#the creators didn't need to make this blink-and-you-will-miss scene but they bothered to make the sequence more dynamic
cienie-isengardu · 1 month
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source: ATLA - "Bato of the Water Tribe"
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messers-moony · 3 years
Devotion: Chapter Eighteen | F.H
Paring: Five Hargreeves X Fem!Reader (Series)
Summary: In which the Hargreeves siblings come together to stop the end of the world. 
Disclaimer: I don’t own the Umbrella Academy. All rights go to the creators of the show, the comics and everyone in between. Gifs used in these chapters are NOT mine and are/were found on Pinterest. 
Warnings: Cursing, Sex, Nudity, Violence, Gore, Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking, Intense Scenes, and Abuse (if I missed any let me know)
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❝Use your brain.❞
The barstool made a squeaking sound against the wood. Y/n sat down, and Five slid her a drink. She sighed and placed the glass between her palms. The man behind the bar didn’t seem bothered. Y/n let the cold glass relieve the sweat from her palms. There was barely a centimeter of liquid in the cup, and Y/n felt like she needed the entire bottle.
“The other night, you quoted Homer at me.” Reginald said, “Why?”
“You forced us all to learn it as kids.” Five replied, “In the original Greek, no less.”
Five took a sip from his glass, “This world ends in five days if we don't get out of the timeline.”
“Worlds end. Paleozoic, Jurassic, and so on.”
The glass clinked on the wooden bar, “We can do something about this one.”
“Man's greatest flaw: the illusion of control.”
“We need your help. All right?” Five said, “You're our last sane option. Otherwise, we gotta make a deal that I really don't wanna make.”
Y/n saw Reginald’s face scrunch, “What do you know about time travel?”
“In theory?”
“In practice.”
“I know it's akin to descending blindly into the depths of freezing waters and reappearing-“
Y/n froze. Her body shivered, and the hair on her arms stood up. She felt like someone had poured cold water on her. She blinked, and she was back at the dining table. Y/n was looking down at the Rubik cube in her lap, fiddling with it, and she could hear Reginald lecturing Five.
She could hear the clink of Reginald’s cutlery, “A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding across the ice the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn.”
Five’s voice snapped her from the reverie, “As an acorn. Yeah.”
“What transpired when you tried traveling before?”
“I botched it.”
She heard Five sigh, “I jumped too far forward, got stuck in the future for 45 years in an apocalypse.”
“Then I jumped too far backward… except this time I brought my entire family with me.”
Y/n looked inside the glass at the brown liquid. She picked up the glass and swallowed the alcohol. It was smooth and warm. She put the glass back on the bar and placed her palms back on the smooth surface, “Maybe your appetite is disproportionate to the size of your abilities.”
“Start small—seconds, not decades.”
“Seconds?” Reginald hummed, “Look, no offense, but I need a bit more time for what I'm trying to accomplish.”
Y/n turned to face Reginald. He gave her a peculiar look, “So much can change in a matter of seconds. One could overthrow an empire. One could fall in love. An acorn doesn't become an oak overnight.”
“I was really hoping you had more than that.”
“I’m sorry I can't be of more help.”
Five deflated, “I'm sorry, too. I gave you such a hard time as a kid. I didn't know any better.”
“Hmm—no skin off my teeth, old man.”
Y/n watched Five pick up his glass and let the liquid slide down his throat. She watched Five jump off the barstool and followed him. She tucked her hair behind her ears. She was about to walk out of the door when a voice echoed, “Girl, come here.”
She froze, and Five turned around to meet her eyes, “Go,”
“I’ll wait outside for you.”
Y/n sighed and walked back into the dark bar. Reginald motioned to Five’s former seat, and she sat on top of the wooden stool. She didn’t talk. She stared behind the bar at the multitude of bottles. Reginald sighed, “You seem to be the most powerful.”
“That’s because I am.”
“But you hold back.” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, “You’ve never really used your powers to their full extent, have you?”
