#tfa Bubble-Spider
shapeshiftingcloud · 1 month
Spider-Man: Bubble-Spider
On the very edge of the multiverse, there lies a universe of that bridges the Spider-verse to another multiverse. Earth E-TFA-07 (or just TFA) has Bubble-Spider a more aquatic Spider-Man who protected Detroit from a number of familiar villains including but not limited to
-Doc ock
-green goblin
This spider man died in 2025, with green goblin. There body was never recovered from the explosion as their body was lost to Lake Superior.
Update: This Spider-Man has now been classified as an anomaly due to them defying their final cannon event by being revived.
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sonicbeta3 · 1 year
TFA AU Idea - Little Spider Shop Of Horrors Part 2
It was noon the next day on the planet Cybertron. In the Predocon’s base of operations, they were getting their energon rations for the day. Inferno had taken his cube cup back to his quarters to consume it, and Antagony ate hers then and there. The only rations left now were for Blackarachnia and Waspinator. The latter had just gotten back from his daily massacre, and had been waiting until the Ant twins had finished their turn so he could go up. Once the coast seemed to be clear, he snuck over to the metal table his cup had been placed. However, just as he was about to pick it up, a familiar seductive voice called out “Now now, look what we have here.”. The green cyborg quickly turned around, and was met with the image of Blackarachnia leaning against the doorframe, calmly smiling at him.
The buzzbot buzzed furiously, asking what the spiderbot wanted. Blackarachnia, unfazed by this, simply tells the green hornet that she had been thinking about what happened on Dinobot Island, and had thought “why don’t we just let bygones be bygones?”. Waspinator, in a low hiss, asks why he should. Not only did she pretend to be his “friend” just to use him as a lab rat, but mutated him into something she herself would call a freak. To this, Blackarachnia responds with “Oh come on sweetspark, that was cycles ago. I’ve clearly matured since then.”. However, all she gets from the buzzbot is the latter rolling his eyes. At this point, the spiderbot is really starting to get annoyed. Until she thought of an idea. With a sigh, she walked up to the buzzbot, put a servo on his frame, and softly whispered “Besides, I think I’m starting to like this Itsy Bitsy little body of mine. The past has passed. Forgive, forget. What do you say?”. Waspinator is of course skeptical of this, but decides to reluctantly go along with it, mainly just to humor himself. Unbeknownst to him, however, Blackarachnia contemplates that she could just kill him by stabbing him with her stingers and all she’d have to do is “Do it Now”, but decides that she won’t. And with that, the two pick up their energon cups, and toast to a hopefully better future.
As he drank, Waspinator began to notice that his drink seemed to taste off for regular energon, and asked the spiderbot what she put in his rations. Blackarachnia, in an uncharacteristically bubbly voice, responded with “Oh, you noticed! It's a little something I added. It was uh… Let's see, was it? Um… Oh that's right, I remember now! I added A Lethal Dose Of CyberVenom To It!”.
Waspinator drops the cube from his grasp upon realizing that he had been poisoned, and attempts to spit out the contents of the beverage. But it was too late, as he then began to have a hard time breathing. With a sip of her cube, Blackarachnia asks the suffocating Vespindae if he really thought she would just forgive and forget what he did to her, or think that she would just accept her ”repulsive, pulsating excuse of a body”. Waspinator, whose face has begun to swell up, crawls over to her legs, begging her to help him and that he would never mess with her work again. But he was given no response, just a cold glare and a swift kick to the face, sending him into the table behind him. Waspinator’s body quickly began to spasm uncontrollably, his buzzing intensifying and still calling out for help. All the while, Blackarachnia just stood there and watched, with an unsympathetic look on her face. Eventually, the buzzbot finally went down, vomiting energon and convulsing on the floor. The spiderbot leaned in to take a closer look at the twitching body of the Predacon. When suddenly and without warning, Waspinator jumped up, wrapped his servos around her waist and asked her “Are you dumb? Or hard of hearing? Or relieved, my end is nearing? Are you satisfied? I've buzzed myself to…” but he stopped as the lights in his optics suddenly went off . Finally, his body fell back to the ground and his skin turned gray. The eeriest thing about it was that the leaking and twitching face had just spoken with the voice of a bot who had just realized that the femme in front of them wasn’t helping not to put him in his place, but because she genuinely wanted him to die. Blackarachnia, completely unfazed by what’s just transpired, finishes up her cube, and as if an insult, finishes the dead Predacon’s sentence by staring at his corpse and darkly utters the word “Death.”.
Audrey II didn’t seem to notice when Blackarachnia dragged the now dead Waspinator into the lab. It seemed to have been working intensely on something very important. It wasn't until the spiderbot brought the body over to the plant that it finally stopped what it was doing and turned to face her. It was at that point that Blackarachnia had noticed that the plant had been using her tools, resources and equipment both without her knowledge or consent. However, before she could get the chance to sic 'em, she stopped when she saw what it had been working on. For some reason, it looked remarkably similar. Upon closer inspection, she was able to identify the object in question. It was a Genetic Modifier (A creation she had sought after during her quest to purge herself of her organic form while on Earth). The fact that the plant was building something like this with just a couple of vines put the spiderbot in shock. After a few seconds, Blackarachnia snaps out of her daze, and asks the plant just how it was able to create something like this. Audrey II just says that he learned a thing or two during its time with “Mr. Black” to understand how to make “one of these babies” and that it had been working on it for a few days now. The plant then explains that the device has been coded with Cybertronian DNA (Which it got from one of Waspinator’s murdered victims), and that all she’d have to do is plug it into herself for her to turn back into her “pure and beautiful form”. Blackarachnia, while a little skeptical, is almost completely overjoyed by the events that have transpired. However, Audrey II reminds her of the deal they made the day before, and then asks to be fed, to which the spiderbot happily obliged by showing it the body of Waspinator. The plant just tilted its head towards the carcass with its lips forming into an unhappy expression (Much to Blackarachnia’s confusion). This confusion quickly turned to anger, believing that it was disgusted at the idea of eating a techno-organic. That was until the plant let out one of the most unexpected things she had ever heard in her entire life.
