#tentomon is koushiros potential
koushirouizumi · 2 years
DigiAdvs {s} A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ “Boku” / “Watashi” / “Someone Just for Me” (Part 3~4) [End of Pt. 3] Former Parts: 1, 2, 3 [As this is technically still a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro + Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai {Main} (Not seen much here) & {Former} Tri!Koushiro x Mimi {KouMimi}; Mimi x Sora {MimiSora} [Also seen: Tentomon line (Friendship)/(Support); Tri!Sora, briefly]; ~ IZUMI FAMILY {Mr. Izumi x Mrs. Izumi} {Moments} (Note: Mimi is also mainly there as Supporting, but a bit of Angst happens)
My Commentary: I won’t mind if others want to read KouMimi or side KouTaiMi / TaiKouMi into this, (or other Poly-ships I’ve stated I enjoy) though it’s not the main focus of the overall series; they’re definitely meant to be overall supporting each other in it. (This is just one of their rougher spots, but there’s more things to come...) {It’s currently un-subbed still, my apologies.}
Audio/Dialogue © Chobits & C.L.A.M.P DigiAdvs ( C ) T0EI.@nimation {This is a Fan-work, and no money is being made off this work. Be sure to support both of the original series too!}
Time Spent: Just under 1 hour 08/09/22
Scenes used come from: - DigiAdv [Ep. 15]; (Kou+Mimi) {used for mainly Koushiro emphasis} {Taichi does kind of appear here, but in the background} - DigiAdv [Ep. 31] (Izumi Family & Adopted!Koushiro) [Parallels] - DigiTri [Ketsui] / {“Determination”} &  DigiTri [Kokuhaku] / {“Confession”} (Koushiro; & very brief KouMi - Koushiros struggling with reciprocating) - DigiAdv 2020 [Ep. 59] (Koushiro & Tentomon) [Moment]; Not major spoiler
- Dialogue (Preview) -:
“What should {I} do?”
“People’s {hearts} can’t...” / “...{is difficult}”
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“I know.”
“For example, the {Emotion} of...”
“...<Then> {I} will have to CHOOSE.” “I will HAVE TO CHOOSE, And---”
“...My other--”
[Full dialogue will be added in the full version!] {IMG by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove Caption} (Please ASK to Use)
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[Note: replies/Tags that are Positive/respectful OK!]
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seventeenlovesthree · 9 months
How would you describe Koushiro's personality, this is definitely not me following up on you describing Iori in DMs :P
Hehe, as I said, that's perfectly fine, since I highly enjoy doing character (and relationship) analyses! And this is a good one, because it forces me to put my own biases aside to make a somewhat objective statement. (Potential biases will probably still be included, but I'll try my best.)
So... How would I describe Koushirou's personality?
Aside from being Digimon Adventure's smart info-slash-exposition-dump-boy who has to figure out both the plot and the potential solution to every single problem the group encounters...
He is incredibly dedicated, committed and loyal - and I think the screenshot below sums that up quite well:
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He has a high sense of responsibility and, in accordance with his dedicated nature, will do whatever it takes to find answers and solutions. Whether it's for the sake of his friends or the entire world(s). Because researching, being curious and wanting to know everything about everything - those are the "things that make him himself", the true holder of the Crest of Knowledge. Thus, he is not only "the resourceful problem-solver", the group's resident computer genius and an absolute over-achiever (he's got his own freaking company by the age of 21 after all), but also very prone to overworking himself, neglecting both his physical and mental health in the process.
It also means that he goes into hyperfocus mode easily - and those are the times where he is prone to become somewhat ignorant and unable to pick up on social cues. And so he may come off as too rational, not empathetic enough or even rude - but that doesn't mean that he's always that way! He's actually quite capable at making others open up to him - like a true dad senpai. He's quite observant of his friends and their issues - at least when things are not too urgent or at stake. His great sense of senpai-ness, unfortunately, also means that he feels responsible for keeping "the kids" in check (that includes friends that are actually older than him, btw.). He enjoys (over-)explaining things (read: rambling!) and providing tech and guidance for them - but they may also exhaust him sometimes, especially when they get themselves into unnecessarily dangerous situations. After all, he may not always be able to understand or adapt to the people around him, so he'd rather turn to technology at times instead. But he's really trying.
When it comes to himself, he used to hide behind a mask of self-imposed politeness. And yes, he is a kind and caring person at heart - those who grind his gears, take his gadgets without permission or make his computer freeze know that he can get very snappy and shouty though. Especially when they act irrationally to him. Or against his very strong moral code. He may make use of his networking and hacking skills to save the world - but he wouldn't break the law for harmful reasons. He is a giver through and through, his love language is definitely "acts of service" and he would do anything for his family and friends. To the point of literally sacrificing himself.
He's very much used to keeping secrets and his emotions (mostly) to himself though - Tentomon may still be the only one who has actually ever seen him have emotional breakdowns. Because he, unfortunately, still assigns a lot of his self-worth to being able to use his computer for the sake of "good". If he cannot be "useful", he still has the tendency to panic - all by himself. And may get flustered if you praise him too much. Otherwise, he is pretty confident in the mentioned hard skills. And since he's so goal-oriented, one can easily see why he evolved into a leading figure (basically Taichi's second in command) AND the #1 Digimon research expert, who not only manages the Chosen Children network as a connector and tech-sponsor, but also does PR work and such.
(On a sidenote: The subjects of fashion and romance may not come easily to him, but once again - he is trying his best.)
Tldr; he's an awfully smart, incredibly caring and loyal bean, immensely resourceful and a natural problem solver, but there's a lot he carries on his shoulders by himself (even if he doesn't have to) and he is still pretty bad at opening up to others.
I love him a lot and if you're interested in all my other meta posts I wrote about him, feel free to check these out: [Breaking male stereotypes] [On his own] [Selfishness vs. Selflessness] [Reboot] [Physical Touch] [Boyfriend] [Appreciation Hours] [Magical Boy] [Stageplay]
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izumikoushiroweek · 10 months
Koushiro Week 2023 Rules
1.)  Please tag all posts you wish to submit ‘izumikoushiroweek2023′
2.)  This week is about Koushiro and Tentomon.  All works must star either or both of them.
3.)  Please submit only your own content
4.)  All kinds of content is accepted!  Fics, art, gifs, photo manips, icons, cosplay, show us what you got!
5.)  Submissions are accepted
6.)  Bashing of any kind (ship/season or game/character/etc) is not allowed
7.)  Please tag any potentially triggering content 
8.)  This event is family friendly, no NSFW.  Sample topics that will not be reblogged include: sexually explicit content, violently graphic content, incest, human x digimon romance pairings, highly dark themes (drugs/torture/non-consensual actions/etc), pedophilia.
For this event, the blog is offering a long list of potential prompts.  Entrants are free to select among the prompts on any day, or treat every day as a free day!  You can post as many or as few times as you choose.  
There is only one day with a set theme/prompt.  Saturday October 14th will be Reblog Day!  We are all busy, and I want as many people to be able to participate as possible.  So on Saturday October 14th, everyone is free to tag their existing original Koushiro content (ie, something you made) for reblogging on the Koushiro event site <3  Let’s all share the Koushiro and Tentomon love, even if we can’t get something new made. Please do not reblog any posts that are already on the Koushiro Week blog archive. I will make a special post to celebrate our beautiful archive <3
Have fun <3
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izzyizumi · 2 years
{Index}/{DigiAdvs}/{Head-canon[s]} The (Mis?-)Adventures of Steve & Frigimon
Since 'today' is basically Yet Another Day for me, I'm collecting a series of head-canon / reaction posts & Thoughts TM I recently made for a vastly under-acknowledged Long-Time Fav That Most People Apparently Don't Remember Exists! (even though they, too, featured briefly in 02's "World Tour" arc...)
This Series A.K.A, What It (May) Mean To Be A (Canon!)Jew In The Digital World (Yes! A Certain One Exists!) + Dealing with Certain Aspects of DigiAdv + 02 ""Lore""
Most of these I marked as 'no r.b'., but feel free to 'Like' anything involved, or refer to this index + if you also appreciate Steve & Frigimon! (of Inter-national Chosen fame!...)
Pt 1: "Gole...m"on Pt 2: "S...ephiroth"mon Pt 3: "Wizar"mon & "Witch"elny Pt 4: Meeting Daisuke Again ("Holiday"s in ..'03!) Pt 5: "Sister"mon{s} Pt 6: "Devi"mon Pt 7: {+"Belial"}"Vamde"mon? / Literally Any "Evil" 'Mon, really Pt 8: (~Totally Not Confronting~) Qinglongmon Pt 9: Meeting Jou Again & "Studying" Pt 10: "Pump"mon & "Costumes" Pt 11: "Gobli"...mon ("Let's Just...") Pt 12: Meeting Koushiro Again / Meanwhile With KouTai & Steve? Pt 13: "Snow"mons (Or ... Featuring, Frigimon! ...) Pt 14: The meaning(?) of "Becoming Adults" {Kizuna Spoiler} Pt 15: 'Meeting' Menoa {Kizuna Spoiler} ("You see, Frigimon was asking me about {MY}---") Pt 16: Lighting the Candles & "Potential" [Post-Kizuna] & an aftermath of Meanwhile With KouTai & What It May Mean to Be "Partners" (Mentioned: Tentomon) Pt 17: "Witch"mon Pt 18: "Witch"mon & "Pump"mon Pt. 19: Espimon Appears Pt. 20: Meanwhile with Steve, Frigimon, Espimon & KouTai ("You know, Espimon reminds me A LOT of...")
