#thats kinda just how all his memories are before the afterlife
akascow · 20 days
Dead Boy Detectives and The Divine Comedy
Dante's Inferno (hell), Purgatorio (purgatory), and Paradiso (heaven/paradise)
its not a complete one-to-one but its a neat thing to think about in regards to dbd
it kinda makes sense because the levels of hell in the show are based off the depiction we see in Dantes Inferno, and the next in the trilogy of the divine is where they travel the mountain of purgatory
but anyway edwins file in the night nurses book said he either goes to Hell or PLV-4s
okay this is kind of a long one so strap in
this is based on shotty memory bUT
in the trilogy you would be put to the respective layer you belong (hell, purgatory or heaven)
if youre a sinner, hell, but Dante goes through all layers going down, then to lucifer who blocks the path leading to purgatory.
youd then have to climb up the mountain of purgatory depending on your sins for like a number of eons until you cleanse yourself of the sins, once you make it past a layer youre free of it forever and one step closer to paradise
and only then are you able to get to paradise and i THINK the layer of paradise youre placed on is based on how good a person you are or smth
someone pointed out it could mean Purgatory Level V (5) or just level, and the 4s could mean how long he should spend there (?) but layer 4 is also Sloth so theres that too (the souls being that theyre forced to run all the time which is lowkey what edwin goes through in hell)
which is the path you have to travel AFTER getting through hell you would normally go through up purgatory in order to get up to heaven once youve proven ur self worthy and ur sins righted iirc
so i think he would have to be placed somewhere in the middle (based on the level V if thats the right theory, theres 9 layers total) of that mountain based on his life and unfinished business and everything hes done while as a ghost he would have already been pushed up a few levels
so im assuming the night nurse's book was like glitching out because he was supposed to be in hell (on a technicality) but he served time there being passed around demon to demon, made it out of hell, but in the opposite way of purgatory
according to Dante's i believe he would have gone to purgatory IF he had unfinished business but he made it back to earth (the wrong way), and because of the things he did helping ghosts it technically counted towards his unfinished business so like he should be in hell because thats where he was placed last BUT everything hes done post-post-mortem wouldve counted towards purgatory and (maybe up to heaven ?)
on another theory, PLV could either mean paradise level Venus (the lovers) being the 3rd layer but the layer of heaven granted to those who in life were deficient in the temperance of love (smth smth edwins repressed feelings and never engaging in then smth smth)
the 4th layer is the Sun (the wise) -4s maybe?- which hold the souls of the wise, which kinda plays into edwin being the brains of the team so to speak, and he was seen reading in his mortal life before dying, as well as knowing a bunch of languages and probably a whole bunch more in his afterlife (in the comics they taught french at st hilarions so im assuming he knew that before he died)
the 5th layer is Mars (the warriors of faith)- maybe layer V?- i dont really believe this is the case bc this layer is given to those who gave up their life in the name of faith, but i would like to believe everything he went through in hell and also everything he gave up eternal virtue for to help the lost souls left on earth could grant him to be a warrior
heres a diagram to put into perspective
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but yeah theres a little divine comedy lesson for yall
idk take it all with a grain of salt because i learned about dantes inferno like last year and really only remember the hell part of it all. also dante thought that gay people were worse than murderers in hell so thats another issue. aND the sandman universe takes into account all faiths and religions and gods and mythology theres not actually a true one god. and the divine comedy is very much a catholic read so yeah
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ultra-raging-ghost · 6 months
Okay so like.... im trying to visualize bbh's library indexing concept in my mind in relation to the desert so stick with me here
rambles under the cut
Okay so in my mind, im viewing his memories (in relation to the desert) as the buildings that he passes by in the beginning sequences
the temple he's been at is definitely supposed to symbolize the eggs (im going based off the bed in dappers room being present in this temple, along with other things it just seems obvious) , they're his tether to his memories as we see played out right in front of us but why is that?
Well im imagining the desert as an area that is able to be mapped out, an area that is supposed to be mapped out. And maybe the mind cubito navigates the desert with said map.
We've established that the poisoned water he drank in the first sequence is from that one myth about how drinking the water in the afterlife is supposed to wipe someones memories after death. I'm envisioning this as the water washing away the map's ink. Maybe not literally, but its wiped away bad's map around his mind, and he's gonna have to re-map everything all over again.
As an immortal i think hes implied that hes done that before, but maybe it wasnt as difficult as it was this time because this time he's actively resisting the reset, and what comes with that is the persisting damage from his body being inflicted on him.
So on top of a mental reset, he's very likely got brain damage and definitely has radiation damage, which would also contribute to the brain damage. He is struggling to remap his memories that hes so desperately clung to.
He's found one thing (the temple(the eggs)) that ground him, and hes clinging hard to that. He's refusing to leave the temple, and i kinda have a theory as to why that is.
I am a person who knows where things are in relation to other things, and i think right now thats what bad's dealing with. In his mind desert, there are vast empty swaths of land between memories, and he knows where things are in relation to this temple, but he doesnt know where they are in general.
Do you??? Understand what im getting at here????