She swallowed, “I have.”
“You’re lying.” Reginald said, “You’re withholding yourself. That’s extremely dangerous, especially for someone like you.”
“I have it under control.”
He raised one of his eyebrows, “Do you?”
“You must know what happens when you lose control.”
“I do.”
“What happened?”
Y/n stayed silent, “The more you hold in, the more gunpowder you’re adding to the bullet, the more energy your absorbing, and the more wood you’re adding to the fire.”
“That’s the difference between you and everyone else at that table.” He said, “They’ve all had someone to turn to. You haven’t. You isolate yourself, and one day, you’ll lose control.”
Her fingers tapped the bar, “It’s too late. That’s already happened.”
“Then make sure there’s never a next time.”
Reginald was facing straight ahead with his hands on his glass. Y/n turned to face him before jumping off the barstool with a sigh of relief, “I have a feeling I’ll be seeing you rather soon.”
Y/n swallowed thickly before continuing to the elevator. Her shoes made small thuds across the wooden floor. Her body felt stiff with tension. The elevator dinged, and she walked inside. Her finger pressed the lobby floor and waited for the elevator to begin its way down. 
The doors clicked open two minutes later, and she walked into the small hallway. Y/n walked down the stairs and to the main entry. She opened the double doors and saw Five pacing at the neon blue sign. She walked over to him, and he sighed.
“Anything helpful?”
“Well,” Five blew a raspberry, “Are you ready for this?”
Y/n held out her hand, “As I’ll ever be.”
Five put his hand in hers. She landed outside a motel and sighed. It was chilly outside, and the motel looked like a dump. Y/n followed Five into the lobby and through a series of hallways. They had white walls with accents and brown in the center. The floors were wooden. Y/n stopped outside of room 217. 
Y/n knocked, and the doors opened a second later, “Ah! Just in time for a nightcap.”
The Handler had a gleeful smile on her face. Y/n looked at her unusually modest attire. She had ruby earrings and a black glittery dress. Y/n walked into the room, and Five shut the doors behind them. She watched The Handler pour three drinks and light a cigarette in her mouth. 
“To be clear, we take out the board,” Five sighed, “you get me and my family home.”
The Handler walked over to the bed, “No more doomsday, no more apocalypse.”
“Is that correct?”
Y/n watched her pick up a piece of paper on the nightstand. She was lying on the bed, “That's the deal.”
“Then we’re in.”
She held out a piece of paper as smoke puffed from her mouth. Y/n grimaced but walked forward and took the piece of paper from The Handler’s hand. She took a step back and unfolded the paper. Y/n could feel Five looking over her shoulder to read the small rectangular piece. 
“The Lonely Lodger Inn. Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1982.”
Y/n sighed and walked out of the double doors. The hallways felt stuffy. Y/n felt claustrophobic suddenly. She felt Five take her hand, and they were encased in blue. Her feet landed on asphalt, and they were on the street. Old-timey cars were parked on the side of the road, and people were dressed in traditional clothing. 
The lodge was made out of brick and looked cozy. The inside made Y/n’s insides feel warm. The lobby had high ceilings and yellow lighting. Windows let light stream in, making the building comfortably warm. There were little knickknacks all around the room. 
She saw a lady hunched over a table, and Five walked toward her, “Excuse me.”
“Uff da.” The woman jumped, “You snuck up on me there. If you're looking for the cookies, we don't put 'em out till 3:00.”
Y/n saw Five turn to her, and she smiled, “She can hardly wait.”
“Uh, do you happen to know where the Midwest Soybean is meeting?”
The lady turned, and Y/n looked at her. She had very frizzy curly blonde hair, and she was very curvy. She had a white long sleeve undershirt with a green vest on top. She had a bag around her waist, and Y/n tilted her head. She hadn’t seen a fannypack in years.
“Sure do.” The woman pointed to the back, “Muskellunge Banquet Room.”
