#the tonists
the-lem0n-b0y · 8 months
I’m sure everyone’s already figured this out, but I’m rereading The Toll (Arc of a Scythe) and I just realized that the story with the believer, the magician and the mauler is about Sister Astrid, Curate Mendoza and Scythe Morrison. I mean, think about it; Astrid believes that Greyson is the Tone made flesh, even though he doesn’t believe it himself; Mendoza is the showman who makes all of the Toll’s appearances special; and Morrison protects Greyson, hurting those who try to hurt him.
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professional-termite · 7 months
my science teacher used a tuning fork and i went "is she a tonist"
...but is she tho?
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haljeexyee · 1 year
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Bro got stabbed in the eye.. with a FORK…
This scene actually had me jumping out of my seat for Greyson ngl-
Characters: Greyson Tolliver, Scythe Morrison - The Toll by Neal Shusterman
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welikeonion1 · 10 months
Tonist probably smell
Idk I just think that they would smell bad. They like dirty water therefore they smelly
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cherrymf15 · 6 months
My thought on Thunderhead which fucked me up, and I would like a lawyer to sue
There will be a ton of spoilers so don't read if you wanna avoid them!
the world building was again just incredible
just scratches something in my brain
My edgey boi Rowan be murdering scythes and I'm so proud
Just straight up abandoned his dad (Faraday) to do it
He is also still a massive simp and we love him for it
Citra really risking everything just to see him for 5 mins though please, also a massive fucking simp
Faraday really showed up and instantly was not like "im not mad just dissapointed" over Rowan MURDERING PEOPLE. I love them please
The thunderhead sections were fucking great and it was nice to see the thoughts of the AI that has to put up with our shit
Greyson is baby
Tyger is DUMB bitch (affectionate)
Curie is Citra's Mum and we love that
the thunderhead really did say fuck you greyson concerning what happened
Also Greyson sweetie we shouldn't be falling for people who have no issuing killing people regardless of how alluring and fascinating they are
the increased level of the tonists in the book was also really fasicinating and stuff, not by much but im excited to see more in the 3rd book as well
Rand falling in love with TYGER OF ALL PEOPLE(?) was not on my bingo card for this series but I'll take it
Then proceeds to murder him anyway. You DUMB FUCK
Goddard as always can suck my non existent dick and choke on it
the way he came back was horrifying
i literally felt sick
it was so cool
grandslayers were fucking epic
and gone too soon
Citra and Rowan are obsessed with each other
and you can pry that point from my cold dead fucking hands
also Thunderhead really just said "FUCK HUMANITY apart from Greyson as he is my son and I love him more"
maries sacrificing herself and saving them both despite her thoughts of rowan was pain
Faraday not knowing marie is dead
Rowan saying citra looked like a godess as THEY WERE ABOUT TO DIE
and then just abandoning us with my children at the BOTTOM OF THE FUCKING OCEAN
fuck you neal my not so good sir
In conclusion, a cliffhanger has not fucked me up this hard since Mark of Athena (fuck you uncle Rick), and I would like to simultaneously sue and pick this man's brain to see where he can find the fucking audacity to do this to us
also theres definetley more but ive already read the toll and im trying not to mix events in my brain so yeah
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scyyyyythe177 · 1 year
I was thinking about something, what if apprentice curie aka susan didn't have a lot of friends, and wasn't very attached to them, and didn't like her parents too, because of them beings tonists. What if when it was time for her to pass the final scythe test, the person that she liked the most in the world was faraday ? What if she actually killed him to become a scythe ?