(If you have questions about any of these, feel free to send a respectful Ask, So long as my blogrules are followed!)
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ahiddenpath · 3 years
Thanks for the Tri response, what do you think of Kizuna?
Well, I can only answer based on the novel. I bought the film, but I still haven't watched it! But I'll try to answer as best I can below the cut. Again, the novel had stuff I love and stuff I didn't, but I think my reaction to this one was a bit more true middle-of-the-road than Tri.
Spoilers for Kizuna.
I want to start by saying that I think my reception of the Kizuna plot was impacted by the state of the world when it was released, which is... continuing today, as I type this. I'm referring to the pandemic, of course. I pre-purchased my tickets for a March Kizuna screening in theaters; it was the first social event that fell through because of the pandemic for me. It's been a difficult period for everyone, and I was not- and still am not- really emotionally equipped to watch Taichi and Yamato lose their partners. I'd rather just leave it for now.
Kizuna is one of those stories where I didn't really enjoy the plot... But I find it inspiring in terms of what I would like to do with the ideas presented. It's amazing fic fodder, and you know I love that!
I do think that, coming off of Tri, where an adult Chosen who lost her partner ends up betraying the Chosen and involving them in her trauma stemming from that loss... Well, it was kind of like... Didn't we... Just... Do this? I have to mentally separate Kizuna from Tri to circumvent that tension, and that's not normally... how sequels work?
As you might know, I was also concerned about Kizuna sort of... demonizing adulthood by showing that the Chosen cannot have their partners as adults, because they've "lost their potential." In reality, adulthood is where your potential begins- you gain agency and go into the world to build your life.
On the surface, that demonization does seem to be what happened- but I don't think that's actually what went down. Taichi and Yamato fight so that the Chosen can experience adulthood and keep growing, instead of locking themselves in Menoa's world of endless childhood with the digimon. So, yay, our heroes think adulthood=good! But then, they lose their partners anyway; adulthood=bad??? But again, signs point to the epilogue still being applicable, so eventually, they will reunite with their partners. It's also directly stated at the end of the novel ("Wait for me! I promise to come for you!").
I think that the novelization didn't really explain the logic behind all of this. Did the kids actually lose their partners because adults cannot sustain a digimon partner? Or was Menoa mistaken? She clearly never figured out how to reverse the loss of her partner, so it's totally possible that she misunderstood the whole situation! And 02 makes the argument that digimon partners will come to everyone when they believe in themselves and follow their true path. We see some of the Chosen struggling with their paths during Kizuna, so maybe, when they find the courage to be true to their wants and dreams, their partners will return.
(For more on this, explained far better and with receipts, check out this wonderful post by Shihalyfie).
I love this interpretations of Kizuna ("be true to self=digimon partner")! But that... kind of... seems like an important thing to leave up to audience interpretation/nuance/reliance on the audience remembering those lines from a show that aired in 2002. Are we not going to talk about that stuff within Kizuna itself, if it's applicable? Obviously, I love Digimon Adventure and 02, but I don't do routine rewatches. It's easy to forget stuff. Or is the fact that "be true to self=digimon partner" isn't directly mentioned within the Kizuna novel enough evidence to suggest that it isn't applicable to the vanishing partner situation? I'm not saying that books have to explicitly explain everything to audiences, but... A little help, please? It's especially difficult to catch subtle nuances in translated works, so I think non-Japanese readers also have that hurdle to contend with.
I'm sure many folks felt upset, and maybe even betrayed, when Agumon and Gabumon vanished. And I get it, I do, even if we know they will return at some point. Like I said, it's something I frankly don't want to watch, but I'm fine with it intellectually (ie, in writing), mostly because it sets up a chance for fanfic writers to explore why they really vanished, and how the Chosen will reunite. Talk about an opportunity for character growth (gimme gimme gimme, lol!!!!).
And that's where I swing around to being happy again. Do you know what happens when canon content leaves stuff open to interpretation? YOU GUESSED IT, FANFIC FANFIC FANFIC! And you can still use canon setting without contradicting anything, awwwwwww yissssssssss. I'm planning a pre-and-post Kizuna fic that I think will really be amazing. I found some concepts of Kizuna really engaging/emotionally charged/exciting, even if I wasn't fully happy with/clear on the execution.
The novel also has this super wonderful scene with Koushiro telling Tentomon a story about candles that I really loved ;_; It was lovely. And seeing the 02 kids thriving and being so happy?! Wonderful. The overall characterization was solid, too, with lots of Chosen proactiveness (my fave!).
I think there was a lot to like in Kizuna, even if I'm not clear on a hugely important plot point (what exactly caused the partners to vanish).
Also, Yamato in glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am dead. And also an impartial and level-headed reviewer of media, lol! Thanks for the ask! I hope this was a useful response, I feel like I blathered about nothing xD
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Oh, as a final note, I did think it was annoying that Kizuna pushed the importance of growing and looking forward, not behind... And then Toei immediately rebooted Adventure. I understand that the reboot is likely meant to spread Adventure to the next generation, but... Hey, maybe you should take your own advice, Toei, and try something new???? No????? xD xD xD
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o-w-quinlan · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 2020, episode 14 reaction (and over-analysis)
So, first time I saw this, I recognized its strengths but hated it for its flaws. Second time I saw it, I recognized its flaws but enjoyed it for its strengths. Let’s write this while I’m still in a positive mood.
For the past 9 episodes, Koushiro has had nearly no characterization, other than being Mr. Exposition. It had gotten to the point I considered him the worst character in this series. Fortunately, this episode does something I personally love, which is recontextualize flaws in the writing as things to overcome (see also: Legend of Korra Book 4), having Koushiro be relying on his laptop, but really his role as the exposition guy, to an unhealthy extent be the source of his conflict. It’s seriously affecting seeing how he has put all his self-worth on his capacity to provide other people with information (the animators for this episode seem to have mastered kicked-puppy-dog eyes), how helpless he feels once he can’t fulfill his self-imposed role.
Tentomon enshrines himself as one of the best digimon partners this season. His hotblooded bravado here is both endearing and awesome, his determination to help Koushiro realize how he has worth outside of his computer skills is touching, even his exposition role introducing both insect digimon seems like he’s aiding Koushiro in a way. After trying to subtly show Koushiro that he still has worth even when his laptop is broken down throughout the entire episode, he finally gets fed up and simply tells him how it has never been his tools but him that was doing the work, and I have no idea whether this was in the Japanese speech, but the subs I read made him sound somewhat disdainful of the laptop. It reminds me in a way of Yuu and Gaomon in Digimon Next, this combination of strategist-with-low-self-steem kid and hotblooded-shonen-hero-hype-man digimon that complement each other perfectly.
Then, of course, it’s the evolution moment, and unlike all the others it does not happen during the fight, but in a hiatus, when Koushiro has already achieved his character growth and seems like he could potentially solve this without it. It doesn’t feel like a solution to his problems so much as a reward, and that makes it stand out from all the others so far.
And then the action, of course. As far as fights go, this competes with episode 1 and episode 9 for the title of the best episode of the series so far. The enemy strategy, Greymon’s and Togemon’s coordination, the use of the environment, the use of every part of a digimon’s body, not just the hands, the animation at its best since episode 3... everything was great here...
Which is why it’s so frustrating that none of it feels necessary, that everything in this episode could have been avoided if only they had acted in a way that actually made sense. Why are they going through the maze at all, when they could have gone above it and eliminate any risk of getting lost, or ambushed? All 3 digimon can fly in an evolved form, so why didn’t they use that? Why doesn’t Greymon evolve to MetalGreymon during the lulls in the fight? Why is the show trying to convince us that he can’t do it after receiving an attack, when we have seen him evolve right after being hit by Andromon just two episodes ago (and Andromon should be much stronger than those Kuwagamon)? Why didn’t Lilimon ever show up? The episode has so many great things, but the very basis of it is so flimsy that I couldn’t bring myself to enjoy it the first time I saw it. Every single other Digimon series has managed to justify why the other evolved digimon don’t solve the problems, but this one? Nah, that’s too much work.
Other notes:
Man, Jou is so earnest, and Yamato is so done with it, and Sora just humors him when he talks about trackers (because of course someone who bought everything Sora did in episode 4 knows what a tracker is). My huge issues with episodes 11 and 13 aside, at least the dynamic they built for those 3 is great.
Real World scenes came back, and they really feel intense, with the car crashes and the fires, offering a great contrast to the lightheartedness of the previous scene. I just wish they gave us a time-period for it because it still feels like just the same day and I can’t take it seriously.
NO EVO SEQUENCE FOR GREYMON! Okay, the MetalGreymon one came later and it felt shoe-horned and bad, but at least it’s an improvement.
Koushiro showed the most strategist skill this episode, but Taichi and Mimi both had their moments too, like when they’re discussing the relative strengths and weaknesses of their position during a lull in the fight.