Maybe he doesnt know that hes supposed to be mapping, hes confused as to why he doesnt know where anything is. He doesnt know theres supposed to be a fucking map, whats a map? HE DOESNT KNOW!!!! HE HAS BRAIN DAMAGE!!!
and hes too fucking afraid to leave the eggs to figure the shit out, hes too afraid to leave the temple so hes experiencing using the eggs as like this crutch, the eggs are with him constantly so its not an unreasonable crutch to have but like!!!!! we've seen!!! when the eggs arent with him!!!! hes just GONE!!!!!
HES GOTTEN WORSE!!!!! the eggs being back have somehow made him WORSE hes no longer having lapses of memory when theyre not around, he consistently and continuously remembers FUCK ALL when an egg leaves his sight. We saw it today the MOMENT pomme and dapper left his sight he was just GONE there wasnt a buffer there wasnt a moment where he remembered anything, he was just head motherfucking empty
and hes honestly kinda worse than that!!!! Hes still not remembering absolutely everything around the eggs, so theyre not even helping as much as they should be!!
my head hurts i mightve lost the plot halfway thru this was such a shitty rant, but its 3 am and im gonna probably make 3 more posts in this vein tomorrow
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Dave Strider, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 5263
DAVE: yeah i saw it
DAVE: i was looking up in space doing a little monster gazing right
#daves private chill time #eldritch red lobster #bargain seafood buffet #bored
DAVE: when suddenly i thought my glasses shattered
#ben stiller almost fucking tornadoed in his grave
DAVE: but it wasnt the shades turned out it was space itself that cracked
#fuckin relief #best bro gave me these
DAVE: and i listened and i heard the screams and killing and stuff
#monsters dying #ghosts dying #atrocious problems
DAVE: havent slept well since that
DAVE: well i guess im sleeping alright at the moment
#oh yeah #i forgot
DAVE: cause im here in a bubble talking to you but yeah in general my shuteye has been boned up the protein chute
#troll anatomy #lewd #maybe?
DAVE: keeping myself busy with awesome projects helps a bit i guess
#awesome projects
MEENAH: then you must want to kill the guy even worse than me
MEENAH: why dont you join me we can fly away and fuck him up together 38)
#what good is a cape even #if you wont fly away to clobber badguys
DAVE: nope
DAVE: appreciate the offer but im just gonna hang tight and work on my ebubbles
MEENAH: e what
DAVE: ebubbles theyre awesome
#how is this not awesome
DAVE: its just some ridiculous shit i figured out how to do here
DAVE: this whole place runs on memories so ive been messing around with that
#just as long as you dont ask me how #we are cool
DAVE: turns out i dont even really need the internet for shenanigans i can just exploit the afterlife
MEENAH: the fuuuck
MEENAH: i know youre down in the dumps kid but that sounds like a stupid waste of time
#stupid waste of time
MEENAH: now come on lets go whale on a cherub
DAVE: nah
#yes lets #just fucking with you #no
DAVE: i mean
DAVE: i think i might be "supposed" to kill him anyway?
#air quotes
DAVE: thats the feeling i get like there are all these clues about that ive kinda noticed
#remember that bullshit about the pimp being in the crib? #hahaha oh god
DAVE: so if i am THE GUY that needs to take him down then fine ill do that if and when i get hornswoggled into some big showdown with a ridiculous green space pimp or whatever he is
#i heard he has a gold tooth #are you fuckin kidding me
DAVE: i dont know i think im not really cut out for the whole reluctant hero shtick
#im better at comics
DAVE: like the whole scene is so obvious and trite and i cant even tell if my reluctance is ironic or if im playing it straight
#reluctant before it was cool #and before i was willing
DAVE: like ill wonder if im being reluctant enough to cut it or if im actually just being reluctant to be reluctant
#how reluctant do you even have to BE to DOOOOO something like etc etc #sbahj
DAVE: it turns into like meta reluctance and then all i can think about is how fucking stupid the whole thing is
#i also think about puppets sometimes... #unrelated
DAVE: i think im probably just too self aware for this hero bullshit so dont even waste your time on me
#ironic self pity
MEENAH: sooooo cooooooool
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disembowel-me · 2 years
haha, totally. I'm sure he'd keep blacking out thinking it was some awful trip, and then forget about it for a while when he wakes back up later. Then its the whole process all over again! More and more sick and anxious each time. Maybe you comfort him in between, hold him and reassure and lie to him saying it was only a nightmare? So he smiles sweetly and falls back asleep while you hold him. Only to redo the whole horror show hours later! How long until you think he catches on? Im thinking you can do a whole lot to him and then lie to him the next time he wakes up. The perfect cycle <3 -horny law anon
well it would really depend on if you keep drugging him or not. if you really, really wanna fuck with him you could probably keep giving him drugs and keep it going for days, or even longer. just make his entire existence a hellish nightmare that makes him think he's stuck in one of those dreams that last years, or that he's really dead and has somehow ended up in the afterlife paying for his sins. totally fuck up his perception of reality to the point he's barely even aware of anything going on around him
but... i think id just give him stuff for the pain since, yknow, a pet totally catatonic from pain is no fun. i bet he has a lot of moments in his day to day life where his memory is completely unreliable and he just kinda shrugs it off because what is he gonna do, stop doing drugs? so it'd be pretty easy to convincingly lie to him
"what do you mean your arms are gone, baby? you can't move them? they're right here, i can see them. you know, you were going on about that earlier too, something about me... chopping off your legs? i would never do that! it's ok babe, i think you overdosed a little... shh, shhh, just lay back and go back to sleep. don't worry. i'm right here. everything will be ok when you wake up <3"
i think he'd start to catch on that something is very wrong pretty quickly, but whether he gets angry or submits to his despair, and how quickly he starts genuinely questioning and fighting back is pretty dependent on the trust you had established before. or possibly, how afraid of you he was before >:)
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lgalacticjayl · 4 years
Cats the movie (2019) review
So as many others who watched this movie have done its my turn to tell yall my thoughts after just watching it in theaters.
