#the painted veil
gatabella · 3 months
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Greta Garbo, The Painted Veil, 1934
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allgarbo · 3 months
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(...) After their reunion in 1962, Greta began writing Mimi Pollak again. Unlike with her previous correspondence, her brief, somewhat distracted letters from this period were written primarily in English. But like her letters of the past, they described similar routines: how she virtually lived on carrots, why she did not dare come home to Sweden (she feared she would be recognized). Early in 1975, she sent Mimi a poem she had written about not being able to touch the hand of her friend—someone, if times had been different, she might have been walking through life with.
Greta Garbo in The Painted Veil (1934)
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gaily-daily-musings · 3 months
Idk if anyone has seen The Painted Veil. But picture this: it's the 1920s and Obi-Wan is an alpha doctor who studies diseases. While in London he comes across socialite omega Anakin at a party. He is instantly smitten. Love at first sight. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for Anakin.
Obi-Wan calls upon him at his house. He surprises Anakin with a proposal.
“I know we don't really know each other, but I confess I'm quite taken with you. If you would do me the honor of your hand I promise to care and love you the rest of your days.”
Anakin is torn. He doesn't know this person but he is getting older and he's worried. He doesn't want to end up an old spinster. More than that he doesn't want to be a burden on his mother. He agrees on the spot. Obi-Wan is shocked but delighted.
They marry. Fast forward a few months later. They're at a horse track. Anakin has been so bored lately, cooped up in the house with nothing to do. At least as a single omega he got to go out with his mother and friends. But now he's married so he's expected to attend events with his husband. But Obi-Wan is always buried in his work.
Anakin wanders off to get another drink. He meets the handsome Rush Clovis. He was young and virile, not like Obi-Wan who was much more reserved.
“What's your favorite part about a horse?” Anakin asks, a bit too flirtatious perhaps but it's not like anyone was watching.
“Hmm, most people would probably say the coat. But I appreciate the flank.” Rush eyes Anakin up and down with a sly grin.
They exchange a few more quips about horses and racing and the power behind such an amazing beast. Rush comments that he actually owned one of the horses. One thing leads to another and Rush takes Anakin down to the stables to see the horses. They fuck in one of the empty stables.
For a moment Anakin finally feels appreciated. Wanted. Obi-Wan never made passes at him. He didn't hungrily look at him the way Rush did. Obi-Wan was very respectable. Too respectable. He'd hadn't even bitten him. He'd told Anakin on their wedding night that he would not bite him until, or if, he was ready.
Anakin groans loudly. Obi-Wan would never debase himself like this. He wasn't fun. He didn't even touch him. Obi-Wan may be nice but he isn't very passionate. He went out of his way to give Anakin privacy. He'd accidentally walked in on Anakin changing once. He'd simply averted his eyes and walked back out. He didn't even get a boner.
For a minute it's just Anakin and Rush and the slap of flesh. Then there is a small gasp behind them.
Anakin snaps up to see Obi-Wan standing there in wide eyed shock. Rush pulls out and they scramble to get their clothes on. Once dressed, Obi-Wan grabs his arm and yanks him away.
“We're leaving," Obi-Wan announces. His voice is cold. So very cold. Anakin has never heard it like that before.
The next few hours are excruciating. Once home Obi-Wan lectures him in a stiff and furious tone.
“I was well aware that you didn't marry me for love! But had at least hoped you could learn to! I see now I was wrong. You are a selfish, vain thing!”
Anakin hangs his head. Ashamed. He didn't mean to hurt the man. He just wanted some fun. He was bored in this house all day. Feeling stuck and stagnant. He needed more than this.
“Please don't throw me out.”
He can't go back to his mother like this. He's nowhere else to go. And he knows what happens to omegas on the streets.
In the end, Obi-Wan doesn't throw him out. Instead he gives him an ultimatum. Either divorce on the grounds of adultery (a public humiliation where he will be ostracized) or come with him to a remote village in New Zealand where he has volunteered to treat victims of a cholera outbreak. Anakin chooses the later.
The journey is long and arduous. Anakin hates it. He hates everything about it. It's hot and sweaty and there's bugs everywhere. Obi-Wan is not helpful. He doesn't offer to carry his bags or fan his face or even play a simple guessing game to pass the time.
They finally arrive. It's a tiny village. Anakin meets all sorts of new people. Rex and Cody and Wolffe etc. He grows close to a girl, Ahsoka. The longer they stay the more Anakin finds he likes these people. He starts to learn their songs and way of life. He watches Obi-Wan help them. How gentle and kind he was.