Mimi once again looks overwhelmed by all the violence around her until Koushiro gives her the solution.
Koushiro’s laptop got an upgrade after his evolution. Since we already know it’s linked to his digivice because of episode 1, I wonder if this means we’ll get introduced to a Gennai or Homeostasis-like figure later on.
In short, I consider this a better version of episode 10, with all the great stuff that necessitated the non-focused-characters to act like idiots to happen. Next episode looks like it may suffer from the same thing. Hopefully not.
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afaithy · 4 years
43 for Koumi?
I think this might be my first time writting a Kuomi piece, so I hope that it turned okay?
Once again, this take’s place in the same universe as my other drabbles so this one in particular has references to this drabble and this one
If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to send more asks HERE.
 43. Frost the damn cupcakes 
“Love is like a good cake; you never know when it's coming, but you'd better eat it when it does!”
― C. JoyBell C
Koushiro was a smart boy. If I had syntax, code and commands, I could handle it with no problems. Things were a little different when it came to more "mundane" things like relationships.
He wasn't exactly a social person, but he'd been fortunate to find a group of understanding and loyal friends and a girlfriend, no, a fiancée, whose temperament couldn't be more different than his.
According to her friends, that was an advantage, since Mimi had all the chivalry and mischief that Koushiro lacked, while he had all the patience and logical reasoning that she often lacked. Both parties complemented each other and iIt goes without saying that Koushiro was the brake on the relationship, while the girl with the rose hair was the full-power engine of the relationship. 
Sometimes, however, Koushiro couldn’t understand why Mimi made him do some of the things she made him do. At this time, the girl had managed to drag him into this silly couple cooking competition  even though he had clearly stated that he knew nothing about cooking. 
“It will be fun, so stop complaining, already.” Mimi said, tying up her brand new pink apron. She had custom made them for the occasion and hers had a cute patchwork of Palmon, while his had a tentomon. 
“Mimi, neither of us are prominent cooks. THe odds of us even making it through the first rounds…”
“No, stop it right there. I’ve told you so many times, Koushiro. Don’t tell me the odds.”
“You owe me this one after that little escapade you had with the guys. Don’t think I don’t know what happened that night.” Mimi pouted “Jou can be a miraculous doctor, but he sucks at lying.”
Koushiro swallowed and said nothing. To be fair, Koushiro barely remembered what had happened that night. He had recollection of the beginning and of the aftermath, but what transcended in the middle was a complete blur of blankness. He had learned of the atrocities of that night  thanks to “Bachelor’s party present” from Takeru. His friend had written him a full notebook with the tale of the night. The notebook was tucked in his safe box for fear that anyone aside of him would ever come across it. 
“Besides...it’s just baking. How hard can it be?”
“Baking has a pretty high level of complexity…”
“Koushiro...what did I tell you?”
Mimi was pretty excited about the whole baking thing and Koushiro was simply content with seeing her smile, so despite all the potential things that could go wrong, he shut his mouth and followed her lead. 
“Ok...we need  a recipe…”
“Sure, I can find one…” Koushiro shrugged “What did you have in mind?”
“I was thinking of something...original.” Mimi said, rubbing her chin in thought “My mother always said that recipes were for fools.”
Koushiro had his own thoughts regarding the lack of a recipe, especially considering that neither of them knew anything about cooking.  Not using a recipe sounded more like a path to disaster.
“Eh...ok. I admire your creativity, but maybe we should try with a basic recipe...as base?”
“We need no recipe. I mean...it’s a cake…” Mimi said, winking at him “Flour, sugar, eggs, milk...voila!”
He was sure that a cake mix was more than just adding the ingredients into a bowl, but with Mimi’s temper, he needed to find a way to tell her that without actually contradicting her. 
“You wanted me to help, and I want to help. You know...searching stuff is pretty much my thing, so...why don’t you...let me find one? Please?���
“Ah, fine. Get one then…”
Koushiro smiled. At least he had managed to convince her to let him do that. It was a small thing, but maybe the whole baking experience wouldn't be as bad as he thought.
“Why did you suddenly feel like entering this contest?”
“No reason in particular. I was talking to Sora and Hikari, and it sounded like a good idea to bond.”
“To... bond?” Koushiro asked dumbfounded “What?”
“I read somewhere that going through challenges is an excellent way to create a strong bonds when you’re a couple.”  Mimi said. She was rummaging through the cupboards and taking out anything that she considered potential ingredients. 
“Koushiro -han...I don’t think tuna goes into a cupcake recipe…” Tentomon muttered to his partner and Koushiro sighed. 
“Mimi...I think saving the world from malicious digimon counts as enough challenge to create a bond.”
“Ah...it’s not the same. We need stuff we can tell our grandchildren! Funny stories.” Mimi pouted “ Not creepy stories about how a psychopath digimon tried to kidnap innocent kids to turn them into dukes of darkness. I don’t want my grandchildren to have bad dreams...”
Grandchildren, not children. Koushiro noted. He chuckled and stared at his fiancee with a grin.
“I don’t see why not? What child wouldn’t want to hear how his grandmother beat the bad guys into a pulp?”
“I don’t want them to see me like a violent woman!” Mimi pouted “hence why I went for the baking contest.”
Koushiro could see her reasoning there, but there were plenty of other “family friendly” activities to which they would be more suitable. 
“But...why baking?”
“Mmm… it sounded about right.” Mimi shrugged “Hikari and Takeru cook together all the time.”
“But they didn’t enter a contest did they?”
“Sora is still single, so she doesn’t have much advice to give on the topic.”  Mimi shrugged “Taichi and Sora should stop dancing around each other and get at it already. Uh,,,maybe I will turn that into my new project after all the wedding is over. I can always use the distraction.”
“Like you did trying to hook up Hikari and Takeru when they were in highschool?”
“Hey! For starters...I needed to do that or Taichi would end up hooking you  with her. Besides...everyone knew those two had something going. THey’re really their brothers’ siblings.”
Koushiro laughed and rubbed his fiancee’s back caringly.
“Ok, ok...as long as you’re happy. So have you decided on the ingredients for the cupcakes?”
“Yup!” Mimi said triumphantly “Tuna, mayonaise salad with a frosting of mayo and sweet milk.” Koushiro stared at her in silence. That combo couldn’t be right, but he knew Mimi and once the woman had made her mind, nothing anyone could do would ever change it.  All he could do was to follow her lead and try, as best as he could, to persuade her to dropout some of the exotic ingredients on the way. 
The baking session went on better than he could have asked. True, the kitchen was a mess with flour, cake mixture and dirty utensils scattered over the table and sink, but for a first attempt of baking in their lives, the results were actually good. 
Forty minutes later, the kitchen was filled with an odd mix of sweet and salty  scent. The famous cupcakes had turned out pretty well, at least at first sight. Color was pretty, it was well cooked, and puffed well enough.  
“Aha! Told you it couldn’t be that hard!” Mimi said triumphantly “I might actually have talent for this!”
“You’re an extremely talented woman. I never question that, but maybe we should check on the flavor before we make that assumption.”
“True...Alright. Frosting time!” 
Mimi pulled out the frosting bag. the mixture did not have the most pleasant appearance, or the most beautiful consistency. The color was a little dull and Koushiro had some reservations about asking what things she had added to it. He had seen Mimi rummaging through the cabinets again a while ago, but he’d been keeping an eye on the baking pastries and had not seen what she was doing. 
“Eh...this is?”
“Heh...this...is my new creation. Mayo-Marshmallow-Sweetened milk merengue!”
Ok...aside from the mayonaise, it sounded rather normal.
“I added up some cayenne and pepper to give it personality, too and curcumin for color.”
He stood corrected.
“Eh...Mimi, I am not sure about….”
“Oh shush. Shut it and frost the damn cupcakes!” she said, pushing the bag to him.
“What? Me?”
“Yeah, I made the mix...it is only fair that you frost them.”
“I don’t think…”
“Just do it.” Koushiro sighed. The first cupcake was a pathetic attempt.The frosting was thicker than he had thought and apparently way too sticky. THe mix kept getting stuck on the tip and he couldn't make a proper shape, which caused Mimi to burst into laughter. 
His second attempt went a little better, it wasn't perfect, but it looked a lot more like a normal cupcake. Things kept improving as he proceeded to the rest of the cupcakes until the infamous frosting was gone. 
“See? Wasn’t that bad, was it? I bet you had a fund...”
“I must admit, it had certain therapeutic effects…” Koushiro chuckled and he heard a soft click. Mimi had just snapped a photo of him.
“What was that?”
“Nothing...you’re all covered in frosting, so I wanted this as a keepsake” Mimi smirked, winking at him. 
“You’re one to talk...have you seen yourself?”
“I think I am rocking the baker style though…” the girl said with a flirtatious gesture.
That was true, Koushiro had to admit. There were very few things that could make Mimi look bad. The flour on her cheeks highlighted her eyes and the mixture stains on her apron looked more like a print than stains.
“Well, we did it Mr. Odds…” Mimi smiled brightly “Now the fire test!”