First off : like no theters are showing it anymore its only playing a 45 min drive away amd only at 9 20 pm so i just spent a lot of time driving and got home at 1. (Because my friend lives even farther away) and thats all in like my northern province area just one show a day.
Second there was my group of 3 another group of 3-4 a couple i think and this random lady by herself. This lady shushed us the whole movie even before the actual movie started and we were laughing at just the sheer concept of it she shushed us and another group and told us to be quite. Even just for laughing. This woman wanted to see and enjoy this movie.
The graphic are just not good. Cats ears clip through cats, their feet don't look like they are touching the ground, the fur texture of clothes is the same as the cats fur and thats unsettling. Some clothes hung above the body and didn't move with the body. Some cats had shoes. WHY? Who made them shoes? Where do they get these clothes from and why can one of them tapdance?
The physics don't make sense. The cats are way to small to be actual cat size and it upsets me. A ring can be worn as a braclet but try that on your cat at home i dare you. But also they had cat sized rings for some cats. Some cats also had gold teeth and i dont like that. Like they were just too small and looked like smurfs rather than cats which also made the mice and cockroaches even smaller. The rats looled to be the size of and inch or two. Some times a cat would hold a dice in his hand, cats also cant grab things, and it was the size of the whole hand but so where his cards and that doesn't even make sense. Did he have cat sized playing cards? Also the movement sometimes like jumping and flying through the air was very un cat like and was way slower than cats fall/move. Cats also shouldn't and dont drink milk so. Their tails also are for balance not decoration. The only good thing is their ears actually showing their emotion.
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That brings us to the cats themselves. JUST NO!! WHY? They are just humans with fur and its unsettling! Like its just plastering a face onto a kind of cat head like from what we do in the shadows and then human bodies with a fursuit/morphsuit on. They didnt even change the noses or anything. They still have eyebrows and human eyes. Why do they look so naked!? Especially the McAfee dude or whatever. He has abs! And the females have breasts! Cats have 6 nipples and that would be even worse. Cats dont work like that! At least they are neutered or this would be truly horrifying. Why have hands for paws. Cats have paws. Cats can't grab things. Cats dont have feet. They keep mentioning paws and none of them have paws. Also calico cats can't be males so that one twin cat is trans confirmed.
The plot:
Every song sounded like a different langue with random words thrown in lile lamp or whatever and Whats A Jelico Cat? Apparently its like a clan? We had to look it up because it doesnt explain it! There is a song about names and im still confused they never bring it up again in the rest of the movie. That grey cats only role was just showing the new cat around. Honestly there was no plot it was just showing a new cat around and then so.eone got in an airballon. Wierd thing i still don't understand WHY DO THEY CATS HAVE MAGIC !!! But Like Only Some! WHAT? ? Why? Why can that dude teleport other cats? Why does the magician cat have to be like the only good cat? He also has magic i guess and can hold a pencil that is the same heighg as his cards. I also love his jacket and kinda want to make it. Very glad there was no kiss scene but they came very close to having a couple and that was not okay. There was also not a cgi dog thankfully. I did actually like the twins energy and song and drugging of cats. The train cat dude was also cool but much too small for the rails. Not realistic. Gus whose name is ASPARAGUS! for some reason is a theater cat? Idk but i kinda like him he just doing his own thing. The taylor swift song is like the best song but mcafee is uncomfortable to watch still. And theres like an abbandoned cat that gets picked to start a new life by the elder cat and she flies away in an airballon that appears and she disappears into a cat shaped cloud. Before all this sorry um rebel wilson unzips a layer of cat fur to reveal clothes its just unsettling. This happens multiple times. There is a cat that follows warriorcat naming conventions. Magical cat is named after the devil and is the best character. Why did jason derulo have to do this to us.I actually knew the song memories some how before hand. Evil cat lost his powers at some point. The movie ends with the old lady cat looking straight at the camera theough your soul which triggers an innate fight or flight reflex and that gaze is held for wayyyy too long. Never did explain the magic aspect and i know nothing of these cats backstories so much is lost on me. There is also a bunch or random talk about ghost and and afterlife? I think and im pretty confused.
There are some actually funny writen moments and a lot of cat puns. The script itslef isnt bad its pretty standard not like award winning but its good. If it weren't for the whole look of the movie it would be pretty good. If it were properly animated like aristocats it would be a solid movie. That was my rant about cats the movie. Sorry it doesnt make sense the movie was very confusing. I am jusg writing down all the thoughts from my brain.
Overal good time with friends, bad experience with actual movie.
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adventurous-blob · 5 years
Episode Gladio commentary!! Here i go!!
Imma go easy since its my first time also thATS WHAT SHE SAID
anyways, difficulty and immaturity aside, time to begin.
Kay so Gladio's episode is 'bout self discovery? dudes just pissed Ravus beat him I guess? I mean, fair enough but he leaves noctis and they go do like a dungeon and it's just?? It all seems really chill considering he's the Kings shield.