“Chop it up.”
She didn’t know what to say, let alone know what to do. She knew the body would be too big for it to fit in its mouth, but she never expected the plant to be straight forward. Suddenly, Blackarachnia was snapped out of her train of thought by Audrey II's demand of “FEED ME!”. And with no other options, was forced to do exactly what it wanted.
Taking the sharpest tools she could find, Blackarachnia traveled to empty upper levels of the facility (Dragging the dead Vespid along with her). By the time she got there, a thunderstorm had begun to brew. Upon readying the body for dismemberment, however, the spiderbot came across a problem. None of her tools or equipment were designed for removing limbs. Fortunately for her, the spiderbot thought of an idea of how to get the job done. In an instant, she transformed into her “Archa Seven Spider Mode” and began to tear into the body with vicious intensity. First the legs, then the arms, next the waist, then the abdomen, and finally the helm. As soon as she was done, Blackarachnia put the remains into a large trash bin and brought it back to the lab.
She dropped the bucket of body parts in front of Audrey II, saying that she did what she wanted and to give her the modifier now. And while the plant tried to explain to her that it isn’t quite finished yet, Blackarachnia just grabs the device from its vines and plugs it into her chest (But not before darkly saying “Oh and Twoey, if this doesn’t work, that’ll be the last meal you ever have.”) Suddenly, she began to feel strange, almost as if she was in a trance. Upon realizing something was wrong, Blackarachnia was furious, Believing that the plant had secretly drugged her. However, before she could even attack it, her helm went fuzzy as she forgot what she was about to do. The plant let out a cackle and said “Told you it wasn’t finished. Now don’t just stand there, FEED ME!”. Now almost completely open minded, Blackarachnia put her servos into the cylinder container and began to feed the plant.
The sounds of both metal and flesh ripping and tearing could be heard all throughout the lab as Audrey II wasted no time in chewing the severed right leg of Waspinator, loving the sweet taste of energon as it swallowed the piece of techno-organic flesh. Blackarachnia hissed in drowsy disgust as sluggishly she pulled an arm out of the bin and tossed it at the hungry plant. 4 chomps later, the servo finally slid down into its mouth. She wanted to stop then and there, but she just couldn’t. The plant’s feeding became more violent as it ate one of the wings while tearing it off the body. Eventually, Blackarachnia finally reached into the bin and pulled out Waspinator’s decapitated helm. Just then, the lab was illuminated by a blinding lightning flash, replacing the buzzbot’s helm with her own past Autobot self (Only this time with a cracked, gray face and dead, soulless optics). She dropped the severed helm in horror as she began to realize that the entire laboratory was flooding with water (It's at this point that hallucinations had begun to kick in). Turning up to face Audrey II, Blackarachnia was hit by a geyser of water coming from the plant (Which was now laughing maniacally). The spiderbot was sent flying backwards into the water behind her, only to find herself underwater with floor land on. And before she could even try to swim out of there, Blackarachnia was immediately caught and sucked into a whirlpool which led to the mouth of a giant Audrey II head, eating her alive.
The next thing Blackarachnia knew, she found herself waking up in a small, dark grayish green room with a minor headache. Upon further inspection, She notices that she’s in a berth, with her being hooked up to a vital monitor. Slowly the realization came to her, she was in the Cybertron Central Infirmary. The monitor next to her began to beep faster and faster as cold terror went through her veins. She knew exactly what this meant for her, and it was something she would not allow to happen. Without even trying, Blackarachnia jumped off the berth and onto the floor. A part of her was somewhat confused when she turned back and saw that there were no restraints attached to the berth, but none of that mattered to her. She ran to the door’s panel in an attempt to find a way to open it. However, while fiddling with the controls, she noticed that both her arms and servos looked different. Instead of having a sort of freshy texture, they had more of a metallic appearance. With this in mind, Blackarachnia began looking at herself from helm to foot. Her current body seemed to resemble more of her pure cybertronian body rather than her techno-organic one.. In addition, she realized that instead of having teal skin with yellow and black armor, her body was white, pink and rouge. However, the weirdest discovery she made was when she looked down her back and saw the one thing that remained from her techno-organic form; “her abdomen. With this revelation, a sense of dread went down her spine. If her abdomen still existed, what did that say about her face? Locating the most reflective material, Blackarachnia grabbed it and stared into it. What she saw left her stunned.
What she saw… was a familiar looking femme staring right back at her. She looked identical to her in terms of appearance. However, what caught her eye the most was the face. It was… beautiful, possibly more beautiful than she was in her prime. The face had white skin, two bright blue eyes and white, fangless teeth. In addition, the femme’s helmet was a bright pink with a short ponytail attached to the back of it. It took her a moment to realize that the femme she was looking at… was her. She put a servo on her face as for once in her life, she was speechless. The plant had actually done it, it had (Somewhat) cured her.
Suddenly, the room’s door slid open as someone walked in. Blackarachnia turned around and was met with the sight of a white, red and orange femme standing at the entrance with a data pad in one hand and an access card in another. The former techno-organic was able to recognize the bot as “Minerva”, a veteran of the Great War. The medic then asks her if she’s alright, to which Blackarachnia tells her that she is, and asks her how she got there. Minerva explains that she was brought in after being found unconscious in a popular area in Iacon almost 2 Megacycles ago. She then asked her what her name was. Blackarachnia just stood there and thought about it. Should she tell her her name? Should she make up one? On the one hand, it was possible that Optimus and Sentinel reported about her mutation and recruitment into the Decepticon ranks. But on the other hand, it’s possible that no one would believe either of them. Optimus had been permanently disgraced after the incident on Archa Seven for all she knew, and Sentinel was… well Sentinel. No sane bot would ever believe someone like him, even if they were “organaphobic”. Besides, she could probably make up a plausible story to get herself out of the situation. With a decision finally made up, she decided to answer the medic’s question.
