobs may expose them to orthopoxviruses, such as:
Laboratory workers who perform testing for orthopoxviruses
Laboratory workers who handle cultures or animals with orthopoxviruses
Some designated healthcare or public health workers
There are no treatments specifically for monkeypox virus infections. However, monkeypox and smallpox viruses are genetically similar, which means that antiviral drugs and vaccines developed to protect against smallpox may be used to prevent and treat monkeypox virus infections.
Antivirals, such as tecovirimat (TPOXX), may be recommended for people who are more likely to get severely ill, like patients with weakened immune systems.
If you have symptoms of monkeypox, you should talk to your healthcare provider, even if you don’t think you had contact with someone who has monkeypox.
​(Credits: CDC)
Check out this episode!
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technical03030 · 1 day
Enhancing Healthcare with Custom Medical Apps
In today's digital era, technology continues to revolutionize every aspect of our lives, including healthcare. One of the most significant advancements in the medical field is the development of custom medical apps. These applications offer a plethora of benefits, from streamlining processes to improving patient care. In this article, we will delve into the world of custom medical app development company and explore how they are enhancing healthcare delivery.
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The Role of Medical Apps in Modern Healthcare
Streamlining Processes
Medical apps play a crucial role in streamlining various healthcare processes. From appointment scheduling to medical record management, these applications automate routine tasks, allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care. By reducing administrative burdens, medical apps increase efficiency within healthcare facilities, leading to improved productivity and cost savings.
Improving Patient Care
One of the primary goals of custom medical apps is to enhance patient care. These applications enable patients to access healthcare services remotely, facilitating timely consultations and reducing the need for in-person visits. Moreover, medical apps often incorporate features such as medication reminders, symptom trackers, and health monitoring tools, empowering individuals to take control of their health and adhere to treatment plans more effectively.
Enhancing Communication
Effective communication is essential for delivering high-quality healthcare services. Medical apps facilitate seamless communication between patients and healthcare providers through secure messaging platforms and telehealth capabilities. This real-time interaction fosters greater patient engagement and enables providers to deliver personalized care tailored to individual needs.
Key Features of Custom Medical Apps
When developing custom medical apps, several key features are essential to ensure functionality and usability:
Electronic Health Records (EHR) Integration
Integrating medical apps with electronic health records systems allows for seamless access to patient data, enabling healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and deliver personalized care.
Appointment Scheduling
Appointment scheduling features simplify the process of booking and managing appointments, reducing wait times and optimizing clinic workflows.
Telemedicine Capabilities
Telemedicine functionalities enable virtual consultations and remote monitoring, expanding access to healthcare services and enhancing patient convenience.
Medication Management
Medication management tools help patients adhere to their prescribed treatment regimens by providing medication reminders, dosage instructions, and refill alerts.
Health Tracking
Health tracking features, such as symptom diaries and activity trackers, allow patients to monitor their health status and share relevant data with healthcare providers for proactive management.
The Future of Custom Medical Apps
As technology continues to evolve, the future of custom medical apps looks promising. Advancements in artificial intelligence, wearable devices, and remote patient monitoring are poised to further revolutionize healthcare delivery. Custom medical apps will continue to play a pivotal role in empowering patients, improving clinical outcomes, and driving efficiencies across the healthcare ecosystem.
Custom medical apps are transforming the way healthcare is delivered, offering numerous benefits for both patients and providers. By streamlining processes, improving patient care, and enhancing communication, these applications are revolutionizing the healthcare industry. As technology continues to advance, custom medical apps will play an increasingly integral role in shaping the future of healthcare delivery.
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pavitrapavi · 2 days
Streamlining Workflows and Enhancing Patient Outcomes with DrCloudEHR in Pennsylvania
Streamlining Workflows and Enhancing Patient Outcomes with DrCloudEHR in Pennsylvania
Electronic Medical Record Systems in Pennsylvania are undergoing a transformation.. Healthcare providers across the state are embracing electronic health records platform in Pennsylvania like DrCloudEHR to enhance patient care, streamline workflows, and improve overall healthcare delivery. By adopting digital health records in Pennsylvania, providers can maintain a comprehensive electronic patient record in Pennsylvania, ensuring better coordination and continuity of care. Electronic health records in hospitals in Pennsylvania are being integrated seamlessly, providing more efficient and secure access to patient information. 
DrCloudEHR, as a leading electronic health record vendor in Pennsylvania, offers specialized features for mental health solutions in Pennsylvania and substance abuse EHR in Pennsylvania. This electronic health records platform and medical electronic record system in Pennsylvania is designed to cater to the specific needs of various healthcare practices. medical emr systems in pennsylvania like DrCloudEHR not only improve clinical outcomes but also enhance operational efficiency. Trust in DrCloudEHR, a top electronic medical record vendor in Pennsylvania, to transform your healthcare delivery.