Eh, non-sensicle rambling aside.
Okay so im guessing its gunna be like Gladio telling the story which i'll be playing- neato.
"Just a scratch, the other guy got off a lot worse." Yeah, uh, suure.
"Worse than looking like some kind of thug?" Damn Noctis, chill your beans bro.
Oooo 'Blade master', can't get a title cooler than that, right?
Oh gorsh,,, I suck at controlling Gladio,, This'll be interesting...
Yep. This'll definitely be interesting. Even with the tutorial.
He's just casually sat surrounded by voretooth corpses, as you do.
"Are you mentally prepared?" Cor, sweetie, Gladio seems to just be a 'suck it up, buttercup' type i think he's subconsciously mentally prepared even when he isn't consciously.
"Unless i get more power." Gladio you sound like Vergil from devil may cry, just don't stab yourself with a big sword and go power mad, yeah?
Cor is so serious,, but like he's sort of soft too,, like you can see he cares by what he says and stuff, y'know?
its like 'You go fight that thing you probably aren't strong enough to fight yet!! but stay safe too! don't want you dyin' on me!!' except, more like Cor would say it.
I feel like i've heard the name Gilgamesh before?
Gosh i love Cor and Gladio so much,, they're stronk boyos.
"Alright i've got this." Yeah!! yeah you do!! Thats the spirit Gladio!!
oh uh i've only just noticed but there are bodies everywhere... hecc...
Okay they're alive but also dead now i killed them. Also,, the soundtrack?? that battle music?? hell yeah, thats some good stuff.
Ooo waterslide!!!!
Eheheh Gladio rode the snek. ooo this is spoopy...
Wait we made it to the blade master already?? wha??
Ah okay i was meant to fail against Gilgamesh, that was a little frustrating at first...
"If you do not fear death" yeah i fear that Gladio lets lEAve
"So the blademaster..."
"He's a master of blades. What-- where you expecting something profound?"
coming from someone who plays mainly rpg games i expected it to be something with flying swords? like bahamut except smaller and weaker y'know?
also are we inside a tree??? the whole of this so far and like chapter uhh 4-5 (the one where they're in the crater, i apologise for poor memory lmao) just reminds me of devil may cry 5.
Awhhh, they're eating Cup Noodles togetherr,,
oh hecc yes SAVE.
Option: tell me more
My brain: tell me More, tell me more, tell me mo-o-ore, but Gladio singing it.
imma throw hands with Gilgamesh how dare they deem cor unworthy he's a stronk bean
"Keep your eyes and ears open."
*open area appears*
Me, immediately: I don't like this.
Bdhshjdndjs tHEY DID THE THING!!! Where Cor jumps on Gladio's back and then brings down a strike on the enemy!! Aaaa teamwork is so great!!!
"do you have the strength to survive these trials?" uh I sure hope he does
*looking at a body stabbed into the wall*
You okay there pal?
Sword stuck in the ground: *has the option to touch it*
I'm sorry but my whole play through of final fantasy I couldn't take most things gladio said serious because I'm immature and kept making dirty jokes but this,, this right here has to be the peak point where I could make a dick joke or say 'i dunno that's pretty gay Gladios.'
"hand holding stops here" no Cor stay please ;~;
Sometimes I hate the combat in this game, not because I think it's bad,, just,, gladio,,, in enclosed spaces,, with lots of foes,, it's not good for camera angles.
Ah yes. Touch the glowy thing. That's ALWAYS a great idea!
The soul keeps calling Gladio "young warrior" and sometimes I forget Gladio is like only 23? Like I dunno, he seems older? But at the same time?? It's like right? I dunno? Maybe it's his looks or personality who knows.
COR!!!! HEYA!! :3
"you wanna know why?" I mean, hell yeah. duh.
Awh he's worried bout Noct but i agree tbh, plus, Noct is fine they're just fighting that big dragon thing with Aranea!! :3
okay i can hear growling and snarling thats never good, but maybe its just a big puppy?? No??? awh okay ;~;;
Gladio with a gaint pupper would be adorable
ANYWAYS i'm getting side tracked again oops
Can i just use columns to defeat the blade master? just like 'You might be the blade master but iM BOB THE BUILDER' and just yeet a column at him??
Every column i see i just want to yeet now. In honour of yeeting columns, i paused and made a poem:
my nam is Gladio
and am strong
i hav sword
i tri do no wrong
when wyvern hit
and i do poor damage
it seems liek
somethin i must manage
so when wyvern
has me beat
i pick up a column
and i yeet
hope you enjoyed.
tOuuCh the soWoRd
bdjdndj i want an enkidu now they're so cooll!!!
toucH the gLowly
Actually Cor can i go home please??
also pft the soul like "Yeah well i knOw betteR." i can't.
however, i can yeet column at this bandersnatch and i will.
i picked up a column after the fight and i dunno how to put it down so i guess Gladio has a Pet column now. Imma call it stony.
NUH i got rid of stony ;~; see you in the afterlife stony.
The way Cor describes the blademasters eyes makes me think of Kakashi from Naruto with his sharingan.
also Gladio's confidence and positivity give me life.
final chamber- this is it!
a red giant?? really?? damn it.
i have my headphones on full and the soul just said "Come here to die, have you?" and it made me jump
"You looking to die again?" Gladio is not having this souls bs
it's talking about Cor and i am ready to tHROW HANDS,,, Cor is bean.