“Elita One…, my name is Elita One.”
Minerva didn’t seem to flinch upon getting her name. She must have not known of her existence. She just put it on the data pad and left the room as Blackarach- no, Elita laid herself back onto the berth. She had done it. She had gotten the thing she’s wanted for over 1050 stellar cycles. But the question remained.
“Now what?”
To Be Continued…
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solohux · 5 years
Do you have a list of famous/must read fic, since I'm knew to the Fandom I'm just overwhelmed buy the amount of fics lmao. (I've already read Honeycomb, loved it)
Ahhwelcome to the fandom! Gladly! I’ll just clarify my list first, though. If youwant famous, then I suggest just starting at the top of the Most Hits filter of theAO3 tag.
Personally, what I consider famous and what Iconsider a must read are different so I hope that’s okay! This will be alist of my favourite must read fics though it’s by no means exclusiveand it’s just my own personal opinion. Enjoy! (•⊙ω⊙•)
(and apologies to mobile users! I know the Read More function doesn’t always work on mobile and this is a long post!!)
- allthat you love will be carried away by @ceruleancynicHux, sent to retrieve Kylo Ren from the dying Starkiller Base,has lost almost everything, and has little patience or tolerance left foranyone or anything–particularly not Snoke’s pet pseudo-Sith and his amateurtheatrics. But you do the job that is in front of you, to the best of yourability, and you hold on as long as you can.
- WakeUp, Sleeper by @penpenhoorayIt would seem odd that the Resistance should always seem to get theirinformation just a bit faster than the First Order. Of course, General LeiaOrgana knows the risks her mole is taking by sending her life savinginformation. Luke was confident in his padawan’s ability to infiltrate theFirst Order to destroy it from the inside, and he trusted his pupil’sinstincts. And Hux? Well, he’s spent over a decade as a sleeper agent withinthe bowels of the First Order when he feels an awakening in the Force, and he’sdecided it’s time to begin the destruction of the First Order. And he’s goingto bring Ben back to the Light if it’s the last thing he does.
- Reconditioningby @jinxedambitionsBen Solois one of the FBI’s most promising young agents. While he’s had a fewdisciplinary hiccups, he’s intelligent and not afraid to do what needs to bedone. His personal life is a mess, and he may not look like your typicalfederal agent, but he might be the only man for this job. Ben’s looking for apromotion and something like the glory his parents always talked about beforehe was born. The FBI is looking to take down one of the country’s most elusiveprostitution rings, specializing in the types of sex that Ben’s boss has onlyread about in the novel his wife hides under the bed. Ben is going undercoveras a “slave” in order to gather information on the ring’s leaders,purchasing a premium package from the agency. 30 days as a slave to aprofessional Master, and a guaranteed sexual experience of a lifetime.  Hegets chosen by Hux, or the General as he insists Ben call him, and he quickly realizesthat no training could have prepared him for this experience. Every day, Ben,or Kylo as he is known at the club, finds out more and more about theorganization, but the more he learns the less he wants to destroy them.
- Tothe Pure by @kdazraelDear siror madam, I am General Hux of the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Finalizer. Iwas recently strong-armed by a colleague into joining an order of mysticknight-warriors and now they want me take part in their team-building orgies.Please advise.
- Bodies,Can’t You See? by sual When Hux sees the positive result on the pregnancy test scanner, he comes toseveral alarming realizations all at once. One: that his birth control has beentampered with. Two: that the baby is Kylo’s. Three: that this is his truepunishment for Starkiller’s failure. And quietly, in a weak, tiny voice in theback of his mind, the unsettling conclusion that he wants to keep it. He’ll diebefore he lets anyone near his child. He’ll tear apart anyone that tries to getin his way. Even Kylo.             
- FollowingOrders by @redcoleSnoke decides that Kylo needs to produce an heir so they can continue hisline and Hux finds himself lined up as the other father.  
- Sevento One by @anorlostHux is trying to keep everything under control as he suddenly has seven Rens tocontend with.  As he tries to keep them from destroying his ship, he failsto notice that the Knights of Ren have other plans.  Plans thatinvolve…cuddling.
- Flickerin the Void by @mothdustmouthHux watched in silence as the light swept over his body. The power stunned him,as did the bright jet of flame as it licked its color into his eyes. This wasnot the calm brightness of last night in the presence of Kylo Ren. This was adifferent sort of light altogether, massive and deadly. It overwhelmed him. Fora moment Hux felt an aching regret deep within himself, the sob of someone heused to be, bubbling up from the cold.          
- Progenyby @geishacombGeneralHux has not allowed the Supreme Leader back into his bed since the events ofTLJ. But when he does, the consequences are far graver than either he or Rencould have ever imagined.
-  ASong of Crows by Ficlet-Machine (Wordsmith) (WIP)WarchiefHux has just buried his trusted Crow, and, if the Gods still favour him, a newone will find their way to his lands. Hux may be young, but he is a good leaderfor his people. He is ready for the commitment, the responsibility, the changesthat come with a new child of the Gods at his command. The clan needs it, needsit spiritual leader if they are ever to claim ownership of all the lands fromhere to the Core Kingdoms. Raised a warrior, he is more than ready to paint theworld red in honor of his gods. He may, however, not be entirely ready for whathe will feel the first time he meets the haunted and tormented eyes of theyoung Crow called Kylo Ren.