DrCloudEHR is a leading electronic health record vendor in pennsylvania, specifically designed for behavioral health, human services, and integrated delivery systems. It empowers providers to seamlessly manage patient details, create customized workflows, and develop effective treatment plans.
Why Choose DrCloudEHR for Electronic Medical Records in Pennsylvania?
Enhanced Patient Care: DrCloudEHR fosters a holistic approach to patient care. Clinicians can access a comprehensive view of a patient's medical history, medications, allergies, and treatment progress within a single, electronic patient record in Pennsylvania. This allows for better-informed decisions, improved care coordination, and ultimately, better patient outcomes.
Streamlined Workflows: Medical electronic record systems in Pennsylvania can be cumbersome and time-consuming. DrCloudEHR simplifies these processes. Its intuitive interface allows for quick and easy data entry, scheduling appointments, and generating reports. medical emr systems in pennsylvania and medical electronic record system in pennsylvania like DrCloudEHR can significantly reduce administrative burdens and free up valuable time for patient interaction.
Actionable Analytics: Data is power. DrCloudEHR provides real-time data insights, enabling providers to identify trends, measure treatment effectiveness, and make data-driven decisions. Built-in reports cater to both regulatory and operational needs, ensuring compliance and optimizing practice management.
Focus on Behavioral Health: DrCloudEHR is particularly adept at addressing the needs of behavioral health and substance abuse treatment centers in Pennsylvania. It offers specialized features for mental health solutions in Pennsylvania and substance abuse EHR in Pennsylvania, allowing providers to effectively manage patient assessments, care plans, and progress tracking.
Seamless Integration: Electronic health records in hospitals in Pennsylvania and remote patient monitoring telehealth need to communicate effectively. DrCloudEHR's modular open system architecture facilitates seamless data exchange across agencies and providers. This ensures continuity of care and eliminates the need for duplicate data entry.
Security and Compliance: Patient data security is paramount. DrCloudEHR prioritizes data privacy and adheres to stringent security standards. Electronic medical record vendors in Pennsylvania like DrCloudEHR offer robust security features to safeguard sensitive patient information.
Benefits of DrCloudEHR for Pennsylvania Healthcare Providers:
Improved patient care coordination
Enhanced clinical decision-making
Increased efficiency and productivity
Reduced administrative burden
Improved regulatory compliance
Streamlined billing and revenue cycle management
Scalability to accommodate growth
Choosing the Right Electronic Medical Record Vendor in Pennsylvania:
Selecting the right electronic health record vendor in Pennsylvania is crucial. Here's what sets DrCloudEHR apart:
Focus on Behavioral Health: DrCloudEHR understands the unique needs of behavioral health and substance abuse treatment providers.
Meaningful Use Certified: DrCloudEHR is compliant with current Meaningful Use regulations, ensuring you can qualify for government incentives.
Scalability and Flexibility: DrCloudEHR caters to practices of all sizes, offering a scalable platform that can adapt to your growing needs.
Exceptional Customer Support: DrCloudEHR provides comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure you get the most out of your EHR system.
Revolutionize Your Practice with DrCloudEHR
In today's competitive healthcare landscape, electronic medical record vendor in pennsylvania are no longer optional. DrCloudEHR offers a comprehensive and user-friendly solution specifically designed to meet the needs of Pennsylvania's behavioral health and human services providers.
Contact DrCloudEHR today and discover how their innovative electronic health records platform in Pennsylvania can transform your practice and empower you to deliver exceptional patient care.
The Future of Digital Health Records in Pennsylvania
Digital health records in Pennsylvania represent the future of healthcare. DrCloudEHR is at the forefront of this revolution, providing a robust and adaptable platform for managing electronic patient records in Pennsylvania. As more healthcare providers adopt electronic medical record systems in Pennsylvania, the benefits of integrated, efficient, and secure digital records become increasingly evident.
Key Features of DrCloudEHR
Comprehensive Patient Management: DrCloudEHR enables providers to maintain a complete and detailed electronic patient record in Pennsylvania and mental health ehr in washington, encompassing all aspects of patient care from initial assessment to ongoing treatment.
Customizable Workflows: The platform's flexibility allows for the creation of customized workflows tailored to the specific needs of different practices, enhancing the efficiency of medical electronic record systems in Pennsylvania.
Integrated Reporting: DrCloudEHR offers integrated reporting tools that meet both regulatory and operational requirements, facilitating better management of electronic health records in hospitals in Pennsylvania.
Behavioral Health Focus: With specialized features for mental health solutions in Pennsylvania and substance abuse EHR in Pennsylvania, DrCloudEHR is uniquely positioned to support the state's behavioral health providers.
Robust Security Measures: Ensuring the security of medical emr systems in pennsylvania and medical electronic record system in pennsylvania is paramount. DrCloudEHR employs advanced security protocols to protect sensitive patient data, aligning with the highest standards for electronic medical record vendors in Pennsylvania.