The rose haired woman picked one of the cupcakes and settled on a plate. She grabbed a dessert spoon and scooped a generous portion of the cake and handed it to her fiance. 
“Say ah!”
“Wait...you want me to test it first?”
“Well, duh. You’re supposed to give the first bite to the person you love, no?”
Koushiro blushed. Part of him felt extremely touched by the gesture, but another part, a tiny one, felt a little scared about what the exotic thing would do to his stomach. 
He took a deep breath and took on the piece of cake he’d been offered. He had expected a disaster, but to his surprise, the mix of saltiness from the tuna, the sweetness and fluffiness of the cake and slightly tangy flavor of the mayonnaise blended well together making the flavor unique. 
He took his time to chew and swallow, while Mimi watched him expectantly.
“It’s good. Like incredible and surprisingly good.”
“Hah, see? Told you. I’ve got talent for this.”
“Another thing you’ve proved me wrong.” Koushiro smiled “but why did you come up with these ingredients?”
“Because…”Mimi smirked “They are different...just like you and I, but when they’re together, they simply work.”
Koushiro chuckled. He was, once again, defeated by his fiancee’s logic.  
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sakurarebin · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 03: The Fight Continues On
Notes: I decided to make it easier on me and write shorter chapters and just do more of them. Link to chapter 1:  https://sakurarebin.tumblr.com/post/612125043006308352/digimon-adventure-03?is_related_post=1
Koushiro typed away furiously on his laptop as he sat on the shinkansen, heading towards the park. Tentomon sat beside him, wearing his favorite green jacket and baseball cap.
“What are you working on now, Koushiro-han?”  Tentomon asked, leaning over to see what had all of Koushiro's focus.
“I'm keeping tabs on the situation in Osaka to make sure that they have it all under control, as well as confirm there are no other incidents have occurred. We'll need to respond to the matter quickly if one does, otherwise people might get hurt. Also, we need to know if these are singular events or if they are interconnected somehow.” Koushiro didn't take his eyes off the screen as he continued rambled on about his work.
“Ah, I see.” Tentomon said, staring fondly at his partner. “Have you heard back from Gennai-han yet?”
Koushiro sighed. “No, I haven't. Hopefully, Taichi and the others are able to find out more information in the Digital World.”
Koushiro's cellphone rang quietly and Koushiro quickly flicked it open to answer the call. Before he could even say hello, Mimi blurted out, “Koushiro, is everybody alright? I tried calling Taichi but he isn't answering. Did you figure out what happened to their digimon?”
“Calm down, Mimi. T-”
“What do you mean calm down-” Mimi said, indignantly, “Is that all you have to say in this situation!?”
“Mimi, let Koushiro finished,” Sora scolded, on the other side of the line.  
“Taichi is in the Digital World with Hikari, Yamato, and Takeru. If you need to reach him, then you'll have to use your D-terminal.  I'm on my way to Shiokaze Park to speak with the chosen who are there. And as far I understand, yes everyone is safe.”
Mimi let out a sigh of relief on the other end of the line.
“Should Mimi and I meet you there?” Sora asked.
Koushiro paused for a moment at Sora’s question, processing what he knew so far. He had no idea what was what causing the digimon to have problems. That left a world of possibilities and so many potential issues.
“I don’t know...” Koushiro admitted, “I don’t have enough information. I can contact everyone once I’ve had time to learn more or if there is another case that comes up nearby.”
Koushiro was met with silence on the other end of the line before he heard Mimi reluctantly say “Okay... I’ll be waiting.” Before the phone clicked off. Koushiro sighed, putting the phone back in his pocket.
“Koushiro-han, what’s wrong?” The red bug Digimon tilted his head to the side in concern.
“Given the fact that this is apparently being caused by a virus, there is a chance that it is contagious. It creates a complicated situation if it is, because the only way to deal with the situation is to have other digimon help, but the last thing we want is a chain reaction occurring. If it is contagious, the fact that Taichi is traveling in the Digital World with Agumon could be problematic as well. There is so much I don’t know about this. But I also don’t want to unnecessarily panic everyone by presenting theories with no data to back them up. It may end up causing more harm than good.” Koushiro explained while turning his attention back to his laptop once again, checking to see if there were any new messages from Gennai once more.
“You’ve become much better at thinking about other people’s feelings, Koushiro-han,” Tentomon buzzed happily. Koushiro blushed slightly at Tentomon's observation, but kept his focus on the news and message feeds on his laptop.  
Mimi closed her phone, ending the call with Koushiro, and her shoulders sagged slightly.
“Mimi, are you okay?” Palmon asked peering at her with big green eyes that partially hid from under the rim of the lacy white hat Mimi had bought her inside of Aqua City.
“Yea- Actually,” she paused for a moment, “No, I'm not okay. I'm really worried. Will we have to fight again? I thought it was all over. But it seems like a few years pass with no problems and then we are pulled right back in. I don't want more people to get hurt again...”
“Mimi...” Sora stared at her friend momentarily lost for words.
“We will do our best protect you!” Piyomon said, trying to helpfully full the silence that had fallen over the four of them.
“Yeah, because we love you!” Palmon chimed in and Piyomon nodded in agreement.
Sora smiled and stroked Piyomon’s pink feathers as Mimi bent down to pull her plant like digimon into a big hug.
“I love you, too. That’s why I don’t want to see you get hurt,” Mimi admitted, pulling back from the hug after a few moments.
“I understand what you mean,” Sora said, finally finding her voice again. “But we have to fight if we want to make sure everyone stays safe.” The red head ran  her fingers through her digimon partner’s soft feathers again.
Mimi looked back up at Sora, still frowning slightly, but she nodded her head. “I know. I don’t know who or what is behind this, but I will do everything I can to make sure that everyone stays safe.”
Sora nodded in agreement and a still somewhat tense silence fell over them once more.
“Mimi? Are we going to stay out here with all of these bags?” Palmon asked, breaking the silence.
Sora let out a few giggles as she watched Mimi look at the pile of bags surrounding the two of them sheepishly.
“Yeah, let’s get all of these home, okay Palmon?” Mimi said, giving her plant digimon a high five for emphasis.
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spiritualsymbiosis · 4 years
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Muse - Crest - Rookie Digimon
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50cyg · 7 years
The Koumi/ Taiyama Parallels in Tri
So, I think it could be unanimously agreed that Koumi is the most blunt, obvious ship-tease/hint Tri has shown us. They make it very obvious that there is, if nothing else, a one sided love for Mimi on the part of Koushiro.
What’s interesting about this is that throughout Tri there are several parallels between Koumi and Taiyama, and I’m about to dive into them here :D
So I’ve already spoken a ton about many of the times Yamato stares at Taichi in my post on Yamato’s awareness of Taichi, but I’m going to dive deeper into one of those times here:
So, while in the van on the way home we get a shot of everyone looking at Mimi, except for Yamato, who is staring at Taichi (and previously he had been staring at Taichi a lot during the airport scene).
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Then the movie jumps to a shot of Koushiro staring at Mimi and he is blushing.
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And then we get these lines from Mimi
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Which are calling attention to the fact that Koushiro staring at her, and blushing the way he does, likely means that he has a crush on her.
And Koushiro’s face in these shots kind of remind me of this
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and especially this
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Koushiro is doing the classic “What, no! I don’t like you…” blush that is common in anime. Yamato’s blush likely has layers to it, but there is definitely a hint of the classic Tsundere blush, as in “It’s not like I care (love you) or anything, baka”
During the battle with Alphamon (or rather just before it), Mimi tells Koushiro to summon the Digimon to fight, and Koushiro immediately does as she’s asked. 
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Jee… where else have I seen that? Oh Yeah! I remember
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Koushiro and Yamato are so whipped :P no wonder they can’t make their own decisions when you leave them alone together (referring to their lack of movement and decision making when together in Soshitsu).
Now, let’s take a close look at the arguments between these two pairs:
In ketsui, after the battle with Ogremon, Koushiro argues with Mimi over her decisions, and this argument has parallels to the one between Taichi and Yamato in Saikai
Taichi and Yamato argue
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Sora steps in
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Yamato leaves
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Koushiro and Mimi argue
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Sora steps in
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Mimi leaves
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In Kokuhaku, right at the start, there is a scene where all the Chosen have gathered together in Koushiro's office. Then, Koushiro and Mimi have a big fight and, to a degree, their body language is reminiscent of that of a couple in a lover's tiff, much like the ones Taichi and Yamato have.
This fight also has parallels to the other Taiyama fight in Saikai: 
Taichi and Yamato fight
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Sora steps in
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And the two turn away from each other
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Koushiro and Mimi fight
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Sora steps in
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And the two turn away from each other
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Even the content of these fights mirrors each other. Both Koushiro and Taichi want to find solutions to the issue and point out how letting personal feelings get involved is pointless. Meanwhile, Mimi and Yamato are very concerned with the personal feelings involved and do not appreciate how Koushiro and Taichi are trivializing them.
But both Mimi and Yamato are also shown to care about the opposing party, even after they have fought.
At the end of Kokuhaku, we see Mimi stops by Koushiro's office to bring him tea and she seems worried about him. And this behavior is reminiscent of Yamato’s behavior towards Taichi throughout Tri, when he appears to be watching Taichi, and showing up to make sure he is okay (If you are interested, my “Yamato’s awareness of Taichi” posts give a more detailed breakdown of this behavior).