“You two looking for your mom? She in for the convention?”
Y/n narrowed her eyes at Five. He was focused on something near the lady pointed. He dug through his pocket and pulled out a crumpled dollar, “Hey, could I get some change?”
“Oh, sure, I'll just look in my purse.” The lady unzipped her purse muttering beneath her breath, “You are in luck, mister.”
She handed Five the change, “You know, some say the best luck is to die at the right time.”
Y/n almost sighed at the lost look on the lady’s face. She looked down at her name tag that read ‘Kathy.’ Five walked away, and Y/n followed him. She followed him into another room. It had a cake on a table and a vending machine. Y/n leaned on the wall facing the machine. 
She watched Five plug the coins into the slot and type in the number. Y/n put her hands in the hoodie pocket. She watched the candy move forward. However, it didn’t fall. Five furrowed his eyebrows and typed in the number again, but nothing happened. 
Y/n held back laughter as Five scoffed at the machine. He shook the machine repeatedly, yelling. Other items from the vending machine fell but not the candy. Y/n sighed and watched Five kick the glass. It shattered, and Five looked around sheepishly. Y/n could hold back her laughter. 
“Shut up, Y/n.”
“I’m- I’m sorry,” She laughed, “But that- that was fucking hilarious.”
 Five rolled his eyes, “God, you’re so dumb.”
Y/n watched him whip around to face her, “I mean, come on, Five. Use your brain. I have telekinesis.”
“Why didn’t you do that in the first place!”
“Because how you handled the situation was ten times more amusing.” Y/n smiled, “Plus, you had to get your frustration out somehow.”
“I hate you.”
She snorted, “Sure you do, Hargreeves.”
Y/n watched Five swipe his finger across the icing on the cake and placed the finger in his mouth. She grabbed the knife from her pocket and twisted it in her hand, not unlike Diego. She watched Five grab the fire axe and let it slide in his hand. Y/n stood beside him. 
“You ready?”
The knife twirled in her hand, “As I’ll ever be.”
She walked through the doors and saw a hallway. The floor was carpeted, and the walls were wood with accents. She heard someone talking in a room on the right. The double doors to the room were already open. Y/n turned to Five, and he nodded. They both walked into the doorway. 
There were six people on the left and five on the right side of the table. At the head of the table was a man with a fish tank for a head. Y/n tilted her head. She knew of him but had never met him personally, “You!”
“Call security!”
A woman on the right side rolled her chair back to the phone. Five cut her forearm in half. Y/n could hear the phone error noise. The board members began to scramble and scream. Y/n locked eyes with Five, “I’ll take the left.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Y/n walked over to the left of the table. She slid the knife across the first man’s throat. He was beginning to gurgle blood, and she sighed. Blood was squirting, and she slid the knife out. She kicked his chair back. Y/n walked to the next man. He was begging for his life. She smiled and reassured him while slowly untying his tie. When she got it untied, she wrapped it around his neck and squeezed. 
She held the fabric tight around his neck until he could no longer breathe. Another man tried getting up from his seat, but Y/n threw the knife, which landed directly in his chest’s center. The man’s knees buckled and landed forward, the blade sliding more. Y/n sighed and kicked him over, grabbing the knife. 
Y/n grabbed the knife and slid it into the woman’s heart. She could feel the woman’s life leave her body, and she flung the body on top of the other man. The last man was in the corner with his head on his knees. Y/n watched him look up at her, and she kneed him in the forehead. His eyes drooped before falling shut completely. She leaned down and whispered something in his ear before sliding the knife into his heart. 
Y/n heard a wisp and saw Five standing over the man with a fish tank head. She looked around the room and saw blood splatter everywhere. There was even a man hanging from the ceiling. Y/n looked down at her knife to see it covered in the sticky liquid. She placed her sleeve over her hand and wiped the blade clean. She turned and began to pay attention. 
