#the ragged poncho is an upgrade
palepinkycat · 3 years
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Here Nonnie, have some tomato content <3
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✨ The Couple ✨
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Remember that one drawing where Lakqâ looks like he just grabbed a coffee from some Sith equivalent of Starbucks? Cithar needs some coffee - and a cake, breakups are hard - too. Now they can brood together. They brought Aivela as well! Dalitasaar's ghost is ordering a latte.
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He's got a new outfit
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Actually, Cithar's just looking for marzipan tarts.
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Cithar @ Felair but also Cithar @ everyone else.
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oceanera12 · 4 years
The Medic
Finn remembers the first time he met the man. It was a little more than a few weeks after escaping Crait. The Resistance was in tatters which meant recruitment was a huge priority. Finn had been sent to Maz’s (or what was left of it) along with Poe and Chewy to try and set up a secure meeting for sympathizers.
The man hadn’t looked like much. His hair was long, draping past his shoulders, his clothes torn and ragged. A few pieces of white and blue armor were on his arms and he carried a blaster (and looked like he knew how to use it). Maz had been talking to him when Finn and friends entered the room. The man appeared almost angry at her, downing his drink before asking for another. Maz had obliged, but was clearly not happy about it. Her attention was drawn away by Chewbacca, leaving the man to his drink.
Poe followed the two of them into the back and Finn had been planning to join them but... Something inside him tugged him away from backroom, to the bar, and to the man.
He doesn’t remember most of the interaction, if you could even call it that. Finn had introduced himself to which the man had grunted and downed another drink and ordered another. Finn tried talking about the weather, rumors about the Resistance and the First Order, the weapon the man carried (”Looks like an older model, ever thought of an upgrade?), but all he received were grunts. Most people would have left it alone and Finn did try to leave several times, but his gut told him to stay, keep trying, this is important.
Poe signaled Finn finally, telling him the meeting was scheduled and he was headed back to the ship (and Finn should too or he’d leave him behind). Finn hesitated but got to his feet and turned to leave.
The words came unbidden and he had no idea why he even said them. They were blurted out, clear as day. “FN-2187.”
The man at the bar choked on his drink, spitting and coughing for almost a minute. Finn didn’t move, something telling him to stay put. The man looked at Finn (for the first time) eyes wide and as clear as they could be with that much alcohol in your stomach. “What?” the question was sharp, confused, and Finn thought maybe a little fearful.
“FN-2187,” Finn repeated. “That’s the name the First Order gave me.”
The man’s eyes turned angry. “I see.” He turned back to his drink and downed another. Finn sensed he was done here at the moment and left without another word.
The meeting took place a week or so later. Poe was the main spokesman with Finn acting as a witness of sorts. He had seen first hand what the First Order did and what it would do. He explained his story and how his friends had helped him leave it behind. Poe returned to the stand, reminding everyone about General Organa’s days in the Rebellion and called anyone able to join the fight.
It had gone surprising well, with two dozen recruitment’s and a few hundred credits in funding. Finn had been thanking one particular generous donor when he saw him.
To be honest, Finn didn’t recognize him at first. His hair had been shaved completely off revealing a head covered in tattoos (One read, “The only good droid is a dead one,” which was weird to have but okay). His armor was cleaner and there was now a chest piece and utility belt that Finn hadn’t seen because of the poncho (which was now gone). The man marched up to Finn (and Poe, but Finn was pretty sure the man was there for him) and stood at a very stiff attention. A stance Finn was all to familiar with.
“I’d like to help,” the man said and only then did Finn recognize the voice and who it belonged to. 
Finn reached out a hand and the man took it. “Glad to have you...?”
“Kix,” the man gave a sad smile, as if remembering something. “Kix.. Fivofist.”
Poe took it from there, asking about the man’s experience and his skills. Apparently, Kix was a field medic and knew quite a bit of combat (he never mentioned names of battles, just described facing a lot of enemies with not a lot of friends). Both Poe and Finn came to the same conclusion about the same time:
Kix was a deserter.
Finn never asked about Kix’s time with the First Order. The medic had a lot of other things going on. 
For one, he was unfamiliar with a lot of the medical equipment, or at least the big machines and what they did exactly. The first time he saw the bacta suit, he had examined it for two hours, mumbling something about how it would have been handy. He also wasn’t up to date on several procedures, using several older methods and personal experience. Sometimes that was better than the “new” way. Other times, it wasted valuable equipment and didn’t make the situation “worse” necessarily, but didn’t make it better either.
Medical had mixed feelings about him. On one hand, he was the only one who could keep Rey in the med bay. Heck, he was the only one who could treat Rey, somehow giving her shots, stitching up a few wounds and even treating some old ones (”I’m sorry? you broke your leg at the age of ten and never had it set?)