Anakin realizes that stability is better than passion. That Obi-Wan is dependable and trustworthy. He'd thrown his one chance at love away for a meaningless fling. He's ruined everything.
Anakin asks Rex if there's any jobs he can do. He's a bit bored as there's nothing much for him to occupy his time. Rex points him to the nursery where they take care of their little ones. Anakin starts spending time there. He bonds with the children and babies. Unbeknownst to him Obi-Wan observes him.
One night, several weeks after arriving, Anakin is changing in his room. A creaky floorboard alerts him to an intruder. Anakin startles and looks up. His doorway is cracked open. Obi-Wan is watching. Anakin's heart flies to his throat. Obi-Wan stands there. He does not look away. Anakin slowly turns to fully face him. He lets his robe fall completely away, revealing tan skin.
Obi-Wan's look is burning. How had Anakin ever thought this man had no passion? He is made of it.
Obi-Wan pushes into the room and grabs him. Anakin goes limp. They back up and fall onto the bed. Anakin spreads his legs, letting Obi-Wan do what he wanted. They kiss hungrily. Anakin bucks up against him, rolling his hips. He's already wet from a single touch. From just one kiss.
Obi-Wan slides in without any resistance. They both moan.
Anamin bares his neck. “Make me yours.” He whines desperately. “Please.”
Obi-Wan sinks his teeth in. Anakin closes his eyes and holds on for dear life.
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holycolorfulpig · 7 months
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'The Painted Veil' Premiere
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maudeboggins · 3 months
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Greta Garbo in The Painted Veil
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threelargeelefants · 1 year
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Dark Romantic - a december/january web weave
my own // The Painted Veil, W. Somerset Maugham) // Down In The Valley (2005) // Becoming Lolita, Alisson Wood // Perverted - Elita // Romeo + Juliet (1996) // Acts of Desperation, Megan Nolan // Saccharine - Jazmin Bean // You (2018-) // mine
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davisbette · 2 years
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GRETA GARBO, The Painted Veil (1934) | BETTE DAVIS, Dark Victory (1939)
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virgin-martyr · 1 year
Some of us look for the Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
W. Somerset Maugham, excerpt from The Painted Veil
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indigokashmir · 4 months
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1920s Style
This tale follows Dr Walter, who marries the enchanting Kitty, only to discover her infidelity. As he navigates life's challenges, he embarks on a journey to China to combat a devastating disease plaguing a village. This cinematic adaptation is inspired by W. Somerset Maugham's novel.
If you're a fan of 1920s aesthetics, then this film is a splendid choice. It delves into the intricacies of human differences, the triumph over adversity, and the acceptance of our unique personalities. However, do brace yourself, as this is a poignant yet sensually restrained and beautifully crafted cinematic experience.
Isn't it truly fascinating how a film's aesthetics can transport us to a bygone era, immersing us in the essence of that time? This is the magic of creative minds and those who dare to think beyond the conventional boundaries.
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Behind the scenes.
We found the movie to be even more captivating than the original novel, with particular admiration for the cinematography and the exquisite depiction of Dr. Walter's rural Chinese residence. The creative genius behind the production design is none other than the Australian talent, Peta Lawson.
As per Ms. Lawson's website, she boasts extensive experience in film and movie production design. A graduate of the 'Sydney College of the Arts,' Lawesom has been at the forefront of creativity in numerous Australian feature films, television movies, mini-series, and TV shows. Her talents have also graced international productions from France, Germany, China, and, of course, Australia.
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Dr Walter and Kitty's Cabin.
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soap-mothership5 · 3 months
ive seen a lot of people talk about rounders (1998) i wanna watch it so bad....
other ed norty films on the top of my list include:
asteroid city
everyone says i love you
the painted veil
motherless brooklyn (ed norton twt loves this one)
im placing myself in the deep fryer later out of every other celebrity to like why did it have to be this guy 😭
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baldwin2001 · 2 months
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El rubio abre los ojos, sintiendo la luz de la mañana en su cara. Mira a su alrededor y recuerda la noche anterior, sonríe.
Puede ver a una joven pelinegra desnuda a su lado, con el cabello resuelto y durmiendo tranquila.
— Incluso durmiendo te ves hermosa...— murmuró sin esperar una respuesta de la joven.
Observo el techo de la habitación, se encontraba pensativo. Pensaba en él, en Sophie, en su futuro. No lo pensó dos veces y se levantó. Buscando por toda la habitación sus pantalones y su demás ropa para cambiarse. Se puso los zapatos y sin despertar a Sophie salió del lugar para ir a su casa.
