#the UNWRA is NOT a humanitarian organization
eretzyisrael · 6 months
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Let there be no mistake, the UN, UNWRA, and so many other “Humanitarian organizations” (looking at you, Red Cross!) had full knowledge of this and in many cases, took an active role in supporting this insanity. 
HT @yaellevontin
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shrimplovercat · 3 months
hey JSYK unwra is lowkey a terrorist org that participated in october 7th. maybe remove that from the recommended charities. PCRF is great tho!
In January 26, there were allegations that against 12 (out of 30,000) of their staff were involved with Hamas. Israel has not provided this evidence to the public still, only to donators who then promptly cut funding. "Of the 12 employees implicated, nine have been fired, one was confirmed dead, and the identities of two others were being clarified." UNRWA has been stated to be a critical part of providing aid for Palestinians even after their funding was cut.
"On February 10, the IDF announced it discovered a tunnel shaft near a school in Gaza run by the UNRWA that connected underground to UNRWA’s central headquarters in the Gaza Strip."
"Lazzarini says UNRWA 'did not know what is under its headquarters in Gaza' and that the reports 'merit an independent inquiry that is currently not possible to undertake given Gaza is an active war zone.'
Lazzarini said that UNRWA staff left the Gaza headquarters on October 12, five days after the Hamas attack on October 7, and that the agency has not used the compound since. 
UNRWA, he said, 'is a human development and humanitarian organization that does not have the military and security expertise nor the capacity to undertake military inspections of what is or might be under its premises.'"
The IDF says that they found Hamas infrastructure underneath the UNRWA building, but these claims have not been investigated, because Gaza is an active war zone.
There are other things in UNRWA's past that aren't squeaky clean, I'll admit. And ultimately it's up to you where you put your money. But 2 million Palestinian civilians rely on UNRWA's aid right now.
Sources: Which countries have cut funding to UNRWA, and why? What to Know about UNRWA and Its Controversial Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict U.S. admits it hasn’t verified Israel’s UNRWA claims, media ignores it
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pregnantseinfeld · 4 months
The 118 billion Biden is pushing for both supporting Israel's genocide and attacking migrants is also written so funds to UNWRA continue to be blocked, ensuring the scraps set aside for humanitarian aid will bypass the most important humanitarian organization in Gaza
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 2 months
Do you know anything about claims that Israel just blocked the 3 biggest organizations preventing famine in Gaza—UNWRA, ANERA and World Central Kitchen? Saw a friend share it online and it seemed pretty dumb and far-fetched, but I know you’re way more versed on what’s actually going on than myself, and also know most news outlets in Canada (where I am) are bent towards Gaza/against the Jewish People
Hello! Thank you for this ask. This is a lot, so bear with me.
Israel is not “blocking” these organizations - though there was a recent incident with World Central Kitchen (WCK). Very recently a WCK aid truck was hit by a military strike which resulted in 7 deaths. Israel did take full responsibility and accountability is underway. They’ve started with the firing of several top military officials responsible for the bad call. I imagine more is to come on this - possibly legal accountability as well. WCK is an unbiased third party to this war, so this is extremely tragic for all involved. They work to provide food for individuals affected by any type of conflict or disaster - they do amazing work.
UNWRA and ANERA are a separate story. To be clear, Israel is still not “blocking” these two organizations. Though Israel has stopped funding both organizations.
ANERA has been under scrutiny multiple times in the past for misusage of donation funds. They essentially gave a lot of money to Hamas and used their charity donations to help build terrorist centers in Gaza. They’ve admitted to donating funds to the Gazan fund for martyrs and their families (i.e. terrorists who attempted to kill or did kill Israelis). ANERA has also made several claims that Israel is responsible for ALL of the humanitarian suffering in the region. Even during the second intifada, ANERA was refusing to admit Palestinian involvement in terrorism and was actively funding terrorism. The second intifada saw parents strapping bombs to their children, sending them into Israel, and blowing up random civilian areas. The borders between Israel and Gaza were not anything like today before the second intifada. This is largely why people say if Palestinians cared about their children more than they care about killing Jews, the wars would end.
UNWRA has been repeatedly exposed for helping terrorism in the region. It is run by Hamas. Their schools openly teach children to become “martyrs for the cause”, and you can see videos of UNWRA school teachers chanting with their students “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab”. Many of the hostages released and/or rescued from Gaza have said they were transported and held hostage by UNWRA associates. Several UNWRA teachers were seen in videos participating in Oct. 7th. After Oct. 7th, the UNWRA schools announced a day off to honor martyrs. Several UNWRA staffers posted on their socials about honoring the terrorists, celebrating the “great October massacre”, and Allah being great for allowing the massacre to happen.