Transforming Healthcare with DrCloudEHR
DrCloudEHR is more than just an electronic health records platform in Pennsylvania; it is a comprehensive solution designed to transform healthcare delivery. By adopting DrCloudEHR, providers can enhance patient care, streamline operations, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
As the adoption of electronic health record vendor and electronic medical record systems in Pennsylvania continues to grow, platforms like DrCloudEHR are essential in driving the transformation of healthcare delivery. With its focus on behavioral health, seamless integration capabilities, and robust security measures, DrCloudEHR is the ideal choice for providers looking to enhance their practice and deliver superior patient care. Contact DrCloudEHR today to learn how their innovative platform can revolutionize your healthcare practice.
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bxdapp · 3 days
Empower Your Business with Cutting-Edge mobile app design abu dhabi
Leading mobile app design abu dhabi Company DXB APPS is an expert in using cutting-edge technologies to propel business expansion. Our experts create mobile applications customized to meet the specific requirements of our customers.
At DXB APPS, we have a customer-centric strategy. In close collaboration with our clients, we carry out mobile app design abu dhabi analysis to create solutions that are specifically tailored to meet our client's needs.
The DXB APPS mobile app development company is presented to you in your hunt for an app development house or to develop apps. An elite group of app developers founded our Android app development company. The goal is to create Android applications that can compete in the app market.
High End Services for Developing Mobile Applications Offered By DXB APPS
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DXB APPS offers full-cycle mobile app implementation as well as support during phases of development. Our services for developing mobile apps consist of:
Design of Products
To identify and make visible your competitive edge, we examine the market and your brand identity.
Mobile Application Guidance
We help with the completion of app concepts, offer platform and device compatibility advice, schedule project tasks, and minimize development expenses.
Design of Mobile Apps
To guarantee conversion, engagement, and simple adoption, our mobile app developers Abu Dhabi provide a visually appealing user interface (UI) and a simple, intuitive UX.
Development of Mobile Applications
Our developers quickly, reliably, and efficiently develop and release mobile applications: Our completed projects provide strong evidence.
Web Creation
DXB APPS is prepared to integrate a web application, web portal, online store, or SaaS with your mobile app.
Integration of Mobile Apps
We ensure a smooth connection with back ends and any third-party software because we are knowledgeable about a broad variety of APIs.
QA and Testing
We conduct functional, performance, security, user experience, and accessibility testing with our ISTQB-certified test engineers.
Upkeep And Assistance
DXB APPS provides security, compliance, performance management, and app design abu dhabi evolution in addition to post-launch L1–L3 support.
Modernization of Mobile Apps
Our developers of android app development Abu Dhabi give outdated mobile apps a new appearance and feel by redesigning the architecture and refactoring the code.
Mobile Applications We Develop
The goal of mobile app development services is to create iOS and Android apps that efficiently enhance or replace online solutions. DXB APPS, which has completed mobile app development projects to date, guarantees app success by providing eye-catching user interfaces, safe app code, and robust back ends.
We offer expert iOS application development abu dhabi for the following categories of applications:
·        Wallets, billing apps, and mobile banking
·        Apps for patients and hospitals
·        Applications for telehealth
·        VoIP and messaging applications
·        eCommerce applications
·        Mobile BI and field service
·        Apps for reservations and tickets
·        Applications for augmented reality
·        Apps for lending
·        Apps for insurance
·        Investing applications
How DXB APPS Create Every Mobile Feature That Today's Users Require?
Whether developing a mobile app for a business or a consumer, we rely on our knowledge of various technologies and tools to create apps that are genuinely beneficial and worthy of your customers' screen real estate. Even though we can duplicate the functionalities, no two apps are the same since we give each one a distinct value proposition and customize the functionality to meet the needs of its target user base.
·        Geolocation oversight
·        Cash
·        Texting and making audio and video calls
·        Syncing across several devices
·        Voice identification and recording
·        Chatbots
·        Engaging encounter
·        Making reservations and scheduling
·        Personalization of the user experience
·        Recognition of images
·        scanning QR codes
·        Notifications via push
·        Connectivity with smart TVs and wearables
·        Interaction with gadgets that support IoT
·        Business intelligence
Why Is Custom App Development By DXB APPS Necessary?
Increased Scalability
Services for developing Android apps are always expanding and are not meant to remain in one location. Developing a custom Android app is our preferred method of assisting the business in managing larger data sets.
Simple to Keep Up
We ensure that businesses have complete control over their apps and that all developed apps are simple to maintain.
Perfect Safety
To keep dangers at bay as much as possible, we employ a bespoke app development approach that goes beyond the basic security measures.
Strategic Process Opted By Our Expert Developers To Handle Clients
Have An Open Discussion
We meet often to ensure that you and we agree. Meetings are conducted between you and the project management team.
Openness Every Step
We sincerely believe in keeping all loops connected on every update and modification, from start to finish.
Application Guidance
A crucial step in the creation of Android apps is consultation. As a result, the DXB APPS staff gives this phase top priority and informs clients of our operational procedures.
