#that’s $170 I won’t have 😭
victory-cookies · 7 months
damn it
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wolveria · 1 month
Ok I’m starting to panic about the show being over 😭
Crosshunt is a smallish ship (thanks to the haters scaring off so many people) and I’m so scared there won’t be much more fanfic for them in the future 💔💔💔
In my experience, a lot of the good fan creation happens after canon is over (and we don't know if we'll never see them again, Star Wars loves to reuse their characters in other shows).
So I think Crosshunt will flourish! Just look at the fic numbers. Post-season 1, there were about 30 Crosshunt fics on AO3. Now there's over 170.
Cloneshippers especially will stay and make clone art/fic/meta long after other fans have left, especially the antis. Hatred doesn't having staying power. Love does.
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neixins · 2 months
yona of the dawn ofc :3
help i typed up whole paragraphs and then my browser crashed and none of it got saved 😭 i won’t be stopped though!
My rating (1-10): if it ends the way i think (hope) it will 10/10 no notes perfect historical fantasy shoujo series <3 if it doesn’t i hope we all explode
My favourite character: predictable answer but yona really is THEE protagonist of all time. she’s such a vibrant character even before she begins her journey and seeing her grow throughout the series is just so !!!! she cares so much and is ready to do anything to protect everyone and she’s clever and kind of insane but also silly and i love her so much!! also honorable mention to my special little guy gija <3 i adore his relentless optimism and how No Rational Thoughts Only Emotions And Actions he is 99% of the time. also he’s just so relatable To Me when he’s in poor little guy mode. i adore the entire hhb though, and so so so many of the side characters. they’re all just so well-written, it’s impossible not to love them
My least favourite character: probably chagol, mostly bc i keep seeing theories about how he’s not really dead and blah blah blah (in the famous words of kesha) and i’m sick of it. he’s a good villain and while i believe kusanagi could pull off his resurrection well if she so chose, as a meinyan fan, i LIKE that her abuser died so unceremoniously. let him rot, i say! even if he does get resurrected he’ll always be Just Some Gross Loser Guy to me
The character I think I'd be friends with: gija :) we’d get along so well on account of The Neuroses and The Only Child-isms
The character I think I won't hit off with: keishuk doesn’t seem like someone who’d appreciate my whimsy tbh
My favourite episode/scene: (don’t say gijaeha love potion shenanigans don’t say gijaeha love potion shenanigans) trying to pick One Scene in a 40+ volume series pains me so i’m gonna cheat and pick five (in no particular order) :3 (1) this scene from ch 163. all the hakyona scenes are so fucking good but this one’s just so so so sweet and i think about it all the time + it encapsulates so many elements of their relationship that i love, mainly how deeply they care about each other and help each other grow (where’s the post about austenian romance as a mechanism for self-actualization…), but also how goofy hak acts when he wants to cheer yona up
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(2) yona getting the south kai envoys to admit to the shit they’ve been doing in kohka and then going “okie dokie now let’s get this meeting started shall we :)” she’s an icon and a legend <3 (3) gija in ch 252. absolutely devastating chapter and i need my guys back posthaste but OHHHH!!!!!!! i have so many thoughts about gija and monstrousness but i’m just gonna link to this post lest i go on too many tangents again…. (4) the hot springs chapter of course OF COURSE what kind of gijaeha enthusiast would i be if i didn’t bring that chapter up. it’s one of the most crucial chapters for the development of their relationship and it so perfectly captures how different yet similar they are + getting to see so much of jaeha’s thoughts on page really helps contextualize a lot of his actions in general (also i find his tendency to overanalyze and act on his assumptions instead of just. talking to the guy who’s been nothing if not remarkably earnest from day one lest he accidentally makes the situation worse to be both very endearing and very funny). (5) the “he’s stronger than i am” moment in ch 168. actually that whole battle scene Fucks Severely on so many levels but that!!!! line!!!!!! it makes me so crazy like. jaeha’s not just trying to stall for time, he genuinely thinks gija’s stronger than him (“from good morning to good night” bonus chapter) but like. looking at it purely physically they Are equals. but gija doesn’t hold back like jaeha does (ch 75, ch 170) and also it’s clear from the hot springs chapter that jaeha admires gija for not letting himself get shackled by his past (even though he’s Literally Being Haunted). also the moment right before that, when jaeha fucking. obliterates the bow of the soldier who tries to shoot gija (he’s doing SUCH a good job pretending that they’re enemies btw) is soooOOUGHHH like jaeha doesn’t get angry often but he’s FURIOUS in that moment and it’s so delicious (i think it’s the “let’s deliver him as a gift to lord kuelbo” part specifically that gets to him bc like gija can dodge one (1) arrow just fine without help but he risked the whole plan—) (getting vaudeville hooked off the stage) wait i lied :) (6) the blue forest mini arc is soooo good and so dear to me i HAVE to mention it!! it really showcases how caring sinha is + there’s also the lore drops about ghosts and the hakyona/gijaeha parallels, both of which make me wanna explode <3
Whose clothing style I like best: jaeha. the slutty little crop top wins by a landslide <3 i wish we got to see it more often (wistful sigh)
Times I watched it (and if I would again): once all the way through but i’ve reread parts of it many times for fic research and while theorizing. i definitely wanna reread it front to back though, all the parallels and foreshadowing make it so perfect for rereads
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theperfectblonde · 3 years
So I got a little lazy with diet and exercise over the last few days. Still did pretty good; my frozen breakfast burritos are a lifesaver. Trying not to drink as much coffee and make the switch to tea instead.