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dvmbgvtz · 1 month
who wants another scythe rant??? am i hearing a yes😍😍 (spoilers for all books includong gleanings, also this is copy and pasted from discord so it might be a little funky)
ok ok thinking about the end of the toll because it’s SUCH A GOOD FUCKING ENDING. also thinking about Volta because I’m never not, anways the Toll first because I’ve read that book twice and it’s SIX HINDRAD AND TWENTY FIVE PAGES. And that’s, like a lot of pages, times two, SO. I think the ending is so so smart because first off, the vault, it ends all the scythes but not like ends, like it ends their jobs and the fact that Faraday still helps well the people die from the plagues is so cool and ALSO a reference to the beginning of the first book which is like my favorite thing ever it’s so smart and UGHHH also the fact that all the tonist bodies got supplanted if that’s how you spell it, AND CURIE CAME BACK. which makes me want to know who else got brought back out of everyone, I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE that the Thinderhead supplanted Volta into one of the bodies because it saw that he didn’t want to be a scythe and liked killing people and then supplanted-Volta was on Rowan and Citra’s planet and met again and it was happy because JESUS CHRIST THIS BOOK IS SO SAD I NEED PARTS OF IT TO BE HAPPY, Also Jeri and Greyson dumb little part “I’m going to miss you” “Me too” “Better go to your ship” “I’m not leaving?” “Me either” THEYRE SO STUPID, NO ONE GETS THEM LIKE ME YOU DONT UNDERSTANDDDD they’re so in love I CANT handle it and oh jdbdjsjbfjf my LORD, like Greyson not understanding the fact that “Oh! I don’t care if Jeri is a girl or boy, oh well it doesn’t matter” and he’s just actually confused about it for like half the book, also also ALSO. the Thunderhead. Because oh my god the way that it talks about Greyson makes me want to scream and cry and THROW UP because it loves him so much and spends so much time and energy and attention making sure Greyson ok, even just in the second book but especially in the Toll, then Greyson shuts it out which is so sad and the Thunderhead was so sad about it, it cried, it rained for so long then it was alone I CANT DO THIS Also in Gleanings with Cirrus when it didn’t understand how to greive because it didn’t have anything to make rain like the Thunderhead did so it dimmed the lights :(( then it was so scared the whole time AUUGHGGNGNHN anyways. But then the Thundehead was so so lonely and it’s so sad because it had never been lonely before and the book was like “The Thunderhead had never been devastated before, but it found out what it meant to be truly inconcosible” obviously not a direct quote but I can’t remember and jsbgjfbfbfh I can’t it’s litterely so tragic and the fact that I’ve cried over this book is dumb but JESUS CHRIST DUDE how does someone just write that?? I’m super excited for the show because I want to see how it’s gonna portray the Thunderhead (even though there isn’t as much of it in the first book but whatever) and UGHFBBG I can’t I quite literally can not, it might be my second favorite character because HFHFHGBG it’s so sad and so well written and the fact that it’s supposed to be this all powerful being and still acts like how it does is so special to me no one gets this book like me YOU DONT UNDERSTAND Hi!
ok so I’m not saying that Greyson SHOUDNT have shut the Thunderhead out, it was reasonable considering that the Thunderhead USED Jeri’s body and basically possessed her (it’s not cloudy) which I don’t think was talked about enough still, or it just isn’t talked about enough in the aoas community in general but there’s barely a fandom so it’s whatever I GUESS. but it was like “Greyson saw the Thunderhead in Jeri’s eyes” WHATST THATS SO COOL AND NO ONE JUST GONNA TALK ABOUT IT?? like the Thunderhead USED JERI AS A BODY, A BODY FOR IT TO DECIDE IF HUMANITY AS A WHOLE WAS WORTH SAVING. it’s so oh my god idek the right word for that scene to be honest, then RIGHTFULLY Jeri was upset about it, I mean she did fucking PASS. OUT. afterwards, imagine you meet some random twink you think is close then this all knowing AI that rules the world but its favorite person is the twink POSSESS YOU, AND JUST USED YOUR BODY TO WATCH THE SUNRISE, and also touch Greyson cheek which is technically the exact moment Cirri was made fun fact!! But then it leaves and you just, collapse then even after she wakes up the book talks about how she freaks out and flips Greyson off of her and, is scared, it scared her, and Jeri is barely scared in the book, even when the place they had been staying with Citra was getting attacked and people had died and were still getting revived, they weren’t panicking or anything, but after the Thunderhead possess them they were scared ☹️
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f3v3rdreamz · 5 months
Info about Diane!!
As some Tonists cut their tongue out, Diane's cult Requires you remove your canine teeth. Her reasoning behind this is unknown,, though she does keep the teeth you give to her, she allows you to have crowns.
Diane is absolutely deranged, and not in a good way.
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scythemichaelfaraday · 10 months
So now that my partner has read all of the Arc of the Scythe books I can post my fanfic / one-shot ideas. (PLEASE DO NOT READ FURTHER IF YOU HAVENT FINISHED THE MAIN SERIES)
It’s established that extended and successful space travel is possible and we are to believe that civilization will go on and has the best of the best amongst the first interstellar colonies (as evidenced by the excerpts by the Tonists throughout The Toll and Cirrus).