Updates for Apps
We are aware that users occasionally want to see changes made to their apps. No kind of request is disregarded by our staff, and every effort is made to comply.
How is DXB APPS Teamwork And Why We Are Successful?
Any good outcomes of our Android app development solutions that you receive are the product of many people's contributions. They made it happen with their superior knowledge.
·        To make ideas a reality, project managers are always creating new strategies and paying attention to all stakeholders.
·        To produce exclusive software, the development team uses their most sophisticated abilities and the finest logic available.
·        Our app developers use a current and appropriate tech stack that produces excellent app results.
·        The tester who has an excellent eye for detail performs a fantastic job selecting each testing phase to ensure that the application meets user requirements without a hitch.
·        Increase Your Play Store Ratings with our tailored Android app development
·        Our Android app developers search for quick and sensible fixes in their quest to create the greatest app. We've moved forward and are using custom app development in the cutthroat app market. It is specifically employed to customize requirements to reach a certain demographic.
Hire DXB APPS Today for Mobile App Development Abu Dhabi Services
DXB APPS best mobile app developers Abu Dhabi- is an active and agile development services provider that uses smart solutions to create new digital experiences for your end consumers. For your development solutions, we employ sophisticated methodologies, cutting-edge technology, and adaptable systems.
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Digital Health Market Size, Share, Trends and Revenue Forecast [2028]
 Digital Health Market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $180.2 billion in 2023 and is poised to reach $549.7 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 25.0% from 2023 to 2028 according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets. The growth of this market is driven by the expansion of telemedicine and telehealth services, enhanced patient engagement and empowerment and increased investment in health tech startups. On the other hand, variability in healthcare infrastructure and digital literacy, reimbursement and payment issues are some of the factors challenging the growth of the market.
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Browse in-depth TOC on "Digital Health Market"
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North America accounted for the largest share of the global Digital Health Industry in 2022.
The Digital Health market is segmented into four key regions—North America, Europe, APAC, and the Rest of the World (RoW). North America, being the early adopter of advanced technologies, has captured the largest share of the Digital Health market in 2022, followed by Europe and APAC. It is also projected to register the highest CAGR. North America is the fastest-growing regional segment for digital health due to its technological development, expansion in the healthcare industry, favorable regulatory environment, and the presence of key players and innovation hubs.
Request Sample Pages:
Digital Health Market Dynamics:
·         Increasing penetration of smartphones, tablets, and other mobile platforms
·         Supportive initiatives and increasing strategic alliances
·         Rising geriatric population and subsequent increase in prevalence of chronic diseases
·         Rising focus on patient-centric healthcare solutions
·         High cost of deployment of digital health solutions for small and medium-sized hospitals in emerging countries
·         Interoperability issues
·         Shift toward intelligent health ecosystem to deliver personalized health experiences
·         Digital health solutions for universal healthcare access
·         Improving regulatory support and reimbursements
·         Advancements in digital health
·         Healthcare gap in emerging economies
·         Privacy and security concerns
Key Market Players of Digital Health Industry:
Prominent players in the digital health market include Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands), Medtronic (Ireland), GE HealthCare (US), Abbott (US), OMRON Corporation (Japan), Fitbit, Inc. (A google company) (US), Johnson & Johnson Private Limited (US), Siemens Healthineers AG (Germany), Masimo (US), Apple, Inc. (US), Merative (US), AT & T, Inc. (US), Veradigm LLC (US), Noom, Inc. (US), Teladoc Health, Inc. (US), Omada Health Inc. (US), Dexcom, Inc. (US), Biotricity (US), iHealth Labs Inc (US), my mhealth Limited (UK), athenahealth (US), eClinicalWorks (US), AirStrip Technologies, Inc (US), AdvancedMD, Inc. (US) and Qardio, Inc. (US). Players adopted organic as well as inorganic growth strategies such as product upgrades, collaborations, agreements, partnerships, and acquisitions to increase their offerings, cater to the unmet needs of customers, increase their profitability, and expand their presence in the global market.
Breakdown of supply-side primary interviews, by company type, designation, and region:
· By Supply Side: Tier 1 (31%), Tier 2 (28%), and Tier 3 (41%)
· By Demand Side: Purchase Managers (45%), Head Of AI, ML, Drud Discovery & Computational Molecular Design (30%), Research Scientists (25%)
· By Designation: C-level (31%), Director-level (25%), and Others (44%)
· By Region: North America (45%), Europe (20%), Asia Pacific (28%), and RoW (7%)
Inquiry Before Buying:
 Recent Developments:
· In May 2023 Medtronic (Ireland) acquired EOFlow Co. Ltd. (South Korea) to expand its ability to treat patients with diabetes.
· In March 2023, GE HealthCare (US) partnered with Advantus Health Partners (US) to sign a multi-year contract to expand access to Healthcare Technology Management Services.