Cor giving Gladio a final warning but not stopping him makes my heart feel weird,,,
Awh that lil grin, Aaa the "Come back alive, be safe Gladio." has me soft™️
"He'd better be ready for me." Uh, Gladio, thats whAT SHE SAID!
Oh hecc here we go!! Heya Gilgamesh!! Time to defeat you!! :3
Gilgamesh isn't actually thatbhard to fight??
oH SO NOW HE HAS AN ARM geez lemme guess he's stronger and has more health too now?
Oh look i'm right!
Okay yea he's a lot stronger i don't like this but Gladio can do it!!! I believe in him!!!!!
Also after realising a tactic i have defeated Gilgamesh and i was right Gladio could do it!!!! :D
"I may be all muscle no mettle, but i'm gunna keep protecting Noct the only way i know how." YOu GO GLADDY!!!! I'm v v proud!!!!
Awhhh Gilgamesh is actually pretty cool dude i like him. Awhhhh he's giving Gladio his sword!! I'm so happy aaa!!
I really like Gladio and all of this and aaaa im so hAPPY for Him!!!!
they're just talking and its really nice and i'm not crying but i'm overwhelmingly happy for them!!
wait Gladio got the scar on his eye from dealing with a bully? damn i need to finish brotherhood, huh.
Prompto said "The more you know" and the gif popped up in my head and i'm lauGhing so damn much why is that so fUnny???
"What can I say? I'm worth the wait." Noctis,, sweetheart,, Foreshadow mucH XD
Awhhh, i'm really happy for Gladio. I'm actually really happy with that whole DLC to be honest. It was fun to play and i feel i kinda got more of a look into Gladio's and Cor's characters and such, y'know? That, plus i got better at playing as Gladio too! And getting better at stuff like that is always good! Practice makes perfect after all!
So yeah, hope you enjoyed my commentary of Episode Gladio!
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republictrooper · 4 years
I’m a little further in Path of Fire.
The Human Gods still piss me off.
AND I’m really confused about the afterlife.
So like, if I read the wiki right, the Human Gods aren’t from Tyria, and only known to have bought the Humans with them. They are not directly responsible for any other playable race on Tyria and traditionally have only really showed favor to Humanity.
And yet, when Balthazar killed me, a proud Norn, I went to a HUMAN afterlife? And I know it wasnt just cuz I was the commander and weirdly attuned to humanity or something, cuz there were Charr, Sylvari, and Asura in that afterlife too. 
And not only that, that asshole Grenth, despite having TURNED TAIL AND RAN a few instances earlier, STILL GETS TO LEAVE HIS SILLY LITTLE AVATAR TO JUDGE ME?
Like, a silly little Avatar of Grenth, left behind because the Human Gods couldn’t clean up their messes properly and had to run from Balthazar, gets to judge me, a Norn who doesn’t even worship them?
Like, how does this work? Was there no afterlife for the rest of us until the Human Gods came? Did the human gods wrest control of the afterlife from whoever administers it for us? Is it like an Elder Scrolls setup where various things may allow a specific god to claim jurisdiction over your soul and somehow Grenth arranged it so people who die violently get judged by him regardless of their race? What is the DEAL?
And not only that, Grenth’s absence has allowed a Soul Eater, that is, a creature who can condemn innocent souls to a fate worth that DEATH, to run rampant, obliterating souls? And his lil avatar either can’t or won’t stop it? And Grenth didn’t care enough about that to empower his Judge dude to kill it? Or to stay behind and kill it himself? Like, what the HELL? The Gods got 0 room to judge any of us if they cant even protect us from complete soul obliteration. Get the hell out of here with that.
The Human Gods are monsters and the Tyrian afterlife is bullshit is what I’m saying.
The whole Palawa Joko thing kinda fell flat because I dont feel like my Commander really knows enough about him yet? I mean, obviously his kingdom is fulla jerks and thats fine, but they talked as if she’d seen firsthand his horror and destruction or something. I mean, now that I’ve done a little of Desolation yeah, I see his horror and all, but I feel like we should have seen Desolation first THEN been able to “bargain” with Joko.
The whole purpose thing reminded me again what a COMPLETE AND UTTER ASS Braham Eirsson is. Like, “My Mother wouldn’t have WANTED you in Destiny’s Edge?” 
Excuse the entire FUCK out of me?
I am a Proud Norn.
I am the Slayer of Issormir.
Your Mother saw my potential, plucked me up from the ranks of the Norn, mentored me, raised me to new heights. While you were off doing lord knows what I was fighting by her side, defeating the Sons of Svanir, Jotun Warlords, and more. With her, I was slaying whole entire DRAGONS. I was probably closer to her than you were before she died, you pissant. 
She was my mentor, my hero, and my friend. I probably spent more time with her than you did before she died, AND I mourned her just as hard. You don’t get some special right to her memory and shit just because she pushed you out of her hoohah, what 10 years ago? It can’t be much more than 10 because you sure as fuck ain’t acting any more mature than that.