Decided to get back on it and do a run today just because the weather was nice and it’s almost winter so I won’t get a lot of days like that left so I’m trying to take advantage of it; went twice for 20 minute because I tried on some XL leggings and they started to fall down so I had to go home and change lmao 😀 Kind of disappointed cause they were cute and brand new and I never got to wear them! 😭 But I’m trying to clean out my wardrobe anyways, so I’m just trying to be grateful that they don’t fit me and that was I able to grab a M pair (that was still a little tight on me) instead that fit much better. Once it snows I’m going to focus on mainly strength training and then doing indoor cardio (no biking or running until I’m able to get to the gym once I’m back on campus for university). Really proud of myself though; my body needed rest, and my fastest running time has improved since I took a break! Before I was over 6 minutes, and today I clocked in 1km in 5:55 and 5:45 minutes! Idk if that’s fast haha but that’s definitely the fastest I’ve ever gone and recorded! So even though I felt like shit and didn’t want to do a workout today in the first place, I forced myself to and I even beat my own personal bests. That felt really good. ^_^
Weighed in at 173.2lbs today. Feeling good that I’m dropping weight pretty quickly, or at least not fluctuating so drastically so I’m having an easier time managing my feelings when I do my daily weigh ins. And I’m so close to being under 170… I know I’ll probably wake up heavier than that tomorrow because I didn’t fast or do exercise so I don’t feel too bad about that, but as usual I feel an urgency to drop weight fast and to not go back up in numbers. Especially since I know it will take me another two weeks to drop a few pounds, so it’s like… ughhhhh lol I have to make sure I’m not being too lazy with working out or eating right otherwise I’ll fuck it up 😂
But… looking at myself in the mirror, I’m not super happy with my body (lol wow shocker 😂). The thing that upsets me the most is that my ass is completely flat. I literally feel disgusted by it; it’s lost all shape! So I’m going to have to readjust my workouts to include waaay more booty building exercises, because I’m all about losing weight but like… my booty was everything :( It sucks cause I’ve definitely noticed some more definition in my waist and it looks tinier (I’ve been wearing crop tops more often 🥺) but I still have a huge pocket of fat in the lower belly (aka muffin top 😑) that I know will be the last to go. So… to lose the muffin top I have to do cardio exercise and calorie restriction, but to grow a booty I have to do strength training and eat more calories… so… this is going to be difficult lol 😂 plus I’m trying to get a snatched waist, and also work on my arm strength. I’m at 15 lbs for free weights rn and want to move up eventually, so I can’t *not* train them, and need to change my workouts to include mainly core and stretching and glute stuff to look the way I want to look by the end of this but ugh yeah idk I can’t train everything so idk what to do with that 😂
It sucks cause like… the guy I’m seeing says he loves my curves too. I love my curves! I love my body, it’s shape, and what it can do for me. And losing weight has me losing the things that I actually appreciated about myself when I was bigger. Being fat gave me bigger boobs, a bigger butt, and it didn’t make it look like saggy skin was there because I had so much fat to plump me up. Idk… I don’t want to stop, because my ultimate goal aesthetically is to have a flat stomach… but I’m not loving what I see when I turn around in the mirror. So even though I’ve lost a ton of weight and feel super confident in clothes now I’m also so self conscious about the fact that my butt is getting smaller lmfao 😭 but if that’s the worst of my problems then who cares ahahaha I’ll get implants worse case scenario if it turns out to be that much of a problem right 🤣 maybe it’s another instance of “trust the process” and I’ll just have to lose more weight and see if my body proportions even out lol 🙃
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amethyst-akai · 2 years
I get it’ll be your big day. A happy time. Needing to get everything in order.
But being a “friend” and asking for me to be in it the way you did and not taking into thought I have bills, 2 children, a car that is about to fall apart at all is kind of rude and defiantly hit me differently.
She randomly messages
“Do you want to be in the wedding or no?Bridesmaids dress is $170.”
-god daymnnn. When will it be so I can see if I’d be able to even save money by then to be able to buy it
“September 3rd.”
-damn. I’m not even sure if so xD I’ll need to see how much I’ll be able to save by then. With us having covid and being out of work we’re really behind on bills right now. I would love too but I’ll have to see how much I have left after everything to being able to pay it”
“ kinda need to no now if I have to pay someone to be in it kinda need to do it soon like a month or so”
-I don’t know >.< I really won’t know until pay days to see what I have left..
“Do you just want an invite and I’ll find someone else?”
- I suppose 😭..
“I mean I would love for you to be in it but I can’t have someone buy a dress and end up not needing to be in it if you end up being able to”
I’ve replied saying that I wouldn’t know yet at first I was given a month so I told her if I were to be able to save that much after bills and all I would be able too. Then after that it was a I need to know now.
But everything about it was not kind. It was all bitchy.
I don’t know why but that just bothers me. I honestly don’t even want to show anymore xD. And to rethink about the so called “friendship”.
I get the whole can’t have a backup and someone buy it if I’m able too but like I don’t even know how to put this into words anymore. XD
Am I exaggerating xD
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