- TheEmperor’s New Consort by @redcoleThe First Order is in control of the Galaxy, in a last ditch effort to savethose who are left, they request negotiations. Only to find that for theResistance to survive they only need to give up one thing small thing - the angry Senator Ben Organa.
- herecomes the first day by @inguThe moment Hux threw himself in front of the blaster shot meant for Kylo Renwas the moment he realised that he had well and truly gone out of his mind.(Or, the one where Hux tries to save the life of Kylo Ren and accidentally saveshimself in the process.)
- volitionby @bygoneboy“Kylo Ren,” Hux says, feeling humiliated as the words leave his mouth, “is notinfatuated with me—”  “My apprentice is easily led,” Snoke continues, as if Hux hasn’t spoken. “He isdriven by impulse, emotion. These fixations are distractions to his true path,and they are things I will break in him, when he is ready. In the meantime…” Hewaves a knotted, spider-veined hand toward Hux, as if in dismissal. “You willassist me, in sating his desires.”pre-tfa. hux is issued orders to seduce kylo ren. chaos ensues.  
- WeHang Side By Side by @reserveBefore Kylo Ren can complete his training, he must retrieve a Sith artifactfrom the Bothan System. Hux goes along with.
- ExMachina by sualAn AUinspired by Ex Machina where Ben Solo never became Kylo Ren, General Hux is adroid that used to be human, and they might just be what the other needs.Warning for a whole lot of robophilia and cruel and unusual uses for droids.
- FriendsWith Renefits by @moonwalkingcrabThe Rules:1. Just sex, no feelings2. The arrangement lasts as long as is beneficial3. Either party can choose to end the arrangement, no questions asked4. No kissing
- Starfuckerby @agent-nemesisKylo Renfollows a suspicious noise and finds a secret room. When he makes it inside, hecan’t quite believe his eyes.
- AnAlpha’s Pride by @sinceyouaskedmeforataleofHux hasgotten Kylo pregnant, and is infatuated with his changing body. He is sodistracted by the way Kylo’s belly is rounding out beneath his robes and hispectorals are swelling in anticipation of nursing that it takes everything inhim to keep from fucking him right on the bridge.
- Babe,I’m Here Again by @sinceyouaskedmeforataleof (WIP)It’s 2008 and graduate student Armitage Hux has no idea why hes still hangingout with that nerd of a second year Ben Solo. Surely he had better things to dothat sit around planning Dungeons & Dragons adventures with this not-at-all-attractiveAlpha who he definitely doesn’t think about constantly. A tale of illness,heartbreak, unexpected gifts, new beginnings, and rediscovery. Featuring twoidiots who don’t realise how much they love each other until its almost toolate.
- Bittersweetand Strange by @obsessions-and-dreamsIn a castle surrounded by a forest, lived a prince who became a monster.In aquiet village on the other side of the woods lived an unhappy young man withbig dreams.A Kylux Beauty and the Beast AU.
- Sunstrokeby @ballvvasherSupreme Leader Snoke gives Kylo Ren a mission to strengthen the Knights’ of Renhold on the First Order. Set several years before the events of Episode VII.Story contains mpreg, medical torture, and sexual assault.
- TheGuilty Bystander by @cthene  “You like this story, don’t you Ren? It’s awfully romantic. Let’s pretend it’strue. Let’s pretend we conspired together to overthrow him.”  Hux gets inover his head.
- Psychomachiaby @longstoryshortikilledhimBy thetime the events of SW:TFA unfold, Armitage Hux and Kylo Ren are bitter exes.This is what happened before.
- TheFall by @rosensilenceWhen Resistance smuggler Kylo Ren is captured and brought aboard the Finalizer,General Hux gets more than he was expecting.  It isn’t long before thingsare spiraling out of Hux’s usually tight control.     
- Unexpectedby @gonna-pop (WIP)After twenty years together, Ben and Armitage have gotten comfortable. Thereare no surprises left in their marriage, and nothing new to learn about eachother. That is, until Armitage unexpectedly goes into heat while they’revacationing on a resort world — and a few days of renewed passion changes thecourse of their lives.
- Convivial Society by @vadiannaLeia doesn’t know what to think when she sees the report about two First Order prisoners taken by surprise. They are suspected First Order officers, but the field can’t verify this.She understands better when General Hux is brought before her, obviously caught in the middle of some rather intense sexual intercourse. She has to ask.
- KnockedUp by @agent-nemesis“Areyou ready?” Kylo asks Hux stupidly, realising the question is moredirected at himself.Hux answers with a cry, and then his panic rises again.Kylo hunches over him, cocooning him protectively. “You can do this,” he whispers. “I know you can do this.”“I can’t,” Hux whimpers, shaking his head. “They’re too big. Ican’t.”“You’re a general of the First Order,” Kylo says softly in his ear. “TheGeneral. The strongest man I know. You can do this.”
- GameOver by limit_breakerLate one night in the officer’s lounge, Kylo Ren challenges General Hux to agame of billiards. That might have been a mistake.
- Pillarsof Salt by @francisthegreatIn whicha young priest learns the meaning of temptation.
- AcademyStyle by @eralkfang“It’s nota question of desire, it’s a question of logistics.”
- SoSoft (And So Terrible) by @theearlgreyalphaGeneral Hux realizes that maybe he’s capable of being a little compassionateafter all, when Kylo Ren winds up in his doorway in the middle of the night.
- Don’tBe Shy (You’ve Been Here Before) by @cut-off-the-grainThe call of the Light, the call of the Dark, have never been so tempting asHux’s hands in his hair as Hux wrangles him this way and that with only thegentlest of touches against his scalp. Hux moves him, moulds him, guides him,in the same exacting manner he does battle plans and blueprints, but with alanguidness which has no place in warfare. Instead of harsh words and reprimandsfor failure there is only Hux whispering “shh, darling, calm down, norush" until Ren is trembling and desperate, his hands and his mind full ofHux, Hux, Hux.