Now, I’m not one of those assholes who wants to kill every character they disagree with a game, but I’m just saying. I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire, and if the game gives me a choice, I am not making up with him unless he comes groveling back to ME.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Misc thoughts of rambling development for my new yokai watch ocs family of hugs and sadness (blythe the Dimmy and amber the Gorgeous Ambassador)
* Amber was totally still Gorgeous Ambassador at heart even back when he was human. I feel like he probably dressed very plain and was very self concious for a long time, as well as also being poor as dirt so it wasnt really easy to be super fashion time. Perhaps the only way he was really able to be remotely flambouyant or pretty was just having a long ponytail that he was very proud of. It would have been easier to maintain a shorter hairstyle when you're struggling to even find somethibg to eat each day let alone a bath, but it just helped him hold on to a tiny bit of confidence. Even when he reincarnated as Gorgeous Ambassador he was still unconfident for a long time and it took all these centuries to fully embrace The Power Of Gorgeous. He was probably really shocked when he got his medal registered and heard his new yokai name, like uhh excuse me "must beautiful man who spreads beauty through the world with his smile" are you sure there hasnt been a mixup??? And nowadays he's become so happy with himself that he maybe dresses a little bit gaudy sometimes, but if you saw how he used to feel then you'd absolutely be cheering for him!
* he was probably worried that Blythe wouldn't recognise him when he finally managed to reunite with them, but i think the lil shadow ghost instantly knew it was their brother and ran straight into the biggest hug ever. "Im worried they'll think im all cringe and gaudy" NO UR LIL SIB IS IN AWE OF YOUR FASHION POWER AND HAPPY FOR YOUR CONFIDENCE
* I also think Amber would absolutely be proud of how much confidence Blythe has gained through travelling with the protagonist and co. Like "aaa the last time i saw you you were so tiny and shy!" "Yes, now i'm tall and shy!" "NUUUU STOP PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN"
* basically they are absolutely Shyness Fam, and Amber just approaches his anxieties differently with over-the-top fake boasting about his greatness instead of being honest about how bad he feels. So thats why itd be so heartwarming to see him genuinely making progress and genuinely seeing good parts of himself. ALL THANKS TO THE INTERNATIONAL GORGEOUSNESS ASSOCIATION OF THE AFTERLIFE, YES *cheesy makeover ads fly by in the background*
* Dimmy's fave food is rice balls not just cos ninja monster = rice balls, but cos for Blythe specifically it brings back happy memories of backstory ninja Amber in ye olden days packing lunches of love for his tiny friend. He was always broke in between finding bountys to hunt, so he was never able to cook anything too fancy, but those simple meals became associated with childhood in Blythe's heart. All the times this big strong human swordsman would have a moment of gentleness and offer his last bit of food to a useless little yokai like them. ("No!! You're a valued part of the team!! And growing children need this more than i do!! Besides, i'm so tough i don't need to eat." *stands up for a minute and blacks out*)
* Since this backstory took place before thee yokai watch was invented, you cant technically say Amber was Blythe's previous watchholder but like.. He totally was? Same formula of being a human you partner with and then go around fighting/befriending other yokai. I like to think that maybe before yokai medals became the latest trend and they set up the whole official regulated medal registration process, yokai would still give their human friends some sort of token of their friendship but it was just less organised. Like imbuing their soul energy into all sorts of shit like This Leaf I Found or One Shoe. Which could be used in the same way to summon them but obv was less conveinient, haha! I'm thinking maybe Blythe's bond object was just a neat rock, cos they were so young and didnt really own anything else to gift to this human. Like all they had was the coal from the hearth in the house they used to haunt, but thatd be too crumbly so they dug through to find the sturdiest and prettiest rock and Amber was like straigjt up crying from how touched this whole thing made him. I WILL TREASURE THIS PEBBLE MY TINY MONSTER CHILD...
* oh but just to rub salt in the wound i think he couldnt find it again when he woke up floating over his own burned corpse in the wreckage of his final fateful battle. There uhh..wasnt much of himself left, let alone anything he was holding. Itd kinda have to be that way cos if it worked like a yokai medal itd mean Amber could have instantly reunited with his friend and cut out all of these years of sad backstory, alas
* ok but imagine the cute and sweet emotionalness of then being able to swap medals when they see each other again, and have an actual magical guarantee of never losing their family ever again.
* I feel like Amber only initially agreed to join the Gorgeous Association because he wanted to get a job in the yokai world and save up to buy a decent house and decent level of income so that there would be a hapoy home waiting for his child whenever he finally found them. He didnt really believe that he had the potential to be a fashion icon, he just went along with it as an employment opportunity in his weird new ghost life. But OH NO, accidental self confidence!! (We are all very proud of him)
* oh and the Gorgeous Association doesnt work 100% identical to the anime version, i just like the anime's general concept. I feel like Gorgeous Ambassador is indeed a yokai species and not just a title, its less 'you were chosen by random lottery' and more 'you were chosen by destiny'...? Shy people who have potential to be fashion icons just tend to end up becoming the shy-people-with-potential-to-become-fashion-icons yokai, aka this. And the Gorgeous Association takes responsibility for finding all new Gorgeouses and training them to use their new powers instead of just staying in their shyness. Its more of a self help club? Oh and also the membership is full of other types of fashion yokai too, its not just Gorgeous Ambassadors. Just its only Gorgeous Ambassadors that get visited by the president as soon as they die and given a special invitation to join. So basically interpreting Gorgeous Ambassador as more 'this yokai is named that cos its powers are about encouraging people to be more confident aka introducing them to the world of fashion'. And less the idea that all Gorgeous Ambassadors used to be a different type of yokai and you can only become one by being picked by the club lottery. And also that its just a costume with no actual powers?? That was funny in the anime but i prefer if they actually could inspirit people and make them more confident and stuff.
