huangcha · 4 years
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Temauke Langblr Weekly Challenge - Week 16
・动物 dòngwù - Animals・
I’ve decided to do @languagessi‘s Temauke, which is a weekly challenge where you create content based on theme chosen for the week. I’m going to be doing the challenge in Mandarin as I been neglecting it in favour of Japanese. 
宠物 chǒngwù - Pets
狗 gǒu - Dog 
猫 māo - Cat
兔子 tùzi - Rabbit
鸟 niǎo - Bird
鹦鹉 yīngwǔ - Parrot
天竺鼠 tiānzhúshǔ - Guinea Pig
仓鼠 cāngshǔ - Hamster 
乌龟 wūguī - Tortoise
蛇  shé - Snake
蜥蜴 xīyì - Lizard 
老鼠 lǎoshǔ - Mouse / Rat
雪貂 xuědiāo - Ferret
青蛙  qīngwā - Frog
耕畜 gēngchù - Farm Animals 
马 mǎ - Horse
驴 lǘ - Donkey 
牛 niú - Cow 
鸡 jī - Chicken 
鸭 yā - Duck 
鹅 é - Goose 
火鸡 huǒjī - Turkey 
羊 yáng - Sheep 
山羊 shānyáng - Goat
猪 zhū - Pig
动物园 dòngwù yuán - Zoo 
狮子 shīzǐ - Lion 
老虎 lǎohǔ - Tiger
狼 láng - Wolf
熊 xióng - Bear
熊猫 xióngmāo - Panda 
小熊猫 xiǎoxióngmāo - Red Panda / Lesser Panda 
猴子 hóuzi - Monkey 
犀牛 xīniú - Rhinoceros 
企鹅 qǐé - Penguin 
斑马 bānmǎ - Zebra
长颈鹿 chángjǐnglù - Giraffe 
骆驼 luòtuo - Camel 
象 xiàng - Elephant
鸵鸟 tuóniǎo - Ostrich 
野生动物 yěshēng dòngwù - Wildlife 
狐狸 húli - Fox 
刺猬 cìwei - Hedgehog 
狗獾  gǒuhuān - Badger 
鹿 lù - Deer 
松鼠 sōngshǔ - Squirrel
鸽子 gēzi - Pigeon
猫头鹰 māotóuyīng - Owl 
蝙蝠 biānfú - Bat
水獭 shuǐtǎ - Otter
The pet list was inspired by this survey about pet ownership in the UK. 
The wildlife is also based on the wildlife found in the UK and is not an exhaustive list. 
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