- bodiesagainst by @brawliteGeneral Hux buys himself a present. He ends up sharing said present with theKnights of Ren, who shamelessly barge in on his personal leave time.
- Pasiphaeby @vadiannaWhile depressed one night, Kylo Ren decides to jerk out his sorrows to hisfavorite holoporn vids, starring Major Fuxx and his parade of alien partners. Major Fuxx bears a striking resemblance to General Hux, which is part ofthe appeal, but he suddenly realizes that they may have more in common thantheir looks…
- ForgetHow to Feel by @onewhositswiththeturtlesHux grewup being told that feeling emotions was weak and shameful. If he ever wanted tobe successful he would need to dispel them or use Sinaffec, a drug that mutesemotions. Now Hux has been appointed General of the First Order and relocatedto Starkiller Base. It has been years since he needed Sinaffec to control hisemotions but that changes when Snoke’s apprentice, Kylo Ren, arrives.Ren seemscapable of invoking every emotion in Hux - first irritation but then other,deeper emotions Hux refuses to acknowledge. But when Ren starts talking aboutsoul mates and force bonds, Hux can only deny his feelings for so long untilhis must make a choice: take Sinaffec indefinitely or surrender to his emotionsand see where they lead him.
- MeetMe Halfway by @callmelyss“I don’tdo that,” Hux responds in an undertone before he realizes. He flushes—hard—andscowls. “If that will be all, Supreme Leader…” He turns on his heel withoutwaiting to be dismissed and starts to stalk back the way he came, grateful, asever, for the wide sweep of his greatcoat, the padded shoulders making him feelless—small.He’s halfway out of the room (and what a waste of space) when what he said mustcatch up with Ren: “You mean you…never?”He freezes, every muscle in his body tensing. Won’t say it out loud. No, heemphasizes, clear as he can. Knowing Ren will hear, knowing he will see itregardless, terrible nosy busybody that he is. I haven’t.
- Bombshellby @cosleia        Departmentstore employee Ben Organa learns something new about the gorgeous redhead whoalways requests his help selecting lingerie.
- Touchby @kyluxtrashpit         When Huxfinds himself falling into bed with Kylo Ren, he wants nothing more than tocompletely take Ren apart. He finds a way to do just that.
- Carpetburns by @ellstra   Hux’sfascination with Imperial officers is not only professional. Kylo decides Huxdeserves to relieve the pressure of command for once, and buys an Imperialuniform from Space ebay™.
- In myveins by @ellstra           Hux hadbeen hiding his Force-sensitivity for years, using it sparsely and with greatcaution, but it only takes one mission gone wrong and all his carefully builtdefences shatter to protect Kylo. Snoke is always eager to use up all power hecan get.
- Understandingby @onewhositswiththeturtles       Throughthe Force Rey accidentally witnesses an intimate moment between her twogreatest enemies, Kylo Ren and General Hux. Despite her hatred towards the twomen for what they’ve done to the Resistance, Rey is forced to learn andunderstand that everyone is fighting for something.
- LifeThrough Glass by @moonwalkingcrab     Hux’s life is fairly simple, he has his work, he has his cat, and he has hisflat. Now it seems he has a new neighbour. With windows so close together it’seasy to fall into the world of Kylo Ren.      
-and lead us not into temptation by @liesmythHux looks him up and down, this Resistance golden boy, gangly and ungraceful and so appallingly soft. Takes a drag of his cigarette. “You’re weak,” he says.Solo looks up at him. “Please.” He draws in a long, broken breath. “Please.” Or: General Hux thinks about Ben Solo a lot more than he probably should.
- The Interrogation Game by @jinxedambitions    Kylo Ren finds himself strapped to his own interrogation table, getting a lesson from General Hux.  Pain isn’t the only interrogation technique, perhaps not even the most effective.  Strapped down with nowhere to go, Kylo is at Hux’s mercy.  If he just tells Hux what he wants to hear, he might find relief from this overwhelming pleasure…but it isn’t that simple.
- Forceless by @sinningsquire  Ren has lost the one thing that defined him from before he was even born. Somehow this results in a mad dash through the Galaxy, with more bloodshed that two men should be able to bring on, and with one happy ending under a starry canopy of a summer night.     
- Like a Vicious Dove by @thevulcanpresidentIt has been a year since Hux destroyed Snoke and took the galaxy for his own, a year since Kylo Ren pledged his service to the new emperor. When Hux gets kidnapped, he trusts his knight to rescue him. 
- Rule by @thez1337After the events on the rebel base, and the escape of some of the highest commanding rebel leaders, Kylo Ren takes Snokes place as head of the First Order. General Hux seeths, and his own secret ambition at ruling the Galaxy isn’t quite so secret.      
- All’s Fair… by @nonsensicalsoliloquy    "You missed me.“  Hux frowned, “I did not miss you, Ren. I didn’t miss your arrogance, petulance, or destruction of my ship anymore than you missed me and my refusal to cow to your whims.“  Ren only leaned in closer, his frustratingly large body nearly flush with Hux’s slender one. "What makes you think I didn’t miss you?”OR: The tension’s been building and building seemingly every day since the moment they met, and it appeared as if Ren had decided it was time it ended.  
- Take Me or Leave Me by kyluxicle (LadyCamillus), oorsprong    When Kylo Ren returns from training with Leader Snoke, he comes back more collected and focused. While Hux appreciates this newfound control, he misses the passion that Ren used to have—especially towards him. In attempt to get Ren back into his bed, Hux sets his sights on a lesser officer in order to bring out Ren’s jealousy. Either Ren will snap out of this cold persona and take him back, or Hux will have to settle for less.  
- Politics by @sithofrenHux has an unusual request for his birthday. He wants to ‘capture’ Senator Organa-Solo. Kylo Ren agrees.