Al llegar, mira la fachada de la pequeña casa de madera. Siento quizá está la última vez que vuelta a estar ahí. Sin más, entra y se dirige a su habitación, se acerca a su cama y saca debajo de está un folder gris.
— ¿Walter? ¿Eres tú?— se escuchó la voz de Kitty por el pasillo.
Pensaba en ir a buscar a Kitty pero ella ya se encontraba en el marco de la puerta. Ella lo mira por un momento y luego a lo que tiene en las manos.
— ¿Qué es eso? — pregunto preocupada la castaña.
Ella se acercó a Walter y le arrebato el folder de las manos. "DIVORCIO" decía en letras grandes en la primera página, con la firma de Kitty, y a un lado su firma.
Él suspira frustrado por su comportamiento y la mira, logrando ver lágrimas caer por sus mejillas.
— Por fin te voy a dar lo que tanto querías.— explico Walter.
— Walter, por favor. ¿Por qué me haces esto?— pregunto la castaña dolida.
El suelta una risa por su comentario, parece que olvidó que lo engaño hace un tiempo.
— Lo hago porque amo a otra mujer.— confesó Walter.
— ¿Es por Sophie? ¿Es por ella, verdad?— pregunto con la voz quebrada.
- Obviamente.
— Esa hija de...
— ¡Hey! —alzo la voz, acercándose a ella de manera desafiante—. Ni se te ocurra insultarla eh
— ¿Cómo no quieres que lo haga, Walter? ¡Si me robo a mi marido!— exclamó exaltada la ex esposa Fane.
— ¿Ella te robo a tu marido?— el rubio suelta una risa de burla—. Ella lo único que hizo fue amarme. Tú arruinaste este matrimonio acostandote con Charles Townsend.
— ¡Fue un error!— explico tratando de controlar sus lágrimas.
— Eso ya no importa.— dijo sin darle importancia y se dirigió a la puerta.
— ¿A dónde vas? Walter.... ¡Walter!
Kitty comenzó a seguirlo por toda la casa hasta que llegaron a la entrada de está. Y antes de irse Walter le dedico unas últimas palabras a su ex esposa.
— Adiós Katty, espero que seas feliz con alguien más, así como yo lo seré con Sophie.— dijo con sinceridad a Kitty, antes de dar la vuelta y seguir su camino.
— No... Walter, Por favor.... ¡Walter!
La castaña lo siguió eufórica, sin dejar de llorar. Pero Walter ni siquiera la volteaba a ver, hasta que Kitty cae al suelo y su llanto es aún peor.
Después de varios minutos caminando hacia la casa de Sophie, Walter suspira, sinti��ndose liberado después de mucho tiempo.
Al llegar, puede ver a Sophie con una bata larga de color durazno, con las mejillas rosadas y el cabello aún desordenado, esperándola en la puerta. Para Walter ella se veía adorable.
— ¿Walter?— lo llamo con duda en su voz.
— Ahora soy solo tuyo mi querida Sophie.— extendió los brazos sin dejar de acercarse a ella.
El rubio le sonríe y los ojos de Sophie se llenan de lágrimas ante sus palabras. Una sonrisa ilumina su rostro.
— Oh Walter.
Ambos se abrazan, y él le da pequeños besos en todo el rostro, Sophie suelta una suave risa ante su gesto de cariño.
Completamente enamorados y con ganas de comenzar una nueva vida juntos.
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gatabella · 8 months
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Greta Garbo, The Painted Veil, 1934
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Shout out to the year of the hags to MEEEEE!!! ✨😌✨
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femmefatalegoth · 11 days
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Moodbard: The Painted Veil Gothic AU
“Vaguely she gained an inkling into the workings of Walter's mind. It was like a dark and ominous landscape seen by a flash of lightning and in a moment hidden again by the night. She shuddered at what she saw.”
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holycolorfulpig · 6 months
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Edward Norton exits Rande Gerber‘s star-studded Casamigos Halloween party in Los Angeles.
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raurquiz · 9 months
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#remembering #dianarigg #actress #emmapeel #theavengers #gamesofthrones #OnHerMajestysSecretService #ThePaintedVeil #TheLastKing #DoctorWho #TheGreatMuppetCaper #MasterpieceTheatre #BleakHouse #Victoria #AChristmasCarolGoesWrong #AllCreaturesGreatandSmall #lastnighinsoho
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