* I FEEL LIKE IM EXPLAINING THIS BADLY, SORRY! Ok so uhh like yknow some clubs are all exclusive entry "you are not this thing til you join"? Like you cant be a country club member til you join the country club, and the sense of comeraderie there is just all being rich enough to pay for membership rather than having anything in common. But then there's stuff like lgbt groups or mental health support groups where youre all already the same thing and thats WHY you join the club. Anime version had Gorgeous Association be a country club and Gorgeous Ambassador be just a membership name rather than a real yokai form. Which, again, was really funny but i feel like it only works in a more gag focused series like the anime. Here i'm interpreting it that you can just be born in the species Gorgeous Ambassador, same as any other yokai like jibanyan or whatever, and it actually does have its own special powers and stuff. And its just that the Gorgeous Association sends out invites to any newborn yokai that have fashion related powers. So not all Gorgeous Ambassadors actually join the Gorgeous Association. Oh and Kageusuo is the actual yokai species name for those unaffiliated ones. The anime seemed to say that kageusuo was an unrelated new yokai that isnt in the games, that was just invented to have a form that Gorgeous Ambassador had before he became Gorgeous Ambassador. But i have Other Ideas
* i'll make it a new bullet point cos im getting all disorganized now aaaa
* ok so Kageusuo (or my fanmade eng dub name Shamshade) is Gorgeous Ambassador. Same thing. Same species. Kageusuo is a yokai personifying the idea of a fashionable beautiful person who never reached their potential in life due to social anxiety/bullying. Like an 'ugly duckling' story. Their default form is this shadowy looking depressed dude because their power is that they drain shadows from people, vampire style. This makes you 'less overshadowed", so you become more confident and people notice your unique style! But kageusuo cant use its powers on itself, so a lot of them stay in this shy form forever and just continue repeating the same overshadowed life they have as a human. The fabulous form that Gorgeous Ambassador has in the games is just simply the same yokai dressing differently- a kageusuo that managed to conquer its anxieties from its past life and take steps to embrace its true self! But theyre not actually any different in terms of powers, theyre still shadow vampires and their power to make people fabulous is just them eating your shadow. It was something they could already do before they became fabulous themself, now theyre just confident enough to match their powers, yknow? And also unrelatedly there's a club called Gorgeous Association that this particular kageusuo joined, which personally helped him in his journey of self confidence so he goes by the nickname Gorgeous Ambassador to advertise it. (Which is even more nicknamed into Amber cos he thinks it sounds cute)
* anyway just imagine a vampire movie but its a supermodel lurching out of the shadows groaning "I VANT TO SUCK YOUR ANXIETY" and then when he bites you you become more confident. This is a Good Concept so i will somehow find a way to use it, dammit!! *b movie music* "OH NO THE MONSTER GOT TERRY" *terry suddenly wearing applebottom jeans*
* also imagine all of that but also the dude is a weird samurai being all "wow the wonders of the future" about thos applebottom jeans
* why do all my headcanons start as angst and end up as nonsense like this
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dewprisms · 5 years
kh3 spoilers idk tumblr keeps not saving them and idk what i was doing last :/ but this will be the last one unless there’s DLC or something
this terranort scene....everyone sure is taking their time to attack him
kairi where is your keyblade seriously??? maybe you should have it out???? why are they making her a fucking damsel in distress again
so Donald and Lea get hurt because Kairi’s too dumb to not have her keyblade out with monsters around what the FUCK was the point of her training if they’re making her NOT DO A DAMN THING EXCEPT BE A D-I-D
god is THIS why I saw posts about people being upset over kairi’s treatment? Because they don’t even have to do ANYTHING? or is it about to be worse?
....and Aqua just....doesn’t even try, she just drops her blade and lets go
this entire scene is suppose to be sad but I’m just getting pissed off at how FUCKING STUPID they all are
“where am i” looks like heaven, ur dead kid
....Chirithy def has Kairi’s? voice, def the voice of another character but higher pitched
oh shit Sora’s ACTUALLY dead
is....that xion?
...is this Chirithy....Ven’s Chirithy?
Lea never did change into his new clothes
oh, NOW I actually unlocked KG as an actual world
what....did time rewind? it’s the same scene...
LW!!!! Terra’s back!!
oh my god, THIS is where all the KHUX names come in? We help Sora fight the Darkness Tornado
aww, I didn’t see my name :( that didn’t seem like 300 tho
oh, so it IS KH1 Riku
there he is, my love!!! aand he’s gone
oh no, Mickey’s starting to lose hope
oh dang, Mickey knows Time magic? not Stop, but Time
man this is why he’s the most powerful magician in the series
oh shit there are 2 girls.....is it really xion?
mannnn Xehanort’s voice is sooooo bad and the accent just gets worse and worse like the dude isn’t even trying to hide it
where’s Terra? He’s not back yet
oh Luxord’s not dead
oh god, I have to fight ALL FOUR of them with Mickey
nvm, just me vs 3
nvm that was easy, just ignore larx and marly
oh, Luxord’s helping....and he dies again
where’s mar and larx tho. i didn’t kill them
oh, larx only helped to stay with marluxia....cause of their past in khux...