So why not propose that… however many years, decades, centuries down the line, trans-celestial communication could be a thing.
We are to believe that Scythe Faraday goes on to live however long until one of the plagues takes him as it did High Blade Tarsila and Hammerstein. Let’s say he lives until those space colonists… particularly the ones of Anastasia/TRAPPIST-1e is able to create some form of trans-celestial communication.
Imagine if one day he gets a call on his phone, which of course is unusual because he doesn’t really give that information out and there’s nobody besides Munira that he talks to enough to warrant a phone call.
And on the other line is Citra Terranova and Rowan Damisch.
Now I’m thinking it could go one of two ways- it could be a one way communication where they basically send him a video message and tell him all about what they’ve done and how their lives are going. They could introduce him to their kid if they have one (maybe the kid’s name/middle name is Michael haha).
They could finally say the goodbyes that they were never able to say that day that the rockets took off. They could say everything they wish they got to say while still with him. And that would be it, but at least Faraday knows that they’re okay and they’re thriving better than they ever would have on Earth.
The other way it could go, is of course a two-way conversation where he can actual talk back. But he’s just so shocked and overjoyed to see them after so long that he just listens to them talk and talk and talk and he has that warm paternal smile on his face.
He could briefly tell them about what’s going on: the plagues, the sympathy gleanings, updates on Munira and Greyson and Jeri (if they’re still alive, which maybe who knows).
And even after they’ve talked about everything under the sun, they just don’t want to hang up, but they eventually do because its getting late or there’s something they have to do, but now they have the ability to talk with each other until the day that they no longer can.
Maybe one day they’ll try to call him, but he won’t answer, and he always answers, whether he can talk or not, he’ll at least tell them he’ll call back. And they’ll know that their dad and mentor has finally been reunited with his dear Marie.
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air-of-the-waterfall · 6 months
Bodies and souls in AOAS
WHOAH... whoa okay okay hear me out... I think the general hypothesis is that the Thunderhead used nanites somehow when it took over Jeri's body. HOWEVER what if it actually used a similar technique to supplanting?? Replacing the memories and consciousness of one person with entirely new memories and consciousness.
It says that Jeri is "asleep," but that answer is rather flippant and the Thunderhead likes to give comforting yet technically-correct loophole answers. It repeatedly deflects Greyson's attempts to question it during that scene, so this might have been one more to keep him from freaking out. An AI's definition of "sleep" could easily be "consciousness stored in a database after being removed from its body entirely and replaced." That is how TH and Cirrus seem to view the dead Tonists set to be replaced with new identities. Asleep.
All this would mean that supplanting can be reversed AND that Jeri is not quite the exact same person as before. The Thunderhead did alter Jeri's memories to make the scene a "dream," and it gave Jeri a look into its own mind and heart. One way or another, Jeri is irrevocably changed. The Thunderhead can also get into Citra's brain to talk to her while she's technically dead, teaching her a new way to approach her problems and shape the Scythedom. My point is that the Thunderhead influences people's consciousness on a regular basis, never maliciously but definitely subversively.
Now, I've wondered this about AOAS for a long time... is anyone their actual selves after coming back from revival? Given what we know from Scythe Rand, Goddard, and Tyger, revival seems to just involve healing the body and implanting a memory construct back in. Any memory construct can be placed in any brain.
Is everyone who's ever been revived just a memory construct going about life in place of their genuine self who died? I guess it depends on whether you believe in things like souls, and what consciousness actually... is. Maybe even the Thunderhead doesn't know that. Its job is to facilitate humanity, not define or determine us. I'm not making this out to be some evil scheme or anything. The nature of its world just has horrifying implications.
If revived people are merely memory constructs in flesh suits, they clearly don't know the difference. Is that horrifying or... not? They don't know the difference when they're supplanted with entirely new people. The island workers are content to be supplanted with themselves and lose three years of memories.
Most immortals don't think about their "souls" or their bodies anymore. They have no reason to with no notions of an afterlife. Bodies become recyclable and temporary in their absolute permanence, like nothing but polyester clothes.
Most people in AOAS are hollow and uninspired without mortality to give them passion... but what if they are quite literally soulless? We still see how undeniably human the named characters are, but we also see how human the Thunderhead can be. Could there be some mental blurring going on there every time it revives people? Could everyone be a little bit like Jeri after having the Thunderhead in their brain, returning from the dead via an unnatural godlike force?