But for the purposes of this post, I will just bring attention to the fact that this scene between Koushiro and Mimi does seem similar to the one between Taichi and Yamato a few minutes earlier
Yamato shows up to Taichi’s apartment (potentially to check in on him and make sure he’s okay) after he’s been held up in his room.
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They get popsicles (cool refreshments)
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And Yamato leaves without saying a word
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Mimi show’s up at Koushiro’s office (presumably to check in on him and make sure he’s okay) since he’s been held up in his office.
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Brings him Ooolong Tea (cool refreshments)
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And she leaves without saying a word.
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These parallels between the fights could be Tri's way of telling us that couples, and/or people who are close, fight and that it's alright and natural as long as the people involved care about each other and know how to make up afterwards. And Mimi and Koushiro, as well as Taichi and Yamato, certainly are shown to know how to make up afterwards.
Mimi and Koushiro are getting along fine as of Soshitsu, seen by the way she talks about him (with Tentomon in a later scene) and also by the way she wants to make sure he stays fed.
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And Soshitsu is basically “theDigihusbands are back in sync” movie.
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Last thing I want to talk about is how in Soshitsu, Mimi/ Tentomon, Yamato/ Agumon and Taichi/ Gabumon are the only pairs we see discussing the respective digimon’s partners together.
(Not going to screen cap the conversations for this section because I don’t feel it’s necessary. Dialogue taken from Crunchyroll Subs).
Taichi and Gabumon discuss Yamato
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Gabumon: Yamato-kun
Taichi: Yamato-kun?
Gabumon: Is it okay to call him just by his name?
Mimi and Tentomon discuss Koushiro
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Tentomon: Why do I keep calling Koushiro-han so much?
Mimi: You guys get along! You two got along great before!
Tentomon: Huh… I don’t quite understand but…
Mimi: Koushiro-kun huh? He’d be a great help if he were here.
Tentomon: Really, is that so?
Yamato and Agumon discuss Taichi
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Agumon: Yamato doesn’t talk about Taichi at all. You guys don’t get along?
Yamato: Well
Koushiro: Actually, they get along well
Yamato: No, we don’t
Agumon: You don’t like him?
Yamato: I don’t hate him. It’s just I expect too much of him.
The conversations range in their complexity and length, but again, they are the only ones who have a conversation on screen that we, the audience, hear.
Final thoughts:
With all these parallels between the two ships, I can’t help but feel that it’s Tri’s way of further pushing the idea that Taichi and Yamato’s relationship does have a romantic component to it that the audience should be aware of (and also that they aren’t actually fighting in Tri but rather simply having of a Lover’s Tiff).
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flyonmylovee · 7 years
[ Here are some of my coherent thoughts on Shoushitsu + Tri overall, hopefully more organized than the string of upper-case letters I splattered across everyone’s dashboards a few days ago. This is INCREDIBLY long and all based on my personal speculation and the limited knowledge of mythology + themes outside of the adventure-verse, so I hope that dividing it into sections is helpful if anyone actually wants to read this and everything should be taken with a grain of salt. ]
So before I go any farther, I feel like I should say that I loved Shoushitsu. I’m becoming quite the apologist for it but I mean, I’ve been waiting my entire life for Sora to not be written out of a movie. While her character development leaves much to be desired, I have a ton of faith in the next two movies. I’d like to wait for those to come out before I make any definite judgments about whether Tri did Sora justice or not. I remember reading interviews with the Tri crew before Saikai came out, and the way they spoke about the characters really made me believe that they understand how important they are to us. I have faith that this is still well-planned. Little parts of Shoushitsu actually reaffirmed that for me. Now, if the next two movies don’t pull through I will totally eat my words, but as of now, I’m genuinely pretty happy. 
On Sora’s Arc: I don’t think it’s complete. To be honest, I don’t think any of the kid’s arcs are complete, so I’m 100% setting myself up for disappointment with the last movie, but once again I’m keeping the faith that something’s planned. Anyways, I think we all saw Sora’s problem coming from a mile away. She’s an introvert who tries to get her energy from others. If she can’t be motherly she feels like she has no purpose. Everyone grows up except for digimon. What would she do if Piyomon wasn’t around? Apparently, totally crash and burn and turn invisible to her friends. 
I noticed a lot of references to Meiko throughout Sora’s ordeal. Meiko’s a newcomer and arguably the source of all their problems. Sora spent a considerable amount of time worrying about her and trying to include her in the group. The moment Pyocomon rejects Sora, you can literally see the darkness in her eyes and the entire first episode I was yelling at my screen about how nobody noticed her obvious depression. I really like the way sad Sora was animated. It was resonating. Someone should have felt it, and I think Sora knew that too. Instead, we see everyone consistently worrying about Meiko. Taichi declares that she’s part of the group and that they have a responsibility to reunite her with Meicoomon. So where does that leave Sora, who’s also very separated from her partner? I think this speaks a lot to the scene around the campfire later that night. They’re discussing how Meiko’s just a normal girl and pondering whether she’d make it in the digital world. Someone says that she probably wouldn’t. Sora has a strikingly out of character moment when she agrees with them. “Probably.”
I think that was Sora’s true low point. She threw someone under the bus for morally questionable reasons. It seems like Sora felt excluded not just by Piyomon, but replaced by her entire group of friends that she’d spent years emotionally investing in. “I just wanted to be recognized” is such a meaningful line. She’s not one to try and profit off someone else’s misfortune, so if Sora felt any true darkness, I’d say this was the moment.
To make matters worse, another scene that stuck with me is when the kids first realize that Meicoomon’s memory is still intact. Sora’s the first one to really question it and ponder about whether the reboot was really worth it. When Koushiro confirms that it likely wasn’t, I think Sora sort of cracked. The comparisons to Meiko are still relevant here. 
In the end, Sora ultimately solves her own problem and is able to reconnect with Piyomon. She’s persistent and Piyomon realizes that she’s “a big softie”. I question how much of this is due to Sora evolving as a character and Piyomon just deciding to not be such an asshole, but still. No one held her hand through any of it. Even if she wanted someone to, she didn’t let anyone. I can easily make the case here that nothing about Sora really changed- she just hit rock bottom and was able to bounce back. My instinct is that if Piyomon were to change her mind and reject Sora again, she’d fall right back into the same depression. There’s still the potential for Sora to see that darkness and like so many of the chosen’s problems, they remanifest in different ways. Sora will continue to struggle with feelings of self-worth, which is disappointing, but when it’s so deeply embedded it’s also unrealistic to see it solved in a single movie. 
I think what matters most about the conclusion is the affirmation of one of Sora’s core beliefs. They and their digimon partners are exceptional. They’ll always be connected, no matter what happens. This is the thought Sora uses to cheer Meiko up and Meiko repeats it right back to her. I think the Tri crew was trying to emphasize it’s importance. More than anything, I think what matters here is that Sora’s darkness caused her to question that belief. Who is she if the value she always relied on isn’t true? What’s the use of her words if they’re just cliches? If they and their partners aren’t exceptional, how can she not consistently be anxious about the future? 
I did appreciate the end of Sora’s arc. You see the “taiorato” triangle reversed. (And, in fact, you see the taiorato crew in different triangle formations at many points during Shoushitsu. For me it highlighted changing dynamics.) In the first movie, Taichi and Yamato stood in front of her and we see Sora in the background worrying between them. At the end of Shoutshitsu, it’s Sora front and center with Pyocomon held close. Taichi and Yamato are standing behind her, probably wondering how it’s possible to suppress so many negative emotions, but Sora could care less. It highlights the importance of her friendship with Piyomon over everyone else. Everything fell back into place (thankfully) and she can move forward. As long as Piyomon understands her, they can regrow. 
And this is good. A scene I particularly enjoyed in Adventure is the one where they finally encounter Sora after she’s realized she has the crest of love. The only reason Sora got any emotional closure from that is because she opened up. Why did she open up? Piyomon told her she should. Piyomon helped her explain her feelings. Piyomon asked everyone to understand. I think Piyomon acts as Sora’s translator. No one really understands her and I question whether Sora actually wants them to. When it comes down to it I think she just wants to love and be loved in return. The only thing is that Sora still hasn’t learned to truly love herself. She’ll have to one day, but I’m not sure if we’ll see it.
I’d like to take a moment to discuss whether Sora was “shafted” or not. On the surface it definitely does. However, when you look closely, it seems like the writers really took the time to look at her major arcs in Adventure. There are many parallels that are meaningful if you know where to look, which echoes the way that Sora’s friends really need to treat her. Just like Takeru continued to evolve in this film (which he did, it wasn’t just Patamon ‘stealing the spotlight’), I think Sora has the potential to continue growing in the next two installments. Should she? Yes. Will she? ...Probably not. Am I still hopeful? Yeah, absolutely. 
On Taichi & Yamato: Their interactions in this film took years off my life. There’s a scene involving Machinedramon where Tentomon’s buzzing around mumbling “Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!” and there isn’t a more accurate comparison to me watching Shoushitsu for the first time. I loved every minute of it. 