- Game Over by @onewhositswiththeturtlesHux has a combat simulation program developed for all First Order personnel and has a sim of himself as the final boss. He congratulates himself when the program becomes a massive success, unaware of the fact that hackers have changed the coding to dress his sim in increasingly scandalous outfits. When Hux finds out that Ren is spending a large amount of time in the sim he gets suspicious and pulls up the video logs of Ren’s sessions, only to realize that Ren is seeking much more than combat training from Hux’s sim. After some thought and planning, Hux decides to give Ren the real thing.
- The Lingerie Incident by @thesunandoceanblue  Hux doesn’t want to be thinking of Leia while he’s tugging down his pants. Instead he thinks of Kylo, and how he’d react to this. He’d be terribly jealous. His secret revealed. To his mother of all people. Hux grimaces in amusement as he shimmies his pants down with one hand, the other holding his coat.    
- Fractured by @kyluxtrashpitWhen Kylo returns from a meeting with his master broken and wrong, it becomes clear that Snoke has gone too far. Hux is left to not only pick up the pieces, but to put them back together again while considering the past and the future.
- Generosity by  orphan_account                Dressed down to his undershirt – which had become far too crinkled for his taste – Hux sported his uniform pants, minus the boots, however, left in his warm, black bed socks (He doesn’t like cold, okay?). And he also had his tongue buried in Kylo Ren’s ass.
- Sweet Redolence by @jakathineWhat happens when the desire to best your opponent turns into a desire to bed them instead…and then fate pushes you together rather Forcefully.
- A Vulpine by any other Name by levitheking & @omega-hux   Hux wasn’t fully Human, his Vulpine Heritage plain as day with his ears and tail. His new co-commander turns out to be a Vulpine as well. Tensions are high and compromises must be made. Until Hux comes up with his most devious plan yet.
- My Own Breath by @saltandlimesHux has only ever caught glimpses of Kylo Ren’s face, short moments when the knight’s helmet is off. After an incident in the hangar, he realizes he needs to see more.
- Matches to Paper Dolls  by @ctheneOn a mission from Supreme Leader Snoke to recover a lost Jedi artifact from the Smuggler’s Moon of Nar Shaddaa, Kylo Ren and General Hux are accidentally drugged.  In addition to spice, it seems, the Hutt crime lord Grakkus was also a purveyor of powerful black market aphrodisiacs. With no choice but to copulate immediately, Hux must talk a terrified virgin Ren through the whole unpleasant, humiliating process.  Upon returning to the Finalizer, Hux is ready to pretend nothing happened.  Ren, however, deeply affected by Hux’s kindness to him throughout the ordeal, can’t put the experience behind him so easily.
- Who’s Your Master? by @groffictionHux murmured softly, “You don’t need punishment tonight, Ren. You need rest.”“But, I want… I want this… need this,” Kylo protested weakly, reaching around to nuzzle at Hux’s boots.
- tender is the night lying by your side by @thethespacecoyote    Emperor Hux misses his mate dearly, even when he’s away clinching their reign. Thankfully, an alpha as powerful as Kylo Ren can overcome even the furthest reaches of the galaxy to tend to his omega’s desires.      
- Forced Perspective by @gamebird   Kylo Ren and Hux are stranded on a jungle world after negotiations go bad. Kylo is badly wounded, his life resting in Hux’s treacherous hands. His take on the reasons for his survival are very different from Hux’s. 
- Chosen Ones by @babbushkaIn the middle of the night memories come rushing back, thankfully Hux and Kylo have each other to hold when they do.  
- Zip it by @centurytwitch   Hux feels that his contributions to the First Order are worthy of an award. He’s not expecting a new rank, though that would be nice. What he really wants is a new uniform to acknowledge the mental wear and tear he endures, the duty he fulfills every cycle.Kylo thinks otherwise.    
- Putting you Back Together but Betterby @techiehuxThere is value to Hux yet, besides being a minor nuisance and occasional source of entertainment. With a few… improvements, he could be ferocious on the battlefield, commanding respect and demanding it in turn.
- No Rest for the Wicked by @embershx​Kylo sees Hux sleeping in their bed and can’t help himself.
- The Escape of the Fox by @theweddingofthefoxes       After the First Order is defeated and Rey becomes Leia’s heir, Kylo Ren and General Hux are both fugitives, and they haven’t seen one another in years. Ren settles into a hermetic existence selling kyber, but when he learns Hux is still alive, he goes to find him under the pretense of staging a coup. But there’s another reason he wants to see Hux again….
I’m going to leave it there! I’ve been at this list on-and-off for about 2 hours, looking through my bookmarks and favourites, and there are still a tonne more but this felt enough to satiate you, anon! Remember, this list is just my personal recommendation of what I believe are must-read fics for a newcomer! They’re fun, they’re all written brilliantly and all amazingly represent the two space nerds that we love!
I’ll make a part 2 if anyone is interested but for now, happy reading!!! ❤️
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ganymedesclock · 6 years
ALL RIGHTY, onto them TFA people. since these take a lot more out of me than I was expecting, I’m gonna close this particular meme for now and not take any more asks.
Bear in mind these reads are only as far as SUV: Society of Ultimate Villainy and I would really prefer to avoid any spoilers! I’ve already seen some and it’s not fun. And yes, I do read the tags/replies on this post so watch y’alls spoilery mouths, people.
@numinousbones said:prowl and shiro for the ask meme!
Shiro was last masterpost, so, Prowl!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
Prowl is my absolute favorite out of the main crew so far and that’s pretty darn hot competition since most of the TFA main cast won me over fast and hard. I mostly love how deeply expressive he is with his noticeably flat affect and how this isn’t met with a “ha ha but what is Prowl feeling or thinking??? he’s such an impossibly unreadable enigma.” Prowl does have his enigmatic qualities but they are not tied to his autistic traits.