Since you are from Canada, I’ll add in here that there are several Canadians families suing your government right now over the funding of UNRWA. Although Canada suspended their funding for UNWRA after their involvement in the 7th came out, they have recently resumed it. Several Canadian families of Canadian hostages held in Gaza still have come together to sue the Canadian government for funding terrorism. Funding the same orgs that participated in the murder, kidnapping, and rape of Canadians, as well as several other nationalities.
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
*ISRAEL REALTIME* - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
▪️UNWRA - According to the Wall Street Journal, one in ten UNRA employees is linked to terrorist organizations. 12 were directly involved in the massacre.   1,200 of the 12,000 UNRWA employees have close ties to Hamas and Islamic Jihad operatives (eg. first degree family ties).  Of the 12 UNRWA employees who took an active part in the terrorist attacks, 7 were teachers.
▪️FIRE ORDERS - IDF spokesperson:  Further to the claims regarding the instructions to open fire at the Gaza border, the IDF clarifies that there is no change in the instructions to open fire, and the IDF forces are acting according to the instructions not to allow any party to reach the border fence.
▪️TUNNEL - in Khan Yunis: a tunnel under a cemetery.  IDF aided an underground tunnel complex located under the Bani Suheila cemetery in the heart of Khan Yunis. While investigating the tunnel, the forces came across explosives, sliding doors and blast-proof doors, and eliminated terrorists who were inside. The forces located an office from which a Khan Yunis Brigade battalion commander managed the attack on October 7th, an operations room, a command and control center and the living quarters of senior officials of Hamas - about a kilometer long and 20 meters deep. 
▪️HOSTAGE DEAL - (( it is IMPOSSIBLE to know the truth of the leaks about a deal - could be completely false, somewhat false, or real )) Sky News: Israel agreed to the deal proposed yesterday. The draft will soon be submitted to Hamas.  The deal includes the release of hostages in batches including ceasefires, the release of terrorists with blood on their hands, and increases in humanitarian aid.
Details: 45 days of ceasefire or 35 hostages in stage 1, 100-250 terrorists with blood on their hands including mass murderers per hostage.  “Significant” humanitarian aid.
Prime Ministers Office: Reports about the deal are incorrect and include conditions unacceptable to Israel.
Qatar: “When we talk about progress towards a deal, we mean that Hamas no longer demands the end of the war as a precondition to conducting negotiations.”
🔻PEACE ROCKETS OF NEIGHBORLY LOVE (per the world) LAUNCHED AT TEL AVIV.. 15 rockets launched from northern Gaza at Tel Aviv and various areas in central Israel.  
▪️DEFENSE MINISTER… Half of Hamas terrorists have been killed or wounded.
▪️HAIFA ATTACK DETAILS… Kann News: A terrorist with an axe car rammed then slashed a twenty-year old soldier outside of the navy base in Haifa, and seriously wounded him, the terrorist was neutralized.  The terrorist - an Israeli Arab resident of Tamara.
▪️SHIITE MILITIAS OF IRAQ… today we attacked a military target in the "Occupied Palestinian Territory" using a suicide drone.  (Where?)
▪️SYRIA - AIRSTRIKE NEAR DAMASCUS.. the attack was against a structure in the area of the agricultural farms in Sayeda Zeinab, controlled by the IRGC (Iran).  The Iranian news agency Tasnim confirms:  The attack in southern Damascus was on a "center of Iranian advisers".
▪️UNRWA - SPAIN SAYS NO.. The Spanish Foreign Minister: We will not freeze funding for UNRWA!
▪️ORDER 9 IMPACT.. Gaza Crossings Authority:  Yesterday, aid trucks did not enter through the Kerem Shalom crossing (( due to Order 9 protestors blocking)).  90 trucks entered through the Rafah crossing: 84 trucks of aid, 4 cooking gas tanks, 2 diesel tankers.
▪️ATTEMPTED STABBING ATTACK - JUDEA-SAMARIA.. The IDF says troops shot dead a Palestinian who attempted to stab soldiers at an army post near the West Bank town of Tuqu'.
▪️SHIP HIJACK ATTEMPT… 3 armed speedboats approached a merchant ship 44 miles off the coast of Yemen.