· In April 2023, Abbott (US) acquired Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. (CSI) (US) to gain a complementary treatment option for vascular illness. The highly advanced atherectomy technology from CSI prepares vessels for angioplasty or stenting to restore blood flow.
Mr. Aashish Mehra
MarketsandMarkets™ INC.
630 Dundee Road
Suite 430
Northbrook, IL 60062
USA: +1-888-600-6441
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mycareind · 7 months
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At MyCare, you can easily book an online doctor appointment and get yourself treated by your favorite doctor. MyCare is a telemedicine service app where online hospital bookings can also be made at your home or anywhere.
For more info: - https://www.mycareindia.co.in/
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techdeveloper001 · 8 months
Telehealth Tech: Your Gateway to Remote Healthcare
Explore Telehealth Software Platforms - your portal to remote healthcare. Unlock the power of telehealth tech to connect with healthcare professionals from anywhere. Embrace the future of healthcare at your fingertips.
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emedhealthtech · 4 days
The phrase ‘Data is the new oil’ is a reality of present times. Every modern industry is heavily dependent on data, and therefore, guarding this critical resource has become extremely crucial. 
While data security is necessary for every industry, it is more so for industries such as healthcare and telemedicine that handle sensitive information. 
In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of data security in telemedicine and how healthcare providers can follow the best industry practices when engaging in telemedicine app development.
What is Data Security in the Context of Telemedicine?
We know it’s necessary to have strict measures in place at the time of telehealth app development. Here’s why.
Data security in telemedicine is the digital extension of patient-doctor confidentiality. Any compromise in this information can have serious consequences. Critical patient information can be misused to carry out scams or identity theft. It could not only prompt those affected to take legal action but it also weakens the foundation of trust that a healthcare business would have taken years to build.
Why the Healthcare Industry Cannot Afford to Skimp on Data Security
For a long time, the healthcare industry has been prone to data security breaches and it has been a costly affair. According to an article published in the HIPAA Journal in 2023, IBM identified this industry as the darling of cybercriminals for the 13th year running (measured from April 2022 to March 2023) with the average cost of a breach gaining +8.22% YoY to $10.9Mn and a staggering +53.3% over the three year average.  
The significant cost impact of a healthcare security breach can be further gauged from Statista which puts the financial sector at a distant second averaging only $5.9Mn per breach over the same period. All of this, despite Western governments mandating companies to comply with legal frameworks such as HIPAA in the USA and GDPR in the European Union to ensure watertight data handling mechanisms.
As telemedicine gained immense popularity during the recent COVID pandemic thanks to its remote consultation capabilities and with all the data being collected by the service providers for their records, the healthcare industry represented something of a treasure trove for hackers. Little wonder then that some of the biggest healthcare data breaches ever recorded were all in 2022. Prominent names such as Shields Health Care Group, Broward Health, Morley Companies, ARcare, and OneTouchPoint all feature on the list with data of a few million patients compromised. 
Telemedicine App Development Strategies for Protecting Patient Data
When planning for telemedicine software, you need to ask the developer team to implement measures for effective patient data protection. In addition to that, here are certain best practices you can consider for your telehealth services app.
Using secure communication protocols
Using strong, uncommon passwords
Data encryption across devices, at all times
Data encryption across devices, at all times
Implementing measures to prevent data loss
Regular audits
Software updates
VPN usage
Providing secure teleconference space
Providing secure teleconference space
Use of the latest technology
Taking a queue from industry best practices
Providing employee training
Planning for contingencies
Scale Up Your Healthcare Business with Secure Telemedicine App Development
Are you looking for a telemedicine app development solution? At EMed HealthTech, we have been developing apps tailored to the unique needs of every stakeholder in the telemedicine business for 7+ years. Our secure, high-quality telemedicine app development platform assures increased patient satisfaction, in turn helping to boost revenues. With a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals, we have served over 500 clients across more than 34 countries.
Get in touch with our experts today to know more about how our development team can provide a foolproof, failsafe telemedicine app for your healthcare business.