Also when he grinned really big in Megatron Rising Part 2 that absolutely melted my heart. Prowl, you are like almost definitely a child soldier career assassin with deep personal issues where do you get off being that cute.
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Evaluating the attractiveness of robots is. weird. I like Prowl’s color scheme and also him being a delicate-built lanky motorcycle man.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
This was a tough one. I almost went with Ravenclaw or Slytherin, and excluded the former because while Prowl is smart and observant, he doesn’t particularly value knowledge for its own sake- his curiosity and fascination is saved for specific things that capture his interest. 
And Slytherin is right out- Prowl might be ambitious, but the other side of Slytherin is interpersonal loyalty, maintenance of a trusted circle, and while Prowl heavily benefits from that, he relies on others to build it for him, and often doesn’t really think to reach out to it.
Thus, Gryffindor remains- because if there’s one thing to be said about Prowl, he’s very headstrong- about what he believes in, about what he thinks needs to be done. He pushes tenacity further and further to the point that in Fistful of Energon in particular, “whatever it takes” is practically his mantra.
best quality:
His empathetic side is pretty prominent, especially when that’s the thing that reigns him in during Fistful of Energon. Where his mind can justify almost anything with the urgent, hand-to-mouth way he seems used to operating, he sets his compass to his heart to figure out if he’s going too far. Also, he loves cats, and that’s adorable.
worst quality:
Prowl. Prowl for the love of fuck I don’t know what your backstory is yet but these implications are incredibly viciously unhappy please just. pursue journaling. Get a cat. Talking to your teammates might be too uncomfortable and you’re afraid of the only friends you’ve had in a while judging you and that’s understandable but please talk to someone, and, of course, you won’t, not until this becomes an informative but upsetting episode plot. :/
ship them with:
I have no Prowl ships at present. Mostly I’m trying to figure out what exactly his approximate age ‘in human years’ is. 
brotp them with:
Honestly Ratchet loaning him the EMP generator in Fistful of Energon was a pretty deep statement of trust, which makes me really want to see the two of them interacting more in positive situations. As far as relationships we’ve actually seen, I really like his interactions with Bulkhead and Optimus.
needs to stay away from:
I Still Don’t Know Prowl’s Backstory disclaimer but nobody gets like that without someone else setting things up and I have three guesses who and all of them start with “fucking” and end with “Megatron.”
misc. thoughts:
I have a Prowl backstory theory and it’s one part the entire way he relates to Grimlock and one part “so anybody, at any point, gonna call Prowl on his ability to fly and noticeably dark, murky color scheme compared to literally every other autobot we have clapped eyeballs on”
@theicombaticon​ said:  Hi! Since you're doing the character asks and I haven't seen you say as much about her.....what are your thoughts on Sari?
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
So Sari is one of the few details I knew about Transformers Animated before watching it (specifically her having some sort of relationship with Cybertron/ not being all human) but I didn’t have that many assumptions about her character, but whoa nelly does she deliver.
I would seriously point to Sari as a case study in how to attach a Kid Sidekick to any kind of long-running franchise. Because she’s narratively, perfect- has a well-defined niche, conflicts and problems, unique and reasonable relationships with multiple characters, she’s cute, endearing, has character flaws and conflicts, has nicely diversified interests and is proactive in a way that’s both realistic and effective. 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
She Is An Eight Year Old.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
In like... the third damn episode Sari basically told the gods to fuck off and brought Optimus back from the dead because what’s the point of gaming the system if you can’t punch the world hard enough to make it cough your friend back up and that is like the most Slytherin possible exercise in heroism I have ever seen, ever.
best quality:
Honestly I love this scheming eight-year-old. I love her heroics and equally obvious inclination to break the rules because. what are you gonna do??? stop her?
worst quality: 
I mean she has character flaws but a lot of them are related to her debilitating loneliness and the growing horrified realization that a lot of her life was living in a kind of narrow protected bubble that her father made for her because the possibility for magic destiny aside, the Allspark itself pretty clearly implied that her story isn’t one that she particularly is gonna enjoy hearing.
And that just feels... mean to criticize. She’s eight. She’s doing the best she can. That’s only so much. 
ship them with: 
This Is An Entire Child.
brotp them with: 
Her sibling relationship with Bee and Bulkhead is adorable, and I would LOVE to see more out of her interactions with Ratchet but this is because I want to see Ratchet interact more with everyone because I love Ambulance Dad from the bottom of my heart.
But y’know what I really, really want? I honestly want Arachnia and Sari to take their grudging mutual same-hat to the next level. I want Arachnia to become Sari’s terrible decisions big sister. By their powers combined they would be literally unstoppable. Optimus gets to find out second hand what sort of shit his sorta surrogate niece and his Significant It’s Complicated have been up to when Arachnia rolls up an hour past midnight like “guess who’s officially a wanted criminal in Botswana?” 
There is at least one (1) heist in which Arachnia gets Sari to climb in the vents to infiltrate a place, which she complains about the entire time but is mollified when someone corners her and tauntingly asks what a Little Girl can possibly threaten him with and then Sari’s just like “oh, y’know” and a giant spider crashes through the wall.
needs to stay away from:
Fuck you, Powell.
misc. thoughts:
Literally my only qualm with Sari is why the hell doesn’t she take her pigtails and hairclips off to sleep. What’s up with that Sari. I know you’re some manner of bizarre cyborg child but what.
Anonymous said: TFA Optimus Prime
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
So I’ve been very aware of Transformers for a long time because it’s pretty impossible not to be, but I’ve also been obstinately indifferent to it for a long time. Watched the first episode of Prime ages ago, really didn’t get into it, haven’t really felt compelled to look further until friends of mine whose cartoon tastes I trust talked me into TFA.