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wesperbrekkered · 4 months
Hi all!
we are organizing a fundraiser for palestine for the grishaverse fandom! donate at least $10 to care for gaza or UNWRA/buy an e-sim and get a colored sketch in return, from one of the artists participating in this event!
If you cannot donate, I urge you to please reblog this and share among people outside of tumblr. Gaza needs our help, especially as the US and other countries are cutting the funding to UNWRA.
Places to donate:
E-sims :
Care For Gaza : @careforgaza on Instagram and Twitter
The form:
From The River To The See 🇵🇸🍉
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leandra-winchester · 4 months
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Since so many nations are cutting funding to UNRWA due to those allegations that 12 out of 13k employees were working with Hamas (allegations that were obtained from prisoners of war, likely under torture), UNRWA depends on private donations more than ever.
Consider donating, even if just a small amount. You can pay by card, PayPal or Google Pay.
UNWRA is a relief organization directly linked to the UN and the biggest relief org (and in many ways only one) currently providing aid to people in Gaza. It is 100% serious and reliable.
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miitopias · 1 year
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The Blue Figure - Khaled Hourani, 2017
On display at Darat al Funun, Amman
How do we see refugees? The refugee has become a multifaceted symbol, the most prominent political figure of our time. Not just because it is so claimed by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA), and other relevant humanitarian organizations, but because of the reality of the refugee's existence throughout the world.
Amidst all this, the migrating human being stands as an abstract symbol, not only within the UNHCR logo, but in reality as well. An abstract symbol of a blue figure without a specific national, religious, ethnic, or gender identity. Since the moment of inception as a representation, the refugee is depicted as a victim, a symbol for the tragedy of exile.
In this interpretive project, an attempt is made at deciphering this blue figure, removing it from the custody of its logo, and liberating it not only from its vulnerability and loneliness, but also placing it in other contexts. Taking the blue figure out of its logo brings back its humanity. Freed, the figure is turned from being a symbol or icon to a normal human being, thus revealing new horizons. We are all refugees until proven otherwise.
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naturalrights-retard · 4 months
‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 133: Israel cuts electricity to critical Nasser Hospital patients, forces staff to evacuate
Medicins Sans Frontiers reports "an unknown number of dead and wounded” following Israel's attack on Nasser Hospital. UNRWA says 84% of Gaza health facilities have been impacted by Israeli attacks, and 70% of civilian infrastructure has been damaged.
28,775+ Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including at least 12,000 children, and 68,552+ Palestinians have been injured. 
394+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147.
569 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 3,221 injured.**
*This figure was confirmed by Gaza’s Ministry of Health on Telegram channel. Some rights groups put the death toll number at more than 36,500 when accounting for those presumed dead.
** This figure is released by the Israeli military, showing the soldiers whose names “were allowed to be published.”
Key Developments:
A dire situation at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis is unfolding, as Israel’s raid continues, forcing displaced people and medical staff to evacuate the building.
World Health Organization (WHO) is trying to access Nasser Hospital to deliver humanitarian aid
UNWRA: 84 percent of healthcare facilities in Gaza affected by Israeli aggression
Satellite imagery shows the construction of a wall along the border between Gaza and Egypt, raising suspicion that Palestinians might be forced to evacuate into the Sinai Desert
Gaza Media Office: 130 journalists killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023
West Bank: Israeli military raids 15 homes in the town of Silat ad-Dhahr
At least two dead in “suspected terror” shooting attack in southern Israel
Lebanon submits a formal complaint to the UN Security Council, following Israel’s attacks in Nabatiyeh
Russia invites Hamas and other Palestinian factions to Moscow for “inter-Palestinian” talks on Gaza, and other Middle East issues
Germany approves the deployment of armed forces in an EU mission to thwart Houthi attacks in the Red Sea
Biden administration meets with Jewish and Muslim community leaders to discuss rising antisemitism and Islamophobia
Dire situation unfolds at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis 
A dire situation at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis is unfolding as Israel continues its raid on the largest functioning medical facility remaining in the Gaza Strip. 
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jhavelikes · 4 months
UNRWA was the “backbone of all humanitarian response in Gaza”, said Guterres, adding that he had been “personally horrified” by the allegations. The Norwegian government said it would maintain its funding to UNRWA, saying it was a “vital lifeline”. Espen Barth Eide, Norway’s foreign minister, said Oslo was standing by its “strong commitment to the agency, and to the Palestinian people”. He said: “We urge fellow donor countries to reflect on the wider consequences of cutting their funding to UNRWA. UNWRA is a vital lifeline for 1.5 million refugees in Gaza. Now more than ever, the agency needs international support. To avoid collectively punishing millions of people, we need to distinguish between what individuals may have done and what UNRWA stands for.” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the World Health Organization, said halting funding to UNRWA would entail “catastrophic consequences” for people in Gaza. “No other entity has the capacity to deliver the scale and breadth of assistance that 2.2 million people in Gaza urgently need,” he told a press conference in Geneva. He appealed for western countries to reconsider their decision to suspend funding to the agency.