“Whatever she offered you, I will double it, triple it.”
Five tilted his head, “We’re not doing this for money.”
A woman came into the room before Five could swing the axe. Y/n sighed and saw the tell-tale blonde hair. She had her arms wrapped around Five’s middle from behind and yelled in her nasal voice, “You're gonna pay for that vending machine, little mister.”
Y/n watched Five elbow her in the jaw, and she released her hold on him, “I don't wanna hurt you, all right?”
“Hurt me?” Kathy punched Five in the jaw, “Oh, I ain't afraid of you, you little pus ball.”
“Maybe you’re not afraid of him,” Y/n chuckled, “But you’re about to be afraid of me.”
Five found eyes with her, and she nodded, “Go.”
He looked around, and Y/n watched him grab something from the wall before spatial jumping out. She released a sigh and stared at Kathy, lying on the floor. Y/n tilted her head, and the woman was clawing at her neck. Her eyes widened in shock. Y/n watched the woman’s face turn slightly blue. Y/n walked over to her and smiled before giving Kathy’s throat a final squeeze. The whining stopped, and her chest was unmoving. 
Y/n sighed, “Why does someone always have to intervene?”
She walked out of the room and back into the hallway. She could see Five standing in front of the man from the hallway. Her pace was leisurely. She knew that Five had this taken care of. She watched Five hit him in the ribs, then in the waist, and finally, swinging at the glass tank. 
The glass shattered everywhere, and water was flung around. Y/n twisted the knife in her fingers, “It’s been a long time since I’ve killed like that.”
Five inhaled, tilting his head toward the ceiling, and exhaled, looking at Y/n, “Well, welcome back, love.”
Y/n dug through her hoodie pocket and found a plastic bag. Five found a water fountain and filled it with water. Y/n knelt and carefully grabbed the fish before dropping it into the bag. Y/n and Five were both covered in blood. Y/n could see it more on Five’s colored clothing. She used her sleeve and started rubbing his cheek—the blood-smeared before it came off. 
He took her hand in his, and she was encased in blue. 
She felt her feet hit solid ground and looked around to see the alleyway of Elliott’s apartment. The walls of the alley had old paint that was faded. Clouds covered the sun. Five stood in the alleyway, picking at his nails. Y/n leaned against the wall. Y/n perked up when she heard heels.
The Handler was wearing a black hat and a plum dress. Her brown hair was perfectly styled. In her right hand was a briefcase. Y/n crossed her legs at the ankle, “Well?”
Five held out the fish without turning around. The Handler gasped happily, “AJ!”
Y/n watched Five turn around as The Handler cackled at the fish in the bag. He was staring at her. Y/n tilted her head, “You know, you're really starting to fill out those tight little shorts of yours.”
“Ew.” Y/n grimaced.
“Why so quiet?” The Handler asked, “Thought you'd be buzzing after this morning's slaughter.”
“All this killing,” Five sighed, “I'm done with it.”
“What?” Y/n watched her grab a handkerchief from her cleavage, “Am I supposed to take that seriously?”
The Handler began swiping at the blood on Five’s face, “What I did today, I did for my family, I did for Y/n.”
“I did it to save the world.”
“Please.” The Handler said, “Spare me your little assassin with the heart of gold routine, will you?”
“Besides, your little Y/n here lives off the killing.”
Y/n glared, “I do not.”
“Really?” The Handler tilted her head, “Because that’s not what you told me years ago.”
“You took advantage of me.” Y/n growled, “Made me into your puppet.”
“It’s crazy,” The Handler replied, “What grief can do to a person.”
Y/n froze. Her entire body went rigid. She heard those words in her dream in the car. She felt stupid for not noticing it earlier. The woman in her dream had the same voice as The Handler. Y/n shuddered and put her matted hair behind her ears. Her hands were covered in sticky blood.
“Here.” The Handler handed Five the briefcase, “Per our agreement. This will get you and your siblings back to 2019.”