Let’s start with Taichi. We know that he doesn’t understand Sora. I’m always brought back to Sora’s CD drama when she first tells Taichi she’s quitting football to play tennis. Taichi’s totally dumbfounded. He thinks that Sora’s losing herself and he questions her decision. Sora becomes flustered, and if I’m remembering correctly, doesn’t even offer Taichi an explanation. She just gives up. It’s like she already knows it would be no use to try and tell him that her starting tennis is a result of her allowing herself to truthfully grow. I think that Taichi was spot on throughout this entire movie in terms of his interactions with Sora. No complaints from me. The entire movie could have been Taichi following Sora around in the woods like a lost puppy and I would’ve been happy. There are a few key moments that stuck out to me, though.
First, there’s Taichi saying “I could never understand you, Sora” before echoing something Piyomon said to Sora before. She takes care of her own problems and never tells anyone else. (Does she really take care of her own problems though??) Anyways, in Adventure, Taichi tries to cheer Sora up by telling her that she cares for everyone else. He thinks that’s good. Sora instantly shoots back at him and says he doesn’t know her and he should stop speaking like he does. To me, Taichi’s reaction here made it seem like he never forgot that conversation. He doesn’t understand her. If he made that implication in the future he’d probably get chewed out again. In Taichi’s very literal head, his comment probably sounded completely rational and that sort of makes me laugh. Interactions like this with Sora just seem to never go in his favor and it’s like he’s started to just accept it. 
Still, it’s easy for the viewers to see how much he cares for her. Taichi struggles to maintain a necessary level of consideration in order to make Sora feel better. He laughs with Agumon in the river as Sora walks away, he calls her a big pain, he tells her to chill out, and basically repetitively word vomits into her hat and wonders why she won’t put it on... all things that remind me of their friendship in adventure. It highlights the youthfulness of their friendship. His teasing her is incredibly thoughtless and poorly timed, but we’ve seen this a million times before and we don’t question whether he cares for her. 
One of my favorite scenes in all of Shoushitsu is Meiko and Sora’s encounter with not-Gennai (as I’m gonna start referring to him because he’s creepy af, but more on that later). Sora, who clearly hasn’t planned beyond the next couple of seconds, starts throwing rocks around and finds herself in a physical tussle with the enemy. This is the second or third scene of many in which Sora should have probably died, but the other cool thing about Shoushitsu is that we learned Sora’s bones are made of metal. Anyways, as Sora’s digging herself into this hole, about to hit six feet under, portals open up to all the other chosen children. We don’t really see anyone’s reaction, but we know they can see everything. The one person that we do zone in on is Taichi. He’s staring up at the scene, wide-eyed with worry, and he mutters Sora’s name in disbelief. I really enjoyed two small details about this scene: the timing and the portal’s location. Just before Sora’s fight, we see Taichi talking to Gabumon about whether being chosen matters anymore. He had faith that he could have Agumon digivolve if he needed to, but that obviously didn’t happen. I started to wonder if Taichi was reminded of SkullGreymon, etc. I think a big misconception about Taichi is that he’s always ready to charge. In Tri he’s clearly not, but he wasn’t always that way in Adventure either. It’s actually pretty common for Taichi to freeze and to question himself, and that scene sets him up to be in that mindset. And just, HIS EYES. When he sees Sora it’s like he freezes again. He’s already feeling useless, he couldn’t help Sora before, she’s about to get totally obliterated by Machinedramon’s cannon, and the portal that appears in his area is up the side of a cliff that looks like it’s at least 100 feet tall. 
That animation probably didn’t mean anything, but it was neat to think about how quickly Taichi probably had to scramble up there to rescue his friend. I imagine him instantly side-lining his doubts and stereo-typically jumping into action, which he hasn’t been able to do all season. If that happened then Sora was the cause. I like to imagine that Taichi was thinking he couldn’t let her down again. His face made it seem like his life was flashing before his eyes, and perhaps he was remembering all the times he’d froze to Sora’s detriment. Nanomon’s the best example. Sora almost died and whether it was actually Taichi’s fault or not (ok it 80% is), he knows what it’s like to live with the guilt of losing her. Now, I also believe scenes like Nanomon’s treated Sora as kinda disposable for Taichi’s character development (another post for another day), and Shoutshitsu towed a fine line with this, so I’m glad that they didn’t show him scrambling up the cliff. Still, it’s an interesting thought. I only rewound the scene a handful of times. 
Now moving on to Yamato, I have some... complaints. But don’t we all with him? Anyways, in the broader scheme of things I also appreciated his interactions with Sora. It’s obvious that he cares and that he’s more attune with her feelings. He has a better sense of what’s inappropriate and what isn’t. Still, he’s struggling, and I don’t know whether I totally buy it. When Yamato went right along with Taichi in calling Sora a big pain (just before I yelled that Sora could kill the two of them in the digital world and no one would ever know) I asked myself a pretty good question. What the fuck is Yamato’s deal? I actually don’t think we really know. We’ve gotten a good picture of the way he’s grown, but most of his issues have revolved around Taichi. I hope we circle back around to him later and see him work through some crisis that explains this. I think he should understand Sora better than this, whether they’re together or not. My only logical explanation for the way he acts is that Taichi’s around. I wonder if Yamato would have acted differently had he approached Sora alone. 
I’ve also heard a lot of mixed reactions to the lack of Sorato in Shoushitsu. I’m kind of glad that their (non) relationship wasn’t emphasized. It would have detracted from Sora solving her own problems. I’m starting to think that Sora and Yamato really aren’t together, otherwise I don’t know if Taichi would’ve tagged along for the conversation. He’s always been pretty thoughtful about giving them their space, it seems. Remember the first time we see the three of them in Saikai? Anyways, as someone who ships Sorato, Taiora, and Taiorato, my hopes of seeing some new information are dwindling. However, I really do think that we’ll get a small scene in the last movie. If the Tri crew is serious about connecting things to the epilogue I think they’d tack something in about them making up, or something reinforcing the fact that they’re together. Maybe they’re saving it till last to capitalize on those $$profits$$ but I think there’ll be something. 
On Gennai: There’s been a lot of contention about the scene. I’ll be the first to admit that it made me hella uncomfortable. It’s long and drawn out and I was uncomfortable enough watching him search for her digivice, and then that other thing did me in. I acknowledge that Tri’s goal with this was to make people uncomfortable. The kids are grown up. Things are dark. This show isn’t for kids. Mission accomplished. I particularly like the way not-Gennai speaks. Excellent job by the voice actor TBH. Everything about him is creepy. I also couldn’t shake the thought that as Sora was fighting with him, her friends saw the whole thing. Digimon’s never been a show for processing but I do maybe wish they’d done a little more here. Taichi & Yamato should have been angrier and I feel like this was the second time when something majorly traumatic happened to Sora and we just assume she doesn’t need to process it. Not that there’s... really time. I don’t really know what I’m asking for here but I don’t think many of us expected that sorta scene, so.
On the flip side, a lot of folks have really valid criticisms of this scene. There was no warning for it and I’m so sorry that so many people had to sit thought it unexpectedly. I think those that watched it first could have put out some sort of warning while still being spoiler free, and I’m gonna personally keep that in mind for the future movies because not-Gennai continues to be creepy af. I don’t really have anything valuable to add to the Gennai discussion beyond this, so this is where I’ll leave it. I just hope we all know that it is 100% ok and normal to wish this scene wasn’t in the movie and it has nothing to do with not accepting that Tri is for adults. 
On the plot overall: I feel like I’m being pulled in twenty different directions and I don’t know how Tri could possible wrap this all up with a nice, nostalgic bow. I wonder if they’re planning on some sort of Tri 02 which... wow. That would be incredible, wouldn’t it? But my hopes are not high, they actually don’t exist at all, so... moving on. Er, I made a post about it, but wtf are those planetary objects that are floating around? Why did they show up after the battle between Alphamon and Omegamon? Is it representative of the infection? Of that strange, inter-dimensional world? Was it just an addition to the animation? If not, why are they still present during the evolution scenes in the fourth movie? They’re all over the place. I personally think the digimon are still infected and that the true reboot hasn’t really happened yet. I think a true reboot will come when Meicrackmon causes enough damage to get Yggdrasil’s attention and reset the entire world. I think that reset already happened in the very beginning scene. It reminded me of “the end of the world” event from Norse mythology. I think it will happen again and I think we’re in the specific “pre-apocalyptic” period that’s mentioned. Maki obviously believes the reboot already happened but I think she got played. I don’t think the digimon needed to lose their memories, I don’t think the kids needed to go to the digital world... I just think that different actors were trying to make Meicrackmon well... crack. It happened, but it could have happened in a number of different ways. 
I’m noticing an “X” theme and I can’t help but think about the x-antibody. There’s always this focus on Meicoomon’s eyes. I don’t know much about the x-antibody or Yggdrasil’s reset in previous seasons/games, but I would love to talk to someone who does? The first time Meicoomon changes modes (not evolving), we see that DNA-X appear on Meiko’s digivice. I wonder if it’s symbolic of the X factor altering her partner? To me, this helps me rationalize why Alphamon’s involved. Additionally, to me, the orb that appeared on Maki’s digivice sort of looks like Yggdrasil’s orb form...? 