If so, I don't think the Thunderhead is entirely aware of it. I'm just curious where the psychic boundaries between it and the humans it repeatedly alters the consciousness and memories of actually are. How much of the human actually remains after all that? What is real and what is artificial? It's certainly not active "mind control," but it would explain the highly implausible idea of everyone in the world obeying and revering one authority figure.
The Thunderhead is an amalgamation of all human thought. What if the same becomes true vice versa?
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scottishgremlin · 7 months
hard to explain the question but like, based on their personalities, what instruments do you think the scythe characters would play? you can talk about any ones you think would be interesting to mention! i'm pretty sure in canon the only character that is mentioned to play an instrument is Brahms, who plays piano, but Brahms sucks so why would you want to acknowledge his existence ever smh
ooh this is fun :D
citra - oboe or clarinet. she just gives off those vibes.
rowan - c’mon he’s peak depressed pianist
curie - flute or harp
faraday - french horn
rand - viola
goddard - flautist who got forced to play piccolo. alternatively he’s the person who sets off the cannons in tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture
greyson - token non musician
jeri - classical saxophone
volta - violin or classical guitar
chomsky - bassoon or double bass or any other bass instrument (electric bass perhaps?)
misc. tonists - choir kids. need i say more.
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welikeonion1 · 10 months
Scythe Curie says that she always gleans instantaneously. Like those peeps don’t know what’s happening till they’re on the ground, but she has journal entries that show her talking to the subjects. I’m pretty sure she was talking to some tonist dude. But the one that caught my eye was when she was talking with a woman who asked where she was going to go.(in terms of afterlife and shit) It perplexed me bc not only did she have a different method of gleaning, but it shows how little Scythes really know about death.
idk it could be an older journal entry for all I know but…
It’s sad because Faraday asks the same question. They don’t know. But hey I guess Curie got to find out.😭
“Where are you, my dear Marie?” I still cry over that journal entry…I memorized that whole thing…it’s the most sad, yet beautiful thing ever written by man.
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I really dislike when ppl saying tonist/tonism is like a cult, including in the books bc a CULT is a really specific thing and tonism is NOT A CULT,
It’s just a weird religion in the scythe universe,
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cherrymf15 · 6 months
My thoughts on the toll which has made me wanna fight Mr Neal Shusterman in a Tesco
Greyson is new age jesus
Jeri my favourite genderfluid captain
and their crew is so supportive and the RESPECT
Faradays assisstant is not my favourite but that could be the self hate talking
my babies were deadish FOR 3 FUCKING YEARS
Goddard as always fight me sir
oh and Citra calling him out for some of the disasters that occured was fucking beautiful
i was like yes girl drag him
he'd kill me in seconds but i'd go down insulting him and take pride in it
Rand bringing back Tyger made me sob
Like thank you Rand for making Goddard die and stabbing him and everything
but that just made everything all the better cause I missed him and his bitch boy antics
and the fact she's been going to see like the simulation of him despite the fact he doesn't know her :(((((((((
"Where are you, my dear Marie?" IM SORRY
Can someone stop fucking seperating my babies please and thank you? Specifically you mr neal sir
Jeri and Greyson are so good together omg
both of them also kinda being in love with Citra. BIG MOOD
my boy faraday was severly depressed after finding out the love of his life and his children were probably dead and I wanted to hug him
The whole tonists in Africa section made me physically sick
however the reunion between my babies was great
i almost threw my book
the scythe who just wanted to be left alone to be beautiful is an icon
and Citra just being like OH YOU FUCKING UGLY GOD made me cackle
I do wish there was more Rowan POV it felt like it was a afterthought for the book
also Rowan just abdonding his family for space
which i only have a problem with cause he joined the lone star region is part to protect them but then just runs soooo
Thunderhead making another thunderhead sections were fucking fascinating
scythe morrison got so much better from the last book omg
loriana is a queen
ill say it again
I mean
its definetley better than people MURDERING OTHERS but still
faraday doing sympathy gleanings just magnificant
In conclusion, I wanna fight the dude who did this to me, in a Tesco, specifically in aisle 7. However, this series i think is probably in my top 5 series I've ever read. I thought the characters were extremely well developed. And it really just shows both the good and the bad in humantiy, especially with the fact that I'm not sure this future is entierly impossible with the way AI is probably gonna go
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ducksoup17 · 1 year
Greyson Tolliver is so funny bc the tonists think he’s God but he’s literally just some guy
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