marly lost his memory too?
now i gotta kill my bf again....
yup, he never got one....xehanort lied to him....
they’re so mean to him :((((((((((( I mean he deserved it yeah but
im legit upset
oh no, it is repliku, not past riku....
the real repliku....is giving ups his chance of life for namine......
wow......kairi got hit twice and fucking passed out....she’s worse than donald.....she didnt do any damage and got knocked out way too fast...
xion :(
also-ran??? wtf is that
SSIC trio is back!
who the FUCK is “her” they keep talking about
so Saix was more bitter over over not just him but this mysterious girl they were searching for
nooooooo he died in Lea’s arms (also? apologize to Xion for how you treated her you fuck)
...so Xion’s hair is brown now....?
Also....why was Xion with them in the first place??? They NEVER said why
naturally, aqua vs terranort and ven vs van
JHBSJKKSD I killed Terranort and ALL he said was “ow??” like he hit his arm on a door
I don’t think they understand that Vanitas didn’t have a choice, he “chose” darkness because he IS darkness, that’s literally what he is, he never had a choice to be what he wanted, he can’t be with light because Ventus is his light
jfc Terranort shook them around so much they passed out
Holy shit IS THE THEORY TRUE??? The guardian is Terra’s Heartless!!!
so Guardian = Heart, Terranort = Body, LW = Soul, dude was literally split into the 3 states
fucking....they took Kairi to force them to fight the last fights....instead of LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE!!!! if Kairi is so fucking weak as they’re writing her to be, it would’ve been more beneficial to kidnap one of the stronger people (like Mickey!!) instead but no they gotta kidnap the girly girl who’s been a DID in every. single. main. game. so far. :))))))))
lmao killed YMX with the Magic Carasoule
ngl I was kinda expecting YMX to betray himself...
Xehanort just sit here and watches these little cut scenes after every individual defeat....
......oh....ansem sod was gonna betray them....but gave up hope he could change anything....
aww Mickey used Curaga on us right before he knew he was gonna get taken again also I forgot to equip Curaga for myself oops I still have Cura on my slots, why does it not automatically equip them now....nobody wants to ever use the weaker versions, lower magic cost or not
what, Xemnas actually regrets being bad to the org? why, it makes no sense from how he was written before
“Why her?!” because she’s a fucking girl in this franchise
im so goddamn pissed off, no WONDER everyone is so mad about the ending
....Xehanort’s VA is......so bad............he has no damn emotion..............like, people talk about Aqua and Terra’s VA”s being emotionless? Nah, this dude really sucks
so Riku and Mickey got Stop’d but Donald and Goofy didn’t (or Sora of course
oooooo Ven and Roxas noticed each other....that’s gonna be a convo.....
“Kairi will be alright.” Yeah after everything’s done and over with to keep her out of the action
............so he gets taken out because he’s too distracted to see the 11 people aiming for him? are you fucking kidding me
so Xehanort...is a portal...to Cable Town??
mannn so the guys in those gucci outfits aren’t even the new org, they’re all just old man xehanort himself
wait wait no, they have all the weapons of the org? so are they them or does he just have all their powers??? nvm they’re all him
god even his power-up scream was underwhelming........
yup, a goat, the sin of Lust iirc
.....that fight...was extremely underwhelming....is that it?
“there is one sky, one destiny” dude that’s kairi’s line fuck off
he just. straight up took the light from Sora and forced him into Anti-Form? ok
well, at least he actually sounds like he’s dying in pain
ERAQUS! at least he has his voice, that’s def mark hamil still
“that doesn’t mean that i can’t be there for you” you’re the one that fucking killed him you lying motherfucker
...so eraqus apologized to aqua and ven, but not to terra who he also attacked? ok
and so the boyfriends ascend to the afterlife together
where the FUCK is Kairi
so the game
fucking ends
with Kairi fucking dead
this whole ending is suppose to be sweet with all the reunions but I’m just royally pissed off
oh, it is Ven’s Chirithy....but he didn’t have his memory come back...
oh! Lea’s new outf- XION GETS ONE TOO AAAAAAAAAA AND ISA!!!!!!!!!!!
they just. found Kairi offscreen.........................................................................
whelp, SoKari def canon SoRiKai is way better tho, as is somewhat RepliNami and Terrqua and MarLarx
wait.....what happened to Sora? Is Kairi actually not back then??
omg, Drake Bell was young Eraqus??? what, it said the Foretellers in the credits....when was that?? I don’t recall ever seeing them.....
............what happened to the card Luxord gave Sora that he said could help turn the tide of the battle? It never came up as far as I can tell..
...uh.....did they forget that Frozen takes place in the summer.....why is the area still covered in snow? it stopped once Elsa controlled her powers.....
yup, there’s Luxu(?) and the KHUX hook, though I don’t see Ava among them
XIGBAR IS LUXU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’LL SEE HIM IN MORE GAMES AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE THEORY WAS- wrong, cause everyone was saying he’s the Master of Masters
oh, I completely forgot about Maleficent and Pete lmao
oh, so Sora really was gone- oh what the fuck are they in the real world now????? no, what the fuck, the FF knockoff in Toy Box was real?? or is it a DLC hook?
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