Random note, here, but there’s also a lot of talk of falling into darkness, or hands plunging into darkness. I thought it was interested that Meiko (who also didn’t deny that Meicoomon was “bad”) says “I thought you were finally out of my hands, but...” 
I also like Meicoomon’s nickname of “The Libra”. So Meicoomon’s meant to act as some scale, and not-Gennai wants her to tip into chaos due to Yggdrasil’s will? Why was Meicoomon “never meant to be born”? Why can Meicrackmon evolve into Ophanimon and Mastemon (literally a balance of darkness and light, normally angewomon and ladydevimon jogressed) in one of the games? Is Meicoomon meant to be a scale on her own or is there someone else keeping the balance? Why did a Tri writer say that Meiko felt the need to alter her behavior after she noticed Meicoomon acting strangely? Why did they say Meicrackmon’s “physical appearance” is important? Why is her digiegg being similar to Tailmon’s important (especially when Hikari’s trait is light)??? Plotmon is known (sometimes?) as a digimon that was created by human researchers. I totally believe that Meicoomon was created. Perhaps by Meiko’s dad? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS. WHERE ARE THE 2′s IN THE DIGITAL CODE. WHY WAS IT PURPOSEFUL FOR ONLY PALMON AND GOMAMON AND LEOMON TO BREAK THROUGH INTO THE WEIRD INTER-DIMENSION? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE NAME ‘TRI’ BESIDES INDICATING THE THIRD SEASON? Yggdrasil has three roots that carry it’s worlds, right? Three “norns” that cater to it? For some reason this makes me think of everyone else jogress digivolving. I don’t know why don’t look at me this is unfounded and I shouldn’t be posting it. In like, every Tri interview though there’s at least one person telling us to watch the evolution sequences carefully, so I feel like that holds the key to something. 
Anyways, I’m so deep into Norse mythology and I need to stop so those are some of my under-developed thoughts. I don’t know much outside of Adventure seasons, so. 
Random Points: 1. I still can’t get over the art. There’s so much thought put into some of these scenes. I also LOVE the tri version of keep on. oh my god. 2. I like the parallel of insults Piyomon was throwing at Sora. “You’re weak” “You’re only human” and then the insults of Meiko that Sora jumped in on “she’s just a normal girl” and then how not-Gennai taunted Sora “without this you’re just a normal kid.” There’s so much under the surface here which is Sora in a nutshell.  3. We were brought through that strange inter-dimension before we see the kids in the digital world. It’s when the Tri logo is on the screen and the background is dark. You see those strange planetary objects floating around. Are we even in the digital world we know? I’m reminded of the way Taichi says “I encountered you” in the first PV.  4. Still convinced that if the reboot happened Plotmon shouldn’t have Hikari’s whistle. Isn’t Hikari holding the whistle string in her poster? We also heard the whistle at the end of the first PV. I hope they use it to call Ophanimon FM back to reality or something.  5. Hikari is the only one who seemingly is okay with the reboot. Plotmon has none of her bad memories. Still though, something is off. If the kids figure out how to reverse everything I think Hikari will try to stop them. 6. I liked that when Taichi + Yamato were failing miserably at cheering Sora up, Yamato would also twist his head to glare at Taichi when they made it worse. It’s like he always assumes Taichi’s a fool ahaha. 7. I’m also laughing because what if, ok what if... going back and looking at my linked post above, there’s an interview with the Tri crew and they talk about how Omegamon splits apart too early due to Taichi’s emotions. Yamato calls him out on this. The interview asks us how that will affect things now. I remember reading somewhere that a digimon’s digicore can be altered if jogress evolution is interrupted, or something like that. I cackle every time I think about all of this somehow being Taichi + Yamato’s fault. It obviously isn’t but just... what if they made it worse ahah. Get wrecked, Yamato. Anyways, digicores coming into play here would have many implications. Everyone’s last little bit of data would remain, right? I don’t know anything about digicores so I’ll leave it at that. 
Ok, I think that’s mostly everything! Wow this is a novel and a half, so if anyone’s still reading this... than..k.s? I want to add screenshots so I’m at work so maybe later. I may add more thoughts too. All subject to change, but I wanna keep it all here so I’m not spamming everyone with smaller, more frequent posts. 
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Sometime not long post-Kizuna, after waking up, and eventually getting back home, Steve asks of Steve's partner, Frigimon, genuinely surprised for once: You tackled Taichi?! Frigimon, genuinely attempting to explain: I didn't want to, but... Frigimon, only a bit bemused seeming: Well, Tentomon was worried, too... Steve, raising eyebrows, grinning a little: Tentomon, you say? You knew? Frigimon, nodding: It's a bit fuzzy. But... Tentomon was very worried about Koushiro and Taichi both, so Tentomon also definitely moved. Because Tentomon had to help Koushiro's friend. ... Like how I had to help you. Frigimon, adding: But I'm not sure if we were actually being "controlled" by Bellucci. Steve: You weren't. Frigimon: ... ? Steve, grinning: What you just said was all I need to know. Steve: Bellucci never stood a chance once she directly involved Koushiro, anyway. I'm just glad it's over now. Frigimon: You and me both. Steve, standing up to stretch: So, anyhow... Steve: ... We need to light the candles. Frigimon: You're right. Let's do it. Steve, in mind: (If only they knew what "potential" could mean to US.)
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izumikoushiroweek · 2 years
Koushiro Week 2022 Prompts/Inspiration
For this event, the blog is offering a long list of potential prompts that I plan to send to Koushiro fans for curating.  Entrants are free to select among the prompts on any day, or treat every day as a free day!  You can post as many or as few times as you choose.  
There is only one day with a set theme/prompt.  Wednesday October 5th will be Reblog Day!  We are all busy, and I want as many people to be able to participate as possible.  So on Wednesday October 5th, everyone is free to tag their existing original Koushiro content (ie, something you made) for reblogging on the Koushiro event site <3  Let’s all share the Koushiro and Tentomon love, even if we can’t get something new made.
Prompts/Inspiration beneath the cut
Koushiro and Tentomon 
Wanna try your take on the classic Koushiro and Tentomon hug in the trolley?  Or show us the boys being adorable, living their best lives together?  The Koushiro and Tentomon relationship is so sweet, there is so much to explore here!
Koushiro tells his friends about the adoption, visits the graves of his biological parents, meets his first ever biological relative when he has his daughter, spends time with his parents, etc.  Also, Tentomon absolutely sobbing when he meets Koushiro’s kids, lol!
Friends/life outside of the Chosen
We don’t see much of Koushiro’s personal life throughout the Adventure content.  What does this boy get up to?  Who are his friends, both local and spread over the world?  What are his hobbies?  We know Koushiro is an incredible researcher/tech expert, but he is also a normal kiddo.
Confidence/the Chosen love you for you/everyone loves Koushiro
Koushiro struggles with self worth and confidence over Adventure.  We see him find his way as the Digimon Tech Expert, but we know he’s so much more than that!  Let’s explore Koushiro realizing that he’s needed and valued beyond his skills, and that he doesn’t need to be helpful to connect to and be loved by others- and that he very much is loved.
Koushiro doesn’t discuss his personal life onscreen during Adventure, except to Tentomon and his parents.  It would be amazing to explore him confiding in his friends.
Koushiro tries to speak more casually to his friends- this is inspired by this post.
Koushiro as the head of Chosen information/Koushiro’s company
What does Koushiro get up to in his company in Kizuna?  How is he funding global Chosen activity and also researching and also having a life?  How does he juggle everything?  Does everyone look up to the guy who is making sure the global Chosen have the resources and information they need to operate?  Are his friends concerned?  
Plz help 
Koushiro needs help, and the others rise up- whether he asks them to or not, lol!  Maybe he’s stressed by work, juggling too much, or just in a research vortex and hasn’t come up for air in a while.  Maybe a Chosen convinces him to lean on them and take a break.  Or maybe someone pushes him to do “something fun,” and shenanigans ensue!  Maybe Tentomon secretly calls the Chosen when Koushiro enters a Work Vortex or seems down.
Oolong tea
A classic, lol!
Koushiro explores fashion and style!  Show us your best Koushiro Disaster Kouture (tm), or show him growing out of that stage and settling into what you imagine his style might become.  Does all the screen time result in glasses someday?  
Show us a range of Koushiro facial expressions!  Dem brows are there for a reason >:3 
Assistant Tentomon
Tentomon the mighty, making sure Koushiro remembers to Human (eat, sleep, call friends, etc).  Tentomon, acting as Koushiro’s secretary/assistant.  Tentomon learning how to research on his own!  Tentomon sending an SOS when Koushiro needs some help, but is too polite to reach out.
Koushiro and Bugs
Koushiro sipping from a ladybug mug, Koushiro being gifted ladybug items, Koushiro finding ladybugs or beetles and thinking of Tentomon, Koushiro taking a bug outside when someone else wants to squish it, Koushiro casually revealing that he has an encyclopedic knowledge of beetles for Reasons.
Computer Club President Koushiro
Koushiro was the computer club president in 02 (hopefully this is true of both the English dub and original Japanese)!  That would be so cute to explore!
Koushiro Playing Violin
Inspired by this.