Hamas mulls ceasefire proposal amid intense fighting across Gaza | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian
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eretzyisrael · 5 years
Putting terror first, and putting the haves before the have nots, explains the tragic disparity between available funding and the lack of medical care for the Arab people of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, people like Tlaib's "sity." There should be no need for these people to travel to Jerusalem after a bad car accident. There is enough money to build hospitals and urgent care centers for everyone, very close to home.
This choice: choosing to murder Jews over providing medical care to your own people, is sick and wrong. Especially when corrupt leaders have the access to medical care that their people do not. But to cast the blame on Israel for these awful priorities, for these choices, and to then cry crocodile tears at press conferences in your official capacity as a public servant, as Tlaib has done, is even more wrong. It is an abuse of power. And it does nothing to help the Arab people.
Israel is not to blame for the choices made by Tlaib’s own people. Israel is, on the contrary, one of the two victims of this choice, this unquenchable thirst to shed Jewish blood; the other being the Arab people, who lack adequate medical care as a result of their grim and tragic priorities.
It is true that checkpoint solders waved me through as I labored with my 12 children on the way to Jerusalem. They might well have waved through Rashida’s “sity” after her car accident, too, except for the fact that Arabs have historically misused medical services for nefarious ends, for instance for the smuggling of bombs past the checkpoint in order to blow up Jewish Israelis in Jerusalem. From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA):
Unfortunately, there have been documented cases of Palestinians abusing the neutrality of ambulances and medical facilities for terrorist purposes. On March 26 2002, Ahmed Jibril, a Tanzim operative, was detained at an IDF roadblock near Ramah Bridge, south of Ramallah. Jibril worked as an ambulance driver for the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRC). He was arrested while driving an ambulance belonging to the PRC in which were found an explosives belt and explosives. Jibril admitted that Mahmoud Titi, a Tanzim leader in Samaria, told him to deliver them to Tanzim operatives in Ramallah.
In addition to Jibril, a woman and three children, aged 6 months, three and four years old, were in the ambulance. The explosives belt held sixteen pipes containing approximately 10 kilograms of explosive materials. The belt was hidden under the mattress of the stretcher on which one of the children was lying.
Nidal Abd al Fatah Abdallah Nidal, an ambulance driver from Qalqilya employed by UNWRA, was arrested in August 2002 by IDF forces. He admitted using the ambulance to transport weapons and explosives for Hammas. Waffa Idris, a PRC employee, perpetrated the suicide bombing on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem in January 2002. She was dispatched by a PRC ambulance driver who is also a Tanzim operative, and she was assisted by another PRC employee. It is also believed she may have traveled in a PRC vehicle, and used PRC documents to go through IDF checkpoints.
I have been in Israel for four decades, now. I remember these incidents and others, too. It is a known thing: Arab terrorists smuggle arms in ambulances, even placing them under the body of a child. How then can we simply wave Tlaib’s “sity” through a checkpoint after a bad car accident? We want to help. We are good people. But too many Arabs are not.
The MFA website explains Israel's humanitarian predicament:
These incidents are not exceptional. There have been others in which Palestinian terror organizations abused the privileged status of ambulances, as well as many intelligence warnings of their intentions to do so. There is also abundant evidence that terrorists operate from within hospitals and health clinics; that terrorist organizations recruit PRC employees; and that wanted terrorists frequently travel in Palestinian ambulances to escape capture.
In light of these Palestinian practices, the IDF is forced to stop and search ambulances, which unavoidably results in impacting the Palestinian population, despite the IDF's efforts to minimize the disruption caused.
International law may mandate safeguarding the neutrality of ambulances, medical transports and personnel. However, it has also long recognized that when ambulances and medical transport are used for military purposes, they can no longer keep their protected status.