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citynewsglobe · 6 days
[ad_1]  Digital well being information have existed because the Nineteen Sixties in some type or form. Nonetheless, it was not till 1990 that the time period EHR got here to realize traction. Flash ahead to 2024 and healthcare is nearly not possible with out EHR. Through the years, EHRs have really remodeled healthcare, bringing conveniences like streamlined workflows and enhanced knowledge accessibility. EHRs first changed paper medical information then developed into punch playing cards, magnetic tapes, floppy disks, and eventually into cloud computing. However, there may be nonetheless an enormous potential for digital well being information, particularly because the expertise evolves at an unprecedented tempo. On this article, we'll discover the progressive potential of EHRs and EHR integration providers within the coming years and what developments lie forward for the healthcare business. So, let’s get into it: Breaking down knowledge silos Within the healthcare business, one measurement doesn't match all. Subsequently, the EHR techniques want to have the ability to share data with different techniques seamlessly. Siloed knowledge is among the most distinguished points within the healthcare business. Subsequently, one of the crucial essential traits within the healthcare business is interoperability. With interoperability, the out of date remoted silos have taken backstage, and seamless change of data between EHR techniques is the brand new norm. Interoperability permits healthcare directors to entry a holistic view of affected person knowledge, resulting in extra correct diagnoses, refined care coordination, and improved affected person expertise. AI AI has been revolutionizing industries the world over and healthcare isn't any exception. Synthetic Intelligence can remodel how EHRs work and enhance upon their capabilities. As an illustration, AI may help determine patterns and make predictions catering to applicable therapy strategies. It will possibly comprehensively cut back the probabilities of error and enhance the physician’s and agent’s experiences. Telehealth Since COVID-19, telehealth functions have surged. And within the coming future, telehealth is just going to turn out to be a serious part of EHRs. Within the coming future, telehealth will combine with EHRs to supply digital visits, specialist consultations, and distant affected person monitoring, whereas sustaining complete affected person information. With telehealth integration, the competency of EHR will increase to incorporate sufferers from distant areas whereas enabling well timed follow-ups and full-time monitoring of continual circumstances. Affected person Engagement The longer term EHRs will include affected person engagement instruments. These instruments will assist the sufferers take higher management of their healthcare course of. Sufferers can entry their well being information, schedule appointments per their preferences, and talk with their healthcare suppliers by way of numerous platforms. With affected person engagement turning into mainstream, shared-decision making and enhanced communication will turn out to be an integral a part of healthcare. To not point out, this may even enhance affected person satisfaction and the therapy course of. Knowledge Safety As EHRs turn out to be more and more interconnected, affected person knowledge safety turns into a priority. Within the coming future, EHRs have to be developed to make sure knowledge safety, safeguarding patient-sensitive affected person data from cyber threats. To make sure knowledge safety, EHRs can be investing in encryption and authentication protocols together with different superior safety measures. Furthermore, EHRs may even be sustaining strict adherence to regulatory necessities to keep up affected person knowledge safety and integrity. CTI Connectors: The Not-so-modern Expertise that Amplifies EHR Functionalities To date, what we've talked about is what’s to come back.
Now let’s discuss concerning the expertise that has been right here for some time and has been revolutionizing the affected person expertise already. We're speaking about CTI connectors. CTI integration with EHRs can remodel how EHRs function. It will possibly add on the essential functionalities that EHRs serve to make each the healthcare brokers and affected person expertise extra seamless. CTI Connectors work by connecting EHRs with the contact heart telephony system, permitting healthcare brokers to get fast and complete entry to affected person knowledge as quickly as they make or obtain a name. Furthermore, CTI connectors additionally allow fast calls to sufferers with Click on to Dial, eliminating the necessity for guide dialing. However, the rationale we're speaking about CTI connectors right here is to not spotlight their options. It's to distinction their utility compared to the long run traits that we talked about above. From main EHRs like Epic, Cerner, Aetna, and so forth, to healthcare suppliers from throughout the globe, CTI connectors have confirmed to be one of the crucial useful applied sciences in facilitating a clean affected person expertise. Conclusion EHRs have come a great distance: they've turn out to be extra environment friendly, highly effective, and an all-round affected person care system. EHRs, sooner or later, may even assist save effort and time by enabling faster decision-making and personalised suggestions. In line with a survey by Deloitte, most EHR customers anticipate their EHRs to do extra for them. 19% have been discovered to be upset by their present EHR techniques whereas 11% have been impartial. The remaining 70% agreed that their EHR techniques weren’t future-ready. Rather a lot is coming within the realm of healthcare and the way forward for EHR seems to be promising. With the mixing of rising applied sciences and progressive traits, EHRs can improve their capabilities to inculcate improved decision-making, empower sufferers, and guarantee privateness. Nonetheless, in our pursuit of what’s to come back, we should not undermine what we've at our disposal, specifically, CTI connectors. Because the expertise unfolds, CTI connectors may even enhance to supply extra refined functionalities. The subsequent era of CTI connectors goes to be more and more easy to combine. Furthermore, within the coming future, CTI connectors may even permit a number of third-party integration inside their interface to permit brokers to conduct all kinds of duties with out leaping by way of completely different home windows. Lastly, AI may even play a vital position within the additional growth of CTI connectors and the functionalities they provide. About Good Connectors from NovelVox Some of the very important points of the healthcare service business is the circulation of data with none interruption or alteration. And to not point out, at a quicker and extra responsive price. One approach to obtain that is to be immediate and proactive. Whenever you combine your Epic EHR or some other EHR along with your telephony system, you get the benefit of the expertise to serve clients and resolve points shortly and extra successfully. At NovelVox, we offer Good Connectors; CTI connectors which can be particularly designed to facilitate improved and environment friendly healthcare interactions between brokers and sufferers. Enhance agent efficiency with omnichannel-enabled Pc Telephony Integration (CTI) to ship a customized expertise. Find out how Good Connectors from NovelVox can take your EHR to the following degree. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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twbcx · 6 days
Vet2Trade Business Report: Comparison of the key trends and players in India and the US – by Rakesh Shukla, vet2trade.market
Executive Summary
The veterinary market is segmented into several primary categories, including companion animals, livestock, and various services like diagnostics, therapeutics, and pet food. This report details these segments and examines the differences in the Indian and US markets in terms of segmentation, relative size, growth, and trends. Key trends such as technological advancements, drug developments, and healthcare improvements are highlighted. This report also provides a granular analysis of urban vs. rural areas within each country and identifies major players in the industry, especially those operating in both India and the US.