Y/n watched Five reluctantly take the case, “You have 90 minutes.”
“Figures.” Y/n scoffed. 
Five’s eyes widened, “You said nothing about a time limit.”
“Actually, you have 89 minutes and 30 seconds.” The Handler said, “Better hurry.”
“This is impossible, okay?” Five seethed, “My siblings are scattered across the city.”
The Handler smiled, “Nothing's impossible. You two proved that this morning when you killed the board.”
“I need more time.”
“Any more time, and people will start asking questions. The sooner you get home and out of this time period, the better off we'll both be, so,” The Handler motioned to her watch, “ticktock, ticktock.”
 Y/n felt a weight around her wrist, and she was pulled into the electricity. She sighed and saw the bottom part of Elliott’s loft. On the floor were bright red letters. She heard Five sigh and looked at the letters on the ground, ‘Öga för Öga.’ Y/n sighed and walked up the left stairwell. 
At the top of the stairs, she saw something covered in a light blue blanket. She heard Five put down the briefcase and hesitantly lifted the blue blanket. Y/n hissed. Elliott was covered in his blood, and dentist tools were stuck in his mouth. She heard Five curse under his breath. 
Y/n watched Five pick up the briefcase and walk around the loft. She tilted her head as he carried it around, looking aimlessly around the room. He walked to the left of the loft and hid it next to a wooden desk. Y/n strained her ears to hear Diego threatening someone. Five walked into the kitchen.
“Hey.” Five called, “It's Öga För Öga, idiots.”
Y/n leaned her right side against the archway, “It’s Swedish for ‘an eye for an eye.’”
She watched Five take off his blazer, “It means the Swedes killed Elliott.”
“Wrong number.” Diego said into the phone, “Have a lovely day.”
Luther shrugged, “We would've gotten there.” 
Y/n watched Five throw off his vest. He sighed, and his hair touseled at the movement. Luther and Diego turned around. Y/n saw them narrow their eyes, “Uh, you have some blood on you.”
“A lot of blood, actually.”
She watched Five walk in between them to the bathroom. Luther deadpanned, “Five, what did you do?”
Diego turned around and eyed Y/n, “You also have blood on you. What did you two do?”
“It’s only on my face.” Y/n replied, “Plus, it isn’t mine.”
Y/n opened her mouth to explain more when a voice echoed in her head, “Do not tell them. They don’t need to know.”
“Pardon me,” Y/n said, “But this blood is extremely sticky, and I’d like to shower if you don’t mind.”
She walked through the sheer curtain into Elliott’s bedroom, “What if we do mind?”
“Too bad!”
Y/n sighed and opened the closet door. In the bottom of the closet, she found a box labeled ‘wife.’ Y/n waved her hand, and the box came sliding to her. She opened the untaped box and found much bright clothing. Y/n flipped over the box and rummaged through them. She found another pair of black jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. Y/n grabbed a pair of Elliott’s socks and walked into a separate bathroom. 
The bathroom was yellow and white. Y/n closed and locked the door behind her. A white pedestal sink and a white cabinet were in the right corner. Beside the sink was the toilet and the shower had a blue curtain. Y/n placed the clean clothes in the dry sink and grabbed a towel from the cabinet on the toilet lid. She turned the shower knob to warm and shed her clothes. 
She got in the shower and washed all the blood off her body. She shampooed her hair twice, and the water finally was clear. She conditioned the ends and allowed her body to relax under the hot water before turning it off. Y/n flung the curtain opened and dried herself off before putting on the same undergarments. She put on the new pants with the old belt. The long sleeve shirt was a little oversized, and the sleeves covered her hands. Y/n towel-dried her hair the best she could before putting on the socks. 
 Y/n walked back into Elliott’s room and grabbed the blood-crusted knife. She walked back into the bathroom and washed it until it was completely silver again. Y/n smiled and dried it with her shower towel before turning off the sink. She grabbed a pair of boots on the floor and laced them up on her feet. She put the knife in her pocket before walking back into the kitchen. 