Should we choose to let ambulances through unchecked, taking a chance on the lives of innocent Jews? Or should we trust the Arab passengers of these vehicles, knowing the history, knowing they have abused this trust in the past--Israel's trust--on several occasions? Ambulances are something most of us see as sacrosanct: something never to be weaponized. This is the issue that Tlaib should be tearfully addressing from her platform of power: how to fix her people so they no longer breech these basic human standards of decency, no longer exploit Israel’s humanitarian impulses, so that Israelis no longer need fear them--fear for their lives--when an ambulance carrying wounded Arabs rushes by. Because ambulances just like the one that carried her “sity” have been used to carry explosives to murder Jewish Israelis, simply because the
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clusterassets · 6 years
New world news from Time: The U.S. Has Cut Half of Its Aid to Palestinian Refugees Pending U.N. Reform
(WASHINGTON) — The Trump administration on Tuesday cut tens of millions of dollars in money for Palestinian refugees, demanding that the U.N. agency responsible for the programs undertake a “fundamental re-examination,” the State Department said.
In a letter, the State Department notified the U.N. Relief and Works Agency that the U.S. is withholding $65 million of a planned $125 million funding installment. The letter also makes clear that additional U.S. donations will be contingent on major changes by UNRWA, which has been heavily criticized by Israel.
“We would like to see some reforms be made,” said State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert, adding that changes are needed to the way the agency operates and is funded. “This is not aimed at punishing anyone.”
The State Department said it was releasing the rest of the installment — $60 million — to prevent the agency from running out of cash by the end of the month and closing down.
The U.S. is UNWRA’s largest donor, supplying nearly 30% of its budget. The agency focuses on providing health care, education and social services to Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
“Given the long, trusted, and historic relationship between the United States and UNRWA, this reduced contribution threatens one of the most successful and innovative human development endeavors in the Middle-East,” UNRWA chief Pierre Krähenbühl said in a statement.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians either fled or were forced from their homes during the war that led to Israel’s establishment in 1948. Today, there are an estimated 5 million refugees and their descendants, mostly scattered across the region.
The Palestinian Liberation Organization reacted angrily to the move, saying it is targeting “the most vulnerable segment of the Palestinian people and depriving the refugees of the right to education, health, shelter and a dignified life.”
“It is also creating conditions that will generate further instability throughout the region and will demonstrate that it has no compunction in targeting the innocent,” the PLO leadership said in a statement.
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was not aware of the decision, but warned that UNRWA provides “vital services.”
“I am very concerned and I strongly hope that in the end it will be possible for the United States to maintain the funding of UNRWA in which the U.S. has a very important share,” he told reporters at the U.N.
Israel’s ambassador to the U.N., Danny Danon, praised the move, arguing that UNRWA misuses humanitarian aid to support propaganda against the Jewish state and perpetuate the Palestinians’ plight.
“It is time for this absurdity to end and for humanitarian funds to be directed towards their intended purpose: the welfare of refugees,” Danon said in a statement.
The U.S. donated $355 million to UNWRA in 2016 and was set to make a similar contribution in this year, with the first installment to have been sent this month. But after a highly critical Jan. 2 tweet from Trump on aid to the Palestinians, the State Department opted to wait for a formal policy decision before sending its first installment.
Trump’s tweet expressed frustration over the lack of progress in his attempts to broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians, and he pointed the finger at the Palestinians. “We pay the Palestinians HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS a year and get no appreciation or respect,” he said. “But with the Palestinians no longer willing to talk peace, why should we make any of these massive future payments to them?”
Israelis accuse the U.N. agency of contributing to Palestinian militancy and allowing its facilities to be used by militants. They also complain that some of UNRWA’s staff are biased against Israel.
Nauert said the United States believes there needs to be more “burden-sharing,” a regular Trump complaint about multilateral organizations dependent on significant contributions of U.S. cash.
“We don’t believe that taking care of other nations and other people have to be solely the United States’ responsibility,” she said.
The U.S. plan to withhold some, but not all, of the money was backed by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary James Mattis, who offered it as a compromise to demands for more drastic measures by U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, officials said.
Haley wanted a complete cutoff in U.S. money until the Palestinians resumed peace talks with Israel that have been frozen for years. But Tillerson, Mattis and others argued that ending all assistance would exacerbate instability in the Mideast, notably in Jordan, a host to hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees and a crucial U.S. strategic partner.
Eliminating or sharply reducing the U.S. contribution could hamstring the agency and severely curtail its work, putting great pressure on Jordan and Lebanon as well as the Palestinian Authority. Gaza would be particularly hard hit. Some officials, including Israelis, warn that it might push people closer to the militant Hamas movement, which controls Gaza.
January 17, 2018 at 08:33AM ClusterAssets Inc., https://ClusterAssets.wordpress.com
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