Primary Segments in the Veterinary Market
1. Companion Animals
●      Diagnostics: Includes diagnostic imaging, blood tests, and genetic testing.
●      Therapeutics: Encompasses medications and treatments for diseases and conditions.
●      Pet Food: Nutritional products tailored for various breeds and health conditions.
●      Services: Routine check-ups, vaccinations, and emergency care.
2. Livestock
●      Diagnostics: Disease testing and monitoring.
●      Therapeutics: Veterinary drugs and vaccines for disease prevention and treatment.
●      Nutrition: Feed supplements and nutritional products to enhance productivity and health.
●      Services: Breeding, health monitoring, and surgical procedures.
Comparison of Veterinary Markets: India vs. US
Market Size and Growth
●      US Market:
●      The US veterinary market is one of the largest globally, with a market size of approximately $45 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 5% over the past five years.
●      The companion animal segment dominates, driven by high pet ownership rates and significant spending on pet healthcare and wellness.
●      Indian Market:
●      The Indian veterinary market is smaller but rapidly growing, with a market size of about $1.4 billion in 2023, and a higher CAGR of 8% over the past five years.
●      The livestock segment is more prominent due to the agrarian economy and reliance on livestock for income.
Granular Analysis
●      Urban vs. Rural:
●      US: Urban areas show higher expenditure on companion animals with a focus on advanced diagnostics and therapeutics. Rural areas focus more on livestock services.
●      India: Urban regions are seeing increasing pet ownership and related services, but rural areas still largely depend on livestock veterinary services for economic reasons.
1. Technological Advancements:
●      US:
●      Telemedicine: Companies like Fuzzy Pet Health and PetDesk are providing telehealth services, enabling pet owners to consult veterinarians remotely, enhancing access to veterinary care.
●      AI-driven Diagnostics: Firms like SignalPET use artificial intelligence to interpret radiographs, improving diagnostic accuracy and speed.
●      Wearable Health Monitoring Devices: Products like the Whistle GPS Pet Tracker and FitBark monitor pet activity and health metrics, providing real-time data to veterinarians and pet owners.
●      India:
●      Telemedicine: Platforms such as Practo and VetnCare offer teleconsultation services, particularly beneficial in remote areas where veterinary facilities are scarce.
●      Mobile Apps: PetKonnect and Woofwoofnow provide veterinary consultation, health tracking, and service bookings, making veterinary care more accessible to urban pet owners.
2. Drug Developments:
●      US:
●      Biologics: Zoetis’ Cytopoint, a monoclonal antibody therapy, provides targeted treatment for canine atopic dermatitis, representing a shift towards precision medicine in veterinary care.
●      Novel Therapies: Elanco’s Galliprant, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), offers an innovative approach to managing canine osteoarthritis with fewer side effects compared to traditional NSAIDs.
●      India:
●      Affordable Generics: Companies like Hester Biosciences focus on producing cost-effective generic vaccines and medications for livestock, such as Hester’s ND+IB vaccine for poultry.
●      Veterinary Vaccines: Indian Immunologicals Limited (IIL) has developed Raksha Ovac, a vaccine for ovine footrot, addressing a significant health issue in sheep farming.
3. Healthcare Improvements:
●      US:
●      Specialized Veterinary Practices: The rise of specialty clinics like VCA Animal Hospitals and BluePearl Veterinary Partners, which offer advanced services such as oncology, cardiology, and neurology, reflects a trend towards specialized and comprehensive pet healthcare.
●      Wellness Programs: Companies like Banfield Pet Hospital offer Optimum Wellness Plans, which include preventive care, vaccinations, and routine health checks, promoting proactive health management for pets.
●      India:
●      Advanced Treatments: Veterinary hospitals like Cessna Lifeline in Bangalore provide state-of-the-art treatments including endoscopy, orthopedic surgeries, and critical care, bringing advanced veterinary services to urban pet owners.
●      Preventive Care: NGOs and veterinary organizations are increasingly focusing on preventive care programs, such as regular vaccination drives and health camps for livestock in rural areas, improving overall animal health and productivity.
Key Players in the Veterinary Market
Zoetis Inc.
●      Market Share: Zoetis is the largest global player in animal health with a significant market share.