On the other hand, Kix was very aloof from most of the Resistance. He spoke very little, only commenting on patients and some medical know-how. He never spoke of his past, never asked about anyone else’s, and politely refused to any kind of therapy that Finn suggested (it had helped him). His relations were strictly professional.
The only person he would “hang” around was Finn. And even then, there was little talking from him. Finn would talk about his missions, Rey, Poe, Chewy, a few stories from the First Order, even some tales about his squad. Kix would only listen, smiling and laughing when appropriate but mostly somber. Finn never asked Kix questions. He was fine with it and happy to have a friend that wasn’t quite so eager to run head on into battle (*cough cough* Rey and Poe *cough cough*).
When the transmissions started coming, everyone panicked. The Emperor? Alive? The Resistance scrambled around trying to find the source, get troops ready, looking for weaknesses. They thought they’d have more time to build their ranks up and prepare. They were wrong.
Finn found himself whisked from mission to mission, chasing every lead he could find. It was several weeks later he was given a chance to breathe and return to base. His first stop was the medical bay to see Kix.
Which was why he was confused when he didn’t find his friend. According to the rest of the doctors, Kix had locked himself in is room and hadn’t come out for several days. Most agreed he was having some kind of mental breakdown or maybe he had been working to hard. They took him food, which had been mostly untouched and a few had tried to talk to him but had gotten nowhere.
Finn found Kix lying on his bed, curled up in a ball, unmoving. He swallowed down the panic that rose up and moved to sit on the cot. “Hey, Kix. Sorry I haven’t been around.”
No answer.
Finn hesitantly told the man about his missions, the stupid arguments he and Poe had gotten into, a few close calls, etc, etc. Kix didn’t move the entire time, his breathing heavy and slow. Finn’s throat was dry from talking after an hour or so, leading to a long space of silence. Finally, Finn let out a long sigh and gently asked, “Hey, are you okay?”
Silence for a moment. “He should be dead,” Kix’s voice was full of venom, spat out in between a growl and a roar. “Why isn’t he dead?!”
Finn swallowed, “I don’t know.” He didn’t need to ask who they were talking about. Those very questions had passed through most everyone in the galaxy mind’s over the past month. “I don’t think we may ever know, but we’ll get him.”
“Kriffing, sithspit--” Kix finally turned around to face Finn, his face streaked with dried tears, eyes angry and gritted teeth. “That kriffing laandur shabuir should be--” Finn was unable to follow the rest of Kix’s thoughts because of the sudden language switch into something he didn’t recognize, but he got the gist of it. The words were harsh, most likely wishing death or worse upon Palpatine. They were growled and spat out for several minutes before the words began to slow down and turn into something more sad and easier to follow. Eventually, it was just a few words repeated over and over again as Kix sobbed into his cot.
“Ni ceta, vode... ni ceta... Ni hutt’un... ni ceta, vode.”
Finn put a hand on Kix’s shoulder, unsure of what to do exactly but wanting to help. Kix placed a hand on top of Finn’s, squeezing it tight, his voice finally breaking. “Ni ceta, Jesse. Forgive me.” And then he just cried.
Finn doesn’t remember pulling the man up and into his arms but suddenly he was hugging the medic, who clung to Finn like his life depended on it. Kix cried and cried, allowing himself to finally break after weeks of the Force knew what was going through his head.
Finn remembers the last time he saw Kix. It was just before he left with Poe and Rey, off to find a way to the world of the Sith (there’s something he never thought he’d say).
The medic looked better. More determined. He was working at the time and Finn determined it would be best to let him stay that way. There’d be time to talk again.
But something in Finn’s gut screamed at him to stop, turn around, and go talk to Kix. So he did.
Kix was happy to see him, hugging him in greeting. Finn returned it, gave a quick run down on where he was going and wishing Kix luck. Kix nodded, told him to be careful and he’d see him soon.
Finn bid farewell and turned to leave--
Finn froze in place for a moment. He turned back to the medic, who forced a smile, a tear sliding down his cheek. “I thought it was time you knew.”
Finn found himself unable to speak so he did the next best thing. He came to a stiff attention and saluted the man. Kix returned it, the smile returning for a moment.
The Emperor was dead. The galaxy was safe. Finn returned to base to the sights and sounds of celebration. Friends embraced friends, families were reunited, and songs filled the air. After finding Poe and Rey, Finn excused himself, racing off the medic tent.
One of the doctors stood waiting for him. She didn’t say anything to him, simply handed Finn a holodisc and walked away. The disc was a list of casualties.
Kix Fivofist - KIA
((Whoops, my finger slipped. This was supposed to be about Kix and Finn talking about their pasts and it was supposed to be fluffy and fun. And then I realized: what would Kix think about Palpatine being alive? ... Oh well. I think I may write Kix’s POV at a later date, what do y’all think? And yes, his “last name” is 501st, so sue me.))
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