She heard Five still washing up in the other bathroom. Diego and Luther looked at Y/n’s new appearance, “What? I thought I got all the blood off.”
“So we found a way home.”
“What? How?” Luther asked, buckling his belt.
“All the details are irrelevant, but,” She could hear Five sigh, “I made a deal to get back to our timeline.”
Y/n coughed, “We made a deal to get back to our timeline.”
“What about doomsday?”
Y/n saw Diego walk into the kitchen in a black wifebeater. He was wearing black pants and wearing a jacket over his shoulders. Y/n looked at Luther and saw him wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with black jeans. Y/n tilted her head.
“Won't happen.”
“And the 2019 apocalypse?”
“Everything will be back to normal.”
“All right?” She saw Five leave the bathroom, “Now, no more questions. We gotta go.”
She watched him fix the collar of his shirt, “We have to find the others, right?”
“Luther, you get Allison.”
Five grabbed his blazer and walked into the loft, “Diego and Y/n, Klaus.”
“I’ll get Vanya,” Five said, “Now, we meet back in the arrival alley in 77 minutes.”
Y/n walked into the loft and grabbed two more of the watches she had found. One was around her wrist, and she handed the other two to Five. He took them and tilted his head. Y/n watched Five stare at them until his eyes lit up. He smiled at her. 
“You’re brilliant.”
“Here. Y/n’s synchronized these watches.”
Diego narrowed his eyes, and Y/n showed him her watch-clad wrist, “Okay, let's do this.”
Five was about to spatial jump, but Diego bit the inside of his cheek, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.”
“You two show up drenched in blood and expect us to believe everything's gonna go back to normal if we go home now?”
“Elliott just got killed because of us.”
“What about Dad?” Diego asked, “What about JFK?”
Y/n sighed, “Dee, please.”
“Diego, we have a chance to go home and make things right. We are taking it.”
“I have to say goodbye to Lila.”
Five held out his hands, “Lila doesn't give a shit about you, Diego!”
“She never did. She's one of them. She's a member of the Commission.” 
Diego narrowed his eyes, “No way. Not possible.”
“She was just using you to get to us.” Five said, pointing to himself and Y/n, “You're the Oswald of this story, my friend. The goddamned patsy.”
Y/n saw Five beginning to walk away and sighed with relief. Diego’s voice made her jump, “You don't know what you're talk-“
She heard a wisp, and Five was in Diego’s face, “If you don't do this, I'll kill you myself. Got it?”
He leaned closer to Diego’s ear and whispered something. Diego stiffened, and Y/n watched Five disappear. His body relaxed a little but not entirely. Y/n tilted her head. Nothing in his mind about what Five had whispered, and she crossed her arms. She heard Luther let out a large sigh and put his hand on Diego’s shoulder. 
“Women.” Luther said, “Am I right?”
Y/n walked on Diego’s left side, “Sexist. Am I right?”
Diego snickered, and Luther deadpanned. Y/n smiled before walking down the steps to the bottom of the loft. Her shoes clicked against the concrete and tile as she went outside. The sun beat down in the late morning, and she sighed. Y/n walked over to the black car parked on the side of the street and waited. 
He didn’t take too long, and she saw him leave the building. The door shut behind him, and he placed the key into the door. The car unlocked, and Y/n walked to the passenger seat before sitting down. The leather was hot beneath her legs, but it didn’t bother her. Diego flicked another key into the ignition, and the engine echoed. 
Y/n sighed, “I’m sorry, Five was so harsh.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I know it sucks.” Y/n said, “I know you really like her. I just wish she cared about you as you do her.”
“I’m also sorry for keeping so many secrets,” Diego hummed, “I know it isn’t fair, and you’ve always respected my secrets, but it’s easier to keep you safe this way.”