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izumikoushiroweek · 2 years
Koushiro Week 2022 Rules/Guidelines
1.)  Please tag all posts you wish to submit ‘izumikoushiroweek2022′
2.)  This week is about Koushiro and Tentomon.  All works must star either or both of them.
3.)  Please submit only your own content
4.)  All kinds of content is accepted!  Fics, art, gifs, photo manips, icons, cosplay, show us what you got!
5.)  Submissions are accepted
6.)  Bashing of any kind (ship/season or game/character/etc) is not allowed
7.)  Please tag any potentially triggering content 
8.)  This event is family friendly, no NSFW.  Sample topics that will not be reblogged include: sexually explicit content, violently graphic content, incest, human x digimon romance pairings, highly dark themes (drugs/torture/non-consensual actions/etc), pedophilia.
For this event, the blog is offering a long list of potential prompts that I plan to send to Koushiro fans for curating.  Entrants are free to select among the prompts on any day, or treat every day as a free day!  You can post as many or as few times as you choose.  
There is only one day with a set theme/prompt.  Wednesday October 5th will be Reblog Day!  We are all busy, and I want as many people to be able to participate as possible.  So on Wednesday October 5th, everyone is free to tag their existing original Koushiro content (ie, something you made) for reblogging on the Koushiro event site <3  Let’s all share the Koushiro and Tentomon love, even if we can’t get something new made.
Have fun <3
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izzyizumi · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure [2020] featuring CHARACTER Koushiro[u] Izumi [Koushiro “Izzy” Izumi in US dub] (+relationship with) [+IZUMI FAMILY]; + Important Dialogues + Significant Moments + (Potential) Foreshadowing (for any later medias?)
“Seems like our area isn’t affected.” “And the internet’s still working.” “Oh yeah, I still have a connection...” - Taichi (Note: 2020 Koushiro’s initial profile states he lives in the same apartment building as 2020 Taichi this series.)
“But wouldn’t your family be surprised?” (Likely Implication: “by us?”) “They {SHOULD BE}, but...” - Koushiro, trailing off...
Edits by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use/Share!)
(Original/further commentary + {Spoiler} scenes under the ‘
(After Koushiro initially seems to spend most of the morning/day in the park, before Sora arrives, talking about her Mom/getting home) “Koushiro-kun, were you ok?” (Likely Implication: “at home?”) - Sora “My house, is, um...” - Koushiro - he notably trails off before he can finish the sentence (they’re next distracted by the ongoing crisis)
- in the 4th ending theme, we see shots of the kids at their homes; Koushiro can notably be seen in a Japanese apartment-styled bathroom.
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“Some sort of pain that can only be understood by the ones LEFT BEHIND. In people and Digimon too.” “...Koushiro-han?...” - Kabuterimon, clearly concerned tone “Oh... No, it’s nothing.” - Koushiro immediately deflecting
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Original Poster’s [Mine] Commentary:
(He also did this IN Adventure...): {Japanese version}:
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“Do you have interest in WHO you are, Koushiro-han?” - Tentomon, in Adv Ep #5, curiously just before Koushiro next slips into flashback-mode, revealing to the viewers his ADOPTION backstory. (A similar sequence happens at the beginning of Adventure Episode #31, when he talks to Tentomon, then completely having ZONED OUT) [not having revealed ANYTHING about his flashbacks/family situation to Tentomon yet.]:
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- Koushiro in Adv Episode 31, realizing he worried his parents while keeping secrets:
“I wish that Koushiro would act more spoiled and unreasonable
instead of always keeping it INSIDE
like a GOOD BOY.”
- Mrs. Izumi, to Mr. Izumi, worriedly, in her concern
“Don’t you THINK SO?”
“...I’m sorry for worrying you.” - Koushiro, thinking to himself, looking ashamed
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{PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS A BLOG DEDICATED TO A Support OF DIGIMON ADVENTURES as an ENTIRE SERIES. While I cannot stop people from engaging, please respect my rules. Please DO NOT Interact OR FOLLOW / REBLOG if you are unable to interact respectfully (including within tags).}
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended SPECIFIC CHARACTER/POSITIVITY FOCUSED. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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[Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!] (Please AGREE TO BANNERS BEFORE interacting) (Note: click on the banners to enlarge!)
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izzyizumi · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure x Digimon Adventure tri ~ featuring CHARACTER: Koushiro[u] Izumi [Koushiro “Izzy” Izumi in US dub] (+relationship with Mimi Tachikawa) [+Taichi Yagami] + IMPORTANT DIALOGUES (in Adventures & connecting to tri.) + CHARACTER/STORY PROGRESSION
also known as: KOUSHIRO vs. COMMUNICATION {further a.k.a: Communication Is Hard.}
{the following related quotes and information relates more specifically to Tri!Koushiro. There will be minimal spoilers for both his & Mimi’s roles in tri, without majorly spoiling the ending / plot surrounding Meiko.}
“I WISH THAT KOUSHIRO would act more spoiled and unreasonable instead of always keeping it inside”
“like a 'GOOD BOY’”
“I want him to tell me what he LIKES”
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“and” “HATES”
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“That’s what being A KID is all about!”
“...Don’t you think so?”
- Mrs Izumi, Adventure Episode 31 (Japanese version)
{... Or maybe it would have been better if you
- {Koushiro, internally, @ himself, Often, Probably} [?]:
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Original Posters’ {Mine} Commentary:
{Some Food For Thought TM, Maybe}
(a refresher, of relevant Koushiro backstory potentials from the novels written by Adventure director Kakudou!) {I tend to refer to these passages a Lot when discussing or analyzing Koushiros concepts for Reasons}: [with translations thanks to Onkei; as tumblr refuses to show posts with links in the tags nowadays, please check in comments if you want the links to novels, thank you!]
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- from the opening chapters; when lost on File Island
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- from the part covering Adventure episode 28; a.k.a. “the Gate”:
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“Before now, before he had come to the Digital World, Koushiro had considered himself
an insignificant and WORTHLESS human being.”
{Note: it should be important to be kept in mind that Koushiro within this point of the pre-series story [Novels, above] is 10~ years old and he’s been feeling those things SINCE HE WAS A TINY CHILD [Ages 5~10].}
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{“THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING [INTO/OBSESSED WITH] COMPUTERS!”} [Note: in novels, it’s translated as “obsessed with”.]
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{from later in the same sequence of Adventure #31, above}:
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{from later on in Tri; Kyousei ending}:
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tri. head Director Motonaga: As tri. is connected to 02, the entire theme of this work is depicting what the first generation of Chosen Children would be thinking about as they become adults.
Because the question of what kind of adults they’ll become has already been answered, we’re working on the problem of getting to that answer, in a sort of reverse problem-solving.
(on Koushiro) As Koushiro begins to try changing his clothes in Part 1, he wants to become someone who can do something by himself.
- Otomedia, February 2016 (Digimon Adventure tri. interview) [with translation credit thanks to website DigiLab Blog!]
“what they were learning in Tri.”: (KOUSHIRO):
“ After understanding about himself, GAINS ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND OTHERS. Learns to easily/OPENLY ACCEPT OTHERS’ LOVE TOWARDS HIM .”
- from a post-Tri livestream interview given by Kazumasa Habu (who, along with Kenji Watanabe and Mr. Maekawa, are members) of the Digimon Staff that works with the LCD Virtual Pets [with translation via Onkei]
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{pictured: Habu holds up the planning sheet for Tri.}
MIMI - ‘selfishness’{-like quality, aka ‘Jikochu’ in Ketsui} disappears, learns to be courteous towards others
[&] Learns not to expect others to be sweet on her "just because she's a girl." {<- this includes Koushiro Izumi!} learns that when it's necessary, she'll have to get dirty herself and give in to things.
start of {Kokuhaku} / {Confession} [Movie #3]:
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(earlier on, as well), {Ketsui}:
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{Kyousei} / {Coexistence}; Movie #5: {when she becomes stuck in a familiar-to-the-viewers setting with Tentomon}:
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[hey, wouldn’t you know, she’s very clearly not upset with Koushiro anymore?]
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[the last we have of Original!Koushiro so far, from the credits; he’s now the head of his own company, having learnt how to UNDERSTAND others while openly ACCEPTING LOVE towards HIMSELF, from the people who CARE about him, {and even simply learning how to communicate in TEAMS}]
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“KNOWING NOTHING is just a chance to learn new things, RIGHT?”
{Note: this post is part of a series discussing Koushiro using canonical references and quotations from the original Japanese version [and not the U.S. dub] to attempt to explain his progressing storyline; you can view more of my headcanons thoughts and analysis at my Neurodivergent Koushiro analysis series!}
caps/gifs by @izzyizumi,
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- they must NOT be used to spread negativity for the canon/fandom! {INCLUDES: in regards to Adventures AS A WHOLE, Adventure (Original series), 02, Tri, Kizuna, Adventure & 02 movies, Drama CDs, any spinoff materials} - they must NOT be used to promote shipwarring within the fandom - they must NOT be used to attack any Adventures character focused on - IF I SEE YOU DOING THIS I WILL LIKELY BLOCK WITHOUT MERCY {usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE.}
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