●      Technical Differentiators: Leading in research and development with innovative vaccines, parasiticides, and diagnostic products.
●      Key Market Segments: Companion animals and livestock.
●      Product Brands:
●      Companion Animals: Simparica Trio (parasiticide), Cytopoint (atopic dermatitis treatment).
●      Livestock: Draxxin (antibiotic), Excede (antibiotic).
2. IDEXX Laboratories
●      Market Share: A major player in veterinary diagnostics.
●      Technical Differentiators: Cutting-edge diagnostic technology and software solutions.
●      Key Market Segments: Companion animals.
●      Product Brands:
●      Diagnostics: Catalyst One (chemistry analyzer), SNAP tests (rapid diagnostic tests).
3. Boehringer Ingelheim
●      Market Share: Significant global presence in animal health.
●      Technical Differentiators: Strong focus on vaccines and therapeutics, innovative R&D.
●      Key Market Segments: Companion animals, livestock, poultry.
●      Product Brands:
●      Companion Animals: NexGard (parasiticide), Heartgard (heartworm prevention).
●      Livestock: Ingelvac (swine vaccines), Bovikalc (cattle supplement).
1. Hester Biosciences
●      Market Share: Leading in the poultry vaccine market in India.
●      Technical Differentiators: Extensive vaccine production capabilities, focus on affordability.
●      Key Market Segments: Poultry, livestock.
●      Product Brands:
●      Poultry: Hester ND+IB (Newcastle and Infectious Bronchitis vaccine), Hester Coryza (fowl coryza vaccine).
2. Venkys India
●      Market Share: Major player in the poultry segment.
●      Technical Differentiators: Comprehensive product portfolio for poultry health and nutrition.
●      Key Market Segments: Poultry.
●      Product Brands:
●      Nutrition: Venky’s India feed supplements.
●      Health Products: Vetcom (medications for poultry).
Companies Operating in Both Markets
1. Boehringer Ingelheim
●      Market Share: Substantial presence in both India and the US.
●      Technical Differentiators: Advanced R&D, extensive portfolio in vaccines and therapeutics.
●      Key Market Segments: Companion animals, livestock, poultry.
●      Product Brands: (See above)
2. Elanco Animal Health
●      Market Share: Strong market position globally, including India and the US.
●      Technical Differentiators: Focus on innovation, broad portfolio across species.
●      Key Market Segments: Companion animals, livestock.
●      Product Brands:
●      Companion Animals: Trifexis (parasiticide), Galliprant (arthritis treatment).
●      Livestock: Rumensin (feed additive), Imrestor (immunostimulant).
3. Merck Animal Health
●      Market Share: Leading player in animal health with operations in both countries.
●      Technical Differentiators: Comprehensive solutions, advanced biologics.
●      Key Market Segments: Companion animals, livestock, poultry.
●      Product Brands:
●      Companion Animals: Bravecto (flea and tick treatment), Nobivac (vaccines).
●      Livestock: Zilmax (beef cattle feed additive), Safe-Guard (anthelmintic).
The veterinary markets in India and the US show significant differences in size, growth, and focus. The US market is more developed with a strong emphasis on companion animals, advanced diagnostics, and therapeutic services. In contrast, the Indian market, while smaller, is growing rapidly with a primary focus on livestock health. Both markets are experiencing trends driven by technological advancements and healthcare improvements, though the pace and focus of these trends vary. Key players like Boehringer Ingelheim, Elanco, and Merck are instrumental in shaping the veterinary landscape in both countries.
About Vet2Trade™
Vet2Trade™ is part of Rakesh Shukla-led VOSD Corporation. Vet2Trade™ is India’s largest B2B platform for the veterinary industry, bringing together Medical Equipment and Instruments, Medical Supplies and Accessories, Pharmaceuticals and Medications, Pet Services, and Pet Care in a single marketplace. Vet2Trade™ brings together various players in the veterinary industry and operates as a reliable, quality-driven platform ensuring convenience and competitive pricing for all its users.
VOSD Corporation™ is a holding company that creates and delivers India’s most beloved pet brands & businesses to pet parents across veterinary care, pet transport, lifestyle, vet pharma, and pet food. These include Vet2Trade™, VOSD AI™, VOSD Advance Vet Care™, VOSD Brands™ and VOSD-on-Wheels™. Together these companies fund the VOSD Trust™ — the world’s largest dog rescue.
About Rakesh Shukla
Rakesh Shukla is the foremost expert on dogs in India & the founder of the VOSD Trust™ — the world’s largest dog rescue. Rakesh has spent 30 years creating several multimillion-dollar world-class software products & businesses. Rakesh manages a portfolio of successful startups –  in IT, PetTech, and RetailTech including VOSD™ Vet & Pet Corporation, TWBcx™, The Better Company™ & inStore™ Retail. The VOSD Trust™ is the sole financial survivor of Rakesh Shukla and all his investments and companies.
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