Diego glanced at her, “I know you have secrets. You’ve had secrets since we were kids. I just wish I understood.”
“I do too, Dee.” She whispered, “More than you’ll ever know.”
The car stopped, and Y/n looked up. The car was parked outside of a massive white building. There was a very colorful bus parked on the front lawn. Diego released a puff of air. Y/n sighed and pulled open her car door. The door shut behind her. Y/n walked up to the front door, and it was opened. Inside were many people wearing the same blue set of clothes. 
Diego stopped one of them, “Excuse me.”
“Where’s Klaus?”
The man pointed back, “Should be in the garden.”
Y/n tucked her hair behind her ears. Her shoes made loud thuds against the wooden floor, and she passed through multiple people. The doors to the garden were open, and Y/n slid through them. The backyard was beautiful. It had lines of trees growing fruit and fertile soil for growing crops. 
She sighed when she saw Klaus with a woman on top of him. She was kissing his neck and was wearing the same blue clothing as everyone else. She had dark skin, and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Y/n thought she was way too pretty for Klaus. Diego groaned.
“Hey, Daddy.” He called, “You got a sec?”
“Come on.” Y/n said, “We gotta go.”
“Yeah.” Klaus turned to the woman, “I'll be right back.”
Y/n sighed, “Come on.”
Diego grabbed Klaus’ arm, and Y/n watched them start walking away. She sighed before following closely, “You need to come with us.”
“Five found a way home,” Y/n replied. 
Klaus giggled, “It's so great to talk to you two again, Diego, Y/n.”
Diego narrowed his eyes, “You hear what we just said?”
Y/n locked eyes with him, “Are you high, Klaus?”
“No,” He said, “I'm not Klaus.”
Y/n stopped, and Diego did the same. She stared at him incredulously. Her eyes narrowed into his, “I'm Ben.”
“You are high,” Diego said.
“Look, we don't have time for this.”
“I can prove it.” Klaus replied, “Ask me something only Ben would know.”
Diego crossed his arms, “Okay. When we were little, what did you reprogram Allison's Teddy Ruxpin to say?”
“‘Luther sniffs Dad's underwear.’” Klaus singsonged. 
Y/n froze, and Diego’s face softened. Y/n heard Diego release a soft chuckle before embracing Klaus into a hug, “Holy shit.”
She watched them hug. She didn’t say anything. Y/n straightened her posture. Klaus was furrowing his eyebrows over Diego’s shoulders. She couldn’t think about anything other than the words whispered in her ear. They were so taunting, and she could still hear them echoing in her head. 
“Do this, and we will save Number Five from the desolate wasteland. But if you refuse, Number Five will die, and it will be all your fault.”
Y/n watched Diego pull apart, “I don't get it. I mean, Klaus said you didn't make it to Dallas.”
“Well, Klaus says a lot of things, but guess what? I can possess him now, and it's freakin' awesome.”
“Okay, you can tell us all about it on the way back to 2019.” Diego said, pulling him along, “Okay?”
Y/n followed wordlessly behind them, “What about Destiny's Children? We can't just leave them. Klaus should be the one to tell them-“
“Oh no,” Diego replied, “You stay in this body. We need someone responsible behind the wheel, okay?”
“All right, Diego. Will you wait? I just need, like, ten minutes.” Klaus asked, and Diego turned to Y/n. 
She pulled up her sleeve to show Diego the watch, “Actually, there’s something we need to do first.”
“Meet us in the alley behind Elliott's in 30 minutes, okay? Do not be late.”
“I won’t,” Klaus assured.
Diego cupped his face, “Good to see you, brother.”
“You too.”
Y/n sighed and walked off. She walked around the house and to the front yard. The bus was still parked in the front. She walked to the car and waited for Diego to place the key in the lock. It clicked open, and she threw herself into her seat. Diego plopped in the driver’s seat and put the second key in the ignition. The engine rumbled.
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