Optimus... won me over a lot. It’s really nice to see energy and color breathed into a character who’s such an archetypal cornerstone hero- he feels fleshed out and this allows me to actually connect with him as a character.
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
I know all the autobots have pretty baby blues but like... Optimus in particular. They are nice. I also like the curvature of his mouth because especially in his more snide expressions (e.g. The Headmaster Returns) it means that Optimus Prime, Headliner Hero of the Transformers Franchise, goes >:3 sometimes. Also when he’s sorta miffed about something, it makes him look like he’s pouting.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
See the interesting thing here is Optimus is exactly the kind of person who’d get incredibly snippy at the Hufflepuff House reputation, but, what mostly sticks with me is that fitting with his fireman’s motif, Optimus’s primary weapon in this setting is a fire axe- which is not a weapon meant for fighting. It’s a tool- meant for clearing obstructions in the way of rescuing people. 
This is both a rather powerful statement of confidence- it implies that the enemies he faces down are obstacles, rather than rivals, reflecting both his formidable skill as a combatant and the certain degree of unforgiving pressure he brings to bear on people he sees as obstructing what needs to be done- and it heavily suggests that to Optimus, combat is a labor of necessity, not something particularly glorious or to be reveled in.
Optimus is a hard worker. His morals are stated repeatedly in someone willing to put his nose to the grind and who would rather be doing meaningful work with people he finds honorable than reveling in glory. In a meta sense in Garbage In, Garbage Out, an episode partially about being a hero and what that makes, the first thing we see Optimus doing is personally hauling waste because it’s a job that needs to be done- and it’s Prowl that comments on the indignity of it all, not Optimus who was actively covered in other people’s trash.
best quality:
Optimus has an impressive tenacity of personal character. He’s, I think, one of the big archetypal Lawful Good characters out there, and his willingness to do things like take Sentinel out in Mission Accomplished is contrasted by his willingness to calmly walk right up to Ultra Magnus and state that he accomplished his objective- if Optimus appears to rebel from the system, it’s because, in his eyes, he’s not the one turning away from the ideal of what should be- it’s Sentinel, it’s Magnus, it’s Cybertron that turns away and leaves him to chase what he’s sure is the right course of action, and, as a Lawful Good, he is also willing to quietly turn himself in and face the consequences of his actions as long as he feels his point has been made.
worst quality: 
He feels pretty overly responsible for other people. This can lead him to sink deep into personal grief (see Along Came A Spider and the way he parsed Elita’s fate before reuniting with Arachnia), it can make him a little pushy and intrusive (see the way he needles Ratchet about opening up to him about his history in Transform And Roll Out part 1 and again in Thrill Of The Hunt, the latter only acknowledging there’s a reason Ratchet might not want to discuss it after something similar happened to him) and, at his absolute worst, it can make him incredibly snappy and controlling when he feels like every minor thing counts (several occasions, but Megatron Rising part 1 is the cleanest example)
ship them with: 
Arachnia. It’s pretty clear they both miss each other terribly, though, they’ve still got a lot of work to do.
brotp them with: 
BRIDGE CREW! BRIDGE CREW! I particularly like his interactions with Ratchet (surprise there, huh) and Prowl.
I’d like to invite Sentinel to this party but Sentinel has a lot of emotional shit he needs to sort out first, because, while Sentinel is clearly at least awkwardly trying to patch their friendship, he’s still not... listening to Optimus about what’s important to him.
needs to stay away from:
Nobody in particular that’s not a general hazard to all autobots.
misc. thoughts:
For the longest time I thought Optimus was the equivalent of a twentysomething but now I am genuinely wondering if he’s actually like. basically eighteen. The bridge crew is just Ratchet shepherding a bunch of teenagers around.
@sepublic asked: General opinion on Lugnut?
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
Lugnut’s honestly got me really intrigued. From his appearance to the sheer raw firepower he’s capable of to the way he is absolutely, to the bottom of his soul terrified of Megatron and at the same time snarls at the idea of anyone so much as suggesting Megatron is less than a grand and benevolent god resplendent on the planet raises some deeply upsetting questions. There’s clearly something to him we haven’t heard, yet.
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Not necessarily in the conventional sense but he’s got a really appealing monsterish design that makes him stand out a lot visually.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Fervent, unyielding loyalty, personal ferocity in the face of battle. Lugnut never abdicates unless it’s in the face of Megatron- if anything, we’ve never seen him afraid of anything except his beloved lord.
best quality:
Loyalty and tenacity, definitely. 
worst quality: 
Like Sari, it feels a little mean to criticize Lugnut because I think it’s pretty obvious a lot of his flaws aren’t really of his own crafting outside of stubbornness. He’s pretty obviously profoundly indoctrinated, and the purr to Megatron’s voice in Lost And Found when he calls Lugnut “truly loyal” is deeply disquieting when we know thanks to Soundwave and Grimlock both that Megatron is quite fond of child soldiers... and Lugnut looks almost nothing like a conventional cybertronian.
ship them with: 
I’m not convinced he’s not a child given cybertronians basically pupate directly to their adult size and then stay there so I consider him off the shipping table.’
brotp them with: 
None of his current canon connections seem super appealing to me. I mean, in an AUish sense I really like the idea of after Megatron’s defeated or driven off Earth, Isaac Sumdac taking in Lugnut and helping rehabilitate him. The guy just... really deserves better than to fling himself reverently at the feet of an abusive person who actively finds his worship either obligatory or annoying.
needs to stay away from:
Megatron, child protection services has a sniper on the roof.
misc. thoughts:
Lugnut’s really not a guy I expected to care about this much, which is kinda the story of TFA. If I didn’t go in expecting to love the character, I was proven wrong.
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shapeshiftingcloud · 1 month
Spidersona Drawings
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